HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-10-03, Page 5Outaaher 3r4, 912 ...monow•silam- womm"1"1"1.1 dOCIOlriC h Mr. Itee. Blackstone i visiting 'Windsor mid Detroit,. Mis McLean is visiting London riends. She intends entering a New 'York hospital as a nurse in •training. IVIiss Jennie Wells is eisiting her .sister, Ales. J. G. Leiner of Chidago, Mr. A. N, C Mita Oil ail1it1 •daugliter have retiaried to their 'Moine, M Weirdale, Florida, They Were ea- ecompanied by Mrs. Cameron,. Sr.; who Will spend the winter there. Viscount 'George' de. IVIateluit of 'France has ,been spe,ncling some. tomb ir Cloderich. It is his -intention to lia,ke a thorough course in fruit Cul- ture at Guelph and will at terwerds go into the fruit industry. Mr, W. J. Westaway and son of ••••Pt,loo‘r,eal have teen visiting friends in , Miss 3/larger-et Galt has- returned teem Switzerland, where she has been for the past 'yea's, •• Mts. F. th Neltnor has•returned to li.er • holue ilI Chhiago after visiting with her sister, 1VIrs..A. 'Cbitt. - . , Mee, Will Rutledge and. children left last week to rejoin Mr. Rutledge at - ter spending several months with re- latives here: Miss Minnie Campbell, daughter of Mt. Wm. Campbell, has resigned her position on the staff ef the Exeter I-ligh Seliciol to take that, of Comfit,. ,ercial Specialist on the staff of the Collegiate Institute at Sarnia. Mr. Walter Buchanan, \i,ho has been with the Bank of Montreal for some time, latterly at Brantford, is as- suming charge of the Planing, Mill •offiees in G-oilerich. The ladies auxiliary to the Y. M. 0, A. lield their annual meeting recently ,at which the following officers were •elected : ,President, Mrs. Currie ;ftrsti riCe, Mrs: Miss second, Mrs.-.- Whit- ley.; secretary, Miss M. Robertson., assistant, Miss Wiggins, treasurer, Mrs. Warlc.; councillors, Mrs, Pollock Mrs. G. M. Elliott, and Mrs. McKim. Miss Letitia E. Durnin, of Dungan- non has • been appointed a junior 'leacher on the C. I. teaching staff. Mrs. ;Colin. Murray passed away ..on Sunday week after a prolonged ill- . Clinton News -Record Goderich, Mts. John Acheson 'roronio announces; the engagement of her youngest daughter, Irene, th Dr. Charles Lane of Detroit, tiCh,, see- m -id son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lane, Goderieh. The marriage will take place -Very quietly the third week in"October', • • - Rev. W. J,. Clufk of Stratford oc- .cupied the . pulpit- Of St. George's .church on Sunday last. • While preparing to. go out yestet- .day Mt. John Halliday dropped dead. For some time back he had been in Poor health'but death was quite me: expected. ltleclical. attendance was -soon onhand, but too late to do anything, heart trouble being the cause. He was 45 yeara old, and is •sureived by his wife and .three .daughters. The funeral was on Wed- -needay •to Maitland cemetery: A social evening was. spent in the Y. M., C. A, the occasion being the presentation of the 1.9112 baseball pennant to the winner's of the church league, the Methodist church, .team. - .Mr. Lou Doherty. manager of the -team, accepted the pennant. After -a light luncheon had been disposed.ot speeches were given, 'after which the 'boys voted Mr. A. M: Robertson a jolly good fellow la'y hearty singing. Mr. Robertson, as president of the 'Y. M. C. A.„ has presented this pen- liant'for two years now, end will do • .S0 again next year. • •, Marriages spENcER — RICI-TARI)SON -- At Saskatoon, Sask., on Sept, 18th, by Rev. W. A., ,MeIntosh, Albina K. Richardson, •sister' of Mr. R. J. RichardseeT trainiCiPai. clerk of Stanley, to -Benjamin Spencer of Corinne Sask , formerly of Bay- . field. 14UNBAR-B'URNETT--In Winnipeg, Man on Sept. '26th, by' the Rev. R. B. Moldllwain, Eva, deughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burnett Cf • Goderich • toWnsliip, to Robert 'Dunbar ,,,of Winnipeg, youngest son of Mr. end •'Mrs. Wm. Dunbar of the. Baylieki Roadi ' DAVIS--PLATI‘.-At the residelice of Davis, of Morris township, to Ida, the bride's parent*, by Rev, A. C.. Wishart, on Sept. 2511, Chas. daughter of , Mr. and Mrs. N. Platt, Brussels; , BURROWS -- STEPHENSON -- In WMgliain, on. Sept. 23rd, Myrtle StoPhenSon to Sainuer BurrowS of Southampton. BROOKS-BOSMAN--In MoOris, on . Sept. 1.8th, by Rev. J. .13. Cook, Morris Bosnian to Ruby Brooks, both Of Morris'. ' BROWN-DIGNAN-In James Street churCh, Exeter, on Sept. 25th, by Rev. W. G. H. McAlister and Rev. R. Redmond of yancoliver, I-Iazel A. N. daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Jblin E. Dignan to Guy Willard Brown ..of Kingsville. Births . Wingham Miss Eva Greer of Gagetown, Mich. is visiang at the home of her. un - Mr. li. B. Elliott. .W. A, Fryfogle has aecurod. the • .contract of putting down a piece of cement sidewalk on the east side of Josephine street. . - Mr. and Mrs. CIA. Itintoul Feturn- ad last week from a visit in Detroit, Mr. , James 1'. Ritchie of 11eneva, N. Y. Veited his brother, Mr. John Ritchie of town, last week. )? Mr. Chas. • Macdonald of Dundee, Scotland', visited with friends in East -Wawanosh last week. c.A..awnieLL—ni wingham, Sept. istb, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell, a daughter. KESTLF.e-In Exeter North on Sept. 19th to Mr.- and Mrs. M. Kestle, a daughter. COOPER -In Kippen, on Sept. 171;11, to Mr. and Mrs. 15.1. Cooper, a daughter. NICHOLSON-In McKillop, on Sept. 24th,, to Mr, and Mrs. Ca • Nieb- o1s0n, a daughter. IIIGGINS-In Hensall, on : Sept. 23rd, to Mr. and 1VIrs R. Hig- gins, a daughtet. ' MISS E ' ROBINSON, WHO , Spent' a fewweeks in Clinton' a . short -time . ago, introducing' lical work fee children vir 14aPPY . Sundays. with "TIM Red Letter.. Art . pthle''- , and ''The White SlaVe,Tialtic", will 'be here to deliver , the Same to subaeriberS On or very, sman after Oct. 10th. Sebscribers- kindly bear this date n mind. OLEARIeNG' AUCTION SALE OP Farm Stobie Implements • and Household F'urnithre. Mr. Thos.' Brown has received instructions from the - undersigned to sell by publie auction at, Lot 7, don, '2, • Hullatt at 1 o'clock •p. ni.• sharp, on Friday, October,Ilth. Horses : 1 heavy draught brood .mare supposed , to be in ',foal to Rio Grande, 1 agerranare supposed, to be in foal to Rio Grande, 1 heavy draught spring' filly got by Rio • Grande, 1 agricul- tural • spring colt, 1 3 -year -61d driving gelding, broke to work or drive, good size, 1 driving mare supposed to be in foal to Sidney. Cattle, 1 cow 6 years old suppoSed to calve Feb, 4th, bred to Royalist, 1 2:year-old heifer supposed to calve in March, 5 2 -year-old steers, 2 2 year-old heifers, 5 yearling steers, 3 spring calves, 2 last fall calves, 1 bull 14 months old that could ,be registered, 1 dry cow. Pigs, 1 brood sow with -110 pigs 16 days old, 1 brood sow With 9 pigs 6 weeks old, 1 young sow, 2 chunks of pigs, Fowl, 40 young pullets, 59 hens one and two ,years old, 12 young turkeys, full grown. Imple- ments, 1 7 -foot 1VIcCormick', binder with carrier, trucks and tongue truck, 1 Massey -Harris hay loader with truck; 1 sprin.btooth miltiva- tor with seeder attached, 1 Corn Ring manure spreader in good working • order, 1 Sulky rake. 1 Noxon disc harrow, 1 Frost & Wood mower, 1 pea -puller, 1 • good wagon, 1 set bob -sleighs, 1 cutter, 1 walking, plow, 1 set iron. barrows, 1 hay rack, 1 hay fork,car, ropes', slings and pulleys, 1 extension lad- der,. 1 wagon box, 2 sets double hapless. A quantity of Jiay and oat's. 1-lousehold Furniture, 1 cook- ing stove with reservoir, 1 extene sion. e kitchen cabineb, 1 eight day clock, 1 couch, 1 iron bed, springs and mattresses, 2 oak bat -rale, chairs,' forks, shovels, grain bags and n lot of other things too nunierous to mention. Terms All sums of 810 and un- der: cash ; on over that amount 11 • months credit will be. given on ap- proved jount notes or a discount of 5 .percent, per annum Will be, allowed for cash on credit amounts. Frank Flannery, Proprietor. Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. Deaths FOWLER -In Clinton, On Sept. nth, Francis Fowler, aged 65 years. , COLBOURN-In Seaforth, on Sept. 21st, Grace Ann Tunney, wife of' Mr. John Colbourn of Goderieh 4-a- Township, aged 46 years, 3 months and 6 daYs. MURRAY-In • Goderich, on Sept. 22re1. Catherine Ann Stewart, wife of Colin Murray, aged 41 years, WANTED, --PARING, APPLES ,AT -the Clinton .Evaporator for whitib the highest-inarket price will. be paid. -Town & Case. .-49, „ FOR SALE -1 ACRE OF FODDER rpm; and 2 acres of sugar man - golds. -Apply to Ralph 'riplady, the Base 'Line. WANTED --SALESLADY FOR DRY goods. One with experience pre- ferred: Permanent positiele.-Alta ply, 'twins, Clinton. -50-2 FAR1VI, FOR SALE -100 -ACRES, L'ot. 18, con. 3, Mullett, 2 niiles from Ciinton, 1 mile from School, Gooa forth soil qay loam., well wat- ered anti improved. 2 acres orchard. Good- buildings; barn 50x51, stone basement, cement floors, stalling • God's Way of Salvation.. "So Many Hypocrites." And. is this your excuse for not ac- cepting the invitation to the Gospel •feaat '1' If so, it is a very poor one. You know those who say that they are Christians, but their conduct proves that they are hypocrites, "Though members of churches' and •chapels, •theY do things which you and others, who make no stich pro- fession, woind not stoop to, and. you are inclined to say of all who pro, less to be: Carriatians, "Nice lot !' They are • a pack of hypocrites." But aurely this would be very unfair reas- ,oning. Hypocrites are persons who -profess to be what they are not. Thoge whom you refer, to profess to 'be, but are not Christiaus. A re la e t to conclude because Of his that' al 'who , profess are hypocrites? This -would be as foolish as to Say that all -clealro are thieves because two went ,convieted, of 'Stelling. '• „ The fact , that some ptetend to • be tairistions -Moves tha the reakt'y - must he good, as Mon don't, conter- feit that; 'which as wortldess. Sup- pose, however, that the reel , Chris- tians are inconsistentwill that jus - e ify you in tot beteg" one '1.Petee eurely could not have been justified in deseeting the Lord because :Judas was a hypocrite e "la GOOD 1'10'7011E," The Toronto Daily News has secur- ed' the exclusive right of sale- in taaa- ada oi plate of the 13ordari Cabinet. This picture-. will be .17'1x221 inches, and no doubt will be greatly in demand,. tinder ‘a special arrange- ment just coneludell, we'arit able to offer The News -Record and The .Tor - ,onto Daily• News to °lira subscribers for $2.30. Upon receipt of imilittan ces c;r soliseriptiona paid into Ilia a copy; of picture will b poet tot 22 head of cattle and 5 1 orses; also 3 large box 'stalls.' I-Iog-pen and hen -house 17x30, cement base- ment. 7 roomed, two story, ' brick veneer house -with summer, kitchen, wood shed and 'buggy house conven- ient to housa. Tarries 245 of- purchase money down, remainder on place at 41 percent. or otherwise to suit purchaser„ -Apply on premisesor' address S: A, Brown, Brix 98, Ciin- thn. P. 0. ' • -50. AUC,TION. SALE OF CHOICE 100 acre farm, farm stock and imple- ments -on Wednesday, October, 16th, et 1 o'elock,eharp on lot 31, con. 1 Tuckersmith, L, 1.1„5.• 2 miles east of Ileiteefield There is about 90 acres finder cultivation,, balarie new land and small bush, soil el:1,y loam Sy to Work and iree . of stmeps and stouese ,wa.tered by nave if failing spring piped. to_ barn and spring well at house. Barn 52x72 on 411 stone wall with cement and' flag floor, cement silo, 11x30, , pig per 14x28, six room briek house cellar under and heated, by furnace, frame summer kitchen and Weed - shed, Cattle : 3 x;ows to calve in November,e2 cows to calve in Dec- ember, 1 heifer to calve in .Novem- , ber, 1 now supposed to be in ealf, 1 fat calf, 1 sprieg calf, 2 last fall calves'; I heifer 2 -years -old, 7 yearling heifers, 2 yearling steers'. The' richlrbred Ilolstien Bull Sir Canary (12354) ':Dain, Jewel Met. cella Mercedes, record at 3 years, 372 Ibb. milk, and 16+ lids. butter in 7 days. Horses : 2 agricultural, mar- es Supposed to be in foal, 1 grey heavy draught filTy supposed to be in foal, 1 agricultural 'spring colt, 1 general purpose filly 2 years old, 1 driving mare 6 years old, quiet enough for a lady to drive. Pigs : 1 registered Yorkshire sow, 18 months old witiir litters 1 Yorkshire sow due • 16 litter about time of sale., 1 York- shire boar 10 months. Implements : Massey -Harris • binder with sheaf carrier, Massey -Harris mower 53j foot cut, Frost & Wood steel Hay raise,, McCormick 13 hoe grain drill, Massey -Harris field cultivator, corn cultivator with bean harvesting at- tachment, disc harrow, Flerrin dou- ble riding plow, Perrin single rid- ing plow, handle plow, 4 section harrows with harrow cart, steel land roller, weigh scales capacity 2200 lbs., grain crusher. Clinton fanning mill, tee' bag truck., grind stone, lois- down wagon, gravel box, 16 feet bay and stock raek new, 2 sets dotible harness, 1 chain has - fleas, 1 set single. harness, 1 set Slings, sliaxe in corn binder, top buggy, and a. lot of small articles. A large quantity. of straw to be fed on the place. Also 6 acres of ensilage corn if not sold previously Will be sold on day of sale in lots to suit purchasers. Terms : farm will be given on day of sale or ,on applMation to the undersign- ed. Terms : on. &attics.;• All stuns • al $5 and under, chsh ; over that amount 8 Months credit will be given on approved- joint notes. A. diacount of 6 percent. per annum will be, given for cash en credit. amounts. -Alex. • A. Watt, Pr,opeie- tore, 13rucefield, .T. Brown, Auction- AUCTION. SALE OF HORSES, cattle and Implements -The under- signed has. been instructed' by Mr. John Ward to sell by p15110 auc- tion ail Lot 54, Maitland Con., Goderich Township. (1 mile ,south of Ball's bridge) on Friday, Oetober a 18111, at 1 o'clock p. nsharp, the following : 1 bay mare 12, years old, 1 bay mare 10 years old, 1 brown mare 9 years old, 1 driver 10 years old, 1 sucking cult by.Bar 1 1 cow due Jan, 3rd, a cows due in March, 1 2 -year-old heifer -a due in March, 1 3 -year-old heifer, 2 licit- -bre risina, 2 years, 1 -stem:. rising 2 years, 3' yearling steep, .1 veal gall „ 3 spring calves, These :cattle are all well bred, Derhani,'grades. 1 heavy wagon, 1 Perrin sulky' plow, nearly new, 1 root paper and Oh- er articles. Terms : sums of • 810 and- undo!, cash', on over -that amount 5 months credit will be given on approved joint seethe ' or a discount -of 3 t: percen,straight will be allowed for cash on credit amounts. --John Ward, Proprietor. Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer. UNRESERVEI) AUCTION- . SALE 'of. Farm Stoolk and Impamainta The undersigned ht. -d been ihsttuctied by Mr. Wm. Jervis to sell by, pub - lie auction at Lot 32, Con 731 Goderich Township, on Wednesday, October .1614). at 1 o'clock P.- In. sharp,- • the following : -Heavy draught mare, I-Ieavy draught mare seven year old, lleavy draught sucking colt, sire Red Tiake.l.,,13looci colt -one .yeer old,- Standard bred, Filly rising two years,•General pur- pose colt rising two years. .3 eows Supposed to bee in calf, 6- spring calves. About. 200 head of poul- try (inciading ' pullets). Maasey- Harr-ia binder, Massey -I -lamas mow- , Massey -Harris hay loader Mas- sey -I -lards steel lake, Maeseysalar- - ris drill, alassey-alarria load roller, Massey -Harris disc narrow, _ I -lay fork- and car, Set dianiend harrows, Lumber wagon, Set- bob sleighs,. a New buggy, Set piatfelm scalea (capeeity. 2000 the:), ,Road. ,cart, 120 feet ladder, 'Chatham incebritor and brooder, nearly new; mid other ,attielea too numerous iaa mention. Terms : Ail sania of 910 and " un- ' der, cash), on over that amount 12 months 'credit will be given on' ap-- proved joint notesor a discount of 5 Ptreent will be be allowed for sash on credit emounts. There - will be no reserve as the pr,oprie- tor hoe sold his feente-Win. ,Jervie, 'Proprietor, Geo: II. Slliott, aue- tioneet FARM FOR SALE -210 ACRES IN the township of Stanley-: 80 ac - ren under crop : 20 acres geod - hardwood tush, balaire in paste land. Farm tile drained and in good state of eult,wation. Comfort- able frame house, long distance tele- phone installed. Frame 'barn, 0 x ' 100 feet with stone stabling and wateewosks system. Additional barn and house, suitable for farm help., Farm s'etuated 211 miles frOm Bruoefield staticie on ,the G T. le and 14 miles from the village of AUCTION SALE GE FARM- STOCK and Implements -e -Mr„, Thos. Gun- dry has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by aue,tion at 1,03 35, 'Con. 2, 5.• It. 8.3 Teckersmith at. , 1 "o'el.Cek p e. • sharp, ' 011 Tuesday,1 October 15111. Horses : •1 draft, mare 4 years old, supposad to be -in geldine. 3 years old,e1 ,heavy . draft filly 1 year okI, tired by Canny,man. Cat- tle :., 1 bow due to -calve Fetr,eary Iste, 1 cow deo to calve in April, 1 newly calved cow, 1 farrow cow,; , 2 -year -oh! steers, 2 2-year-ol'd heif- ers, 2 • yearling steers, 2 Yarling heifers„ ,calves. • Hoes': 1 brood SOW due in Decembee „ 5 pigs 3 months old, 11 young pigs. , Fowl, : 70 hens and pullets. impleMents : 1 Maesey-Harris binder, t . drill, 'I Deering mower, 1 Premier rifling plow, , almost new, 1 walking plow. 1 bay take,' 1. MasseyaGarris gang ploW, nearly new, t good McCor- mick cultivator, 1 seedier, 1 land roller, 1 'set Aianiond hatrows- root pelpers 1 Bain wagon 1 gray - el• box, stock tack„ wagon • box, nearly ,new, 1 hay tack, I see bob- sleighs,, 1 •fanning nil 1, 1 stone boat! • 1 good Melotie cream separator. 1. Mikrialo buggy, 1 aingle buggy, .1.. geed en taer , children's seal to feont1 set double. harness, 24 set single harness, 1, sugar kettle, whif- fletrees, leek yoaes, grain bags, sbovels, hees, grasel cress -cut saw, Daisy churn and °3l1 n. at ticlea' too numerous to mentien. A quantity of cedar postand secondhand lum- ber. A. quantelly of mangolds and turnips in drills. , Some hay 'anti' sorgum ;also a ,f ew , heusehold artic- les. There will he no- reserve as `the proprietor has . 'sold las farm, Tenns : .A.11 sums of 1;10' 'and un der, cash • on otrer that, amount 11 months credit, will be given on air - proved joiat, nOtea er', a diacount Of 4 percentstraiglit will 'he al- lowed for caah rot credit amounts. al, Wise, Proprietorh 0 malty Auctioneer . • M . -Varna. Terms to suit purchaser. , -Apply to John McNaughton, Var- na. 5.0. --12. FARM FOR SALE. -'1'}1E UMBER - signed offers for sale lot /48, con. Goderichtownship, containing SQ ,acres: • On it -there is a good frame house and bank barn, each with stone totthdation, and also an implement house, It is a, good stock farm as -tkere is plenty of water. Convenient to churches and, school. Telephone connection. Small orchard and about 5 acres of bush. -For, terms apply to J. 11. Lowery, Box 1242, North Bay, or to Jos. Proctor, Hohnesville. --55 F. C. D. 13RISTOWE, PROF. OF Music. --Organist of Willis Church ; Piano, Organ and • Theory ; Voice etilture.--Pupils prepared if desired for any of the, examining bodies in Toronto or for the 50n - don (Eng.) College of Music in all grades. Special system for piano- forte kir beginners between ages eight and eleven. Terms on applic- ation. -At present at the Motel Nor- mandie. -19, FARM -FOR SALE. -LOT 30, CON. 11, Goderich townshap, consia tang of 80 urea, all cleared and in a good state of cultivation, 30 acres in grass, 1 ,aere 'orchard. Good Outside wire fencing good concrete dwelling with eight rooms. Stone dairy: Forme barn, 1 mile from Holmesville and 4 from Clintoa. Will be sold on easy terms. FOr further part‘ietvlars apply to W. Crooks Clinton, P. Q. or Fred Leonard, Holrnesville. NOTICE IS HEREBY , GIVEN that a Court will be held, pursu- ant to The Ontario Voters' Lists Apt, by His Honour the, Judge of the Cbliaty Courtof tke County ot Huron at Londesboro on the 1115 day rof October 1912, at 10 O'clock a. 111. to hear and de- termihe complaints of errors and omissions in the Veters' List of the Municipality of the Township of Mullett for 1912. Dated at Lon- desboro the 254h day of September 1912. -James Campbell' Clerk, of the Municipality of the Township of Mullett. -19-3. FARM FOR SALE, KNOWN AS "Springhill Farm" on the Bayfleld Road, Goderieh, township, consist- ing 175 acres, south half lots 51 and 52 and part 53 and 51. Iwo miles from Clinton and one from sohool. A first-class stock and grain farm. 35 amen of good 'ma- ture land. Well watered. and has neve' Ladling spring at barn. Good wells and cistenn. Bank barn 62x52, • with stone Stabling. 150 apple trees just beginning to bear and all kint of sraalla,f ruias. Reason for selliaT-Owner In poor health. Terms to suit parchaser.-Robert Marshall, Clinton P. 0. -36 FOR SALE. -THE' PROPERTY .OF the late Thos. A. Worker,situated on the corner of Frederick and Dun- lop streets, 'including a 'house, stable and four lots. The- buildings are in first. class condition and there are Wine choice fruit trees on the property. -For particulars apply to --Geo. D. I-Ianley, Clin- ton. 2-18. (+Eono.p.] ELLIOTT ; • LI CENS ED Auctioneer for the r'ounty of 1-lur- 011. Correspondence Proemtly an- swered, Immediateaerareaenients can he tade for, sale . dates at 'The News-Reeoed, Clinton; or,' by cal- ling Phoile. 13 on 157. Charges .ined-' , crate and. Satisfaction guaranteed'. STORE TO 'RENT„ RECENTLY 00- cunied by ' James Steep, produce deo.ler.-Apply to J. 0. Elliott or R. E. Manning, Clinton, -87 FOR .SALE OR TO RENT -A 01413 - storey house on Maple street', Clin- ton. Five rooms, woodshed, hard and soft water. , Gardett with some fruit trees. Possession given Oct- ober 100. -Apply to Mrs. Geo. Stanbury, London Road, Clinism 0. Phone 5-146. -18. FARM FOR SALE.- LOT 21, CON, 6, township of Mullett,. containing 100 aures, ;St acres cleared and' in a good state of cultivation. 15 acres • good hardwood bush. There are on the premises -a first class bank barn with water system in connection. Good sevet roomed' • frame house with hard and soft water, Tele- phone ' connection. 1 miles from Clinton ' 'and 3 frOin Londesboto. This farni has never been rented and is 0110 01 the best itt the county. Tarim reasonable as the undersign- ed is retiring irom farming. -Mrs, ' '1'. Carbert, Clinton 5. 0. -47 I ARM FOR ItalaNT,--Loa) 14, 0014. 0, containing 100 acres sitilated 14) miles south of the village of Var- na, near to good school and ohm- ehes. Will rent for terra of 3 or fa - years, to suit •the rooter. 505, sessiori can be eiVen itt encs,. For further particulars apply to Mr., Andrew Iteid, Varna P. 0; or to Rev. R. Murray 3827 North Moyne Ave., Chicago 111. - FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 35, CON. 10, Goderielt township, consisting.of 80 acres, all cleared, with the ex- ception of 5 acres ot bush. 2 acres orchard, 10 acres in grass. Good clay loam: Well watered and fenc- ed'. Frame house, and barn. 42 Iv 57 with cement stabling. 40 foot windmill- with water to house and' barn. * mile from school and 4 miles from Clinton. ,A.LSO part lets 37 and 38, con. 10, containing 105 acres. Good brick house and 2 barns, 50 by 50 and 30 by 50. Good outbuildings. Farm well fenc- ed and in good state of cultivation with never failing spring. a, mile .from school and 4 from Clinton. -- For further particulars apply to T. II, Cole, Clinton P. 0. ' CLERK'S NOTICE OP . COURT- , Notice is hereby given that a court -will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by Ilis Honour, the .Tudge of the County • Cent ot the County of Huron, at Vatiia on Monday, the 7thia3laY Pi' October at 10:30 a.m, to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and -omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Town- ship of Stanley f•or the year •1910. All persons having business at the Court are requested' to attend at the said time and place.--Robett 3. Richardson, Clerk of the Municpal- ity of Strufley,-Dated this 101,h (lay ot Sept. -1912. WANTED TO 111.,',NT WITI-I THE option of buying, a good house with modern improvements. -Apply to A Forbes. -46 FOR SALE- ONE 71 E A R. GING • colt, 2 fat heifers two years old, 3 settee calves, 1. Cookehett .sulky plownearly new, , 1 lumber 'wagon, low down with hay rack, Clover Leaf Manure spreader. -Levi Trick, Clinton 'P.O. - -47 I-IGUSE FOR, -SALE ON PRINURSS s bteela-leor pax (acid ara apply to Mrs. dethes Tuokev, 'Clinton. -10 CALL AND coNswir, ELECTRIC • needle specialist for the permanent removal of moles, superfluous haia, eto. Painless. A limited number taught the work. Days in Clinton. - Address Mayze Yemen, 26 Daly Mt, Stratford. Offices in 'Mitchell, Seaterth and Clinton. -17-1, I-IOUSia ON MARY STIIE•Er FOR sale or to rent -A. ,J. Tyndall,. -31. FARM FOR SALE -The Executor of the Southcombe estate offers 1M sale 50 acres, being east hail ol let 28, con. 6, Mullett. Ills is a flrstaclass farm, well watered and improved and with good buildings. Also tlbe undersigned offers for sale lot 29, con. 6, Mullett, consisting of 100 acres. These farms may be bought' together or sepazately.- Apply to R. J. Southcombe; Clin- ton P. 0. -89 SEWING_ MACHINES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hand, also ag- ency for new machines. -A.• Hoop- er, Albert street, -30. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the underaigoed, and endorsed "'ren- der tor Breakwater at Goderich, Ont.," will be received at this office until 1 p. m., -on Thursday, October 10, 1912, for the construetion of part of the River Breakwater, at Goderich, Huron County, Ont. , Plans, speoification ana form of contract can be seen and torms 01 tender obtairod at this Department arid air the offices of M. J. Lamb, Esq. District Engineer., Windsor' Ord., J. G. Sing. Esq., DistrictEngineer, Confederation Life Building, Toronto, Ont., aad on application to the Post- master at Goderich, Ont. Persons tendering are notified, that tenders will ,not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied, and signed by their actual signatures, stating their occepationa and places et residence. In the case of firms, the actual signature, the nature of the occupat,ion, and place of residence of each member of the finn must he giv- FOR, SALE -ONE 130III3E63 TIRE buPs'ffy with top One light spring wagon. One cutter. Aid the abere atticles ate in good conditi'o- and Will sell cheap fel quick saln ly&i 'fibomas Watta,Z,Clint) • • A FIN LEADER or possibly a gutter may ,be need- ed in order to properly, shed the water from your roof. If such is the ease you should send foitis at Once. We do all kinds of TINNING wonK and guarantee you satisfaction. We are alwaYs. teady to give an esti- mate, .No matter how small dr extensive your job may be, we can save. you money. , Each ladider must be aceompanied by an accepted.ekeque on. a chartered bank, payable to the order of the' Honourable the Minister of Public Woras, equal to ten per cent (10 p.c.) of the ,amount of the tender, which will be forfeited it the peraon tender- ing decline to' enter,, mb a . ccin- tract if Called Orin to do so or fail 1,0 Complete tie work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the oheque will be returned. Tim Department does not biar it- self to accept the lowest or any ten- der. By ordet, It. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, • Ottawa, September 12, 1312. Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisement 11 they insert it 'without authority from the Depart - Menta -27344. ed Mottling ! deux reader, how our sub bo The News -Record THOS HAWKINS, TRACTS The Drunkard's Friend (Wesley) Yeddie oe "Yon Lovely Mon." A Plain Talk on Justification. (Sturgeon) The Down Grade Movement. (Spurgeon Hell : A Terrible Reality. (Bev. Geo. Gordon McLeod) Errors of Russelism. (l3ev. James of aji Ars tite) Send, postage for free samples. FRED. J. HILL Clinton - Canada. •••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • e. Have you tried. the ; new potato flour cake? • • It his been tested and : declared excellent b y ; some of the best cooks in • * .10 :Clinton. • Potato Flour Cake: • „! Break two eggs into a bowl, one •_ ; tablespoonful cold water.. Beat ; • until light, Add gradually cup • sugar, mix and ail% cup potato • • flourA teaspoon baking powder, • .▪ 4 teaspoon salt. Combine mix- • ture. 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 table • • spoon melted butter. Sprinkle • with powdered sugar. Bake 20 • • to 25 minutes. • • • Where do you get • ii? Why at O'Neil's of: • • • course—only 20 cents a • : W T O'NEIL' • • • "The Hub Grocery." re. • • •••••••••••••• 00000 obilm For Three SQUARE 1VIEAL,S -------- A Day Conner's Homemade Bread The bread that is clean, The bread that keeps fresh and moist The bread that gives you a square deal. Once you try ityou will always buy it, CHAS. N. CONNER BAKER - and - CONFECTIONER Lewis Suitter. Harold Rayner. GRAIN WE ARE IN TME MARKET FOR -WHEAT, OARS, PEAS, BARLpy, RYE, RIJOICWHEAT g ETC, We peg top prices for all grain, Bring your grain to the Eleaator. CHOICE TimoTHY SEED FOR . FALL SEEDING ON HAND. SAVE MONEY You will save coal and yet get[more heat, if you- instal the famous. The L. SUITTER CO. Phone 61: The- Elevator, BOYS WANTED For Various Depart= ntents Apply at offices of W. Doherty Piano & Organ Co. irrtAk 1,41414. BYAM -ST.SUTTER SANITARY PLUMBERS. Watch Faults Does your watch run correctly. It not, let us repair it for you. It may, be only dirty and need cleaning, or slop for lack of oil. Whatsoever the reason, (1010 delay. We give thorough examination and regulation free. Any- thing more oosts as little as satis- factory work can bo done. A. J. GRIGG Scientific Je- weler and Optician CLINTON, ONT. Immtmerisomemmisomm IHOMe Stiudy 1 Thousands of ambitions young pc;opie are being Mai acted in their homes by OU. Homo Study Dept. You May finish at College if you desire. Pay whsn. ever you wish. Thirty Years' liktpor- fence, Largest trainers in Canada, . Bitter ithy dos,. Positions guaranteed. If you wish to 841VC board and lawn while yen 131,111, write for particulars. NO VACATION CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE CEO. SPOTTON, PRtsioENT ammargliessolommicamesami