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The Clinton News Record, 1912-10-03, Page 4
If lin 'on 01146 etober• 3r4, rIL Por'ter's' Hill Mr and Mis ,'lhos,'',Belt of God- crich spent •S'unday ,,at, the, borne: ot. ,u•Ms.:,(eo,- Vandenburgh. ,Me, Lobb •;arid two•iiaughtees,spend •h v'oinii "unit lit. .the. e „Y. ,. � aY. r:P • f` nt' child ol'.`1VIr, ' nd ,M s • Trio in a si + i - to - aLl,�:G, Iickard,z� luiy�ill with-lvt op; is ouch. We trust -the little' one. a g e will .scop, recover. rVie s 'n connee- Rl7H anniversary tiC ., e, i ith'the -Methodist church on. w Siindav last Were a:''lceided success. The Weather,being all that could he desired, the- people. turned out in crowds unt51•-rho church was filled to • capacity. Phe'cliurcls }vas ni, t3ly de ,coeated, the -sermons :helpful• and in sparing and the music furnished by the' • (heir'was -of' a very pleasing variety. The special, thanloddering 'asked for .was Inc the. paying' oh of; ' the`indobtness incurred by necessary repairs. and the sum '01 eighty -live. •• dollars was : placed -upon .the Plates, Next Sunday, owing, to ennivi rsary eert'ices being held at Holmesvillc,' vith- .ch Will be with- , service.in Bethel ebu v drawn. • —A PATTERN 1+RLF'” 11 t l'II EACH BOOK Be sure to get your copy of The Fall Quarterly Style Book before making up any new garments, as it il- Iustrates the lates t authori- tative Fall Styles. You can get the book at our pattern counter. olrines�llie, It s(,ill eontiitues to r.�ain` about: every other' day':` so •that • rhe' harveeting;'pf buckwheat an'd'` bean' is' being init0h delayed. There was 0 .slight £rest en "Sunday night,' The, thepo- tatoes' '; :that rs: ace corn la,nia farmo p R . fect- re efn ale al hie b which dug .. a tand white' e$ considerabl ,by ;rot ,'ant, Y , grub. R n s gave o ne of r Mr. It. J, Holme 6 at' F- ho ses in the village:„a coat n s i. of paint; ; Che work `being done by:: 1 Ir. C: 'B' icer. lY a uite a number •front 'about here attended',the anniversary services at n: Sunda last. U rel church o Y Be! services will be `lieid ,in Special`' the Methodist church here on Sunday next. Rev, A. 'Brown or Goderich r in•' anti evening,:and. will preach morning t Itev, J. E. Ford ` of Cllntors, i resi- dent ot the conference, will address a special children's Service at 2i30 - in the afternoon. . An offering of $150 is asked for by the trustees to -Peet cost of 'much needed repairs the 0 and improvements, Tho loyalty 1• P the people can be depended open to more than meet this need- Rev- T. R. Courtice of Kane, Pen- na., is a guest at the home of his parents,Mr; and Mrs.. A. T , Oouttice. Mrs..Wm, Mullholland has .gone on a visit to Chicago, where ser son Fred., her another, and other relativ- es and friends reside. She will be absent some weeks. We are glad to see Mrs. Will Pick- and .able to he about again after tier severe illness and hope her recovery will be steady and permanent. Thefeathers are, flying now around the plucking house at the poultry station, where several hundred ducks and chickens are being prepared for the Montreal market. COOPER CO. CLINTON -AGEV'TS FOR THE LADIES-- -HOME ADIES— —HOME -JOURNAL AND— JOURNAL PATTERNS, oderich'Township' T a •mareingo•was soletnn.'tzere aU 5t. M t teal's elinteb, '!Winnipeg,` at 2 0et a crock on ,Thttraday: atterneon l'ast, of Mess; Eya, daughter of Mr,'. and Mrs,' Geo, 'Byirnett ;ol-the 7tli on„ arid' Me.R. onerl Diiurbar, .Youngest; eon of and,'Mt . Wm, Dunbar of the '- 'Bayffelil-Road. Thee offiefabing erer- .was" the'• Re V. 11! ' B. McEll- gYliltnn : warn. ;; Though :comparative • stran rs 'In the ' wesyerit city Mr. and ge a Mrs. 153nbar hale alrcaily` :marcic" number`; of friends.; whd, en the oe- easioti of ;their >rinarriage,...:took ' the opportunity of expressing their endship':by, •many eheauttful 'and • vat- usablegifts. ;• The happy Couple • were not forgotten by' their many Godorich township friends, either, leaving re- ceived many surpripes in tree way ,61 lovely presents sent tiler-' from • all sides, :. Aenenasb those who especial- ly remembered theta was'' the Ladies' Auxiliary. of St, 'James' .church, Mid-- dleton„: who. sent a handsome gift.' Mr; and Mrs.' Dunbar will maw tl.ieir home" in, Winnipeg •and thea many friends here wilt join heartily in con- gratulations and good wishes for their future happiness and prosperity. Master Leslie Pearson, ontertamed a number of his young friends' on Friday: afternoon last, Mt. J. P. Cole' of the eth con; has some pretty tine apples in his ° or- chard this season. I3is Alexander. trees are especially prolific and they are certainly fine looking fruit, .:.Oee apple of this variety which was weighed and treasured tipped the scale 'at fourteen ounces„ the Alex- ander is a light apple lot its size, .and measured fourteen inches in cir- cumference; There Were plenty -01 others about the same. size. This variety is a fall apple and cannot be shipped satisfactorily but for borne use can hardly be surpassed .for fine flavor and good cooking qualities. 'A very sudden dead- occurred at the house of Mr, Sylvester Allen , of Seaforth on Saturday -week when Mrs. John Colbourn, ot the 10th con., Mrs, Ali'en's mother, passed in- to the great beyond. Mrs. Col- bourn was on a visit to her daugh- ter. She had not been enjoying good health for some little time but hail only been confined to bed -for a short time and on retiring ''Friday' night seemed to be feeling much bet- ter. On going to her pipther's room early Saturday morning Mrs. Allen was shocked to find that her spirit had fled. heart failure was the im- mediate cause of death. Mrs. .Col- boure's maiden name was Grace Ann Tenney, she being a daughter of the late Thomas Tenney of hast Wawa- nos11 She was only forty-six years of age and her death caused the. first break in a family of five brothers and three sisters. She was :harried in 1881 to her now bereaved hus- band,' besides whom a family of three children remain : Russel Colbourn, Mrs. S Allen and Mrs. Edmund' Wil- liams, all of Seaforth. Mrs. Col- bourn was a woman of exemplary character, much beloved by all who knew her and her sudden taking oft is a sad' bereavement, to her hus- band and family, The funeral took place frons the residence of Mr. Al- len on Monday, the interment be- ing made in Clinton' cemetery. The pallbearers were : her son, Russel, two sons-in-law. Messrs. S. Allen and L. Williams, and three brothers„ S Messrs. Rohcrt, James and Thomas Tenney. "Help us through all the shocks of fate '1'o keep our trust in Thee. Maker of man, be Thouour strength ng th And our eternal stay. Make us' to see our Guiding Light 'In darkness and in death. Give us to feel her spirit lives Imnmortal in the skies." We are Thy children, frail and small, hor,'med of the lowly sod : Comfort our bruised, bleeding souls ; Father, and Lord, and God. Porter's Hill Miss Florence' Elliott has relented home after spending about lour. months with her brothers, Garnet and Ar- thur, in the west.• - Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and son from the west are guests at the home of Mr. Wm. Johnson. Mrs. T. Morgan and ohildrer' of Port Stanley returned to theft home atter spending a month u til the lady's mother, Mrs. Wm, 1eritng, Godrich Township e Mrs, R. McLeod of Leadbury last week visited at the home of Mr, Robb. Pearson. Mrs. Wm. Dunbar 01 the Bayfield Road was confined to her hid last ceek owing to an injury sus- tain.ecl from a fall. Mrs. (Rev.)° }I. Dunbar of Bervic; on hearing of the accident, immediately carne to her aid and remained from Friday un - Tuesday, her presence and assis- tance being much appreciated. Mrs. Dunbar, Sr., is gradually Improving and is tuow able to go about again. Mirti�r:nz Asn Drti:ssa1AItsNce PHONE No. 78. REAnv: TO WISAri Couch &co. a — of Y� AUTUDISPLAY- TRIMMED MILLINERY ORIGINAL AND DISTINCT HATS IN GREAT VARIETY. " Lovely !" Graceful 1''' 'Most Becoming 1' These words come naturally to : one's lips time and time again as one;' passes from show table to show table and ex- amines the beautiful creations that go to makeup our autumn exhibit of what ,is new and fashionable • in high class raillin- ery, We invite you to see the display while itis at its best. Furs of Quality The customer has everything to gain and', nothing to lose in making the choice of good tors. New, after you have compared its is the best time to all oilier ti , seeours—vie stand by the result, • Coats of Quality Never in our business exper- ience have we been able to offer our trade such superior mantles as we are now showing. We spare no efforts to secure the, best Lhat experience, skill and money uld' make, d , we ane. afYeringcothem to yoanu fornowyour' choosing, Every woman expect. • Ing: to buy this season should sere otlr display.' We are showing over 150 different styles: Tyle Meth0'0ihls nclitt eh wall ;)loll their•'annivor$a'�y sorvresp on Sunday• next,''whon the' ltov J i7. Ford';, of •Clinton, president of •the eonterence, leiil preach morniid and,;evening;•,,: At the .ever314 • ser:4'ioe the .churo'h :•uioFt a e Will be r`burned with all •; due g .g ceremony aecording••t'p•goo dolNMe th- odist ;usage,. •Approprial'' music:' is reared;art0 a< Pleasant - and being p P rofitable time•'i el bxpeeted. Every- body s body will be -:ado welOome, Th© Bayfield':Fall Fair takes place next Tuesday 'and ,Wednesday and the management ; are leaving no stone' un- turned to make •it one;: of the most suecessfol Fairs in the :history of the Society, "14ye us good'weather,''' say. the worthy, 'president 'and L` his staff of workers, ;'and we • will .. do the `rest " On he evening of the second day of , the Fair, that iso Wed- nesday, a concert will be given .in the town hall under the auspices` of the Society, the program to be turn ished by the London Concert Com - 'Puny, thus ensuring'a first class pro - As the e Will bo a big . at- tendance=it would be as' well to buy in advance , a supply of reserved seats. Mrs. T. C'ook, Sr., of Clinton spent several days in Bayfield the pane week, the guest of Mrs; Jas. Johnston; Mr. and hits. James Young were in Clinton on Monday. The 1 London •Concer't Company,. which will giro tile' program at tee. concert in the town hall next ' Wed- nesday evening, 'consists of an enter- tainer and comedian, a reader and pianist, a baritone ,soloist, 'a lady violinist and a singer and costume dancer. Orval Weston of Detroit is home on a short visit. Mrs. 1.. Elliott and family left on Tuesday for 'Para to join husband and tattier alio is erteagel as Pub- lic, school teacher at that place. Miss Kate Parke was the guest of Mrs- FI J. Condon at the rectory this week. The secretary of the Fair, Mr. A. 18-. Erwin, would like as' tar as pos- sible to have the entries sent in be- fore the, clay' of the Fair. Miss Eliza McEwan of Toronto is home on a. visit this week. Mr, Alex. McLeod, who spent a few weeks under' the parental roof, left Monday for 'Toronto to resume studies. his Medical Mrs S. H. Iloward and children, who spent the summer at Miss Fer- guson's, returned to their home in Coront'o last week. Miss Myrtle McLeod left last week for Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. P. Campbell, who is leaching school near Dungannon, spent. , et- urdayr and Sunday at her hone in the village. Miss (led!` McLeod went down 10 Toronto last- week, having :ben a position there. Sehh,n it SehOol Secretary, read a re - poet f1gmalt the i?abbatt1 • Sphools 'of • the district A,jmost• i.ateresting discussion followed this report.; • • :A;t sYx o'clock the :'delegates` sat • down to supper provided by the^Sea- .forth firieads' to the basement;;', di the dh' trek. After alk''pitesent had etc' joyed Ao the Mil this dealt Rev." J.. scut,' the: Pxesi . dent' ,- cal. �•z, osteri led on all those "present woo,, had at an:y, 'time •-'attended .Alma 'College Summer School to :tell their impres- s` s ofthe school,',' l•,aeh• and all len who responded spoke very highly cif the beneibts':', toceived frons the Sum- mer School ..and' rge'd all who , posse° ably could to nd °next year. '.rhe evening (sion opens at 7:i5, R with a son S cowled by Rev. • A. B W. "Brown, • eniniller, no,. A. Brown of Crich presiding. Mi, W,. F. S. • Saliva of. • Seaforth very_` wanpile welcomedthe delegates to n ti u alto res CrVi ofB God Id Sealorth. 'Mr. A• M. Robertson of Goderieh, made a very, fitting reply to this address, Mr. Walter Willis of Seafortle sang • a solo, - and the choir rendered a beautiful: anthem; debted to * -rich i s deeply to 'he e nl e p Y 1 0 the choir, who so cheertully and ably gave their service ire song, and to 'Miss Iva Dodons, the organist, who gave such valuable service through all the sessions of the convention: 'Phis session was closed by Rev. J. 'II. Osterhout, demonstrating the use of the Lantern in Sunday Sehoot and Epworth League work,. Wednesday opened with . an early morning prayer meeting. The first session 01 the convention, opened with devotional exercises and Bible Reading by Rev. Dr. Medd, of God- erich: Reports were read from the District League Secretary, the Dis- trict League Treasurer, and the Dis- tride Missionary= Tice -President. A discussion - on these reports ,followed. Miss. L. Carr, of Blyth, District Vice -President, gave a demonstration of- Christian Endeavor meeting. 'Phis conducted of song, prayer and a very interesting talk on °'Consee- retary," by Rev. bir. Allfn, of On- tario street church, Clinton. Mrs. (Rev.) Osterhout of Londesboro gave a splendid: talk on Junior Epworth League work. lvlrs. Osterhout has had experience in this work and spoke of its great importance Lo the up - building of the church and -the nation. On Wednesday afternoon Rev, F• .1. Knight of Charing Cross conduct- ed a Round 'fable Conference on the Citizenship Department., This was profit- able' onlyinteresting but very 1 t g able to those present. Miss M, 13 1Srratt of Auburn de- monstrated a Literary meeting, Those taking part were Miss LaviS Clinton, who rendered a piano solo ; Miss Alice 13ell of Londesboro gave a paper on "Music and its In- fluence" ; Miss Arlin of ,Clinton sang a solo Mr, Naylor of Sealorth gave a paper on 'Reading and What to Read", atui Miss L. Carr of Blyth sang a solo. • The final session of the convention closed with a song service, the Pre- sident, Rev. J. H. Osterhout, 1„ the chair, The business committee gave the following report : (1) 'l'hat as Sabbath School workers it is our business to devise the best means to cherish and to unfold the Divine seed of immortality that is hnplanted in every human heart; - That the Sab- bath School must continue to exist more and more Inc definite religious instruction. We would recommend that emphasis be laid upon the nec- essity of organiling teacher training classes In every Sunday School if Possible. (2) That whereas the Sun- day School has a district obligation in view of the church's present duty to the non-Christian world, the Sun- day School being an integral part of the church, anti not a separate and distinct organization, that 'Wo re- commend the adoption of the follow ing missionary policy for every Sun- day School : First, education ; sec- ond, prayer ; third, gifts ; fourth, a sincere efforth -to secure missionary recruits (3) That we rejoice over Hensall De, Shoeing of Detroit has : been visiting his sister, Mrs. Geo. Grain. Mrs. Geo. Rylceman of the State of Michigan has been visiting Mrs. R. Fulton. Mr. T. Berry has returned from the Old Country where be has• been buy- ing up horses. . M - rs. James Chesney has gone to make an extended visit with her daughter,Mrs. Treble, in Manitoba. Mr, and Mis.' Nesbitt, after : a SO-, journ or seven years in Hensall, re- turned last week to Toronto. The Rebekah lodge entertained the members of the I. 0. 0- F. and their wives one evening last weep waren a, very pleasant time was spent. - Mrs, Bernard 'i'hompson passed 'away on Friday week at her home here: alter a long illness, Exetett Stanley Township On We(hnesdav, Sept. 18th, the mar- riage occurred at Saskatoon, Sask., M Miss Albini :K,. Richardson and 13enjapnn Spotter, formerly , at Stanley township and Bayfield res- pectively. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. W. A, McIntosh, pastor or St. Thomas' Presbyterian church The bride was very becom- 'ngly attirdd in a grey tailored suit of American whipcord and were a handsome black and Royal heaver worethe he picture hat. She also groom's gift, a lovely pendant of pearls anti amethysts. They will re- side 10 Saskatoon, ^ Mr. and `U: Mrs: Spencer are well knownto, very many News -Record readers, the bride being a native of this township and, the groom a former resident of Bay- field. Their many friends in the old home neighborhoods will unite. with • . '.; or'• You" Will:find us at the. old stand with a full .stock House Furn>shln s"• Furniture •Brussels ifor the, e.., it ekl- e n bed- room, 011iqg_1,Aom,hall and .haor. Floor Coverings in eIcless variety, Latest patterns in 3r ssel Rugs,Fancy . e m. ' r111, ' goods _ 3narli;ed;•at Oilcloth and. Cork 1_Inol u g lewest cash prices. ri es. l c owe Miss Mabel Folliek of St. .Mary's the now Friends in the west in -wish- ing then a long and prosperous mar- ried life together, Zurich Me. - and Mrs. 'Theo. McAdams are moving to London. Mr. Elmore Rupp of Detroit is Dome on a vieit to his parents, . Mr. anti Mrs: Barry Rupp. Mrs. Henry Demuth returned to her home fn Port Arthur last week after spending some time the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Casper- Weber. Mr, "{curl', Eckstein of the Bron- son Line :diel. on WedneetiaY evening of last week atter an illness of a fortnight. 'The funeral took, place to the Evangelical cemetery onSatur- day afternoon.. • Miss Veda Weseloh of London is. spending a few weeks at, her hone, here. Mr. William Weber, who has been visiting his parents here, has return- ed to Portland, Oregon. J. H. C1-IELLEW, Ont, Blyth,,.' • i e. he N' rc s 'fl't tt i Ce C l ue We 1 n ee Bran in onr iepartment;r,l'sto ata og w, P g Y ..te.teen+— 1 OUR PRESENT S - AR>, STOVES, RANGES , COAL' HEATERS, WOOD HEATERS, AND COAL OIL HEATERS. We have a complete assortment of the celebrated Happy Thought Ranges, Pandora Ranges,, Canada Steel Ranges, Welcome National, etc. all in the High Grade Ciass. The ones to depend upon for reliability and durability. We have also cheaper lines guaranteed to do good work, only not so heavy and of course not so durable, as low in price ' as $28.00, with reservoir and high shelf: Coal may be scarce this Winter 1 Save 11 now by using one ef,our Famous or Perfection oil beaters•chilly mornings and evenings, or a Famous air tight beater burns chips„ charcoal or wood. We have the bright glazed steel stave pipes same price as the ordinary. Balance of our 25c and 15e granite ware bargain lot to clear next week at 10e. Harland Bros. Stoves, Hardware and Novelties noble Lams and accomplishments of Itlpworth League in the past year, Re rejoice in the splendid achieve- ments of our 'representative Rev. 0. O. Harris, in the foreign field, and in the privilege that is ours of tak- ing a part in this great work. We would therefore recommend that the Epwositli • Leagues of this District show .their appreciation in a large increase in their givings to the Forward Movement, That we express our hearty appreciation to the fol- lowing Tine choir and organist, the decorating committee, the trustee board, the congregation; . the adult Bible class and -the ladies, who pro- vided the 'ricin repast for us last ev- ening. R. J. 11. Osterhout introduced the district officers: for the following year: as follows 1'lon, president, Rev: J. E, Forif, Clinton ; President, Rev, A. W. Bar- ker, • Seaforth ; first vice-president, Miss L. Carr, Blyth; second vice, Kiss 1). A, Refines, .I3olinesville third vice, Miss .M. 13, ltrratt, Au was a visitor in, town last week•' E. L: and S. S. Convention. burn ; fourth vice, Mr. C. M. Roberti' Mt: I. Bissett has gone to Torontoson, Godorich , fifth vice, Miss D. C. where he leas taken a posit On with The annual convention of 'the Sun-. Cantelon, Clinton , secretary, Mr. the W. R. Brock wholesale house. day Schools and Epworth Leagues of John Button, Sealorth ; treasurer, Rev, S. F. Sharp; attended :the cut the Croclerich District of the Method- 'wise M. Lyon, Londesboro , district enionies in connection,` with the lay- ist Church was held in the>S.eafortli" representative to Conference, Rev. R. ing of the corner stoic of :anox ('01- Meeihodist church on September 23rd J J', McCormick„ I- oimesville ; dis lege, Toronto, last wedlr, and 24th;. taint Sabbatls School secretary tem - Mrs. (Dr.) Yost ofl;Shelbyville, Illi The convention opened at two b'- potence 'and moral reform, Rev,: A. has been visiting her father, Mr, A.. .clock di' Tuesday afternoon;; with de- w, Barke', Seaiotth. Rolland. votional exercises and Bible- reading . Rev, Mr. Barker, in teply 8aic1 the Mr. and Mus W. Hawksitaw; and from Matt.,1813h chapter, by Rev. mottoes- far 'the' coiniog year daughter, Myrtle, who have splint the Gee. Jewitt of Blyth sliould'he ''`Others" •and `!All- at it." sunvncr. in;Lxslcr and (errand' Bead,; • 'A business t',ommtttee was appoint- ' left last e] fol titer- 1 we fn wi ed to attend t y b,sines per- nileg taming to the convention, Miss baler •A. M. Dignan,`' only A telegram o£ "greetings and best; daughter 01IVi and,Mrs. John P. ,wishes fora successful convention". Dignan, 'iso wedded on Wednesday to was read %from Rev. Dr..,Stephenson, Mr; Guy, 1 iilard Brown of Kings- -of Toronto. • A' resolution was pas= title. sett• that' this convention in •session aU Blyth. e "pr,;,, r,:Peter: • ,5tah sujlirindeu= ;Blyt )t v B, , gr '' Jewitt. f . Blyth .aye (lent pF M:issions :in- Saskatchewan, Rev, G'eorgo eF ewtt a Y & and an Old: ' Exeter boy, was a_- visitor' an address on ':Essentials ter ,a Succ in town recently and pteacl ed in cessful •Sttnday School." 1Gir. Jon'- Coven chubph on Stiiiday wee ' Ftp spoke; o£ the, many, things titat tial ,orday that were no . eils0 a Few• Years ago' lee 4r, of Auliurn V To our many friends in Clinton and surrounding. country is extended a cordial invitation to visit our furnished rooms. We - show a complete furnished home. We are delighted to have -people ask to go through. You will see a furnished bed room. ti parlor. ee dining room: rt hall. to " library. music Y00131. Where we demonstrate the Edison phonograph and Victor-Vicrola, bring your friends with you and as often' as you wish. The invitation is extended to. every one. We will not ask you to buy but every- thing is for sale with a price ticket attached that will, meet any competition. The Store of Quality. Phone 28 W. WaIkr Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence idence Phone 140 1 eft as we c n- v ant o an t yeti, 'a SIi0R:TER HOTJRS' AND BETTER PAY. • Railroad operators will novo have shorter. hours „and better pay; Am- bitioun` young hien ,would; tlo Nell to, 'tato urscin the; telegraphy `de- aetkementeA. of the, Stratfordi Business P College. 'file priincipal of said depart - meat Mr it,.tyarnsour hashed-. more raileoa eeXPerrenee than ,the •insl',ruc- say .othcf tolegra'phool in' Your earl onSYr •atscany 11n fair a free• eataSoguc• Yon Run No Risk We have confidence in our our WATCHES as the result of long EXPERIENCE. We guarantee them because they are ALL RIGHT both as regards QUALITY AND PRICE. Let Us Show You Them. W. R. COUNTER Jeweler, sismossmoNammosmi Clinton ISSUER OF NLARRIAOE LICE~,NSES,' NATICINAL-PORTLAN �EI111ENT. 7 r 0 best Coin but we don't chdrbe, •,;, • the e r Ts a little b g any; more for it, ` A• 'fresh ca,rl'bad just in, A