HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-09-26, Page 5Home .S. tuory 1 . Tholifiandii OF ituddtiotioi young people are being ientluetecl. in their luaoneR,hy ' our HomeI tu(13,Dog,it. ;You purr Mush . at Colloge It you dtwe. Pay whon• . eirer you :%viell. Thittiy Yestr,4' 15545r- , ,' tepee. Litygdgt tktitinurs in On.hn(111., ' 11113t,oe,vie,AivILic,ieit.,76., .s1P0O,,,sitil:66talSragfitntilla'ailnuenettl. While you earn, write.tor partikallarN. ., . , N,d) VACATION • , GUNTON BUSINE,S COLLE,CE , , CO. SPOTTC)N, LPRE9JPENT itimmiginmumammmo, maimmmi September 26th, 912 Clinton News -Record Bluth Mis- May 'Spafford has taken a pos.. Won in London and.went down there zest week. Mrs. Goo. Leitch has 'been visiting Act seri at Stratford.' ` • , ; Mr, R. D. Mcflowan is at, '11r,esent On a, visit to his brother, Dr, Me - Gowan. of Chicago. Mrs. W. 13agley , of Blyth and MI'S.' -,.A. Robinson and Mrs. f. Doyle "0-f Hallett are 'Iat present isiting De - roil friends. ' M. N. Johnston returned from the west en acconne of the illness of his fa her, the late Rept.. Johnston,. Mr. - and airs. Young and the former's mother, Mrs. N. El. motored up from Toronto last week. to 1their many Meath; here. In the- passing of Robert- Johnston last 'week this county loses one of its earliest and most highly esteemed oneers. 'Ile lvas a native of Tor- onto Township but eatne to this coun- ty with his parents when only eight years of age. ; It was lie who haul - id the logs *hick built the first . -house, on lthe land where the .town of Seaforth now stands, The family ree • sided first in Tuckersmith, After hie* .' marriage :he removed to MeKillop for a time het later settled in East . . • Wawatroshe where they remained -en- ' ill they retired from taming. His wife aittl:a family of nine survive: Goderich •. Miss .Helen Sbrang returned to New •_York -lat week after an eetendecl -1.acation al, her hOlnel here, Dr. Percy Tye of Milverton visited • :his mother and sister in town recent- ly, , Mr. and 1VIrs, P. :E. Bell have gone Mts. Knight and'daughter, letiss Ed- . west to visit their son and daughter: iith have arrived from England fo make their home in Goderich. ' far. and Mrs. Arthur Beaver and :family are enjoying a holiday teip to St. Mary's„ Windsor, Hamilton and Detroit. ' -Dr. Harold Taylor haS been appoin- ted house surgeon atthe new Gen- era Hospital., Toronto, and goes ' down to assume his duties about Oc- „ -tober 1st Mrs. B,rock Clarey ahd son Richard age visiting Mesa A. G. Nisbite They come from Burke, Cal. Miss Christabel Anderson lett for her home in Ottawa -on Friday atter spending a pleasant; vacation with •Gotlerich• friends. - Mrs. James McCracken passed away last week 'after a lorsy, and tedious ill- ness, the funeral taking place on Thursday last. ' • The Goderich Fair last week was a suocese in spite of the rain which fell upon each day est It. The gate and grandstand receipts are sale to be the largest ever. • • Miss 'Bernice Davis of "Victoria school :won the the first of three spec- cial prizes given by Mr. Andrew Por- ter, manager 'of the local branch of' the Sterling Bank, for -the hest essay on the County or Huron at the God- erich fair, Sie Win. Muloek wu present at the Fair,giving the opening address. The exhibition of the I3oy Scosile was an interesting part of the per- formance befOre the grandstand. . „ , -Zurich Miss Pearl Wilds •is visiting friends in Doti:att. Rev. Morris ' Elutes Of Neeii York visited his-parent's,,Mt. arid Mr. A: ace. • Ehnes, last WCOli, •-, Mt. T.' .Wurni is,I'spendini •a few Cergei.'" 'Of Sines,' Sask.,; Who has been Visiting lies: phr- entalCrediton. for sOineCtitne , , lett ' •M„et' -week, fir 'thn. west accom- panied byMiles Laura Gelger_of town. Mrs. Bremner and family of the 'State ot Michigan- are spending a few %leeks with Zurich friends. Exeter Mr. McKercher, teller in the Dank ,of Commerce here for some time, ims been transferred to Collingweeed, Mrs. (', .Srinelintan and daughter, 'Miss Laura, have returned to . their home in Guelph after an extended vis- it teeth friends hertsabouts. Year Ago. ..Fron, The News -Record of • Sept, 24th 1896. Clinton Sept. 2.1the 1896, Mr. A. J. Grigg has retinned Pmin a brief visit. to RidgetoWn. Mr„ A. J. Ifoltoevey has bean ill , a day or two. ' 'retuned S , a-tel-rdair from a visit -to, the hospitals of ,Chicago. • .I'estetday (4arlicaor Allenson .show- ed T ho NeWs-Record a cabbege . grown in hiS garden Weighing tWen., tv-onc pounds,: 4., 'rile Collegiate' operiihg will he held on -I;ridtty 'aitetnoOn and evening. Whils,workint2; in the flax factorv one day last I welt Mr. John Henry met with an acoiderit. • He tripped over "a pile ot towc and , throwing' out 51 ,hand to save himself it came in contract/ with 'the rollers of the theeshieg machine. One Dowel; was so badly crushed that, it had to ee ampetteeeed, \.nstrong-Coopee-At the, resid- ence, of the bride's Parents on FnIton street, on Sept. 2rur hy yard, Challie, eldest daughter of: Mr. :Mrs. W. Cooper, to ,r1,01ir; S. •A rinIStrong ot Ontario, Cal', 13VOWD—Paisley- -Ai; the residenee of the bride's fatlim.,, Clinton, on Augf 2685, , by Rev, A. Steivaate Marin second daughter of Mr. W. .J. Pais- Lisceise Inspector of ,Weetat-Itir- on, to -Prof. la 11. C, Bowen of Te- cumseh) Mich - Children Doing Well - Lip In Huron County Sept, peesors ally visited a large group oe Ontario ehildeem in.- Metter homes, Mr, G. M. El1iot4, ol C;oderich, .reperts as fol. "l'he „ work among the children . is increasing- in interest theoughout , the -county. Sinat, our Iasi; , ineetinss' • I have personally visited - 57 children who are wards .of the Children's Aid Society. 1 litiyon County:, In our ofIiciab capacity ip is , our 'duty to investigate' and inquire, alliongst either things, into the' gen- oral condition of each child, with par- ticular' regard to home •surroundings, -daily routiste, of work .; -church, -gou- da* school and public school atecnth ance ; their personal appearance 'and clothing, treatnient and' behavior. No notice is given of our coming and therefore no time for preparation is afforded and, the ehildren arci seen in the course of theie daily routine. We believe is careful 'supervision is the keyoote to 3aTC7-•ellaitt this work; as iteeart—Os - not only 'at the immediate pretection'Zi the child tegarding its temporal' and' moral well being,". but crePtes.'ea- bond of union between childeSnmr•guardian which ,will, it -is hoped,' . prove a -factor in influencing the lives -of the children for good. "115 5.he maiority of cases \Ve f011nd tho 'children in corafortabk, hontes, well educattel, and in eseany (meets the moral and religious influences are all Shat could be desired. 'Upon the whole 1 found the children to be bright, and intelligen-t, happy and con- tented in homes where appreclation," and in Many cases, affection, iS shown on 1.3oth Sides. • "There are 5et00 children to WnOM the above does not apply, as we haeto found it necessary to remove -sonie children •• from one place to an- other. _Hasty judgement must not be passed on a boy or girl because he or she -has not been a success in either their first or second places ; we -must resnember we are dealing with chil- dren, not adults. After these chil- dren ate .visited a written report is sent to the provincial superintendent, J, J. Kelso, who is deeply interest - in the welfare of tile thousands of children placed by 'the' Children's Aid Societies throughout the ptovince and wants to know how each child is do- ing." A WINNING PAIR. Two Newspapees That Should be in Every -Home it; This Dletrict. By special arrangement we are able to offer our own paper along with' The Weekly Mail and anpire,the two together, from now ;tilt January let, 1012, for 25 cents or from, now till January 1st, 1914, for 81.75, This is an opportimity for getting' the two Most Valuable papers for the' hosties and ',firesides' of this district, and, we are hopeful that the full val- ue of this unprecedented offer will ap- peal in the most practical way to all within the limits of our circulation, . The Weekly Mail and Empire is conceded- to be the best towel and country paper published in Canada, and its special department devoted to agritte tuns, , hor bleu] tore, dairying, poselery-raiOsse,' and ereocic-ktrteding, rendes it invaluable to the rural and farmeng interests. . -Its magazine section c'enstains the" hest of idie current literatureof 80 - day, its scientific, ale& legal °elutes supply information 011 practical- ;sub, loots and problems ; while , the hews- seceion , gives the _lateet happerings of Canada and 'all the world. • To idle people of Ithis community the , merits of our paper are well knowmeso „steady, the best local pap- er and ,the great Metropoiltan week- ly -411c two together at little more than the, price, ot one should mean many new subscribere, Send all or- ders to the °Moe of this paper, ' ela'SUMN IN ALGONQUIN PARK. 111 the A,Igotionin National Park of Ontario, reached only by the (Irene Trunk Railway, the autumn is one et the most beautifulseasons of the, year. The '"Ifighland dert'' on CacheL,alee -2,000 feet above sea, level offere all comforts at reasonable rates. The region 'is a liaiintat playground of over 2,000,000 'acres,, and those who love nature and the wild thinge that live in her 'confines can enjoy themselves to their hearts pontent, Algonquin . Park , Station where the. "Highland Inn" is situated is only .168 "nii1C8 West bf Ottawa and 208 tables north of Toronto. • For any - ole Whose nerves are -1,roublesome, 01 through overwork need a rest, or whose health is run down, there is not a more delightful place in Arnev ica. • Write to Mr. tere. Gail,' Man- ager, The et -Beldame Inn," .Algota quin Park, Ont., for all particulars and illustrated booklet: ' A sottler.r.Mitt of the Itato-Torkish War was 'reported to he in sight. T., A STRA,TN , Vacation • is over..A gisi 'the school., ring's at morningand at: noon, .With tons of thousamiS the hardoSt •kind of lias begun the reneftl.:Of, which is a irental and phy- sical straisa 80 al( ettept the moist rugged. Thc little girl that a few days ago had roses in bit cheeks, mid -the little boy whose lips were then ea, red you would weuld have in- sisted..lhat "they had been "Isiesed, by seraweeeriee,"' . have already lost Serneelsing of the appearance of bealth. New le a tinie whOnemany ehildeen should be giveil a tonic, which • may avert much semeous trouble, and' we letow of no otlie,,r so highly to be re- commended as 1-Iecel'S-Sareaparilla, strongthene the nerve$, , per- fects digestion and assimilation, and aids mental 'development by buildiug! up the whole System. Wingharn Itir., John Robinson left fer the ,west last weeic. ' 'Miss lona ;Stewart is spending a vacation at her home near Lucknow. Mr. and fetes: Hugh Ross have been visiting with the latter's patents,' Me. and nits, Robt. Maxwell of the Blue,vale _Road. Mr. L. 1310011 has taken a I PositiOn as junior in the Bank' of Hamilton.. mr, .foeeph Pugh, haying Purchased a business in Palmerston, has remov- ed his family to that, town. Miss Edith M. Hall is visiting Owen Sound friends. • Dr. Hasubly was married in Toron- to laet week to Miss' IDdna Dr. 'and Mee. 1-lambly haVe taken up their reeidencet in tIse house reconely purchased from Mrs. H. Keri', ..Kippen The. Methodietechurch here will hold their anniveesary serveges on Sunday next, when Rev. Hall Wood ot Bruge- field:- will be the preacher. God's Way of Salvation. "I Don't Wish to be Gloomy" Numbers imagine 'that a Christian is one whcr". goes through life hangime Isis lleael heaving, dratvitee a long fade, and looking very sanctim-e- , onious. 'P105 01 one of the Inggeet, and, we fear, one of the, most widely believed lies which Satan ever coin- ed. , Real, lasting Isappinees is ishe port- idn of Decry beliver, "Gloomy e", What is there in the Gospel calculat- ed to make, on -F gloomy.? Doeg it snake one "gloomy" to be assured that he will spend eternity with the Lord Jesus in glory ? Will the con- demued criminal who }me been par- doned by his sovereign tee! sad ? "'Tis Jesus only that can give Sweetest pleasurewhile we live ; 'Tis Jesus only can supply . Solid comfort should we die.' • The only one who has a right to be happy is the Christian -he and be alone being delivered teem the bondage of sin„ death, and judge- ment. Well might the Psalmist say, "Happy is That People WIIOSC God is the Lord." (Psa exliv, 15 Thy presence is fulness of Joy ; at Thy right hand there are Pleasures to eve'rmore" (ial. 11). - (To be continue.) •. Marriages • 13 tivE-1)orrs--Iri °Buten, on Sept) 255.5, by Rev. J. E. Ford, Leona .E.,' eldest daughter of Mr, and Mee, Geo. Potts, to Clarence L. Bruce of Port William AfeLAREN-eleEWAN-AT the resid- ence of the bride's parents, on Sept. 25t1a by Rev. Dr. Stevearb • of Toronto, Elizabeth, third eatighter of Mr. and Mrs. Mal- colm Itleltewan of Stanley, to Ro- bert Saline MeLaren oi Hensel). IIAMBLY -•MeGILL - In Toronto, Sept. 7th, by Rev. Mr. Scott, Dr, I -lushly' 01 Wingliam, to Edna 'McGill, of Toronto. • WAILOSII-Taa YL'OR-tin East Waw- anosh, at • the residerete of tile parents, by nevi R, A. Albert E. Walsh, to AR- ,nia E. second dose -liter of Mr. and Mre. 13, 13. Taylor. Births AtN['iW-is Wingham 'Hospital, ";SePt. 111h, to Dr, • and Mrs. Ag-. new, a son. Deaths GEMINI -I 'A RDT-1-In" Bayfield om Sept. 245.1, John Geminhardt, aged 80 • years, MBRP1-17-I1c Scalps:tit, ' on Sebt. .180h, Roy Murphy, son, of Ms'. and MM. Hugh Murphy, aged 13 years. MetellACKE811/4-In God -Welt, rfi Sept. 175.5, Catharine Castor, wife of Jamee McCracken,, aged seventy- five years. ' WILSON-ln West Wawanomh, on Sept. 4111, Margaret Atteheson, widow of the late Adam Wilson, aged 8,8 3'eAr$3. WANTEDee•PAIHNG 'APPLES AT the, Clinton Evaporator' for Which the, highest Market pri:ce will be (lase, -19, VOR SALE -T ACRE OF FODDER corn and 2 acre S of sugar man- golds.;2Apply to Ralph Tiplady, 1,he Base Line. • IVIA-TINE,E AT P8116 PRINCESS 'llueatre frpin. 2:00 to 4:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Admission, • 5; cents.. There will as well he 'the' usual • evenieg pei+formancp irons' 7:00 Y') 11 o'elock. A dmir.sion 81 and 10c. If'. C.'. D. 13121-STOWE, OF Musia RBI lis C3luiyll .; "inc, Organ , mid ;1'licdt:y ; Voice prepared desired for ' an' c 1 lus exansimilig bodies in, Toren to or for Ole ;ion' (Eng.) Collo* oa ..itSuCict in. all grades. Special sessions for piano- forto Ide beginners hetWeeri 'ages oulit an (1 ele Yen. 'eerie s tee c - aid ott-A t element al, tile liotel Nor - 1105,5581 E011 8 A I, E-A COMFORT- , able eixtrompeci cottage on Town- send in good repels', fetnace, cement cellar, two epod cieterne, town waterworks:, garden teeth ituit trees. A ef,abie on the paemises. Immediate poesem'on c,an be given ' Also • several articles of leousekold Good Morning 1 deem reeder, hew furniture for gale, -.-Apply lo 5, does your sub to The News -Record SItievire, Olieton. • -19 stand ? AUCTION SALE' OF tee 'HE.-eD- OF Ci.00d Grade (Jatile,.-Mr Lindsay wili sell by Public auction' Brucefield on Friday, OM.. th, •ontinencing at 1:30 o'olock sharp the following : One hundred heed of - good eattle„ athongst 'which there will be about. 20 :good well hied mileh poles, the balance yearling, and Awe year old 'heifers and steers Ali of goral quality, Terms" --Eight months credit will be gieen on fur- nishing approved joint miles. A discourst. of 4 per ceut Straight al- lowed for eash.-.1., E.- Lindsay„ Proprietor. 'Phonies Gundry, Auc- floss° e e - AUCTION" SALE file FARM STOCK and implements, Mee Thos. Brown has receiVed instructions from the' undereigned to sell by publie auotion at Lot '29, con. 2, 1-Istron Reed Survey, TuckeliSmith, On Friday, September 2711, the fol- lowing : 1 general purpose horse, 1 years Md. 1 general purpose a»,are, 4 years eld„ in -foal to Vik- ing. 1 sicking aolt by Crlenrae. 1 heavy draught colt rising 3 years by Glenrae Prince, 1 cow due to calve Nov. lat. 1 COW On° to Oat- ve April 155.1. I farroev cow. I Massey -Harris binder. 1 Masseey- l-larris mower, 6 foot cut, 1 I Disc harrow 1 set dia- mond harrows. 1 gang flow. 1 tang plow. , I Bain Wagon. 1 set bob sleighs. • 2 graycl boxes. 1 hay rack. 1 sel donele harness. A quantity of hay, green feed and millet,' About 30 cords short hardtvood. Forks, chains, ralree, etd., too numerous to mention, Ternes-All sums of 810 and under, caeli, on over eluit " anment 12 months credit will be given on ap- proved joint notes ; 5 percent, per annum allowed for cash on credit amounts. Wood cash. Levi Stong, proprietor. Thos. Brown, Auc- tieneer. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court will tic held, perste- ant to The Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by His Honour the Judge et the County Court of the • COunty of Huron al Londesboro on the 14th day of October 1912, at JO o'clock 11, m._to hear and de- termine 'complaints ot errors and °Missions in the Voters' List ot the Municipality of the Township of Mellott for 1912, Dated. at Lon- desboro the 255.h -day of. September • 1912. -James Chmpbell Clerk of the Menicipality of the Townships of FARM FOR. RENT. -LOT 11, CON, • 0, containing 100 acres situated 11 miles south ot the village of Var- nae near to good school. and chur- ches. Will rent for term of 3 or 5 yeaes, to suit the renter. Pos- sessior) can be given at once. For further particulars apply to Mr: Andrew Reid, Varna P. 0,. or to Rev. R. Murray 3827 North Hoyne Ave,, Chicago 'Iel. ' -19. FOR SALE. ---THE PROPERTY OF the late Thos. A, Walker, situated on the corner of Frederick and Dun- lop streets, including a "house, stable and lour lots, The. Meildings are in ilrsi; class condittion and there are some ,choice fruit :trees • on the property, -For -particulars apply to -Geo, • '11. Hanky, 2-18, ('081 Km...P.1'0R TO RENT -A ONE - storey honk on Maple street, Clin- teem -Fite 'monis, woodshed, hard aril soft -waters-, Garden with some - emit trees; Possession girch Oct- olier JOWL -Apply to Mrs. Geo. 'Seanburv 'London Rosidi Clinton P. 0. Phone -5-110: WANTED TO RENT WITH THE option of -buying, a good house with modern improvements. -Apply to ' A, Forbes. . -16 FOR SALE- ONE 7 E A R'L ING colt, 2 fat heifers two years old, •3 spriug celves, 1 Cookshutt sulkai plownearly new, .1 lumber wagon, down with hay rack, Clover Leaf Maattre spreader. -Levi Trick, Clinton P.O. ' -17 HOTJGE FOR SALE ON PRINalleSS s tree te-For particulars apply to Mrs. James Tucker, Cleaton. -4.0 MOUSE ON ISIAISY STREET FOR sale or to rent. -A. J. Tyndall, -3;1. -Ron SALE -ONE RU1313E'lt buggy with top. One light ,spring wagon. One cutter. Ail the nbove arttelos are. in 'good condition -and will sell cheap foe quick . sale. --Ap- ply Pa Thomee Watts, Glinten.--39 FARM FOR SALE -210 ACRES IN the . Cownship of Stanley e 80 ac- res onder ceon : 20 acees good hardwooit bitels, balartee in' pastuS3 land. Farm tile drained )..nd In wotl state of dultvaltair:• Comfort- able frame house, long distance phone installed. Frame barn, 5,0 x '100 feet, with Ape stabling alai watertvoglis " eysirtun barn. . and house suitable for farm help. leserin sititaiserl 211,- miles from lernorifield •station on the C+. 7, R. and Jee mike eroin the village of Varna. • "-Seems to euit purchaaer. • -Apply .t6 John McNaughton, Van- ' na. P. 0. --la. leimmeinationesestommimienimeamematureeor FARM FOR SAI,E.-I-THE TIMDER- signed oilers for sale lot 18, 'con. 1,6 Goderich township, eentainine• 80 ,aoreS.. On it there is 'a good frame house and bank. barn, each with stone ioundation, and also as implement house(1 in a good stock farm as there is plenty oi water. 'Convenient to churches end, school. .• Telephone connect ent. Small orchard and, about 5 adees of bush. -For terrns apply to J. 1-I. Lowoey, BOK 1242, North Bay, or "-• to Jos. Proctor, Holinesville. y.A.Rm FOR SAIE.-LOT 30, CON. 11, Goderiels to wnsleip, consisting of, 80 acre, all cleared and ill ss good state of culievateen, 30 }scree in grass, 1 ames Di -Chard. Good outside wire fencing good cone,rete dwelling with eight Imbues. Stone dairy. Forme barn, 1 mile from Holmeeville and 4 from Clineon. • Will lie sold on easy -terms. .For further partrerlars apply to 111. Ostaoks Clinton, P. 0,. or Fred. Leonard, ...41.- , s FARM FOR SALE, KNOWN AS "SpringliWI-- Farm" on the BayIleld Road, Goderich lownehip, consists- ing 175 acres, south half lots 51 anti 52 and Pare 53 and 54, iwo miles from Clinton and one from sohool, •A first-class stock and grain farm. 35 a,etes of good pas- ture land. Well watered and lta.s nover fasiling spring at barne, lood wells and eisteiln. Bank barn 5.2-x52; with stone stabling, •' 150 apple trees just beginning to bear and all kinds of small feutee. Reason for selling Owner fn poor hdalth. Terms to suit purchaser. -Robert Marshall, Clinton I'. 0. STORE TO ItENTe RECENTlay 0C- Cupied by Jaines Steep, produce dealere-Apply to J. -0. Elliott or R. E. Manning, Clinton. 257 CLERK'S NOTICE OE COTJRT-- Notice is hereby given that a court will be held, pursuant to -the Ontario Voters' List Ad, by His Honour, the :fudge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at Vatna on Monelay, tbe 7t1te, Play ot October at 1.0.30 a in to hear and . . . . determine the several eomplaints or errors and omissions in llie Vnterel List ot the Municipality of Town- ship et Stanley for the year 1912. 'All persons having business at the Court ate requested' to attend at the Saki time and place. -Robert 3. Richardson' ' Cleek of the MuniePal- ity of , Stanley.-Daled this 10101 day of Sept. RM. VOTERS' LIST NOTTCE:*-NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held -pursuant to the Ontario Voters List Act, by His Honor, the Judge ot the County Court .01 the County of Herm), at the courieil Chamber /in the Town of Clinton- on Wednes- e day, the 2nd day of October, 1912 at 9 o'clock a.m. to hear and de- termine complaints of errors and Omissions in. the Votets' List ot the Municipality ot tbe Town of Clinton for 1912, Dated. at Clinton Sept. 130, 19181-8). L. Macpher- son, Town Clerk, -48-2. CALte AND CONSULT ELECTRIC needle specialiet for the permanent *tinoval of moles, superfluous hair, eto. Painless,5. limited number taught the work, Days in Winton. - Address Mayze Yemen, 20 Daly Ave, Stratford. Offices in Mitchell, Seaforth and Clinton. -47-1. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed 'Ten- der ' for Breakwater at Goderich, Onte" will be received at this office until 4 p. m., ,ort Thursday, October 10, 1912, for the construction of pant ot the River Breakwater, at Goderich, Huron County, Ont. , Platte, speoification sled form of contract can be seen and Forms of tender obtairied nt tia DoPartalerIt and at the offices ot J. I.,atnh, Esti: District Engismer, Windsor, Ont, G. Sing. Esq.„ District Engleeer, Confederation Life Building, Toronto, Ont., and on application to the Post- master at G-oderich, Ont. 1,'ersons tendering are notified; 'that -Leaders will not be considered unless made .on the printed forms supplied, anti signed by their actual Signatieres, ,stating Nicer .occupations and places of residenee. In the ease ot firms, the actual signature, the nature of tbe occupeetion, and, place ot residence of eacle member of the, fiein must be gee - leads teader must be accompareed by an accepted cheque On a 'chattered ebank, payable Is the ender of the Monout:able tee Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cents (10 p.a.) of the amount of the tender, • whieb will be forieeted" it' the person tender- ing declirie to enter into a con- tracts if called Mien to do so or fait to complete Vie week contracted for, It Ole lundet: be Cot accepted the ,ebeque- will be returnee. The Department does not hind it- self to accepts lese loweett or any tee- - 'her. 13y seeder, R. C. feleSe10.C1iERS, Secretary. Doper tines t of Public Works, Ottawa, Scpbten bet 12, 1332. Nowepapeps 8114 not be paid floe thie advartleemene if they Insert it ev i thou t .eu thoaity Trout the Depart- rnen,b,-,-21349. 'Vice-Preside:A James Sehoolcrabt Shorn -tan is metering from a brealc- down owing to Ilhe Strain of MS deities. G.83013K+1.6 EL,L.ro'rv LI CENS Auctioneer for the County of Hur- on,' Correspondence Promptly 'an- swered. Ilnlnediate arrangements can be ;;;Ide 'for sale dates ' at The Clinton, or by, eat - ling 'Phone • 13 On 157. Charges inod- crate' and Ra tieaetdon guaranteed. ' FARM FOR, SALE.- LOT 21, CON, 6, townehip of Hallett, containing 100 acre,, 50 acres cheered and in a good state M.' cultivation, '15 acre IS good hardy/06d. There are 611 the premises a first class hank barn with water syetem in connection. 'Geed SeVell roomed trame houee with hard and soft water, Tele- phone ,connectiou. 4 Istiles from Clinton. and 3 from Lontiesboro. This farm has never been rented and is one of the best; in tit° county.. Terms reasonable as the endersign- ed is retiring item farming.---Mre. T. Clark -it, Clinton P. 0. -47 FARM FOR SALE. ---4,0T 25, CON. 10, Gesderich township, consieting of. 80 acres, all cleared with the ex- ception of 5 .acres, of bush. 2 acres orchard, 40 acres in grass. Good play lam: Welt watered and lenc- ed. Frapte house, and barn 42 ' by • 57 with cement stabling. 40 foot windmill, with water to house, , and barn. mile. from 'school and miles. from Clinton. ALSO part lots 37 and 38, eon. 10, containing 105 acres. Good brick house and • 2 barns, 50 by 50 and 30 by 50. Good outbuildings. Farm well fenc- ed and in good state of cultivation with never failing spring, le from school- and 4 from .015.nton. For further particulars apply to T. 558. Cole, Clinton P. 0. ---44 FARM FOR SALE -The Executor of the Southcomhe estate offers tor sale 50 acres, being east hall of lot 28, oon. 6, Hullett. This is ,a fIrse-class farm, -.well watered and improved and with good buildings. Also else undersigned offers for sale lot 29, con. 6, Hallett, consisting at 100 acres. These farms may be bought) together or separately. - Apply to R. J. Southeambes Clin- ton P. 0. -89 SEWING MACHINIES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hand, also ag- ency for new machinee.-A. Hoop- er, Albert street, -30. A TIN 1,F,Amo, or Possibly a gutter may be need- . ed in' order to properly shed the watts's: from your roof, It sucii is the oase you ehoold send tor us at once. We do all Itinds of TINNING WORK • and guarantee you satisfacttion. We are always ready to give an esti- Mate. 110 matter how small or extensive your job may be, we can save yoU Money: " • • THOS HAWKINS, For Three SQUARE MEALS .A Day conner's Homemade. • Bread The bread that is clean, The bread that. keeps eresh and moist The bread that gives you a square Once you ivy ie you will always buy it, CHAS. N. CONNER BAKER - and - CONEECT'1ONER Lewis SuRtee, , Harold Rayner. GRAIN W 3111112 IN TI -IE IVIARICET FOR • wprisAT, oAws, PE.A.S, BARLEY, RYE, 13,UCKW8IEAT5 13810. We pay top prices for ail grain. Bring youe glean 'to the Eleaator. CHOICE TIMOTHY SEED FOR , PALL SEEDING 0,81 IlVVN,0 The L. SUTTER CO. Phone 01, • The Elevator, BOYS WANTED For Various Depart. mutts Apply at offices of W. Doherty Nano Sz Organ Co. TRACTS The Dee altar d's Friend, (Wesley) Yeddie or. "Yon Loveiy Mon." A Plain Talk on Justificatioe, (Sturgeoln The DOwil 0 rade al overis en t. (Spurgeon Hell '• A Terrible Reality - (Rev. (.3 (Jog Gordon McLeod) Errors of Russelistis. (Rev. James tiray oraloody Bible Institute) Semi postage for free samples. FRED. J. HILL Clinton Canada. • elle • • • • • OOOOOO • • a • .• I-Ia5ze you tried the • new potato flour cake? • It has been tested and declared excellent b y .• some of the best-coOks in .0,, • Clinton. •. • Potato Flour. Cake: • Break two eggs into a bowl, one• •.' • ioontnleol djcttes,,.e tntit h.tddrainiiyete:I:• tnii,afiie6ppoa0l • totesporbiuig:.ppiile.ee teaspoon palt. -00nibine mix- al tal'et 5, tell$P0011" vanilla, 1 tali'e ,40 • spoon melted- buttee; Sprinkle • • with powdered sugar. Bake 20 • • • to 25 minutes.- • • , • Where do you get ; it? Why at O'Neil's :of • • • • , course—only 20 cents a • package. . • • : W. T, O'NEIL- • • . "The Hub Grocery.", • • ite•••• O ••• OOO • OO oo ; SAVE MONEY You.will save coal and yet get ,more heat, if you instal . the famous. 13YAMIki-TTER SANITARY PLUMBERS. Watch Faults Does your watch run correctly. If hot, let us repait it foe you. Pt may be only dirty and need :cleating, or seep for lack of oil. Wea,tsoever the reason, don't delay, We give) thoeongle examination .and regulation tree, Any- thing ' more nests as little as sae factory work can lee clone., A. 3. GRIGG Scientific Jeweler and Optician CLINTON, ONT. INNINt0331111=1.611111,111,111111 Grand jury Ithretst, cut the charge of crinririal negligfenee against Mr. and Mete Berney Brice of east, borne. Two thousavell puree -bred sheep will lee sent to abiblesh Coluirtbja mud Maritime Provinces for breeding, Pur- a