HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-09-26, Page 4dr Cliniojn News-Reeord September 26th, 1912' Porter's Hill Ilolmesville, Mr, Jelunston who has ween livin= j b in the ,'west for Hie Best ;tourteen years, has been renewing old Friend- ships her'eabolits. Great changes have taken place dur,ng his a''senco and. he finds comparatively few old [acAIers.Q. : Bakes; of Clinton has -Plcacd painting theMethodist crirelf and has made an excellent, job oT it. The i-trustecs aa:e being congratulated upozi .sceuriiig tine services o' such an 'recommend Mr.. ,expert and they can r Baker to any ncc;ling such work done. •Goderich Township Mr, Wni, Jervis, who recently sold his two eighty -acre farms on the 120 con. to his nonan -lain, Mr. John Hatkie, has bought a comfortable house' and six acres of landon Dins ley. Terrace, Clinton. to which the lapilli' will more late en Octolor Mr, and Mrs. Jervis }have -been almost life- time residents of the 11th con, where they are. SuirOUnthnI by staunch Fri: ends, indeed the various branches of the Jervis family throughout tithe township are universally liked, and re- seeeted, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jervis •will be much missed he the old neiele borbood ;but it is' "gratifying to note drat they will locate a near no that. oldassociations 'e may he maintained. Mrs. F. McCartney of Goderich and Mrs. Bloomfield of Winghain are visiting- at the home of Mr. John Tebbutt and with other old fsteads iri the neighborhood. Ebenezer church held their miniver - eery services on Sunday and Monday last::. ,Sunday was not very fever - able ` as to 'weather, nevertheless good congregations gathered at each (woes - ion, easion, and the church •chair Punished` appropriate music under else cuader- ship of Miss Elsie Lobb, the ant- lieeis rendered being especially epees, - Mated. The pastor:,, Rev. Mr, McCor- mick, preached. On Monday enetling a lawn social was held on the grounds 01 iMlr. w. Ix'. feeble which proved to ie quite a success. The weather being fine and dear a nice crowd assemb= led to enjoy probably the, last lawn party of the season. The eupper was all that could be desir- ed and this was followed by a good program. ,,Tee musical part of the pregrain was furnished' by the Lobb Male (Quartette and duets by Miss Vere, and Mr. Clifford Lobb. Rev. Me' McCormick occupied 'the chair and made a neat espeeo'h and, Mr. A, D. Beaton of Clinton also gave an ad- dress. The proceeds amounted to about thirty dollars. The people were very well pleased with the saw cess of their undertaking, s 1lr'w.;'Robinson bus returned to her. ironic in Detroit after a month's vise, eeth.her sietcrs, Mrs. 'W.;,SLor ling and Mrs, W. Currie, and other friends and eelatives in ie vie}nt ty: ' hiss Ruby fetter and Miss, Bennie Vgood attended the Sunday stihool and repwmth Ueagee Cuiiventioe in Sea - State . S,n on Wednesday. seances' in tenids ioIdrnS an ntuesary .ocuvices Sunday next, eeeri'ices at'len-thiray in the moth-' y `r' the lei end n two t] r Lc inl ternoon seven in the eveni}tg. The pastor will peeach and the church' choir will furnish music. Ips., Holdsworth Spent a fele .days cvii!h her, daesehtrr,'Ers, C. McFraail. firs Wm. Sterling, who livessouth of the village, rs very 111 at pr'eeent, Hee ,lei nds'are, hoping sbe rriav soon take a turn for the be leer. British suffragettes wlto iutciru )ted Mr,'1 ir''s"sreech in 1l ales Lloyd C et ge t were roughly handled bye the crowd. —A PATTERN FREE. --WITH EACH 1300K.— Be sure to get your copy of The Fall Quarterly Style Book before making up any garments, new arments as it lustrates the latest author.. tative Fall Styles. You can get the book at our pattern counter. COOPER CO. CLINTON ' Stephen Kyoshk, the young Walpole Island Indian, *as `acquitted of the ie°GENT,S FOR TT -i7; =L:1I)IESee e d trial. r. __. - K charge ''of, murder aU his s .eon 'IIOMIJ7L ,s.AT\ND- Rev,Alfred Henderson, Climes of London Presbettry, died at tl e..a& —JOLdRNr11\ ,I. T'1'1L`IiL\s• :- ..,_.. of CO. _ -, - , - rees 5 DREsSiw.JclnC, 1 a irmirol vaaffasl► ANI) , PHHOW ,No, 78 TO WEAtt ' s ., is to gull pillitimN fitspily. of AUTU1VIN_BISPLAY • . .,, JRI.MMED.MILL-INERV. ORIGINAL AND DISTINCT' HATS IN GREAT VARIETY. « Lovely l" ...'. r' Graceful lr' ` ''Most Becoming.!'. liatui rause wOrtod9ConOme ;a e 11 y and in2e time t ^ :•" t e lips ' again as one passes ,; from show 'table to show table and ex- r , ,inures the beautiful creations that go to .: makeup our autumn` 4, exhibit of What ruble fashionable CF - new and Rs in high class millin- r l: eery. We invite you A F1Y 4 see the displayrw),nile L, lo,rYtS A F ul'. r r,!44 it is at its best. Furs of The custonser th gees hind nothing making the choice Now, after you all other furs, is see obis -se e Land n • \ ss Quality Coats of Quality has everything Neves it our business oxper- to lose in hence have eve been able to otter df good fnr5. our trade such superior mantles have competed as we are now showing. We the be tiure to speee do efforts to secure the by the resile, best that experience, skill and money could m:eke, and now we at offering there to you for choosing. Every vs omen expect- 07 r ing : in to buy Bilis seaeon should t-ee 6 ' win our l display. We are showing t Y G l over 0 different styles. 1 ts. e Bayfield', Miss Austin of Detroit has ben the geest of ;firs'. (pr,) :Ytkunsonldux- ttl e past week. t hp. returned home Mr, A. i:dward.• .tori red t r .zi,J•.. s Monday after s tendwn two wcees With '. friends at London and Strath- roy. t ei t: '< ast cL^od a ,d rt o Mr. Alex,a1 .in 'c 1 College, is visa `roronta 7lludn a (,0 visiting Mrs John:Mc- his paient6, Mr. and , Leod.. Miss Milliganof Cllitv ooc was as 1 last H. J."(. Condell h z Mrs. II a the. 2 y es t o[ weee. '; Mas. ''t' ' ( i a Meeanti Mrs. E. Semler r,t an l ter Wilber Erwin of Emile were the guest`; of the parents of the two,liut- Ler, Mr.' and Mrs.'. M.W. Erwin, over Sunday. - Oe Sunday next 'anniversary, ser- vices will be held ie Trinity church, Bayfield St. Luke's .church, Goshen, sermons appropriate to ;the 'Planks giving season will be 'delivered :by Mr. II. Metcalf rot London, 1 is ourt k .chronic- le z du this wee to y the death of an o'd and respected re- sident of this village in the person of John Gcmineardt, who passed away on Tuesday at the age of eighty- six years. The deceased -was horn in Ilof, Germany, in"1826 and carne to 'American in the spring of 1855. He remained about a year•'In Buffalo. coming from there in 1.856 to Bay- field, where he containued7to.resideen- the end. In the same year that he seals -el in Bayfi 1i. was mar- ried to Miss .elva Mager, who pre- deceased Trim by six years. Six of their family survive : Sophia of Kane sas•; Mrs. Wnn Stinson and Mrs. Ar- chibald Sterling - of Stanley township ; . Mrs. Geo. Woods ,and Fred Geminhardt of Bayfield. and John of Detroit: The funeral took. place this morning to Bayfield ceme- tery, .the Rcv. H. J. Condell conduc- ting the ssrvices, Sympathy is ex- tended to the. family. Mrs. Robinson, who died fn' Sea - forth at the great age of nearly one. lutndred and .seven years and whose funeral occurred to Constanee conic• tery on Saturday last, was the grandmother of Mrs. A. le. Erwin of Bayfield. ItI1, el. II,. T-Ioward of the Daily Star statf, CoYonto is staying this week with his Fsit}, who have been spend, Mg the summer at Miss Ferguson's. Miss Mande Sterling of'Toronto has been the guest or her mother here. NTr. R'illir Brandon of Wingham has leen visiting his mother, Mrs. Bran- don. The Fall Fair 'will be held on Tues- day and Wednesday, Oct.' 8th and Mh, and; the management are 'busy with the preparatory arrangements. Since the 1aee Fair the' ball has been 00- large'd so that now there will be am pie room for the exhibits. The. grounds too, mare been improved so that, wea- ther permitting, there are good pros- pects of ehe_Fate. oL.:.1.412..J1e1n •-tom of 4?eeeirt in the history of • the Society. Bear in mind the date, Oct. 8 and 0. Kippen bit. John Daymane who is well en in the eighties.; rias` been quite ill for sometime but is somewhat bet- ter. His mind is: clear as ever and. lee still delights to trill of his early experiences when this land was new. Mr. Jno. Landers is also confined td his room an account of a stroke he sustained a few `weeks ago. 1•Ie is steadily improving in healtii and hopes to get out in 'the sunshine shortly. Be was greatly cheered ori account of the arrival on Satur- day- week O( his. daugh'ter,: Mrs, Wal- ter Osborne, and kis grandson, Res. coe, of hall ill-, Alta, Mr. and Mrs. Osborne went west last fall and 'are reaping' their first c'l'op this month. They, Inert a bumper„crop 'bur' also mention the ahoiety felt: by ,.all be- cause e -cause of the uncertainly, surroueding he rin I grate. t barnc g b the g a Many-- of the Canners and their wives visited the London Fair last+ week, Tlrosa wlto. wait West on the bar vest excursions report a very wet time there, Farmers here were all smiles last week on accounir of the rine weather. '1'ite fields *ere rapidly emptied of the stocks that had stood there 'for weeks. Seaforth. • or. and Mrs Campbell of Albany, Missouri, the former a son of the late Dr. Campbell of i'icaforth,• were the guests of Mr, . and Mrs. Chas. Ste- wart recently. Mr, H. Edge Ilas the contract for the new cement sidewalks to be bulli this Year and: is at work upon • them. Mr. T. S. Butes, who recently dis- posed of Isis greeery husincss' here, re iovsd his family to Toronto where he liar taken a posit ion. • Mr -anrl Mee. W. T. Hayes left on Iridtiy last for their home in Ile gma Sask after a visit of some weeks at the lionse of Mrs Jlayes mother, Mrs. B. IV. Jotlnson ante with other fricnls to town, ail v:fc- i-ntt. Thee Were accompanied by rifle, Marione Johnson Mr. T T Stevens has returnee at - ter ese,toer tteresetour throieh the western pro- vinces. ' Ecu, J L. leilleran of C oderieh visited Mise Killoran of town last' week. Master Itoy Msn'ph,', son of .Mr. and `e Mr,e. Medi Murphy, died last nudeof• inflamatory. ncesumetissn - ere ter an illness of several Betel<s. 'Miss 'Withemina Toms,fo) mer:ly . of Sealorlh 'was married recoil:y' in Portage la Paririe. to Mr, James Me- Quar•rie. The funeral of the este 'Mtn. Alex- ander Robinson, wee died in Scaf•rr:th at the great age of one hundred and Six eyeate, to'ek place to Constaises cinch i Sa airdavlash1la1 late Mrs Robinson was hos n of der ntan and Irish parentage in the Provnwe of Quebec One' son : and two daugh- ters silrvive. Brucefleld. s.. On the oveniu of the 11 ', inst. t g tar, ilr 1 t the Thankofieriitg of the W, F. ref. S: of the `Presbyeertan church- was held in the church,' ie good attendance of ladies being preseitl'. The meeting. 'was opened by the pre::lent, _Mrs. Me(uet,n. The speaker for, the 00 - elision p rasion'was Mrs ,Larkin of Seaforth, who: gave a i 'interesting s j t,- 6 e t and Fitt ed address. She first spoke of the many roasuis' all have' had ditring the year for'ehanlapiness and then gave ha vivid account the Meeting of the Women's Society recently leeld in Victoria, B. C., and which she at tended. She dwelt upon the great need of sending the gospel to • those who have never heard the glad tid- ingsand the 'responsibility of those who 'have to divide with those' ;.who have, it not, 1. hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mee, Larkin for her ad- dress; AnoIller : isturesting ',feature was the address by% Miss McCully after which .-Mrs McEwen of Stanley e pis eni ed the secretary, ` Mrs. Robert Mur'doele, with a cea4•ilticate oil dile inemhership. ; 'Mrs. Murdoch heartily thanked the ladies fdL the honour thus bestowed upon her. She has been the efficient secretary of the so- b ety'for eight years and has for- warded to the extent of her ability .the great work of sending help ana. cheer to thosewhoneed. At the conclusion of the meeting a dainty luri;heon was served in the church parlors, The thank -offering amount- ed to seventy-five dollars and the society now feel thee it is in a good financial oondition to take up and push lorwaad the work whici they have :in hand to do ,for the great cause of `missions, On Monday evening the local branch or the Bible Society held, ;their meet- ing in. the Methodist church, when a good attendance was present. The speaker was Mr. Mckenzie Naughton, who spoke of the great work 'of- the Bible Society illustrated with views of tho lands where the Society is working, Rev. Hall Wood was Chair- man and Mr, Geo. Baird, secretary. Mr. Whitman contributed : a solo which was appreciated: The offering, amounted, to six dollars. Mr.. James Ross, who has Been vis- iting his father, who' is ill, has re - turned to his home at Strathclair, Man. Blake The annual meceingl of the Bible Society was held in .the church on Friday evening. Mr; J, D. MacKen- zie Naughton -a student of Wyolilie College, Toronto, was present and gave an address on the work” of the Society'. Farmers ares busy tali ploughing The bean crop is ripening nee itIl( soon be ready to •Blit 5 lint' it the teat. WO{t, '_s it will be dif- ficult 'to save them: ' Mrs. I'. llougl•ls is at: present vis- iting her sons;, George and Peter of f ensalh - Mrs. McDonald is this week in Tor- onto. • . elillsgreen people struck a had day, Sunclay for their anniversary service, ]Marry from here who intended going over were prevented trout doing so. Mr. ,John. Reid had' lightning rods put. on 115 large barn Isere last week. i work, Mr.\l'm 5 togdill did tan wo , Messes: R. Allan and T. Johnston aro having their cement Doom put in. Sense have examined their potatoes and report that several are rotting. The sample is good this year, The apple crop is a good one but the sample is veru small,• Our school is, closed this week -end while the leacher is attending the convention in Goderich. Goderich CodCrr In Sett 24.—For some time back the town has been waiting some definite report 'on hydro power from the commissioners. i'esterd y gineer:s Cabil and Yates met the town council in the courthoitse. There were representatives from the mun- icipalities of Clinton, Seaforth, ' Ex- eter, I-Ieinsall„ Zurich and Blyth. The 'proposition which they put before the nreetitte was -bleat if 1, - horsepower was guaranteed ` they would develop the Maitland Riven Power Company and sell ib at 427 per., horsepower, In the meantime, 11 ;i1: was wanted . at once, they would 'construct' a lino from Sea - forth for the )same figure. No :. dif- ficulty ^ t+'C as j0 fi.,ui, is felt her. r0 1 S will be psed here alone, Clinton Hen - salt and Exeter making up the. - bal- ance.. - When Maitland power'• is available and the horselrower is increased to 2,4,110 which it will be .in two years, the rate ' will be reduced to' . about twelve ,dollars: Definite figures will be on hand on .Thursday night,' and as bit as 'Gorlerieh is conte ncd it looks s though uhydro is Here. The town was eemewlsat stat fled yesterday. by the tooting of whistles at the clock. However., it oray an- nouriced -the completion -of the 000. fool; brealctivater to the south}vest( aTIIhl ISOIZDIdN GalfINIeT, 0 We have ,Met concltudeel an er.rsnge meet with The Toronto Daily News undarr which we are able to .offer 051: suhseribers a year's subscription eo The News -Record and The `roronxto Daily News foe 112;30: To all sub erieete who take advantage of this Offer,. we will mail a picture 'of the Cabinet Mintsears at .Ottawa.: As title' "Faces of some of -thein may not bo knosee to our readers, this picture Will be .inte,resling. The Niagara - lleaslre steamer Maid f the, the u n bPNst went on u r oel+ts, but Ice 5scIed in reaching the landing, sla.ge without any serious etishap, A iurnch:ed• people were injured , in riots` at a football teat•ch di Belfast. Thirteen ;were killed and fifty in- jured in a railway smash "in Eri• b lanr1. North :T'or'onto 'Town Cotuicil voted that it was expedient. to .become are n'xe( . z, 1 to '1'aivnto JuHummel m 1 wassentenced at 'Berlin to five 'ear's in the P eeitent- } iarY for three orst_t eft" in 1010. 'L'he•Western grain crop is said Lo be good and so lar advanced as to lie. practically safe fronts fear of frost. JoJohnlthiib te of Norwood was cut to pieces by a rti'ais at Norwood, Sba- leen, on tee O.P.B. Ste Wilfrid llriil L•aut`.ier was accorded a jubilant welcome' at Sturgeon 'Falls,, where headdressed five 'thousand people. ' Sir Lamer Closets, Lady 0ouin and a pasty of Friends started tor, a six weeks tour 'of, the west. :James Kelly fell into the hgld of the tug Fisher 'on'the way frees Sarnia to the 'north epore and was billed , Harvey 4ceo ton of Tecurnseh died in Windsor of blood -poisoning [rout stepping on a rusty nail, In Harness at Ninety. Iron. C. D. deBoucherville, who celebrated liis 90111 birthday the other day, is ouie of the grand old men of Canadian public life. He is still hale and hearty; taking a keen interest in the recent political contest in Isis na tive province. • This venerable old man' was Pr'emier' of the Province of Quebec beck ire the early '70'e. His clismissal from the Goverrnnesit by Governer Lettellier is one of the big li.istoric incidents of Lie province and created a large-sized political controversy for a very con- sider•able period.'. His administration was followed by that of Ross, Mous- seen feed Mercier, who rode into pow- eron the I3de1 excitement and, wle 1e extravagance and scandels later were the subject of judicial investigation in the Seuate which led to his down i'nll. .. Zion. C."D. eleBoucherville was the aurin who everterew the whiten) idol of the Quebec people and shortly afterwards resigned because the fed- eral Conservative party of that day appointed Sir Adolphe Chapleitn Lieu tenant -Governor of Quebec. Sturdy independence has characterized the political career of ,tlei, veteran and as speakereaker of the Legislative Council, legislative counetllnr, Prime Minister of the Province of Quebec and now as Dominion Senator, he displays the same spirit and believes inhewing str:debt to the lire whenever apmatter of11 ps.' ,rinciple is at stake in•publtc af- 15 A Freak Base Hit. 'Wilting on freak plays in baseball, Hugh S. 'Fullerton tells the following story of Canadian ball: "A fresiL piny robbed Doc Casey's Toronto team of a 11000 in the East- ern league. C nseyee catching- staff -, ns tee eril?,r,i -,1 that ilie•-lrlensp little Qtsirnn Was compelled to d"on the }rind pad himself. Casey is short and quite stout, But he wee doing fairly well until the tenth inning5i'when Rochester rind a runner on third with two out. A wild pitched hall struck the ground in front of Casey and dis npperlred. The runner hesitated until he saw Cnsey malting frantic efforts to got the brill from under his pro - teeter; then ise eume'loins with the winning run just as; Casey located the sphere, which had gone under thtt protector and wedged itself past the elastic belt tightly." The Newspaper Struggle. The Toronto•Giobe says:— "The amalgamation- of the Galt Re porter :led The Galt Reformer under the 05Une of The Reporter indicates that the financial strain of conducting two good daily papers in even steels a newspaper -loving, town' as. Galt, is too great to be endured: Few ne'wspepers are being started nowadays.' and 'a' good many of the favorites of former periods find 'it bard to keep afloat. It costs more and more every year to make a good newspaper, and the.rev- ennes do not increase in anything like the same .ratio as the expenses. A: s,onsewhat radical adjustment is al- ways inevitable. In the magazine field it already under way, Some of the financial endures have been wee. ed out and others are greedy curttril- ing the frienzied spending of former years," .. . . Boosting Beans The high price of meat in New 'Stork and other eastern cities is directing attention anew to that best of sub- stitutes, beans. With beef at the highest price in the world's history Dr. Doolittle, chief of' the U. S. pure food departm ant, ad vises, the people to eat beans. "Beans are.protein. Protein is strength. Therefore besens aro stung- tli " So runs the De's. argument, and and then he adds : "I ddn't mean estn- necd beans, but home -baked beans. 1')e 're the best substitute uta for mea t, t should notmeat, anyway, and one ou c oat t )e y 3, more than once a day. Dr. Doolittle goes on againto say, and "pipe" the poetic note when he pays tribute to Kent County's famous produce: "Remember please that I am not 'adveitisiirg a vefietariendiet as the beet and only diet; I tyle talking: merely about substitutes for meat. As a meat substitude the glorious bean sits enthroned in solitssyglory. But there are other good substitutes 01 . high protein valve such as peas, all h milk IcindsoFnuts cheese, and d Seger is helpful also to physical strength,- JLidgetown Dominion. CANADIAN eOLn51 , eTES CYrte iVay Serono Cease? From, all Stations n ;el -eerie —'I'0 colleinpotnts In—,- ALBERTA. i-,ALBERTA. 13I1ITTSII COLTJlst 11 &' CIALIFO1ble1Ial MONTANA OREGON WASIIINGGTON ARRIZONA IOAI-IO„ LTC, SEPT. 25th .to OCT. 10th A'lil1 par'ticulars,, Rates, etc.., from W. :JACKSON', Agent (,lrnton Ase , yoh a News-Recordsubseribur ? London city' council finds that it cannot new obtain the site' selected for .a C'ity, "hall; and other options Presnie'r.Borden 'at the banquet• in his z honor at Montreal announced a November session ,of the ,Parliament to 'settle' the navy question. The'Duke of Connaught. and party embarked at t ancouvz;r .for Prince Rupert on the C. Pen.. steamer Prin- eeSS Aller t on Saturday night. Seven barbers were suiiimoned be- fore Magistrate Denison charier' with violating the early -closing by-law_ Canadian pure-bred poipltry-raisers carrier ormane first irr'c„ at New. YorkS.tais Fair: The corner-seorie of a' new Carnegie Libaryto cost Ste :'1 0' wee laid at Port Hope I v Roberts, or lin - c h t a ti 1 zc c maa of Brantford, was electrocuted 1n surd -alt.. Ecicvard Kidd 'M.P. for Carleton Kidd, a x c'urtr d Ottawa He o f y, died at, O to a after an 1 1 tle$S Of SLwe l Ta weeks. (Ttie Peach crop in W. Niagara di s-. 'trio is exceotlingly, haairy.,, but pick- -ere ick- r. ars - C s t sca'c : o Ourria . l S sforallNextp WEEK. TINWAREIN` TWO SPECIAL BARGAIN LOTS. LOT No. 1. Your Choice 15c. LOT No. '2. Your Choice 5c. The above will comprise pudding pans, dippers, milk pans, coy• ei'ed:pnils, jelly moulds, °cake tins, pie pliPtee, patty'pnns, pot covers, funnells, seoups, saucepans, milk strainers; corianders, bread pans, vegetable graters, etc. See then] in our lig. window next' week. Sat- urday next the last day for our granite ware sale. , We will continue the tri cent granite ware counter in our store for next week only, A cake cutter to every purchaser for the asking. Only those that inter- est themselves to see will evere know the great values we give in our special hatgain sales. We are receiving almost daily shipments of stoves of the newest designs and with all the latest improvements and will have. on display by October first, one of the largest stocks of high grade ranges and heaters ever shown in this section. Get a Perfection coal oil heatee for the chilly mornings and evenings. Harland Bros Stoves, Hardware and Novelties • \I. :IvvITArloN To our many friends in Clinton and surrounding country is extendecl.a cordial invitation to visit our farnished roorr•,,'t..We show ,,complete -_,furnished , home. We -are delighted: to "Piav,,e people ask togo through: lou will see a furnished •bed room, .rt. :a parlor, - " gc . - dining room. " hall. " - i: Y library . ri a music lisroom. . Where we demonstrate the . Edisonhonogra' -h p b p and Vietor-Vicrola, bring your friends with you and as often as you wish. The invitation is extended to every one. We will notask you to buy but every- thing is for sale with a price ticket attached that will meet any competition. The Store of Quality, Phone 28 W. Waiker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140 Iroll Rnn. .No Risk We have confidence in our our WATCHES as the result of long EXPERIENCE. We guarantee then because they are ALL RIGHT both as regards QUALITY AND PRICE. Let Them. i. t Us ShowYou h m. W. COUNTER R - r -ClintonJeweler, Cl ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. NATIONAL P RTLAND CEMENT lompowermismirmua Is a little the best going, but we don't charge any more for it, A fresh carload just in. ANDREWS — TO ANY NEW SUBSCRIBER IN CANADA. TIME NEWS -RECORD WILL Bid SENT To the 25e.