HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-09-26, Page 21 0 1 1 1 r 1 G. D. MoTAGGART M. D. MoTAGGART McTaggart Bros. -HANIiE'RS A GENERAL BANKING I3USI- NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOT.JNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE - 'POSITS. SALE NOTES PUR- CHASED. - IL T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. 'REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. ,DIVISION COURT OFFICE; CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, , NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC-. Office- Sloan Block -CLINTON .CHARLES B. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commisaioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HtTRON STREET, - CLINTON DRS. GiTJNN & GANDIER • Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R, 0.5., Edin. Dr. J. C. Gaudier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calla at residence, Rattenbury or at Hospital DR. J. W. SHAW -OFFICE- RATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON SEED WHEAT FOR SALE Abundant Variety WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE for OATS, PEAS and BAR- -LEY, also HAY for Baling. DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention given to dis- eases "o`f the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. • Eyes', carefully examined and mita" able•gliosses prescribed. r Office -eat 'r•waklence 2 doors w st of the Commerciilfridel, Mir St. a DR. F. A. A,XON • - DENTIST - Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Clhicago, and R.C.D.S., To- ronto. . Bayfield on Mondays from May t,o December. 113RONJCW-r4 - TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at alnd depart from °Halton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV: Going East, 7.36 a. m. 3.07 p. m. 5.15 p. m. 11,07 a. m. 1.25 p. m. - 8.0 p. m. 11.28 p, m. 1/ :I Going West, /o • tr ft ff (1 41 Ford & McLeod LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV : Going South, 7.50 a. m. 4.23 p. Going North, 11.00 a. m. 6.35 p. m. TRADE MADISB ' DEsiGNS COPYRIGHTS Ort.e. Anyone sending fi sketch and description mar quickly ascertain our daimon tree ,,bother to. invention is probably patentable Communion. conactriotlyconseentfai. illINDROg on Patents "rg4,72.; IT112 tfgigi4,0;11°14 Per'aVeve eyestatoofice, without came lathe Weittlift Jimerican.. hanasomely inustreted weedy. Largest olo. 1.aottort of sop ociontiflo JOUTnal. Terms for nada, seal a year, postage prepaid. Sold by nawaaadara MUNN & Co 38113rolidway, New York Breech canoe. 42.5 St...Washington. D. O. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best In Current Literature 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY 'TOPICS $2.5o PE Fi YEAR ; 26 OTO. A COPT NO CONTINUED STORIES ISTERT,NUMEER COMPLETE 144 ITSELF' •, STEAMERS "TORONTO" and "KINGSTON" leave Toronto 2.30 p.m. daily except Sunday up to Sept. 21St and from - Sept. 23rd to 28th, Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday. LOW ROUND TRIP RTES, Including Meals and Berth. 1000 Islands and return . . . $13.00 Montreal and return . . 24.50 Quebec and return ....... 33.50 Saguenay River and return . 46.50 Steamer "BELLEVILLE" leaves Hamilton at 11.00 a.m. and Toronto 6.00 p.m. every Tuesday. Steamer "DUNDURN" leaves Hamilton 8.00 a.m. and Toronto 5.00 p.m.' every Saturday. Very low rates on this line, in - chiding golds and berth. • For Tickets, Reservation's, etc., write to H. Foster Chaffee, G.P.A., Toronto. D. N. WATSON CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Licensed A.uetioneer for the County of Huron Correspondence promptly answered. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed • Immediate arrangements for Sale Dates may be made by calling at The News -Record Offiee, or on Frank Watson at Beacom & Smyth's grocery. • -THOMAS ,BROWN. Licensed Auctioneer for the Coun- ties of Huron and Perth Correspond...nice' pnviptly answered,. Innwodiate arrangements -can be Made for Sale Dates at The, "News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 97, Seaforth. Charges anoderate and satisfaction guaranteed The iloKillop Mutual Firi ,Insualloo Company ' Farm and Isolated Torn Property • only Insured -- OFFICERS - J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth P.O.; Jai. Connolly, Vice-Presi- derut, Goderich P.O. • T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, P.O.; P.O. • -Directors - D, F. McGregor, Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop; 1Villiam Rinn, Constance; John Watt, Harlock; John Benuewies, Brodhagen •, James Evans, Beechwood; M. Maven, Clinton P:O. -- Agents - Robert Smith Harlock; E. Hindi- Seaforth; William Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Hohnes- ville. Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Clin- ton, or at Cat's Grocery, Goderich Parties desirous to effect insur- ance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on ap- plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post - offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene. C-)313. MlITE93L1'37* CP1L1L:t121AM Few people have will power enough to stop talking when they, save said enough. Clinton News -Record CLINTON, -- ONTARIO OWN A KODAK. IT ADDS LASTING PLEASURE TO ALMOST EVERY DAY OF YOTJR LIFE. IT IS NOT EXI'ENSIVE: EASTMAN'S CAMERA S AND KODAKS FROM $1.50 UP. GET NOW, FOR YOU REALLY OUGHT TO HAVE ONE. leSt uitt s.thoethoxistrink.g. ' TORONTO CORRESPONDENCE `,41 hich, to many obser,vers who mocraey is more deinocracy, 14 it thing: Toronto's Steady crowth_Hon. je,mes to bo thankful for. Ou56-41aelng and Its Evils--ExhIbition „ sttermath---nriticisin of Council. m KING SAFE INVESTMENTS Toronto's remarkable growth. Building , Ao yet there , is apparent no let up an _ permits issued last , month were $2,000„000 more than for the corresponding Period SOME FINANCIAL TECHNICALITIES EX. last year. And that these aro, not merely nanor permits is indicatedby the reports P L. A I N E D. front all the building trades, Every de- partment reports record business- Nor - The Man Who Thought the Term Cold is the, total of building permits swollen by any unusually large individual etrue. • , tures. •Tho Union Station and Yong° Bond Meant a Bond Secured on ,Real Street Bridge aro still in the phantom , oilsaxas,..tlfyltiety'unisussuhael ,gnaetautrenuonif btehre obfufill: ' Interest" 0001 Not ,Imply a Bonus for Estate Made a Very Poor Cuess-"And tensions and alterations as distinguished . •.. ,from new buildings that are under way. the Purchaser --Quite the Reverie. . Established busineeses are ^ makine moneytheir trade 813 expanding and they Already, too, this term all records for Tne articles . contributed bY "Inventor" are preparing to take. care of the growth. - returned to their classes. Early in the Ip ,3'. eg , if:: thei. rv.10, leo . y and,ur p o a e ct guiding pros. ken and many youngsters have not yet mg them from Iongir! relf=eirble'th010,0705,' Public echool attendanee have been bro- month the new record of 45,616 pupils at Paci" it iii "'wild -oar anterPri9"' '2-40 osacynhedoroilt50 c.tronoexosplineatteiddia.yth; a lit atdii.... bfieegua;er. ewaeinheg.t ewirenfrpoi ttaijuritiaiotittpli,, nand m Lel lbaebleroei relied anept.enr. o f Tt hh ,:.- men settling down for another year's operations after the holiday season with These gigue of the times 1111 ousiness tinboeoeentegotitheen rw.i.thdetrhis matter other time :peer l'have_no intere 0 Pteuhl,11:hrve: p articles and tig -satiefaetion. 'One hears oecasionally ex- preesed. Boole nervousness' abent the real been directed . chiefly to the flotation of The other (By "Investor.") day a man wentinto a bond +agitate iiituation, but so' far eritionnit has subdivisions far outside. the Oity, The houde in Toronto, ,and, before investing, ' inflated prices to whioh this ohms of real asked a few questioins about bonde., which estate is raised by boom times- is indicat- showed at once that he was entirely lin- ed by the fact that some, recently re- acquainted with that form of inveament, corded sales have been at , pricee willieh It also showed that many :expressione were no higher than thoSe eecorded inpuzzling to the uninitiated are email 50' (00 booth of 25 Yearn ago. • dinitry expreneione of every daY Use in . . flnemoial circlets that it is extremely dB- "JIMMIE" DUFF_ AS A WON. ficult for a financial man te explain mat. ror s et ear i laymann,i. whoin. nhdaisahaared .aibre,oluintelya owing gln 114 10 stohaosotnuronf off all ofnairisasha Duff, few words, ' Minister of Agriculture in the Queen'e Now, the first q,ueetion this man referred Park Cabinet, to step,anto 'the limelight. to asked traS, "What Mies 'Sold. Aloud' They say that he did not get his share meant "I suppoee," he continued, "it of attention at the Toronto Exhibition meane that it is secured :by real estate," this year,. but there are other fairs in though why he &multi have thought so I plaCes where votes count for more than hems no idea. A "first Mortgage gold they do in Toronto where lie has been bond" merely means that the bond is a the lion of the occasion. first mortgage on the pronerty An ques- Not that "Jimmie" Duff il3 much of a tion and that when it falls due its repay. lion. Ordinarily lie is as mildonannered meat may be demanded in gold if the as one of the lambs that sports on hie bondholder so desires. Some years ago, Moh and prosperous farm up in Simacoe when governments were less stable than County. He is not ferocious in stature, they are now, paper money had a very for he is several inches under the aver- uncertain value -sometimes paper cur. age ,height But he must have a streak rency, would not be worth 50 cents on the of iron in his soul for his full name is dollar. Indeed,' during the war of the he II ble James Stuart Duff and his Rebellion in the States .in the last dap; tparen°trearmnie from the north of Ireland, , of the Confederacy', the paper money of It goes almost.without saying that he is the Confederaoy was so discredited that an Orangeman. 71NY say there is an a man paid $100,000 (in paper money) for ..• ..... Orange lodge on the corner of his farm, a pair of boots, which he could have W 3 - o mes .1 . . sive in the proVince. On the stump .and tions did not like to feel that perhaps Duff family it is one of the- moot aggres- pie who loaned good money to corpora. and that thanks to the. activities of the bought for $5 in gold. At that time pee. in the Legislature "Jimmie" Duff is a they would bo repaid at the maturity of ready speaker. The well rounded phrases their loan in discounted paper currelleY that are the etock in trade of the stump. or in silver coins worth .40 cents on the ing politician flow easily from hie lips. dollar, as Mexicali money its worth to.day. He has a "straight-fromtheishOuldee" So they made provision that they were manner that can be depended upon to to be repaid in gold and thus there came bring cheers from "the boyo" on his side into exietence the "gold bond." In Can -REXALL of the House. And he has a jaunty in- ado at preeent it is merely a name with. dependence that sits well. Strolling down out significance; but some day. perhaps -STORE from the Parliament buildings these cool -after a prolonged war -Canadian paper evenings, with his.hands deep down in hie raoney may not be worth 100 cents on the pookets, hie hat getting cloise to hie ears dollar, and then the term "gold" on the and a, half -smoked cigar in his teeth, 110 face of a bond -will be a eource of deep makes a figure that the Stranger looks satisfaction to the owner; for gold is al- ' ALI, KINDS OF at twice, though he might not guess he ways, worth its face value -$20 an ounce Wall Minister of Agriculture. -as it is the standard of value and it We Cannot Be Too Careful and Jealous Lest Man's Wisdom and Devices Become Our Reliance, `Wilt then not quicken us again, that thy people may rejeice in thee 7" -Psalms, lxxxv., 6. We have returned again to our accustomed place after a season of rest, in so doing it is right a,nd proper that we' give thanks to Him, life our eyes unto the hills -Whence cometh all our blessings. -Rest from labor, relaxation from incessant toil is only then justifiable when we return with a clevoirb purpose of renewing our efforts, of advanc- ing our cause and`pressing forward to the goal set before no, As Chris- tians we recognize that God's work is best done in His way, and only then will we be successful when we have learned the lesson of lov- ing obedience and humble submis- sion. ' Let us notice God's quickening power:- Man is dependent upon nature to quicken his vitality for the per- forma,nce of hie physical tasks. Only as he can use and assimilate na- ture's gifts, nature's products, is strength afforded him to do his best. Of course, there are many who ignore God's laws in the book of nature, and who resort to artifi- tdal means or inethods-substitu, tions7-in order to sustain life, if only for a season. When our strength fails us hew we resort to every available means to recover it! Change of climate, ' Terms of subscription -$1 per year, in advance; $1.50 may be oharged if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the pub- lisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. • DRUGGIST COAL, WOOD Advertising Rates - Transient ad- vertisements, 10 cents per non- pareil line for first in.sertion and 3 cents per line for each subse- quent insertion. Small advertise- ments not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 35 cents, and each subsequent in- sertion 10 cents. Communications intended for pub- lication must, as a guarantee -of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. S. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. Every Woman to interested and should know about the wonderfal Marvel whIr"ng sroal Douche Ask year druggist for' It. If he cannot supply the iitiavni,, accept no other, but eond stamp for Illus. trated book -Beale& It glvoa fell particulars end directions invaluable 10 ladies.WINDSOnSUPPLYOO.,Wintlsor, Oa* General Ageini foe Canada. "Jimmie" Duff's critics say he looks af. 1 alone does not fluctuate in value so far department. But at all events he is him. • • • • • Oslo first love, though he his been in the the next question. The boucle to whioh "What does 'and interest' mean?" was self a successful farmer. Polities are not .‘ TILE BRICK House for fourteen yenta _ But t.f_ you the investor T•eferred were quoted .irt _100 to ask him. think he would Pa "and interest. PeouHariy enough,.1najqea, greSsiveness in the managenient of 10!as its cash price' is concerneil, he likes the gone. His is a genial emir, wan direetly VAS trued: He were TO ORDER, to whom. -hand shaking and the other 1thought th_.at At; ant that when he arta of electioneering come at; eaeond na• bough.t...lisHas uow whose interest had been tura and of the qualifications of Cabin Dead on July firat he got the interest Mintier vote.getting is not th,lAtietkr MORE HOltgaieRACING. ' from that date up to the present as a . .. ' sosrLopfosboontal. interest was paid in July .--- • The '•merry,,,oround" is still with us John Smith owned $10,000 of the bonds "Mertrattiowsczxeitnkd" bein the graphic de; then. He had $10,000 invested a,nd his in 'Wrest was six per cent. Obviously if he All kinds of Ootd on hand; CHESTNUT SOFT 'COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE COICE BLACKSMITHS ..„...„..4MOD 2% in., and 4 in. Tile th , seri n applied to t a Canadian horse sold the bonds on January first he would ......_ X g ofrouit, under whose system n- have received the full six months inter tario enjoys or endures, =lording to the est for he would have just cut off the eympathies of the observing, a period of January coupons. But ho sells them in continuoue racing, lasting from May un- October ilrat, let no Say. Ile has had hill til October. Toronto gets about a month $10 000 invested for 3 months, and so, of of 0 of this sport and suifports it hande07110. • course, !should get his interest for that ly. 'Phe fall meeting at the Woodbine is length of time. He can't cut off the Gott Best Quality. • less crowded and less gay than the pone for they represent the whole six arming lunation, but it is in Ito WaY months interest, so the purchaser paws ARTHUR FORBES black leg to the somety lender. It pro- quite on impressive. It provides the mune him his $10,000, and oleo the interest for cross section of society, ranging from the three months at six per cent.. or 1150 On January first the purchaser gate his vides the ladies who go in for that sort interest from the coupons -1100, which OPpOSite. the G. T. R. Station. of thing the firet opportunity to display lees the 1150 he paid. John Smith, leave their new autumn gowns end millinery. him 1150 net, or six per cent, on his $10, Phone 52. Happy ia she who has a fresh outfit for 000 for the three months from October each clay of the funotion. first to January Brat. So his is not out Soeial reformers, who wotild abolish eCEIITRAL STRATFORD. ONT. OUR teachers are all ex- perienced instructors. Our courses are better than ever and the equipment is more' complete. We do more for our graduates than do other similar schools. Fourteen applications for trained help were received during the past week, some of these offering over $700 • per annum. We have three departments: Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write for our 'frie catalogue and see what we are doing. A. McLACHLAN, Vrincipal. 1 •11•1•110111!1•111•11111•11.1Mild [ST -OR IF YOU WANT WTI BEST COAL AND PROMPT DE- LIVERY; SECURE. YOUR • SUPPLY FROM US. ORDERS ORDERS LEFT' AT DAVIS & , ROWLAND' S HARD- WARE STORE PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. j. W.. STEVENSON THOMAS WATT BOOT and SHOE • REPAIRING STORE OPpOSITE THE POSTOFFICE THOMAS WATTS SHOES MADE TO ORDER !Rio SUBSTITUTE. • Hazel -"Didn't Marion marry the druggist?" Mal -``No. She followed his own advice and got some one just as that is rampant of pocket. That is what it means to eon racing and the gambling bonds at 100 "and - interest." Soemtimes in &inneption will. it, seem for the pro. sent to have un into a street with one sees that bonds have sold at 100 "flat.' ra In this ease the bonds are sold at 100 dead end. The game was probably never and the interest for the three months_ as flourishing as it le in *Mile year of or for whatever thne it has accumulated grace 1912. And the serious-minded 'won. is thrown in; but in that ease the mar der how long the country is going to nut ket price Usually adjusts the interest un with it. An interesting incident waa Thua, six per cent, bonds. which sold at furnished the other day when Mr. Abe /00 on the last interest date uenallv sell °Mien and, one or two others pleaded at 103 on the day before the next one, and guilty in the police court to taking bets back at 100 on the day after. contrary to the law and were fined 11,000 each. The announcement furnished a wild ' 6. gasp of surprise. Not because anyone doubted the existence of illegal betting, DOGGIE TEARS. 'but because anyone, particularly Mr. Orpen, had been "caught with the geode." Betting on the ponies is an every ay in. Palliate 1.10lidellt Of a Dog's Agee- cident to 'hundreds of Toronto workmen and others who eau scarcely be described. • tionate 'Nature.. /n a faetory some one Man takes the bete. Where he places them the others • On•the Southern Pacific Railroad may not know, possibly do not coma TheY are haupY if the horse they backed wins.it local train had just passed a little which may net be often. The bets are paid Stati011 oalLed Nahant, when the promptly. of course all this is illegal, but it is not being stopped. engineer saw an old imam lying at • The serious defalcations of Vivo bank full length' on the limes only a few clerks gave some promise of lifting the lid from a serious canker, but, nothing hundred 'Yards front of flia en- oyaolnulaffi.o wietl,,e and -to tIvielacittskeorf esmrsitoikhesasToshse. bgiunte.thTehern.:nsualdidwainii,oitngmilom;se,giv• aennd, and some one mede 0 killing. Who, no one Professesto krnw.Whoi:ae took n% fl nwasbrought 80 a ata r unnecemsalyehanees.nomthrcisnoatit fawfeetfivmin.Agiane; game harder to beat than horse -racing. Ydesha.weIdil athfaetwdhmeinPurs ezns waitlisotiorbaddylelruivivesItyy.orAnydouthgerei'asmabls. faltilowle wbaOsd anct old ones too, ready,to be fleecedthe engineer and other offielals DISSENSIONS IN EXHIBITION BOARD. wore standing round the body. Up The stories of dissension in the Boardto this 'time they had not observed of Directors of the Exhibition Associa. tion continues, It is fortunate they did the Pretence of a little black dog, not leak out until after this year's fair but as soon ey approached bit was safely Past, but the trouble may net master he made a clash for thenear- be smoothed over in Mine for next, ve-aloi The most iiiteresting rumor is to the ef. set Mall, and fr it few •SOOOnds fest that there is a loan 00 foot to ooP• fought with all his strength to keep plant the two present vicevresidents, who, „ iu the ordinary course of events, would the main away. look for promotion and elevated to the ,They were there for the purpose "esiden°Y 13athn' On ma" 00' f • mini fhe body however to spects Mr. Baton would make a most as, 0 eXa, , d ,t coptable president. He is a cordial Bun' See Whitt 00111d be clone, an he the chief executive's plane would, no little dog was ructeiy kiekel Ito ono ”orter of the ilxhibition, and if he were in the revolutio _dee many things, not only 1side. He did not howl not pain hy reason of the resources he has at his ,as a ckg, geriaromy does 7,jaen fcteic., disposal, hut by his remarkable calm' , • rei.th r himself up city for organitation. •, ea. He sump1, e •ec But it is natural that the two men nOW and quietly made bit way between in the viee.preeidential ohairs 1,1m1. ,the a,n leps until he reached his Marshal and Mr. Joseph Oliver should ln expect some imniediate reward 'for the (read maete,e s head, when he pieced hard work they have Boiandobnhroiereetioisn Tgenerally :170toioan 4,oefathoef theilsoistaellfita:nmerfibbeArtilioae ektefseaf bilif,shernahei: intrigue and wire pulling. A year or two a, few isecon ; began to a member of the Board gave offense in urn:LI'L're There iz need of re -impressing up- on our minds, of •reassuring our hearts that the God of 'Jacob is our God, the Jehovah of old is the tower of our,strength to -day. And only as we feel our dependence upon Him in all our work, only as we f eel the need of His quickening power and use it without stint, can and will 'we be successful in the work of His kingdom, whatever that work may .,be. There aro so many spurious efforts put forth, so many counterfeits of anything good practised in the Church palmed off for Christianity -which have oureed the Church and hardened sinners , in their sins without number. It is not noisy demonstration but the "still, small voice" that we need; not human dependence or schemes, but God's arm; not ma,ohinery or measures or sensational methods, but the Holy Spirit sent down from on high in answer to fervent .pray- er to unite our strength, our forc- es, however sniall they may be, to advance the Kingdoth of ,our God and His Christ among us. For this Christ needs men, living men for living problems. I deny that the riches of this world can give abiding joy. If this were so the favored sons of earth who have treasures above measure would enjoy the greatest felicity. But do they? It lies not in the power of man .or nature to give tranquility of soul to man. Every good and perfect gift cometh from above. The effect is that the delight in service bears its own fruit here and now -joy, holy joy. The joy that meets by the way; the joy that fol- lows us in misery, in sorrow; the - joy that abides in our trials and struggles; joy that cheers us in our f successes and failures; joy that causes the milk of human kindness to flow in our veins; joy that ex- tracts honey out of life's experi- ences; joy that gives us beauty for ashes, the oil Of joy for inourning, the 'garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might TRAVELS BY LAND AND SEA, health resorts at home and abroad and it thousand other ways to get to the quickening power of mo- ther earth, tiatare's source of strength The Psalmist in the text remain- bers whence Israel came and whi- ther they were going. He reraem- bers Israel's checkered history, apostasy, failure, defeat, captivity, humiliation. Have we learned the lessons of life any better? Are we ready to condemn them and justify our every act? What is the sum total of life's experiences to us to -clay I Are we ready to acknowledge God as the source of our spirit's quick - ening power? If not who is th, source of our .soul's ilexx•Vi Thsre.i,e ziesAt need of that quick 'inaing power in resuming our work 'sotne quarters. Ile had also ambitions, whine; big tears were noticed run - hot when the next election OEUMO around :Ise was quietly knifed. The myster, is w.”-''5 who knifed Min? under the circumstances "I had o-ftsn 1 'ard " said one o3. the exhibition has been fortunate in its tlienl, "that clogs. have been known selection of 01118000 from ,year Ycar • and that it continues to .be served by 'to good tears, hut I never believed public.spiri red citizens. • it until then, and I have lots mote ATTACKING CITY' COUNCILrespect fer the dog family than 1 Criticism of the methods and personnel ever before had. When I looked of the City Council bas, been .. growing in round at my companions some of volume throughout the year. One of the , local dailies has started a campaign of ttleill were crying, too. d f Systematic attack. Pay afteraY it cls The old ream was remove from columns contain violent charges of mom - the line with more ewe than is Potence or worsbefsslovhnileiteiacsobisillsbasiarednsasaell over the city usually displayed in ,s.tich eases, particular sections of the council. The' body WaS handfed asgentlY WS Other papers confine their criticisms to Consequently there ie likely to be a a fflorbher would have done it, all on lively contest next January. But the our. account of the te,ar,s in tamt, little on Prifling thing js, how few are the changes ., . , ., in the persnel of th. CounciLfrom year Cie,:g's eye's . to year, and it is doubtful if this year ,As soon .4e, the dog discovered 4 win. be any notable exception, Wen man gets to be alderinan he gets SO mush that our roughness had disappeared • m sl&rteearativionr:bvisriiengt tbhys th ha vsng i i.f,iati b ulia]. ss eopolneoreOpoaeo: IiLibree,consnee what:•frlenwlyere doing fo , wanedso.remnedtor •tation which makes his re-election I. y :most certain • hiren criticism in a °Ay as Ms master; but -we could not induce big as Toronto, where the candidates can know personally only a small fraptian of hilll t) leave the old mo'n''s .13ocIIV, the electors, seems to help him. , Uncoil- attcl when the tra,in steamed out he set:Duey he gets the reputation of being a big man. Unless he makes some mu- \.v'P"!4. °..%.'11..s.i,t.,641:g by. 1115 dead 7uls- take or is dishonest, which rarely hap- tel.'s n act •, pens, he has a great advantage over Ea1 4i newcomers. Nevertheless, there seems th be a vague, Judg. ni. He -I don't approve of tips - 2,.., by the vete lmt year on the eines. A HINT. hut, widely held, idea that a CoMtaiSsion form of government, would be an iinprove. ment on the present elective syste good.'", She --It has been noticed that you I O be glorifitd; ..,` Wilt thou not qnjels:....- '-eii ue again, that thypeople may - 'rejoice in thee 1" -Rev. Carl Zins- . sraeister. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, SEPT. 20. Lesson • XIII. -Review. Golden Text, John 6. 63. PRACTICAL LESSONS. Lesson I. -On a day of sunshine I 'went into a room absolutely dark. The occupant ,had drawn the cur- tains down tight. Christ was the light of the world, but he could not bring light to those who loved darkness. • Lesson IL -The Word is a living seed. Plant it amid favoring con- ditions'and you have the miracle of spiritual life, just as when you plant a seed you have the miracle of plant life. Lesson -III. - Spiritual growth, our Lord tells us, is like plant growth -first the blade, and then the ear, and then the full corn in the ear. The blade may be very small and the harvest very great. ' Lesson IV. -Like the disciples we Nsiuld 'put an end to wrong -doing, here and now. But in trying to root out wicked members of church and Sunday school we may do more harm than good, "like striking a heavy blow at a fly on Venetian vase." Lesson V.-"Plit God first" is a fine motto. 'When the sun Was put in the center of our system the astronomers were able to bring or- der out of chaos. -They would have stayed in the dark forever if they had insisted that the heavenly bod- ies nark aromid the earth. "Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven," said the Master. Lesson VI,--Ourliope lies not in the absence of storm, but in the preaence of Christ who is able to control the tumult -nob only that of wind and wave but that of trou- bled soul and mind. Lesson VIL-Jesus in restoriug the daughter of jairus to life proved that the soul does not die with the body. Death does not clad 511. Lesson people should think to put out fire by tearing down the firebell we should call them exceedingly foolish. When the people of Nazareth rejected Jesus they were rejecting their Phyacian, their Deliverer, their, Joy -Bringer. ' Lesson IX. -John's success lay in the fact that he preserved his man- hood untarnished amid great temp- tation. No man's life is a failure Who iS himself a moral success. Lesson X. --Christ always uses mento reach other men. He sent Out twelve men and not twelve an- gels. Tho children of Israel were brought out of Egypt by a man - Moses. In military hospitals it has been found that the best nurses are soldiers who had been wound- Lesson- XL-Oapernaurn had a great advantage in Christ's person- al teaching and miracles. We are responsible for our advantages. We expect the steamship to cross the sea foster than , a sailing vessel. Have we not had greater religious advantages than Capernaum? , Lesson XI], -Jesus conferred a great privilege on the disciples in making them the agents of his '.fed He 0ould have rained manna from heaven, or summoned angels to help. but he chose a lad with his lunch, and his twelve disciples. TURN YOUR TIME INTO MONEY There is a firm in -Toronto who give hun- dreds of men and women an opportunity' to earn from $250.00 to $1,500.00 every year with but 'little effort. This firm =mufti°. tures reliable family remedies, beautiful toilet preparations and many necessary household goods; such as baking powder, washing compounds, stove, furniture and metal polishes, in all over one hundred preparations that every home uses every day. Just one person in each loonlity can secure exolusive right to distribute those preparations to their neighbors. They pay 100 per cent, commission to their agents. Write and secure eole agency be. fore it is too late. Address The Home Supply Co., Dept, 20, Merrill Building, To. Tonto, Ont., for full partioulare. a, proposal to onake the change would donot ev,en tip your hat, bounty when the five thousand were tion of establishing a, harber. cOmmiesion, . A STICK FOR A IIUMP. Swing a stick for a hump, phy- sical or mental!, A well-known physician recently stated that fewer round •shoulders woultlbe observed in our young men of to -day could they but Cultivate the habit of car- rying a stick. As will easily be seen, the use of a walking -stick in- evitably pulls back the arm. And so, quite naturally5 too, the' chest 30 pushedfervva,rd, thus allowing of its expansion. • Whereas the man who carries. nothing is invariably . narvoualy conscious of his hands. And to hide them away somewhere, puts them in his pockets. What happens By tho very action of thrusting his hands in his pockets, he brings his shoulders into the line of slouch, and SO to a .stooli. But to be at all effieacious, the walking - stick cariecl mustbe of ordinary size -that is, rto reach ia far as the hip. A shorter stick fails in its mission., either it is, swung in the hand, with the other hand in the pocket, or it is carried high un- der the arm, with both hands hur- ied deep. HER TERMS. • "Can you sell this shawl cheap- er "No madam. Fifty dollars is . really the lowest possible price." Well, I'll take it. But make out two bills, one at twenty dellare to show my husband, and one at two haciclrecl to show to my friends I" .ismramcwriaelawnmial..660313110 We are open to buil or sell the following 6% BONDS NIATTHEWS.LAING, LIMITED ST. LAWRENCE FLOUR MILLS COMPANY STEEL LOMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Send For oar September 1.041 Canada Securities Corporation, Limited Montreal, Toronto, London. Eng. pnipapprifspe.ernialk