HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-09-26, Page 1o. 1749 —33rd Year
The ews-
HE nomEl.A.,-Px
ecord to any address in Canada to the end
2 for 25 cents ---for new subscribers.
tar Jtore Will Jelve
%ant( a Wedding it Yerpleicitg.
When you are purchasing a present it is a mat;
ter of nrioney and what you want—nothing else.
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The goods are new, beautiful and modem in design and of sup-
erior quality.
Headquarters for watches. We make a specialty of handling
high grade watches, Repairing of watches, clocks and 'jewelery.
• well and properly done. Satisfaction guaranteed.
W. Y.
meter and Optician Clinton
The Royal Bank
Capital Authorized ' $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 11,500,000
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Total Assets 175,000,000
325 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed
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11:1. MANNING, Mager
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lEi Moli-ons Bank
Record of Progress for Five Years -1906--11
1906 1911
CAPITAL , , . , . $3,000,000 $4,000,000
RESERVE , . , . 3,000,000 4,600,000
DEPOSITS , . . 23,677,730 35,012,311
LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,457,090 88,851,801
TOTAL ASSETS , . . . -88,090,192 48,237,281
Has 83 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all
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at all Branchee, Interest allowed at highest eureent rate.
Clinton Branch - E. Dowding, Manager
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We can give a perfect fit to every man, it matters
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startling achievements of the 20th Century Brand
tailQrs, and all we ask is an opportunity to prove it.
Put us to the test, Put it up to us to prove this as-
sertion in every particular.
Just received annliher shipment of Caps,
See window display.
A Sritlare Deal for Every Boy"
Mies! Helen Bell B. A. of I -tendon
hap been engaged as scienee teacher
at the Collegiate and Mr. D. A. Mac.
donald B. A. of Toronto ,as junior
master, the latter being an addition
to the- regular staff necessitated by
the large attendance.
The Collegiate sports will be . held
on Friday afternoon of this 'week.
A very pleasant little gathering of
Colllegiate girls met at the- home of
Mr. and 1VIrs. Chas. Middleton- one
evening last week, he occasion being
to spend an hour or two. with Miss
Bessie Ross .before her departure, 1 rom
Clinton, About sixteen young girls
were in the company. A very jolly
time was spent and during the even
ing Miss Bessie, who has ever been
popular With her friends, was pre-
sented with a fine camera. An ad-
dress was read by Miss Vera Lobb
and the, presentation was made by
Miss Gladys Draper. After a happy
evening together and many expres-
sions of good wishes for the guest of
honour the company departed Inc
their 'several homes. Mrs. Ross and
her family left on Friday for Tor-
The Rev. C. E. and Mrs. Jeakins
entertained the members of the A. Y.
P. A.. at the rectory on Monday ev-
ening. This, the inaugural meeting
of the organization, took the form of
a social evening at which more than
a hundred young people of the church
spent a most delightful time in gam-
es and cleVer guessing contests ar-
ranged by the rector. The prize
winners for successful guessing were
Misses Jean Dayment and Winnie
Walton, and Messrs, Harold Holmes
and Fred Ford. Later refreshments
were served and judging , from the
rake ebeetre_pt which the gathering,
broke up the 'Yotrilg.spennle appreciat-
ed the kind hospitality of—tlieti7- ireeSt
and hostess.
Weekly meetings of the A. Y. P. A.
are to he hold during the winter for
which a most interesting program
has been arranged, Monday evening
next Mr. Ransford will give ,a talk
on Charles Dickens with selections
from his writings. All are welcome
at the gatherings.
The following particulars have been
obtrained of the marriage of Miss
Etta, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. -James Twitchell of town, to
Mr,. Frederick S. MeCloy, which took
place at the home of her brother,
Mr. E. F, Twitehell, 1637 Ottawa
Ave., Edmonton, Alta., on Wednes-
day of last week. -
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. J. E. Hughson, pastor of the
McDougall Methodist ehurch.
The bride, who was given away by
her brother, was becomingly gowned in
embroidered silk batiste with garn-
iture of chiffon and pearl trimmings
and carried a lovely boquet of brid-
al roses.
After the reception Mr. and Mrs.
McOloy left on a trip to the Coast,
the bride travelling in a tailored
suit of navy blue with bat to match.
The bridal pair were the recipients
of many beautiful gifts, the groom's
gift to the bride being a ciandscime
set of mink furs.
Mr. and Mrs. McCloy will be at
home to their friends after Nov. 1st
at 75 Willard Ave., Edmonton, '
'hea.t 90e. , r.
Oats 450,
Peas 75o. to 85e.
Barley tile. to 55e.
Butter 51e. to 22e.
Eggs 25e. 'so 26e,
Live I-Iogs 68.60.
- •
Messrs, J. E. Hovey and W. S. R.
Holines have' bought out 1\1r. W. A.
McConnell's stock of drugs and sun-
dries and are this week taking stock
vith a view to 'having the goods re-
moved to their respective places of
business. It is understood that Me.
McConnell intends going to California
viten his 'people reside.
Me,- John Rice of Bownzanville,
who was in town for a few days ot
the past week, said Of the the Clin-
ton streets : ."They are certainly fine
and -convince every visitor that the 1
citizens of the old town are progres-
Mr: John Cfroll of Galt said yes
tcrday : "Now that I have seen Clin-
toe's new streets I am- satisfied that
all the nice thiags The News -Record
has been saying about thein were
Agit/Red. The appearance of your
streets are proof to me that Clinton
is up-to-date and with lots of vim
and snap.
Mr. . Reuben Graham returned on
Friday from a, month's trip to Sask.--
atchewan. He was quite taken with
the prairie e,ountry, so much, so that
he bought aa hotel at Rosthern that
province, .a well -located place of
about -4000 Inhabitants. The lics•
thern Enterprise in its issue of Sept.
12111 had the following reterence to
the deal ;
',The Queen's Hotel at Rosthern
changed hands on Tuesday morning
when the new proprietors, ,R. Gra-
ham of Clinton, Ont., and his son,
M. -a...fat:ahem, of Saskatoon, took
over the litisineaaaafloin- Andrew Lunn,
The deal involved a" eonsideration of
230,000. The new ownela ,are prac-
tical hotel men, ' R. Graliernig
seven years experience at ClintIa
They intend making an extension to
the bar and other improvements to
the hotel and propose to conduct a
thoroughly up-to-date house.
R.. Graham leaves next week, for
Clinton where he will dispose of his
interests and will then remove with
his family to Rosthern to make his
home here."
The 'League entertained the Model
class and the Business College stud-
ents on Monday evening when an en-
joyable time was spent A pleasing
program) was rendered, amongst those
taking part being :, Misses Boles, Ir-
win, ' Gladys alardelon, Gertrude
Chant, Retta Cook, Mrs. John Innis,
Miss Wise, Miss Florence Cutting-
hame, Mrs. James Southeonibe,
and little Miss K el 1 I 0 r Mes-
srs. T. E. ) East and W. Moffatt.
The first number on the program
was a patriotic chorus by a choir
of a dozen young men. The pastor
occupied the chair and made a neat
speech of welcome to the guests.
which was replied to by Prin-
cipal Bok in a witty speech.
The program was principally of a
patriotic astute and the school room
was prettily decorated with flags and
bunting, flowers and autumn leaves,
maple leaves being much in evidence,
At the conclusion of the program a
guessing contest kept the young peo-
ple 'interested until lune)) was served
and the happy gathering was brought
to a close by the. hearty singing of
the national anthem.
Next Monday's meeting will to in
charge ot the .Good Citizenship de-
partment. •
Rev. J. Greene conducted the morn-
ing service oei Sunday, the pastor be-
ing absent • condactang anniversary
services at 'Benmiller, hat the pastor
oceitPied his own pulpit in the even -
Mg, Miss Boles arid 311 i. Inni
sang the solo parts in the anthem 1
the morninp. 7 'the, evening Misses
Irwin and r3olee and Messrs Moffat
and .East readered a quartette,
Next Sunday there will be a return
to the usual- ceder of ,servide aad it
will be "Rally Day" tit' tconnection
with the Sunday school., which
meet at 230, Painiete and friends
teed invited ae 'there will be an in-'
tereeting. pregram,
The Lacline' , Aid purpoee holdieg an
entertaiiiiment 10 tion town heti ea
r • • J4
Mayor Gibbings and all the mem-
bers of the town council with the
exception of two, accompanied by oth-
er prominent business men of town,
went up to •Goderich on Monday to
meet with other municipality repres-
entatives and hear competent engin-
acts discourse upon the live question
of Niagara Power. The engineer who
did the talking set forth a great ar-
ray of figures and the general MI -
pression gained Wan that in due time,
with the River Maitland properly
harnessed, the dwellers 54 its imgicd-
iate vicinity would be almost as for-
tunate as those living near Nia-
gara. Committees were formed froin
the) representatives oa Ifhe dafferent
municipatilies which will meet in Clin-
ton at a future time not yet fixed
but when further data has been gath-
ered, and some plan will be arrived at
•by which Hydro -electric power can be
utilized for the benefit of all those
municipalities desiring it. Among
those who were present besides the
Mayor and council were : Messrs.
Oliver Johnson, C. la. Dowding, R.
5. Manning, John Howson, A. Case,
W. Jackson, .7. Taylor, Clew Mc-
Lennan, A. T. Cooper, J. Ter-
ence and 71. 1Vlay. They. made the
journey hi Elliott's' motor bus.
Not many hereabouts are aware
that an experiment is being made. in
Goderieh township in ihe manufact-
ure of oil of mint, The idea owes
its origin to Mr. Albert Jervis, son
of Mr. and Mrs. 0 E. Jervis of
town, Mit who has been farming in
the State of Indiana of late
years. He was , engaged some-
what in the growing of mint, but
owing to the excessive rainfall the
crop proved a failure and he came
back to the old home township to
see what the prospeots were here.
The mint—there are two kinds of
mint be it knowa, spearmint and
peppermint—Looked good to him and
a test proved so satisfactory that
Mr. Jervis and Messrs. George and
Edward Elliott decided to mea
ure a quantity of the oil: They aa
cordingly had a large tank and a
quantity or galvanized piping made
and this with the Seiler of a port-
able outfit is all the plant they le
quire for their experhaent.
They-. shipped their Disk "run", to
Toronto on Wednesda3, and expett to
received the eeeult the latter part d'O
the Week. 11 it is up to eapeota,
tions they wiLl 4ikel turn nit (elate a
caiantity this all. They will el
course use, like Dative mint such 06
geows along the river valley and by
the roadside but if it tarns oat all
eielit then next spring; the peoirrotees
me Pi plant aeme acres of it.
Ml •ol mint is aged in a \*ariety of
ways and there is keen Um:ma for
it. • • •
Mint requime et sail Meta et is
meet meltable tor cern. bet wen a
farmer gets cettek" it will
last for seyelial ereetente.
In renewing lite subseription for
other year Mr, Jack II. -Houston of
Tuxford, Seek., weiten: ‘1I could not
do withopt the home news out hero
and find that •The News-ReeOrd is
the best in that line so you will
find ..encloeed ecu the amount
of •Subscriptien.
The League on Monday evening held
their monthly missionary meeting
with Mr.' Gordon Tayior in the chair.
Miss Minnie Ker read an interesting
deseription of a “ItIisSiOnary's Birth-
day Spent In Japan'," written by
Miss Sybil Courtice, and Miss Hattie
Levis read a letter from the Dis-
trict missionary, Rev. Mr, Harris,
stationed in Japan, Miss Emma
La.vis contributed a piano solo and
Mr. Cordell a reading, ,
A large number of the League mem-
bers and Sunday school workers at-
Mnded the District Convention in
Seaforth Tuesgay and. Wednesday.
On Saturday last Mr. W. Glen
Campbell passed another Milestone
and is now in his fortieth year; The
day was also the eighth anniversary
of his marriage so that it was ' a
double celebration. Mr. Campbell
was • born in the State of Missouri
of Canadian parentage, the family
returning to Ontario when he was
quite young. He received
his musical education in the Boston
Conservatory. For - the past ten
years Mr. Campbell bas been a res-
ident of Clinton and the numerous
friends here will join heartily with
The News -Record in wishing him
Many Ila.ppy Returns of the Day.
I' Mr, I, Barr of Rattenbury street
had the town waterworks installectin
his cottage this week:
Mr, Albert Morrell of Albert street
has been having his residence treated
to a new coat of paint, which adds
greatly to its appeaeance.
The West Huron Teachets' Institute
meets today and •tomorrow in Goder-
ich, consequently, these are holidays
foi-Vite-Rehlic school pupils,
Mr. Chas..... 1F,',yg. has leased the
house on Iluron stror onging to
Miss Porter and the electric 'e
busy wiring it for electric ligh s.
Mr. W. Glen Campbell has rentea
the house one dem: east of his pre-
sent residence from Mr. A, IL Good-
win and will move thereto next \emit.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will bele
their music studio in their new home,
where they will be pleased to meet
all their old pupils, also new ones.
The funeral of the late S. G, Plum-
mer took place on Friday afternoon,
the services being conducted at St,
Paul's church and at the graveside
by the Rev. C. B. &satins. The flue
oral was very largely attended by
old friends and neighbors from Lown,
Mullett and Goderich townships, who
were eager to pay the last tribute of
respect to one whom /416Y had known
and esteemed in life. Amongst the
relatives from .out of town who were
present were his son.in-low and clau-
ghter, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Scott of
Toronto, mid the following nephews
and nieces- Mr. H. and Miss Annie
Sturdy and Mr. Win, Patterson and
daughter of Auburn, Mr. A. V. Fulton
of Ma Clemens, Mich., and Mr. and
Mrs, James Laidlaw of Blyth. The
deceased's youngest san,, Mr. Stewart
Plummer, arrived from Minnesota 011
Saturday morning, not haying been
able to get here in time for the
funeral.. The pallbearers were :, Mes-
srs. James Hearn, II, J. Cluff, „ W.
Jackaon„ Ecl'- Foster, Jas, A. Ford
of town -and Robert Thompson of
Goilerieh township. The remains
were laid to rest in Clinton ceme-
wronitisa CO,: GET IT, •
The Cl. P. R. telegraph office will be
tratisferred from MeConnell's ' drug
store to the big clothing store of the
Morrish Compeny, the oliange to
take place next week.
ENGMlleAs' (IPBaMnalily7JraoAlesNoN--n°a1-1;11:o'CuEneDri.s the
engagement of her sister, Miss Effie
Maria, to Mr. Thomas Edgar East
the wedding to take place oie Cietob-
er 9ths in Ontario ,St. church,
An entertainment will be held . in
the lecture room of St. Joseph's
church on Wednesday evening of next
week ;which is expected to be a most
enjoyable one and th which the pub-
lic are cordially invited.
That .B. J, Gibbings is proving to
be an active Mayor,
That he if giving much of his time
to promoting the muniCipality's in --
That he is displaying good judg-
ment. •
And that he should get a second
teem, without opposition.
1110: Bristowe of Niagara Falls the
new organist, presidecl at the organ
The Girl's Club met on Tuecoday eV -
The Woman's Association held their
ereanthly meeting on Thursday even-
ing last.
Next Sunday will be "Children's
Day," when a special session of the
Sunday School will be held.
THE, C. C. I. WON. ,
The first football match of the
season was played yesterday after-
noon between the Cl. I's arid the 5lotl-
el School, the former winning by a
snore of 2 -en The line up was as
follows :
C. I.—Macdougall, Beacom, Tor-
rance, Sparks, Kilty, Dewar, Mof-
fat, S. Smillie, J. Smillie,
IVIodelites--Jackson, Reid, Wasman,
Macdonald, Vickerse„1-1.' email, Steven-
son, Plunkitt,-,"hevy, lereChiechey,
A• quiet little home wedding took
place at the residence of Mr. and
alra. Geo, Petts at six o'clock.
yesterday morning' when their eldest
daughter, Leona r., was married to
bit Clarence L. Bruce of Fort Wil-
liam. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. .7. E. Ford, the bridal
pair standing before a bank of ferns
and flowera in the corner of the
drawing room. '
'Phe bride wore her 'travelling suit
of fawn broadcloth anis carried al,
shower ,boquet of cream roses,
of -the -valley and ferns. The young
couple were unattended, Miss Ruby
Cook, cousin of khe bride, played the
wedding march. The ceremony was
aevsitiamnasti efdriebxlyos'only reletiv-
Af ter all had partaken of the wed-
ding breakfast, Mr. and. lairs: Brace
lett on Mie morning train, for Satnia,
The bride wan the escipient of
enany the groom's
gift king a Reinteman piano, A:
subetani,ial taken wan sent by Mr.
.7. W. Newcombe, in whosa tore the
beide lied been engaged for about
ping Wit1101 to Wort
William when he Went there to nisi*
busimees, Many aher gifts from fri-
ends inelhe olid home town and in
the West teetiJied i11 a ineesenn ,to
the esteem de 157115111115711511the Illfide is
The inlay frieede will join
aVi0b '154• Neeve-Iteeeer d g
Mr. BrAtcla long life and Pros-
Referee—Eddie Brison.
A pretty wedding occurred yester-
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Maleolin IVIcEwan of Stanley when
their third daughter, Miss Elizabeth,
et es united in marriage to Mr. Tem
be,^t Yuille McLaren. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. Dr. Stewart,
of Toronto, who came up•for the oc-
casion: The bride was daintlyg gown-
ed in cream satin, wore the custoin-
ery veil caught up with flowers and
carried a pretty bcispeet of cream
roses, lily -of -the -valley and funs
Miss McLaren, sieter of the groom,
was bridesmaid and Mr. Wm. Mc -
Ewan, the bride's brother, performed
the duties of best man. Little Miss
Bettie Stewart, neice of the bride,
was a sweet and dainty flower girl
dressed in white and carrying a bas-
ket of flowers. The house was pro-
fusely decorated with flowers. After
the sumptuous wedding, feast, at
which the health of the bride was
proposed by Dr. Stewart' and res-
ponded to by, the groonn, the bride
changed • liar wedding gown for a
smart tailored suit of navy blue
and big black hat and the newly -
wedded couple took the afternoon
train from Beucefield for a honey-
moon :trip to Loudon, Highgate, and
other points. On their re -turn. Mr.
and Mrs. McLaren will tate up their
residence On tial groom's farm near
Hensall. The News -Record but :voic-
es the sentiments of the many friends
of bride and groom 111011 it wishes
them 1110113, happy years ot married
A branch of the Anglican Young
Peoples' Association was organized re-
cently in connection with Si. Paul's
church, At the opening meeting
when there was a splendid attend-
ance the following officers were elect-
Hon. Pres., I-0 Torr Ranee Esq.
Pres., Rev. C. E. Jeakins.
let Vice Pres., Mrs. J. McLeod,
2nd Vice Pres.., Mr, C. D. Bolick.
See.. Miss M. Dillon..
Treas., Mr. E. Walton.
Executive Committee, Miss Clete
Ford, 'Miss Shirley Bawden, Mr.
Clarence Kilty, Mrs, Goo. Taylor,
Mr ' Ringwood, Mr. Bert Fremlin,
Mr. Will Johnson. It was decided
to meet eveliy Monday evening. An
excellent program has been outlined
and the members fook forward to a
season of pleasure and profit.
Next Sunday being the Festival of
px. Michael end 411 Angels the roe
toe wi11 preach at the ' eVening stir
vice on e'Angels".
. ,
Rev. iee, Medd of Coderich Was en' •
town yesterday, • • ,
Mrs, Boles is spending a few . days
visiting 'London' friends.
Mr. T. Jacksoa,, Jr., is in Ottesees
and Montreal this week.
AIMS 'Helen 14arris of Kippers is vis- '
iti.ng friends in tows for a days
The SLMcitlf School 11nrPoscs koop-
15 5untlay, as Rally Day. •A11
panents are ltindly asked to see that
the ,children ai.e•present on time , ea:
easibite• Let es have a bermpee at-
• '
'The. Men's Bible Class has been ,or-
galliged.- for the seinta ancl will' les
conciliated, by ,'the reetor, All :nen
are ealineetly exleerted • to 'lee • peeseet
at these botti:e ef seared stinly„
Confilenation • Claetes have been
• .eltattect itt anincipaithoie 01 the Rig -
hop's •Vietii; in the •liteetle Of Novene-
. bdr. lfhe Junior class aieetS ,every
'l'tesla.y avenhlig.
• , ' • • , • • • ^
Mins Keziah E. Browe left on. •Mba- •
day to , attend Normal school ill
Strafford. • • ' '
Miss Edna Turner left for Stretford
on Monday, where she will take se
Normal course.
Miss Grace Rhynas of Cl °dutch was
a week -end visitor et time home el
Mr. and Mrs. W, Jackson,
Miss Amy Howson accompanied Mrs,
Mills as far as London on Friday-,
afternoon, returning Saturday,.
Mrs, Wilford of Blyth was the eues1
of her sister, Mrs. T. IVIcKenzie, '
Jr., 'the latter part of last week.
Mise Jessie Ford was in Seaferth
this Week attending tbe District
Convention. as delegate from Weeley,
Epworth League.
Dr, Worthington left on Friday iCe
Sudbury, where he will continue
• medical practice in company with
a doctor Of that town.
Mr. Mitchell of The News -Record to -
turned on Monday from a pleasant
trip to Montreal, Csuebee, Ottawa,
and Olsen: points east, . .
Mr. W. I -I. Hellyar and family- ex-
pect to move -to their new Imam,
the residence recenty purchased
from Mr. II. Bakers next week.
Mr, Stewart Plummer of Colraine, ,
.111inn•., has been visiting 51r, asci
Mrs. 1.1. J. Hibbs and other friends
hereabouts during the past week.
Mrs. Ed, Pickett and two children Of
Winnipeg, who have been visititeg;
friends in Seaforth for some little
time, are this 'week the guests of
Clinton friends.
She. R. M. Elliott has been the gueee
of Mr. art:l Mrs. W. S. Harland mita
other friends in town during the
past week or se. The family,
leave 0 oderich very shortly to make
their home in Toronte.
Rev. Dr. Stewart of Tor, nto has
been in town a couple of days,
having came up to officiate at the
' MeLaren—McElirlin wedding in Stan-
ley yesterday. The Rev. Dr's many
Clinton friends are always glad to
see him.
,Mrs. F. McElwan and her daughter,.
'Iltiss Annabelle leave on Friday fee
Toronto. Miss Annabelle ie.....le. Ter -
thir 1 year in medicine find' ref:tires
to r sume hee•gtuclies, and her uuei.:-
her As tri reenain - in the city with lulu
•some time.
Mr. F. 0, D. Bristowe, the new or-
ganist of Willis church'arrived in
town last week and had charge of
the 'organ on Sunday last. Mr,
Bristowe comes from Niagara FaCs.
He has conducted music classes in
various towns in Ontario and for
fifteen years was organist imehrist:
Church Cathedral, Frederietown, N.
B. Mrs. Bristowe will arrive -
shortly and they will take up,
house as soon as a suitable ineid-
ence • can be seemed.
JAE S. C. Hawke has been appointed!
. to a Methodist circuit at North-
wood, Kent county, and will learn
to take charge of ie as soon as sat-
isfactory arrangements can be made
. with regard to his affairs here. Mr.,
and Mrs. Hawke will be much ads- •
sed in Clinton and especially in One '
tario street church. where they haee
both ' been indefatiguable ' workers..
Me. Hawke owns e oomfortable
home in town but this call,
which he . refused three 'years ego,
coming to him again he felt he
could not turn aside and hence be ' --
is breaking tip his home and the
many happy associations width 549
has formed here and fares forth ire-
to the itinerant ministry. That they;
may have abundant success in their
work is the sincere wish of the
. many Clinton friends of ' this
worthy couple.
Rev: R. J. McCormick and Mr. '1',
R. Welter attended the District meet-
ing at Seaforth on Tuesday, and ora
Wednesday Mr. IVIcCorinielcs accom-
panied by Mr. N. W. Trewarthee
were in attendance at the. Sunda
school and Epworth League convea-
tion in the same town.
Mrs. Mulholland and Misses Woods
and Potter else attended the conven-
-nom going down by trait).
• Mise Emma Holland has 'gone tie
London to attend Norma. She wee
most successful in her midstimmee
examsand we feel sum she wili
make her mark in the future. Heim.-
esville :pupils still continue to Reap
up their reputation for thorough -
Mrs. W, le, Mit 01' of Toronto is,
visiting at the home of her 1n:other
Mr. A: .1", Courtiee, this sveee.
Mr. F. 11. Elford, Wife and (laugh- •
tem of Toronto spent Sunday with
I-Iolmeeville relatives. lerre, Enol
is visiting; her Sister, Mrs. S. 'I". Wal-
I-Iarry Sweet 10 busy fiecies 11,
aeproach to the Maitland bridge: j5
was quite a cOntraet but he is mak-
547 a h'reicl job of it, as he does oe'
lte undertakes. '1,11rottfrAl
lailiwe 11 54 first contract this
beidge has been a long 'Wane undet.
way • but it' will eer Stiffly be
preetated by he traVeliing public
wleen ready for tree,
Ws, '13a-wdeet of Cliettaa i's 1108
mrs, st., Ladd enTaastlay..
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