The Clinton News Record, 1912-09-19, Page 8T.' l"iel.".7,14 •••••••••••••••••••••44,#•«$••••••••••••••••••••,.,. eft -Redford • lirings ustomers Bae • Furniture Buyers at' thiFi store izivariably come back when they want more and bring their friends • To Use Our Furniture is to prove that it is .• asgoo as it looks and that is saying a whole lot, • ; ;• Substantial Furniture can be bought here .• now at money saving prices. Why not secure what •I pieces you need now while prices are so favorable. ; Atkinson Dunford Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors • • Phone 104 ,• PHONE 127 ---.1eIGHT AND SUNDAY le ALLS— PHONE 16 04,•••••••••••••4••••••••••41•41444••••••••••••••••••••••: OIL SELLING - OUT SALE mommmmeemmenmeeeten pommomo ommemeime We still have about Four- Thousand Dollars worth of stock to dispose ot, so to clear it out in a hurry -we cut prices still lower. 'Every Shoe Must Go At Once1 • Now is the time to get your boots and shoes for fall and winter. From now on, terms of sale will be Strictly Cash. .• : Men's reg. $5.00 boots for $3,50 1• " " 4.00 " " 2•75 .2.50 " " 1.50 • " " 4.50 oxfords (pat„ gun metal and tan " 8.40 All our men's working, hoots, boys', misses and child's boots at similar reductions. • .. BIG SPECIAL__Worneri's oxfords, pumps, strap slippers, i children's slippers of all kinds Wome's reg $4.00 shoes Inc $2.75 -' " 8.00 " " 220 • " 2.61) " " 1.05 1.75 " 1.25 • • • at 34 pi tee ems. J. Twitchell & Son • CLINTON, - ONTARIO •••••=1.1 runimim osimmummemmesaismommirma 1 1 11 FREP. JACKSON • 1 • Good Shoes for everybody A Big Price Surprise on ladies' Tan Oxford SHOES Extraordinary end of the season prices to enable us to clear out the entire lot of our Ladies' Tan Oxfords. ' TO friak'e quick sale we ofer for the coming week all our $4,00 Ladies' Tan Oxfords for $2.00. All high grade fashionable shoes. Get a pair now and save money. • 1111.11.1111111111111111111•111.111/iriallIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMMII WE HAVE. THEM School Supplies in big as- sortment and good val- ues. Complete line of Re- gular Text Books at pub- lishers prices for Model School or Collegiate In- stitute. • „•••••••••••••••n••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • , • • NEW • • * • W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - ,Always the Best IF et iiiiiitn11,1101,11.01,.. .Persotwals- , eye,in.Goderiele.oi Ray; J. ,Ebreene is. Visiting ter Tor , Onto this week: • . M. Will Heed:tip:1' attended .Gederieli Me, T. Jackson,: Jr., Wes, in Gode Mtge JeaneGralam was judge el 'art' at the Goderich Mr. D. Oantelonevas 'in'Goderieli qn, Tueeday °Attending the fair. ' Mies ,Margaret Tibbs of Wingham.is • visiting MisSNettie Wapinare Mrs; Thos. East- ad Mise Mae ,were in Seaforth ,Ovet' the week -end. iss Agnes 1Vliddletton is visiting her' sieter, Mrs. I-Iampsonof Ottawa. Mr. T. Jackson, Jr., was id Tor- onto the latter part of the Week. Mr. 0. . Blanchard of Toronto is the gueei this week of, Mrs/ Geo, Pie Miss Eva Cluff is spending .a few • days with Miss Morrison of Bruen- field, Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Clayton spent at couple of clays in London last week. Inspector Woods of the Confedera tion Life A.ssociation has been in ,town this week. Miss Kate MeTaggart was in • God- erich as a judge of fancy' work at the Fair this week. Mrs. Wallis and family motored to Goderieh 0" Tuesday, ' with Mr. J. Nedigor as chauffeur. Mies Ila Bawden' entered the Goner - al Hospital, Stratford, ,on Monday as a nurse-in-treining. Mr. and Mrs. Paull returned Monday from Morrisburg, where they spent Several weeks' vacation. Miss Sadie Miller of Staffa is visit- ing this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Mahaffy. Miss Beatrice Greene left Tuesday for Toronto where she , will visit. Mis, E. J, Jenkins and other ,friends. Mrs. Finlay MeEwan arcompanies MIS. a M. Ross to Toronto today and :will Visit there for a few days. Mr. A. MeEwan of Bluevale was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wasman one day this week. Mr. Stewart Ross came up on Mon- day to assist his mother in pack- ing and shipping her furniture to Toronto. Mr. Ray C'antelon has gone to Swift Current, Sask., where he intends to take a Model course and engage in teaching, Mr. Frans O'Neil returned 011,Mon- day from Moose Jaw, Sask., and will spend a few weeks with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shaw of Van- couver, B. C., are the guests of the former's cousins,, Dr. and Mrs.. J. W. Shaw. eldr. C. M. Brown returned on Mon- day from London, where he spent several days attending the Fair and visiting friends. Mr. Ken Cliowen leaves this week for Sault Ste Marie on his annual au- tumn 'trip in the interests 01 the Jackson Compame. Mrs. Robertson left for her home. in Lethbridge, Alta, on Tuesday after an extended visit; her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wiseman. Mrs. Henry Kerr and Mises Artie and I,eo of Winghane have been vis- iting friends and relatives in Clin- ton during the past week. ' Miss Mary Hine has returned from Chicago, where she had been vieiting • friends, being called home on ac- count of the illness of her sister. Miss Lillian Lawrence of Ottawa, who has been visiting her aunts, the Misses Whitely, has gone to Guelph to attend' the Macdonald Institette, Mr, aril Mrs, \V. J. Elliott and Mrs. J. johnstone were in Illyte on Monday attending the funeral of the latter's brother-in-law, the late Me, Robert Johnstone. ir, Hoare has secured several of the finest of the Exhibition stock of pieties for special customers and has already made some good sales. 'On ,Saturday he delivered one of these to Mr. Wm, Poliock of Gos- hen Line, Stanley. Mr. John Rice 01 B•owmanville, for- merly of Clinton, expects to he in town shortly„ being now in Wing - ham, and will spend a • few days with old friends here and Maiden, tially will, 710 doubt, tune some of thole pianos for them, Mr. "Jen," Fair, who is now in Moose Jaw, Sask., has been "at It" too, that is buying real estate. He recently bought a house with the intention of bringing his family to the town but receiving an offer for his purchase at a nice little ad- vance, he let it go and has pur- chased another. tem' the time being Mr. Fair intends settling in Moose Jaw. Mr. A. F. Collyer was up from Lon- don the latter part of the week peeking and shipping his hotiee- Mrs. Boles visited London friends last week. Mr. W. J. Moore was in London Thursday last. Stewart Scott was a London Fair ViSit.J1 last week. Mrs. Gr. R. Keys -was in London last week for a, few days. Miss Florence Cueinghame was a week -one visitor in Goderich. Mr. Joel McLeod was a London Fair visitor one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller attended the Western one day last, week. Mr, R. E. Manning and Master Har- old were London Fair visitors last Mr. Martin motored up from Exeter on Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, Misses Emma Colclough and Agnes Thompson were in London on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahaffy and Miss Margaret were in London on Thursday. Mrs. R. Sweet and little Miss . Myr- tle spent the weeeeend with Goder- ieh friends. Miss Edna Turner leaves on Mon- day to attend the Normal school at Stratford. Rev, S. J. Allin was in London on Friday calling on old friends and :taking in the Fair. Mr. Oswald Hunt of London is in town this week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will liamblyn. Mies Ellie Pickett has, resumed her duties in the office of the Jackson Mfg. Co, after her vacation. Mr. Roble Mason went up to Blyth on Friday morning last to spend e few days with friends thbre. Mr, Clarence Shephard of the Mole sons I3ank, 'Iroquois, has been in town the past week spending a vac- ation. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cantelon spent the week -end the guests,: of the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Brooks 'of Mit- chell. Miss Carrie Shipley has returned to her position as book-keeper with, Couch and Co., after a fortnight's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Hooper and Mas- ter Orville of Birth were the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hooper, on Sunday. Mr: J. P. Sheppard went down to London Fair en Thursday. Mrs. Sheppard went clown earlier in the week and visited for a few days. Mrs. Ed. Felton_ of California, her brother, Mr. Ben MeOlenaghan of Whitechurch, and their cousin, Mre. A. D. Beaton, Visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mair on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. G. J. 'Clark of Detroit were visitors, at the -home. of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kearns last week. ' They went from here to Gode•rieh to visit Mrs, Clark's .sister, Mrs. MeClacherty. Mr. and Mrs. A. Case arrived from Rose, State of New York, on Thurs- day evening and will be eitize.ns of town ditrin.g the evaporator season. Their Clinton friends gladly wel- come them back to town. Mr, James Walker of Port Arthur arrived on Thursday td visit . brother, Mr. Thos. Walker of. Step- hold stuff and this week has moved leten, who suffered a paralytic his family to the Forest Cit3t, stroke recently. 11 is eight years Where they intend, making their home in future. While regretting since Mr. Walker last visited Cline. ton, Miss Kate Barr of Morse, Sask., fjr- merly of Blyth, efisited .Miss Rena Pickett and other friends. in town Thursday and .Friday. last,. Miss Barr was one- of tile winners of the popularity contest ,R,onducted by The Moose Jaw Times ,,by which FALL MERCHANDISE 1 — • Hering tbe past few weeks we have been kept busy opening up and en' placing into stock, a great many new and attractive lines of fall and • winter merchandise and we would now be delighted to have you come in and examine these goods and compare our values. Never before have we shown such exceptional values in ladies' and children's mantle% children's serge ceressee, ladies' and children's furs, Don't fail to see these before buying, _ • t • ehe laecomes , the possessor of a called upon to assist with the ve,g- • .e" September teth, 121$;, "1/1111111 et. their removal from toren their friends extend to Mr. and. Mrs. Collyer best wishes for their con- - tinted success. - • Mr. Thos. Cottle was. in Goderich Monday and Tuesday. He , had been- asked to judge the floral ex, Whit at the Fair but was also 1 • • trip to New York Toronto and ot- ity as a judge of• susk th'ngs is Mr, Cottle's a,bil- pia'no and was given a three-we'eks etabies well' Bio' Bargains in all lines of summer pods during the • her points ease, see bee been vis- well known and his services aro of' . . . , ten called:into use. He also sup- , Iting 'friends in Blyth, Godeeich and , • vicinity for the past fortnight Plied the flowers, and on Tuesday balance of September, ; Mr. Fred ...Stephenson, who has beep ' dedieeeted *the house for the marri, *town, tkat, of Me. andMre: John . took peace yesterday, . ...............—. , • , Stephenson,' for seiverall Weeks, paste Mrs, D. M. etoss has ehipped her PLUM TEE ; SMALL ; left yesterday for Springfieid Mass household goods to Toronto and vieiting at the parental home let, age of Mies •Ceate., which . oyent MORE, • wlier.e -intendS : taking a 'special she ane Mies Beesie leave tornor- BROS • PROFITS • e le', course in physical training. leer, row foe that city where they in. BUSINESS Stephenson, has been physical dir- • tend making their home in future. • • eater at the Y. M. C. A. at Port As Mrs. Ross has two sons attend - Arthur for some time leaving there leg tlm Ihtivervity in Toren -it° thee Cornpiete FALL STOCK Ladies' and Children's mantles, golf coats, underwear, hosiery gloves, dress goods, staples, house furnishings, ea,rpets, rugs, Linolenn, Ete. Inspection Invited ‘saymormstano 11114141041144 IltIMISSMINSFMOS4.4.444.44.4 The News From Londesboro Mrs. W.,. Stone of Weston is visit- ing at the home of Mr. :James Wood- man. A reuniter frons about here attended the Fair • at 0 oderich on Tuesday af- ternoon, Miss S: Turner returned to her hoine in Wallaceburg after a IOW weeks visit with relatives hereabouts: Mrs. R. Carter spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. Wm. Riley returned on Monday after spending a few clays with his daughter, Mrs. R. Waters of London. Mr. and erre. W. T. Btunedon re- turnd from the west on Friday look- ing much refreshed and benefitted by their holiday jaunt. Rev. R. A. Miller and family of Auburn were guests at the parson- age on Tuesday. II Wien Happenings Mr., Harry Freeman spent last weele in London taking in the Fair and visiting his daughter, Mrs: Dan- iel MeNeil, Mr, James Clary and Vias Kato Clary of near Seaforth spent Sun- hclearyt, at the home of Mre. T. Car- Mesers. Frank White and Eddie Brisson of Clinton Sundayed with Bullett friends. Miss Irene Collins ot Clinton epent Sunday the guests of 1Vlisses Mary and Vera Carbert. Mrs. Jas. Reynolds returned home on Friday last after speeding a month ' ' with Mrs. J. McDonald of Brantford. 1VIrs, Maloney and daughter of Dub- lin spent a few' clays this 'week wall friends cif this Mr. John McGuire and sister An- nie of Goderich Township Sundayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs: John Shanahan. "Poultry King'', Carter was in Goderich this week' judging fowl. Quite a number in this vicinity ate tended the Leaden Exhibition, ' Messrs. T. MeMenhael and S071 were very successful exhibitors at the Wese tern Fair, which just closed on Sat- urday. Among timer winnings were: first for heavy draught brood mare and foal, first and' second for heavy draught' yearling first for. heavy draught yearling stallion 1st for heaey draught stallion and three of his progeny, and first for thebe-year-old heavy draught stallion. They also - carried off the sweepstakes. This pErtoNA.L. with four firSts, two monde and slooli 0: myth, iii0bber one third which they, was at the Tor- , onto Fair and the many alreadY '":,?..te,,r1:gr,o`:Yt. to reporti very in at won and yet to lat won at ithe 'local 9' We816Y %Inc!: of toWo, is fairs, make a pretty good showing ler one seeeon 1 ut the Messrs. Mc - A pretty wedding oceeirred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Craw- ford of the eighth con. yesterday at high noon, when their only daughter, Martha Jane, was united in marriage to Mr. Abraham Stewart Kunkel of Niagara Falls. The ceremony was performed -by Re39. J. H. Osterhout, pastor of tne Methodist church, Lon- deeboro, in the presence of about thirtY-fiVe invited guests. The bridal couple, who were tmatteeded, stood in front of a' bank of ferns and asters during the coremon3e. The' bride was given away by her father. She was daintily gowned in white silk mult trimmed with lace and carried a ha- mlet of asters and maidenhair fern. The wedding music was played hty Miss Mary Snell, cousin of the bride, to • whom the groom presented pretty locket and chain. Alter the ceremony a sumptuous wedding feast was partaken of, the tables. being handsomely :decorated with myrtle and dahlias. , The bride was the re- cipient of many beautiful and useful gifts from her many frie,nds, Mr. and 'Mrs, Kunkel left on the after- noon train from Clinton for Berlin, where they will visit 'the groom's parents, The bride's going away costume was a tailored suit of navy blue with which she wore, a 'Vienne waist and a pretty hat, Mrt add Mks. Kunkel will reside at Niagara Ont„ and are followed to their new home by the good wishes of hosts of friends, ) Miehael ere alwe.vs successful. • Mr Wrn Rien eat:reed. off second • . Incprizc an agricultural mare and 1151 rfoe a foal at the weStern. Mr. Wyi, line:ill won thi0c1 'ott Standard bred veerting filly aril _ ,take this coerce, fertker per- will find • match MOIe convenient ,esere, Geo, .Dale, and e,on got ferst feet hit 'n his ' cork He has al- to reeide there. While regretting. for two -veer -old beavy draeght fil- • ready becii meet, successful aed Ills the depat.tere of tile Carnily from Iv. many Clinton frieds wish him town the many Clin1oe friends wish A8 will rge team 411e forOg, tinuecl enee,ees his eltoe,ee sing line. -there meeli sueceee and happinesS,in ilte township of Mullett leas 1)0511 • l't NEWS-RECORDJAN, NEXT FOR 2o0 of endeavor. their DOW hOlte. gOir7 t ..Rey, Willia(ef' Hayes Clarke, for a ' quarter of .a cientary rector ,,of . St. Barnahae' Miura, died at 'his herne Lakeview avenue, Toronto. George Green, a Fenian raid veter- an, died under. peetifinr editeumetancee at Owen Sound, and Wm_. Smith may have to face a tterums charge m con- nection with We affable NEW Fall' Sulithas NOW IN STOCK For the past nine years we have catered for men's custoro made tailoring, produ c i n g style and workmanship fully guatanteed, keep- • ing none but compet- ent workmen equal to any in larger cities and producing clothes for men at prices consis- tant with expense and • much below city pric- es, Why pay big pric- es for factory made clothing, when you can get a suit made to your measure at home by an experienced cutter and practical tailors from $20.00 to $25.00 We have seen oth- ers come and go but we are here to stay, us- ing the same motto as when we started "'Quality." • • and BROWN - 1.1Ccorre‘urimilmers.minrossmagno0000000m