The Clinton News Record, 1912-09-19, Page 7• •If you want Comfort-- Use omfort Use Comfort Soap FRIItT SHOULD BE GRADED Special flarket Commissioner at Winnipeg Says Care Must Be Taken. A despatch from Toronto says : Competition for the fruit trade of Western Canada is so keen that Mr. James ' Parnell, Spacial Market Commissioner at Winnipeg, in a re- port issued on Thursday, warns •On- tario shippers that only the very beef must be offered if they expect to control the market. Ontario fruits are acknowledged to be bet- ter quality than British Columbia shipments, but ,shipments from the Pacific Province and the western States show excellent stock, well graded and packed, which reaches the market in a splendid condition. Mr. Parnell suggests that prices for apples are likely to decline. Good sales are reported in the country, but city buyers are mak- ing Iight purchases in the hope of Cheaper prices later on, "With the keen competition between east and west it looks as if the growers will have to take lower prices. Ship- pers should exercise great carein packing their apples, as there is an extra staff of inspectors on, who are examining carefully each ship- ment, and all shipments should come up to the `fruit market ant.' "Many of our Ontario growers are shipping out fruit that will hold its own with the best of quality, pack and condition on arrival. In other cases, however, too little at- tention is being paid to grading and packing, ,some varieties of plums and :peaches being shipped here that will not hold up and are arriving in bad shape, which has a tendency to lower the pricers of fruit coming in right," Mr. Parnell states that the mar- ket has been crowded all week with foreign fruit, whieh has caused quite a. drop'in prices. MONTREAL THE STANDARD is the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion of Canada. It is national in all its Aims. It uses the most expensive engrav- ings, procuring the photographs from All over the world, Its articles are carefully selected and its editorial policy is thoroughly ,independent, A subscription to, The Standard. costs $2.00 per year to any address in: Canada,or Great Britain. TRY IT FOR 1912! ,Montreal Standard Publishing Cdr Limited, Publishers. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. Any person who is the sole head of a family, • or any male . over 18 years old, may homestead a quart- er section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must ap- pear in person at the Dominion. Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entre by proxy may be made at any agency, on cet- tain conditions by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties, --Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homestead- er may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or. sister. In certain districts a homestead- er in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his homestead. ;Price, 3.00 per were. Duties.—Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn home- stead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price, $3.00. Duties.—Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the In- terior. N.B,-Unauthorized publication -•-ijf'thi's advertisement will not be paid for. TIMBER FOR SALE Tenders will be received un to and in. eluding the first : day of October, 1912, for the right to out white and red pine and spruce, -.on two timber bertha .on the upper waters of the Jocko River east of the townships of garrew and Lockhart, in the District. sof Nipiasing,-Province of Ontario. the bertha heing ,designated •",Jock° 13o. • L" and "Jooko No: IL,'• each containing twenty-five square miles mora or loss. For maps and donditions of sale apply Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines Toronto, Jnly:Y7th, 1912. NEW STEAMER BRITANNIC. Titanic's Successor Can Float With Six Compartments Flooded. A despatch from. Liverpool says: The White Stan Company an- nounces that its new 50,000 -ton steamer will be named Britannic, It will have a complete inner skin, and the bulkheads will be increas- ed. It will be capable of floating with six compartments flooded. T'WVO OUTLAWS TO 'DIE. Floyd and Claude Allen Sentenced to the Electric Chair, A despatch from Wytheville, Vir- ginia, says : Floyd Allen and his nephew, Claude, two leaders of the gang that shot up the Hillsville courthouse, were brought into court here on Thursday and sea tented to be electrocuted on No- vember 22nd. They were found guilty of murder in the first degree several weeks ago. THANKSGIVING, OCT©BER 28. Date Recommended by State De. partutent for This Year. A despatch from Ottawa says: Although the formal Order• in Coun- cil fixing the date for Thanksgivi=ng Day this fall has not yet been pass- ed, it is understood that the date recommended by the State Depart- ment is Monday, October 28th, and a proclamation will be issued short- ly. LONDON'S FIRE RECORD: Recently published, statistics deal- ing with fires in London, England, show that in 1911 there were 4,455 fires (1,250 more than in 1910), this number being greater than any're- corded in previous years. One hun- dred and twenty lives were lost and it is estimated that 100 persons were rescued from burning build- ings. From an executive point of view the feature of the year was the increase in motor appliances, the first of which was introduced in 1906. There are now 40 motor vehi- cles in use and several others' in course of construction. The per- sonnel of the . brigade has grown from 420 officers and men in 1878 to 1,380 at the present time. A TIME FOR EVERYTHING. The brave ship was wallowing in the waves that threatened to engulf. her at any moment. Hastily the captain ordered a box of rockets and flares to be brought to the rail, and with his own hands ignited a number of them in the hope that they would be seen and the passen- gers and crew rescued. Amid the glare of the rockets a tall, 'thin, austere -looking individual found his way to the skipper. "Captain," said he, "I must pro- test against this foolhardiness.' We are now facing death ; this is no time for fireworks 1" ECONOMY. "There's an economical girl for you." "As to how 2" "Eats a 5 cent lunch every day." "Yes; she's trying to save $50 to buy a, -willow plume." A HINT. , Miss Vicolo—"Itin never happy unless I'm breaking into song.'.' Bright Young Man—"Why don't you get the .key and yoti_won't have to 'break in?" BUSINESS AND • SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y. M. C. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions.; College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. LW. Westervelt J.% Westervelt, Jr. Prinaipal Chartered ,ccoantast 16 - Vice-MWclpai.. THE,NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH _ HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER. THE GLOBE INA •NUTSHELL. „r Canada,the Empire and the World P 1D GOAorai Before Your Eyes. CANADA,. Many Toronto children died from evhoapirig-cough last mantle; Fred. Staples, G.T.R. yard help- er at Belleville, was crushed to death between ears. . - Sir Hugh Montague Allan has re- tired from. the Directorate of theazt Allan SteamshipLine. Heland Wright, a farmer of Glen Sutton, was killed by a train near herbrooke, Que., on Friday, Over four hundred students are taking supplemental examinations at the University of Toronto. The Department of ]duration an -final nounoed the establishment of a four-year Nurse in agriculture, Judge D. J. Donahue, Senior Judge of Renfrew county, died at Homewood Sanitarium, Guelph, on Friday. Archie Ferguson was caught on the belt of a feeder and drawn to almost instant death en a farm in Athol township. Rev. Nicholas Boodles of Galicia has been appointed Bishop of the RutheIiaari (Greek) Catholics in Western Canada, George Goodnow suffered fright- fur, and possibly fatal barna in en- P Y deavoring to prevent the explosion of a gasoline tank at Belleville. Chas. F. Walsh, a Curtiss biplan- ist had a narrow escape at Halifax P Exhibition, when his machine crash- ed down on to a cattle shed. Thos- Fitzpatrick was killed when a water turbine at the Shawinigan Company's plant, Montreal, burst and flooded the building on Friday, Fifty thousand dollars loss was caused by the destruotion of the Patterson ManufacturingCom- pany's plant and stock by fire at St. Boniface, Man. a0 Years of Suffering PRICES OF RBPOflTa FROM-TH! GiNTtiii Prices or Caws, Produce FARM 'PRODUCTS LEADING TRADE OP AMi11iGA,) " 4f For Tea You C'lan't ,feat Lipton's" w_ Grain, Obsess end otnet Acknowledged standard for Tea throughout the Empire. , a1 Rabic and Abreast A Desperate Case, of Catarrh in the Head. r •a father had Catarrh in the head for a Long time. .It was such'a deeper- ate caee that he didn't know whet to do, but one of his friends. recommended Hood's. Sarsaparilla, He got a bottle immediately, and as coon as he Corn - menced taking it he felt relief a:nd atter the lee of two d. F Bottles he' was completely cured. I3e 'was so well pleased he has ever 4ince recon,- mended -Hood's Sarsaparilla. Delle .Aline Begin, Levis, F. Q. Get Elood's Sarsaparilla' today. Sold by all druggists everywhere, BREADSTUFFi3, Toronto; Sept.st17-Flom-Hinter wheat, ,. , 90 per cent. patents, $3.75 to 43.00 Yor now, f.o.b. ,mills, and at $3,90 to $3.95 for old, f.o.b. mills. _Manitoba flours (these .quo• rations .arc .forante bags, in. cotton bags Goes farthest for the motley... _. 10e, more); -First patents, $5.70; second padente, 90.20, and strong bakers', $5, on Uraak,Toronto. Manitoba ti9beat No. 2 old Northern wheat 65 to 66a Bay Por$.y porta. Iced •" TRIBUTE TO DEAD EMPEROR. _.- Nogi, Famous. General,niti and IIis Wife, Commit Suicide, A despatch from Tokio,says: P Y General Count Meresuke Nogi, Su- preme Military Councillor of the Empire, and his wife, the Countess Nogi, committed suicide on Friday night,,. in' aocordanee with the en- tient Japanese custom, as their tribute to their departed Em- peror and friend, Mutsuhito. The taking off by their own hands= of the famous General and his wife was as dramatic as it was: sad. The Gen- eral cut his throat with a short sword and the Countess committed hail -hail. Following the Samurai custom, the couple had carefully prepared their plans. for killing themselves and timed them so, that they would be coincident. with the departure forever from Tokio of the P dead Emperor. a m Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white, red and mixed 97 to 900, outside; .new wheat, 93 i5 940, outside, ESTIMATE carer New No. 2 oats quoted 46 nt 41 to here and old at 451.2 to 460, Toronto. No, 2 NN, G oats, 470, Bay ports, Peas -Nominal. STER NCR, Barley -N°. 3 nominal at 60 to 660; out. mesa. No, 3 extra, 88c, and No, 3, 050, "t". ‘j" 'I'. P• s Report Shows 179,828,000 Bushels 01 Corn -No. 1 American yellow, 64e, 011 Wheal, Half of Which is Harvested. track, E BBayoints, and att8 a8e, Yo go e; Rye -65' to 70o. per bushel, - sUob Ma it toba ibran, 922 to $z3, in • A despatch from Montreal says : pass, Toronto •freight, shorts, $26. According to figures compiled by •-- the Grand Trunk Pacific thewest- COUNTRY PRODUCE, Butter-Daixr robe, choice, z5 to 260; ern wheat crop this year will reach bakers, inferior, 21o; choice dairy, take, 179,828,000 bushels, Their report 23 to Mc; creamery, 27 to 28o for rolls, shows that an average of over 50 "10 Dae 7o1ota 9P i new -laid, 26 to 27o per cent, of thegrain had. already584,000 per dozen; fresh, 14e, been harvested, ut the work ha Clteeee-New cheese, 141.4 to 141.2e for large, and 141.2 to-14a•4e for twine. been greatly delayed from one end Beane—Band-picked,' $3 per bushel, I Primes, 92:90. of the prairies to the other byheavy goner -Extracted, in tine, 111-2 to 121-2e ram, In several places it is re- per Ib, for No, 1, wholesale; combs, 92.25 ported that the early outgrain has 93, wholesale. I'seecl-w'holeeale prices of choice begun to sprout, but in the major- dressed poultry:-Chiokene, 16 to iso per ity of elistricts no damage',ha9 yet 1Lb-; hens, 13 to 14e; ducklings, 14 to i6o, above. about 20 lower than thoi been done to it. Thrashing has not potatoes -goo per bag. yet commenced, and in some places it is feared that unless the weather peiear ONS, clears a promising crop is going to Bacon -Long clear, 141-2 to 14 3.4o per Ib., fn cavo lots, , Pork—short cut, Q2450 bo badly damaged; There las beer no frost to hurt. The yi=1a gener• ally is a large one, Estimates carefully prepared by experts for' the company place th. total crop as follows: Wheat, 10 acres, at 17 bushels per aore 17828,000 ushele • oats ,245 001 acres, at 42 bushels per acr.,, 220,• 290.000 ••bushels; barley, 1,500,001 acres, at 32 bushels per acre, 48, 000 1'00; flax 1 111 000 acres; at li , bushels per acre, 12,210,000 bushels The total wheat crop last year we P 177,109,000 bushels, so that the year's estimate planes the yield a between two and three million bush els in excess of that of last year. LIFTED BY BLAZING BALLOON ---- Aeronaut 2 000 Feet U 1 Cut Loose + I + Just in the Nick of Time. A despatch from Toledo y Ohio, says: Hundreds r•f terrorized spec- titters on the county fair grounds on Thursday watched the fight against death made by Frank Arm- strong, an aeronaut, wheel he was carried 2,000 feet into the air by a blazing ba•Iloon. Armstrong was 'preparing to make an ascension and was straightening out his para- chute rigging when the balloon caught fire and his helpers let go, Fighting to release his parachute, the aeronaut was carried up in a tangle of ropes. He succeeded in cutting loose a moment before the reached the parachute, and the blazing balloon collapsed. Armstrong made a successful drop, inside the race -track. R to $z5; ao., mess. Q21.5o. Home -Medium to light, 17 to 171.20; heavy, 161.2 to 16c, rolls, 14 to 141.20; breakfast bacon, 181.20;BRITAIN br rd-Zrieroeu01i31-za; tube, 133.4e; pails, 140. S T C U S T 0 E R Bnsmwss AT MONTREAL. Montre-J sent. 17. -oats -Canadian Western, No. 2, 491.2 to boa; do No. 3, 4a Exports of the Dominion garley?N[anitra Nteed, f ed'to966 ; 4m -2c. ing, 75 to 800. Buckwheat—No, 2, 7a to Last Year Worth 75e, Flour—Manitoba spring wheat pat - to the United Kingdom Over $150,000,000. ants, firsts, $5.80• do„ seconds, $5,30; strong bakers', $6.10; Winter patents, gchoice, , 96.2 ; straight tr i ht to rollers Rol5et 4. e A despatch from Ottawa says: _Barrels, Mt ba.g of so lbs, $2,271.2. Corrected customs for the year end- htilifeod—Bran, 923; shorts, $27; mid- ing March 31, 1912, show that the dlNo s'2Zper ton, cnxiilots $3$16 to34$1H5 50 aggregate foreign trade of the Cheese -Finest westerns, 14 to 141.80: do., country was 5874,637,794, made up elate eiy,�212t00 137'80 seonde 25iz Butter-Choicestof exports of $315,317,250, and im- 260. Ergs -selected, 28 to 290; No. 2 stook, ports of $559,320,544. The total 19 to 00a, Potatoes -Per bag, car lore, 75 duty collected was $87,576,036, as to 80e' -- compared with $73,312,307 in 1910. UNITED STATES MARI:>;TS. The United Kingdom was the best Minneapolis, Sept, 17 -Wheat -September, customer of Canada, taking $151,- 9314 7 Noaemlard�88934e;MNo, 93 18853,413 of her exports. The United ern, 871.4 to 881.40;. No. 2 Northern, 831-4 to States took $120,534,634. Other 661.4o. No. 3 yellow corn, 72 1.2e. No, 3 countries to which Canadian odds white oats, 30 to 301.2e. No, 2 rye, 61 to g 630, Bran, 920. Flours—First patents, were exported were: West Indies, $4.35 to $4.65; second patents, $4,20 to 94.55; $6,900,940; South America, $4,- first clears, $3.20 to $3,50; second. clears, $a ,3o to 9z,6o. 825,030; Newfoundland, $4,284;313; Duluth, Sep. 17. -Wheat, No. 1 hard; Australia, $3,947,015; Germany, ?,?-03471's No, 1 Northern, 891•Ba; No, 2 rn, 87 Leo; September, eallo asked; December, 081.4e; May, 931.80 asked. 03,814,914; Belgium, $3,732,222 France, $2,123,705, Canada bought most heavily frog the United States, her imports fro that country beang $356,354,478 those from Great Britain were $116,907,022, while those from other countries were : France, $11,744,. 664; Germany, $11,090,005; South America, $10,533,310; West Indies, $8,490,878; Switzerland, $3,458,006 Belgium, $3,686,419; Chine and Ja- pan, $3,112,982. Of the duty col - lected $49,177 5 84 came from the United States, and $22,361,069 free Great Britain, The percentage of clary on all goods impaired for con- .sumption was 16. GREAT BRITAIN. Lloyd's Bank agreed to advance China $50,000,000 for forty years at 5 per cent. interest. •flames Truth announced that Sir George Murray has been engaged to rear- ga=nize the administrative depart -landing meats of the Canadian Govern- meat, In a triangular bye -election con- test -in which Laborites opposed the' Liberal eondidate-'the Union- istS won the Midlothian seat for- marl held byGladstone. y , UNITED STATES. Loiterers on the "'Great White Way," New York, after midnight will be arrested, Wild rioting took lace in Du- g P lath on Friday, where the -street car service is suspended owing to a strike. P g Heavydamage was caused b g Y lightning and hail during a violent storm in eastern New York and New Western Connecticut. - OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS. Sir Pere G11'013051 Tells $Ow Poo• Y ple Abroad Regard Canada. A despatch from Montreal says P Sir Percy Girouard, formerly Gov- ernor of British East Africa, is in Canada on a visit. "I am afraid Our Lady of the Snows is a back number so far as the popular image- nation 9�s concerned. A great change has come over opinion abroad in , „ regard to: Canada, he said in an interview. '''People no longer think of it as a polar country. The y: now regai'dit in the ti•etelight,. as a land where there aregreater a ri- g cultural opportunities than any- where in the United States, and as a,.country with one of the finest cli- mates in the world." LrvE STOOK MARKETS. FIELD CROP PRIZES. ;}zontreal, Sept, 17, -Prime beeves about 63.4; medium, 4 3.4 to 61.2; common, 3 to 41.2 Milch cows, 930 to $70 each; calves, Western Ontario Men Are Aniong lit63.8; Bheei about 4 Dents; iambs the Principal Winners. about 6 conte; hogs, a 1.2 to a 3.40. 1 • Tomut° September 17. •- Choice - A des itch from Ottawa says: Choice butcher, .$6,50 to `$6,75; good meds- P y urn, 95,68 'to $6.26; common, M60 to 95; Results in the vegetable field crop nese; $2 to 3 to $3.800alvels-Good vto ent' e"to competition eondncted at the Da- 98,50; common, $3,50 to 96. Stockers and minion Fair here bythe Ontario -feeders, 500 to 900 lbs., $4.25 to $5.60, Stockers. Ve stable Growers'. Association era and springers; $60 to $75- sheep and g lambs—From 250 to 60c lower; light ewes, were announced on Thursday, Wee- 94 to 94;0; heavy ewes, $3 to 93,50; lambs, tern Ontario man being the princi- and $8ffi362to �e oa f.o.b. fed and watered pal winners. H. Harrell Humber Bay, to 3, won third;pxiza for celery; F. FIRE FIEND AT WORR. — Veneer Factory and Sawmill De. stro ed at Parr Sound. y y A despatch from Parry'Soutar says': Shortly after noon on• Wed nesday' fire was •discovered in the large veneer factory . and sawmil: owned jointly by George Neibeer 1 & Son and the Niagara Veneer 8 I3asket Company, and when discov ered the flames, in the absence o. the headwa GENERAL. The am osin funeral. rites over P g the remains of the late Mikado' were'carried on with old-time dere-third menials on Friday,2 .1. F. Reeves, Humber Bay, won fifth JU]1IPS FROM HOTEL WINDOW. prize for celery, first far onions and y, for tomatoes, J, Elford Nell-Knolvn Resident of nebeo Humber ]3a won second rite for: Y, P • Ends His Own Life. onions and first for tomatoes. Rob- ort McCowan, Scirboroy won first A despatch from Quebec says: "fo•r grain in sheaf, Jamas Jumping from a window of the Rennie, Milliken, wa•s second in third flat of the .Mountain hill spring wheat in sheaf and threshed, House, Ludger Beauregard, a well- and W. G. Rennie Ellesmere was known Quebecker, committed sui- first for threshed oats. P. W. cide on Wednesday morning. Mr. Boynton and Son, Dollar, won se- Beauregard formerly was purchas- Gond prize for threshed spring er of right-of-way for the Transcon- wheat. tinental Railway Commission in the .— workmen made such that nothing could be clone to save the property. In addition to the veneer and basket factory and saw• mill, there was large drying sheds, a kiln dryer and a quantity of lune ber and finished veneer read fos Y shipment. Almost everything in the Yards was destroyed with the ex• °option of some hardwood logs. The loss is estimated at $100,000, with: insurance of $25,000, and will throe about thirty men out of work, '1' CHILD KILLED IN ELEVA.TOR. Attendant in Halifax BuildingFail- cd to Close Car Door. A despatch from Halifax says: Enid Griffith, a three-year-old girl, wee killed in the elevator shaft in the Metropole Building in this city on Thursday. The child was in the elevator with her aunt. The eleva- tor boy omitted to close the door as the elevator went up from the third storey. .The child had hold of the grill work on the edge of the shaft, The elevator going up, left the girl hanging by her 'hands, In a moment she dropped to the bot- tom and was killed. g CONDOR CHARLIE.prize Lord Charles Beresford is still prophesying the crack of doom, and as fiennly convinced as ever that ,here is no hope for the navy unless things are done exactly as he de- sires• Lord Charles is the second eon al the Marquis of Waterford, and his earliest ambitions were direct- ;d towards the navy. On the boy's bhirteenth birthday, the Marquis called hie son into his study, and -d' district of Quebec, He was living- ONLY HOLDING ITS OWN. in Defosses Street with his four daughters. British Itnlnigration Actually Shows Decrease 'Co Aug. 1. NO SMOKE, NO Wahl. -- Shoe Operatives Strike Becalm( EXCEEDED 31 KNOTS. A despatch from Ottawa says British immigration this year is just Sneed es of No1v Br'tfsh II ttic- holding its own: Up to Augwat lit r the immigratlen was 82,783, a de- ship Cintser Princess Royal. crease of fifteen: Continental en- A despatch from London says: nugration was 60,959 an increase of The new battleship cruiser, Prin- 15,000, and Americast imniigrataon cess Royal, a sister to the Lion, 65;900, ,an increase of 11,000. The which was launched sit Barrow -in- fact that British immigration is not Furness an Apr#1 29, 1911, had an increasing is said to be due to the g• eight-hour speed trial on Thursday efforts Australia is: making to. di- It is unofficially that she ex- vert the tide towards the Common- seeded the record of 31.7 knots an wealth, Refused Leave to Smoke. A despatch from Quebec says Because they were not permit to smoke at •work, •operatives in the Stobo shoe Factory have gone oD strike, the men made a lieation applies for permessto smoke, and it wee refused, Theyeven offered to ao- cept twenty-five cents 'a week lase m wages ff the privilege w+as grant- ed them. This concession not be. ing accepted a strike was called, .. " '' 2 <:r s ly s r t s 1 o y gx , j l ;$ s <' F - ys,: i .•; ' :: ; FATAL DERRICK ACCIDENT. Three -Men 'Killed, Five Injured, Some of Whom May Die.. A despatch from Halifax sails: p` Y'� ' Three men are dead and five are in- lured, as a result of an acmdent at the Woodside Sugar Refinery on Thursday moaning, A derrick arm snapped in two, •pregipitating a number of men sixty feet to the ground amongst a whirl of flying i steel, wood and other material, Three of the men were instantly killed. Their names are James Hitchcock, Daniel Young and g James Dougan, One or two of rho injured' may die. -.--e--S------AMERICANS SIIIPBUILDING .PLANT. To Build Sailing Vessels at Coryuit, lam for London Trade. A despatch from Vancouver says : Real work on the new $500,000 ship- building lana at Couitlam began, g P q on Wednesday. According to sped- fications, it will be the most con- preheneive on the mainland, for, ships -01' from 300 to .800 tone w.11' be the principal output at the start, the officials expect to enlarge a 'rhe .lint .after the open- g Pan ' mg of the Panama Canal. Eight had one-half' acres 'have.' been se- .cured. , ' �,�;� hour made by the Lion. The fila - cess Royal displaces 26,350 tons; and has turbine engines of 70,000 tb 75,000 hares -power, She carries h 3.5-inc un i eight of the new 1 h guns n four turrets, 60. disposed that all broad - can be, discharged an either broad- side or four ahead and four astern, IN ihat II Thi settlement ® Your Estate • Cost STILL COMING. - 175,000 Will Have Crossed, Into Canada by End of Fiscal Year. A despatch from Ottawa says: P •Accordiq-g to W. J. White, who re- turned on Wednesday from an in- Y spection of Canadian immigration agencies in the United States, the g American influx to the Westisco- tinning at a rate unprecedented.moat, Mr. White estimates that in the current -_fiscal, year 175,000 people will cross the border.; They are not settling in particular locahtiea or .one province, he says. but are Y , P , y s•cattering everywhere that good land is available, Mr. White speaks , , p. optimistically, of the crops. _ '~ We if you oculars. We will forms our fireproof cannot The c trustworth tor that economically, ally carry will. 1,',•.,""'',.\ � ; .\w �: •` 'e." •' \ will be will No also and P get lost. Canada will out \1: pleased furnish charge. •will supply place vaults Trust experienced Y, pe manage .the .\•\�T � to us with you your where Company your and terms , . '-' tell will execu- estate imparti- of ;your �\ 4., ' '''' you, par- with in it is • .. ��.,. :. _ ee Our intimate connection the Huron &, Erie Loan Savings Co. enables us to obtain numerous investments' which come under the Trustee Act, and of which a pr#vate. party would never hear. This enabled us to keep our Trust Funds always invested and Estates derive ' larger profit than otherwise. Services of Family Solicitor always retained. Correspondence 'invited answered promptly. , 0 '', C • A 4 \ �\\� � � , .4 L.; •• 1 \ ap\� \\ with and a :and °� • Lord ' Charles Beresford. asked him whether he 'had any de- sire to. enter' a profession. "I'm going into the navy he: 1" replied. And why the navy?" inquired the Marquis, Because I'd like' to be an admir-,:although al like Nelson. "Paha*.l like Nelson, - exclaim- ed his father; "Bet even if you cin 'the' nav why do you 7 Y, Y y think you'll become an 'admiral 2 "Because I • mean to l" •.re ii .' P ed young Beresford, g Morse's Dr. ,, Indi•an Root Pall;'a.. I effectiveness m owe their singular curio Rheumatism, Lumbago and; Sciatica todtheir. ower of stimulating ; and strengthening thekioneys. They g g enable these or ins to; thoroughly , , r e bl°°� he' are° a°,d_. (the roduct of waste Matter) ' (her f om th r Bich : gets into the joints and muscles and; �. ..., .. e:auses`these palnlul diseases. Over ha century of constant use has ' half a ° ry; roved conc. usevel .that Dr, Morse s. Y. ppn ran Root Pills strengthen weak kidneys and dr ...0 re R1heu,,;tan,tasm LEG CUT OFF BY ROPE. LONDON, ONTARIO. NDW'ZEALAND LEPERS. - Condition in Cook Islands Officially Reported as''Deplorable. A despatch from Christchurch, • N. Z. says: An oflclal report from y P � Cook Islands says leprosy 'is re a-` s Y P Y P v lent to a great extent. The lepers, ,. ... live. in the most disgraceful condi, " g teens and the, general heath of the islands 1s deplorable. Drastic mea-, P aures are necessaryto save the `o- P pulatian: — Painful Accident to R. Gates of the St Alexandria. A. deap$,tch from Iio•quois says While the steagner Alexandria was swinging ut after calling ho- quoin wharf on Friday afternoon, Robert Gates,.: one of the deekhands ,, W1uo was ,sitting on the snubbing- post waiting his turn to pull the P g A . ; •:ale t" n ed in the � rope off, get , g tangled line and the iamb a as e6 mpletely. enoff IIs : ,ua' hurried to Brock-,•`^,; t wt„ vall�e:Hospital for treatment. .„ :• •:y, .. .sir a •, , '� o ' t W f �. ,. \ , _;. , LABATT S • LONDON LAGER INDIA PALE AND EXTRA 'STOCK ALES, XXX STOUT -. _. STANDARD BEVERAGES 31 . ,' JOHN LABATT, LIMnED, LONDON s, _ („(-;-----,),.).\'...\‘..... Rr •.:a . - < /: !r _ ,.r z.,, c ti+ a ..';Ra..t u . x ...- / ' t . t , r f, :l F::' Vit, r }:r t ;3a" r,,.: F<u.r :> 3 : ,, :. s s t m 3 ; terl