The Clinton News Record, 1912-09-19, Page 1ete1
No. I748 -33rd Year
o the end of 1912 for 25 cents ---for new subscribers.
The. News -Record to any address in Canada
tar dire Will Jelve
%ant( a Wedding 5ift9erplexiti.
When you are purchasing a present it is a 'mat-
ter of money and what you want—nothing else.
Then this is your store, for what you want is here
and at the lowest possible price. A good variety of
articles selected from large stocks, consisting of :
Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy China,
Clocks, Etc.
The goods are new, beautiful and modern in design and of sup-
evior quality.
Ileadqemeters for watches. We make a specialty of handling
high grade svatehes, Repairing of watches, clocks and jewelery
well and peoperly done. Satisfaction guaranteed,
W. Y(. Yel1qar
feweler and Optician Clinton
The Royal Bank
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital Paiclaup 11,500,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits 12,500,000
Total Assets 175,000,000
825 Branches. With worlcl wide connection. Interest allowed
on Debosits. General Banking lansiness transacted.
R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch.
I Vie „Molsons Bank
Record of Progress for Five Years -1906-11
100G 1011
CAPITAL • , . • . $3.000,000 $1,000,000
RESERVE . , • . . • 3,000,000 4,600,000
DEPOSITS , . . • . 28,077,780 35,042,311
LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,457,0e0 38,854,801
TOTAL ASSETS „ 83,030,102 4S,237,234
Has 83 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in ali
the Principal Cities of the World.
at all Branehee, Interest allowed at highest cureent rate,
Clinton Branch - (. E. Dowding, Manager
The Thin Man
and --
• The Stout Man
We can give a perfect fit to every man, it matters
not what his weight or height is. This is one of the
startling achievements of the 20th Century. Brand
tailors, and all we ask is an opportunity to prove. it.
Put us to tbe test, Put it up to us to prove this as-
sertion in every particular, •
Jast received another shipment of Caps,
Sec window display.
FHE cklMITHJil.c11111111!G co.
"A square Deal for Every Boy"
Mrs, 1'. A. Axon will receive, for
the first time since her marriage ,on
Friday afternoon of next week from
four to six 'o'clock.Afterwards the
'second Thursday of each month.
The annual 0 ti 1. Field Day will
be lwld oe Friday of next week,
Sept. 27tb, in Recreation Park,
The Model .school Literary Society
willmeet fortnightly in the school
room of Wesley church.
The house belonging' to Mrs. Watts
on Rattenbury street was sold by
auction on Saturday, the purchaser
being Mr, J. C. Henry. The price
paid was $1,605. This is a modern
and up-to-date dwelling and will
make a comfortable home for IVlr,
Henry and family, who have been
occupying the residence of Mrs. Fair,
Sr., since corning into town.
Talking about flowers, anyone wish-
ing to see some handsome ones.
should take a walk clown about Mr.
.3. G. Medd's home: Them they will
find some rare kinds and good sped,
mens of their kind. Mr. Medd has
an eye for the beautiful,
Also, the splendid groiinds. of Air.
Ca D. McTaggart are now at their
best. A finer bed of camas would
be hard to find than adorns his lawn,
and for stately beauty the canna is
hard to boat.
Mr. J. W. Moore also has a firi.
garden, both floral and vegetable, as-,
tete and onions being his speciality.
Messrs. Cuninghaine and Cottle of
course have wine ,fine specimens but
they hardly count here among the
Probably everybody has noticed the
fine bed or cannas in the pustenice
square, or it may bee that the ej
has become gradually accustomed to
them and their' bthuty has been mis-
sed., If so, take a look hest mail
time, they are well worth it, indeed
the whole postoffice square is always
a place of beauty.
.A. very pretty aster wedding took
place at high noon yesterday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bath -
well, Princess, street, when their
daughter, Annie, became the bride of
Mr. George Howard Varcoe of Tor-
onto, eldest son of 11r. and Mrs. Geo.
Varcoe a Bowmanville. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. S. J.
Allis, pastor of Ontario street
The bride, who was given away by
ler father, wore her travelling suit
of _tan serge with lace bodice and
arge black picture hat with plumeo,
and carried a bogeet of white Miry-
anthaniums. The bridal couple were
nattended, •save by the neice
1 the bride, Miss Opal locator, who
lade a dainty flower girl, goy/ned silk and carrying a basket of
ily-of-the-valley and white asters and
latex. ' Miss Gladys Cantelon play
d the wedding march.
The groom's gift to the bride was
beautiful sunburst of pearls.
Atter the ceremony and when the
ovny-wedded pair had received the
ongratulations of those present, all
cpaired to the dining -room whore a
lainty luncheon was served., the
oom and table being prettily decor-
tecl in pink and white.
Mr: and liars. Varcoe left on the
bree o'clock train for eastern points
nd' after their honeymoon will reside
n Toronto,
The News -Record extends congratu-
ationa anti good wiehes.
Henry Smith of Stratford, former -
y of Clinton, died at the home of
is brother-in-law, Ives. la. A. Downs
1 Woodetoche on Satuaday • morning
st after a brief illness. He had
erne up from his hme oIb .Clinton:
he week previous to accompany his
arents and Mrs. R. A. Downs, who
eise moving to Woodstock. He went
own with them and remained a day
r two to assist them in; settling
it WaS taken ill with prietnonia and
ed within a week.
The deceased was born in Lincoln-,
ire, England, forty-three years ago
Caine to this country' withhif
rents when very young. They first
ttled near Londesbore but later
oved to Clinton and the subject of
is - sketch had spent the greater
rt of his -life here, only moving to
ratford about five years ago. His
in died in December last, Besides
parents five brothers and two
ters survive William, of Harden,
an., John of Toledo, Ohio, George
• Port .Huron, • Flamer
Toronto, Rebate of Vancouver,
C., Nfrs. Easorn of town and IVers,
A. Don, of Woodstock,
he remains were brought to •Clira
for interment, the furtsral
hall -
place from the statin on the
[vat of the eleven o'clock train
m the east on Monday mining.
R. A. Downe accompanied the
ly and •there were also present, for
funeral Ilia brother Hamor from
onto, Airr. • and Mrs. John Smith
Tbledo, and Mr. end Mts, Dods-
rth of Seaforth. The funeral wan
nt ithe direction of Court Itiaple
1, • C. 0, E., the religious services
g condueted by Rev. 8, J, ADM.
• pallbearers were. T. Manahan,
•J. Mord , W. S, it Holmes
• of
• ing
•• Cdeo. Csolc, Ioaec
gg. 0, T, 1V1EET$.
A meeting of the We C. 1'. IL will
be held at the home Of Mrs. J. W.
Moore on Friday ,(tomorrow) even-
ing at -eight o'clock. As this is the
annual meeting it IS hoped there will
be a dull attendance of niernbees.
The Women's Institute will meet on
'Thursday afternoon next at the home
of Mrs, Hugh Ross of_ Townsend
street. The topic for the meeting is
"Woman's Influence," and will be
taken up by Miss Ida Tebbutt. As
there are important matters to be
discussed a full attendance of mem-
bers is especially requested.
ONT. Sr. arluvapx. •
Services on Sunday next' will he
conducted by the paotor, Rev, S, ,T,
ADM. Evening topic; "The Corwin-
cing Proofs of the Christian Spirit
to the World."
A number of delegates from the
Sunday School and League will go
to the district convention at Sea -
forth on Tuesday and Wednesday
Master Alex. Eagleson, nephew of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cottle of town,
won first prize in the school scholars'
competition at the Goderich Fair
this week for feeehand drawing. As
there were a number of entries the
winning of first prize is matter for
some pride' and The News -Record
heartily congratulates Master Alex.
upon his success,
The Girls' Club of Willis church en-
tertained the , Model and Business
College students at the manse on
'Thursday evening last from eight o'-
clock to half past ten. About one
hundred young people gathered at the
appoieted hour, jecluding, hepatica
the student, several other Strangers
who are in town. A pleasant hour
was spent in games, followed by a
musical program eec? then ice cream
and cake, Rev. D. K. and Mrs,
Grant and the members of the Girls'
Olab proved themselves excellent
hosts and the evening was much en -
Mr. J, C. Miller, an old Glasgow,
"Rangers" football player, one who
played with the team 'when they
won the Scottish Penant, spent an
evening in town last' week with May-
or Gibbings, Fred Jacksoh and Tom
Craig of the Motor Company. Many
reminiscences of Old Scotia were ex -
Changed between Jack Miller and Tom
Craig, especially of the time when
the All Canadian team visited Scot-
land. It was a ,curious coincidence
that they should thus meet unexpect-
edly so far across the seas and the
meeting was mutually pleasant, Mes-
sets, Miller and Craig are both na-
tives of Daley, Ayeeshire, and are
proud of and fond of their "Ain 4
• Mr. Geo, J. Connell recently
li"levrsedartdo altheFirietrz,siwtrihoicnisi niaerrteo4n tit eir
de- Several, transfers tu real estate
,wo 'have taken place within the past few
owner the stun $232,60, H,,,'
Fitzsimons is en excellentjudis of a
beef and nettling is too good for hie,
Wheat. 90e,
Oats 45e,
• Peas 75e to 85e,
13arley 45e to 55e.
lautter 21e to 22e. • .
Eggs 25c to 26e.
Live Hogs $8.25.
The engagement is annonneed of
Mr. Eldred J. Archibald of the Daily
Star state Toronto, and son of Mrs.
Archibald of Clinton, to Miss Irene
CI Love of London. The,. marriage
will take place in London on Sep-
tember 25th.
Mr. Fred. Elford, late of Buffalo,
and formerly of alolinesville, who
recently accepted a position in Tor-
onto, has just bought a house on
Summerhill Crescent, paying $7,000
therefor, and will at once move hie
family to Toronto, they having re-
mained in Buffalo ia the meantime,
Miss Etta Twitchell, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mre. James Twit -
elicit of town, . was married yester-
day at the home of her brother, Mr.
E. F. Twitchell of Edmonton Alta.,.
to Mr. la S. McCloy of that city,
Al time of going to press partic-
lars are not to hand but the many
with The News -Record in wishing
Clinton friends of the bride will join
Mt and Mrs. Arceloy success and
Gabe Elliott took a party of Clin-
tonians down to London Fair on
Thursday last in Ms big motor hue
and the whole party report a pleas-
ant day. As the big machine trundl-
ed its smooth way over the London
streets it drew the attention of
people on all sides, and many wore
the enquiries as to whence it came,
the answer proving a good ad, for
our latest industry, the Clinton Mot-
or Works,
The pastor will be absent an Sue -
day morning next conducting special
services at Beniedler, but Will 00-
emiy his own pulpit in the evening,
Rev. J. Greene will conduct the
morning service,
The League missionary meeting on
Monday evening was addressed by
Miss Bessie Irwin, who is eriaaged in
Deaconness work in connection with
a Protestant Mission in the city of
Montreal. Her talk was along the
ine of some of her personal exper-
ences and was most interesting.
Next Monday evening- the League
will hold a reception for the Model
lass and the Businessi College
tom eight o'clock to ten-LInity.
Miss Jeassie Ford and Mr, W. Cook
cern appointed delegates from the
League to the District Convention to
e held in Sealortli on Tuesday and
Wednesday next.
The Executive of the Huron Pres-
yteral met in Willis eharelt on Tues -
ay and valued the bales of work
repared by the different; Auxilieries
nd made them ready for shipping.
'he folloWing ladies were here NILS,
Rev.) Larkin, Mrs. Scott, Mrs.
reeves, Mrs, Kerr'Mies McLean
nd Miss Graham of Seal ale • al •
The baseball nine accompanied by a
number of enthusiastic fans went
down to Exeter on Friday evening,
travelling in Eliott'a big motor bus,
where the home team played a win -
rang match with the Exeter nine.
"The Clinton boys played errorless
ball,"- remarked one of the spec•ta-
tors .while dismissing the game on
Saturday. The score stood 7-1 at b
the end of the seventh /Vining, 11 d
being Iwo dark to proceed. Clinton P
Is developing a baseball team which a
is a credit to the town, "Dick"
'Tasker, who got his training here
and who has been pitching for tne
Brantford team for the past couple a
of seasons, pitched on this occasion
The local iine-uji was as follows J,
Weir, o., 13. Tasker, pa E. Johnson,
1. b., 0. Kitty, 2 b., 0- Draper, s
s., F. McCaughey, 3 -la, M. MeEevan,
I, re L. Kerr, r. 1., L. Greig c.f.
' The League of Ontario street
church entertained the Model class
and the students of the Business Col-
lege 011 Monday evening. The young
people had the Subday school room
beautifully decorated with eyergreees,
,maple leaves and flowers and with
he daintily spread tables it pre-
sented a very attractive appearansee
At the appointed hour the pastor,
Rev. S. J, AJIin, took the chair and
alter the opening exercise gave a
heat little speech of welcome to the
guests,. Principal •Bolick also spoke
briefly expressing the pleasure both
be and the Mocielites experienced in
beingthus invited to share in, so at •
joyable a _social gathering, A gues-
ping contest then served to bn0- up
the company and make them feel; at
home and this was .followed by 'an
excellent program to which a number
of the students eontribated, Solos
were given, by Miss Retta •Cotele, and
Mr. Stevenson, a duet by Misses
Fern and Nlayfrid /Min, readings by
seise Wiltsom Mics Lucile Grant and
Ilfr. Newton, a quartette by Infra, Me-
IVIurray and Miss Jackson, and Mess-
rs. Hawke end Plunistecd, and a
piano duet by Misses McKinley aad
At the conclusion of the program
a, dainty ;Dian was served • by the
League members and after a half
hour oe' so spent; in soMal inter -
'nurse the gathering diSpersed.. The,
• the
L. Smith of I -Jensen ; Miss Stet -
g; .Goderich ; Mrs, IVIcQuarrie and
s. Ross of Blyth, TIM bales of
cads, which will be -shipped to an
lian Reserve in Manitoba, repees-
a large amount of eno'ney, being
result of the Work of Many wil-
g hands throughout the year, and
1 no doubt prove- a boon to those
o receive them,
rrangement•s were also made for
annual Meeting which will be
d in Willis- chneeli in November.
The Literary Segiety of the IVIoclel P
school held their first meeting in the
school room of Wesley church on lr
Tuesday evening, commencing at sea- d
en -thirty. The first number was a g
short address from the talented pres- P
Went, Miss Rae IVIacteherson, and the 13
program included a duet well render-
ed by Misses Chapman and McKinley', (s1
a reading by Miss SMith, and ether
commendable numbers. Mr, f3oueltis
instructive and, interesting addreesi
came as a treat to the Society. In
the opiate of. the evening the names F,`
of all those present were written on el
Slips of paper and tossed in a hat
and eight, or ten being picked' at rat- 1-1!
dom, from it by the preoldent, the rs
unfortunates thus selected 'were call-
weeks isi Clinton, one of tlio latest
being the purchase by Mr, Ernest
Jackson of the residence of Mrs, D.
NI, Ross on. Isaac atreet, As Mks,
Ross in moving out this. week ' Mr.
Jacicsen will get imniediate posses-
Mr. Ralph Tiplady has disposed of
his farm on 'the I3ase Line to Mr.
Robert Nelson of Goderich township,
possession to be, , given in quell.
This farm is well improved, ronven-
rent to town and will make a most
desirable home. 1VIr. and Mrs. Tip -
lady and family will probably take,'
up their residence in Clinton, where
they will find a warm welcome.
Mrs. Linnie C. Fair, formerly of
Clinton, was married in Los Angel-
es, Cal., on Wednesday 01 last week
to Mr. Howard M. Swavely of that
city. -Mr. and Mrs. Swavely are
coming east on then: wedding journ-
ey and will vfilt Clitton„so that
the bride'many friends will have
an opportunity of offering perSonal-
ly their eengratalationS and good
Messrs, H. 15„ and F. It Pledgees,
who have been conducting a mostsuc-
cessfut general store business in God -
years and who are former well
erich for the Past three or four
years and who were former wen -
known and highly esteemed residents
of Clinton, had their store badly da-
maged by fire early Friday mer.uing.
The fire, which originated in the roar
of the, upstairs portion, was discov-
ered about one o'clook and was not
got fully under control until a cou-
ple. of hours later, Their large stock
was also considerably damaged by
water. The stoek, was; well insured
but even so the loss will be heavy,
and the loss entailed by the inter-
ruptie8 to business will also be ser-
ious,. With characteristic enterprise
the Hedgeas Bros, immediately se-
c,ured new premises for their dress-
making and millinery departments
and these were opened Monday morn-
ing. The many friends of the firm
in Clinton are hoping that they will
be able to readjusts their affairs
yeti; aoen and continue their business
as of yore.
Airs. Oshaldeston and Miss Nellie are
visiting Goderich friends.
Mies Jessie O'Neil leaves today for
Toronto to resume her Studies.
Miss Jean Scott attended the Sah-
eb-land—Coats wedding, at Goderich
Ale". S. Agnew returned on Monday
to Fort Wtiliain after spending a
weelc at his home in town.
Alia ti. L. Anderson, Cleft, conduc-
tor of Toronto, has been visiting
his uncle, Mr. Wesley Walker of
to w n.
Mrs. L. Greig reterned en Friday
from Seaforth, where she had been
• visiting her son, Mayor Greig, for
a fortnight.
Mr. 11, 0, Jordan of Auden, N. Y.,
has been the guest of Mrs. M. Clew
of the Huron Road during the past
week or so.
Wedded In Coderich
• A dainty and pretty wedding, in
which many Clinton people will he
intereicui,, inasmuch as the bride is a
native of this town, took place at
the home of IVfe. Win, Coats, Regis-
trar of the County, and Mrs. Coals,
Goderich, yesterday, when their only
daughter, Markin Ferguson, was un-
ited in marriage with Mr, James Ar-
thur Sutherland sef Toronto, son of
the Rev. J. Ca and Mrs. Sutherland
of Galstou, Scotland.
The bride was given away by her
father and looked charniteg, gowned
in cream messaline silk with over-
dress of lace and wearing the con-
ventional veil and, wreath of °ranee
lossoms, She also wore the groom's
ife, a lovely pendant of pearls and
e1idots, The bridesmaid, who ' was
Miss Kathleen McAllister' of Teronto„
ore a pretty frock of yellow crepe
e chene over yellow silk. The
room's gilt to her was a pretty
earl pin. IVIr. Cosh of Toronto was
ees`thisitYirIra.wing-room was beautifully
ecorated with white 'mums and
railing smilax and myrtle, and the
ridal party stood in a bow window
More a bank of ferns and -flowers.
he eel:calmly was performed by Rev.
merge E. Ross, pastor a 'Knox
eitch. After the ceremony a dainty
edding luncheon was setved, the Ma-
g-rooin beteg a veritable bower of
ses. ••
Amongst ate gtleAts Was Mrs. Stith-
111nd of -Gals ton Scotland, mother
ed upon f,or a _speech, As a final sr
number the sehool paper, "Tice Echo'? of
was read and at a id minutes to
ben I11c Cheating was brought; lo th
Now by the singing of sGed save .101
the groom. , •
Mr. and 11r. Suthealand Jett on
a afternoon trahi on a wealcheig
treey, the destination being
nt secret, tied on • their
turn i will reside in Toren. -
The bride's going ,aavay costtnne
r138 King," withOut the eheeicteris-
tic rest Inc hobs coate .and the ra
deei,. a what the first. -'n-yeeteig. to
was considered a success 'and the wa
stisleas feel their ability 1,0 liele he
their own in. a ;program contest hi
At }Tome ' -110 the . dos,,..., of the 'coinieg luotitlis.should 01)3705 51(5
esamaimaii. tisedd. • , .eass , • •. lestge c tebtzt • t
1912 was • eonsidered •a groat ewe- Yoltng PeOPle'e OsistieS
a sae et King's hitio with large
t ofle Oh tiOi Meck and
'he Calsiton friends of the bride
Rgood wishes, Which Tliti
. ge tied- wa01 115
• A Good Man Gone.
The late S. G. Plummer.
Yesterday morning there passed
'away at the home Of his son-halaw,
Mr, H. J. Hibbs of Goderich town-
ship, one of Huroe's pioneers in ,the
person. of Stewart G. Plummer, for
many years a resident 'of Clinton and
well known Fiore, at the ripe ago of
matey eighty-seven years.
Mr. Pluming was of Trish deaceet,
but he was born in the village of
Bolton, Teel County, Hearing of the -
abundances of good land to be had in
, the "Huron Tract" he came up here
in March of 1852, walking the entire
distance of one -hundred and twenty:
mileo. He took up land on the 13th
of Hullett, where there was a settle -
meet of Balls, Mannings,
Pattersons and other well-knewn
families. After living there for sever-
al years he came into Clinton for a
time but later returned to farming
on the 16111 01 Goderich township. In
1880 lie again look up his residence
in Clinton and here he remained un- '
tit a few years ago, when he sold
his residence here and went to re-
oide with his daughter, Mrs. Hibba.
For many years he took an active
part hi tile Munieipal life of this
town aild °coupled a place at the
council board for several teems.
In religion be was an Anglicas,.
being a member of Si,. Paul's church,
and for years was warden.
.0 man of singular itprightneSS- of
character; he ergoyed throughout his
Jong lite the high esteem of his fel-
lows, .Those who knew him hest were
the ones who held him in most re-
spect and the name of Stewart Graf-
ton Plumlner has always stood for
honour and righteousness„
A family of three 50119 and four
daughters survive. : Albert of law -
ban, Man., Fred of (iodated' town-
ship ; Stowel; of Cali:eine11inn. ;
Mrs. H. J. Hibbs of Goclerich towti-
ship ; Alts. S. L, Scott 'of e'oronto ;
Airs. James Bousfield, MacG reggor,.
Man. and Mrs. P. W. Kinley of Bea-
ito, Man.
The funeral will take Mac's ft oar
the home of Mr. Hibbs on Friday af-
ternoon at two . o'clocik and proceed
to Ste Paul's church, Cliaton, where
service wiIl be held at tivealhiely,
and 'thence to Clinton ;.eluel,grv.
Thus one by one are pasaing tee
fine old pioneers of Huron.
Mr, Pete Counter came up from
' Brantford yesterday and will spend
a couple of days arming his Many,
friends in town,
Mr, R. A. Downs was in town Dix
Monday; having accompanied the
remains of his brother-in-law, ' the
late Henry Smith, item tiroodatoele
for interment here,
Miss Plo Hine was taken suddenly
111 early B10/1 -da)' Morning and is at'
present le a rather serious c0(5 -
dittos, IL is hoped that her
clIspositetin .may be 11-.)0 short duel,
Another of Clinton's
OM Boys.
Mr. John Jackson.
11r, John Jaekoon came to Cl•intora
in the early fifties and has ever sines
been a reSifient, lie was long in'
active business dnd has been closelY
identified With the, early history of •
the place. Though aged fourscore
years he is enjoying good health and
moves about with the vigor of a mari,
many years his antler. Of his four
sons and one daughter, Councillor
Fred, 'I'. Jackson Is the only ono now:
settee -Ss