The Clinton News Record, 1912-09-05, Page 8News -Record
Septewber 5th, I9
.♦.tett**►♦*goi***N♦•♦N•sw♦S 4 ••••««4 4404s4 444« ♦••
Aim to Please
Brings Castorners Back
Furniture Buyers at this store invariably come
back when they want more and bring their friends tete
iwith them.
To Use Our Furnitureis to prove that it is
as good .as it looks and that is sayi
,, ng a whole lot,
Substantial Furniture can be bought here 1
inow at money saving prices.
pieces you need now while prices are so favorable. j Why not secure what •
Atkinson ]Danford I.
Furniture Dealers -and Funeral Directors •
Phone 104
We still have about Four Thousand Dollars
worth of stock to dispose or, so to clear it out in a
hurry we will cut prices still lower.
,.IEvery Shoe Must Go At Once.
Now is the time to get your boots and shoes for
falll'and winter. From now on, terms of sale will
be Strictly Cash.
Men's reg. $5.00 boots for $3.50 Worne's reg $3,00 shoes for $2.75
4.00 „ 2.75 3.00 , 2.90
" 2.50 " " 1;50 " 2.50 " 105
" 4.50 oxfords " " 1.75 " ' 1,25
(pat., gunmetal and tan " 5.40
A11 our men's working boots, boys', misses and child's boots at
similar reductions.
SIO SPECIAL --'Women's oxfords, pumps, strap slippers;
children's slippers of all kinds
at 1/2 price.
Twitchell & Son
Wis1ww fMr� •-�r�
A Big Price Surprise
on ladies' Tan Oxford
Extraordinary end of the season prices to enable
us to clef' put 'tlie entire lot of our Ladies' Tani
To ruat.6 ''quick sale we offer for the coming week
li our $4.00 Ladies' Tan Oxfords for $2.00.
All high grade fashionable
shoes. Get a pair now and
save money.
Good Shoes for everybody
■..N.I.xmom.dom. .1100.11.
♦N♦H♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦H!•♦♦• ♦♦♦♦
August is here and now the time when our stock meat 1 ie lowered
as we moathave more room for our new fall stock when it arrives.
The time is short in which to do this but we aledetermined that dur-
summer ood s..
, ing the next few weeks all lines.of spring and g will be
cleared out and room made for the heavier and bulkier goods for fall.
_Big price reduetions will be rnade on the following lines.
Ladies' whitewear-Waists, underskirts, gowns drawers, rorser
COl'ere. etc.
en s cotton Childr
]N en'swomrn,sand
Children's wash, dresses,Blouses etc,
All lines of wash goods.
Men's, Women's and children's boots and shoes.
Men s and Boys' clothing, hats and underwear.
-Buy here and save money during Aug. -•-
• ♦!•♦N••••••=!!♦N'A♦♦♦sN'♦•♦•N♦_♦•♦♦♦•NN!♦♦
School Supplies in big as-
sortment and ` good val-
ues. Complete line of Re-
gular Text Books at pub-
Ushers prices for : Model
School or Collegiate In-
W. O. FAiR CO.
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
Ile ancient 11 111111111 q,
null" i!'I ili,
Mss Marion Irwin visited friends in
Godorich last week.
D. A. Cantelon visited. the Big Fair
in Toronto the past week.
M% John ,Sutter was at his home in
Steatford over the week -end,
Miss Eva Stinson of the Sauble Line
visited Clinton friends Saturday.
Miss Annabel McEwan visited Brant-
ford friends during the past week;
Miss Laura Wilkin was a visitor ov-
er the week -end with Hnisall
Mr,. Frank Nydd visited the Toronto
Fair for a day or two during the
past week:
Miss Hattie Holloway has returned
from a pleasant visit with friends
in Toronto and Peterboro.
Mrs. H. W. Steep of Toronto visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' John
Jackson over the holiday.
Misses •Wroxie and Susie Powell were
Toronto visitors this week, having
gone down on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs S. R. Byam were Tor-
onto and Port Hope visitors over
the week -end and the holiday.
Mr. W. H. liellyar and Master John
have been in Toronto' during the
past 'steel, attending the Fair.
Mrs. Pinning was The guest of her
, daughter, Mrs. Hudson of Mitchell,
for a few days the past week.
Mr. Walter Jackson of Brantford vis-
ited over Sunday and the holiday.
at the parental hone in town.
Mr. John E. Terry of the piano Stan
of the P. and 0. Company spent the
week -end at his home in Listowel
Misses Gertrude, Gladys and Elsie
McLean of Goderiolr last week vis-
ited their cousins, Jean and Willie
Miss Emma Smith of Stratford vis-
ited friends in Clinton over the holi-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Jackson were
guests of the formers parents, Mr,.
andMrs, John Jackson, over the.
holiday time.
Miss Vera Murch returned to
ford oa Saturday sFfor a 'resit in
town the guest of Miss Merle
Mooreand other friends,
Mr and tars. W. U. Latornell and
their subtle daughter of St. Thomas
are visiting with. liars, Latornell's
mother and sister, Mrs. and Miss
Messrs. Newt, Davis, Gordon °ening-
hame and Carl East were in Toron-
to for a few days during the past
week, having gone. down Saturday
Miss P1• M. Stephenson returned to
North Bay the end of last week to
resume her teaching duties after
spending the vacation time at her
home in, tvown:
Mrs. Duncan Colquhoun and two
children of Hibbert returned to
their home .on Friday after a visit
in town the guests of Mrs. A. J.
McMurray and Mrs., Harry
Win. Hyslop and little daugh-
ter, returned to their home in De -
trait Saturday after a visit of sev-
eral weeks at the parental home of
the lady, that of Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Jackson,.
Mr. J. E. Henry ;left on Monday • for
Wallaceburg, where he takes the
'rinoi als i he Continuation
111 Of t �On
P p P
school.Mr. Henry• succes ful_
o en is a ., S
teacherand!he Wallaceburg ur board
w h
isto � be congratulated c ul upon secur-
ing his services.
Mrs. T. A, 'Walker and Miss Dello
Walker were in town over the week-
end calling on old Clinton friends,
'Phis will be Miss Walker's last
visit to Clinton for some time as
she has Gins left fol Winnipeg where
Ace has taken position. Mrs.
Walker, intends going west to rookie
this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. C,. H. Pugh went on
Saturday to Sarnia -where they will
make their home, Mr. Pugh having
bought a business there.' The chili-
hildice, who have been Holidaying in
Landon, join them this week. Mr.
and Mrs. Pugh made, many friends
during their residence o in Clinton
Who were sorry 'to see them go.
Mr. and Mrs. ' W. E. Miller and their
daughter, little Mies Alice,. Detroit,
arrived on Saturday and visited
until Tuesday with the former's
mother, Mrs. R. Miller, and ` other
relatives and friends in town aril
Vicinity. They were on the reifrurn
from a heat trip from Detroit to.
the Soo, the run tieing made via she
piesburesque North 011annel. -
Mr, Bare Lavis Wes in Stratford' on
Mr, 1'. A. Greig was in 'reroute ov-
er the holiday.
Mr. Arthur Cook was a holiday vis-
itor in Toronto.
Mrs. Babb of Teeewator is the gust
01 Mrs J. Chowen.
Mr. Will Greig of Exeter, was e hol-
iday visitor in. town.
Miss Bessie eE1van has been ;in
Toronto the' past . week,
Mr. Ueorge Mackeeeie seas a Toronto
Fair visitor the past week.
Mr. and ,Mrs. James Mahatiy were
Mitchell visitors on Monday.
Miss A. 13artlilr spent the week end
the guest of Wingham friends.
Mrs. Milts and Miss Winnie O'Neil
went to Toronto on Tuesday.
Mr. Dodds Holloway was down from
Kincardine over the week crud,
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Dickson visited
at Lietowei.over the week -end,
Mr. Harry Twitchell is spending a
few days in Toronto this week.
Mr. Whitmore of the Motor Works
returned from Toronto on 52onday,
Mr. Roy Grigg of Goderloh was a
holiday visitor at ,his home in town.
Mr, James Smart of North Battle-
ford, Sask,, was in drown on Tues-
Miss Emma- Pickett 'returned on Mon-
day after a week'svisit with Park-
hill friends.
Mr. Ernie Graham has been seeing
the sights at the 'Toronto Fair
during the past' week. •
Miss Norma Vanstone of Wingham
was a guest of the Misses Bartliff
for a couple of days last week.
Mr. Wilbur Ford spent the week -end
in Tecswater with Mr. Lloyd Davis,
formerly of the Molsons Bank staff
Mrs. Ferguson el Kincardine, former-
ly Miss Aggie Porter of town, was
the guest of Miss Amy Howson ov-
er the weak -end.
1)r. Axon was in Toronto over the
week -end, Mrs. Axon wont down
earlier in the week and returned
with him on Monday,.
Mr, James Bali, collector of cus-
toms at Dauphin, Man., was the
guest of Mr. and sirs, John Wise-
man over the week -end.
Mr. Fred. Brown and son Wesley of
Petrolia visited the formers sis-
ter, Mrs. Win. 1fast, and other
friends in !oven over the week -end.
Mrs. Grant and Airs. Heriot of St.
Mary's spent the week -end and holi-
day in town the guest of the form-
er's daughter, Mrs, John Wise-
Miss Eva Woods of Bayfield visited
Mrs. Wm. East over the holiday,
leaving for Parkhill, where she will
teach during fife coming tern; on
Mrs, J. F. .Spooner and daughter,
Miss Edna, of Virden, Man., are
visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Swartz, and sister, Mrs, C.
Mr. and Mrs. X. Erskine of Knowl-
ton, Que., were holiday visitors in
towel, Their numerous friends in
Clinton were much pleased to see
thein again.
Drs. Gunn and Shaw returned On
Saturday from their western trip.
After attending the Medical' Con-
gress at Edmonton they visited
the principal points of interest in
the prairie and coast provinces.'
Rev. Geo. S. and Mrs. Patterson of
Toronto left on Thursday last for
Japan, where they have been ap-
pointed by the Methodist Church,
of Caned a. firs. Patterson is
a daughter or of Rev. S. T: Bartlett
of Toronto o arixi a n e i c e of
Mr. W. H, Iiellyar of Clin-
ton. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson
visited Mr. and Mrs. Hellyar a few
weeks ago while on their honey-
Mr. and Mrs, 5. Everington iof Brant-
ford and bliss Barret of St. Thom-
as were visitors over the week -end
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A.
McCreary. Miss Barrett and Mr.
McCrearyfri Old
were fiends in the
Country, Mr. McCreary having beat-
en the big drum at the wedding fes-
tivities of the lady's parents when
he was a young recruit, but this was
their first meeting since corning to
Mr: Adan] Stewart of Stari'ey left
Monday on a pleasure: trip through
the west. Ho had no particular.
destination, but will go where he
will oli the tourist -beaten paths if
be so choses: 1 -le may go to tie
coast, but :in,all probability he will
not go further west than Edmonton
ani Calgary. This is Stewart's
Ca } Mr. 5t�
first trip to prairie land so he is
bound to see much that will inter-
est him.
11Ir. and Mts. Smith of. Flint, Mich.,
who have been visiting Mr, and
Mrs. Chas. Warman of.. Brucefield„
the ladies being sisters, were in
town on Thursday last. They visit-
ed 'the , House ` of Refuge, being
shownthrough u
byManager and
� g
....Mrs...-Mut,vh, and expressed them-
selvesas surprised rised and dcgbto
with .the capable planner in which
that institution is run. It is, they
fay, much ahead of the similar in-
slitution in Flint, though of course,
much smaller.
Col. Hamilton, an extensive produce
dealer of Liverpool, England, was
in town during the ;past week. His
visit, to Canada was for the pnr
pose of looking over the apple
situation and to sire up prospects
for thepn, It ' . Ham-
s as -
] m
ilton that Mr. D. Cantelon consigns
his British shipments and they
have worked amicably together for
many years past. "When Dave
dies," remarked the Colonel upon
.the occasion, of one of his visite to
Clinton, • If 3 am not on hand ' I
want a nice largo wreath of apple
blossoms planed upon his grave for,
ale. In season or out of season,
nothing but apple blossoms will do
and they must be procured some-
how."' Col. Hamilton classes the
crop in the immediate vicinity as
fair and urges that if she growr;r
wishes to realize the beat from his
grrhard he must pay -more aiim
tion eptayieg and c+'<i1ture,
Saturday we put on sale five dozen misses and children's
greatly reduced prices. See our north vlindow disp%,iy.
giddy waists at'
Children's fancy cotton sox in
lace and fairy tops in all the newest
designs in pale blue, tans, brows, pink,
etc., all sizes: Regular 25c, Saturday
180 or two pair for 35e.
Ladies' fancy parasols in the latest
styles, handles and tops, all, this seas-
on's importations. Reg. $2 and $2.25
values for $1,25. .Reg $1.50 for 98e. .i
Children's parasols, reg 25c for 19c. '?
Our special fall purchases of ladies' tailor made suits and
French flannel waists are now in stock. These garments are
advanced New York styles and specially made for es for early
fall selling. A call at this store to inspect these new styles 'will
be interesting to you,
CLJwrern v.
The News From Uendesbore
Mrs. John Lasham still continues
in very poor health. We all hope for
her speedy recovery.
Miss Sara Caldwell left on Monday
for a two months visit with, her sis-
t S
ter, firs. 1. Quinn of Hailcybury.
Mr. J. 0. 'Lounsbery spent a few
days at his old home at Delhi.
Mr. H. Brunsdon attended the Fair
at Toronto
v� this week.
• Mr. ,Jolin Woodman left an
day morning to spend a few daye
with Toronto friends.
Mr. S. L. Honey of Southampton
has engaged as teacher of S. S. No.
8 andcommenced his duties on. Tues-
day morning.
Many of our *farmers took advan-
tage of the few dry days,.this week
and the grata is now mostly in.
Mr. Roberton of Wingham has taken,
a position on the G. T. R. section and
will shortly' move his family to the
village. They will occupy William
Brigham's house.
Mr. John Cudmore of Caledonia
spent a few days at the homes of
Messrs. Wm. Brumnbley and R. Shad -
dick the past week.
Mr. C. Parsons of Teterboro, who
visited over Sunday at ,the home of
Mr. John +rams]yn, rendered' two
solos at the evening service in the
Methodist church on Sunday last.
Mr. Tilos. Scott has taken the pos-
ition of relieving section foreman on
the Brantford section.
Miss .'Armstrong of Moies'worth
spent a few days at the home of her
brhMW, C. Armstrong.
blissoter, A.r. Coombs ,petit Labor Day
with her mother, Mrs. W. G. Coombs,
Mrs. O'Donohtte and children of
Harriston spent Labor Day at the
home of Dr. Allison.
Mr, William Brigham spent a few
days last week at the Big Pair in
Mr. William Tamblyn has taken a
position on the teaching staff of the
Toronto school board,
Miss L. Young has returned to
Brantford after spending her holidays
Miss Millar of 13rantford, after
spending a few weeks at the home of
Mrs. (Dr.) Yours;, returned to Brant-
ford on Monday.
Misses A. and D. Braithwaite and
Miss F, Moon are vieitring Waterloo
Miss 10. Adams„ who has spent
few weeks at her hone here, return-
ed to Chicago this week.
Miss 0. F. Brigham returned to
Highgate on Monday of this week.
Jon Mon
Miss F. Jamieson left Monday
for Toronto to resume her duties on
the teaching staff there.
H ullett Happenings
Messrs. John Murray, John Melon
y an
is the e �dJohn Flynn and h Misses
Eckhardt of bcKi f PsPent Sunday
at the home of Ir, and Mrs. D.
Fl ynn.
Mr. E. J. 'Tighe returned on Mon-
day to Kennleott. -
Miss Irene Carbert has returned to
her home . in Seaforth after a few
c4ieneitkys wttto rela ives in this vi -
While moving his threshing outfit
one day last week ,Mr. Fred John-
stone had the misfortune to break
through the culvert into several feet.
water n . h con. the 0th cot . o site b4 •,
opposite I.
George Dale's. 'fhe misfortune de-
Iayed bir..JoIrastone for several hours
but no serious damage was klone to
the macbinesy.
Misses Mayme and Annie ,Shanna-
han spent a few clays last week in.
St Augustine.
bliss Nera Blake lent on Monday to
teach same] near Byngnl t.
Misses Beatrice and Lizzie leleBn:ien
visited in Blyth one day last week.
Mr, William Youngbiut is spending
a few days in, Toronto.,
Mrs, Wagner, and Means. Jacoh' and
Harry Wagner were in Milverton on
Saturday attending the firma*. of a
Miss Ella Wagner has gone back
Cro to a afu attend
Some of the neighbors
Picking �plums is the order the
Miss Sadie East .left Monday morn-
ing to resume her duties ' as school
teamer near Wallaceburg.
Mr. ,
s Reid iSi.5tr Stratford
0 f at rd
a few days visiting sir, .and
Mrs. William HBO of the 3rd con.
blr, Archibald, our new teacher, .,en-
tered upon his duties ,on Tuesday;
Among those from here who went
to the Toronto Fair were': Mrs. 15.
B. Stephenson, Mire , Ed. Britton,
Mrs. D. ' Sutherland, leIrs. W. Carter
and • daughter, Mr. .and Mrs; Adam
Mrs, George Evans and daughter.,
bliss Jessie Willison, of London, are
visiting at Iter cousin s, illy., Walter
One of air popular young men :was
married on 'Tuesday in the person of
hbr, Ephraim Clark, who was united
in hymen's ,bonds' with Miss Bertha
Coleman of Tuekerscnith, We ex-
xextend and good
wishes. e
August Sale
Ten only Scotch Tweed Suits
made to order every pattern.
good style. Regular $:0400 to
522.00 values, 74
OUR MOTIVE is to •.seep
the wheels going during
the slack montb of A ug.
den & boys
During the sale we are
ri • Iour 1.00 l
clearing out all $ o
;2.00 straw hats at Olie.