The Clinton News Record, 1912-09-05, Page 6NEtR1��oUs„ uB EA,KDQWN Usually Due to Overwork and Worry—A'Tonic is Needed Overwork and worry give rise to iiervonsness, sleeplessness, head- aches, lank of ambition and lack of Interest in your work, weak back,; indigestion and sometimes a com- plete breakdown of the nervous oysteni. On every hand you find victims of this kind and often they do not know what to do for them- selves. If these are your symp- toms you need a tonic, and the only way to tone up the nerves is through the blood. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills' are a direct nerve tonic. because they enrich and build up the blood, and it ie through the blood that the nerves are fed. Under their tonic influence nerv- ousness, with all, its attendant evils, disappear, and the worried` -sufferer again enjoys health and strength. Proof of the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in nerv- ous troubles is given by Mrs, Lara lcheving,..'Lundar, Man., who says: -"I was attacked with nerv- ous trouble which almost drove me to distraction, _ It would be almost impossible for words to describe my condition. The least thing would startle me and leave the trembling for an hour. I had nervous head- aches, and slept very badly at nights, some nights not at all. My appetite grew poor, and I was real- ly a physical wreck. I had been • to several doctors and had taken many different medicines, but with- out any benefit. Then I read of a case similar cured by the use of Dr, Williams' Pink. Pills, and I sent for a dozen boxes, fully believ- ing it would bake et least that many to cure me. You can judge of my gratitude, however, when I found that after using only hale a dozen boxes I was again enjoying the best of health, and have since remained well and strong. I used _the remainder of the pills among my children when they seemed out of sorts, and have found them at all biznes to be the very best of family medicines." Yon can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medi- cine or by nail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. RELIGION IN JAPAN. Significant ` Conference Recent] Held in Tokio. Upon the invitation of the Minis- ter of Home Affairs, and with the evident approval of the members of the Japanese Cabinet, a conference of representatives of•Shinto, Budd-; hism„and Christianity was recently, held ,in Tokio. All ,the thirteen • Shinto sects were represented, as well as twenty or more Buddhist sects. The seven Christians, among whom was the Rev. Dr. Motoda, headmaster of St. Paul's College, Tokio, represented the Baptists, the Congregationalists, Episcopal- ians, the Greek Church, the Metho- dists, the Presbyterian, and the Re- formed Churches, and the Roman Catholics. The Minister of Home Affairs, in welcoming the confer- ence, expressed appreciation of what had been done in the past by the representatives ef .the different religions "to guide the minds of the people and better moral condi- tions.” He hoped for a centime, ance of such effort in the future, and had asked for the conference in order that there might be a bet- ter understanding between the Governmental and' religious forces as to the end to be aimed at. The last battle on English soil was fought at Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands, in 1781. Unless worms be expelled from the system, no child can be heal- thy. Mother Graves' Worm Metal: - initiator is the best medicine extant to destroy worms. Schoolmaster—"Now, you under- etand that heat expands matter and cold contracts' it. Give me an ex- ample." Bright Boy—"Please, sir, the days are longer in summer." A Trial Treatment ■ u of Cuticura craSoap and Ointment Free to Skin Sufferers If you, or someone dear to you, are suffering the itch- ing, burning, sleep -destroy- ing 'torments of eczema or other cruel skin eruption, with its "embarrassing, un- sightly disfigurement; ifyou have tried all manner of treatment, no matter how harsh, to no avail, and have all but given up hope of cure, write to -day for a lib- eral sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. ' Thousands of skin -tortured sufferers, from infancy to age, have found that the first warm bath with Cuticura Soap and gentle application of Cuticura Ointment bring instant :