HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-09-05, Page 5ep�.e�hele Mr. N. W. Trewartha.. ;' Mr. i'rewartha ,has mads good as „nlunie1pal clerk of Goderich town- ship and has likewise given: such sat_ fcis ks a t n as manager z of the Gunn, `s Company's business ' at. Holtnesville that he is to have lull ,charge of the big plant which the Company purposes establishing in St. Helens. Mr, and ,Mrs,: Dance,- are visiting at the home n o tc of Mcs.F . t K Mille rat ra. t present.., The Misses Lula and Lena Chanmey •of Donnybrook spent a coupleof days. last week with their friend, Miss 'Mersa Woods. • Miss Margaret 11'etb left this week "r Clinton where 5''he will attend the ode] school for several months. The following students: left for Luok- lbw this week : The 'Misses Nellie Maks, s o , Lana tin . \ a and Clara Woods, Marjorie .Miller, Mary Durnin and Maud _ltoQuilli i. We wish them all success at their year's work. Miss Flora Levis of Luoknow is spending a few days with her moth- er, Mr. J. H. Joynt intends teaching at Palmerston the following year. Live. Stock Market. Toronto, Sept. 2nd. -The receipts of live stock at the Union Stock yards today were 50 cars, comprising 1034 cattle, 303 hogs, 020 lambs Wand 103 calves. Trade In cattle generally was slow, excepting abet lots of choice butch- ers' steers and heifers. These sold at steady to flrn prices, Otherwise trade was slow, ,as sa's"al of i I{� large dealers refused 'to buy, as they do not want the cattle oa Monday. Attlee close Of the market there were Yva large number of butchers and all of the export cattle still unsold: Considering the light supply, it wax a dull •market, as only a few ot the dealers laid in a supply. Butchers. Choice butchers' steers and heifers sold at 30.50 to 30.75, and one extra load oft heifers at $6.85 , loads of good, 36. to 30.25 ; nediunt, 35,25 to '$5,50 ; common, $4,50 to 35 ; cows, 33 to 35.40 ; canners, 31.50 to $2.50; bulls, $3 to 35.50,* Stockers and Feeders. Steers, 850 to 950 pounds, are tworth 35, to 35.25 ; stockers,. $4 to 31.75. Milkers and Springers. One ' choice Holstein cow sold at 3110. The balance of those on, sale' sold at 350' to $70 each. Veal Calves. Over 100 calves sold at 33.50 to '8.50 per cwt. Sheep and Lamps. Over 300 sheep and lainbs sold as follows Sheep, light ewes, at 34.25 to 35 ; heavy ewes and rams;, $3 _to $3:50, Hogs. Prices thief:Aged, at 38.50 to 38.75 fed' and waist]/red, and 38.30 to $8,40, fl 8, o. b., cars, were reported. ) kC ' t n's Old Boys ne of � tan o y :Clinton. Newt-Rooi e, 1' Mora 4ocaIs 40OD'.MOI3NI14(f Good' Moi'ning;;1 dear leader, low does .your sub to 'The-News,Record ,NO •BAND CONCISR•T, There; will not, be any band concert !this weak, so many of the nzeiiibers being ,out of, RENOVATING. •,• A11poett yearly Mine Host bI C augh- ey ;of the Conmeroial has' the oar- penters;, painters or paperers or -all three about 'the house making alterae. tions and iuhpeovemests, : Just now he is having the bar' !moved to the east corner and ' will refurnish _it throughout. Mr. Mn0aughey exacts as a landlord and ;keeps all departments of this popular old "hostelry as neat and comfortable as cane be. By the way, the carpenter work was done by Mr, C. M. Br w" o and the !Imre were on - P m tion o!'the ..name is as good as a 'guarantee that the' ,job was well done. A LUCKY ESCAPE; ' Mr. George. East had a rather thril- ling •e" x erionce one p day week k when h n tv'! hr a driving Mr. Fled. John- stone's threshing outfit along. the 011 con. of nutlet': he broke through a culvert. • The big engine went down. and' George with it, but as the acci- dent happened almost opposite the 'farm of Mr. George Dale;, heap was soon 011 hand•and things were again put to rights. Fortunately the dri- ver With but escaped p ta few bruises and a shaking up, and it is said that twenty-five cents would about repair the damage to the engine. The nul- vert was pretty badly wrecker]. "THE. PIRATES OF PEN/„ANC'J1," All lovers 01 comic, opera will be glad to know that. the preliminary ar- rangements for this production ars almost completed. Mrs, Howard, Humphreys, the avell known and high- ly capable musician, will have Lufl. charge of the production of the opera, which ensures a fine performance: The oast and chorus have been secured from the ranks of many of our best musicians, and will number over fifty voices, assisted by an excellent orch- estra of ten pieces, The opera will be ikandsomely staged, the costumes. being secured from New 'York, and everything points to a most success- ful undertaking. -Evening Metropolis, Jacksonville, Florida, LABOR DAY COMPETPPION. 11 always seems a pity when ' it rains on the "24th," for tbat is especially a children's day and wet w'cathcr causes much disappointment, and 'tis always platter for regret when the weather man is in a sulky mood on the day of a Sunday school picnic, but as a real joy -killer in Clinton, a wet Labor Day easily takes the cake,, for that is the day .on which the local bowlers hold their annual competition. .The weather on Mon- day was anything but satisfactory, the rain coming down in torrents nearly all morning. The Members of the C. Ii. C. gathered early and en- deavored to keep each other's spirits up by cheery conversation -in spite of the downpour outside: Towards 1100n the weather cleared and in the -after- noon the games were played obi, de- spite the soggy condition of the green, eight rinks competing. The prizes comprised some hand- some china silver and umbrellas, the latter being in the consolation series and most appropriate in every way. J. 13. Hoover's rink won first Drize in . the trophy" settee, with E. G. C'ourtice's second. 0 3, Taylor worn first in the associa- tion, with J. W. Stevenson second, and W. J. Nediger won first in the nsol ti co a nn with John Hunter second. . THE GEM TI•IIRTY TEARS AGO, On Monday Mr. Fen viek ;Sitwatt of. Stanley handed The e ews-heeurtt a copy of The Clem, published in Clin- ton in February t819 1t spas a monthly journal, bright, as the ?imine would indicate, hit taort lived, lack of proper nourishment bringing about its early decease. It was riot great on sire, the pages nein bit'6 by 0, inches, but there nese sixteen ,of them. 'Glance over the i.dverti;ing columns and you will see ea 10) that are only a memory here today, stili a number of the old guard are telt. Mr. It. Plunzsteel was a Genn advent user and ire isdoingbusiness today in the old stand, as cheery and quiet - .1y humorous as of old. The Jackson Clothing Flouse was conducted by Mr. T. Jacbson Sr:, who, almost a decade ago retired is to private lite.: Dr, Worthington was the physician, ,surgeon and accoticher and his prat- Mies extended far and near: His son, Dr. "Dick.'' Worthington, or town is following' in his footsteps and liying 'up to the good old name. Mr.. 1). Canteton was in the gro- eery business and !'n the {rem adver- tised 'apples at fifty .lents a bag, but would only give eleven pounds of collet' sugar for one dollar.:' Harland Bros. 'wore !'n the bard - Ware business and one 0f the Cem's largest patrons, During all these years 1 arland and hardware have become almost synonymous terms. The households to this 'district that have 0013 'one or more articles bought at Hatland's are few and tar . 4e tween.' Mr. George" ,Swartz was proprietor of the Prince of Wales hotel of which old tuners have sa!'d there was ha, hotter place in 4ihe whole- courftty- side to get a good square meal. :But George gave up hetherdng about l.u'si- ,ness long ago and is carrying his years as grace oily as can be. Mr: James Twitchell was doing a big ;shoo business w.ibh a harness- making department aud devoted half Mr James Hearn. Mr. Hearn will lie aged eighty- seven this tall, which ,is malty years older than he looks and in spirit he is' even younger than his appearance. would indicate 'A gonial, Companion able soul ;is Jim; map'Inn ''shadow' long centio}ie to occupy' full space, WHEN. GOING TO MONTREAL,, Detroit, .,Chicagott ittuffalo, 1'hlladei. phia of New York .. Travel. Wil the Gtand 'Trunk Rail- way Sy'sten, the "'Only Double Track Itoute.'1• Excellent straM Service and,J smooth roadbed, BIeeb-rie.light'ed; Pullman Sleeping ; eats on :318111 a page ;of the Genz to telling' about trains Pull',inforluatios3; rtinkets, :hls.stock. Mr. Twitchell is in active berth reservations may be obtained bu510009':today and has many sus - from any- Grand Trunit' agetetr orby touters .: who' have bought shoes azo writing to A, J.'',. Duff 1,. District Pants- place else and never will so long ;as anger Agent, Union Oration, Toronto, , he continues to cater to their wants. God's Way. of, Salvation. I'Yett Don't Believe inGood Works„' When 'sinners are, shown' that salve - tion ,is all 'of,grace,'and' "not of work" must]•spring trout a good' leo, to hear shell say; s"You den'b .believe in good works." '1'liis: is'3 great nkis'- take.' What the" WordGod shows us is that ati Lumen -vetted man 'ean- not do a ;!good work, as p ''good workd' must spring, from a good moi titre, and .that' must be:love to .'the, Lord Jesus'Clirist, - The. moment: a person is saved, that very:lnonieul ,°Cverytdiing he .,does ought to be to the glory of God. No sooner do weread of the Jailor's con- version thee .we see hint proving this" faith by his ,works, ".1,4e took -'theta the same hour of the ,night and wash- ed their' stripes" (Acts. xv1.'-33). Next we find llfm see gato show l5 tii g love by obedience to' 'H''!m who had "said, "435 that hath, biy command- ments, and keepoth them, he it is that v; le eth Me" (John xis. 21). The Word of the Living, God' makes it absolutely Blear that Without Paith it is impossible to please God (Heb.' xi, 6),,and so long ,as you arc unsav- ed, you are utterly unfit to do a single "good work.". Believe 0ye in God's wondrous love to you, and you won't he able to keep from working for Him in return for what He has done for you. (To be continued, 16 Years Ado From The News -Record of August 22nd 1896. • AL its July meeting the council 30- elded to permit 1415. James Howe to put down a toot piece of cement or 5ranolithic walk, and it was laid in front of the town hall Saturday and Monday, Mr, W. Counter of Jack- son, Mich., a former resident, as- sisted Mr. Howe and if the appear- ance, of tate work as it is finished counts for anything it is a first-class lob. Clinton cricketers beat the London Asylum team the 'other day by twee- ty-eight runs. Londosboro,.-September 2nd, 1896. Miss Lou Ouimette i5 visiting friends in Wingham this week. Miss .Mattel Bell is a Beigrave visi- tor. Miss Mary Agnew of Belgrave has been visiting her brother and sister, Dr. and Miss Agnew. Miss A Crisp called on friends at the Nile on Saturday. Rev. Mr, Andrews and family have returned after a fortnight's holiday. Mr, If, Jones and 1115 mother ]vers the guests of Mr. R. Webb last week. Clinttm, September and, J890. Mrs. T. 14. C'ook and daughter are visiting friends in Codcrie„l1 township. The other day Mr. Lack Kcunedy had a valuable new setof single harn- ^ss stolen from his stable, Measle. J. F. Spooner and II. R. Read are taking part in the. Provins Mal rifle matches In Toronto. Mrs, .1. W. Green of Tavistock is spending a couple of weeks in town the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Croll. Clinton, Aug. 19th, 1800. Last Monday Messrs, W. Brydone, G. D. McTaggart, W. Jackson: and W. 'Pay8or left for Niagara -on -tett -lake, where 'they will take part in the provincial bowling tournament, Mr. Albert May of Stevensville, Mon., joined his w ife and family here yesterday for a visit. About fifteen years ago Mr. .May was en- gaged in business here, Mr. Fred Jackson and son have re- turned from a two weeks' outing at Barrie. Mrs. A ,Asquith of Auburn visit- ed her relatives, Mrs, and Miss Rye, on Monday prior to their departure for the American Soo. Mr. ,R. J. Char is able' to, bet about again after a few weeks, illness. This year the yield of fruit as far as Huron is concerned is enormous. A market could not he found for the earlier apples and now plums and erah apples are hardly worth hand- ling. Salesman Connolly of Flolmesvillc shipped the last of July make ot cheese front this 'station the other day to Montreal. The lot compris- ing 130 boxes,' was sold for 711, -cents per pound, The other day Mr. 'Piton Britton showed us a 1:2-inoh branch from a plana tree containing no less titan thirty-eight wellmatured plums. The yield this year is exheedingly abun- dant and bun-dant<and Mr. Britton's sample 10 one of the best we have seen. If the enormous crop of apples • is any indication there should he an abundance of eider this fell, • 'rhe other day Mr. S.J. , Andrews exhibited to • Tire. News -Record a vegetable peach grown in his garden. It is yellow in color, rough of skin, the meat white and the flavor like that of', a musk melon. The '`seed was pMen roil trine the Southern States and grows a vibe similar to Wet of a tomato, Goderich-Township, Aug, 19th,:18913. Some of the fanners have finished harvesting. This 15 considered ex- ccedin ly early. Mr, It. Butt goes west in about a week wihh horsee,:apples and lum- ber, Miss 0. Nesbitt Is visiting her ,sis- ter, Mrs, Kerr of near 'Thornbury: ,'A. colt belonging to Lindsay Bros,, pasturing at Mr. John Kyle's,, ran. through the barn the "other day and tell a distahoe of ton feet to the ground breaking its neck, Do. J. W, Collier died this week at Weilandport,• aged • eighty-two years. Ile had practised medicine there for over half a century. A ,death occurred on Monday at Crescent Beach,, Woltnnd couhty,. Roble iltlahtile paralysis, Congratyiatioiss to , T. McMichael 4P. Son. IlletMichael dr ,Son of Fla.fl,lett epi;' tered seven '• horse at„ the ',Torontot' Fair and' won Se'veii( 951500, GIenrae•` captinedt the red. 'ribbon in,:imported or Canadian bred] ellydes, Lord Ron"' aid and Captain Vons each won first trhelr class„ the Pacing mare was given the red ribbmm;; the "two-year old filly "sopped, the brood mare tilted and on mare and ,progeny sec-:] and Congratulations, 110' Meears, Mc- Michael, , Mrs. Walter Marlowe' moved to God ea Goderiell this <week.. Marriages )4IeCULI,0011=FREIVILIN - A:t St Paul'' -s rectory ors August 2913 ; by Rev; 0, E. Jeakins, Augusta second youngest u ngest daughter ot Mr Henry Fremiin, Clinton, ; to 3\' A, 'G.. McCulloch of Stratford, WIIITMORE-TOWNSEND-in Can- ton on Sept, 2nd, by [Rev. S. ,1. Alli, Christina„ daughter of Mr. Thos.. Towns n edf Tek l o u orsm't h to Samuel II. Whitmore of Bruce - field.: • CANN FERGUSON-In 'Exeter on August 25th, by Rev. E. Cr. Pow- ell, Mar}: E. Ferguson, to Syl- Vannus J. V. Cann,- bntlt of Else - ter. Births MANN/N10--In London, on August 22nd, to Mr, and Mrs. W. N. Mantling, a son, (Wilber Alexan- der.) SPRUNG-• In Hallett on August 280, to Mr, and Mrs. I3arold Sprting, a daughter. YOUNG{ -In Goderich on August 21st to Mr. and Mrs. Noble Yost';, a daughter, WARWVICK-In Morris on August 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. War- wick, a 5011. 13I+;1N=ln 'Tuckersmith on August 27tH, to Ms and Mrs. Flank Bean, a 'daught'er. NEWCOMB-In Goderich nu Areust 25t11, to Mr. and Mi;. John New- comb, a son. Deaths C4ARR13TT-In 0 ode ci sit cn August 21st, Alexander Garrett, tent 41 years, GROWLS -In Los Angeles, CM. cn August 23rd, Mary Ann Netter- • field, relict of the late Duncan Oroves of 11'iugham in her "i•ith year. SCOTT -In Last Wawanrsli oio Reg, 21t11, Walter Scott, aged 79 S ears, 8 months and 6 days,' PE' -DUE -In Morris on August 25111, Eliza M.cCfelIands toilet of. Ilia late Henry Perdue '111 het 76'h. year. PURSE -In C4oderich to351181 ip on August 25th, Samuel Furse, in his 80th year. WILLIS-In 0odernch on August 25111, John M. McLeod Willis, ag- ed 28 years, 2 mouths and 14 days. 7'131; t MOST POPULAR AND ONLY direeL line reaching all ,Sumpter 'Rc- sorts in Highlands of Ontario, Including Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park, Georgian Bay„ Maganetawan and French Rivers, Temaganii, Kawartha Lakes, eta Ex- cellent train service to and from above resorts vl'a Grand 'Trunk Rail- way System. Write tor illustrated folders and time tables telling you how to get there and containing list of hotels,, rates, etc., to A. E. Duff, District Passenger' Agent, Union Sta- tion, 'Toronto, WANTED 1'O RENT WITFI THE option of buying, a gond house with modern • improvements. -Apply to A. Forbes. -46 11'C;)UND OUT ON LAKE HURON- A rowboat. Owner can have the sante by proving property and pay- ing • expenses. -'Polus Si, Sturgeon, Bayfield:' -46 I-I'E A R S h FOR SALI8 WITI-1 Sleighs for same. Also a quantity of hand -made furniture. -John Getn. inhatdt,, Bayfield. -16-2 WANTED -TWO ROOMERS WHO will room together. -For particu- lars apply at The News -Record Onion. -15 WAN'T'ED BOARDERS.- A LIMIT - ell number of cloterdlers could be ac- commodated•-Apply to Mrs. John Foster; Albert street.. --4 '1.GACHER WANTED FOR S. S. No. 5, Stanley township, duties to comncnce September 3rd, 19t2, - James E. Stephenson, Soerotary, Varna P.-0. -11-3 Lewis Satter. Harold Rayner. GRAIN WE A1ZL IN THE MARKET FOR WHl1A(1', OAf1'S, PEAS BA:RLGY, AYE, BUCKWH'i1A'P ETC, We pay, top prices for, all- goain. , Bfing your grain to the Eleaator, 0 30'301?) . SEED FALL, WHEAT FOR SALE. tVAICT'131-A'C00K ANI) KPTCfIi i\T girt al the 9 abtenbury House, -An - ply to. Mrs. Rattttnhury,,. 1110117515:FOR SALE ON PRJNORS'3' street,. -Por particulars 'apply to 14Iss. Janice Tuelosr; Clinton. -40 200SE..ON MARX STREET FC'R sale or' to 561,11.:-A., J. Tyndall, P LIATS.-- A NICE CROP OF THE finest, calming varieties' oft plums for ante at reasonable, prices:'. Richest.` vaeletlles known. I,ar'gest plum or- chard. in the county.' Colne and get your stook. -C. Hoare, Huron Oen- b Ali nulls Farm, Clot n. -15-ti FOR S L,E-O'NE RUBBER TIRE buggywith n Y p0 a light sprang wagon:. One cutter.. All the above. articles are in; good condition and, will sell]] cheap fo:t quick sale. -Ap- ply 4o Tlbew'.as Watts,-Cliaton, -39 FARM TO RENT, B1±,ING LOT 53, 54 oa the Bayfield Road, known as the Wiggington Farm. it is with- In two miles of Clinton.' Good brick house* bank barn,driving house and other outbuildings: A good orchard and small fruits. Farm in good state of cultivation. For particulars' apply to Mrs. Wigging - ton>Qneon street, Clinton. -36. ARM FOR 'SALE.-TFIl1 UMDER- signed' otters ,for sale lot 18, eon, 10, Goderich township, containing 80 ,acres: On ,ft there is a good frame house and hank barn, each with stone foundation, and also an implement house. It is a good stock farm as there is plenty of water. Convenient to churches and. school. Telephone connection, Small orchard and about 5 acres of bush. For tents apply to J. ef. Lowery, Box 12.42, North Bay, or to Jos. Proctor, Tlolmesville. ,--4b ARM FOR SALI:.LOT 30, CON. 11, Goderich township, consisting of 80 acres, all cleared and in a good state of cultivation, 30 acres in grass, 1 acre orchard, Good 'outside wire fencing good concrete dwelling with eight rooms. Stone dairy. Farnre barn, 1 utile from Holnlesville and 4 front Clinton, Will be sold on easy terms. For further partteulars apply to t3',C:ooks Clinton, P, 0,, or Fred Leonetti, lloltnesville. FARM FOR SALE, KNOWN AS "Springhill Farm" on the Bayfield ]toad, Gcderich township, consist- ing 175 acres, south hall lots 51 and 52 and part 53 and 54. Two miles from Clinton and ono from school1 A first-class stock and grain farm. 35 ams of good pas- ture land. Well watered and has never hulling spring at barn. Good wells and cistenn. Bank barn 62x52, with stone stabling. 1.50 apple trees just beginning to bear and all kinds of small Unita. Reason for selling ; Owner In poor health. Terms to suit purchaser. -Robert Marshall, Clinton P. 0. -36 "CONNER'S" Quality Bread livery mouthful from crust to centre is relished becaissc it is absolutely pure and baited pro- perly. The certainty of pur- ity does riot add one cent to the price. FIVE C'HNTS Ti113' LOAF, Next door to Grigg's Jowelery Store, CHAS. CONNER BAKER and CONFECTIONER', The L. ` SUiTTL�••a R ht CO. The .Elevator. s Phone 04.. BOYS WANTED For Various Depart- ments e artsments Apply at offices of. W. Doherty Piano & Organ Co. SAVE MONEY. You will save coal aodlyet get more heat, if You issue the fatuous. BYAM & SUTTER SANSTARRY PLUlMI(BSRS.' • Are you a News -Record subscribe fitA,t IiGGr S4242,--240 IN thee township oI Stanley : 80, ae- ,res ,trader, crop ; 20 acres- good hardvro'od; bush, hatarise in pastutt5 , land.' liarm. bile .drained 'and in • ,good: state of:' cultivation. Comfort- able, fltameslilouse, long distance; . tole pltortq instailedt m,?,0' 100 `Iceb,-315(11.stmneFrasta611uge]iarnt ,'andx waterworks. ,system Attiiitlionai barn andb house suitabte"for term' help, Faro situated' 21 miles [coin' 13rueefield'• stations'on the G, 'P. R. and 14 ntileaefroin"the village of Varna. Tents, to suit purchaser,' Ii-ApplaP.yO. 10 John 14TeNaughton, i%ar -42. FARM FOR SALE. -FOB SALE lot 35, cont- 2, 'L. R. S. Tucker - smith, contain,'igs 100 acres of which 98k acres are- cleared and in a good state of, cultivation. There are on the pntmiseea: a goods' bank' barn with stone stabling, and shed attached, also dririlrg house. ']'here is a good prick house with ),'late roof also .goodd 'briek kitch°n, There is a windmill! and tank will water at barn and house ; a 'cis• tern with soft water in house. This farm is sitttated s wt thin wxt in ta' 0 miles of Brucefieh(d sit: miles from either Clinton 00 Seafortii and has rural telephone; conneetioa. ferns seasonable as propreitor is retiring. Apply on premises' or address, John H. Wise, Brses!ialil P. 0. -12. FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 35, CON. 10, Goderich township,, consisting 01 80 acres, all cleared' with the ex- ception of 5 acres ol'bush. 2 acres orchard„ 40 acres inn grass. Good May loam: Well watered and fenc- ed. Frame house, ands barn 42 by 57 with cement stabling, 40 foot windmill with water to,iiouse and harp. } mile from, sslfool and .4 miles from . Clinton. ALSO part lots 37 and 38, con. 10; containing 105 acres. Good brick house and 2 barns, 50 by 50- and 30 by 50. • Good „outbuildingss. Mint well fenc- ed and in good state off cultivation with never failing spring. St toile from school and 4 from) Clinton. - For further parttculapa; apply to T. H. Cole, Clinton,P4. 0. , -44 FARM FOR SALE -The Executor of the Southcombe estate offers for sale 50 acres, being east hall of loll 28, con6, Hullett. This is a firsts -class farm, well watered and improved and with, good buildings. Also the undersigned, offers for sale lot 29, con. 6, FIutletPt consisting of 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. - Apply to R. J. Southcombe, Clin- ton P. 0. -89 'PORE 'r0 RENT; RIIICENTLY,."00- cupled by James. Steep, o' educe dealer. -Apply, tot J. 0'. 1-Iliott er. R. E, Manning„ C'ltnhon. - 37 SEWENGt MACIHINES REPAIRED and repairs -kept on hand, also ag- ency for new. maeltvnes.-A, Iloop- er, Albert, street. -30. 170R SALE FIi,.011R AND FEED business,, estiablished 24 years, de- livery, and dnag business 111 con- nection. 'llogetller with store and dwelling or seven 00011)s. Good brick stable also on premises. - 1). S. Cook„ Clinton. -31 FCR; S \11J2il- AN LIGHT 11 0 0 II; frame. louse in good condition w,tir• a 1 0 g SUMO_ cellar, town water. 11.s batt am acre ot land with ming Plum orchard'. Oceuried at present by: Rev. W. W. Wylie, Possession event 1 Oct. Pst. ' Price 3900,- Apply at The. News -Record Office. -M TORONTO EXHIBITION. 5IDE, TRIP EXCURSIONS TO' NIA:- CARA FALLS, BUFFALO AUNi4 ()MOTT, During Toronto I'l hibiLion, August 2Tth' to Sept. 9th, low sidetrip 50etet- sionrates will be in effect by the NM - gate Navigation Company from Tor- onto to 'Niagara Falls and Buffalo, also Olcott Beach. The steamers of this line aro the largest and fastest steamers crossing the I,arke, and 110 doubt many visitors to 'the, Fair will take advantage ,of obese ':popular steamboat outings. Frill particulars at -the -Richelieu and Ontario Line's exhibit lat the Fair grouai1s or at the ticket, office, 46 Yongo streets ` Tor- onto, or if you desire information in advance write Ii, Roster Chaffee, G. P. A., Toronto. COLD Weather wilt soon' be hers; Flow about your furnace ? Don't you think it would be wise to let us install one of our celebrated Skala Furnaces or ovotshaui your cid One?.' Plumbing I11 all its branches.. Tinsmithing and repairing of all 'kinds prom3. ly attended to. Sheet Iron work of all kinds. Shop over 11, Rowland's hard ware stouts., r, THOS. H IA IU S. W N T !S,RN Tracts Staidly Orthodox" ifte Samples,. mailed on application FRED. J. HILL Clinton - Canada. • • 0.• • a a • IV eloome • • • • • • • • • • •• 411. • We take much pleas-.w�,. • • • ere in welcoming back;: •• • our Labe Shore • friends, • ;but if it' had not been for • our faithful customers at • • home; we would not be ; • • • hereto welcome you. • • •' • • .0 • • • • • •' • :a • • • • • •' • • W. T. O'NEIL • • "The Hub Grocery." • ••••• •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WatchFaults u is Does- your watch run correctly. It not, let us repair it for you. Itmav be only dirty and need cleaning, or slap for lack of oil. Whatsoever the reason, don't delay. We give thorough examination and regulation free. Any- thing more roasts. as little as calks- faotony worlr can be done. A. J. GRIGG Scientific Jeweller and L. Optician CLINTON, ONT. lam.-`��� Home Study Thousande et antbttioee young people are being instxneterl in their homes by our Rome Study Dept. You may finish at College 11 you desire. Pay when. over you wish, Thirty Years ICspor-' ienaa Largest tethers In Canada. Fater any day. Positions guaranteed. If you wish to save board and learn while you earn, write for particulars, :. NO VACATION CLINTONBUSINESS COLLECE CEO. SPOTTON, PnesueenT ALL KINDS OF COAL,.WOOD TILE BRIQK TO ORDER All kinds of cbal on hand CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 2? in'.; 3 in, and 1 tn. tine of the. Best Quality; ARTHUR FORBES GRAN v TRUNK RAIL EM CANADIAN' NATIONAL, EXHIBI- TION, XHIBITION, CLINTONTO TORONTO AND 33.65 -Aug ttst 24t,1r to September 7111 inclusive. 32.70 -August 27th and 29111, Sept. , 3rd and 6th. A1I detests good to return until September 10tH, I. 0. Patteson, ,Depot Agent. J, klausford 4o dolt; Uptown Ascent, ll Stress 11