HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-08-29, Page 8News -Record August 29th, 1912: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••/••04,•••••••••••• ula Aim to F!oase � BrillgsCustorners Back 1 • Furniture Buyers at this store h'variably come s back when they'iwant more and bring their friends • 1 with them. • To Use Our Furniture is to prove that it is s as good as it looks and that is saying a whole lot, Substantial Furniture can be bought here • now .atmoney saving prices. Why not secure what pieces you need now while prices are so favorable. • • • Atkinson & Dunford 22 Furniture Dealers -and Funeral Directors • • • Phone 104 • Puornl 127 -NIGHT AID SUNDAY CALLS- PRONE 16 • ••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••:4•••••••.••••••••••••• 1 SELLING OUT SALE We still have about Four Thousand Dollars worth of stock to dispose ot, so to clear it out in a hurry we willIcut prices still lower. 'Every Shoe Must Go At Once.I Now is the time to get your boots and shoes for fail 'and winter. From now on, terms of sale will be (Strictly Cash. Men's reg. $5.00 boots for $3,50 •1.00 , 3'75 " 4, 0 o34ordS 1,50 (pat:, gill: metal and tart " 8,40 Wome's reg $4,00 shoes for $2.75 " " 3.00 t, ,{ /20 2.50 ft " 165 .r r u 1.75 tl „ 1.25 All ouriuen's working boots, boys'. misses and child's boots at similar reductions. BIG SPECIAL --Women's oxfords, pumps, strap slippers, children's slippers of all kinds at IA price. J. Twitchell &Son CLINTON, - ONTARIO aPRIMOMMIIIIIMINVIIIIMIIMIIINIMIRINNESINWINIIINNIMMINIMII A Big Price Surprise t on ladies' Tan Oxford SHOES 1 Extraordinary end of e season prices to enable able us to clear out the entire lot of our Ladies' Tan Oxford s ;'TO bake all our $4,OQ Ladies' quick sale we offer for the coming.00 week I -` y Tano Oxfords for 52-.00. All high grade fashionable shoes. Get a' pair now and save money. 1 . FRED. JACKSON Good Shoes for everybody 11.111111mosvuommommomommosumwomili -a •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •!FIIIS•PASS .DAN • 1:. • August is here and now the time when cur stock innst he lowered ae we must have more room for our new fall stock when it arrives. ' • hutaledei determined that. dui'. • Aim is shock in which to dothiswe e The e • 'a] sof in and summer goods will be to the next few weeke 1 line spring n r g p g e r' • an bulkier goods for talk. eaout and roan made for the Bets ler d cleared o MP Big price reductions will he made on the following lines. Ladies' whitewear-waists, underskirts, gowns drawers, corses 410 covers etc, i Men's women's and ;children's cotton hose. • Children's wash dresses, Blouses etc, • as 6oode, b All lines of wash Men's, Women's and chldre8'z3 boots and shoes. 4,. r ur. • a d and unde we Men s amd'Bi s' clothin li t Y R, ; -- e diving here ;ind'save money d .in R Au>? SMALL PLU S T EEL MORE R FITS° PO BROS. 1 • • BUSINESS •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••NNI►•••••MN••• NEWS -RECORD TO JAN, NEXT 250 YOU NEED THEM, WE HAVE THEM School Supplies in big as- sortment and good val- ues. Complete line of Re- gular Text Books at pub- lishers prices for Model. School •r Collegiate In- stitute. W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best Mftss Winnie O'Neil is at Bayfield this week. Mrs.. (Rev.) Hail is now at Prince Albert, Sask. ' Mr. 0'. Beydone' has returned from his holiday at Atlantic City. Mrs. Alex. Rapson and family of Provost, Alberta, are visiting at Mr. John Rapson's. Misses Bertha and Zada McRae are enjoying a vacation at Detroit, Where two brothers reside. Misses Katicleen and•lielea Gunne of London were guests over' the week end of the Misses Clulf and Bentley. Mrs, D. Dickenson and Master Wil- frid have returned to Brantford, after a week's visit with Clinton friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Parker of Stat - ford have been visiting old friends in town and neighborhood the past week or so. bliss Leona Potts of Fort William is spending her vacation at the par- ental home, that of Mr, and Mrs, George Potts, Miss Belle Draper, book-keeper for the Morrish Clothing Company, has re- signed her position and intends at- tending the Normal. The News -Record requeets the co-op- eration of its friends in making these Personal columns as, complete as possible. Mr. acid Mrs. Silas Pyre of cast Wawanosh were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Langford last week, They were accompanied by Mrs: Bell of Detroit. Mr. Peter Macdonald, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs, John Tor- rance of town and other relatives and friends in the vicinity, returned this week to his home in St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. A. IS, McRae of Detroit return- ed to her home last week after a ]isit in towll the guest el Mrs,, A, McRae. She w.as accompanied by her little daughter Lillian, wlio had been visiting here• for several weeks. Miss Margaret Torrance, who has been spending her• vacation ather home in town, returned to Port Arthur this week. She took the boat at Sarnia yesterday and is making the journey its company with Mr, and Mrs: ,Cranston. Mr. and Mrs. Cranston, who have been spending the summer here and in 1VItiskoka, left on Monday on their homeward journey to Port Arthur. They will visit Rev. Mr. Cranston at 'Tomplehill for a day, tailing the boat at,Sarnia on Wednesday. Mr. John Mole of Auburn; better known locally as "Honest John," was in town the other day. In ad- dition to other lines, Mr, Mole acts as representative of tke marble firm of Hoover st Bald and gets a good big share of the, orders given in his district. Mr. Robert McMurray of Bayfield was in town on Saturday and made arrangements with Mr:.1). C antelon to again act as buyer and packer. These two gentlemen_ have worked together for years and as well as being business associates they are close personal friends. Mr. John Howson of Medicine Hat, Alberta, well known in the old home town of L1intcv, will l take in, "The Stampede" in Calgary next week before r hI • annual visit home. is u n of the The event ,in stien e i q .'s o c most unique celebrations ever con-, ceived. It is described by a ,Cal- gaey paper as, "A combination of wild west show, •frontier pageant and Cowboy tournament!',The idea is to, gather together, below the last veatige disappears, so e ttin g of the picturesque elements which made up the rough and: ready, life on. the . plains in the early , days. There will be a monster, parade of S. Indians From the. resor,,vations clad • in all the penopy of war, reission- arise headed by Rev, - Pere La- combe and leav,. John Macdougall, men of the Hudson's liay Com- pany, independent tradexs, cattle- rncn ArapPers, hu ittts, prospectors, surveyors a ndrailway cons ructio. d gauge, the followed by a Ata e union men of (algary. . Four Alberta,erta nfl- lionartes hrive put up twentY bo us and donnas for prives aietl tttI' Cal• gary citizens think it will be : the geeate' event in the hilstory of the city, 1 not of the e,ntire -wast. "The Stamped^." 'starts oe Monday ° nest and will continue all Week: Mr. Rowson +wfil Ile -,Lere to see. Personals 12ev.Dr. Medd of Coderich was town on Monday, Mrs.' Si.J. Allin and family are holi- daying in Goderich. Jackson Jr. was in Toronto Monday and Tuesday. - Rev, W. W. Wyllie is holidaying down about: .Niagarai this week Rey. S. J. All,n has been visiting' Windsor friends during the past' week, Mrs. James Kerr is visiting hew daughter, Mrs. Booth of Toronto, this week. Mr; Johh Stephenson of London was the guest Of his parents in town over Sunday. ' Mrs. Lindsay and Mrs. Weir of God erich have been vieiting'Miss Rudd the past week. Miss Gladys:(lantelon as taken a po- sition in the office of the' Morrish. Clothing Company. 6 Miss Maida Cooper returns this week after spending her vacation with her uncle in Brantford. Misses Eva and Haze•1 Taylor of Min-' nedoza, Man., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs, J. Taylor., Miss Sadie Mahaffy returned on Fri- day after a fortnight's visit with friends at Stella and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, G.D. McTaggart and family intend coming in from their suntyner home at Bayfield this week. Mrs. Atkinson and little Miss Eileen returned Saturday from a fort- night's visit with friends at Inger sol Misses violet and Nettie Freiiilin came up from Toronto some days ago for a visit at their hone in town. Rev.' D. K. Grant and fancily return this week from Bayfield, where they have been spending the month of August. Mr. Norman Robson of Stratford spent the week -end in town with his mothex, who was visiting Miss Dinsley. Masters Harry and Douglas Ball re- turned Saturday after a six weeks holiday with friends in Coderich township. Miss Ella Lindsay is in Toronto now attending the millinery openings and will' take a position this seas- on at Piston. Miss Jennie Taylor leaves today for London, accompanied by her little neiees who have been spending the summer with her. Mrs. Mason of Bhtevale was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Har- land on Monday, going on to Toron- to Tuesday morning. Miss Susie Townsend, who has been visiting friends in town and vicinity for the past mouth, returned to Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. 11. J. Jenkins returned to her home in Toronto this week after spending a week or se with friends in town and vicinity. Miss 'Jessie Cullen of Huntsville, two has been visiting Miss Delle Taylor for the past few weeks, re- turns home this week. Mr. Will Taylor leaves on Monday for Napanee where he takes a position as classical master on the staff of the Collegiate Institute. Mr, Alex. Robinson, who is assisting at the Grahame Rouse during the absenoe of Mr. Graham In the west, spent Sunday at bis home in God- ich. Mr. John Guest returned last week from London;, where he spent sev- eral weeks, and he and Mrs. Guest are this week taking in the 'Toronto Exhibition. Miss Tillie Akam, who sang so charminglygVictoria streetch chur ina on Sunday last, was the guest) of Mr. and, Mrs.. Gledhill while in town.-Goderieli Signal• Miss Mabel 1larland leaves on Sat urday for Toronto we lire she will spend a few days before going to the west, where she intends mak- ing an extended visit with relatives at dillereht points. bit. Johnstone arrived -last week from Fort William to join his wife, who has been visiting her father, bir. John I minerton, for some time. They return this week to their hone at the head of Lake Superior, vis- iting the Toronto Fair for a few days en route. Mrs. 0: Baird and son Addison of Parkhill and Mrs,, 11 Si. Pickett and little daughter of Winnipeg mo- tored over from Parkhill last week and spent a couple of days the guests of Mrs, -George Pinkett. Miss ' Emma 'Pickett accompanied' them to Parkhill .on their return, Mrs. ,Stanbury, ofe Chicago and -Mrs. N. Robson of Detroit have been vis- iting duriril the past week with their sister, Miss Dinsley or town, and other friends hereabouts. Mr. Ben Stanbury accompanied - his mother over and stayed•a couple of days. Ben's old Clinton friends were glad to welooine him back to the old town even for so short a Period, Mr. andMrs. Stewart Plummer of Hale, Missouri, who spent a few days last week with their uncle, Mr. S G. Plummer,vleft on Satur- day day ' to visit relatives in various' parts of the Province before 'turn- ing homeward. Mr. and Mrs. Plum neer were here two years age, but' previous tie that' it was forty years since the former visited the ofd home town. For over these two= score years Mr. Pluniner has lived in the "Show Me" State and of course be long since became rooted and grounded in the. soil. .Of corn,- which is the great .-staple of, ,Mee-• soari, Mr. Plummer says they have had a bumper crop this year. As a corn state 'is also a hog state, the Misseuriane grow porkers extonste el , hut' of cattle they raise com- paratively o -paratively few, the land being trio hi h- riced gra ing purposes. The only potatoes that can he grewthere are the sweet variety, ety, of which the palate soon grows weary, sd tie peaties of comi.eree have to be imported. Though liv- ing under another flag„ Mr, Minn - met continuesto take :a deep .inter•- est`in the welfare of his' native land and <tpattirulerly in that portion of it where be spmb his boyhood days,: MISSES AND CHILDREN'S ID��Y - WA1S AT BAR -CAIN PRICES SATURDAY Saturday we put on sale five dozen misses and children's middy waists at greatly reduced prices. See our north window display. 25C CHILDRENS SOX 18c. Children's fancy cotton sox in - lace and fancy tops in all the newest, I designs in pale blue, tans, brows, pink, etc., all sizes. Regular 25c, Saturday 18c or two pair for 85c, 1 SUMMER PIRASOLS UNDERPRICED Ladiea' fancy parasols in the latest styles, handles and tops, all this seas- on's importations. Reg. $2 and $2.25 values for $1,25. Reg $1.50 for 98c. Children's parasols, reg 25c for 19c. NEW FALL SUITS AND TAIL�RED NAISTS JUST AECEIYED 1111 O>ftr special fall purchases of ladies' tailor: made suits and French flannel waists are now in stock. These garments are advanced New York styles and specially made for us for early fall selling, A call at this store to inspect these new styles will be interesting to you, The News From Londesboro Mrs. John Cudmore and children, Miss E. Lobb spent Sunday at the Earl, Marion and harry of Caledonia home of Mr. H. M. Snell, are visiting for a fortnight with her Miss Mary Townsend and blaster mother, Mrs. W. lirumhley, and her sistor,• Mrs, . S ed;. it h , add Porter Miss 1 0, ter returned to her home in Clinton on Tuesday after a fort- night's visit with Iriends hereabouts. Edwin are visiting at the home of A. Lydiatt near St. Thomas. Mr. Samuel llerrington and son of Saskatoon, Sask., are visiting friends in the vicinity, 'bir. J. 0. Loundsbury is spending a Mr. D. Cantelorl of Clinton shipped few days in Toronto, visiting ihe big a carload of. chess apples fromm here Fair, on Saturday last. Mt, Robert Townsend of Waterloo Rev. D. K. Crani„ pastor of Willis visiting his sister, Mrs. F. Woods. Mr, and Mrs. Ii. McDowell of Pick - church, Clinton, preached in Knox church on Sunday afternoon last. ford, Mich., who have spen+i'the past There has been rather too much rain week with friends here, left for their of late but the fall wheat and, early house on Thursday, .Mrs. McDowell barley were housed in good condition. is a daughter of Mr. Win. Brunsdon, a Mrs. J. Ellis of Wawanosh spent one-time resident of Loudesboro, but .a few days at the' home of Mrs. •11; now of Pickford. Bell this week; Mrs. B. Mason and Master Harvey The regular meeting of the Wom- Mason of Blyth visited Mrs. E. Man- en's Institute will be held next Thurs- ning the past Mock, day afternoon in the. Foresters' hall Among those from this township when Mrs. Fred. Cdldwell will have who tool: in the excursion to the charge of the program. The ladies west were ; 11'. B'rumhley, M. Hill and are all cordially .invited to be pres- wife and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lear, ent. • H ullett Happenings Mr. Earl Kelly of Llodericil is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. P; 0.' Reynolds. Miss Eileen Carbert returned home on Saturday, after spending a wee's with relates in Dublin. Mr, Joe 13511 of Blyth spent Sunday at the home of Mr: and Mrs, D. Blake. . e Miss holly of Dublin is spending ill' b a week withh Miss Gar eft, Miss Stella Copp of C limo n will take charge: of ll. S. S, 1\t►. 10 nett Tuesday. Miss May Maloney of McKillop is spending a few days at the hove of Mt • and Mrs. 1). Etyma... Messrs. Frank and Tharles Hogan returned .to Detroit this week after spending a couple of months in this vicinity, Mr. A. J. Holloway of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. Morrison of the Gth eon. Miss Myrtle P hilli s has been ee r en gated as teacher ot McCovans S. . r S. at a salary of six hundred dollars. Miss Phillips is air A 1 teacher. Auburn News. Miss G,ertie Asquith and' Mrs. Jas. Iiickingbottom ?returned from the Michigan Sop a Arm days ago, the for- mer accompanied by her cousin, Miss Ruth Morrison of Pickford, Mieli,,' and the latter by her nice, Miss Jennie Cuilie of the Sao, Mich. Mr. George P:; 'Yoeagblut,',captain of tlic Auburn Rifle Association, at- tendedthethC annual 0. 17A.hoot Long Branch. Mrs.W.'1, Riddell seat Mr. and Sp eat week-end in Clinton. Mien a lrma Symington has eeturned Lo Dolhf, A. Asquith : C S n shipped ear - load 4 So pp a ar load of Beefless apples to Winnipeg the other day. Mt Thos. Manning of London and. Sister, Miss Bertha, have returned amor visihing briends iu '1'o•route and Mr, Robert Brunt of the Windsor ,Collegiate staff visited his cousin,' �Dr, C. Weir. •. I ' Itis. B. C. a t. T e spoilt most of �.. pe time fishing for the mate of.the four - pound bass he caught in the Maitland last summer, Rev. Robert Me.Callimi having been called to the 'pastorate of the. Pres- byterian ; churches at Auburn ,and Smith's Hill, the he was as sustaincl , 1 i ataspeciaI meeting of the Presby- tery Y - terY M Clinton on Thursday last.. Mr, McCallum is an old Personal friend d tftor, Mr. Wyllie, e,pastor of the Clinton and Auburn B a tu st ch uo- che' whose guest he has been bite past few weeks. Presidee t 'Taft proposes legislation to meet treaty Nbjectiotis to the •tree Ordered Clofluing August Sale $17.50 Ten only Scotch Tweed Suits made to on;fer every pattern good style. Regular $20A.0 to $22,00 values, OUR MOTIVE in to seep the wheels gcnng during the slack month of Aug. Straw Hats T boys 9-8c. During the 'sate ive are ,' clearing out :all our $1.5019 $2.00 - straw hats: at 28c. Ia0N'T MISS THIS OP PORTUNITY '10 SAVE MONEY.. tommariniarmairmarronnaw !, TOZE R , BROWNand i