The Clinton News Record, 1912-08-22, Page 4ept• 1 Fall 85 s. Home Pat - Aug, cand new - es. We $500 these s. 0 ER London Road. Goderich Tolafnshlp ' Miss Jennie Clrant returned on. Mr. Bowers Cole, son of Mr•ae T. Saturday after a month's visit with H. Cole, went to -London ,on Monday St. Thomas friends, : ':for medical treatment. Mr • and Mrs John Layton of Pet- I Miss Mamie Keys of Stanley+ has erboro'visited friends hereabouts dur-'bean ;r aged as teacher (.,t'S.' S. Na, rug the past week.; 10. ondon .has C. II, Idolland sun - "ha toner' of .L Mr, and Mrs, Mies ICate 1 aeon visiting at the home of her, -•flayed at the hospitable home of I‘ y, brother, Mr, Will Falconer, : Peter Cole. Mrs, Frank O'Neil of Clinton has Miss Flossie Cole `has returned from been spending 'a few days with her an extended' visitwith relatives in sister, Mrs. Geo. Watts, this week, :41fohigan. Mr, A. T. Cooper of Clinton will'iIMr. William Perdue is said to be address the League on Tuesday even- ! seriously thinking of retiring from ing next at, the Moine of Mr. W. Fal far,nung in which he has been so ac- coner. Mr. and Mrs', • A. F. Johns of Tor- onto came up on Monday and are vitiating friends at' the West End. Miss Minnie McCartney of Goderieh sister,, Mrs. H. was the guest of her B. Hartley, lest week. Sutnmer.hill Miss May Fry has returned to her home in Toronto after spending her vacation with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. McCartney, Miss Hattie Miller has returned to her home on the Bayfield Line after spending her holidays with her uncle rnd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Mo- and Cartncy. Porter's Hill Lively engaged his Whole lifetime, Mr, Perdue's life has been so stren- uous that we can hardly imagine him living at ease so long as. his health continues good.' Mr. David I)eeves is wearing that smile, that wont wear off, but the reason was fully set forth . in the Births column of The News -Record last week. The whole neighborhood is oongratulating the genial Davie, some in their exubcrenee, going so far as to wish him "Many happy re- turns. Little Misses Mary and Gladys Hol- land spent last week with their sis- ter, Mrs J. P. Cole. We. notice Mr. W. Marquis out again the poultry. . after Y on his all rounds ap rt akin a rho Mr. A.J. Jervis is making stay among his many old friends. Clinton Newts -Record,' Bayfield; Rev, W T. Chuff of Stratford Will preach ° to 'Trinity ohuech next, Sun- day evening, Mr. ' Armstrong Kyle of Toronto, wire vas a guest at Miss. Ferguson's, returned to the city. on Friday. a, Miss' Amy Howson of ,Clinton aria Mrs, Mills' and babe of Helena, Mon., were 'guests at Miss Ferguson's for a few last w - Miss Lizzie Burnett left on Satur- day to visit friends at Port Huron. I Mr. James Blair is using a pair of I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunbar of whipl iletrees 'which were ironed four- Clinton spent Sunday with s the George - , toen�vears ago and made from rock ;tux's Parents, Mr. and 56 nim log taken from the old Blair i Burnett.4illiams of Tor.'onto sang a house built sixty-four years ago: The Miss whippletrees look good to last Mr. solo in St. James church, Middleton very morning and was v er mor undav g • onS farming 131au so long as he continues f g I ninth enjoyed. and his successor after him. We recently had the pleasure of looking; over the big orchard of Mr. Robert Sloan and can .say the pros- pects look good for a great crap. The fruit seems to he entirely free from scab or grub, thus dcmonstrat-. ,ung the value of cultivation and , ,praying. 'days s eek, Mr, Fergus Kyle, cartooniston the Toronto Glebe, was a guest at Miss Fetguson's last; week, returning to the city the beginning of this. Mrs. Robertson of Lethbridge, Mrs. (Dr.) ' MacCallum of 'Kingston and Mtss Margaret : Wiseman of Ottawa are holidaying at Miss Ferguson's. On Friday last about seventeen of Miss. Ferguson'e guests wept to God- erich.'in Mr. William Mustard's gaso- line launch and had a very enjoyable rip. Mrs" William Ratliwell and Miss PIIORIE No, 78 READ 741 WEAR itch & Co. err Ne�esl Styles css Gootls auft g fall and winter styles have sent their head of them.. For the neat season there r uncertainty. There has been no radical le fatianable colors will be : All the tints grey; Green and navy Blue. The most pop- ale are Cheviots, Serges, Whipcard, Diagon les and Tweeds. EW GOODS ARE' NOW IN STOCK Our advance showing of New Fall Dress Goods bas never been variety of trials equalled for and colorings ; exclusiveness of style and the very best values. We have secured early delivery and this affords our patrons an 'excellent opportunity to make their selections early in the sea- son. Our New trimmings have also arrived and we invite- you to our Dress Goods Department at your earliest convenience. THE NEW THINGS ARE ALWAYS SHOWN HERE FIRST, eei Your choice of any childs dress up to $1,50 only 89c all ready to and put on a good assortment to choose from made in Gingham and Chambrey. ALL LADIES' EMBROIDERY AND LAWN DRESSES % PRICE. A Good Boy Wanted to Learn the DryGoods-Business. Taylor of Stanley ere spending a week with friends in Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. James W, Lawrason of Troy are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Lawrason: Rev, Mr, Turnbull of Ilamilton oc copied the pulpit of St. Andrew's ehurch on Sunday morning and in the evening Rev. Mr. McLaughlin was in charge. the cl+arland Illed v Ma -.t Rev-. Mr. pulpit of the Presbyterian church • in Seaforth on Sunday last. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. MacFarlane wilt preach in Knox church, Goder lett. . ]Miss T,ottio Ker of Aberdeen, South Dakota, and Miss Hazel Ker of Min- ton are the guests of their aunt, Mrs, Harry Darrell. The Misses Vincent, Woxlstock, Mr. and Mrs. Guestand daughter,e r , Miss Levice, ice, Mlss Laura 'lnenix and Miss Guy of London and Mr, A. Scott, Seaforth,- are guests at the Commercial. nmercial. M•r William Kyle and Mr.' 'ri.h`e Kyle of Toronto spent the wee rod with the other members of the f un ily at Miss Ferguson's. Dr. Monteith and daughter, Miss Mary, of Stratford, spent : inlay with Mrs. Monteith, who is staying at Mrs. Parsons. The Misses Proudfoot, rmid.in, Mr. .lack and Miss Margaret Wise- man, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. .John- ston and two sons, Detroit, S'iss Kelly, Miss Bernice Kelly and Mr. Graham Moorhouse of Saginaw, M.ch. are at Miss Ferguson's. Miss .Florence Orr, who has been the guest of Mrs. (Rev.) rolmie at. her summer cottage, left for Brant- ford on Wednesday. Mrs; MeT won of Windsor is visiting Mrs. 'L'ohnie at her cottage on the terrace. Mrs. Symonds and Miss Maggie Falconer of Goderich are spending a feu days this week the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer. Mr. Peter Macdonald, an old Bay- field bo who has beenmaking good under the stars and stripes, paid a flying visit to the village on Tuesday. day. I -ie has been visiting his sister, Mrs. John Torrance. Mrs. Welsh gave a card party at, the Cedars, to a number of ,her friends on Wednesday evening of last week. Messrs. Garnet, and Casey Atkinson ' in the pavilion to a' gave a dance, P large anumber of invited guests on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Atkinson gave a card party on, Friday evening. A nunmber of his Bayfield friends gave a dance one evening last week in the pavilion for Mr. Stewart Jackson prior to his departure from Clinton. Messrs. Broder McTaggart, G aer net Atkinson and Ird Tisdale gave a dance in the pavilion on Thursday evening. The Blackstone ,grchestra furnished the music. Misses Gertrude and Edith Camp- bell and Miss Carter of Constance are gusts' at Mrs. Parsons. Mr. Peroy. Biggart of Toronto spent a few days the past week under the parental tool. Misses Daisy, Domino and Mary Wharin of Toronto, who are spending the sum?uer in the White City, are in Detroit for a week. Misses Elsie and Myrtle Brown of Owen Sound are visiting their. , aunt, Mrs. Murray. Miss Jean Cochrane of Kippen 'fs the guest of Miss Parsons. *Mr. George Mason of Wingham was the guest ' of Mr: A. 15. Erwin dar- ing the past week, Miss Lewis of ,Goderich is the guest of Miss Turner at Miss For- guson's. Brucefield. Mrs. Voss and children and Miss Long, all of Toronto, liave returned to that agity after spending a few weeks with their aunt, Mrs. R. Mor- rison. Wingham. Miss .Kathleen Blackett tf Both- well is visiting her.uriele, Mr. Lack Kennedy, Mrs: Richard Awde,of Toronto has '' Mr, been visiting her ' s'oo , M J. L. A wde. Miss Hattie Roderus has returned atter a six weeks' 'visit in Bulialo, 'Toronto and elsewhere, Mrs. , James Cowan of Seaforth and Miss Cowan ofEdanonton, Al- ta.,, visited Dr. Margaret Calder one day last ,week.: Mrs. Calder of Calgary, who has been visiting her daughter, Dr. Mar- garet Calder, left last week for the west. Mr, Percy T. Kerr left for Toronto last week to accept a position with the Robt.' Simpson Co, He will be much missed in town.. The bridge committee' of the county council was in town recently in con- nection with the proposed new bridge in Lower! Winghant. The county Wants the town and the township of '1`urnbcrry. Id assume the cost of con 5Iruction. Rev. and Mrs. T. Edgar Henderson of Wilton, Wis., are spending their honeymoon in town, the home place of the former. Mr, L. Kennedy has purchased the I• niovmSP ictunc plant He will have it thoroughly grenovated and put un- der proper management. The National hotel was last week the scene of the most extensive bur- glary that has taken place in Wing - ham for some lime. Some time on Friday evening thiev- es succeeded in getting away with $1,000 in jewelery and papers from the private apartments of Mr. and Mrs.B.J Doyle, proprietors rictors 0 f he National. The robbery was noticed early on Saturday morning, when Mrs. Doyle happened to look at her jewels, when she found the box containing them, as well as other valuable articles, had disappeared. All evidence points to someone in the house or well acquainted with it, as the empty box and some papers were found in the bathrooms, although no signs of money or jewelery as yet. Mr. McCurdy, a roomer at the he• tel for some time and'ta machinist in A. Crawford's garage, has been ar- rested on suspicion„ but the dragnet is still out for a couple of accompli•• ces, whom they expect to land short- ly. One of these is a woman. Provincial Detective VanNotman,, with the local authorities, is working on the. case. The jewelery Consisted of diamond rings, a lady's gold watch and ,chain,.a necklace and several oth- er articles. By a mere chance the thief overlooked $500 in cash, which was beneath some clothes in the next drawer. - • Varna Rey. Clarence Johnson of Brook - dale, Man•, conducted the service in 5t. John's church lase Sunday even- ing. His discourse was much enjoyed by the large congregation present. - Stanley Township Mr. Win. E. Foster of the Parr Line has purchased a Morris Louis piano from Mr. Charles Layton, the agent at Seaforth. Blake The football match between Blake and Bayfield, played in the latter place recently, resulted in favor of the balmy, breezy team. But the Blake team had hardly a lair chance as through some misunderstanding on- ly fout of their players arrived, and they had 'to fill up the ranks with other players. But Bayfield had tiro pick from their own village and Var- na the + from Goderich, some na with so brink our boys with the aid of H. Reid, the star goal tender, did eery well indeed, 'lhe Bayfiolds say they didn't ;care to rub it in, but we ate of the opinion that they tried their best but couldn't do it. We hope to have another try at thein before long. Seaforth,. Mrs. Charles Layton and little ,daughters, lava and Donna, are spen- ding a pleasant three weeks vacation with frierrls in Detroit, Mich. Rev. Neil Shaw, pastor of the Eg- mondville Presbyterian church, is ly- ing very ill in St. Catharines, at the borne of itis brother-in-law, Mr. Mar- quis. Hensall. Rev. Dr. Johnstone and family 01 Montreal ate spending the summer at: ,,tattle Grove, A :POPULAR SCHOOL. It is freely admitted that among 6 the high grade Conunercial'Sehorls of Canada, the Clinton Business Col- lege stands' in the forefront. In point of attendance this College is only ex- ceeded by three or four in Ontario It is affiliated with the Commercial Educators' Association ` of Canada, and its management last year trained and placed 10 excellent positions over two thousand young people, thus making them the largest trainers . in Canada. ' A few months ago Mr. Spotton vis- ited Business ,Colleges in Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Rochester, Syra- cuse, New York and Boston, and with the knowledge 'of business sci- ence gained from his tour, Inc prom- ises the most nnodern training that can be procured. 'thousands of ambitions youag peo- ple are studying at home by means of the Home Study Department, while they follow their regular work, others are studying partly at home and will finish at College. The Clinton Busi- ness College. guarantees positions. Last year the .demand for its gradu- ates was many times, the supply. All interested in bettering their condition should write, call or phone for pat-. titulars. This institution re -opens on September 2 and' 3. August 22nd, 1912 imamenimmummumouvi BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the ?ea le4 &elk Y. 14. C. A. BLDG.,' LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principalys C Viceeacepajtaat GODEitI 01.1 Mr.and Mrs. W. A. Donee of Stay- ner motored up • last week to . visit Mrs. Denet's mother, Mrs. John Craigic. WE NEEDAGOOD BUSINESS MAN In this district to represent us. Is High-ClassToronto Residential Property;,is just being placed on the market at prices that offer an exceptional'inveetment opportunity .. , it at ,once to eh*` warners, 'PRIDViNCIAC INVESTMEN`Fg, LIMITED, 630 Traders Boak Building, Toronto or TANNER Ik GATES, Raitty Bkolreri, 411 Victoria Si., Totrotate. Prenice Borden spoke at Clyde - of the • Canadian -Australian otea:iier, Niagara. Our Specials for all Nex WEEK ROOFING and ROOFING PAiNT- NOW IS THE TIME TO PREPARE YOUR ROOFS FOR THE FALL RAINS -- BRANTFORD ROOFING IS THE ROOFING OF QUALITY. Is made from hest wool felt, saturated and coated under a new process and fire,not affected with a halt si.'s the action of vapor, acids_by re .L r P p , n lay it with- out one ca h heat or cold. A thoroughly reliable roof, and yy out speciaal tools—full directions also special roofing nails and liquid ce- ment with each roll. Brantford Roofing Regular $2,50 for $2.25 Mohawk ' ' $1.75 for $1, 55 Atnatite $2.50 for $215 Lonestar suitable for chicken houses $1 50 for $1.25 For old roofs use carbon elastic barn bridge and roof paint. Don't leave the job too late, it wants warm weather to make the best job; reg- ular 75c for 65c per gallon. These prices are good for all next week. Harland Bros. Stoves, and Novelties Hardware i i Obituary "The subject of the following obitu- ary notice from the Wiarton Echo was an uncle of Mrs. (Judge) Andrews, Mrs: T. H. Cook and Mr. Barry Glazier of Clinton. The true value of a, life is not to be measured by the way anyone has been before the public eye, not, is it to be reckoned by even the position he has filled, At that time when eternal re- wards shall be given one thing that will count is fidelity to work given whether it has been great or small. In the death of Adam Glazier there pass- ed a way a man who considered it an iwnor, and a noble life workto preach the Gospeltothe Indians, and by ex- ample as well as precept, to point them to higher things. And that work well r to t • is a remainder rolcet done at Cape C many in this day that material gain is not the whole aim of man. 1t requir- es no sacrifice to fill a tower city pul- pit,' the call is geneilly irresistible, hut 10 labor among the Indians requires a genuine spirit of self-abnegation. And all honor to the memory of the man who passed away in oar midst last:. week. The deceased, who was in his 76th year, was born in Huron County, near. Clinton, and entered the M e- thodist, Ministry,. in 1871, at Blyth and was ordained in Picton in 1875. ` His first charge after ordi- nation was Hepworth, where he was the first residen' minister, and afterwards was stationed at Cape Crocker, Cedarville, Oxeden, Onen- daga and again at Cape evoker. In 1001, when he felt that his physical strength was not equal to his work, he retired from the ministry and took up his residence in Wiarton, where he liv- ed respected by everyone. He had not been well of recent years and his death was in, the natural source of events. He is survived by a widow, five daugters and two sons, namely, Mrs. Thos. Moore, Mrs. A. 17. Jones, Mrs. D. Allen, all of Alberta and Mrs. Evans, Wiarton; also Mr, W. W. Gla- zier, Oregan and S. J. N. Glazier, Whitton. The tunerel which was held last Fri- day was largely attended, many desir- ing to pay their last respects to his memory." Hensall NIr. and Mrs. D. A. Caatelon and son Ferris of 'Toronto are visitiug Hensall friends. Mie. Pope and son Harvey and her daughter Lydia have returned alter a visit with friends at Brandon, Man. Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas and daughter.' of Hensall, Ont., who were on a trip through the west as far as Edmonton, spent several days in this district the guests of Mr. A, Elliott of Valley River S. D., his brother in- law. Mr. Douglas was greatly taken with the west but more particularly with Grandview district and said "that if he ever made up his mind to come 'west .Grandview would be his choice as a . farming.. district."—The Exponot*i, Grandview,, Manitoba. St. Helens. Miss May Cameron has been engag- ed as teacher in the Donnybrook school for the coming year. Mrs. J;1'enty Woods is spending • a few days with her parents in Wing - ham. The Messrs. Salkeld ofGoderich visited :at the home of Mrs. R. K. Miller on Sunday. Mf. Isaac Miller left last Saturday on a business :WO to Toronto. Misses Margaret and Lillian Clack have returned home after visiting friends in Asheelid. SPECIAL SAI -11 0± - LAWN AND VERANDAH FURNITURE Verandah Curtains Verandah 1VIattings The season is short so we have made our profits the same, Come early and get first choice. The Store of Quality, Phone 28 W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140 Seaforth Messrs. 3, J. Merner, M. P, for South Huron and J. A Withitms of Zurich were visitors in town last week,' Seaforth is likely to have a big Cele- bration on Labor Day, Messrs, Arthur Reid of Medicine Hat and Oscar Reld of Forest have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs, 3. H. Reid. The funeral of Tommy Flues, who was accidently shot at the rifle ranges, took place, to, St. Mary's on 'Wednes- day of last week, Miss Mary L Cowan, daughter of Mr. James Cowan of the North Road, was successful' in winning the second Edward Blake scholarship in science and mathematics. Zurich Mrs. Henry Wuem left last week to visit her daughters in Detroit and other points in the State of Michigan. 1 — TO ANY NEW SUBS W1BERLL B INCANADA THE NEWS-RECORD— Mr' Frank -Wichwire leaves this E 6 the week.snIle will 1 eSaskatchew- anse tfine - Rev. end Mrs. Whiteside of Kemp - Ville ille . have been visiting with the lat- ter',e father, Mr. 3. A, Williams, Miss Laura Steffens of Detroit has. been visftin(a Miss Emma Tieidman. Yea Ruin No Risk 1 We have confidence in' our our WATCHES as the result of long EXPERIENCE. - We guarantee them because they are ALL RiGHT both as regards QUALITY AND PRICE. Let Us Show You Thera. W. R. COUNTER Jeweler, - Clinton ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. NATIONAL PORTLAN D CEMENT is a little the best going, but we don't charge any more for it, .A. fresh carload just in. J. ANDREWS o the end of 1912 for '25o.