The Clinton News Record, 1912-08-08, Page 11r NO. 1742 -33rd Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1912 THE HOME PAPEiR. The News -Record to : any address in Canada to the end of I912 for 25 cents ---for new subscribers. A.BOUTKINGS ,• There has been a, lot of care and time expended in selecting this ring stock of ours. Quite a good deal of money spent, too, for we wanted it above all things as complete as we could possibly get it. We have some particularly handsome stone com- binations om-binations for ladies. Also attractive effects for gentlemen, some of them sell for $2.00, and from that price go away up to over a hundred dollars. • Then we .have'solne cute little rings for the young- er folks for $1,,00 and: thereabouts. You will be perfectly safe if you depend 'upon this store for your ling needs. jeweler and Optician Clinton 0 The Royal al Bank OF CANADA. incorporated 1869 Capital Paid-up - - $7,800,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits $9,000,000 Total Assets - •$120,000,000 • HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. R, E. MANNING, Manager - - Clinton Branch. 1 1Ie Molsons Bank INCORPORATED 1855, Record of Progress for Five Years -1906--11 06 1 CAPITA $3,0 00,000 $4,000 A ,000 RESERVE 3,000,000 4,000,000 DEPOSITS, 23,077,730 35,042,311 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,457,090 38,854,801 TOTAL ASSETS , . 33,090,100' 43,237,284 Hos 83 Branches in Canada, and Agents anal Correspondents in .all the Principal Cities of the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED SAVINGS' BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches.. Interest allowed at highest cur�•ent rate. Cj ,iton Branch '. E. Dowding, Manager asimisermumeoreensammi lelloolummommuumm READY -TO -WEAK Cr oTanrn n OLOTti1 vG gMen's 2 Piece Suits Do you want a .snap in a two piece suit .> If so act quickly. 3 only men's two piece skeleton suits in dark- green with light stripe, patch pockets, regular $8.50. to clear at .3.90 2 only men's two piece skeleton suits in tight grey at h pockets, 5 with tc. 0 p regular $8.50 to clear at. 2 only men's two piece suits,' print lined in brown strt e, 20th Centurybrand, regularg clear at$12.00 to' 8 50 . f at only men's t'lbo piece suits in 'light greys, fronts lined. is is extra goon value at $10.00, to clear ,8.50 Buy one ofthese and. sa1� your good Buy � suit THE CLOTHING CO. CLINTON, LINION ONTARIO A Siluare Deal' for Every M an Tlill CLINTON, MARKET. . Wheat (new), 90c. to 95C, Oats 48c. t0 500. Peas 95e, to $1.00. Barley 60e. to 75c. Button 10e. to ,21e, Eggs 22o. to 230: Live Hogs. $8.00,` DEIAti'H OF. ANGUS _ COLE. On Wednesday of last week 1'4t. Angus Cole lied at Wayne, Mich, aged forty-seven years. He was at one lime a resident of Clinton and in the employ. of Mr. John Leslie'as wagon maker but left here about two decades ago. He is survived by, bis wife, who is a sister of Mrs. T. D. Johnson of town and their wily child, Miss Clara Cole, MA1DE A .00013 JOB. Mr. Albert Morrell, whose big trace bor•was used for crushing stone and rolling the 'streets, has finished- the job, and done it well too, but that was no more than was expected 01 him. Mr. Morrell is now getting his outfit ready for threshing operations which will keep him a humming till the snow flies. From spring until fall we have a no more active cite izen. than the genial Albert, ONLY SIXTEEN LONG. Mr, Norman b'itzsimoes iss modest abouthis skill at angling though the landing , of speckled '-,beauties of size and weight as a some- what common occurrence with him: On Monday he caught a sixteen -inch trout in a litelo brook in Goderich township that he could have leapt across, but if we were to des- ignate the spot so many fisher nen would make for it that the ownen of the 'and would ,in all probability put up a notice against trespassing. BAPTIST, PICNIC, NO R:4IN. Some people have supposed it was impossible fat our good friends of the Baptist persuasion to hold a pia Pie except on a rainy day. .Exper- ience, lrw\vewCT isproving ,p o\ing the eon- trary. Take Monday, for instance, when the Baptist S. S. held its au- nual outing at Baytfeld. The wea- ther was on iPs verty best behavior whereas on each of the (lays when the two Methodist arta the Presbyters Ian S. S's picnicked there was a downfall of rain, more or less. Monday's picnic was enjoya•ile in very sense of the word. MONDAY'S GAME'. Three' rinks of howlers came down farce Wingham on Monday and ,play- ed a friendly •match with as tnany local bowlers. A good afternoon and evenings' sporti was the result, Though_ the vi•snting rinks played skillfully and well luck was against them and at tea tine the local ex- perts were several shots up, One rink rcrained and play was resumed after tea bat the visitors failed to retrieve their fortunes, The \Vin; ban men are good sports, however, and can lose gracefully, The day's sport) was much enjoyed. Following are the rings and their scores - Clinton -H• E. Paull, J. Wiseman, A. J. Morrish, E. G. Courtice-28. Wingham-Anderson, Smith Bumc'tey L. Kennedy -14. Clinton -J. L. Cnurtice, A. J. Grigg, J. Watts, J. Taylor -23. Wingham-Hanna, King, 13, Porter, A. Politer -24. Clinton D. McCorvie, G. Roberton, J. Harland, J.,E• Hovey -21. Wingham-Shane, Evans, Rae Hol- mes -90. • DEATH 01" MISS. R•AYSON. The death occurred on Thursday last of an old resident or town in the person of Ma - hale • Townsend, relict of the late John Rayson, who passed away after an illness of some months in her "seventy-second year. The, lace Mrs. Rayson ' was born at Seole, Norfolk, England in 185,7 and carne -to this country early in life. She was ma:.:lied to her life partner fifty -two -years ago and a year later they came to Clinton. Mr,, Rayson died twenty-seven years. ago. A, family of nine survive : ' 8.1rs, Geo. Farquhar of Hullett , Miss Ada Rayson, Toronto ; Mrs: Waltzer Web. stet, Westol Mrs.. Albert , 11 all Mrs. F'aretow, Mrs. Thos. Campbell and Mrs. W. Barnes, Toronto, and John, and 'Allen Rayson of Windsor. The funeral took place on Satuulay. afternoon from the family residence, I2atteabury street, to Clinton ceme- tery. The sersices at house and graveside 'were conducted b3' Rev. Clarence Johnson, the deceased •haw ing' been an Angltcae. The pallbear- ers were four sons-in-law' Messrs. Gep. Farquhar, Albert Bali, W. Webs seer and Thos. Campbell, and the two sons of decease& Among:ea the relatives who attended the funeral besides the fmtnedi'atle family. were • a nephew and two nieces, Mrs: Woods and Miss Townsend and Ms. Val. Townsend of Mullett. ; A great! many. lovely Flowers were 'plane'd upon the casket, aimpng, which wee a wreath frown the family and sprays and flowers from the followint, . Mr, and Mrs. 1:. 'Jackson ; Mrs. Saville, Mr!:, t... Vltauttimgton and faiiSfly, little (for - don Canipbell, '.( grandson, and: sev- eral others. The family: desire to thanl. the ends who were so kind to their mother during her ihaess and %vho shoved sect sympathy and 'thought-. fulness aftter her death. - THE NEW FORIN'CIPAL. Mr.•Allingham, .who was engaged by the Model school board as principal, found it impossible to -come and Mr. O, D, Bouok of Motarisburg Nag now beem engaged and will arrive la town about the 20411. The new principal comes .highly recommended. • - ENGAGEMENT ANtN''U(NCED. Mr, and Mrs. larthur Forbes an- nounce the_ engagement of their-:eld- est daughter Jennie Morelia to Ce- cil A. Russ, only son of Mrs. Clara M.' Russ and of the late Waiter ;A. Russ,: Woodstock. The wedding, which will be a quiet one, will take place the laths part of August. WILLIS CHURCH. Mr. ,1• inglaadz 61 Auburn, a student of Knox College, oedulpied the pulpit on, Sunday,, preaching very accept- ably. He will continua to supply during Avgusr. The much appreciated choir of Willis church held their annual picnic at 'Hayfield on"Friday last and had a most enjoyable time: ONT. ST. 0Id1J'R0141 A large number attended one com- munion service on Sunday morning. The pastor was assisted by the Rev. W, J. Ford, a former pastor, and by, Rev. V. H. Newcombe, 1n the even- ing the Rev. J. 17. Ford of Wesley church exchanged with the pastor. Miss Beatrice \yhtte, soloist of Windsor, will sing at next Sunday's services. The pasties witl preach morning and evening and will also de- liver a five-minute, sermon to i!lie children in the morning. The League and prayer meetrng was combined this week, holding . a union service yesterday evening. TWO MARRIAGES. A pretty wedding was solemnized in Si Paul's Methodist church church, Brampton, when Miss Kate Elvins Manning, youngest daughter of Rev. H. M. Manning of Oshawa, for- merly of Clinton, was married to Mr. James 1-1 Ware of Whitby, After giving his daughter away the bride's father conducted the ceremony, as- sisted by Rev. W. N. Chantler, pas- tor. of St. Paul's church. A .quiet wedding was solenmize 1 at the home of Mr. Philip Fraser, 140at- rose avenue, when bis eldest drug. ter, Isaheb Edith, was united in mar- riage with Mr, John Tyler Shiltou, B. A., son of the late Rev, James \\ralkev ShrlLon,Toronto, formerly of Clinton. A GOOD GAME. One of the best baseball matches of the season was played on the loc- al diamond on Saturday; afternoon last between the local nine and Mc- Lagan's team from Strattord. Tire local team, which was re-inforced by t 't' the a Idr ionI Dick k 0 Tasker, ar, ;who took his old ,place as pitcher, rather "put it over" the visiting team, scoring seven runs to their nothing, Much interest was manifested in the match which was wiItnessed by a large number of cnthuslasts, The following is the line-up of players : Clinton -E. Johnson, 1st b., T. Hawkins, and b., F. McCaughey, 3rd b.. H. T\v,tchell, s. s:, W. Johnson, c.., C. Draper, c. 1., Cluff,- r, 1., Dick •Tasker, p., M, Mellwan,1, E. Stratford -Wagner, 1st b., Richards, 2nd b., Jeffreys, 3rd b., Retnkle, r., Harvey, p., Cook, s, s., J'homspon, c, I., Smith, r. 1., Boyd, 1.1. Jr 13. Hoover of Clinton acted Q'D umpire. ' A CLOSE CALL: Mr, Tommy Britton had a narrow escape yesterday forenoon. Indeed, until he finally passes over he will not be in closer touch with death. He was assisting Engineer East at the waterworks engine house said as the gas producer was really not pro- ducing they were erldeavorieg. ;o le- e ea and remove a erne a the cause, alley finally got ftp to the gas dryer, a cylinder about four feet long; and two fee'' across; and into this Mi'. :Ease was preparing to 'lower himself ycairn Tommy said : "Hold on, I'm smaller, let me get in." "A11right,""re-' plied the engineer, "but ddn't he to a hurry. Walt until .I go below and see that ail's right." Tommy .sat on Me edge of the dryer- with his leer hanging in and Mr. East went down the ladder :but had scarcely more than reached .. •tin floor viten he heard Tommy drop ta- to the cylinder, -overcome by the gas, Mr, East hurried up the ladder,.'. shouting as he did' so to Mr;' -Wain Glazier., who happened to be at the door, to turn the atmosphere Calve. mt. East reached into tato ,fryer end managed to 'pull Tommy up so that his head was above ,the ldig Ibube, but to get hila out even with Mr.' Glazie'e s .; help he found %npossibio So he hustled down the ladder again and called to Framers Matt' Mains, J, P. Barns,. and W. Lee, who happen- . ed to be working on Mn Hamilton's barn across the street. With their assistance. :the unconscious roan was lifted out of the "dryer and taken,oat i s into the fresh a• 13y this time Dns. Worthington and E Gaudier had:arrived and after an hours exert,on they succeeded in re-. stidring Tommy to consciousrtess 1114 he Was reniovedl to bus home. in a Carriage, He is now gettesg along nicely, find in a few, days will be aschirpy as i ST. PAUL'S CHURCI4. - 1 About People You. Know. The services in St. Paul's ehe "oh on Sunday .last were conducted l y Rev, Clarence Johnson of Brooitale, Man., and in addition to the regular congregation many from other chur- ches attended` to hear this zealous young divine, Mr, Johnson . is a native of this town and 'ClintoaV,ill always take a deep inteiest is his welfare and a career of great useful- ness is ptvsdicted for him. Rev. A, A. Bice, representative, of Huron Cottage, will preach' at Irani services' on Sunday nest. Personals Rev. Mr. Macfarlane of Bayfield was in town yesterday. • Miss M. Clarke of Mitchell has join - ad the' hospital :staff. • Mi,, Jack Rheinhardt ti sited a few days 'with friends at Berllii, ` Miss Ila Bawden has reeerned to bier position at Goderich after speadiug her holidays at her lime here, Miss Granger, who bas been holiday - ling at her home at Bcucefieid, was in town yesterday, calling on fri- ends. Mr. George :Battey and Mr. Joseph Bramfield spent Sunday and C;fvic holiday at the tornee's home' at Listowel. Miss Beatrice White of Windsor bo the guest over the week -end of Rev. and Mrs. Albin at Ontario street parsonage. - Mr. Bert Langford has disposed :.l his auto to his brott,her-in-law, Mr. Vodden of Hullett, but it won't he long before he has another, Mr. Clinton W. Harrison of :,an Francisco and Miss Mabel Harland left here Thursday to visit their aunt, Mrs. M. le Mason of Blue vale, Miss McIver, Mrs, Smith and Messrs. Heesld Raynor and Stewart 'Jack- son well slake part :n the summer concert in Bayfield on Friday even- ing of this week. • Bayfield. The annual summer concerti, under the auspices of the Ladias' Aid of St. Andrews' church, will he 1 old in ehe town hall on Friday evening nl this week, the 9th inst. 3n keeling with. peen/ seasons a splendid program will be provided, a number of first class artists having been secured tot the occasion, including Ma. Willoase of the London Conservatory, Miss Turner of the Toronto Conservale r, Mr, Stewart Jackson of Clinton, anti others. The program will hegin at eight o'clock. Be on hand early or have your seats reserved. It will be a musical event of the season. Mrs. (Capt.) J. A. Ferguson left on Monday fon a tip on the lakes with her husband. Mrs, 13, W. Erwin and son,, Master Female, left on Wednesday for Per- lin to spend a few weeks with the lady's daughter, Mrs, Saucier. Rev. W. Cluff. Mrs, Cluff and fan- ny of Stratford, Rev, Mi. McLach- lan and family of I4anstbton ars. Scott, Mrs, Holmes, Miss Holmes, Miss Eva Ilolmes of Seafooth , Sirs. Fred Bently, Cobalt R. S. Frame arca family, Stratford, are -summering. in Westminster Grove; Rev. D. K. Grant and family of Clinton, and MUS. (Rev.) Kerr and family of Welland have taken cot- tages in the White City for the month of' August, Mr. and Mrs•, Welsh and family of Stratford have taken Mr, F. Heath's cottage, ''The Cedars" for the re- mainder of, the season. Miss Malcohat of Kincardine was. the geese of Mrs. Qua during the past week. Mr, John ,Spencer spent: a few days last week in the oil f4slds. Mrs, Prank O'Neil and fanvi;ty have. returned to their home in Clinton af- ter spending the month of July in Westhtfnster Grove, Rev. Mr. Bice of Huron College or,- copied the pulpit of Tiinkty church on Sunday Iasi Dr. Smith had a ,valuable horse killed b, lightning during the severe electhica.4 storm which passed over the village on Friday morning fast. The following registered at The Conutietciai dulling the past week : Misses_Minlou Pinning, Hattie A. Holloway and Gladys Chowen, Clin- ton • Messes Rose McIlvenna, l+lor- ence Quack. Stiiatford ; the Misses McLean, 1{ippen' Dr. A. J. Irvin, Mrs. Irwin, 141iss Irwin ,and Master Arthur ;Irwin, \Viilgham ; Miss Etta Rush, Wingham Misses Mattie tJo shall, Eleanor Upshall, and. Ethel Spence,. London ;'G. M. Dempsey, Runciman anis 1t. E. Rtuscintan of Stratford. Mr, and Mrs. Hartley of. Seaforhh are summering in Mr..7aitie's rhomp- son's house ell The Terrace. Mi. and Mrs, Smith of Chicago visited the lattet's sister, Mrs. Moore, at her cottage in the White City. last week, Mrs. Hogan and Mts. Bartels ie - turned r,:turned to their home in Detroit lairt. week aften spending a month in life White City. of. 'reroute pis itslti'i,• Miss Heidel• her father Rev. W. liinde. • Rev, Mr: Macb,'arlane, pastor of tit. Andrew's' church, will preach fn' fOe- troit on Sunday nexP and Mrs. - Seeder' of 13eridn wits the guests of the tatter's parr - cuts, ' Mr, and. Mrs: 13. W. 1:•rwin,fot a icw days this week. eves. More Bayfield page 8. Mr, A. Wilkin spent Monday with Hen$all friends. Mrs: Ed_ Saville visited friends at Londesboue over the week -end, Miss Amy Howson spelt'. the week- end in Kincardine with friends. Miss Margaret Wiseman Of Ottawa is i holidaying at the parental borne, Miss Kathleen East of Toronto Is f spending a holiday ab lies home in town. Mr.. Albert Akan of Calgary is vis- iting. his, mothers and sisters in town. 3Iiss Cowan has returned ' from a hol- iday visit to Detroit and other points. . • Miss Hesslewood of Londesboro was the guest, . of. Mrs. T, Mason en Friday last. Miss Spark of Stratford was the guest • of Miss Ross Levis Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Cook visited the +Kerr and Ryan families at the Nile Sunday and Monday. • Mr. Walter Booth of Toronto was the guest of his grandfather, Alis, J. -Kerr, over the. week -cad. Miss Mabel Kerr and her cousin, Miss Foster of Clarksburg, have been visiting Goderich friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Hardy and arise Etta visited' with Mrs. James Campbell near' Dungannon Sunday and Monday. Drs. Shaw and Gunn left on 'ruesdae to attend the nte'rnational Med- ical Comven'tion, which meets 111 Edmonton, Alta. Mr. Melvin Mason and his cousin, Mr, Louis Greensides of London, :=peat a few days visiting friends in Clin- ton and Hullett. Mr. Roy Grigg of the Bank of .11or- treal Goderich, is spending his 11011 - days at iris home in town and with friends in London. Rev. H. I'. and Mrs. Wesegat4e of St. Thomas were the guests during the past week of the lady's mothe•i, Mrs. Katyty or ,Princess street. : Miss Birdie McRoberts of London has been visiting the past week with her uncle, Mr, D. C'antelon, and Other £,,:ends in and about to em, 14Ir, Eddie Shepherd returned to 'Tor- onto on Monday afternoon alter a pleasant fortnight's holiday at his home in town and camping at the lake. Miss Olive Harland returned to Tor- onto on Monday after a pleasant fortnight's holiday at the home el Me and Airs, W, S. Harland of town. Mrs. (Rev.) Roy and her daughter , May and Miss Mary Brownlee of Hamilton were guests Sunday and Monday of Mr. and M'u. W. J. Paisley. ,Mrs. J. E. Hovey and wee Mrisee Billy retnrned last Thursday, aafter spending a month at the lakeside. Mr. Hovey was over with them for ak wee . Dr. Frank Boles of Cookstown, Minn., who has been visiting his mother and sister in town for the past week, left on Monday for his home, , Mrs. A. D. Macpherson of London and her daughter, Mrs. J. H. John- stone of Edmonton, Alta., • were guests on Tuesday of Mr, D. L. Macpherson. Mrs, Arch'd Kennedy, her daughter, little Miss Helen, and her mother, Mrs. Valvemoai, Detroit, are guests 'for a few weeks of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Kennedy. Capt. Dougherty and Mr, Downing of. Mitchell spent a couple of days last week fishing at; Mr. Henry Wagner's in Hullett. They succeeded in bag- ging asging a nice' lot of bass. Mr. and Mrs, I4. Wilson and Master Haiild arid Misses Helen and t,rfy of Stratford were the paste' Sun- day and Monday of Mr. and . Mts• Janes Connell, Godei[ch township. Mrs. Ben. Palmer and children arriv- ed from Toronto last week to join Mr. Palmer of the Motor Compile), staff. They have talon up resiil- encein Mr Arthur Centolon's house on Isaac street, Misses Vivian and tee:Oda Semitic, after being for a fortnight the guests of their aunt, Mrs. A. J. Grigg, left Monday to visit London, friends before returning to their home lin Chicago. Mr. R. E. Manning, local manager of the Royal Bank,, is out of sown this week inspecting several Mon- ohes of the Traders, Bank in the county prior to their' being taken. over by the Royal. Mr.. Lack Kennedy, Wingham,. carne tloww with the howlers Monday and through his rink- didn't win they put up a good game, nevertheless, 31 seemed dike old fumes; to see the genial Lack . around'. , Mr. and Mrs. 'Syd. Jacitson and baby Margan.t are; spending a foriniight, as guests of Mr, and Mrs. john Mb8 aughton of Varna and Mc. and Mrs. D: S. McNaughton of Baseleed. They will then return-tio Clinton. Rev. and Mrs. Patterson 'of Co'ien'o, who have been camping:at .I3urk's for the past week, were guests" of Mr. , and Mrs, W. H. I-Iellyar - on Tuesday, leaving on the afternoon train' for Grand Bend and, London Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Jackson have as. ;their guests etas week idle 10110w- ing members of :their family.: Mrs W. Hyslop and hot dangl ter 19d!ia Detroit ; Miss;". Eden Jackson, C'Buf falo, and Mr. Howard Jackson, Chicago The latter two only re- main this week_ but Mrs, Hyslop, will, nralce a more extotxleri stay. Mr. Paul 1'reemau has gone to Port Colborne. Mt, P Craig was in Detroit aver the week -tend. Mr. D, Cantelon ,visited in Toronto and Ori111a: over the holidays Mrs, l4I0Garve and Miss Wairace 111. .ted Hensall friends last week, Mr, Gordon Cuninghame, Was a Y+ing'. ham visitor Monday and 'Cuesday. Miss Tena Agnew went to Kiiicard- Lino last Thursday with the 'excur- Miss Laura Wilkin is spen eing a few, 'days this week with Ciodericti lit» ends. Miss Rena Pickett left Tuesday on a 'visit to London, Chatham and De- troit, Mr.- W. McCulloch, Stratford, has been visiting Gfin1'on friends. week, Dr. Thompson was in St,Mary's yesterday attending the Old Boys' reunion, Mrs. (Dr.) MaeCallum of Kingston is the guest of her parents, Mr. and John Wiseman. ' Me W. R. Counter returned yesterday, after a few days visit at his rad home in Si.incoe. Misses Hattie Holloway, Minlou ling and Gladys Chowan are boli- .daying at Bayfield. Rev. W. J. Joiliffe is supplying the pulpit or Bridge street chueeh, Bell- eville, during August. Miss Elsie Ross returned on Monday, after a pleasant holiday spent with he; brother at Orillia. Mee. Frank O'Neil and family have returned home after a stay of rev- ere// weeks at Bayfield. Mr, and Mrs,tlliorgan Agnew and the Ta'tter's mother, Mrs. Osborne, ehemi . tee holiday at Bayfield, Miss Barbara McIvor Inas returned to her post in W. Brydone's Ace at - ter a fortnight's vacation. Mrs. Atkinson and little Miss Eileen left yesterday on a visit of some weeks w'th Ingersoll friends, Mrs. Bl of ro at if tel of London who has i 1 ,s been visiting bet sister, Miss flea - ham, rammed home Tuesday. M•ihses lava and OliveCoxof the etli con., Goderich township, are t .sit- , ing Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Paisley. Rev. Jr Greene will take the preach- ing service in the Methodist church, Brussels, foe the next two Sun- days. Mr. Harry holden or Medicine flat, , Alta,, has been holidaying at, his home in town during the past week or so. Mr, and bars, Chas, T.- Brown' aud' e family of 'Toronto ane visiting she forrner's sister, Mrs. T, A. fi+reig of town, 3liss Della Walker anti Mr, Taylor \W'alke'r, London were guests .' un day= and Monday of their aunt, Mrs, J. W El;tott. Mrs. hilbssCe is expected home next week after, a somewhat ,extended I visit in St. Thomas, Sarnia,. Port Huron, and Detroit. Miss Laving McCohrt of Detroit bas ' been visiting her sister, 'Mus. Rev- ! nerds of Hullett and her mother, Mrs. Butler of town, Miss Sidney Bawden of the W. 1J„ Fair Co's staff, and bliss Rita Her- man of the 'Telephone Central staff, are holidaying at Niagara Falls. Mr. S, 'Kemp was in Stratford on, Monday visaing his brother, Mr. hili. Kemp, who, has been very , seriously ill, but is now somewhat bel'ter. Mrs. Will P.htrustee! and els 1.d'i�n rc turned Friday from a visit of some weeks at the parental hone, that of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. I'Irll of Ox- bow Sask. Mr, and Mrs. Olin Hooper and Mas- ter Orville of Blyth have been vis- .Sing the parental home of the tor - mer,, that of 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Hooper of Alpert street. Mr. Harry Bartliff was in St. Marc's teas week attending the Firemen'e cement:con as the" representative of the local brigade and was electf d. a comer e h of the aiabit cotnnrittee: Mrs,, Harry Johnstone returned tie town on Tuesday after a few days visit with London friends; and wilt contleue, ehe guest of her father, 'Mr. John Emmerton, fon a ' fort nissht or so yet. Mr. J. W. L. Davis, who has been a member of the Molsons Slant staff for the -past eighteen months," tine greaPar part of: that time as teller, has :been promoted to rhe ac. countantship at Teeswater• Miss Mabel W. Harland, aceompaaferl by her cousin, Mr. Clinton W. ilar- rison of San Francisco, spent the week -end in Toronto with relatives, and visited al Niagara Falls, "e- turning home Tuesday night sfter a very pleasant time. Mr.. R', A. Downs has been appointed dstrict superintendent of the Prud- enifiai Lite (Insurance Company, with headquarters at;. ZVooiistock, IIs leaves to enter: upon itis ;defies there next week, 'brit for the pre- sent will l'save his family hese, Messrs. Edgar and Carl 3aelc, Frank Watson, R. S. B,yam and John Sutter, camped at else lake shore at Blink's from Saturday un- rilC• taisday. ; Stanley and Harty r i + SttRS, of,ew�ttahford,'mho wore up for the , holrelay, accompanied thous. Mr.'A'tutl.ay laccso an as 5ie-, . e`Nigatfitti4 alta` Mr:: Walter Jackson. 1 Br t ofo a trioti' were vests g afid Mr - Mae, J01111 Jackson sae forepart of the week, They are now spend- ing a few days in ealbp at llucic's on the lake shore and enjoying the outdoor tileto the ui!rnost,