HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-07-25, Page 8• News -Record ' •••• •••••N••••••••••••••••• •••••••• s••••••• •••• •• sur dim : to P18�se Briugs Gustomers. Bae] Furniture Buyersat this store invariably come back when they want ;more and bring their friends with them. I To Use Our Furniture is to prove that it is • as good as it looks and that is saying a whole lot, • 1 Substantial Furniture can be bought here .now at m; oney saving prices. rices. Why not secure what pieces you need now while prices are so favorable. • 1 Atkinson & Dunford I22 . Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors • Phone 104 PHONE 121 •--NIGHT AND SUNDAY CALLS- PHONE 16 I • i♦••NN•••♦r4••0••••••••••••••••••••••W•••••N•: A ,NEW --- STRONG LIG HT ------ AND- • AwrzsTIC.-- Curtain Extension Pole SELI!NG OUT SALE We still have about Four Thousand Dollars worth of stock to dispose ot, so to clear it out in' a hurry we will cut 'prices still lower. (Every Shoe Must Go At Once.` Now is the time to get your boots and shoes for fall and winter. From now on, terms of sale will be Strictly Cash. Men's reg: $5.0050 boots for $3.50 Wome's reg $4.00 shoes for $2,75 2.75 •50 1• ' 2.50 " " 1,50 " <, „ 4.50 oxfords 1.75 " 1.25 (pat., gun metal and tan 5.40 All out_men's working boots, boys', wisses and chill's boots at BIGI'SPECIAL similar reductions. --ZVomen's oxfords, pumps, strap slippers, Son • eltildreri s slippers of all kinds at price. J. Twitchell & CLINTON, - ONTARIO ONE STYLE HOLDS A SIN- GLE PAIR OF CURTAINS,' ANOTHER MADE TO HOLD TWO PAIR OF . CURTAINS OR AN OVERDRAIPE AND A' SINGLE PAIR AND A THIRD STYLE' TO ''HOLD' THE SHADE AND PAIR OF CURTAINS. THE DOU- BLE ROD MAKES A FIAND- .SOME APPEARANCE AND WITH IT A VARIETY OF EFFECTS CAN BE PRODUC- ED; THE OVAL END IS USEFUL AND ALLOWS THE CURTAIN TO DRAPE CLOSE TO THE CASING,, --SHUTTIN'G 0'F THE SIDE VIEW. ALL ALLOW SPACE: ENOUGFI FOR A FREE' MOVEMENT OF THE SHADE. ANNUAL PICNIC. The annual Sunday schooli picnic of Ontario sstnsct elrurch is being ,hold, to Bayfield today This is an event which is looked forward to y.i'.lt'. much anticipation by pupils and of- ficers and great :is the disappoint- ment when anything transpires to dint itis enjoyment. It is hoped that in this ease the day may be one of unalloyed pleasure, DIED „ON SUNDAY. W. 0; FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best t .• , n U t1nU 1Ulal mantel On .`Sunday Albert Webster, Third son of Me. and Mrs: ;Walter Web- ster of Weston and grandson of Firs. Raysole of Clinton, dried" from injur- ies received the previous Wednesday. He was returning to his home from Toronto and in leaving the ?rain be- fore it came to a standstill he fell and was dragged some distance be- tween the , car -and the long. plat- form. Had it not been for the as- asistance of another passenger he would have been instantly killed and even as it was he sustained such severe injuries" that his death result- ed. Dates Fieday, July 26t41. -Baseball nr.l,tch in Clinton Blyth vs.' Clinton. Came at 6.30. F'ri'day, July 26th.-Gaiden " pelt, on the grounds of Mr. George hol- land; Holmesville. Thursday, Aug. 1st. --widen l,. • ty on the rectory lawn, Bayfield. Mr. Eddie Shepherd of Toronto is holidaying at his home in town. Mass Emma Southcombe has retueaed rout a visit of several weeks with friends in St. Mary's. Miss Reta Ford and Miss M. E, Chuff of Clinton are guests of Miss +:me:r on. -Kincardine Review. M ss Olive Harland of Toronto is spending a fortnight at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. -S. Harland, Mr. Otto Fink motored to London Saturday afternoon and was back In good time to:, business Monday' morning. Mr. John Ginn of Detroit has been visiting his sister, Mrs. David Steep and other Irreo'ls hereabouts 'during the pass' week. gr......--p-•i........... WE WANT TO GIVE YOU A DOLLAR-- PERHAPS MORE R Weare Dow making such extraordinary low prices on manylines of our shoes that you will save ore. sm nsta nee in some and S dollar, a t supply You'll be -losing money if you don pp y your footwear needs during this sale. All lines in Men's $5.00 tans for $$4.00 - All lines in Men's 4.00 Oxfords for 3.00 Ladies' pat. leather 3.00 pumps for 2,40 Ladies' pat, leather 2.50 pumps for 2.00 Misses' pat. leather 2.00 colonials for , Child's s pat. leather 1, 600 colonials ars for. 1,10 t f . shoes for $1.00 ' 11 0 0 �1 e cla S girl's p Special lot of child's shoes for ,75 Come in and see, how well we can please, you, LRED. JACKSON Gaol Shoes for everybody. INIMMINIIIII Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Jenkins returned to their home in 'Toronto on Mon- day of cr a f'ortnight's visit at Woodland Farm, the parental home of Mr. Jenkins. • Mr. E. J. Howard motored up from London Saturday forenoon at a pace that just shaved the time lim- it. In fact ho could have been here for breakfast had he so desired. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Swinbank, Miss Maud Ferguson, Mr, Harry 'Prom - lin and Mr. ,Joe Reinhart attended the citizenhood celebration and A. 0. F. picnic is Berlin on Saturday last. 11laster Oliver Johnson, after a tort - night's visit with nis b'o'ther, Mr, Harold Johnson, Toronto, returned hone on• Saturday. Ile was accom- panied by Mrs, Johnson who will visit here and at Dungannon for a few weeks. Mr. W. C. Ford of Vancouver is the .guest' • ' of his brothel', Councillot J. 1 A. Ford of town and Mr. Fred. Ford or Gode•sleh township. Clin- ton's latch string will continue (ea Foul t •,l mho sc ei5- • nm oat for Mr. hang +l ever assure .re will l e c hearted geniality him a cordial welcome. Mr. Bert Moore left on Saturday for Montreal from whence he sailed yes- terday on the Royal George for ll he He will •sEngland. BLi to1 ab- sent a month or so and 011 his re- ture gill is understood lie nrll not. Le unaccompanied for he hopes to set- tle down as one of Clinton loyal id,' c ns. e Mr, and Mrs. C P. Tenney oF! Ol don colebratcd their sfi+ver wedding an- riiversary on the 5th inst. when they received many appropriate gii ts • from friends far and neat.. NI 1. and Mrs. Tanney were residents ot Olin - ton from 1808 to 1002 during which time Mr. Tanney was on the Stan of She Piano and Organ Company. M' Helen Doherty left yesterdey'fou Kiniy and Courteous Mr. W. S. Harland Mr. W. S. Harland, who has been very ill during the past fowl weeks, is now, The News -Record is glad to report, improving. Quiet' and unas- suming, but kindly and courteous- al- ways, Mr. Harland has a host of friends in aria about town wlio ',lave missed him during his enforced uc- trement, and who will gladly wel- come him eo his wonted ula:e arnongs-e then, when' the state of his health permits. to ••e♦••♦M••♦••♦•♦♦••••♦••♦♦N♦•.♦♦•0♦e.•♦.e♦ 2 t . In cheap buy n a Yon Bluth. Miss Mary Milne of titin place, a student at the Clinton Collegiate, was successful in the recent examin- ation passing from Form 1 to 2. Dr. John D',ummond, at one time a resldcnt of Blyth buil now of Franlcford, Kansas, was a Visitor hevu during the' last week after an absence yeare, i ten s o e. 3 'Mr. Robe. Stewart, who has been on the start of Mchlurchie's 'bank here for some years, has entered the aria • le a an f the Royal B g , to o i employ P Y r Bank, been. sent to lte Toronto bran our store every time I We have a,big stock. Our prices are marked down. It will pay you to do,your midsummer buying with us. ♦ Zurich been has 1L '1 who •>, t a Mr. Harold . NI . L pl. engaged with Mr. J. I+', Daly in Sea - forth for some trine past, has return- ed to Zurich and intends going into business here. Wenn lose a 8200 horse �i t Mr. 7d. last week. one day Mr.J. A. Williams is taking treat- ment tot rheumatism at Mt. Cle;.nens, Mich. July 25th, I2I9" ampoormammamommiummarosat Tables of Sar ains for Saturday 2 � TABLE NO. 1 Muslins, prints, ginghams, tow- elling, cottons, art satteens, scrims,' etc. Regular prices 20 and 25c,' choice IOc. TABLE NO. 2 Art sateens, linen suitings, mus lino, scrims, ducks, cottons, Atones, art denims, wrapperettes. Reg. 25 and 35c, your choice for 15c. TWO PIECES OF WASH SULTS FOR LADIES Saturday we are laying out a huge bargain inladies' s'w ase th sui sl last your in choice pale le blue and grey serges,•36 to 40, regular 67,00 and $10,00, for $2.50. STAPEL REDUCTION 121 Ginghams 12?r Twoling 15 ". 15 Muslins 25 25 Linen Suitings 35 1. 18 Art Satteen • 9c 9c 124c 12'=c 18c 18c 25c 12c DRESS GOODS 50c Dress Goods 75c .. $1.00 $1,25 1` A DRAINAGE DEMONSTRATION. Tho Ontario Agricultural College is 155 a en emphasizing the value of drainage Saskatoon, " Sask., where she mill iagaln ah15 summer. for which Pure visit for a time with her aisfa., pose drainage demonstrations are Mrs. 13.'G. Holmes, and if Pros being held in many parts of the faro peers appear favorable she will vince. On Thursday, August 1st probably take up the teaching of music, She was accompanied by her brother Victor, who has been' spending his.vacation, since the n' v er- • thcona. Univer- sity, J t .•uta the S closing of clo t g his home here, stty at at the hour of 7 p. m. o'olocJS" one r1 39c 59c 79c 98c READY -TO -WEIR DEPT $2 00 White Skirts 1,25 11 « , 2.50 11 3.00 2.00 Wash Dress Skirts 2.5 Children's Straw` Hats . 1.25 Summer pararals 2,00 Lan Waists CAIPETS AND RUGS 60c jap Rugs , , 35c it 25 per cent oft all Carpets Rugs and mats $1,58 $1.08 $1.08 $2.10 .98 .10 .98 $1,25 40c 20c The News From Londesboro The following pupils of Miss Alice • til in ie recent ' ie sue cess[ Bell were Western University music examina- tions : Grade 3 -Elsie Miller,, Loalcs born, pass ', Grade 2 -Lillie Br:unsdoe, Londesboro, honors ; Irene Carte:,, rberi Colette Ca Constance honors ; , Clinton, pass. The News -Record ex- tends congratulations to both reacb1r and pupils. Mr. E,nnianital Lyon, who formerly who ut nta rio h toot in 0 set taught has been in Eamonton, Alta•, fou some liU21e time past,Jtas been vISiting his `home and his many rela- tives hereabouts for the past few the given hasup 'n • Lao k Mr. weeks, s, - viler rtl ' rye } ' t but •sro[ teaching. profession still interested in things educational as he has a position in the :Educa tional Department at Edmonton. M'•. and yon likes the west, its vim .L stir suits his young energies,and Uv- ing in the Provincial capital ,gives him the advantage of being night at the centre of things, as it were. He very shortly returns .again. to his duties. Miss A. Combs has returned to Listowel after spending a holiday at her home here. these demonstrations will be held on Ala farm, of Mr., A. Cr Smillie,, TIen- sa11, concession 3, Lot 7, Tucketsiul:tis i , e Township, This meeting should b difficult • one cbff interest as c` ntuc l of5 e 131 , P The regular meeting o e Thursday 1 on will be held ' rte n sttt Hall, Forester's o •est afternoon nest in 1 1 when the 13ov. Mr. Osterhout will give an address. All ladies are cor- dailly invited to attend. f Lon- don o J r•. 1A•L L. lvz CLL', d Mrs. , an ML of don spent Sunday at the home Mrs. W. G. Coombs. Mr. 1. Lyon, of Edmonton who has been visiting his parents here, Chatham �itlt Cl. �� 'week -end nt t he spent friends. Rev. J. and Mrs. Richardson of Kippen were the guests of Rev. W. T. and Mrs. Pearcy at the manse on d Wednesday. sda . n Y Tuesday a Tr, } •n d from • returned s L M. Lyon ha Miss tI ) St. Thomas, where she was attend- ing ing the summer school last week. Mr. Arthur Smith, formerly of the f Chicago, ao Cr. T. R. here but now o b . visited for a few days this week with his uncle, Mrs. Thos. Adams of the Star con. Mr. Geo. Lyon, who has been very ill for some Y1-nc, is now, kis many friends will be pleased to learn, on. elle way to recovery' and it is hop- ed that he null? soon be fully. re- stored to health. Hullett Township • Miss Annie Shanahan was the win-' -d donated b the s o Y 1 the gold cross. r of • involved, Ile- no g drain are NIN rF.t B. [Int has taken sofa into sides o a + discussion of the particular Roy, Father Dunn to the pupil of itlle • so far as, sides the obtaining the It g Northern Onta,io goingSeparateschool Northe , grm .thoJ:c ' s'hie's to .S n i f Mr.- • lnisoEntrance Por- 10 CCL L hall .!ntl Englehart andmaybeo the ; Oo IP cup:nc: He owns a section or so of. }vill be a tletnonstration �fi�ltetiro'cs - amsntarlcs in the re�cout I: It ancCrt lof finning the fall over'a ' • Miss N. Nol:irl of Fingal Algin has been spending the past week at he home of Nh:. and Nlrs. John Shatina- loan. M;,. Samuel MnC'oal has returned from a trip of several, weeks through' the west. - Mr. L. Hill has commenced on his contract of building a new 3011001 house at S. S. No. 11. The _price will be over 82000. The contract• has not yet been let e�C Z lines in Dress Goods, Skirts, Blou hi..\iLALt.. �.1 ♦. .S ccs and White wear; ♦ Boots, s J S ho es, Slippers and Pumps linesthat have 2 someS1ZOSSOld out have to fifer. 0 pay ..you to see what we ha of satisfaction . measure best b made to J given.2 Clothing CLOTHING Suits, Odd Pants, Odd Vests. It will • �,�,U 1 V 1 � ♦ • BUSINESS S us S T Q PFI 1-1 RO • .••♦••••♦•00.00• -NEWS-RECORD TO JAN. NEXT 250 land in the Great clay )ie is 10 size 1111 the si•tuatiois as to• 101- ,t'ermuung the grade, digging true, to tun,:) prospects that helms taken grade, 'etc. Those of our readers ilt- Ahe trip. He was accompanied, hyterested in drainage should not miss his secorrl son, Mr. "I3i:flyr.' Hall this meeting. about the , Moleoss Bank' staff, who t;s Anyone wishing information now takin • his holidays. (the J' drainage work shnld 'write Y g 0. A. 0. Guelph. Mr. Robert Irwin, sun of Mr. •rind: Prof. W. FI. Day, Mrs. J. A. Irwin, leaves on Monday • next for, Pincher Creek, ,Alta., where he has been appointed by 'the Al- berta l` berta.'Method.isit Conference, to the charge or L circuit for thesummer. months; He will, return; in the to attend college with a view to en- goring the ministiv, .: An a ilea: brother is an ordained minister -tin '' 111. 1 R of a enc 1 Alberta, in charge Alhe1 , 11110 foothills, "Bob's" .many friends, wish him well. l 'Mr. and M, Sydney Jackson ant child of Lethbridge, Alberta, ' are vnsitiatg the formals iarents Mr. s I and Mrs. John .Jackson, as wci:l as otheu relatives and friends in town, They Have been vtsitin,g 'Nits. Jack- son's itck- soit s sister, Mei. Johnstone of Goclerich township and other; rem - rives thereabouts They do not pur- pose returning west for: another six weeks at least. "Syd"'has been nalcibg good :in the Alberta sown and while he enjoys life there 1 e is free to admit 1110101c1 Ontario's all rights, too, and expects to enitry to the fell hiS holiday amid old scenes. 'x1110 CANADIAN HIGILWAY. rich ie somewhat different her .Juste 1, Mrs.. W Cole. Abuskwe has just reached the. office. of'. The for the new schoolhouse of S. � ; �� C ln�2c and Mrs• J. Price of flLytli- 1 News -Record. Sil This is I- publication 5 'to dboe built tathat Snell's co . e trice spent Sunday the guests of the ;at' It Canadian Highway A • is 'understood that the contract P •or's brother, Air.: R'lhetO f the .; issued byte , ;2,100 and that t soci'ation, and: Beals in an Ln'ores ug be fair Mrs. B.. cpicnsan an went Londesboro. M'.„ J. L. Awiie and little :',riss ,' he w �a 1 clays t few spent a 3 Arline sal .l 1 former's parents ML ,and Mrs, Win.- ' McCool last week. Miss NI, A. McCool and -Mater J•'el- 2iington are visiting in Winglanl a couple of. weeks. Mr, Robert Crawford and, Miss M. J. visited Seaiorth friends on Sun- day last. The News -Record to new sahscrib- crs in Canada to end ot 1.01.2 for 25 cent s. Constance Graham of Toronto is visit- SMALLMrs. t t[ is Pretty welt on to tae B 73t 1 d sora 19'51 Lf not y I way with the veil:' aceomplisliell the until t will next year, a few clays visiting the lady's ino- by that body riooe ns or- use until the beginning of tai f ri s an in- Miss Mary IJ. Blake returned Mon- ther,Mrs.1 Andrew Sc 01 Curie, llisited (or to eabingu.., Iia c o n few Mrs. Mi e f valuable loiorma- clayevening after spending a fav days with her grandson, Mr. tioesting mass o I Scaforth. ,a eg Lion concerning roads and Jaia- days wiyoufng 'iy" 5I a most en ,'EJanest Adams. conditions more pai'1i1 it1 Barts tisk Col- 'rhe i e• g f 1111'. The 'Women's Missionary Siacaety of c n,e ,e 0home -the t at ih time � . tU 1C I'teL' 50C1Ct 'i ' 'h -'a 1- O 'Lia erg 1lC 9 S da but particularly British C) Y this chOrch visit t y hrebia and of scenes at the planting ab Londesboro on Wednesday., of the fitrs.t Bost on the westi ':oast Nit. Ilairy Taylor of Mauston spent of 111)5 lr -1 of Vancouvc•,:(stand, Photogravures - I;ite week -end the guest . of 1?resident W. J Kerr. and his fel- Michael Morrison on Friday, evening, last. •• low 'o9'icers add a personal touch to • • ]lid - Summer Sale Doll SVi�(s Bluth 13','w Mrs Taylor anti sceireturning, o v S L L tth Button Of q U ' � ra MOCaughcy obtained the Miss Della 71ut o him on Monday, home with u Y rhe lite work, The mission of. Nfi 55 1 e t, alto 1....1 - roads s educate f Mn, C+',lest U t0 I week '11C ' v is to spent a ver, t uta a writing • c 11.r vtitt g Haitian Y se � P Ca g F rho g the .public , anyone the a iteire ages of ,g,Dod highest ons the 100511 Entrance 1Xatn een Clarke. ty rk and ain <nitCrcested in his marl ;' satial and was tbo vvinnce, of .110 T}ie. News -Record to any address evork may obtain by addressing See, n Father .,n Canada to the end of 1012 for 25 1'etary 1'. W. 'Lilco, New Westminster, gold Dann of Miami.,se deted by%- Rev', ocnts.ezeiewerviunesizeimaimemacreasizastiriaiiiinciiss During our annual mid -summer sale we J►.. are showing a line of soft fronted shirts at a dollar that will sur- prise you. Neat pat- terns of narrow black and white, blue and hair n white and helo line stripes, that will make you wonder why you paid more. Fit and color guaranteed. Two Pair of Sleeves With. Each Shirt We are now showing a new patent shirt with two pairs of sleeves and entre de- tached. This is a new idea and well worth looking into, t•plendid idea for office bus- iness men' •L rl 11 mechanics alike, Reg. $1.75 for $L25. e s Straw W 1-iats n 98c Mien's sl raw hats, snap and "narrow , print and sailor, wide rima to suit all tastes. all sizes. Reg $1.50 and $2. Sale price 98c. TOZER. allcl BROWN 13, (1•