HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-07-25, Page 6vallera L 10 STRENGTHEN WEAK NERVES The Blood Supply Must be Made Rich, Red and Pure When you build up the blood ,voi itrengthen-the nerves, because „the nerves get their food through—the blood. Yeti cannot reach the nerves with medicine except through the blood—this M a great medical truth few people realize. NervouS peOple are pale people. They are nervous because they are pale. The blood is so thin and watery that it cannot nourish the nerves. Starved nerves mean sciatica, neuralgia, nervous prostration, paralysis. Dr. Williams! Pink Pills fax Pale People are a real nerve tonic. They supply plenty of nourishing red blood to the exhauated nerves, thus enabling them to de the work na- ture intended they should do. This is the simple secret of the success of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in cur- ing nerve troubles. As to their value in cases of sciatica, Mrs. Job Palmer, Fenelon Falls, Ont., says: "For seven -weeks I suffered un- told agony from sciatica,. I tried everything to ease the pain, but it steadily grew worse. Liniments had no more effect, upon the troll: ble than water. Then the doctor told me to apply a hot iron to the afflicted part and I did so morning after morning, but my leg had be- come so numb with the pain that I could hardly feel the heat of the Iron. I never expected to be able to walk again, my leg Waft so drawn up. I had tried so many thiags that I had given up hope, yet at the urging of my brother I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. To my surprise in two weeks I was able to stand on my feet with bet little pain, and soon after I was able to walk about again. 1 con- tihued taking the Pills fax about two months, but some time before _I discontinued their use nay leg had become normal again, and the agony of the trouble had disappear- ed, and I have not since had a twinge of it. Words fail to express my gratitude for what the Pills did for me and I most strongly recom- mend them to all sufferers from „ sciatica." The eery day mission of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills is to cure cases like the ebove, and they will not disappoint if given a fair trial. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes fax $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockaile, Ont. • ' PROPHECIES FULFILLED. Many Dias Happenings Were Pre- dicted, for This Year. The first half of the year 1912 has been. marked by an unusual number of disasters on land and sea. The general run of bad luck hoe been such as to bear out !some of the most •dismal prophecies made by the so - celled seers here and abroad. In December, 1911, Mme. DG Thebes, the Paris astrologer, pre- dicted that 1912 would be an odi- ous," "atrocious" year, marked by continent -wreaking wars, conspira- cies, assassinations, mots, epidem- ice; the ruin of Paris, the downfall of the German emperor, fusilatles In Spain, and "tears and misery elsewhere." In April last she said she hal •foreseen the Titanic disaster and in 1906 told W Stead, one of the saip's lost passengers, that he would die at sea. One war and three large rebel- lions have been in progress. The war between Turkey; and the Ital. isms has centred largely at Tripoli, Africa, but has raged on and upon both sides of the NIediterrienean. The chief rebellions have been in • China, Mexico and Mercers°. The total losses are estimated to aggro - fake more than 150,000 human be- ings and $1,000,000,000 in property. Great storms, earthquakes and ✓ olearmes have been numerous. Great strikes have marked the opening half of the year. The nums bei of train wrecks is a record - breaker, enalatrtnerarenneno :The Best Trea.tment. for Itching Scalp' • and Falling Hair 'es'ao ono/ Itching and irritation of the scalp, prevent dry, thin, and falling hair, remove ▪ Crusts, scales and dandruff, and promote the • growth and beauty of the hair, the following 'medal treatment is naost effective, agreeable e nd economical. On retiring, comb the hair out straight all around, then begin at the side and make a parting, gently rubbing Cuticura Ointment Into the patting with a bit of soft / flannel held over the end of the finger. Anoint •, additionalpartings about half an inch apart until the whole scalp has been treated, the pur- r:rob:1g rttVrt It'Itglurt Itlit,T°1t0All 1. place a light covering over the hair to •runt hot watt'''. Shampoos alone may be , used as often an agreeable, but once or • attvice a Month is generally sufficient for l•this special treatment for women's hair. Not. withstanding Outieurn soap and ointment are Fold everywhere, those wishing to try this treatment may do so without expense by sending to "Cuticura," Dept. dM, Beaton, U. 13. A., or a free sample of Cuticum soap and Oat/tient, with 82-p. book 00 skin and bulr.1 TRAGEDIES OF THE OCEAN PERILS WHICW TILE SAILOR HAS TO ,UNDERGO. - ire May Grountl on" a Sandbank, "a Meet His End by Collision, or Suffer by Fire. Those who go down to the sea in ships are sure to fasten on the name of the ill-fated 4.s. Titanic an omen of disaster quite apart from its classical significance. Sailors don't like ships initialed with the letter "T." The old Thunderer of the British Navy was notoriously un - Lucky. the warship Texas belonging to the United States hardly less and a small fleet of ill-omenn "T's" have been lost by the Union Steamship Company of New Zea- land. It's 411 very well for the lands- man, !secure ea terra • Brine, to laugh arthe sailorman for his naive superstitions, but he knows nothing actually of old Neptune's mysteri- ous moods. To read and shudder ever vivid men pioturee of wreck and hazard on the angry sea is not the same as to wrestle nerve and muscle with its insatiable maw, to pass a lifetime on its unstable bo- som, to tame perchance but never to oonquer its wild spirit. Time and aecident may acquaint the sailor with the perils of un- charted rocks, • ioebergs, or dere- licts. These are obvious dangers to be accepted every time he puts to sea; they amount to but a fraction of the hundred and one risks which every aailor must take. Boats with an ugly list like the unfortu- nate Witrittali are fortunately rare; yet some that have completely van- ished from mortal ken have bean top-heavy, rendered 'so in most casesby A SHIFTING OARGO. Sometimes a spice, of luck will befriend the dogged pluck of a boat's navigators, as after being posted as "missing" she may turn up one day to the jay of her under- writers. The Altraark, a German steamer from the Elbe, outward bound from New York broke down in mid -ocean. Her engines went wrong, and while they were being - tinkered an unknown sailing ves- sel came along and knocked a big hole in her side. She began to ac- cumulate more exit water than her pumps could keep under' her cargo shifted, anti the big 'steamer took an awkward list ever to one side. She was seteling by the sterna -and the end seemed near when an Atlan- tic mailboat hove to and managed to take off most of her passengers and crew before the two ships lost each other in a violent storm. The disabled vessel atill carried her captain and chief officer, a Glasgow engineer travelling saloon, three English passengers'and a stoker or two—a, mere handful, whom everybody gave up for lost; but they put up a gallant fight, and eventually the Glasgow man coaxed the engines to work, while his fel- low -passengers helped the officera to keep the ship afloat, And a, fort- night later the Altsnark walked in- to the Forth and perched herself on a sandbank} Luckily she was got off and brought into dock, and the plucky little handful of men who had saved her had a good time. She yeas freighted with wheat, .And grain is one of the worst car- goes. One would hardly think rice much of a peril—and neither it is if it is kept dry. But let the cargo he soaked, by 'shipping a sea, that finds its way to the hold, or by way of a leak, and the entire load of grain begins to swell. THERE IS NO STOPPING IT. A load of rice has been known to heave up a selid iron lower deck, and wrench it slowly from its mighty fastening as if it were a ,biscuit tin. Thus did the tramp steamer Pilate, also a German boat, come by her end. She was simply forced apart and sunk by a few tons of Hee. Many another vessel has met the same fate. •" Cotton and wool have helped to fill Davy Jones's locker. Gunpowder its far Bider to carry than petroleum. The s.s. Chesapeake, an oil boat, sailed front New York last Novem- ber with a crew of fifty Chinamen and eight English officers. One morning without any sort of warn- • ing the bulk of her cargo exploded, blew the hatches off, and twisted her iron roof. Later her starboard beech blew' off, and the tins of case oil stored below bbgan to jump overboard. She was shipping a lot of water, and this mingliug with the blazing oil produced dense clouds , of steam which. enveloped her fore and aft like an immense winding- amet. Most of the Celestials rushed the boats and made a panic-stricken effort to get away, but their precipi- tancy cost them their lives. Meanwhile the captain and offi cars placidly •sank to their gune. Almost every ininute _minor explo- sions damaged the ship. Two offi- cers Were temporarily blinded. And SO ell day long the unequal contest raged. Night was falling when a tremendous explosion flung a great plume .of blazing oil high above. the !ship. It sprayed around liice SOME GIGP10FIREWORK, •setting ablaze tackle, bridge, pilot- house, and the sole remaining life- boat. At the risk of his life the skipper plunged: into the rain of flarairrg oil and got the lifeboat in - tie the water, where she was man- ned, while he dashed below and res- • cued a deg and eat. He was the last to leave the doomed ship and the means of saving 21 human lives. No particidar notice vats taken of his heroism, and he himself would be the last to account it worthy of remark. It, was just one of those risks which hundreds like him cheerfully aacept. When in Auguat last the liner Icifeshire grounded on the Somali- land coast, her crew and 'seasons gere got avva,y in four boats, but thousands of earned savages who lined the shore made landing im- possible. She carried 110 souls, who were faced by the dreadful alterna- tive of massacre or slavery on the one hand or annihilation by sharks in a stornatossed eea on the other. The st,orm soon parted the little flotilla. One boat was driven close in shore, but by desperate efforts her crw beat off the hlcxxl-thirsty Somalis and pulled her seaward. Hume seas threatened to swamp her, and r her occupants, up to the knees in water, were fax fifteen hours forced to bail for their very lives, before the French mail stemer res- cued them. The Frenchman picked up three of the Fifeshire's boats, accounting in all for 75 souls, including A THREE -MONTHS -OLD BABY. The fourth boat was never heard of. Her fate in those shark -invest- ed waters is, alasl the fate of many who go down to the sea in ships. Sharks have been known to dog a shipwrecked crew fax days. And, in one instance lately, the sailors lost all their oars in constantly repelling the ma,neaters' attacks. Waterspouts have sunk many e, fine shipand they are 'not always encountered in torrid zones either. Last October, whilst in raid -ocean, the White. Star liner Creek was ehased by one of these elements of destruction, which towered 800 feet above the waves. Huge seas were running and the liner had reduced speed till her captain was suddenly confronted by the fresh danger. He knew there was no hope if the spout once caught the ship up. Full epeed Ahead was the order. Then a terri- fic and exciting race followed; but finally speed and good seamanship trilunphed. Disaster was averted when the, spout creased the Cretic's course about a -Mile aebern. WOMEN PEARL DIVERS. Some japa,nese CrirIS Spend. Most of Their Bine in the Water. Curiously enough, the pearl div- ers of Japan are women. Along the coast of the Bay of Ago ,and the Bay of Kokasho the thirteen and four- teen -year-old girls, after they &lash their primary sehool work, go to sea and learn to dive, They are in the water and learn to swim almost from babyhood, and epend meet of their time in the water, except in the coldest season—from the end of Deeember to the beginning of Feb- ruary. Even during the most Mole - mento of seasons they sometimes dive for vestals. They wear a ape: cial dresa, white underwear, and the hair twisted up into a hard knot. The eyes are protected by glasses to prevent the entrance of water. Tubs are suspended 1 rem the waist. A boat in command of a man is assigned to every five or ten wo- men divers to earry them to and from the fishing grounds. When the divers arrive on the grounds they leep into the water at once, and begin -to gather (system at the bot- tom. The ;oysters are dropped into the -tubs suspended from the waists. When these vessels are filled, the divers are raised -to the surface and jump into the boats. They dive to a depth of from five to thirty fath- oms without any special apparatue, and retain their breath from one to three minutes. Their ages vary from thirteen to forty years, end be- tween twenty-five and thirty-five they are at their priane, A. WINNING START. A. Perfectly Digested Breakfast Makes Nerve Force for the Day. Everything goes wrong if the breakfast lies in your stomach like a mud pie. What you eat does harm if you can't digest it—it turns to poison. , A bright lady teacher found this to be true, even of an ordinary light breakfast of eggs and boast. Stile says: "Two years ago I contracted a s very annoying form of indigestion. My Stomach was in such eontlition that a simple breakfast of fruit, toa.st and egg gave me great dis- tress. "I was slow to belie -ye thak trou- ble oould come from ,such a simple diet, but finally had to give it up, and found a groat change upon a cup of hot Postum and Grape -Nuts with cream, for my morning meal. For more than a year I have held to this course and have not suffered except when injudiciously varying my diet. `I have been a teacher for 'sever- al years and find that my easily di- gested brealefese raceme a saving of nervouts farce for the entire day. My gain of ten pounds in weight al- so causes me to want to testify to the value of Grape -Nuts. "Grape -Nuts holds first rank at our table." Name given by Canadian Poet= Co., Windsor, Ont. "There's a reason." Reatl the little book, "The Road to Well- ville," in pkgs. Ever read the above fetter? A new ono appears front time to time. They ars gentilna, true, and full of human IntaresL NUTS TO CRACK. Disappointment is often merely Hope turned inside out. No man can be popular with mar- ried people who calls a, baby ,"it," The fellow who won't take no for an answer deserves to get married. At the age of 18 a broken heart ie more easily mended than a bro- ken, rib. Someone is always sure to lose, in a lawsuit, and it ian't the lawyer, either.' . The average man does almost as much worrying about the money market as his wife does about the market money. To fight with nature's weapone depends upon whether you are a man and use your fises, or a woman and use your tongue. IN SUMMERTEVIE no home should be without a bottle of NA -DRU -00 Extract oi Wild Strawberry Compound It promptly cheelooDlarrhoen, Cholera Infuntunt, Cholera Morbue, Nausea, Vomiting and Summer Complaint. 10 sc. nud sou. bottles, at your Druggist's. tetanal Dna and themes) Da. of Canada, Wilted, 210 FROM MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN num AND KIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in The Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com. menial World. John Garbutt 'meson accidentally shot his sister at West Hartlepool. • John Brown, a famous rat-catcher of West Houghton, has committed suicide. William Eldridge was sentenced to la month's hard labor for dese- crating graves. Mr. A, Giles, eleetzical engineer, of Blackburn, hes been ehot by strikers in Lisbon. Pri.1300 Arthur of Connaught opened the new buildings of the' Royal Academy of Music. A cockatoo ninety years of age has died at the cottage homes at Elornehurch, Essex. . Four persoits were injured in a motor car smash on the Bath Road, neer TapIin Station. Mr. W. Bromley, Mayor of Dever, was knocked down by a bicycle and seriously injured. A Huntingdonshire mushroom is reported as weighing two peunda and 42 inches round. Four were killed end twenty in- jured in a wreck in the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. A youth named Oliver Wendell Heiress was accused of setting fire to a hedge at Herborne. Mr. W. Thornton, the chief con- stable of Gravesend, has been pre- sented with £93 on his retirement. John Eason was injured in an ex- plosion in a telegraph junction box le Buckingham Palace Road, Four men were charged at Croy. don with stealing and • redeiving thirty-eight dogs, valued at £100. A London General Omnibus Co.'s motor omnibus crashed into an of- fice window in LeadenhaIl Street. Forty-seven persons, thirty-five of whom were children, oecupied a nine -roomed house in Marylebone, A boy aged seven has been COM. mitted to the Meclesaeld Industrial School for thrashing his father. Dr. Purtsell of Durham has died through losing control of his cycle and running into a railway bridge. William Wilson was fined £6 for trying to kiss a girl in a train be- tween High Wycombe and Padding- ton. Tram ears under the "pay -as -you - enter" system, the first of the kind in Epgland, will run at Eateshead. Frederick Walker, a Paddingeon racing tipster, was sentenced to two months' hard labor for stealing £10. Mr. W D. Johnston, the young aviator, has died in 1Yr-unease In- firmary from injuries received in a motorcycle arecalent. Whilst entering the Mersey the echooner Alice and Eliza struck a buoy and sank immediately. Gueets at a wedding at Shoebury- ness wore buttonholes of radish, in honor of the bride's father, known looaiiy as the "Radish King.' An action at the Wandsworth County Court was terminated by the announcement that defendant had dropped dead when summons Was aerved. A Pill That Lightens Life.—To the men who is a, vietins Of indigestion the transaction of business becomes an added misery. He cannot con- centrge his mind upon his tasks afnel loss and vexation attend him. To avail a man Parmele,e's Vege- table Pills offer relief, A coerse of treatment, according to diree- tions, will convince him of their great excellence. They are confi- dently recommended because they will do all that is claimed for them. The fellow who talks about the depths of his love seldom elaborates on the length of it. • M 'nerd's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. WORKING MOTHER, Litotib Hatrold—IVIother, won't you give me a cents fax a po,or ease who's out ie front crying Mother—Poor man What is he crying about? , Little Retold -41e seems to be crying something about' ."Freah roasted peanuts ,for 5 cents a bag." ED. 4 ISSUE 30-12 • GRAINS OF GOLD. No woman is educated who is not equal to the successful manage- ment of a family. If thou knoweet anything good of a man tell it unto others; if any- thing ill, tell it privately to himself. The, great CubSa of wealth is when it becomes master and OWNS the man, instead of the man owning the wealth. The views of every man should be directed towards a solid, however niederato independence -- without which no man can be happy, nor even honest. Make up your mind to think of what you have in life that is good, think out what the future. may hold for you, a.nd then you will forget petty worries and your heart will grow light and the world seem full of sunshine. Democracy to -day is like a giant infant jut awakening to a can sciousness of its powers but with- out a full control of its limb& or musele.s. It ueeds educating, dis- ciplining, encouraging, inspiring; it needs to think not of rights only but of duties. ZA.111...BUli AND OUTDOOR LIFE. Every tennis or ball player, every swimmer, every canoeist, every man or women vrho loves outdoor life and exercise, 8,hou1d keep a box of Zata-Buk handy. , ZamsBuk is a purely herbal pre- paration, which, as soon as applied to cuts, bruises, burns, spaains, blisters, eta., sets up highly bene- ficial operations. First, its anti- septic properties render the wound bee from all danger from blood poisoning. Next, its soothing pro- perties relieve and ease the pain. Then its rich*, herbal balm pene- trate the, tissim, and set up the wonderful process of healing. Barbed wire scratches, insect eting,s, are all quickly cured by Zam-Buk. All druggists and etores. Use Zam- Bub Soap also; 2.6c. per tablet. TIP TO DATE, "When I was a young • naan I warlsed twelve hours a day," said the sire. "1 admire your youthful ener- gy," replied the son, "but I ad- mire still more the mature wisdom which led you to etop it." Worms feed upon the vitality of children and endanger their lives. A simple and effective cure is Mo- ther Graves' Worm Exterminator. .And lots of men are standing around waiting for sonie one to come along and drive them to drink. Minard's LIMMent CUM CMS, Eta WHY HE CHOSE IT. "Do I understand that your son wants to be a doctor 1" eyes. "What for ?" "He wanted to follow a profes- sion that would furnish him with ,a geod exeuse for staying out late nights, I think." A Safe Pill for Suffering Women. —The seoluded life of women, which pernsits of little healthful exeicise, is a fruitful cause of de- rangements of the stomach and liver and is accountable for the pains and lassitude that so many' of them experience. Parraelee's Ve- getable Pills will correct irregu- larities of the digestive organs and restore health and vigor. The most delicsee woman can use Vann with safety, because their action, while effective, is mild and seething. HARDLY. Father—You have • had every chance to be a gentleman; all of your ancestors were gentlemen. Son—Not• on both sides of the house, dad. When Your Eyes Need are Try Marine Bye Neu:Lady. No Smarti ng—Fee/s Flee—lets Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Dina. trated Book in eaeh Package. Marine is fair4g1 ubstd"bi ?Iggiset:grkle ref= LIZ; Me dor many years, Non dedicated to the Pub - Ile and sold by Druggists at 260 and Mo per Cottle. Marine Ilya Salve in Aseptie 20500, Me sad 60e. SE urine Eye Remedy Co., Chleame "Young man, how do you expect to marry my daughter if you a,re in debt?" asked her father. "Why, sir, in my opinion it's the only pro- per thing to do. The tenger Ien en- aaaad to her the wores off I shall be," replied Tom. Very many person's die annually feom cholera nd kindred summer complaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies had been used. • If attacked do not delay in getting u bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysenteey Oordial, the medi- cine that never fails to effect, a cure, 'Please who have us,eti it say it acts promptly, irnd thoroughly selecluets the pain • and disease. When you are offered anything free look for the string. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Occasionally a man marries a girl in order to get her off his mind. Slae—"And hew is your ta,chelor friend?" He --"When I saw him last he was mending very slowly." She—"Indeed 1 I didn't know he'd been He—"He hasn't been— Ire was searing fresh buttone on his underwear l'' CATS PAW - RUBBER HEELS Tread softly - Step safely. CAT N PAW RUBBER SOLES Embody thepatented features of Ca6,Paw Heels. ,,„ Se4t.Zize 792.a.ree. 7d-lte/74- 60 -o -ria . 4 5 Aerr 1 FEATHER DYEING Cleaning arid Curling and Kid Gloves cleaned. Thane can be aont by post, lo per 00 The host place le BRITISH AIVIERICAH DYEING CO. MONTREAL. THE ARLINGTON 00. of Canada, Ltd. BD anazar. Avorink TORONTO CHALLENGE COLLARs Acknowledsedto 6 thc Forster.. 'ion of Water- proof Collar, ever made. Aek to 1100, mod bur other. Alt ewes or direct 600 250, . "INTERNATIONAL FLY MAY" Prevents the Tremendous Loss from Flies Flies coat the Fanners r.f Canada Willem of antazilthy rotardinethogrowth orlattening ff1.11‘21:41gmt:MIXI'lgtrirsdalnognit2r11; ntto'.0 'Every fanner or •stoeloaleer know thim'atatemenre 10 5, truell•omhleowre experience. Flies ale° canna at/maim 06 510 Ly Spreading Direaree front farm to Cum. 'International Ply Way"vriltkoep Mee off your nnirnale and give them Perfect rest limn these pestiferous inseets, whieh tiiininhopou 00re1.00110711i a larger prtetiou of milk or much quieher growth of all anima . SAVE VOSH STOGIE fly Using "INTERNATIONAL FLY WAY,' n lo rotatively guaranteed to ba effective In Driving Away Mle...-Nosquito, and other Inheote which ivorryotook and reduce their earnIngnapacity. Itle bonnie)... to tile hair and akin nod whi be found perfectly ettlefactory when used according to directions. we place OUrrwenty years of reputation beak of 'International Fly Way," mud ask you to toatit unevenly.° nuamoice. 801.0 AT ALL DnALE09. ItEERNATIGNAL STOCK ram co. Lindled, TOSONTO No. 74 FARMS FOR SALE. - H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. J IENIT W110IISAND DOLLARS wirer, .121 buy beautiful hundrod neves la Northumberland County, including Steak and Implements. , There is in the, stook 4 horses, 10 cows, eta, This is 1505155, and onn be had on easy ternni. DaRnattion once. GFames as LINCOLN, WELLAND, Halton, Peel, York, Durham, North. unaberland, Prince Edward counties at 4 reasonable prices. A ',BERTA. SASKATOICEWAN AND ZS- Manitoba lands in large or small ."El BLIT FARMS—ALL SIZES, IN TR/I E.' Niagara Fruit Belt, H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. ' MALE HELP WANTED, AILWAY AGENTS, TFIEGRAPISERS .1.1e.. and Clerks in great demand through. out Ontario and ,,North West. Six Months will Qualify yen. De,y and Mail courses. Positions Peoured. Free Book 13 explain. Dominion Fiehool Telegraphy, Teronto, MISCELLANEOUS. IT ASP AND PARM SCALER. Willson's ▪ Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. Art ANCES; TUMORS, Lir MPS, etc, Sq. ternal and external, cured without Pan lir oar home treatment. Write rit before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Ca. Collthavonod. Ont it TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson'll NJ Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. The Sou/ (sea Pesineactiee Action, insist on the "OTTO HIGEL" Pianoo Actiserni OW- XV/ tr iE; CREOSOTE m120.1i2cti.c10tM-Inase525aL PrOteact — Preserve.-- Mena utIty Samplee and Booklets on Application JAMES Lanni!? & CO., Limited 1,8141 Bathurst Street TORONTO • SIEGE OF DELHI. Greatest of Historical Spectacles a the C.N.E. this Year. The • Siege of Delhi will be the historic spectacle at the Canadian National EXhibition this year. There is no more terribly pictur- esque scene in English history than this sketch from the groat Indian mutiny. The rich and varied cos- tumes of the natives of different castes mingled with the uniforms of the English officers give to it color thee cannot fail to delight the eye, while the tragic drama eannot fail to be of enthralling interest. Every detail is to receive the strictest at- tention to melte this the greatest of the many historical spectacles that the Caneclian National has become famous for. 010 The Sather had gone away area left his only son in charge of the shop. "Aro you the head of the firm?" asked the man with a sam- ple ease whe had just come in. "No air," remarked the young man with a smile, "I'm only the heir Of the head !" Wire Wounds Sty mare, a very valuable one, was bad. ly bruised and out by being caught in a wire fence. Some of the Wounds would not heal, although I tried many dilferout medicines. Dr. Boll advised me to use larrAnices LINIMENT, diluted at tint, then stronger as the sores began to look better, until after three weelcs, the sores have healed, and best of all, the hair is , growing well, and is NOT WILITI1 as is most always the case in horse wounds. P. 01. BOUVET. WermoUth. , "I won't defend a Man whom I believe to be guilty," remarked a young lawyer. "My boy," said an old practitioner, "you mustn't set up your judgment against that of the majority. I have defen•ded plenty of men whom I. believed to be guilty, but the jury decided otherwise I" Oil for Toothache.—There is no pain so acute and diatressing as toothache, When you have so un- welcome a 'visitor apply Dv. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil according to di- rections and you will find immedi- ate relief. It touthes the nerve with toothieg effect and the pain departs at once. That it will ease toothache is another fine quality of ithis Oil, showing the many uses it Anybody else ---'s opinione are fear- fully noisy. Minard's Liniment Cures career In cows. Probably if everybody had to pay $2 to vete, lilse going to the thea- tre; everybody would go to the polls. There is no peasonotis ingredient in Holloway's Corn Cure, and it can be used without delver of in- jury, DEMANDS. Knielser--What is the, mettei with Smith? Booker—His baby wiints the moon and his wife wants the earth, THE REAL QUESTION. "Who is that man in the next room with the great ehock of red hair?" "Why, he is the husband of the famous singer Gastolini," "Yes!'but who was he before ho ferried?" ST TEM WITH' COOPER'S FLY KNOCKER raya to keep your stock free of flica--oontentod corm give )6 more milk: Loma work harder and. 1000 1005. Costa tem than hontaaeadrendar. Eon Ceepees Fle Raeder and pave money. F.asy to Use— econoinlool—tallaiont—nno, Crianta (Jmnonlal) Me: Gallon° <Tonsorial) 01.51. apoolal circular free—tello what others any about Cooper% Any dealer or WM. COOPER & NEPHEWS - TORONTO IrailliNf2601:02MCIMMEMMainalagn When are you going to ask your grocer for SC DINES? Trade supplied by John W. Sickle a Greening, Hamilton COW COMFORT la guaranteed to keep Flies oft your Cattle 80,00 PER GALLON Dilute with 4 gallons of ruder. Write for it gallon now to THE MACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE CO.. LTD., WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO. • Sole tifre.—The Sapho Matutfacturing Co., Limited, blontroal. TWO CRUISES —ON '51105-' SS, CLEVELAND (10.500 From New York 'Eat. 19, 5012 from San i mindful° Feb 13,1013 Will veil Madeira. Sputa 0.4. Erna, Wile, Ceylou, &relit Settlement". Join Philippine', Chins, Japan, &winkle 1,504,, with Ovodaml American Tour. INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL I 17 boy* in India TOURS / IJIJoyoioJopo, Duration 110 Days Each $650 -;dholiealary exaan:ce Idina all nee. aboard and agitate. "405 annone 00,, has made 11.. G Write for Sooklet HAMBURG AMERICAN LINE 4.1-05 BROADWAY, N. Y. or Ocean Steainshlp Agency, 63 V01000 St., Toronto, Canada. • The destruction of the house fly is a public duty, Ahuost every American State Board of Health is carrying on a crusade against inn. His filthy origin and habits, and the fact that his body i s generally laden with disease -producing germs, makes him one of the greatest ene- mies of the human race, If the housekeepers of Canada will ole persistently, this peril wi I be tre- mendously reduce( . liaeste