The Clinton News Record, 1912-07-25, Page 44 '
Coderich Township
Mr, Edgar Cant -elan arrived troll;
Toronto on Tuesday and le now n-
• oyin
a' Week or so's holidays on
, • the 91(1 homestead; residence ot
• and Mre• Albert,Clantelon. Whea in
, the 014 ae is 'engaged ine insueance
vb and, We are plicased IJQ•
doing, exceedingly well. •
Mr PaaeY 'Weston has dispOsed -of
his Laney driver, pout poeseasor
being Mr. Sandy Stirling,
July 25tb 1912,'.:
Mr, teo. ape is no eeeovereeg
from his recent illness as rapidly as
ilia many friends ,:\,0111(1. WW1 to see.
Mr. and Mrs. John Careen and Mis's
Mary Carson of Toronto and Me. 4.0..
Elltett of B I shop , fornee, ete tnil
at the home of Mr. Robert Pearsoaaf
the 16th con. last -week.
Are you a N'ews-Record Subscrilier ?
, 9
• Holmesvill
Several of the farmers have •
isbed haying and in general Bed the
crop 'heavier and better than oNilocri"
eal, • , ••
Fall Wheat, ,harvestitig le )10W In
,ord.]; • Seine report injttry inplacas
by ifist.' '
I Aire,
T. Holland of Winnipeg, , who
has been visiting friends hereabouts
for Soma lime, left on Tuesday: on
her retina tripe •
Airs. and Miss Simpson of Ativeod
are guebts at. the parsonage this
John , who ITaS been sail-
ing with his brother-in-law, '''ept
Johnston, has returned home to as-
sist with the harvest..
Miss Bertha, Stanley left on .iThese
day for Haneiota, Mang where she
veil attend the marriage of lair cou-
sin, Miss Alexandee, and aree isit
,with her sister, Mrs. Reid, for sev-
eral weeks.
I of this ril?ege
LMr. Entickeap, grandson of the
spent the week -end the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Pickard and Mr. and
Mrs, J, W. Yeo.
Rey. W. W. Courtice, who has been
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
1 J. Courtice, for some weeks, left on
°uni r . P,,t)
Dr. and MrArcher of North
----- Stanley one day durkig the past
Amore, Ohee, were visitor e at the
s Bal -
home of the latber's unele, Mr. Wm.
late Father. Entickeno
Sagfireid ,
Miss „Liazic Ferguson , Of ITotetylin
Spent a' few days- the, pist
dee theepareatel root,-
Rev. Mr. Davideon o:St. • Ann's
ierijoyling a few Weeks at his
mer 'cottage in West MeitelstaeGneive:
the tielegraPii office has, been
moved iront,,I3aylied..and no*. .' -the
messages are received over the l/fiane',
trem ,Oliaton • by T. A. Edwards; lt ho
wfl1;delivea. them.
• ?Are, Wallace Jelineton • and two
children and her • brother' .Mr • joy
Spencer, , Of Corrine; $i. are ',pend-
ing the seminal with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin .Spencer.
Fisher and daughter, Miss
Ruby Fisher,' of Bettie ,and, son, Mr
George Fisher' of Waterloo; are the
guests of Mr. and Itrs. T. A,' led-
waels. • •
Mrs, Oliva Rhynas and son Mas-
ter Philip of Brantford are the
guests of her parents, Mr. and Mee%
, John Fergnsan. -
Mr. 'Will Robinsan of London be ra
For August
number, price
Ladies' Home
Journal Pat-
terns for Aug,
Price 10c and
All the new-
est styles. We
carry a $500
stock of these
& CO.
Berries'. have been more plentiful
since the fine 1.`.111a, Incidentally, so
also have 'been the pickers.
The Epworth 'League and Sunday.
school Of the •Methoded church intend'
holding their annual lawn social 00
MI!. Geo. Hollatrd's lawn on Friday,
(Tomorrow) evening. Tea will be ser-
ved from six to nine e'clock and will
consist of rO cream, tea, coffee, cake
and a variety of other things good 'to
eat. The Cftieen's Band of Clinton Will
be an hand to furnish music and it
is expected that a real paeasant time
will be spent. Should the weataer
be unfavorable the the
he held
in the church, so that no disappoint -
men' wilt be ,experienced. Come with
the crowd and enjoy the evening
Miss Grace COLIZellS was successful
to the recent Toronto University ex-
aninations in vocal omen.
I Rey. C. CI: Colima and family on
their arrival at Harwich, their tiew
field of label were tendered a very
cordial reception -which took place OD
the beautiful churchgrounds adjoin-
ing the parsonage. •
Miss 'G. Stade has been engaged
to teach in No. 1 Stanley, after the
summer vacation.
Mr. Harry Thompson has been in
poor health., for several weeks and
thus prevented front carrying on his
farni work with his usual • •aetieiey. I
The genial' Hardy's many friends
throughout the township and elea-.:
where will wish "him a speedy return '
to his former robuseness
Couch & Co.
1 Brilliant Assortment
25% off all gingham, chanbbrey and embroidery
„These are ideal garments
for outing wear in ladies' and
misses' sizes, all good styles
- new this season, so if you
want a nice cool dress now is
11? t he Lilae to buy one at a low
—"Umbrella Special
• for Saturday
We pa on sale Saturday'
two dozen good uwbrell es
'They are splendidly made
with good handles and strong
frames, 11 will pay you to
buy at these prices. Regular ,
$1.00 and $1.25. Saturday Ofic
Ladies' Suits less
than /2 price
Just 3 brdies' suits left in
stock, good tine cloth neatly
tailored in tweed and navy
satin lined, sizes 34, 36 and 38,
reg $18 50, your, choice Suter
day 13900.
House Dresses at
Two dozen house dresses
on sale Saturday , made of
good strong percole and print
sizeen,34, 30..38, 40, 42. Tour
choice $1 50,
Just 9 hats left in stock. We do not want to.
carry these over. Take your -choice Saturday . only
A good smart boy wanted to learn the Dry Goods
Were(' at. the Albion.
Mr. Dam and Mr. Stickle of De-
troit are guests a,!, the Commercial;
Mr.' Janfes Cameron, son of Mr.
Thos, Cameron, is attending the
School of Musket,/ at Ottawa and
after the holidays .takes up his thee
iee as a member of the teaching
staff of Ring Edward Public School,
Toronto '
The annual gardee party ie oone
neetion with Trinity church will be
held on the rectory lawn 'on niters -
day evening of next week and me-
panations arc being made to have it
one of the very best yet. The cif -
items' Band, Ckinton, has been en-
gaged for the oecasion. C'oii end
have 00 evening's thorough enjoy-
The death occurred at Beldenitheit
Sask., on Wednesday last of James
Chester Parsons, youngest son of
Airs. Parsons of this village. The
dece1aNed was in the plme of ble,
beteg in his thirty-sixth year. '1 he
body was brought to Bayfield for
burial, arrive% at Clintem on the laic
train Morrlay night. 'rhe wife, then:
daughter, Mise May, and Mrs. Parson's
brother, Mr. Jacob L. Hiuneston of
Carbary Plains, accompanied the re-
mains. The funeral took place from
the residence of Mrs: Parsons, the
deeeased's mother, on Tuesday af-
ternoon to Bayfield cemetery. The
serviea at house and graveside was
eonducted by Mr, James, Young ot
Barfield and; Rev. Mr. Snowden of
Varna. The pallbearers were;
srs. Walter Wallis, Heeeat McGre-
gor and Nelson Yeo of Gode,:leh
townshep, John Scotchmerc of Stan-
ley, John Macdonald cit Bayfield and
John Cochrane ot Hillsgreen. Amongst
those who attended the funeral
from a distance were : Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. •Nethetcott, St. Mary's ; Mr
Thos. Butler and Mims Bella and
Lizzie Buller of 11Pdgelown ; Mrs:
Chambers, Mrs, Wren, Mr. 'Kn. Lath
tie and Miss Lattie, Chiselhuret
Mrs. Simpson, Be iceliela, and Mr,
and Nes Robert Parsons of Gillis -
A game of baseball played on the
Square last night batmen Bayfield
and Goderich teams *stilted in a tie
—3 to 3,
The Cameron family are among our
oldest residents, arriving here on
July 12th .1856. The father was by
birth Scotch and fou a time settled
in Nova S'ootia but in 1855 came to
Ontario for a few monten living. at
Goderich. In the fall of that year
he decided upon Bayfield as a place
of location so came here and sent
for his family. He was a saddle's
and harness maker and in tire gole-
en age of this place kept several
then his employ. The business is
still being carried on by his eon,
Mr. Thos. Cameron, who with anoth-
er son, Mr, Alex. Cameron. upholds
the good al Scottish name.
Stanley Township
Mrs. J. II. 13etterneld and her little
daughter, Alarion, who have been vis-
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Arntstrong for tile past six
weeks returned on Satierday to their
home at' Bay City, Michigan.
Mir. and Mrs. 11. .5. Anderson of
Winnipeg tom nerly of Stanley town-
shio announce the engagement of
their only daughter, Ethel, to Mr. T.
Kells Moore. The wedding will take
place quietly on 'August, 1st.
Miss Kate Stinson, who has Mien
in 'British Columbia for some time
past, returned home on Tuesday.
Goderich Township
Air and Mrs, Peter Cole Sundayed
with Mr. and Mrs, C. 11, }Tolland at
Fair View Farm, as also did • Mr.
and Mrs, J. P. Cole.
The heavy rein of Saturday night
did much damage to fee oat eget),
cawing thee) to lodge badly.
Mr. ,R1111.08 Sterling is erecting • ea
barn on his extensive fruit farm.
Among those who have just ieeent-
fy installed lielephones are Messrs.
John Hud!s and Percy Cole.
Dr, John Drummond, at one tame a
resident of Blyth but now of Frank-
fort, Kansas, was a visitor here
during %he last week, after an ab
50000 of ton years.
Miss Rosetea N. Weilauter, daught-
er of Airs. N. Weblaufer, was welded
en Wednesday of last Week to Mr. G.
51; Wambold of Stratford, in which
city the young people will take up
their '110Me•
Mi. John Weymouth has purciiaend
the eaeussel4 evaporator and will
shortly move his family to that
lege fe be Deady for the tall trade,
The foundation for the new' schoel
house is now Dirdshed and the Mick
Work is now being proceeded e with.
Mr. Oudinore of Hensel' is doing the
STirattg, 00tforiOlr's "Cr•0,11(1 Old
Man" ndueatiote-WaS„roaallY wek
corned in Winnipeg Where he stopped
oft• with his datighter".to Visit friends
on bbS tinp to the, CoaSti by Mune
her of ei-papils, who tendered
banquet and presented him. •eyflib a
goldelieaded cane A message eood
w}shee,,evae, sent to Mrs. Strang here,
and, omelet* C/..'P. 11. agent here foe'
Nr1 RbPertsory tb6..poPular.
some time Test indeed 'einee the ad-
tVoeirte wofoothdestgoocakel.; bween' tsraannterr4raend,
who Conies keen Milvdriion, , , his
' Before his denature for'. Vancouver
!where he intends to locate', Dr WaIbnr
Tusabull Was given a farewell dirifien
by the members of -the Menesetung
'Canoe Club and wee presented with a
handsome rave mg bag and a hand-
somely illum„inaltal. address. The
local Medical Association also. ex-
pressed their esteem. by presenting
Dr. Turnbull wilt ai desk set in brass.
Mr. and 1VrEs. P. G. Lynn and their
kno sons of DetTaill are visiting the,
former's mother, Mrs. I,ynn of Wel-
ington Stmeet.
Miss Nora Alexander of Toronto
has returned to her home after a
pleasant visit' with Mites Grace area -
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McLean are
away on a trip to the coast.
IMrs. Christ -0o of Ilradferd, Palma.,
es visiting her sister„ Mrs. .1., C.
Mrs. 0. W. Bussare. of Washington,
D. 0., is spending idle ‘SIllaillel, \Vi lis
hen mother, Mrs. James Craigie of
William street.
Mrs. S, 5. Aitkin or Niagara Falls
has been visiting het paeents, Mr. and
ND'S. Albert Kneeshaw.
Mts. Frank llodgens and little
daughter, Miss 1)cns, are visiting in
Airs. (Dr.) Strang is spending the
summer in Muskolm. , lb
Miss cons -ileac Totizel has gone
on an extended 'trip to Bermuda,
where she will be the guest of iter
uncle, Dr. Packwood.
Dr., Mabee has, returned from a trip
up the lakes.
Edward Bennett, who was tried at.
Goderich last week for burglaries at
Clinton, Bengali arid Godenich, (ilso
pleaded guilty te the charge, of break-
ing jail. His ease was adjourned and
will conic up 'his week.
On Wednesday of last week Mr. P.
J. Ryan of Goderich and Miss efinnie
'O'Lagglilin of Lecknow were united
in marriage. 'The „ccreninny look
place in St. Augustine church
Rev. Father Dean officiating,
Much eympathy, is expressed for the
parents and friends ot the late Mary
Elizabeth Yuill, daughter of Mr. Jas.
Yitill of Goderich township, who died
after a brief illness of appendicitis'.
Port Albert
Mr. William _Alertly and • grand-
daughter spent Sunday with his
hrotherin-law, Mr, Ike Hawkins,
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Cunenghatne left
on Monday for their home in Toroao,
Mr, and Mrs. Horace Cunirighaine
and family ot Walkervilly. who had
been visiting among friends here,
returned to their home last week.
Mr, Vialiam Tout, Kincardine, vis-
ited his nepheev, Air, Harry ! late -
Was and wife, on Saturday and Sun-
Mrs. Adam Shhaelee and family of
Wingham are visiting her parents at
Port Albert.
Mr. Albert itIOee, Seaforth, made
a flying visit to his patents las%
week. ,
Mr. Nelson of Itidgetown is visiting
his uncle and aunt, Air. and Mrs,
Harry Hayden.
'Ralph Munroe, Auburn, viseted
way Hayden list week,
Rev. and Mrs. Gomel and family
of Auburn are camping for a ,week at
the lake 511003.
Jim Gaylen of Hamilton spent a
few days in Port. Albert last week.
With his father and his beother
Several of our clUzens attended the
funeral last week of Alfred Quad who
met with an untimely end , at De-
Will Fellow of Goderich made a fly --
leg tree) to the village one day during
the past eveek.
James Yoeng, who has been sailing,
is hotne again.
Saturday" night's ram did a lot of
good in tilts district.
Will Brown and his men have again.
made a start on J. J. Green's house
which he is building.
Misses Hattie Thuolow, Coderich,
and Elan -Dougherty, ShappertIten,
spent Friday afternoon with Mrs.
Will B . Hawkins.
Joseph Dunbar . is home again from •
Brucefield where, he was employed in
a sins raill.e„
Eddie Schoenhals, Toronto, i's holne
and he thinks there is ne Place' fair&
than Port Albert, especially dueing
Ole good old summer ?tree.
Our Beef Ringe which was stated
this spring, is giving good satisfac-
tion. Fine beef is a good tiring.
Misses' tint° and Olive Foster of
Sheppardton spent a few' days with
their aster, • Afrs. ItaWkins,
Mr. and Mrs. James Yates ot fled-
erieh have returned to their , home
alter a week's vistt in the, village.
Hugh Stewart Dungannon was ili
the village on Sunday w,ith the
'Anglican neinister,
Are you a Nowa:Record subsorlber ?
Mrs. 'A. II. king of Ingersoll vieit-
ed in Hensel]. lest week.; •
Dr.and Mts, Sellery WCITC! in the
home town of Kincardine' last, week
particinating in the re-uniore.
Mr, Andrew Johnstone of Wilton(
Hall has been vialting his daughter
in Woodstock. '
Mr, • J, Redmond of the Toroato
Globe -staff has been vleittng (Wis. tinele,
• Charlele Redmond eof flay ticitee-
Wake ' thin
• Air, Harold BrOadfoot of Toront
was recent visitor in to(vn.
Mies IVIaodonalid of TOronto is '(111 -
ng T. Lacey..
Miss Norma Dickson ha$ been efsi
log erieiids Coder/01i,• ,
Aflise Ella Webb is 'hotne, froni Mon.
gemeny, on a vacatioa.
M. Samuel , Hortoe of Sasl(eteeet
SaSk., is .eieiting his parents de liar
Mastes Carl C. Pinktiey of Strat
lord has retureed bibles after vje1(jn(
his .grandparents, Mr,. and Mrs, R. L
• •
Mise Ethel Beattte is visiting n
.Mr. Edward Webb of Toronto i
' spending a yacatien at his home i
Aire. 11, Felton of Bremetton, Wash
lias,eatiened to her home after an ex
tended VIVA with hen sister, 1.Irs
Robert Belt
Mr, arold Appell who has been, ee.
gaged in Me: J. Daly's etore fo
seine time, has returned to Zuriol
where lie will go into Inisinese wit
his fattier.
Miss Harriett Allison, who span
her vacation at' her home here, has re
tureed to New York to resume he
naming duties.
Rev, Mr. Martin of Stratford eon
ducted the services in the Presbyan
jan on Sunday -week.
Mr. Robert Spatting a former resi
dent of IffeKillop,, but non, of Vancou
via, has Twee • renewing old friend
Ships hereabout.
IAirs, litrize has purchased Mem Mr
II. Edge Ids residence in the node
1WaT(I, now occupied by Mr. Georg
Mr. Arnold Case was a delegate
1 to the Masonic Grand Lodge wide!
;met In Toronto last week.
aire. Macdonald and Afr. aud Mrs
I Fred ?Zech of lee (led t have been ( is
tieing Mr. and Mrs. C. Layton.
Mr. Cieorge Thornton of the 1011:
con. e1 McKillop died on Tuesday ni
last week a the gat age of or
hundred and two years. His death
was the result': of a fall by which 12.
suffered a feacleired bone, The de
ceased was the lather or1VIrs. )aiis
of Seater th.
The Seaforth Cadets and a numbe
of school boys lent on 'Monday fosi
Carling Heights, London, where tbe
mill camp for a week.
Live Stock Market.
Toronto, July 220d,—Union Sten
Yards—Reecipt were 128 loads, with
2,432 head of catele, 884 sheep an(
lambs, 513 hogs, and 47 calves.
Catele•Exporters, choice, $7.50 to
$7.75 ; bulls $4.50 to $5.25 ; cows
$5 to $6.25.
Butelier--Thoice, 16.75 to 37.25
medium, $5.50 to $G ; cows, $5 to
Calves—Steady:, $7.50 to 87.85.
Stockers—Steady, 34.50 to $7.25.,
Sheep—Light ewes at $4 to $1,50 ;
ilote\avio'yr, all 8750 to 38.40 ,spring lambs,
Hogs—Market steady ; selects, 57-
65 to $7,75, 1. 0. b., aid $8.10 to
$8.30 fed and watered.
Trade was fair and even brisk for
butcher cattle, but export trade was
slow, with prices for the latter 'Join
15c to 25c • lower than last week
Choice butcher cattle were in 50011
demand, buyers from Moirtneal and
other points tatting a share of tile
best ' offeringS, competing evith th
local abattoir men to that extent
Belcher prices were holding generally
about steady with last week, and
shade firma for the best loads.,
Lambs were from 50c to $1. towel_
that last weak.
Dogs steady at $8.20 to $.25, fed
and ivatered.
Mrs. Edward Chaniptori Kemble
has been visiting friends here.
Mrs, I -Tent -Meson and children of To -
('01110 were visit mg at Dr. Stewart's
Miss Maude Haslarn of eVinghatu
reRietweacluiltei(‘-iitiusdnknAe Ateirve3hrsecoefn tad
gary are renewing old acquaintances
iSS Wilson of Newark, NaW Jersey,
hlIS been visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. K.
Miss 'Susie Allison has returned after
SDPIldiag Fe%v weeks with her sister,
Mee. Baker of London,
Mr. Joe Sprout has returned to his
home at Seafoi Lb, after spending a
couple of weeks with cousin Dave,
51ve And Mrs, Al. Harrison left
for the Old Country after a short visit
with the former's brother, ROA.
Belgrave wes well represented at
Blyth on the 12th.
Mr. and Airs, Rey. Ferguson are
spending their holidays at Newmarket.
Mrs. Thynne, sn, of Bluevale, Miss
Barbara Thynne of Palinerston and
Miss Mary Thynne of Mortis, visited
Mrs. .1, A. 13randon.
Miss Manche Knox of Goderich and
Mies Nan Knox of Poronto have both
rammed to their respective homes,
after spending n week with their sis-
ter, Mrs. (Rev,) 1 W. Kilpatrick.
Mr. Bolder, G. T. R. agent, and Mrs.
• Bolder liave returned from a holiday
with -friende at Detroit, Buffalo and
Pittsburg. Dsiring his absence Mr.
Roy Aitkinson Clndeboye took
charge of the station. • ,
A medicine that will keep children
well is a great boon to every moth-
er. This is just what Baby's Own
Tablets do. An occasional dose keeps
the little stomenh and bowels right
and prevents sickness. During the
bot summer months stomach trou-
bles speedily turn to fated diarrhoea,
or cetera infantum and if Baby's
Own 'Tablets are ,net at hand the
child may die in a few hours. Wise
mothers always keep the Tablets in
the house and give their children an
occasional dose to clear out the
stomach and bowels and keep them
well.' Don't wait till baby is ill—the
delay may cost a precious life. Get
the Tablets now and you may feel
reasonably safe. Every mother who
uses the Tablets praise them and
thet is the best evidence that there
ia no °thee medicine for children so
good. The Tablets are sold by mall.
0441)00 l'ed7rteels Tre .1W55011
rl2s Zell!
eine Co., 13roclevelle, Ont.
-- FOR ALL NexT wEEK --
A Screen Door and'Screen Window 'Bargain
Reg,u,ler ell 020 5 do,o,rs four $1 1805 R7ff.. $ 3480 winedoW sae„ens fo.r $ 2882
• A Granite Preserving Kettle Bargain.
• Regular $1 25 for $ , 85
50 11 , 32
45 5, 2()
80 '• 20
1 only portable rubber bath regular ....,,,.$6 50 for $4 50
1 onlygasoline stove, 2 burner with warm-
ing oven, regular . . .. .. .. . ..... .......I5 00 for 11 25
1 only Idea 2 burner gasoline stove, one ex-
tra Powerful burner, with oven, mg, ..10 00 for 7 50
•Harland Bros.
Stoves, Hardware and Novelties
/ .
Verandah Curtains
.Verandah Mattings
The season is short so we have made our profits the
same, Come early and get first choice.
The Store
of Quality
Phone 28
a U
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
. ,
Yon Run No Risk
. •
We have confidence in our
our WATCHES as the result
:t Tlong X PuRIENc E.
We are AguaranteLeL TIOniibecause
as regards QUALITY AND
Let Us. Show You Thetti.
Jeweler,- - - Clinton.
mai •Mairimmeme.10•••••11
EILBUY Your friend something USEFUL as well
as ornamental.
A Beautiful Article of Furniture is the correct thing to buy We
offer you a fine collection of Fancy Chairs, Roll Seat Rockers.
Roman) Chairs, Library Chairs. Smoking Chairs, Couches,.
Hanging Mirrors, • Hall Stands,Parlor Tables, Music Cabinets,
For the floor we have Smyrna, Wilton and Axminster Bugs,
lrussels, Don3inion and Velvet Squares.
EVERY article marked at QUICK SALE Prices. "
Is a little
any more
• 8.
the best going, but we don't
for it, A fresh carload just
To the olld of 1912 f�r 25.o.