HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-07-25, Page 1ws- Reco rd. No. '1740 -33rd Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1912 THE HOME PAPER The News -Record to any address in Canada to the end of <I912 for 25 'cents --'-for new subscribers. ABOUT R I.NG s There has been a, lot of cafe and time expended in selectingthis ring stock of ours. Quite a good deal of money sent too,for we wanted it above all things spent, g as complete as we could possibly get it. We have some particularly handsome stone com— binations for ladies. Also attractive effects for gentlemen, some of them sell for $2, 00, and from that price go away up to over a hundred dollars. Then we have some cute little' rings' for the ydung- er folks for $1.00 and thereabouts. You will be perfectly safe if you depend upon this store for your ring needs, Ye11qar ,jeweler and Optician - Clinton 1 - The Royal Bank OF CANADA. Incorporated 1869 Capital Paid-up - - $7,800,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits $9,000,000 Total Assets - - $120,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. R. E. MANNING, Manager " Clinton Branch. 1 I1e 11•19110t111111 Molsons Bank INCORPORATED 1855, Record of Progress for Five Years -1905--11 1000 11 CAPITAL . $ . $3,000,000 , 1000 000 RESERVE . . 3,000,000 4,600,000 DEPOSITS 23,677,730 35,042,311 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS , 27,457,000 38,854,801 TOTAL ASSETS . . 83,000,]08 . 48,237,284 Has $3 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities of the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED SAVINGS ` HANK DEPARTMENT at all Biancches. Interest allowed at highest cur"entrate. Clinton Branch - E. Dowding, Manager READY-TO-117EAJ OL OTIUNG mitt ORDP _rt ED C1.011 11 NG Three Specials for This Week. No. 1 25c' $oys Overalls 25c We just received this week 10 dozen boys' y overalls in blue and white duck, sizes 5 to 12; These are good_ value at 35c, For quick selling you can have your choice of entire lot for 25 cents: No. 2 79c ,filen- s Shirts 79c 5 dozen men's shirts made with soft col- lars, neat patterns, regular $1.00 to clear at 79 cents. See window display, No. 3 Men's Cotton n 20 dozen men's cotton socks in black and. plain color's,' sizes 9k to 11, Our 'special price 2 air f` p or, 25, cents. NE MORRI9H CLOTHiNG CO. LI . C NTE1►N, ONTARIO A S quare Deal for Every Man 1 THE LOCAL MARKET.: Wheat $1.09 to x;1:03; Oats 48e. to ; 50e, ' Peas 90e. to $1.00. Barley 60e. to 750. Butter 19c. to 20e. Eggs 21e. to 22c. Live Bogs 1,7.75. THE LAST DAY. The first of August is the last day on whioh an appeal can be filed width the town clerk to have names added to the voters' Usti. Anyone who hae become qualified as an owner or ion= ant since, the assessment roll was completed can have his or hoe name added and thus be enabled to vote at the next munaipal election. Young men twenty-one years of age may also be added for a parliamentary vote. FIXING UP. - ._ The Hotel 1\o..nandio is being re- novated and in a few days truce of the recent fire will have disappeared. The frame work is being done by Messrs. Paisley and Hunter,,,the pa- goring, by Cap. Cook and the plaster- ing by James Cook. Not many peo- ple have been award that the bar of the hot+al has been olosed, since the fire and will not be re -opened untel the repairs are completed. WILLIS CHURCH. ' A large number went out to the. annual picnic on Thursday lase. The rain of the afternoon threatened to spo'i the pleasure of the outing, but the pavilion was secured and the time was pleasantly spent there until the rain ceased. Mr. Victor Stone of Toronto ren- dered a solo at the evening service on Sunday and Mr. Stewart Jackson assisted the choir and also took a solo part in the anthem. A GOOD CROP. The dry spell, of which complaint' was made; does not seem to have in ' jured the ',flay crop on Mr. John Ransford's farm at Stapleton, as 1 Dave Steeps the foreman i!llere, re- cently drew hi fifty-two good loads from a twenty-aore` field. This is considered by those who are suppos- ed to know whereof they speak, an extra good yield. _THE STREET SWEEPER. h The sereet sweeper was given its first trial on Monday and after it had gone once over matin street the macadam roadway fairly ;sparkled with cleanleiess so much ' so that strangers iii town during the day were unaminious in admiration. ,.''Say," said one of thein, "se the matter of good streets Clinton has us beat to a . fyazzle WERE SUCCESSFUL. Congratulations are due aria are hereby tendered the following C. C. 1. studenes who were successful in passing the recent exan.Lnation entit- ing -them to entrance to the Fecal' les of Edueatloal :` The exam. was taken in two pants, the following tak- ing the 2nd part: DeWitt Cosens, honorsg F. A. Tamblyn, honors, H, 1W. Reid and Miss V. M. Welsh, 'rhe list part was taken by : Ray Centel - on, Miss I. P.Glen and R. N. Welsh. Wash. TOILING THE STREETS. 1 The efficacy of oiling the streets is berig tried, one barrel being used on ,Tuesday on a stretch of the street in front of market square, i'hu;o more barrels have been ordered 'so that the steeet from the Royal to Iloare's cowier may be treated and thus Abe trial macre more complete.. Laid down hen the oil costs eleven cents a gallon. Some of the auto owners are not in love with the oiling process and say so lit unmistakable terms. I 1. PASSING OF MRS. 'f IJ L � r R RO\\ I L. The news reached Clinton Saturday of the death of Mrs, George Trow - The choir of this church will holi- day during August, but on Sunday , evening next will give a spec- ial song serpice consisting of anthems, by the choir' and solos and duets which Mrs.t inMills, Miss K Scott, D •. +an ier andMes- srs. r C d M s yrs. Stewart Jackson and Stone will take part. The pastor, Rev. D, K. Grant, will ere a short address on It'll which took place that morning at the timely theme, Fraise : the ,\Viugs Lethbridge, Alberta, to whioh t'Iaec LITTLE J,OC ALS. of the Speeit." THOU SHALT NOT SWEAR.., At ninee,e irty last night; Sergeant' Welsh arrested a profane man with load of 'liquor who spent the 'neght in the cooler, and this morning at •'given pail one dollar and costs.. He has peomised,not, to swear aloud any more on Clinton's - streets. ' ONT. ST. CHURCH. The League held their monthly missionary meeting on Monday even- ing. Rev. Mr. ;Arlin occupied '011e chair and Miss Hattie Courtice fave a interes,+:ng paper on the subject of missions. Misses Allin and i,ulu Howe sang a solo and the League quartette gave a, selection. AT TIIE TOURNEY, One of Clinton's crack rinks of lawn bowlers, that is, J. 13, Hoover, E. G. C o urtiee Percy o Po y Town and J. Taylor, are taking part inthe big tournament in London. They have been winning right along and are now in the semi-finals, with good prospects of landing the Trophy. A SURPRISE PARTY. . Saiturday last being the birthday. of one of Clinton's most ,popular young Iadies, namely, Miss ' Mattie Holloway, a number' of hen girl "fri- ends foregathered at her home the evening pre .nous to celebrate the ev- ent and offer .congratulations: A very jolly couple of hours was . spent by the girls in miss:c and games. During the evening Miss Holloway was presented with a pretty pair of cuff links. LAST NIGHIT'S .FIRIS. At ten o'clock last night the stabs on Princess 5t. owned by Mr. .Tae. Ilamilton was discovered to be on Inc. Chief Downs' brigade soon • an - rived and in scarcely more Dime than it takes to tell about it had the fire extinguished, though (delayed. somewhat by a hundred bushels of oats and a load of new hay tin the stab! n y e Rort nate)' r. NL Hamilton's crack heavy team was not to the stable at the (Inc. The insurance will about cover the loss. the fancily moved about six weeks ago. Good morning 1 clear :Nader. flow Mrs. Trowhill had been very ill fon floes your sub. to The News -Record MARRIED YESTERDAY, ' weeks (luring the winter, but had to Miss Edna L. Bartlett, claoghtar of a great extent regained her strength Rev, S. T. Bavtlett', tsecre.'ary ofwhen they went west so that Inc death came as a, peat sur rise. Sunday Schools and Epworth i.ea- gueg,., was wedded in Toronto yester- deceased was deeply beloved by ter day husband and family and to thein key. to the Rev. George S. Patterson of Moncton 1, 13. The ceremony Look untimely passing is an irreparable place in Trinity Methodist rhumb, loss. :The interment took place at and was pe'tornted by the bride's heLhbridge. father assisted by the Rev. Dr. Clea- TIIE BEST GARDENS: ver. The bride is a Hence of Mr. 1V. 1L erteen citizens, who are acktiow- IIellyar of Clinton and the young Ledged to be expert judges of what couple intend spending their honey - to a good gal':len, have said moon at the Hellyar camping ground to The News-Reoor••cl that Mr. Goorge at Blrk's on ;he lake shre, David has the hest' with Mr. Alex. Rev. l4iv. and Mrs. P.itterson will Cud'nore sinking second. If any - bud takesexception tothis 1.0i go to Japan in ilio fall as nclssionar- Y p t n slang ies of the Methodist Church. imp of the local situation, let flim IC speak now. Mr, Davis!, as many YORKSIHIRE UP-TO-DATE. News -Record readers aro awana, was a winnerfor garden produce at the great World's Farr at Chicago, so to be able to say of Alec that he comes a good second is decidl:dly com- plimentary to him. 1There is no falling bank in l'ork- shitre. In nnanufactur[ng tt continuiis to be a top-notcher and in agricul- cure it is strictly up -to -data. The [avatars use labor-saving machinery, they believe in rotation of crops and pedigreed stock, they do not allow anything to go to wasto and there is a neatness and 4:ulft about the farms that strikes all observers," This is the pith of what Mr. Harold Rayner said to The News -Record bast week on his return front ai some,vhat extended visit to the parental hoose hi Yorkshire. It is several rears since: Mr. Rayner calve to this country of which his wife is a Bailor and he is now a progcessi've Canada First man,hut the old home Shire is sten sweet in recollection and he feels at tunics like taking up the cud- gels when he hears it spoken .01 as slowing up and his felling behind. TIMI9 MAKES MANY CHANGES. As showing what. *changes time makes in a few years in the „ eitiiz- ens roll of a small town it may be stated that of 245 citizens who sign- ed a petit'i'on is local option in the Call of 1904 the following have since. moved to other places : W. Q, Phdllips, J. rain J.. W. Ir- win, W. J. iI-larland, F. R. +Hodgins, A•.=Knox, C. O, Rance, A. Netter, W. II. Webb, John Croft, Mrs. E. J. Turnbull, A, Couzens, 1-1, Hunt, R. Downs, D. Sours, 1•'. Ha:ywasd,,,John Derry, M. O'Donnell, A. J. Baehr, Tastes McClaeherty, P. D: Fair, Thos. Liven, H. Wilson, Ben. Webb, :3.' P. necktie, John -Spalding, ' J. Ireland; N. B. Henry, W. P. Spalding, H. -C. Brewer C. Consigney, J. P 'Tisdale, H. Flolden, T. E. 'Ailton, H. neat - tie, Geo. Stewart, D. Shannahan, W. Moore; Dr, Freeman, W. Jones, ,fnlln Bell, : Geo. 'lTCowhijl J. P. Shimmy, John Gardiner, 0. Cooper, John ? v- ery, J. D. Kinng, J. re, Blackwell, E. Waldron, Gro.' W, Barge. •Xu • And the following have since died : S. H. .Smith, W.' W. Ferran, J. Runtball, ` A. C. Couch; R. tlansfiord, R. Irwin, N. Fair, E. Hortnian, : S. Pike,co tiBtrr 7T David, Flys CI, NI n oaJohnston,1 cru t silo C. J Daw- son, S. Pratt, Jas. L Sheppard, Mrs. T. Cooper, A. McKenzie, 11. McLennan, D. "F.,Macpherson, J. Johnstone, .John Layton, Jos. ,ellen- son, 'Peter ')ester•, N, F, Webb, 0. S. Doan, E. Rutledge, 'Thos, tulle, Thos, Holloway, John Foster, ..T. 3, Macdonald, A. McRae, and Jobn Smith. '1'O SUPPLY A N801t2). Havingrereted tale cottage of bir. g W. H Weeb. the Knitting Company is having it thoroughly overhauled and refurrl'shed, in short converting it into a model boarding house for their out-of-town help. The ?om pany are expecting several expert ep eratives•from -large centres across the border ani it 'is in order that there may bo no delay in suitably lodg- ing then that this innovation has been made. Mr. and ales. Woody of tine staff will manage the house, 'The Company's manager, Ml:. Brown, is both up-to-date and energetic in his methods. A PLEASANT OUTING.: The choir of Ontario street oiuicch had' their annual picnic to Bayiloid lit Frtiday.last. 'Tlie day was bright and cool andthe rain `of the previous day having laid the dust it was an Meal one for an outing. The beg motor bus runs smoothly and gets you over the ground quickly and that the picnickers enjoyed ltemsel•1'es v til go without saying. As a picnic ground Bayfield leads all other gimes .in this county and it is tut 'off flay in June, July or August when one 01, ,more pleasure ptowds cannot be seen in the grove enjoying the breezes and. the fine view of the blue,' beautiful [-futon, chelloei,ing its waves, clad in bathing suits, or enjoying a row tit: