HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-07-18, Page 8News ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Is''a goad th`iing ' to' have about ti> e. tionle, hc,,t weather. re we v .at'11 please you • or if there is.any other piece of.Furniture +that you ,.are in heed of jLetus Supply, our Wants. 1 We aim to Please. • Atkinson & Dunford • • • • SELLING OUT Boot & Shoe Business will be sold on 'terms to suit Purchaser. Rent of building reasonable. The BIG SALE is still going on. Scores have taken advantage of this great MONEY SAVING 1 SALE; HAVE YOU P Our large and well assorted stock of Uhildren's Shoes and Slippers is 'attracting the Mother's atten- tion. Non's when the shrewd Buyer buys Shoes. J. Twitchell & Son CLINTON, ONTARIO CLEARANCE SALE of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords, commencing SATURDAY, JULY 20th In marking prices for this occasion, regular prices, costs and real values have been completely. disregarded, Nothing but a firm decision on our part to rid our shelves of all our goods and . do it quickly would make such low Prices as these poss- ible, Remember this store's high quality Standards. Notice how we have cut our regular low prices then come, see, try on and buy. Sensational prices on ladies' Save more on men's shoes and Oxfords WO lines at , $3.00 $5.00 lines at , 2,40 4.00 2.79 . 1.98 3.00 2.90 1.98 2.50 1.98 goo1 200 II II Special lots at remarkably low prices while they last. A sale replete with genuine money -saving opportunities. FR JACKSON ACKSU N Good Shoes for everybody A NNN♦N♦NA♦♦ ANN f 414♦••♦♦N♦N♦•♦♦N•N♦ Yon can buy cheap In ,- ourstoreeverytime. We have a big stock. Our prices are -marked down. , it will payyou to do your tnidsu.mmer buying with us. s All linea in press Goods ,Skirt131ou SPECIA.I. . ces and White wear; i Boots, Shoes, Slipper's s and Pum P some sizes sold out. CLOTHING wits, Odd Pants, Odd Vests, It will pay you to see what we have to offer. lines that have Clothing; made to measure, best, of.isatisfaction given. SMALL PROFITS MS T EEL MORE • T BUSINESS •' • ♦iMNN••NMN•♦•1►r♦♦♦N♦♦♦cNH♦♦•Nr•♦ NEWS -RECORD TO JAM. NEXT 250 ecorr A I301.:_ STiiO NG -= LIGHT=- ' 7kBTISTIC — . '- Ct .rtairi °Extefl joll. Pole • ONE STYLE 'HOLDS `A $IN- (ILE PAIR, OF'CURTAI24S, .` ANoTiftn MA.I1'E T0' HOI D" TWO PAIR OF CURTAINSi OR AN -OVERDR•A!,'E;'AND SINGLE :PAIR. AND '.A THIRD STYLE TO` HOI,D THE SHADE 'AND A PAIR OF CURTAINS, THE DOU- ••BLE ROD'MAKES 'A-HANA- $OME APPEARANCE. AND. WITH IT A !VARIETY' ' OF I:FFECTS CANBE PRODUC- N D: TH+E OVAL END :S USEFUL AND ALLOWS THE CURTAIN 'TO DRAPE CLOSE TO THE _CASING; SHUTTING' OF THE SIDE VIEW. ALL ALLOW'•SPACE 'ENOUGH FOR ' A . FREE MOVEMENT OF ' THE" SHAPE. W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest Always the Best • to J ,ill „frr,„nneliin4 Ltn = rjle:. —. Miss Blanche Bennett of Winghtam is at present ' visitleg , Miss Ruth Walkinshaw. Mr. Struthers of Galt has been the guest of Mrs. Wm. Cooper during the past week. Mira. .1. S. Evans and Misses :Both, Carrot and. Greece are visiting fri- ends at Wiarton. Mrs. Ca'i:er of Brussels was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Lavis over P.m week end. Mrs. Leeermere, Sr., spent a few days in Blyth lata week with her daughter, M. John Leith. Mrs. Chidley and Miss Mahaffy spent Tuesday in Stanley the guests of the latter's ester, Mrs. Wm. Sparks. Miss Susie McLaughlin of Saskatoon, Sask. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Lavis of town, and other fiends in the vicinity. Mrs. A. T. Cooper has been in iKin- caeline, her old home town„ this week attending the re -tut on of old boys and girls. The ,Misses Miller of Staffs visited t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jam- es Mahaffy a couple of days dur- ing tee past week. Mi. N. C. Werritt returned to his duties on the IVlolsons Bank Staff on Monday - after a f'ortni'ght's':101- iday at his home in Simcoo. Mrs, T. ,Smallacombe and fwo children of St, Catharines have been visiting w latives in town and vicinity during the past week. Little' Miss Ethel Washington of Au- burn is spending her holidays at the home of her grandfather, Mr. Thos. Jenkins of Woodlands Farm Huron Road. Mrs. W. 11•. Counter was in London the beginning of the week, having gone down to visit Mr. and Mrs. E. M. 'McLean who had just Jost their only child. tild. Mrs. (Dr.) A. P. Squire of Rotter- dam,N, Y., has returned home af- ter a pleasant visit with her yar en s, Mr. and Mrs. Edward 'lath - well of Princess stueet. Misses Agnes, 'Elizabeth and :Jean Chielley of town and Miss Evelyn Greig of Seafor•th left on Monday for Muskoka, where they intend spending a few weeke. Itec. J. E. Ford lift Monday, for Cor - owe) where he will attend a meet- ing of 'tile General Conference Com- mittee and later will, spend a lit - ]d iron ivn tie holidayin e {o the o of Peterboro. Messrs,. W. J. Tozer and Geo.. Me- Lennan are in Toronto attending the annual meeting of the Masonic Grand` Lodge, Mr, Tozer ewes " ac- companied to the city by his, sen, Master Bruce. Mr. Will Plumsteel reearned on Fri- day front Oxbow, Sask., where he and Mrs. Plufisteld were guests at , the 1• d a f the latter's brother, o red g o a t, Mr. F. O. Hill, a couple of weeks ago. Mrs, Plumsteel and ni,ldren are remaining for a longer tieet, Mrs. James Shepherd, who leas been c ulltr, in Ottawa rsrtiA .hex da e ,.g g Mrs, hemp, for the past few months, has reeae.icd to her 1;ome • in town. She spent a while .it Toronto on her way -home visiting the many Clinton families now re- sident there. Master Heeds. Holmes, youngest son of Mr.' and Mae. R. Holmes% of ror- o5to, echo has been 'illwith rheu- matic fever for the past four-weeks,- has our weeks,•has suffieiciently nccovered to be able to j.urney to Mudkoka with his morter, whore the family aso spending the month of Juiy. Prof. Feld Elford, late wi'bh the Cy- pher Incubator Co., of'Bulfalei, has resigned to accept the manage - /nest of the Canadian a@ieuey of the Swracuse Incubato>. Co. at Toronto. He has already entered upon his deities and intends ti»v - trthis family oToronto short1 . Messrs. .f 13. Dowding and T. Jack- son' Jr., who" have been in the Old Land the past six weeks aril- so enjoying every :.minute of the time that the days ,aro passing all too quickly., ,were ,among PSeCanadians who attended a 'reception, to Pre- mier llordeh on his arrilyal in Old London;: After vlsitl'.ng the principal points 'in British our cit kens wont across to the continent and on Saturday last Mr. Jackson . called for borne. Mr. Dowding, however, remain: yet anot,her, month, " ` Persoinats ldr: and 'Mos,'•:1,, Suiliter returned. to 'Glencoe this-;inotning. jlIfss ` Minnie' 'Choptlr :span$ 'a' .part of her holrdayfy in` 1 oronto Miss Edna Aitken of Beaton ;s tse guest, of the. Weeps, ;'4ya11 insha v. • Mrs 'Geq Stills '"of. Seafortk , visited M>:s;,.WI„n , $l wens las} week. MesSrst Harry, Twitchell and ,`Frani. McCaughey 'were in Kiacai,iirl's ilii's.' week, Miss Lottlo'!Hanna, Toronto,, is 'the,, guest of her sister, Mrs. 5, S. Coopor. Mrs 'Andre.' Weatherwax of Orillia is visiting'her' parents;"ltlti, and: Mrs David Cantelon. Harry Bartliff and . children are spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs, Cardiff of Brussels. Masters Harry and Douglas Ball- are visiting relatives 'inGoderich' township during the holiday time. Misses. Gladys, Marion and • Eleanor Manning of 'London ai+,the guests of their aunt, Mess 7ennio, Taylor. The Mayor and Mrs. Gibbing, were guests at the Lang -Sturdy wed- ding M Goderich ,township.• yes'tere day, Mr: and Mrs. E. J. 'Jenkins of Tor- onto have been visiting fi!_endp' in town and vicinity during the past • week The Misses Walkinshaw accompanied by their guests, Miss Aitken nand Miss Bennett, are spending a week at ]Bayfield. • Sebert Henry was successful in the C I. ex-an-inlet:ions, passiri from FO/i111 4, though by some oversight his name was not included in the Mr. 'John A. Coopers, editor of The Canadian Courier, Toronto, was in town a couple ofdays this week vtsitirr1 his mother; Mir. Wm. .;oop- er. Mrs. G. M. Yates and fancily left on Saturday for then summers Home on Hayes,' Island,- OYphant. They were accompanied by 'Miss Marion Gttnn. Mr. L. W. Lavis of Wingham was in town on Surrlay, having come down to attend tae funeral of his grandmothee, the rate Mrs. Won. Jenkins. Mr. W. E. You -ng of Aberdeen, South Dakota, after a visit with his grandparents in Bayfield was in town yesterday on his way to Lucknow. Messes. C. J. Wallis and Reese, Jen- kins of Woodlands"Farm are in ' Stratford -today attending the fun- eral of a cousin of the latter, the late Allen Dunsmore. Mrs. W. F. Cantelon, Masten Wil- frid and Miss Kathleen returned to their hone in Toronto on Tuesday afteir a fortnight's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Gantolon. Mr's, W. H. Taniblyn and son, Mas- ter, Robert, of Toronto visited last week at the home of Mr. James McGi}I of the Huron Road, and ai- m wire Mr. Stevens of town, Mr. Jos. 'Taylor of Toronto was the guest of his brother, Mr. J. ray- lor, yesterday. He cattle up with the four rinks of lawn bezikers of St. Mathetv's Club who competed with Clinton yesterday afterivcon and evening, Mrs. Carling of Toronto has been ' calling on old friends in town this week. She has been c isi'•ing in Godenl:ch, Hensall and other places and saved the pis, of her visit for Clinton, the old lionie town, •aiore 1 she has many friends. Suponintmdent Carey, Toronto, of the National Land, Fruit and Packing Company, made an auto tour over this district d is week inspecting ectin g The. Company's orchards. Ile was accompanied by the local snperin- tendert, Mr. F. W. Evans. Mrs. Thos.R. her son jloyd t children d two other ct dren and Mrs,. Gauger of Deeroit were the guests of the fornier's sister-in-law, ?,Irs. •David Steep,'' on Friday. They', autoed ovee with Lloyd at the eelm and left here for Ripley whore they will eleit odic•+. relatives. Miss Grace Shepherd, who has ','eco teaching at Lambeth for some time, is spending her vacation at, home. Mies Shepherd Inas resigned lter, g school at Lambeth and will nceept a position. on • the Public echool staff in Ottawa at a'ae beginning of tie fall torch. Master Willie Bell had his left arm broken last week. He was .assist- ing in removing a wheel from a wagon when the tong conning off -with a jerk toppled over :knocking his elbow against the cement sido- walk. Willie has been particularly unfortunate las it is just two years since he fell off a fence and uroke thin sante arm. Miss Beatrice Greene won first-class honors in grade 4 at the accent Western .Unive++;ity singing examin- ation and' at the Toronto. Conser- vatory exam. Miss Netta Amp - son, . Brucefield, and Miss Marion I:. vig, town, passed in junior;tilde piano. Consider .1g the short lime spent in preparation they did well. -They are pupils of Miss Boles,. rMr. and Mrs. Harold Rayner rrsturn•- ed on Tuesday from a trip to fen- lande, and the continent ciMtending our several weeks. This was Mrs. Raynen's first jaunt across the big pond„ bat in the case of Mr: Ray- ner it was a renewing of . , old as- sociations for he first : saw the light o' day iii Yorkshire., . They both•enjoyed the trip very much. London Road. Mrs.. J, T..MoKnigh4-addressed the 1. cague .Tuesday evening and at ,' the next meeting.,' the address, will • be even by Mrs. George, Mtanb'ury..: Mr.. Douglas, Wheeler yieited itt k' Stc hrn ons 1 P s actr Miss Jennie Grant ie the guest if Mrs. Legg of St, Themes. Mr. J. McKnight .Sr. is on the sick list. Miss .Rosie Livermore has home last walk and Miss Maple Livermore is now''holidaying at the Homestead. Mrs.;iJenry Peacock visited with 1 ,miles of Bar0a.ins for S •turda a TABLE NO. 1 Muslins, prints; gingharns, tow- elling, cottons, art satteens, :.scrims, etc. Regular prices 20 and 25c, choice 10c, TABLE NO. "2 Art lateens; linen suitings, mus - line, scrims, ducks, cottons, voiles, art denims, wrapperettes. Reg. 25 and 35c, your choi3e for I Sc. TWO PIECES OF WASH SUITS FOR LADIES Saturday we are laying out a huge bargain In ladies' wash suits in white, pale blue and grey serges, 36 to 40, regular $7,00 and $10,00, while they last your choice. for $2.50. STRPEL REDUCTION 12i Ginghams - 12i Twoling 15 . 15 Msislins 25 25 Linen Suitings 18 Jilt Satteen • • 9c 9c 122c . 12?c 18c 180 25c 12c READY-TO-WEAR DEPT $2 00 White Skirts 1,25 " " 2.50 ' „ ,i 8.00 ki 2.00 Wash Dress Skirts 2.5 Children's Straw Hats 1.25 Summer parasals 2.00 Law n Waists $1.58 $1,08 $1.08 $2.10 .98 1 $1.25 DRESS GOODS 50c Dress Goods 75c t0 is $1.00 " $1,25 ,c 39e: 590 790 9$c CARPETS AND RIMS 60c jap Rugs 35c " " • 25 per cent oft all Carpets Rugs and plats 40c 20c The News From Londesboro Mrs. W. JTamhlyn of Toronto - Gs visiting at the tome of Mr John Tamblyn of the 13th con. Mr. Geo, Lyon continues in very pow' health. His friends are hop- ing for a change for the better soon. sterhout' and family Rev. J. H. o v left on Tuesday for London. Mr. osterhout will attend the Summer Sohool at St. Thomas now ines- sito n there. Miss i4Itnnie Lyon is attending the Sumner School at Alma College St, Thomas as delegate from Londesiiom Epworth League. Mi c' f' Miss M M Gool o Toranto spending her holidays at her . Rome here. Mr. Arthur Brunsdon of London spent the week end at his home here. He leaves this week for Vancouver, B. C. His mother will accompany him as far was? as Hartncy, :dam, where sire wilt vi.,it irieriis, Mise D. Walker of London spent a few days at the home of Mr. Wrn. Brunsdon, Mr, 'Rob%. Haggitt and family of Pigeon, Mich,,, autoed over last week and spent Sunday the guests of Mr, Janes Woodman. Mrs. W. 1. Merritt of London is vi icing her mother, . Mrs. W. Pal. Coombs, Mr. Luxton Hill of Blyth unloaded f brick or. W Y a car 0, cdeeada which he has t had teamed to the now ,cl col building at IIantilton's corner. i Mr. John Hutton loaded a car of wheat this week and received a car of flour and feed, anted • . to Miss 1tloy Cole has icN Waterloo after spend:rag a few weeks with friends here,' .The Thresher Company are having theta machwa repaired in readiness ss for the coining season, which will open very shortly, They are - hav- +:ng the engeee repairing in Clinton. Mr, John Johnstiene'has erected a 'h ter. The new fence around the cemetery. e Women's Ltstitutte deserve touch nred- it for the fnten.sat they have taken in fixing up and putting into better. shape "God's Ace ," It certainly ' shows pouch improvement since itie} took the work- in hand. Mrs, B. Mason and Miss E. Mas- on of Blyth visited friends on Pees - day. Miss :lien Yodden is now suffering from an attaok of conges4:on of the lungs. It is hoped that her reoov- ery will he speedy. Dr. Allison fell from. a cherry tree on Saturday alighting on a fence host. He received severe shaking in g p but is able to bc,about again. Hullett Township Mr. Ja.s, Brown- bought a wo-. year-old colt from Mr. Idoltand iaat. week. Mr. and;;Mrs, Andrew Flynn .print Sunday with froderlch Township iri- ends. Mr. Ed. Blake "returned to Detroit on Monday Last after spending a week at home. Mrs. D: Flynn spent a few shays last week in Seafortth, 1)s. M: Porterfield 'of Owen Sound spent the week end with his sister., Mrs: James 'Rapson. Mics Olive Po:+:erfield of Clifford has been visiting her aunt, MIrs, James Rapson, for a few weeks, Constance. Mr. W.mt Stanley and his daugh- ter,, Miss Bertha, of Holnreavidle vis- :fted the dasghtor .of the fonner, -bErn D. Tudor, last week. Miss McIntosh of South Dakota it v{shin g hes uncle 1VIr, Wm, Mclntosh. , tosh, and other friends in tied vie- nity. ' Liss Allie McRorie of Warwiok is visiting her sister, Mrs W. Bsitison. Me. Jas. Cook has ,void his house and lot to Mrs, John Britton,. Wel. inderstand eke gets possessfee ;about Aug. 1st. Plyth :friends, last week. Wingham Reeve' and Mrs. D. 13. McDonald celebrated their silver wedding anniv- ersary Saturday week, Mr. G. A. Schmidt, one of Wing - ham's young 'business men passed away last week after a few month's illness. He was in the hardware business until burned out last win- ter, His wife and three little dau- ghters surieve. Mr; Edward Bosman, an old and nttech s-espected oiteen, passed into the other world on Saitue,lay WOOS. He had farmed in Morris township for many years 'and came to reside in Wingliam in 1901. His wife 'ant' laegefamily survive. Belg rave The Woncen's :Foreign, Missionary Society of Knox•, churab c"lebrated the twenty-fifth a'nniversary': of the organization of their auxtli acy a Gott - pie of weeks ago, A very intereet inprogramns n, g was given) en co Isrtl g o, a /wort of the work of the. Past years, letters oG congratulation Isom past pesideuts now resident elsewhere, an address by Mise 'Irvine, a mis- sionary from Cj5na, nntaicai numbers, etc. Tea was afterwards served in the basement of the church. fitl— Summer Sale Dollar Shirts During our annual mid -summer sale we are showing a line o11 soft fronted shirts at a dollar that will sur- prise you. Neat pat- terns of narrow blatik and white, blueand white, and help ]lair line stripes, that will•,. make you wonder why you paid more.:: Fit' and color guaranteed. Two Pair of Sleeves With Each Shirt We are now showing a new patent shirt with two pairs of sleeves and cuffs de- tached. This` is a new idea and well worth looking inn"), splendid idea for office bus: mess men +i n d mechanics alike. Reg. $1,75 for $1.25, lien's Straw 'Hats 98c Men's straw hats, snap Brim and sailor, narrow and wide' rima to suit all tastes; all sizes, 'Reg $L50 end $2. Sale price 98e. „T OZ E a'nd BR V