HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-07-18, Page 4mionmer Goderich Town s hi Holrnesville' this c 1 The Orange lodges ofus .tort r 6 g attended the tdemonstration in + a. forth on "Friday.. 'There was a gcod- ly repvesentation and that the' lod- ges are progressing was easily evid- ent. 7dent. frons the tact of so many young men marching with the rotors: When the older men, who have stood by the banner and the prinoiple 11 represents almost their whole life time, pass oat, the Junks will be tilled by others and 'the good work Continued. The old families were well represented at the 'demonatra-' tion Cox's. C'urrie's, McOlure's, Wood's, Sturdy's, Vandefburgls's, Al- exander's, C'ooper's, l rnmerson's, Tathwell's and others. The fife and drumband of No. 145 marched at the head' of the lodge' and played through out /lie day in a spirited manner, lilt Mr. •and Mrs. R. ID. A/fannin r their i„ 1,uest, Miss Risher, and Miss Ulerk all of Clutton called upon Miss J. A.. Holmes on 'Thursday evenieg last:. Mrs, 'Carter of Brussels and Mrs, Ileo. Levis of Clentou visited Irl - ands in and about the village a cou- ple of days this week. A large number of friends and re - 1 laeives `.from hereabouts ateended the funeral. of the late Mcs. Win. len ••kips in Clinton on ,Sunday allier- noon. Miss Laura Yeo oil Detroit, : and Miss lda Twitchell of Clinton are visiting at the -home of .Ntrs.' Mulholland Ads week, Miss Hattie Courtem of Clinton is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. S. I. Whi- tee. Mess Bertha Stanley expects to Make a trip whist shorely on a visit to hee sister at. llamiota, Man., end other finds, re I The cherry crop is very light this year and as the demand is 'midi i alitthan 1 • t 1' the tree 6 the supply price runs , from one' dollar to one and a h'aif per basket. , 1t was with regret that it was ]earn l that hat lvTrs. 11 m. Colclou •ls bad 6 I two cows killed by lightening diming 'the storm on Monday, The Jervis families held their an - natal re -union at the Home of til:+• \, ,Jervis of the village one 'Tuesday evening, which took the form of a taffy pull - and ice cream }esti: al, About stele were present and a eery pleasant time was spent, Phis fam- ily can certainly muster a goodly company when they get together and are a jolly c: Iwd. I Another resident has taken up a home in our village in the person of SIr. Huston and family, who are our reeving the house lately vacated by Mr. John. Cantelon. Mr. Huston is working with Ivfr. Ladd on tins sec- tion. I Mr. James Connolly was a caller in our v ielage on Tuesday. His many friends were glad.. to see 1 im and shake 'his hand in sympathy over his recent misfortune. Work on the , new bridge on- the the Mankind :will -le pushed ahead as rapidly as possible Weston Reis. of Bayfield will build the vm- cut abutment. Ladies' Home Journal For August A splendid number, price 15c. Ladies' Home Journal Pat- terns for Aug, Price 10c and 15c. All the new- est styles. We carry a $500 stock of these Patterns. COOPER & CO. i News -Record ra Jan 1913 for 15c. Hillsgreen Al. leastn o c ITutoni n rn a was to- cessful in the Saskatchewan election last week, Mr. S. J. Latter redeem 'lig the consit:teensy of Last Moun- tain for theet l Ltb a s by a majority of hundred. four o l ndred.; MrLatter taught school near Hillsgreen, which is .his birthplace, but wont west a few years ago and went into newspaper wo-'r, MILLINERY AND DItI ssnneou mtu - II' IT'S Naar PITONE No. 78 ti's Has' READY TO 1VEArt VI's HERE IT'S New Couch COOL WELL MADE Garments Cost Stnall Sums at This Store. The coolest prettiest kind of wash dresses and skirts bear very at- tractive prices in our Ready-to-wear section and such excellent gar- ments they are just 'se carefully made as cloth clothing out, of Embey,: Gingbame, Chambrey and print etc, Princes range from $1.83 to $12.00. We are also showing new musline under wear, gowns, corset covers, princess slips, Drawers, skirits,• We are always first to show you what is NEW. NEW FANCY PARASOLS The popular India parasol in rich quality Taffetta Silk; The sea- \ sons newest colors and styles long handles $3.50. We are also showing a nice assortment of fancy ' parasols from $2.00 up. TYLE LAST CALL FOR SUMMER 1'1 IL L I N E R Y Only 15 Ladies' trimmed hats' left and we do not want to carry these over. These hats are -neatly, trim- med, Regular $5:00 and S:00 your choice only $1.50 A. good smart boywanted tc]oaruihe 3r y Goods.„ •IBUaINESS.'" Baylleld Mac. and, family, 9I is acs )-Helen and Florence and Master Jam- es Campbell's cottage for' the 'eaut- es . Campgel'i s cottage for the 'sum- Rcv. D, C. Stephens of Melbourne wit; occupy, the pulpit of St..: An- drew's church next Sunday morning and evening in the absence of ieev. A. Macfarlane, who takes the stir - vices in Seaforth.. Pile, James Trow, Mil. and Mrs. Geo. Trow, Messrs. Douglas and Arn- old and Misses Elva and Lois ":'row of Stratford, Mist C'. Trow of 13at- tie Creek, Mich,, and Miss C. Hep- burn, Mr, E. Keller and NNkr. and Mrs. D. P1, Keller of Stratford were guests at the, Commercial on Sunday. Weston Bros. have . been awarded the 'ooritract,of butslliab the cement" abutment of the new bridge on the Maitland north of Ilolmesville. Los?-Bethi-ecn Bayfici'.d and the gully last week, a beautiful brillignt bell? pin: The finder vvel? be Suit- able :s,warded. by leaving the sante with Miss B any evening between ten and eleven o'e,locic: Summerhill.Nraa LN Miss G, Murray of London is the guest of her sista, Mrs. T. J, -'Lind- say. I Mr, and Mrs, W. I1. Ball visited Goderieh friends Saturday and Sun- day, Miss Nellie Watkins of Clia:on is spending her holidays with her un- cle, Mrs. R. J. Watkins. Miss Lois Challenger ofetocle-.'ch is the guest of Miss Kate {4ovier this week, Master Frank Scott of Birr is visiting friends in the v rrtinity. Mrs. Miller of Clinton is vis'.ting at Mr, W. J. Mcidrien's. Master W. Murray of London is the guest, of bis. unite, Mr, T. L ind- say. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Lee of Clirr ion spent Sunday at the home of Mrs, D. Carvie. Mr. Wm. Brown had a bee last week putting up a piece to 515 barn and shingling it. No meeting of the Ladies' Guild will be held this month. Miss Fern Beacom is visiting Di - A. number from abgut here spine the 12th in Sealortli. Mr, and Firs- •I--1. 13. Mc'i'ittie of North Bay pain a flying visit ',o fri- ends on the lease Line last week, Mies. Vita Haywood spent last week the guest of her auntr Mrs. II . Mc- Bride Mr, and Mrs, J. Freeman 'spent Friday at the home of Mrs. J. John- ston, A number from this u ity at- tended the Westgate-Kilty: wedding in Olin:ion on Wednesday of eist week, Mr. W. Beacom has engaged with. Mr. 31 McBrien for 'a coupe 01 months. Mr. 1.. Beacons has reshingled }:art of his barn', Mr. T. Lindsay has disposed of one of his horses to Mr. C. J. Wal- lis of Clinton foe a handsome figure, Goderich Township Mrs. H. C. ' Holland of Fair View' Farm and Mrs. T. J. Flolland of Winnipeg are renewing old acc}uaint- ances'in Goderich this week, ,Mies Mantle Yuill daughter of lift. and Mrs, James Yuill, died on Sun- day at the early .' age of twenty- three years. 'Phe funeral' took place. to Maitland cemetery, on Wednesday. Varna Mr, Joseph Foster, :who has been in 1VIanitoba and Saskatchewan for several weeks, has returned to his hone in London. The annual garden par,'y uncle, the auspices of tlic, Presbyterian uhereb will be bell in McAsh's grove on. the evening of Wednesday text, These animal affairs have heretofore been highly successful and prepar- ations are leader way to make lhht of Wednesday next most enjoyable in every respect. R,ev, Thos. Davidson of St. Anne's, a former pastor of Varna and ;bake Presbyterian` churches,, was a visitor in town recently. He was. on 543 way to Bayfield, where he has a number of -cottages. Mrs. Doman has returned to her home in Walla after spending sonic time at 761e home of her father, Mr, Thos, Keys, Stanley Township Mr. and Mrs. • 11, Peck spent part of last week attending a convention, s Toronto. Mr.. and Mrs,' Win. Mo:now of +: od- erich were the guests . of. Mr. aid Mrs, Fee near Zurich on Sunday. Mr; and Mrs. Rohl:,. Armstrong have returned hone from the west after spending a fele weeks there. Mr. and Mrs.. W Wheatley of Cita-• ton. were recent visitors at do Moine of Me, and ;Mrs. L. Clarks. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie and family of Toronto called at the igonee of Mr. H. Peek on Saint:day on their way to Bayfield., • Mr. James Johnston and daughter aro tihe guests of Mr. Geo. Johnston of the Goshen Line. 31iss Maggie Clarice, has -returned to Berlin after spending a irwo Necks' holiday under the paiixital roof. The Misses 'Ada 'and Flossie :r3ing- ley of Detroit,wete week -end visitors at bke home of Mr. Wm. Taylor. Blyth, DIsaes M have i 1 Milli Bell r a y and e donated a handsome solid oak read- ing dash to Trinity church en Atone: oty of thou sistee, the late. ,Selma. C..Eell, . Clinto f Newe-Reeor4 The Day at Blyth Orange celobrah'o sheld t n at 1 Blyth Y have n invariably . bee successful, hu perhaps none mo:.3 so than that of Friday y last The weather was ideal, the' crowd large,, and it was well -dr ssed I =f ere e the 1 ed, lull,. „sled and happy. Special trains brought peo i1e from the north and •east and tit regulars others from the south a' d west. At two o'clock the line of ;march was formed in the exhibition ground and alter marching through the pe: cipal streets proceeded ?o the grow south of the town whew. the sped pug was done. County Mas;Lr Stew- art presided and addresses wet inade by Revs. Ea.r. and Croly en Messrs. Musgrove and.Bowman. The oldest Orangeman in the par- ade a ade was 1VIr. John-Sherrit$I for fifty years or 'so a resident of Blyth but now of London. Mr. Sherrill Iohr the ordea when tWen ty-one:, years age and as' s '•tine - r g a he i now v th t1' he has been an Orangeman for tt en'ty-two long years. He use yet a Live, enjoys 'ttook k 1 Y lite and a Den in- terest terest in the day's proceedings. in speaking of old) Orangemen men- tion e tion should be made of Richard iia ki t ,n o Win -ham who Mined h or- der i e the in I•roland throe -score and seven years ago. Though now of advanced age lite performs ditties which are gon orally left to much younger men. is said of this staunch-in-theefai't that. the only negular lodge .meetin he has Failed ea, attend wore(. Aho which took place while he -was cot ing out to Canada. William Cnonyri of Winglians bion an Orangeman for over halt ecu bury. George Quinn of. Blyth Lodge wit ed the order about the year 1860.. John McDonough of Maple ern Lodge, West Bruce County, has been an Orangeman fon no less than ixty• 'eight years. Iie is still in good health though not able to etteei this demonstration, William McQuillan, Deputy Count Master, acted 'as director of sere monies, bun at the meeting in the grove William Stewart, County Mas ter, presided. 'there is a cordiality in-Blyth's re ception of the visitors that is ap predated and ensures future demon strations. Mr, 5, H. Willey acted as judge and awarded the prizes. Owing'to the illness of Miss Rabb who lives at Mile, frank Metoalf's the hands all ceased playing whit the procession passed the residenne. A demonstration such as that o i •' tide } leaves a lot of mune n . y town. At many Myth homes man} friend item out-of-town were being enter- ,. Perth -County. Moukton-J. H. I-lotmes, Master. h Linwood -J. J. • ll, Crooks tiI , i eaten. • t West Bruce County, Bethel -Jos, Doupe, Mastes• Maple Grove -Chas, McDonough Master. Luoknow-Jas.: Lyons, Master: , Iltpley-lh 1VICMtileni, Master. e Rervie-W, II. Gabel, Master..: Kincardine -Thos. Clemens,' Master The Dagin Seaforth 0 Soaforth, .Jul 13th.- The larges k• c• y g. rowel that ever attended a oolhibra °' tion of any hind in Seaforthathsr c ed here on the 12 eh for the Osan'g d celebrate:on, Twenty-seven lodges vier present representing South, East an r West Huron, and North and :Soul, Perth. Al one o'clock a proeeeeio was formed and headed by the iiii ed, mens' Bawl and automnobllese .will of speakers c • and [fi is proceeded a ee eci t p e p ee 1 icto•rta Park ar where speeches wcr v rie'rivered by W. M.Fitzgerald, _Ii, W o' 0. S. Wm. Lee, M. W. G. S. Rev, Can n" on Welsh, R. 1P,, D. G. and the lova clergymen, - followed by a ;hor n programme of sports and games. n- Th following e lc lodges trete .in Or g t pro0essiou L. 0.L.No.24, .Bay . field; No. 733,,Hessall; No. 1035 Var na,No. 710.'Clinton; No, 028 Summer s- hell; No. 813, Wintheop,; No 1024, Ex It eter ; No, 198, Godorich Town h 189, Goderieh Township ;' No. 152 .meeting Bemniiica ; No, 2170, Port Albert Ales I No, 145 Godorich Township , No, 31 q- Downey ; No. 759 Stratford ; :Qo 11320, Wartburg ; No, 908, Logan' as !No. 827, llibbert ; No. 384, Carling a ford ,; No. 2509 Btb,dhagen (No. 884, Bannock; No, 51, t- : St. Marys . No. `591, Kinston ; No 707, Downey ; No. 793,Seaforth ; No ve 1702, Purple lull ; No. 248, Thorn n i dale. There were 24 fife and iron ' bands in parade also, the• Mitchel IBrass Band, Maxwell Brass Band, St ]efarys, and Stratford P'ncolo Band. The following were the prize win "' ners : L. 0. L. 2.48 Thorndale, .firs - prize: e Oldest memter '.•t parade, Franci • Boyd, 70 years L. O. L. No, 908 1.0 gan. • Best lodge in' march, L. 0. L. No ' 759, Stratford, first prize ; L. 0. L • 813, Winthrop, second ; L. 0. L. No 509, Logan third. Youngest neember'' 5 nsaetI>f, Ro Stephens, L. 0, L. No, th93, 'Wood ham, Best banner on parade, L. 0. L. lei a 518, S?. Marys i L. 0. L. No. 809 f Logan, second.' Best brass band, Mitchell t3anil, s first ; Maxwell Bandl, St. Marys, se s cond. Best 'fife and dram hand, Clinton L. 0. L. No, 710, first I; Stratford, L nR U L. No.759,second. SC Best fife player, er Thos. Rands Sea forth. Best drummer, George Patrick, The lade Seafonth. . 5 1 e of the Anglican and Methodist ciureches helped to feed the Multitude, In the ranks of Auburn Lodge were seen the familiar faces of John Mole, Sturdy and many othea•s. They are a true blue bunch. The Londesboro lodge is 0. 1(, that is it will pass inspection .in point of msembetslilp, attendance at meetings, interest in the pnoceeltags and an ,ever present desi'►3 to I ro- inote the principles of •Orangeism. It has been growing 'apace for years and wh'ie in the membership there is a goodly sprinkling of the older heads, ' the younger+ element pre10-n- mates and there is thus progressive- ness, : Matt Bruce is master and a Poptularone he is too. The 5 g drummer on Friday was Wallace AI - lin, wi,Si . George McVittie as fifer and William Jenkins as snare !rum - men, They were a credit to the lodge, . indeed there wasn't a bolter life and drum aggregation in the line 0f march, And the supply of drummers seems likely to last. hor instance, 11 lite Billy: Hesk,' a young- aIim of about ;fifteen years, gave an exhibition of his skill up in the grove and even old timers crowded in to say, "Well done, Biky," Marry Freeman marched wi{th the Londesboro brethren as lie has himen doing these very many years past. Harry first rode the Orange boat in the old lodge room on the eecond eon. of Jluillet1. •Ile was one of the charter members and it was not un - [1,1 the lodge •surondcredits charter that he threw in his lot with 7_on- clesboro. harry is gedting along as years count, but his interes,! in the order• will never grow less. No man in the parade could t}p the scales On genial 'Matt Mains of Lon- desboro, an ex-Counity Master. Matt Weighs well on to three hundred pounds but bo "stayed with .the boys" from. start to finish and look- ed as spry as any of them when the day's _proceectings were at+ an Ind. Rcv. T. H. 'Parer of Blyth witnessed the procesron from a sunn3', street rorner arid from the many, greetings he'received from ?he: marchers it could only be inferred that he, has 'a large' personal acquaintance smang the brethren and that they esteem him highly. Ile is a member of the .ogrder and made a neat llttl'e epeech of. welcome le the grove, The Winghanr lodge won two prie,. es, one for:, being the ,best -dressed and the other for having Ibe largest membership in the parade. The Bei - fast lodge woh for best banner. Maple Grove Lodge, three . •niles from Lueknow, with a membership of fifty-two, is the second largest lod- go in West Bcaee Bethel, near Kin- cardine, conic first. The lodges in the march were : Watvanosh District. Beifaste-Samuel 'Thompson; Master. Dungannon --Joist Johnsc4yne, Maste.0 Nile --D • Seguss, Masten. Grey D, trice; Walton -Neil McNeil, Master. Brfassels-A. Cochrane Master. Ethel -S. S. Cole, Master, Titrnbarry District. Wingham-J.' W. McKibbon, Master, ' B9'uevale-Arthur Wheeler,' blaster. Morris -A. Bridges,' Master. , ie Motri's. Dlstt t Londesboro-bl 'Bruce, Mester: Blyth -H, Robinson, blaster. Auburn -R. Snell, master, flelgxave-R. Owens, Master. Exeter Ruv. E. (4. Powell has purchased at imported Welsh pony. • The 'merchants of own are ohsecv ing 'Thursday as a Salt holiday der ing July and August. Mr. T.1:. Iiandiorcl and his tlas, of young men took charge of the church services at Grand Bond of Sunday. The Rev, Colin Fletcher, the es• teemed pastor of Thames Road chute! had a narrow escape during bhe storm at-llcgine, where he lsappenec to be. He had been calling on tri ends and leaving one house whicl 'was partially destroyed he had just entered into the only house in tht S'irmediate vicinity which was unin jured. To Strengthen Weak Nerves THE BLOOD SUPPLY MUST BE MADE RICH, RED AND PURE When yon build up the blood you strengthen the nerves, because the nerves get the* food through the blood. You cannot reach the nerves with medicine except. through the blood• --this is a great medical truth few people realize. Nervous people are pale people. They are nervous i'ecanse they are pale. The blood is so thin and watery that it cannot nourish„ elle nerves. Starved net Yes mean sciatica, neuralgia, nervous prostration paralysis. Dr, Williams' Pink fills for Pale People ere a real nerve tonic. They supply plenty of nourishing red blood. to the exhausted nerves, thus enabl- ing them to do the work nature in- tended they should do. This 5s the simple secret of the success of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in curing nerve troubles. ` As to their valuein cases of sciatica, Mrs, Job Palmer, Fene lou Falls, Ont,, says; "For seven weeks I suffered untold agony from sciatica.I tried everything to ease the pain, but it steadily grew worse.. Liniments had no more effects upon the trouble then water. Then; the doctor told Ane to apply a hot iron to the afflicted part and I did so morrfin,g• after morning. but my leg had become so numb with the pain .that I could hardly feel the heat of the iron, I never expected to be able to walk again myleg was so drawn' up, I had tried so many things that I bad given up hope, yet at the erg• ing of nay brother I decided t try' Dr. Williams" Pink Pills.' To my surprise in two weeks I was able to stand on my feet with but little pain, and soon after I was able to walk about again. I continued tak. }lig the Pills for about two months, but sometime before I discontinued their use my leg had become normal again, and the agony of the trouble had disappeared, and I }lave not since bad a twinge of it. ' Words fail to express my gratitude for what the Pills did for rue and I must strong- ly recommend; theta to all :sufferers from sciaticavL The every day mission .of br. Wil liiune Pink Pills ie to cure cases like the above, and they will not disap- point if given e. fair trial Sold by alk' medietne:dealers;m`,by mail at 30 cents a box or six bones for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock ville, Ont. News -Record 10 Jan, 7813-25e. July I8th,1912 I! e n i ) e t e - 3 _ 8 _NiTUHE t • Y - e ' --Only. "or`811,75. 1 -only and oven 1 -only 1. -second' order 1 -only Snap in Hot Weather Stoves, WEATHER -ATS '2 Burner ideal 2' complete: 2 wick oil y wick hand was $14.00 rocker churn; granite Regular Hamm Regular Harland gasoline But nor Regular stove Detroit for: 54,75, preserving .45 ,00 ,0.5 .75 5190 Deka 9;2 " 2,50 Hardware SPECIALTIES I PECIR(.10WR P ICES •--XN?t___. 1 powerfull 'Regular and Novelties !ES_ gat Ito ul515.00 Burnet' 53.25 for oven in good. stove w+ih_warmin oven, i gasoline stove with one extra 510.00 for 57,75. extension bop with 3 holes. San gasoline stove 3 Burner Regular 54.00 for 52.00. kettles while they last, cents for .20 cents :42 " ,49 " , " ,55 " " .08 ", 00 or 91.75 " 2,15 Bros. and 1 ire spE.NAL !RN n n aai sAi—iiii of AND VERANDAH FURNITURE . Verandah Curtains Verandah Mattings The season same, Come is short so;we havewade our profits the early and get first choice. The Store' Phone 28 °W. Y j/ Waiker Fu niture r Dealer and. Undertaker t Resdence Phone 140 mar a • Yon a•11a=11a01 Run 1Jo Risk We guarantee they are ALL as regards We have confidence in our our WATCHES as the result of long EXPERIENCE. them because RIGHT both QUALITY AND PRICE. Let Us Show You Them. -. W. Jeweler, ISSUER 1 R. COUNTER Clinton OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. law sr_IIMINIIIMMIlly `mmor.•••A WEDDING BUY Your A Beautiful Article offer you a fine Roman Chairs, Hanging Mirrors, For the floor we have Brussels, Dominion EVERY J. H. CHELLEW7 FREE AUTO friend of collection Library Ball Smyrna;, and article DELIVERY PRESENTS something USEFidL as well as ornamental. Furniture is the correct thing to huy. We of Fancy Chairs, Roll Seat; Rockers, Chairs. Sneaking Chairs, Couches, Stands, Parlor Tables, Music Cabinets, Wilton and Axminster Bugs, Velvet Squares. marked at QUICK SALE Prices, BLYTH PHONES 7 and 8 N ATI Is a little any more S. N CEMi the for J • A LP® R°TLAN ENT D charge g just in. VV' . best going,' but we don't it, A fresh darload INIIIIar_iM ANDRE - TO ANY of NEW SUBSCRIBER u —WILL IN 13E CANADA SENT-- THE a NEWS -RECORD --- . e