HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-07-18, Page 3a a eisar o . NEW NORIIIERN RAILWAY . died • . to s ,sane new ing • here. tern tory. s Ontario, and <spectators was proved Railvsay's real. , in ard'a tes near an, • mg. through vestigate phones THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH ..--- ./r OVER HAPPENINGS FROM AU, - .:‘ Tlin' 'GLOBE IN. A ' tatrrsittLi. Canth the Warta ada, e -Empire and . - ina.General Before Your Eyes. •CANADA. . .. , , Jud e • ahaffff f Bracebrisige g l'ig a. 0 in .England.• a , . . a' pores' ef A mericantaare flocking farms in Essex county. a.. . .... • , . . Tne crops an aaskatchewan are in lendid condition. - PThe Whitby h 't 1 f • y ' ospaa or the 111- will be a mod 1 1 ' e say um. . Nearly $33 000 as 'ati d f • the . , , w 1 -se - et Y.W.C.A. buildin'g at Berlin. Lainbthn county farmers are mak-- big strides in scientific ag ,i ul 1 c - The latest crop reports from - • P Wes Canada are highly satisfae- . A factory watchman at Hanover, fell slown an elevator shaft was fatally injured. An airship dropped on ascrowd of in Winnipeg. No one• seriously injured.Potatoes-Oat The Dominion Railwa,y Board .a.p- the ' Canadian Northern tunnel scheme in Mont- • Seeen hundred Indians took, part the celebration of Bishop Gr011- golden anniversary -an Albers A sevenassonthsaold girl living Galt has two grandmothers . ' . 0 tour great-grandmothers hy- The Provincial Government Hon. I. B. Lucas will in- public ownership of tele- in Britain. - . ... fint SYDNEY LEE. ' . si„,,n.e , . . who • wrote e hfe y lac, • , th , of Kiog Edward,hae ever shown himself nossessed of great' ment g 4 . . , E PRIC S OF FARM PRO Oc • • . 1 1 REPO RI% TRADE T S 'DOMI ION IS BUILDING I • . Ed Manton Will Be Given Connections With Hudson • ' Bay and the , North. « ..... , g hie even hed the fortis e°llea-e. • • tude to *imp his name, which was •Solornop Latarus, on, being advised that it 'would be imposeible for. him r ROM THE LEADING CENTRE 'OP ERICA. a Am . PrIoseor cattle, °yam mane End Othot • 'engem, ;.. Six Months' Record in Twenty -Seven Cities ---Galt cif Twerity-Eio'ht. Per Cent.2. . A despatch from Edmonton says: Financed by British capitalists of , international repute, holding a Fed- - eral charter, which provides for 1,- 800 miles of new railway earistrues tiop giving Canada a new transcon: ' linentalline, with Fort Churchill on the east apd Port Essington on 'the West as terminals, asnd .eonnecting Edmonton with Lac la Riche, Fort MeMurray and Lake Athabasca, the Northern Territorial Railway will oOMMenee a survey of its route . from Edmonton north-easterly , le thescourse of the next few days, and before the close of the.- seasSin a start will probably be made on the actual, constructioa of the grade. i . - • io The corporation. s • capitalized , . . - $40,000,000,' end erider the charter, which was' granted bY the Dentin- ion Parliament at its last, session,' • . • ,t,,,d has bonding powers amounting $40,000 per mile. The length of this new transcontinental from the coaet to Port Churchill 'will be 1,450 miles. to suec ed in literary 'work With ,a, - a . n.ame .liko that, After a most' di tinguished weer at the City oz London School end Balliol College, • he became, assistant editor of • taa "Dictionary 'of National Negro.- phy " and is now editor of that ins 7 ' . , ., ' portant publication' Amongst the' offices he holda are Fellow of the ,' • ' ' tr of the tartish Academy, Regis ar Literary'a, r • po ' ding Royal und, oo Les n 'member of the. Ma,ssachusetts Hi- ,. • d i 111 ;:, e tenni Society, an cha i an f the t As Shakespeare's Birthplace Tres . literary subjects he a lecturer en-- . h ' F is held in high este.ere both in mg- land and America, and he has re- . . ,, , . ceived an nonoraay degree from . • Moochester Manche ter Thuversity. ' Sir Lee . as ma S' • SydneyL hwritten many . books and is a great authority on . . , - Shakespeare, but nene of his works bas created so much interest or at- tion as his latest biography. tenToronto, at moms an 4 ' BREADSTUPPS. . ,, Toronto, July 16.-Elour-Wfater 'wheat, 90 per sent; Detente. 34.16 to $4.20, at sea. board, and at 34.20 to 34.26 for home con. sumption. Manitoba flours-Eirst patents, $ane, Second. patent,, 35.20, and strong bakers', 35, .on trackToronto. , , ' 3/ranee-se vaaat-tro. 1 osortaern, gla 12 1.2, Bay ports; No. 2 at 31.09 1-2, and No. 31 at 31.05, 0Bay forts. Peed wheat bY 32 sagit:i!ilvt)(„4„:.Na32' Iftt:, red and mix. • ' w ' ed, 31.04, outside. Peae—Purely nominal: .. _ uats-Oar lots of No. 2 Ontario, 46e, and No. 3 at 45o, on track, Toronto. No, 1 extra W Q feed 48c Be4, ports and ao W. _. „ , • 1 at 47e, BaY P0250' • Barley -Prices nominal. oorn-See, 3 American yellow. 760, on traok, Bay ports, and at 79o, Toronto. E5,,,,,i0e,, now.juat. . al. ' " Buckwheat-Prie-es nominf Bran -Manitoba bran 922 ' in. bags To.. .. • , , ronto freight, Shorts, $24. ' _ COUNTRY PRODUCE.' . ., . Beans-Handmielted, 33 per 'bushel; primes, $2,65 10 32.75. Honey -Extracted. in ,tios, 11 'be 12e per Iblialaneas:-M501 that, 11.5"tolf6 don eti,11:ack . Y • ' • ' ' No. 2 at $11 to $12, and mixed - clover at $9. despatch from Toronto says: According to reports froofficial from official sources compiled by The Contract Record the building o erat'ons in g p i twenty-seven Canadian' pities for the first half of 1912 aggregated $69583 674 tw t • ht ' t i P / ' en y-eig per min . More than' for the 'same • period in 1911. As illustrating the steady • +I•• g +I + "" ' , pow- of ...le country sae jOurnal' • ' ' • . • points to the fact that the buildings erected in 1911 exceeded in value those of 1910 by 20 per cents The b 'kr us ings for the month of June alone r r e ' - iture epaas nted a n expend i (n.' $17,645,7,09, as compared with $12,346,906 in June, 1911. m J. t • •1 ' 1 ' oron o is in the ead wit i a six_ months' yecord of $13,195,271 Win- • _ nipeg's figures are $11,205,600. Y an - wiry . •ti of es el, wi 1 an expenditure 0 tpuo,^81. 132,720, is $65,000 ahead of Mont- real, and Edmonton is net far be- hind with $ 2 d 7,7 5,622. Edmonton's. showed 'a gain of 278 per cent, Brantford' 133, Pert William 139 Port Arthur 124, Nelson 118. ' • • • 1. The building setuins for s . months of 1912 and the seme 'perio< of '1911 are as follows 1- 1912 1511 • Toronto • 315,195,271 311,939,9,3 Y.f.lenitaa • ••••• ... 11,200,600 vase Y 1100UVOr .... .... t 8,132,720 9,191,52 Montreal •... 8,065,993 7,306,15 Elarrantotrom. .... .... .,,, zgo It.01,,v Hamilton .., , , • • • • 2,145,609 2,246,78 Regina .... -. 2,549,770 2,936,93 Ottawie..... „.. ,•..„ 2,120,000 1,393,37 eon wino= .... ,,, 1,743,425 750.57 sartisolliseuysi .w. was MI is' 'a 9 Leetnbrior .n.1.3. r••••.: :: 719:34 628:95 Port Arthur .... 700 994 312,90 13 657'230 22 ro,ntford .... .•, . , 20 .,,i London . .... .., - 609 598 458 4., r''' '''" ' ' Windsor .... .... ..„435,830 396,79 St lioniface .... .... 396,530 467,80 Berlin .,.. .....„, - 332,050 242,98 x h 315 950 211 to Sydney .... .... 254,616 202,05 Klagetha •••• •••• --• 224'090 MI Nelson .„. .-. .... 198,016 95,70 . 111,,,\•11.11,42.11.46,416,1b4eilkoeh • H ALTH , E 1 eseessassaageseoreessersesseasese , "Green vegetables are chiellY , • , 1 used because of the mineral sa, ts which they convey to the System in a natural form. For this reason. • they should be cooked by a stealsong pthcess, ai the French do, and not boiled when their valuable saline • ' s ,, copstnuents are ost. • a BRUISES. 'A bruise or contusion is an injury to the soft tissues beneath the skin, when the skin itself is 'notsbrokee. The discoloration that attends a bruise is caused by blood escaping from the -ruptured blood -vessels tont filtering into the tissues. A bruise may be trifling or serious; there may be only the smallest su- perecial discoloratien of the skin, or•there may be large collections of blood in the cavities of the body. - Some people braise so readily that they are quite unable to account for large black bruises that appear on the surface of their bodies. Also parts of the body bruise more readily than others. That is the case with the sides of the chest, and with the orbit of the eye, as seen in the very -conunon "black eye." A- severe bruise is accompanied not only by discoloration, but by pain, tenderness and local swelling, and in some cases by THREE NEW LEPERS. , Now 22 Inmates of the Lazaretto . in New Brunswick. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Director -General of Public lieattle Dr, F. Montizarnbert, re- ports that tfir•ee new oases of. lep- rosy were admitted to the Leper Lazaretto. at Tracadia, N.B., dur- ing the year, and one death occur- red. According to him. there are at this date• twenty-two patieuts theta, twelve males and ten females. Eighteen are of French Acadian ori- gin, two of English, one of Icelan- die and one of Russian origin. The Minister of Agriculture sanctioned the gift of a small organ for the use of the patients to relieve the mono- tony of their lives. The Leper Laz- aretto at Darcy Island, B. C., Las not been occupied by any leper eine° the last one was deported, Previ- ous to this year. a Baled' straw -Good straw, 310 to 310,50, ekpenditure shows the re . markable Stratford .... ..,. 202,791 63,59 gain et 376 ough ..., ..... 148158 186.78 Stratford Petabal• on track, moronth. lots of Ontarlos, in bags, per cent. - , '7 !y / l, $1.40, and. Delawares at 31.60. Poultry -Wholesale prim of choice dressed poultry. Chickens, 15 to 17o per lb.; fowl, 11 to 12o; turkeys, 18 to 19o. Live b e. poultry, about 2o lower then the a ov 411141,4011.11011,116.1,WdWISAtiloirif wear off the streets in the mornim , hours. ' .1._._ a4. ? ', • — i ' a " 4,• e • • RUTTER. EGGS, CHEESE, Butter -Dairy, choice, 23 to 24c; bakers', 2 inferior, 19 to 0; creamery, 27 to no for rolls, and 26for solids. o Eggs -New -laid, 24o, per dozen, and of fresh at 22 to 23o, • Oheese-New cheese, 14 to 14 1-2o per lb. — ROG PRODUCTS. Bacon -Long clear, 14 to 14 1-4c per lb,. in case lots. Pork -Short. cut, $24 th $25; do.. mess, 320.60 to 321. ilams-Medium to light, 17-21to 18c; heavy. 165.5 to 17o; rolls, 13 to 13 14o; breakfast bacon, 261'20: backs, 20 to 21c, Lard -Tierces, 103'4s; tubs, 15e; polls, 14 1.20. — MONTREAL MARKETS. . Montreal, July 16.-Onts-Canadian West. ern, No. 2, 48 to 481-2e; do., No. 3, 47 to 47 1.2c; do., extra N. 1 feed, 48 to 48 1.2c. narley-Man. feed, 64/-2 to 630; do., resit• ing, 31.05 to 31.07. Flour --Man. Spring • • • . Fashion Hints THE FEDERAL REVENUE. . — For First Three Months of Tear thi •Wibino...quitteewove.Au...eveoton•fil Gain Exceeds $8,000,000 MIDSUMIVIER HATS. A despatch from Ottawa says The financial statement for the firs Modish summer hats are of all three months of the fiscal year shapes encl. sizes, a,nd the more cc- closing on June 30, shows total re centric the aririneing the better is ceipts of $37,838,11,0, as -compare( ray lady pleased. Towering heights with $29,239,646 for the same. p02101some continue in favor as do also the per- last year. For the month of Jun, featly flat trimmings; there is no in-• alone, the receipts were $13,181,17, ,between. Elaborate foundations aa compared with $10,606,205 a mark an important feature in lash- June, 1911. The big increase a ionable millinery and for this rea- practically all due to increased cue son trimmings are scant, but let it toms collections. The total expen, be understood they are by no means diture for the three months, so fa: GREATBRITAIN. The King went down a coal mine, and wielded a pick. The Wimbledon Cup was won by an Irish marksman, The reproduction of Elizabetha,n scenes and pageantry at the exhi- bill -on in London was . a brilliant auccess. The British Foreign Office has communicated to the United States Government Canada's proposed eb- jections to the Panama Canal regu- latiops. Sixty-five, including three Gov- ernment inspectors, were killed by an explosion sn the Cadeby colliery, Yorkshire. It is feared that the num ei omay tette . b • f dead • • h 80 Sir Sidney Lee. wheat patents, firsts, $5.80; do., seconds, 35.30; do., strong bakers', $5.10; do., Win- ter patents. choice, 35.40 to 35.50; do., simple or inexpensive. Some of as accounted for at the end of June the ernaments that decorate simple was $12,481,931, as compared will looking hats into figures. severe shock sn.d mental depression. The doc- 'or's treatment is directed to limit- A the escape of blood. If he sees. ;he patient soon after the accident se applies elastic pressure to the .njured. part, and gives it a gentle Later on he uses. a more rigorous rigorous form of kneading massage ;hat would have been useless, and oven harmail, at first. Byer if a bruise is not seen by he doctor until swelling• has already et in, in, the application of the elastic ianslage is useful, for it tends to Wye the effused blood away from he injured part, arid send it back nto the general circulation. If -here must be delay in the applica- ion of the bandage, the interval is iest fillea by gentle bathing with old water. Warm water is often ised, but that is a mistake, for al hough warm water may relieve the oain, it will not check the bleeding -quite the contrary, in fact. B.e- aember that blood in the tissues is aatthr out of place and' any treat- , met that invites it Must be wrong. In some very severe caces so much aped may have collected that ab- orption is very slow. Time and rouble can often be, saved by tap- ingWe 1 tie bruise with a, hollow eedle; but that is .of course a mat- sr for the physician to decide. - Outh's Companiot. -- V110411,911'6011,11,9111~1.410 Young0 . • eaesoseesseseeseastaseaseases "FOR A PRESENT." The children in Miss little new schoolro m liked the' - e n as they saw her. Her as soo . . was Flora Annie Pine. At .1e, 8 , , i showed the gees a new s . , that was 60 annising tney played da for weeks afterward. evert YMexican When it was time to go . walked Miss Ware to Flora street with her. The little • 11 h snto the house th te her the the chool .1. aethe nicest she • v And the Flora ever been in. i n nie hurried to put baby brother . , to his carriage, to give him . . ' ing in the near -by park, mother could have a la little a while baby brother Afer - s . asleep, and Flora Annte sat on a perk ben ch to rest. She been thinking very . hard ' . thing she had eat in h h •d ' ,l'ene . girls are all making something Miss Ware" the girl had Inc' . "To -morrow • ' hex birthday, ehe does not like to have us anything, so we are all making S Ware's gir I name recess game . , ., it home, A • ' nnit s girl ran -mothern had An -Thursday , na- an air- so that rest . fell down had about h 1 isc <so . said. and buy her her Defending the lines on which he wrote this article, Ile says: "Sever- al moths before Kine Edard's nw death the present supplentent to the Dictionary was under weight, and • • I should have been gravely injuring • a great national undertaking had 1 contented If •t1 f t 1 lsssia.Yse Majesty,\V Ia Pev 'Pi° ° '3' life °` sale which, by straight rollers, 34.95 to 35.05; do.. straight rollers bags, $2.40 to 92.45. Rolled oats- B eln% $4 91; do bags, 90 lbs. 92.32 1-21911 • Ban -$21. . Short's-326.Middlings-327, Mouillie-$30 to 334. Hay -No. 2, per ton, egramik tao"ntsVado.e,heeaeaVnisn,eR12 37Bestto. 12 5-80. Butter -Choicest creamery, 255.2 to 25 3.4c; do., seconds, 24 3.4 to 2514c. Eggs -Selected, 25 do 26c. No. 2 stook, 16 to 1.60. Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, 31.60 t'a el'''.•crea,m -UNITED STATES MARKETS. ;Minneapolis, :rule 16.-Wheat-julY: 31. ran well $8 935,732 for the like period ix , ' , mare piusnage and costly flowers In addition there have beer dinto' r • ' ' ' an laces are made g eysing expenditures chargeable to capita: ornaments that perch high at the account, amounting • to $1,533,920. side or front of the crown. One of the smartest shapes rec- as against $2,303,730 for the firsi three months of 1911. During th< 1 b h f• ent y roug t 011t Or midsummer is first quarter of the fiscal year, tin ' of soft ta 1 with tl ga wi se crown deep debt has been decreased by $0,021, - color and the brine faced with 138, as compared with $3,739,960 foi sapphire blue velvet. The trimming the same period last year. • Consists of a huge aigrette resting ' stereotyping empty echoes, would have fallen below the only just his- toric and biographic standard." "The Dictionary," adds Sir Sid- „. . . ney, is oesigned for the future use of scholare. - For the historian mere ly to accept the .cuerent estimate when thorough investigation of the facts fails ,to justify it would b e . dishonestrand I am happy to think that my reputation is quite secure 0 that head." ° as_aal,the . 96 1-2.. September, 31.01 141 to $1.01 1.4, De. ember, $1.02 1.8; No. 1 hard, $1,09 1.2; No. I Northern, 35.083-4 to $1,09; No, 2 North. ern 31.07 to 31 07 1.2. No. 3 yellow cora. 1.. 70 ,,e 72c. No. :3 white oats, 47 to 47 1.2. No. 2 rye, 68 to 70c. Bran. $20.50 to 321.00. Flour, first patents. 515,20 to 495.45; second patents, 34.90 to $6,15; first clears, 33.60 re 03.65; second clears, 32.50 to 32,80. Buffalo, July e e vheat No 1 16.-S tin- '113 'W . l'k:r there, mamas. store, 3 . ; inter, No. 2 red, $1.13; No. 3 red, 31.12; No. 2 white, 31.16. Corn, No. 3 yellow, 76e; No. 4 yellow. 76 1.4e; No. 3 corn, 75 3-4 to 76 1-4c; No. 4 corn, 74 14 th 74 Mc, all on track through billed. Oats, No. 2 white, 521.2o; No. 3 white, 51 1,20; No. 4 loate, 13 1.2e, directly . . la front and tot • venlig many inches above th to f tl. ,. . e p o . am rather nigh crown, This model is worn like all hat th• 'tlbrim s is year wi i the 11 • the f h • d d temples we over e ore ea an and pushing the hair over the ears d 'fcheek.Af an upper part e the te II ' • 'd d d th - d h• a is Sal an one e gum c ic of the seaeon's hats is the trimming _, eh th ie b ' i re ‘ e- or ., e a wing, a, g tee spray of flowers or bow of ribbon, pose H111S jus a e tbe• t abright DA.RING IHILD-UP. Manand Weil Attakll Roof . I en e el by flans in Montreal. • A despatch from Montreal says1 FiVe' burly ruffians, believed to be , foreigners. one armed with a shot- gun an two d t ' I carrying revo vers, held up Thomas Finn of Blue Bon- nets and Miss Grace Brown ol Montreal on Sherbrooke Street on GENERAtt: o• owner Mascagni, the composer, . eloped with a chorus girl. The orees drove ie Th Federal f tl insurgents from Sam. • . Strike riote broke out at Zenon, • Switzerland, and the troops were called 'Jut T1 PortugueseP 1. tclosed' le ar 'amen its session to cries of "Long bye the Republic," The Royalist forces • make no headway in Northern Portugal. The rising appears to be fizzling out. George Goulding of Toronto won the 10.000 metres welkin cham ion - . : . , . g P . snip in the Oiympie games at Stook - holm . • ------a— WIVES AND BABIES STARVING — I • lerrible Results of the London Transport Workers' Strike. A despatch from London, Eng- land, says: The distress due to the transport workers' strike has be- come keenest in Westham, where there is a population of 187,000, the majority of whom under norma) conditions are below the poverty line. In such a district as this the nip of the strike is felt immediate- ly and there are now some hundreds of men, women and children literal- ly starving. Thousands of men are out of work, who have received on an average $6 of strike pay since the strike began. The pawnshops are filled with; pledges and the Pawnbrokers refuse further at)- trances. , The landlords have given up hope of collecting rents. Forte -the nately the children of school age are supplied -with two meals daily, but there is no food for the young- er children and the mothers. 4, , - ST. JOWL HARBOR WORK, Hon. W. T. White Pressed the But- feu 10 presence or Thoug.tudg., . ' A despatch from St. John, N.B., says : In the presence of thousands of spectators, Hon. W. White, Min- /der of Finance, on Thursday offici- all d the 1 b d 1 y opene • e tar or eve opment eperations at Courtnay I3ay, touch- ing an electric button,' which ex- plocled a great charge of dynamite a EOM) clistance away, tearing ors a section of hill which has th be re- moved.' Thegreat crowd cheered . when the explosion came, and — LIVE STOOK M_ARKETS. Montreal, July 16. -The top price for best steers waS $7, and the lower grades from that down to $5 per cwt. Prices of butchers' cows ranged from 33.50 to 35.50 per cwt.; tuns sold at 33.00 to $3.50 per owt. Sheep sold at $4.00 to $4.50 per cwt., and lambs '''etere6'rnmait:a16.1.,,aa als1,-00 sg,aassofessT,Yal te size and quality. Hogs sold at 38.49 tes4.0.6Litnalntoxisfitol:11, as low as $8,25 per g r ' Toronto, Ju y 16. -Cattle - uxportere.nn hefee, .97,90 to $8; bulls, $9.50 to 33.25; ° s sows. 6 to $5.25. Butcher -Choice, $7 to Sam; medium, 36.50 to 36.90; cows, 35 1,o 1115.,; ggveg:Zre"16)1)--alt:t7.8e1aseltharrrirrie 11(i'' at 84 to $4.50; heavy, $3, to 34; whirr lambs, steady, at 37.75 to 38.50. Hogs- Selects, 37.60 f.o.b., and 37.85 'fed and %vat. ere& •P angle and very stiff or the effect is spoiled.Th • • 1 e more sevele y . - -: dress, coat or .hat outlines the fig- ure the mstylish "t " A ore i is. s one ,, ., , authority expressed it, "Skirts should fit the body as feathers cover the bird, and the fitting should be just as close and just as neat." The tufts of flowers, feathers or ribbons that deft '11' • •• meis are making ale all called aigrettes for the reason that all these stunning little con- ceits resemble in shape the natural aigrette, and all ale posed very high and with a straight up and down cent TI 't I t f er. le pm c us ers o small flowers arraneed so close to - night. Finn. was knocked d own and held by three of the gang, while the other two dragged the girl into a silent on the sid f th - Y e. ° a road. The screams of the girl and the shouts of Finn for assistance attracted the attention of a couple of men who came along the road in an . automobile a few minutes later. When the automobile rushed u 1 the p tF n p o .s o where i n Nvasbe- ing held the three Italians fled to - wards the shanty to whidh the girl had been dragged. They gave the alarm to their cempamone, who were struggling with the girl, and the five escaped through the fields towards Montreal West. HEALTH AND FOOD. The en -wisdom of eating too ranch alt is empjhasizes1 by Dr. Alexans er. Bryce in "The'Laws of Life and [ealth." "Spices and condiments no nutritive yalue," he rite, "but are used as relishes, nd are sepposed to aid digestion y stimulating the organs to pbur trth more gastric fluids. But as iis is chiefly mucus they do more item thaa goad. They are also pro- active of many cases of chronic ca- trrh of the throat, on account of mir local irritant qualnies, " B•ealth canhot be maintained itheut a due proportion of miner- i Etas in our food, but the only ae which :seed be . added to our lily menu i$ salt, co' chl.oride of diem, This is coritineed in all ie fluids and tissues of the body, lying relish to the 'food and ins- roves the appetite. Most .of. us ie inclined . to add too much salt , our food after cooking, and pro- tblY ten times toe much is already Med during the process. • "Where any special mineral in- xxlient is required by the system may be more agreeable taken in le form of food.. .For examples od is found in prunes, apples, let- ice, figs, beans, peas, potatoes, as- 'rages and cabbage; phosphorus [ beans, peas, rice; chrorine, in ilk, lentils, asparagus and cab- wee sodium in lentils, figs and loaragus; potasSium in beans, len- Es, pes,Fs and potatoes. . something, instead," , • Flora Annie wished that she had known about the gifts 'sooner ; she would have liked th make Miss Ware a bag a-nd. embroidealer initials on it. She knew how, and she had made -herself one with her own ini- tials—"F.A.P."--on it.' In her own sewing -basket she had many pretty remnants of silk. Flora Annie mused 'regretfully on the park bench;' and she was still thinking theta Miss 'Ware's 'birth- day when she went to her Tittle bed- room at night. As she opened her bureau &ewer to fold away her hair ribbon, her glance fell on the bag she had made. She took it out and looked at the initials, "F.A.P." Just a plain bag without her rnonograan would have been suitable to give Inc a present. "For a present." she re- peated otit keel, and suddenly she broke into a laugh. When Miss Ware's birthday came, what most surprised and pleased -her was a pink silk, bag that was given taller by her little new pupil. It containedsa note that said that Flora Annie would have liked to make her a brand-new bag., but slid not have time.. Sie hoped when Miss Ware saw" -the mitiale• "F.A..- P.," that she svonld thinkofthem as meaning "Fog a Present" from her loving Flora Annie Pine. a All this happened a longtime ago5. but to this day Miss Ware keeps her handkerchiefs in Flora Annie Pine's Folk bag.—Youth's Companion. speeches were made by Hon. Mr. White; Hon. J. D. Reid, Mi' t ms er of Customs; Hon, Wm. Pu sley, M.P., ex -Minister of Public Works; L.01:+. i t -Gov. Woods, Pr • FIem- miner i ems . mg, Geo, W. Fowler, M.P. ___,I, IMPROVE VICTORIA HARBOR. , -0 . ___;•—: ar vernment will spend a Million on the Pacific Port. - A despatch from Ottawa. says • It • is understood that the Governme•nt has decided to call for tenders in near future for the c,onetruction of important harbor improvements at Victoria, B.C. The work will probably cost over a million dollars, The contemplated improvements PLAGUE AT SANTIO. AG • — Steps Taken to Bid the Cuban City of Mits. A despatch from Washington says: The plague alarm has reach- ed Santiago, Cuba, according to ad- vices to the State Department on Thursday. One case t <I f . , suspec e o being the plague, was found in the busine•ss section on Wednesday, and the diecovexy of the suspect caused great excitement. Energetic mea- sures have been taken for cleaning the entire city and exterminating the rats, A house to house cam- paign of 'elimination ha.s been in- augurated, gether that the vivid colors merge in the most fascinating manner, are among the smart orn,aments that • decorate all kinds of millinery. When employed on jig shapes, the cluster is proportionately large. -- TAN SHOES IN VOGUE. . Tan -shoes are again in fashion. That light putty color which was so much in faehlon in France last win- ter ad which one feared would be- come fashionable here is tovtunate- ly missing. All the Russian tans are 'used in pumps, in Oxfords, and in two -.eyelet ties. ' Beeklea still take precedence over 'ribbons , ex. t in the Oxfords cepxors aon pumps, „.., sass. e THREE SHOT IN RIOT. — Trouble at Toledo Between Non - Unionists and Strikers. A despatch from Toledo, Ohio, say.s : Three men were shot, two seriously, and one was severely hurt by a throNvn brick on Thursday night, in a riot between non-union teamsters, strikers and sympathiz- ers of the latter in front of one of the stables of a -trucking firm, whose men are on a strike. The police have made more then fifteen arrests. The injured men have been tokent hospitals, o -- a will do much to increase the enema ' tatthe of Victoria as a Pacific port. • ------- --- 11. ' . . 1103111 -THROWING TUBES. 4' ' BEEF FAMINE TN LONDON. _. • • plum, etially t PieceRises. m , . , Due .o True, a wide number of women • less hued buckle prefer the more co. e , on their pumPs, but you will notice that the well dressed woman who Flogging in the Army was totally • d h a,bolsehe more t an thirty years ago.; OPERA.TOR'S DEATH. - , --- , ' . Tragic End of a Vancouver Tele- phone Girl. A despatob from Vancouver says: . d ' ' I fA Tho second since e o the week by a dT young woman occurre early on . Thursday morning, when Miss.Olive Smithaaged about eighteen, died in the 'city, ambulance on . the, way to the hospital. She had taken ear- belie stead, and' her groans were heard . by other roomers •in the hense where she was, staying, Ac- cording to witnesses at the inquest , on the body of Miss Maud Harrisonti who took her life two days ago by gas -poisoning, she was suffering mental tertere -because a telephone subscriber had sworn at her over the telephone in the Bayview Ex- change, where she worked.. She felt exceedingly hurt at this inci_ ' took dent and en the same evening , .. , her awn life, . a.- ----- Also a Machine Gun on Latest Ger- man Ah'. Cruiser. • , d t 1 f • Berlin• Th espa et tom says e Foot and Mouth Disease. . A despatch from London says.: The price of home -killed beef rose $7,50 a. carcass in London on Wed- is smartly turned out in every de - ' tail will wear the plain pump, with its flat bow or corded ribbon, such' m as the men wear, no atter 'what its. heel. ' ' So far lsacic•aa the tenth century, cotton was grown and manufaetur. ed in Spain. . • . h • 1 M thl ' 't.1 t' ec mca on y gives the par a ciders of the new military air crui- ser, Zeppelin III. The ship is fit- ted. -with bomb -throwing tithes and an observation turret on top of the frame for L a machine goon, n, which has been specially constructed for a nesday on account of the foot and . . • , mouth disease whsch prevails among cattle. Two ftesh cases were discovered near Lond'on. Ireland exported 121 cattle- last week, COM- pared with 36,290 in the same week kat Yea-'' . .—_,ra. _. . • B ckles rightly belong to slip- u , „ .,. pers: but there is no breach of good taste in 'choosing- one of kid, of gun- metal, Or' of japanned metal on a pump of dull kid. If.one wears pa,t- ent-leather slippers, with Spanish heels, then the buckle may be of The Colonel was talking to the . 'Private soldier. "You are a ro- marka,bly clean mansair," said the Colonel. "Thank you, Coloncl;" • said the private, "But, sir, you have bad habits," "I am comer for that, Colotel." "Xou drink,. sir." miiiiment r ecoil. _4« .,..._, '' STRANTICONA. GIVES $4,000. silver, of gilt. or of cut , steel, but it is be hoped 'wo- "I am sorry for that." "Oh, I w0mEN miENF,D AT,Ty-el, ...._,,.. • .' Atrocities Marked Canture of Chi- '' • -- Cables 'Handsome Addition to Ber- lin's V.W.P.A., Fund. to that Ortnadian men wd) go back th theworigmal method, and keep thiabrilliant foots know you are sorry, but why don't you drink like mcI" "Colonel, I couldn't do it; it would kill.me." • MOKING- AND , . -... . ' nesse Town by Tibetans. ' • ' A despatch from Chatighai says: HorriMe atrocities marked the re- e,ent capture of the City <if Litang, A sirttch from Berlin On • da- i , to says: • The Young Women's Chris- ban Aesomation on Thursday after- noon, under„whose auspices a cam- ON E DISEASE . , • . v y 'VESSEL ER , • .• • , , !evenue Returns , Show that Consumption .of ,Cig- arettes Is on the. Increase. n , P , i this rovince of Sze -Chuen, by the Tibetans- Mona woman and aftildrex Woro burned slave or ether- W310 slaughtered, The .garrison defended for 30 000 for the erection Psagn ' $ , of a new .building 'was successfully elosed Thursda.y night, received a. cable from Lord.Strtbcona in Eng- land, $4,000 to Quarantine Station Reports. a: Bad Year Among the Immigrants. TWIN' SISTER • DIED: . . . — Whieh- ' Time •Surviver Itae . .• ass a , ' "s ,:,,,,h.,. ' ''"'en "ea:1, a" n'.‘"" • ' • ' A despathli from London ; Eng-. lead, gays: The relieving officer of the • Chertsey Board of Guardians reports a peenliar case. .'A girl named Beatrice ' Etherington, the daughter of a laborer, ie new in a . leading nursing hcime under treat- ment. She talked and heard until she was 2 years and 0 months old, when her twin sister died, after which he 'became deaf and demb. Sinee that time' not an intelligible word has passed her lips. ' A despatch from Ottawa says: a the basis of head of population, medians are drinking more beer, al liquor and smoking mere eigars„Sagelost sarettes. and tobacco year by year, eording to returns to the Inland venue department. . The increase, ,weve.r, is not so much as would - ,pear by comparison with last ,ar. This is on accoent of the or3t hall million" iti the popula- in. The, consumption of liquor id tOOCCO 18 haaed Or the pope- <1 tion as estimated by the census partment. For the fiscal year 11, the estimate was 7,901,500. The tool:population this year, how- ., . . ' -• ever, turns out to be only 7,423,000. Consumption of spirits last year ,Since.' equalled 1.030 gallons per head es .959 'gallons in the corre- ,:. - spending year. Of beer the min- gumption.' was 6.598 '' gallons per head, as. compared with 5.484, and, of eerie .114 gallons as against 108: , Heavy growth also is indicated in the tobacco habit. Tht total equalled 3.011 potinds per head of I PePuses- tion. Cigarettes entered for con- sumption aggregated 782,663,841, as against 581,935,070 in the previous year, Cigars consumed were 252,- 718,242, an increase of twenty.five million. ' the city.for.ae hour, and then ' fled, leaving 70 dead 'in the streets. • • .centrrbutreg the fend.' ' ' a___. ' A despatch from Ottawa says: Three hundred and sixty-seven . 85,. , , th In a report the Minister of Agri- vessels underwent . quarantine in- , • 010 WOMAN'S FA.TAL 'SMOKE. ' • ' --- _, ' Ashes From Pier Started Fire That- Burned Her to Death. . A despatch from Montreas says: Ashes from ,.her pipe on Thursday night.set fire to the clothes of Mrs Elizabeth Boacireau, axl a,,,,,t,.,i a Trench -Canadian Woman kr res ine. at 500 Storms Street, SI. Henri,' and before neighbors could extinguish the flitme,9 ole W015 30 asnio au aad that, het life is despaired of at the . . , Western Hospital. ' ' $26,000 .FOR,.. A 'RUG. Eight Feet by Five, but. of Persian 'Silk. . ' A sles.pateh from London says: Al the sale of the celebrated Taylor collection at ,Christie's on Wednes. day the best price, of the day was realized for . a Peasien silk rug, eight feet by five ,feet five inchea, It has a quatrefoil 'green .panel in the 'centre on pink ground, with gyeensborsler end pinkedge. It sold' for 4026,250. ' •. •.. ' , cultnre Dr, Q. G. Martineau 'f th , o o ' quarantine station Grosse Isle . s . t Quebec, stat<s . es 'that the year ndect March 31, 1912; has been a bad one as far as quera,ntinable disease is . concerned. Six 'passers.ger .yeseels arrive,d in quarantine with small. pox on 'hoard, two with cholera, and one with typhus fever. Two births ens! seven deaths occurred in the hospital during the year. The doe- tor announces. that two very 1.11100111« mon oases have made an appeare &nee, cholera and typhus fever., spection during the • year ending ss szarch 31, 1912, a decrease of eleven • d with last ' d to as compare wiyew., ue labor strikes in Great Britain dur- ing the summer.. The total number _ of. passengers examrred MS 193,310. the sear• of .18,146. an increase in '- Infeetions .or • coatagioes dLseases was reported or disoovered at the quarantine station in every p85500- 'ger ' boat sailing te that port on one or more Occasions, with the excep. tiOD ,of two, and the patients tran6- tailed frora vessels to - hcapItela isies it* •