HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-07-11, Page 8News -Record July 1912 • owls*••* •N••••• N•• ••N •••• •••••••••••••••••• **Ns An. Easy Chain 1 We have what'll please you Z is a good thing to have about the home during hot weather. or if there is any other piece of Furniture that you are in need of • Let us Supply your wants. We aim to Please: • 1 Atkinson & Dunford •• SELLING OUT Boot & Shoe Business will 'be sold on terms to suit Purchaser. Rent of building reasonable. The BIGSALE is still going on. Scores' have taken advantage of this great MONEY SAVING SALE HAVE YOU? ' Our large and well assorted stock of Uhildren's Shoes and Slippers is attracting the Mother's atten- tion. Now's When the shrewd Buyer buys Shoes. J. Twitchell S Son CLINTON, _ _ - ONTARIO A NGW— STRONG— LIGFIT— AND AR TIS TI'C--- Curtain Extension Pole r,wloin—.---�Illlllli — 1 We Want Everybody To Know By Actual TEST ST e of the shoes that we sell, that nowhere can be foand t marea•eal value for your money than here. ' er doll or's worth here, value into e Pcrowdmuch V WP soy you Rai it onto you're sure to stick to this store. NEW SHOES' AND OXFORDS examples of the Shoemaker's in an tryon a few. cost no more than ordinary . er ect e u p The art. Drop d SHOES Bell Shoes for Women Lagar Shoes for Men Classic Shoes for Children FRED. JACKSON FRED. Good Shoes for everybody Illoasamossammusamwomaammossimmasammumalli ONE STYLE BOLDS A SIN GLE PAIR OP CURTAINS,. ANOTHER MADE TO HOLD TWO PAIR OF CURTAINS OR AN OVERDRAPE AND A SINGLE PAIR AND A THIRD STYLE TO HOLD THE SHADE AND PAIR OF CURTAINS: THE DOU- BLE ROD MAKES A HAND 50ME APPEARANCE AND \iIITH IT A VARIETY OF. (•EFFECTS CAN BE PRODUC- ED: TI3E OVAL END IS USEFUL AND ALLOWS THE CURTAIN TO DRAPE CLOSE TO TUE CASING, SHUTTING OF THE SIDE VIEW. ALL ALLOW 'SPACE ENOUGH FOR A FREE MOVEMENT OF THE SHADE. W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best J°NAL i.•at �, nianunum mita, • Bayfield day Mr,frW.om E. AberYoudeeenn,g arrivedouth on Datontl- SIota and is visiting relatives here, Aber- deen' is a -well-to-do young, 'city, but it entirely lacks much d tiro charm that so popularizes Hayfield !luring the summer months. We thus believe Mr, ,Young, will thoroughly enjoy him- self. We hope he will and that v hen he departs ,,he may long 'treasure: gladsome recollections of old Hay- field., Mrs„ 'W, Buchan of Lur,h•.lz`i . red Miss Wilises of Walkerton are, guests of Mrs. (Dr.) Woods.^ Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgens and family of Stratford have taken Nies Simpson's cottage for the season Mr. Gordon Cameron came up from Toribnto with, the I-Iuron Old I?,.ys and spent a few days under the par- ental roof. , Misses Mamie and Maggie :'arsons and Mr. Ferguson of Kipper :Tent Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. Parsons, Miss- McIntyre of Strathroy is a guest at Mrs. Parsons.' Mrs. J, Toms and Miss Florence' Martin spent Sunday at Port Stan- ley. Mr. and Mrs• Redd and family of Godee:cli and Mrs, Martin of Detroit' have taken a cottage in the White City for the summer. Mrs. W. T.'O'Neil and fancily of Clinton are summering in Wesquinst- er Grove, Mr. Eugene Sauder and his sister, Miss Huilda Sauder, of Berlin, were guests clic past week of Mr, and Mrd. H. W. Ens'in Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull and family of Hamilton have taken a cot- tage in Westminster Grove, Mrs. Wharin " and family, Misses Helen and Edith and Masters. Jaa'c and Philip, also Miss Mary Dorrien all of Toronto, arrived last week and are summering at the White City. Mrs. (Rev.) 'Tolniie and family of Windsor are spending the summer at the cottage on tine Terrace. 'Mr. Robert Donaldson of Hamilton was the guest of his brother, Mr. Jas. Donaldson,• the past week. Mrs. Martalle• and son of Detroit are summering in the White City. Messrs. Dr, L. 0. Moffat, E. R. Glen,' W. G. Haring, Londonl; Dr. K. McLean, Hamilton ; K. A. Stone, Los Angeles, Calif.; Charles Welsh, wife and family, Mt ses Edith and Nora and Master Carl Welsh of Stratford: Mrs. R. J. Macdonald, Mies I. Mac- donald and Mr. A. Macdonald, also of Stratford, and Miss Aggie Connol- ly of Victoria School, Toronto, are registered at the Commercial.' The News -Record to new subscrib- ers in Canada to end of 1912 for 29 cents. Miss McBride of War,::. oo is tlieguest of Miss Daisy Middleton. Miss Smith of Port Colborne is the guest of Mrs. Rufus Keys. Nfiiss Adaline Foster of Ma:.;ette, Mich., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Cantelon. Miss Annie McCorvic visited Miss Hattie Middleton of Goderich town- ship last week. Mrs. Warren of, Kansas City), Mo., is ,sperrling a fey weeks as the guest of Mrs. Thomas Trick. Mr. and Mrs. Levy of Toronto were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Enmterton over the week -end., Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Osbaldoston of Goderich spent the week -end the guests of Mrs. Osbaldeston Sr. Messrs. Oswald Hunt and T. Bedson of London we'.e guests over the week -end of Mr. and Mrs, Will Hamblyn. Principal 'Treleaven and Students D. A. Cantelon and Nixori Welsh are taking the sammer course at the Military School, London, Mr. Lorne Welsh, chief operator on. the Pere Marqqette Railway at Wallaceburg, has been spending his holidays with his parents, Sergeant and Mrs. Welsh. Mr, Knox Mair came up on Satu.lay from Seckerton, who.: he has been teaching, and on'Monday went to London where h'e is attending the Mnt:tary School. Mr. and Mrs, John Carson, Miss Ma:.y Carson and Mrs. Eliza Wilson, Tor- onto, spent over the week -end the guests of Mrs. W. 0. Elliott of Goderich township. .Mrs. Charles Josling and her two sons, Charles and Harold, of the ' 'in efts of Detroit are visiting herpar- ents, ents, Mr. and Mrs. l honias' Mason, Sr., of town and her brother, Mr.. 'I'. E. Mason of IIullett. NIr. Alex. Armstrong was one, of the O. LB's who went through to c t t g 1 Goderich on Saturday where he spent Sunday with his son. On Monday he was, in town greeting and. being greeted by his many, Clinton friends. Mrs. W. Neale and daughter, Miss Sarah Heale, Toronto, and Miss. Washing,kn of the same city but formerly, of Blyth, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kennedy the forepart of the week. Mr. D..L. Cranston came down from Port Arthur Past week and is a guest at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. John Torrann Mrs. Cranston ac- companied her sister, Miss M. Tor- rance home several weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Cranston intend going to Muskoka for a fl;.w weeks later on, M. John H. Cantelon, second, ,on of Mr. Peter Cantelon, who has. been with the Molsons Bank for some time, the past few months at 'ri m herstburg, has been transferred ro the Edmonton bran's. 1 Jack spent the week -end at his home in town, leaving Monday morning for the Alberta city, Mrs. M. T. Corlissl who was accom- panied by her seri, Mr: Alfred Jor of the Mand less superintendent I r the Sudbury,is Nickle Naae, near guest of her sisters, Mrs. Harry Fitzsimons and Mrs. A. J. McMur- ray. Mr. Corless made only a new days stay, but Mrs. Corless will Iikely remain fo:i a mon'ea or so. Mr. Robert. Holmes cf the Customs, Toronto, carte up with the H. 0. B's and remained until the last train Monday evening. , He would like to have stayed longer for he seems to fit i:n locally almost as well as if the g:. ater experienec ef; the larger sphere had • not natmrlly given him a somewhat different view point. However, he' :that as it may, Clinton and "Bob" Holmes will always remain bosom f [lends. nir, Ed. E:t'.fott returned last week' from Bishop, Califon ia, and :s now visiting at bhe homestead, re idence . of Mrs.,, W. 0, Elliott, Goderich township. Mr. Eiliott has spent, several years in.the south-western irk' and 'on and coast states, tn the Nu bhe Far East, but, after ale for the comforts of rife there is nopart which appeals to him' so strongly, as the Province of Ontario, the .County of Huron in part+:cuter. His stay this. time 'will run into a few weeks when he will retalua tat3ishop Ivhere he is foreman of construction work for a large telephone and pow- er company• o♦N•♦•♦♦•♦♦♦N$4 4$ • ♦NN♦♦♦NN.♦♦♦N•••♦ nbuy Yonca cheap In I r► our store e vee time. We .have a big stock. Our prices are marked down. It will pay you to do your midsummer buying with us. • • SPECIAL All l ines Dress Goode, Skirts, Blou- Boots Shoes, Slippers P er s an dPumps lines that l av eres and White wear, some sizes sold out Odd Pants, Odd Vests. it will CLOTHING Suits, a pay you to see what we have to offer. • Clothing made to measure, best of satisfaction given. SMALL MORE s EL TE PL�11V�S 'BUSINESS PROFITS ROS. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4t•••••••••••: NEWS -RECORD TO JAN. NEXT 25 Summerhill NIr.. 'P. E. Mason disposed of one 01 his "horses the other clay for %vht'ih he received the handsome sum of just about three hundred dollars. The Gt'obe Praises The Military Department. The Toronto Globe of yesterday had the following; 'The vigorous enforcement of the rule against the sale of intoxicating 14.ulor in mil,"ia chirps is most 'cred- :table to the Minister of Militia. Col. Hughey has found it necessary to call for the res)nnation of several officers who either Could not or would not x introduction li uo•, event he tntrodt tto of c the 1 This shoulfi serve as warning to such other officers as are tiostile Po the. Muustet's course that so long as they remain i the sei.-ice they must obey the orders o f their oflioral chief, c As the area of the count'.y in which no liquor licenses exist is enlarged there is'Ileum( ng need for the en- forcement'of the no -liquor rule in the militia camps. Hundreds of the young fellows who • undergo training are not subjected to the teanptation. of the open ha's at home. Why :Mould the Government of Canada provide in camp attemptation to whir;;: they are not at other times subject ? Col. Hughes is fortunate in having such a large proportion of the officers of the militia hetet:d' him in the work he has undertaken of enforcing tho anti- liquor regulations, The natter is not a party one. liberals and Con- sen"atives alike desire to see the camps of the Canadian citizen' army. so conducted that no mother need fear to send her son thee, to perforin the duties' of citizenship.'' I::>OPER ADVANCING. Tie Mitchell Advocate says : "Ex- isting Ex:sting conditions to the paper market in Canada, da United Statics and Europe have caused all wholesale .paper hoes - es in the country, to notify customers that all quotations on papers are withdrawn and prices will he advanc- ed without further notice. This be- comes' a very serious matter in all country .newspaper offices from the. fact that not one newspaper office - i:n ten is paying expenses now. :dy. profit such publishers ' are making is from advertising and job printing and only a few country. publishers are making more than a bare livrg at tie best. Pubiishers),n'tust take im- 'ntediate action to protect themselves because of this increase in prior of paper and wages, there must 'be a general advance in all kinds of job printing, advert?sing space do the papers and in subscriptions. It is a well known fact that merchants apo constantly advancing priros on some lines of goods as the wholesale, hous- es advance prices fa them, bat the poor printer has struggled along In fear and trembling lest 'he may lose a customer by asking t':re proper price for his work: Honestly, we doubt if there Is any other. I ne of bun tens tat this counf:y which requires so lunch capital investment that, gives so small' returns as the or Unary country newspaper oliiu,. We•tnean by coun- ts/ newspaper offices all such offices outside el the larger cities." 1 OU1Z ANNUAL MID- iUMM�$ SALE Starts on the ` glorious 12th of July lVlarehing orders on all Whitewear Wash skirts, children's- straw hats 1Vluslins, gingham's, summer, parasols We have to keep marching on in order to keep up to date and carry fresh stock. in our business. We have found out from.pastexperience it doesn't pay to • carry over•goods one season to another. Bence our annual bales space will not permit of description of all lines cut in price.. Come in and see for yourself the samples, STEL REDUCTION 121 Ginghams 121 Twoling 15 15 Mastitis 05 ,i , 25 Linen Suitings 35 ,G 1. 18 art Satteen • 9c c. • 124-c • 121c , 18c 18c • 2ic 12c HEADY -TO -WEAK DEPT $2 00 White Skirts 1,25 2,50 " 3.00 2,00 Wash Dress Skirts 2.5 Children's Straw Hats 1.25 Summer paranals 2,00 La« n Waists $1.58 $1,08 $1.08 $2.10 .98 .10 .98 $1,25 DRESS 50c Dress Goods 75c .. i` $1.00 ,t ,r $1.25 " rl 6OOOS 393 59c 79c 98c CARPETS AND RUGS 35c lap Rugs •25 per cent oft all Carpets Rugs and mats 40c 20c The News From Londesboro Mr, George. C0 L' CkCr'11nC of Toronto IluO ' " spent a !few •days of lase week visitir: friends about .here. Miss Geraldine Chapman of l,oml•an is- visiting her cousin Miss Doris Os- terhout: Mrs. Taylor of Ottawa is spending a few days with her sister, :•Lr,. John Lasham. Miss A, Bell' Wl'd ac- ttheCapital for ac- company • her home to C Pp Y a visit. Mrs. D. 1V, Boyd and Miss Beth of Chicago are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, R. Adams. The Methodists held a lawn :octal 1•, u the parsonage grounds on .�r�Lty o p 6 evening last which turned ,out to be a .very pleasant affair. Tea was seri'- ed from 5.30 to 8 o'c,ock and that it was abundant„ appetising and well served gons without saying. in . i'he hondesboro ladies ars famed for their hospitality.The Clinton band , was in attendance and enlivened the oc- casion with several well rendered sel- ections. of After tea a program ttions. P g c, speech, song and recitation was gone through and the evening• passed all too qui'ekly. The proceeds amounted to about .9110. Hullett Township Mr. Joseph ,Shanahan of the 'rill- stanburg branch of the Royal Bank is. spending a fortnight of holidays at his home here. Mr. Edward Blake of Detroit carne home Saturday and expects to re- main Y p main for a week or so. Mr. E. J. Tighe, teather of Kenai Cott, is home for the vacation. The first of the Public school sports was held on Fr.tay last and proved' to be a great! success. It is the in- tention to make Plc event an annual affair. A banquet was held on Wednesday evelring last, the opening day of the Bowling tournament, when Mr. ;Tames McMichael, the "Wee Bowler," who is nowin hfS ninetieth year, was pre- sented by the Lanes' Bowling club with an address and a go.,l ..igrr_t Constance MIr. and Mrs: S. Kindy are •pend- ing a few days with the latter's par- ents, M:. and Mrs. D. 'Sutherland, be - fora leaving for their home in Tor- onto. The farmers are busy haying these days. The funeral of the late. Miss Bella Leitch ` took place from the residence of her brother, M'.. Alex. Leitch, to Constance cemetery' on Saturday af- ternoon. The deceased lady died in Brandon hospital, where she had been nursing, and the remains were brought home for interment. One sister, , Mrs: Henry Taylor of Con- stance, ,and we brothers, William of Chiselhurst and, Alex. of Hullett,sur- vive. The funeral services were con- ducted by the Rev. W. T. Peareey • of Londeshoro., Good Morning ! IJow does. your Sub. to The News -Reborn stand ? The Labr el tells the story. Blyth. The day before school closed to'. the holidays the pupils in Miss , Thomp- son's room presented her with all ad- dress and a sterl).ig sliver manicure set. Miss Thompson has been a mem- ber fl a t limber b r f h teaching stn lora t c o the g of years and was deservedly popular. She has accepted a position on the Public school staff at Oshawa. Misses Emily Rini':ay, Irene O'Con- nor and n'Iary Spofford graduated from Clinton Business College the past term . . NIr. and Mrs: Robert Carter an < babe of 'Goivganda have been the guests during the past week of the fortner's mother, Mrs, W. A. Carter of town. Mr. Carter has disposed of r n in the not.r .r 1 e drug business e his d g town and intends embarking in the same Line 11 the west. Wingham. Miss Emma Pattison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pattison 01 ttwn, was married in Det•nit on rt,e,day week to Mr. Thomas Leakey of the town of Ptalmerston, where they will fireside, The choir of 5t l „'ti's chiral' iIt•�.e beencamping at Kincardine. Mr. Peter Campbell accomparled his daughter, Mrs. W.i7.'Bentley, to Al - task, Sask., on her return home after visiting here for some time. Seaforth • Mrs, -Gilbert Mc r Chal if ihe 5th con•., passed away on Friday weer: aft- er an illness extending over eral Months', The deceased lady, vrho was. bend in high esteem by all who hruw her, was a daughter of the late Chas. Dickson of McKillop, her death mak- ing the first break fn the family of ten brothers and sisters. He`. husbar,:l and one son and one daughter Ur- viv!e;: Charles McMichael of ; Calgary. and Miss'kiva at home, Auua! th11— -. SnMMer Sale Straw Na(s Don't swe lter in the sun on the glorious twelth of July get un- der one of our cool straw hats. How do these prices strike you ? Men's sailor hats. Reg. $1,25, $1.50 for 98e. Men's sailor hats. Reg. $2 00 for $1.50. Men's sailor hats, . Reg.. $3,00 'for $2,00, :N'Ien's Panama hats: Reg.'$5,00'for $3,98. Men's white troupers Reg, $2 25 for $1,78 TOZER anal BROWN