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ever you wish. Thirty Years' Dxper-
ICIICO. I,orgest trainers in Canada,
Enter any cloy. Positions guaranteed.
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Jul) Ilth, 1912'
, Lesson IL—ThirdQuarter, For,
.1,uly-14, 1912.
. ,
Text of the Lesson, ' Matic iv,' 1-20: ,
Memory' Verse, 20-Gaidert -Text, Ja;
• 1.21—..ae,mmentary Prepared by Rev
D. M. Stearns. '
,"iesus Went about ali Galilee teach- ..
In their synagogues, and ,preaell- .
mg tee topper of the kingdom, a.nd
t healing all manner of sickness and all ,
examiner of disease among the people."
at'Apoieted with the Holy Ghost, and
• :with power, Fie Went about doing good
and healing all' that were oppressed of
the devil, for God was with Him"
)Matt. Iv; 23; Acts 2r, 88). The great
topic or Scripture Is the'kingdom fore-
shadowed in the dominion over all•
things, granted ji?ii Adana and Eve and
consummated 1 en the klugdones of
'fide world ball have become the king-
dom of our Lord and of His Christ,
and he shall reign for ever and ever
(Gen. 1, 26-28; Rev. xl, 16). After
'Adam Met the dondulon by listening
to the devil, banding the dominion
•over to hltu and thus bringing sin
and the curse upon our race and the
1 earth, God began to reveal by type,
and plalit stateinent a Redeemer and a
redemption and a restoration of all
that was lost by sin. Tim Redeemer
Is first mentioned as the seed of the
t evonsan, the redemption is Set forth in
the sacrifice which provided the coats
t of skins, end the restoration le seen
In the cherubim (Gen. ill, 35, 21, 24).
'Later It was revealed that the Re-
deeiner would, be the seed of Abraham,
having a special people on earth called
Israel, the twelve tribes from the
'twelve sons of Jacob, and that through
all nations would be blessed.
later it was revealed to David.
that tbe Lord's anointed would pro-
ceed_ from Him, sit upon tfils throne
And reign foreeer, and to Him give alt
the prophets witness. Matthew's gos-
pel opens with a statement concerning
' J'esus Christ, (be Sou of David, the Son
1 of Abraham, the one in whom all the
t promises would be fulfilled. During
FlisapublIc ministry of three or four
avers and also during the forty days
, between His resurrection and aseen-
' sem the kingdom was Ells one great
topic, but those to weom Be specially
; came despised and rejected Him, ask-
ed for a murderer instead of Hint, said,
1 "We have no king but Caesar," and
h -cried concerning Jesus Christ, "Crucify,
!Him, crucify Illm!" It was after they,
determined to kill lilm that He began
to teach in parables as fu the lesson of
l today, which Is recorded also la Matt.
• x111 and Luke vlit. The words In Matt
h xill, 1, "The same day went Jesus out
c.,cif the house and sat by the seaside,"
s are very suggestive of the fact that
. Ho Was about to leave the house of
'Israel and gather frima the sea of na-
tions a special people for a special
, purpose. In 'Heb, III, 5, 6, we read of e
Moe e faithful In all his house as a
'•tervant and of Christ as a Son over
l His own house. In Matt. exile 88, 89,
•alesus said, "Behold your house Is left
I, unto you desolate, for 1 any unto you
,"e•e shall not see Me henceforth till ye
!shall say, Blessed is Ile that eometh
In tbe name .of the Lord." We are
awaiting for tbae "fill," or as it is in '
; Luke xis, 13, "occupy till I come," and.
In I Coe, xl, 20, "Sbew the Lord's
death till Be come," or in Ezek. xxl,
27; Aets ill, 21, "1 will overturn till'He
ricOnte whom the heavens must receive
. Until the. times of restoration of all
i things which God bath spoken by the
amouth of all MIs holy prophets." The
h•kingdote is no mystery, but one of the
,silaluest things revealed in the Scrip-
, tures, but that the kingdom which
t was et hand should be postponed and
an age.intervene between its rejection
eand its actual coming was something
not before revealed, and only fully
eevealed• later to Paul, as lie states in
ill and elsewhere. This age, in.
which .we still live Is covered by the
'seven liaratiles of Matt. rill, the first
etea which and Its explanation we have
,•,,in our lesson in Mark today. He
; spoke .the parable to the' multitudes,
thut explained la to Ills dist:Mies when
1 ,nlene virith therm saying, "tento.you eft
given to know the mystery of the
IA of God, but unto them that
without all these things are done
eo paraistee." Then He gave the res.
"San (verses 10-1i.). In verse 13 Be
sseems to,bedlcale that this parable of
3he sower Is a key to all the paraelea .
or that this ope is so simple' that it -
'tthey understood it not Itwould be
it•afelleelt for them to uuderstend any.
Vith the eXplantien given so telly lay -
'Hirnselfeno)Triether cotament Is tieeesa -
vary...Let lfg, however, note carefully
that tee great work given us is to sow
I-diligently the incorruptible seed of the
word of God (Luke rill, 11;• 1 Pet. 1,
:20i; reMembeting that Be will watch
lover , it . and it will riot fall t0. aeconit
aplish Ells pleasure (Jer. 1, 12, R. V.; ,
lerialy, 11). The devil is always ready ••
fite •'snatch area .the word lest people
shOutd' believe and be saved. He ie
te.lie- god ofthis world, Minding the
L.ineide of taese who..belleve not (11 Core •
4): .Tbe thing to, do istto ,reeeleet-
, ord evit•11 ineeltoes,s ana, bring
foatle frUlt with patience' pas. le '21;
Luke vill, lat. ; f we are Dale bellevere,
teaVed fully and forever by the great
••Eitterifice of Chrtet, WO W/11, by Elle
race, . 'hey,e vletot•y over the „cares of
tife worla,. ttie deceitfulness of Aches,
taise• pleasures of title fife and the Meta
Of' el Other tillage which nfight•eltoke
he word and hinder our frultfulnesa
. Wingham
let Orange Lodge att,eafled dattec
. .
,taIn St..' F',atil's ,•clittecir . on S' att-
ar everalicat;MIT'lieteneel- tie eat?, .tablo
aecouese from .tbe eountO , ofianlein,'
'•Rev. ale. Croly. ,' '• ••' ,
Among 'the visttleg bretheM who
"Itended were Major .eloe Beck ot
Termite,. , and Messrs.Ed.- Foody,
Ceacker; Cobbledick and °filers actin'
Titroneo, making .in all an atteerlente
of ,aleout ene hundred and fifty Youpg
. • . _ •
Betteins ala OrangeMers. , •
• •
ray Thee.
•• Have Me Excused.
,(By Alex: Marshall, Editor of 1110
• Herald of Salvation:
' A.^desiiinguishect persen 'in the Cast
at great+ expense provided a ;Mhip-
limns feast and "invited many.' When
the Aline' came for ,the arrival, of the
guests, they all absented, themselves
and sent oxeuses. .The,fact was, they
did not wish to • go, and ndt: h.attng,
the courage to say, We won't they
said, We cannot." Whatever may
have been their reasons for refusing
to speak out their minds and attend
•the feast, taeir excuseS were atrent-
ely silly (Luke, xiv.)..
The first said, eI have bought a
piece al ground, and I must needs go
and see it pkay thee have me
°used." What was the hurry ? d01.11C1
11D /la have gone some- other time?
The second was not a bit bettor. '5.
have bought a yoke of oxen, and I to
to prove them : I pray thee have mo
excused." What harm could ' • have
come to the oxen by giving them a
eight's rest. Besides, whee.her they
Weli3 value or not for the money he
paid for them, 'they wore bought. But
the thied excuse was the worst of all,
"Ihave married a wife, and there-
fore I cannot come." Why dtdrat he
go and tali° his wife with him y
(To be content(1d.)
June Examinations Clinton
Collegiate Institute.
The marks in FOTal II evill be Pek-
oe. into acoount in making promottens
to Form III as well as the results
of the Departmental Lower School
examination not yet announced.
• 14'orm I.
First Class Honors. ,
E. Manning 85.6.
S.. Smillie 75.8.
Second Class Honors.
IVI, McTaggart 73.6.
J. Smidlie 72.8.
P. Moffat 72.5.
0-. Hudia 72.1.
C'. Beacom 71.8.
E. Wise 70.5.
J. Smith 69.8.
I -I. Shaw 68.4.
L Robertson 06.9.
It, McNaughton 66.5.
M. Cook 64.4;
H. Wallis 64.2.
R. Chowen 63.8.
R. Rennie 63.4.
C. Kaiser 03.5.-
11. Rodaway 03.
E. Jamieson 02.5.
T. Barge
W, Caldwell 01.6.
'1'. Hoare 61.6. .
H. Johnston 61:
I. Coll)ns 60.6.
1'. Wheatley 60.6.
Mardougall 58.9.
E. Powell 58.7,
Kennedy 58.3.
N. Mair 58.
M. Mair 58.
L. Howe 57,7.
33. Holmes 57.3.
A. Elliott 57.
C. 56.
R. Porrester 53.
C. Stewart 52.7.
I,. Cook 52.3.
T. Gould 50.
D. A. Cantelon.
Form H.
First Class Honors,
E. Beacom 70.9.
E. Gray 79,5.
W. McGregor 76.
Second .Class Honors.
0. McTaggart 74,2.
J. Wylie 70.1.
M. McGowan 08.8.
H. Forrest 68.3.
0. Cole 68.1.
'T. Elliott 62.5.
M. Ellio2t 60.9.
IC. Reid 60.1.
W. Walker 59.2.
J. Middleton 57..9,
T. Wilkin 571.
• S. Scott 56.8.
W. McNaughton 50.1t.
V. Evans 55.9.
V. T-Iearn 55.6.
M. Yates 55.7.
.M. G tem 54.1.
M. Davidson 53,6.
13, ROSO 53.2. •
M. Hall 53.
It. Wasreann 525.
P. 'Pout 52.2.
Ns Robinson 51..1.
V. Carbert 51.
0. McGill 50.5.
Form IIL
cooed Class Homers,
1"+. 1,1oliend 70.5;
G. Weir 70.5.
Hi Turner 68.
V. Barge 67.9,
J. Aikenhead 67.3.
ass, •
J. Wasmann 05,7, •
E. Lyone 03.3.
E, Latis 62.8.
H. Middleton 00,2,
F. -Saimaa 66.1.
M,, Shipley 55.0.
;Re Irwin 55.5.
11. 'Dewar 54.7'
• 13rogr1en 54.
J. J.; Weir 53.7.
It. 'Nuance 52.3,
• Mair 52.1. •
•' Poem IV—
ate I Faculty Entrance,
N. Welsh .64,7,
1. Glen 61.1,
la. Turnee. 60,3.
R. Cute:eon 59.3.
at at, Faculty Eateance,
D. Coeeite 74.6.
P. Tenthly!) 63.
IL Reid 01.1.
V. Welsh 57.5.
(mom illattectuation.
Welts 70:9,
Awarched 0dretraiecio,1 Diploma.
C. Paisley. •
Prize Winuer,s.
,Form 11—Elva IVIanning.
r, Porta 11—Filmee Beacom: •
Poem 1'11—Evelyn IIellanit.
Form IV—tiara 5 Faoulty, N
Wrath. Part II Faceley, D,Cosens
Fe0111 The NeWS-Re001'd Of
July 8th 1896.
Clinton, July' 811+, 1691.
Mrs. W. Jacliion plucked a rose
front one ok her bushes on Saturday
that measured four2oen and a quart-
er inches in diameter.
Mr., R. J. McDonaki of Seaforth le-
tiiined on Monday.
Mrst 33 C. • Brewer left yesterday
on a• visit to ahe 9tteen C'ity.
• airs. French visited in 111teter hist
Deat'ad Caatelen is gradually' gain-
ing strength and .1ra recovery is con.
fidentla hoped for.
The Doherty Organ Co., shipped a
car of organs to Liverpool last
18h., J. D. Kitty will pay e visit to
Calumet, Mid., and may go from
there to British Columbia, While
we regret to see "Jock" leave Clee-
lam he bas ,our best wishes for his
future success. .
The tollowiqg team -of 13owle•et lett
on' Monday for Toronto wheat. they
will play all this week. : J. P. Tie -
dale, Geo. I), MeTaggart, 3). A. Poe-
res,ter and W. Jackson. `
Hoiniesville, July 85a, ' 1890.
Tito Sharon people intend holding a
raspberry feetivat on Friday eveuatg.
Rev, 'Joseph Edge, cliairman of the
district, will lee -beet on, "Take -Back
What 'You Borrow." •
Mrs. and Mrs, J. Pickard of Galt
are visiting friends tin the neighbor-
hood. •
Mrs. Hall and Mrs. St»ith of Chic-
ago aro uniting the forrnmas slater,
Mrs, W. Mulholland.
Mass Cambia Mulholland left ou
Tuesday for Chapleau, bee future,
home, where she, will !become tite wife
of Mr. W. Cole, foenerly Clin-
Godetich Township, July 80, 1596,
The farmers are busy haying. In
some sections the yield will be fair
while in others it will not be op to
the average.
Miss Webster seen,. Sunday with
ber aunt, Mrs. James Turner of
Stanley. .
Rev. J. at. Parke well preach all
Middleton's church next Sunday at-
ternoon. •
Misses Eva Mut Mora Chat of Clin-
ton are visiting their uncle, Mr.
John Cluff of the I3ayfield Road.
What mighti have peeved a serious
accident happened a few days, ainee
to a little son of Mr. Chas. Williams
of the Maitland eon. He was playing
around a large kettle of water when
he felt in and 16 11 bad not been for
the timely arrival cif his sister would
undottbeedle have been drowned.
Cloderieb Township, July lst, 1896..
M. Gob. Clarice of Similes- was
visiting friends here on Stele iv.
Mrs. 'J.. Beacom and little dau-
ghter, Rena, left yesterday for Lon-
don township on a visit to her par-
ents, 151e. and Mrs. Patrick',
011 Wednesday last the reeidence of
5813. C1•abriel Elliott was the • eeene
of a very intoresting event ivhen his
tltird daughter, Miss Frances, be-
came the bride of Mr. J. Ia. R.;
Iia.rnwell, tee popular principal of
the Varna Public school', •
Al' the last electing ol elle direct-
ors of the Hay Mutual Insurance' Co.
'Ale manager was WM/acted to for-
ward the followingletter of condot-
euee to Mr. William Lamont, one of
the directors :
To Mr, %leant Lamont
Dear Ste, --It is with the deepest
sorrow and regret that we refer to
youe sudden bereavement in the loss
of your wife. It is hard' to lose our
dear ones after a time of anxiety and
suspense, but tile .sorroev is much
greater when they are taken as Mrs,
Lamont has been in the Ma vigor of
health and strength. Yet it will be
a eoneolatioe to you 2o know that
she was spared a long and painful suf-
tering. •
We believe it wi?) always be a pleas-
ure for you to recall bet teeder love
and perfect' devotion, so frank and
womanly Imi mIs expression.
• God alone ean comfort such . grief
as yours and that swill eonoolation
may be youn in its f ullest measure
tis ' the sincere prayer of this board of
directors. •
West Huron Farmer's
The direetors arid officers of 'the
West Huron learmets' Installete are
as follows : Preeiderit, J. A. Mat -
lough, Duagaimon, Vice, .J. W. :hart.
evright, ,Londesboro, Sec,- Treasurer,
W. . Bailie, Dungannon. Direettors ;
Thoma e Stothers, Dungannon ; John
Losg Kimitail ; James Hayden, l'ort
Albert"; Donald McLean, Lothian
J. X. Mallough, Dungannon ; Wm.
Bailie, 1)01)ga:erten ; B. tam:rata
81. Helens ; R. 0. IlaeClowin,15,
Metcalf, R.. Sloan, James Tenney,
of Blyth t W. 0. Parks of West-
field ; J. Gillespie, Whiteeitteeli ; J.
Chneeie, A. Morton, D. McDonnald,
of Wirigharn ; Wm. Lyon, J. W.
Catleveight, Ff. H. Hill. of rondos.
beim ; J, Pingland, Wilifiner,v, It. al,
MaaltlfinetWm• l'iPletles, Jas., Ccitnish,
of Ctineen ; J. W. Salkeld, W. al.
Robertson, .a. It. Tom, I -Lel. Morris
ol Goderteli ; S, Sturdy,'
Vale ;•• George Tebbutt, alohneaville ;
Hugh Hill, Beninillen ; 13.V.'1,awaon,.
Dunlop; M, Young, Carlow,• •
Auditors ; 0, Girein and, 7, Ints.tow.,
The not repeal meetings will ta be
held at" Holmesville and I,eledeeboro
and the. supplem ntar'ere at K intuit
Dungannon 84 Helens Ilile Birth
and Wintharn.
Clinton New s,Recor
Live Stock .Market.
• 'l'orortte,The ,cattle
market was'. lir a ' weaker, condition
yesterday 'at the -Onion Stoek"Yawis,
ehrepy for .choice cattle, and it, was
clue chiefly , to hot; Weather. There
was a surplus of rsuPP1Y Over demand
nearly 2,000 ' cattle being -offered.
These who punhased al all , took
sinall lots for the inoSt 'part, .and the
result was .that buyerS had lt, Pretty
mueli their own way. Trading • was
slowly, even at the reduce'd.rates that
ruled ;towards 'the end of last week.
Although $8 to $8.10 was paid 40 0
couple of instances for export grades
2110 best butchens were worth . efizom
a7 to $7.75, mediums .front:$a to 58a.-
80 and common. to Lill, g,,acles, front
01 to, 05.15. , There was wery.
enquiry for peer stuita although • the
reeefple were tnade• up of • those.amo the
most Tart, Cows were .06.' good 0:aid-
es selling tueleti $5. ' • '
There was a weaker' feeling for
small stuft', due to 'leek Of demand,
Especially were eheep, off, heavy ewes
selling at feoes $3 to 03,75, an& light,
ewes at from a4.50 to$5.50. Calves
were steady Witll last weekie, ' good
grades going at free' .07 to 08 . and
commons at from $1 to 06.50,
Phe • prices of lambs held steady
with last week at from 08 to $8.75.
Receipts of hogs • were' rattier light.
They were however less .in deman:1,
and the ptices wee') off 15 cents per
hundrecleveatht, Choice geades Went al
a7.85 to 13, fed and watered, and
07.50 to $7.60 6,0.11.•
chtircee, Clinton, on July, 1718, by
the Ven. Archdeacon lita, 33. e.,
rector of Trinity church, St.
Thornae, Minnie Ethel, daughter
of the late Rev. Geo, M. Kitty
and Mrs. Kitty of Clinton, to
Rev, H. Pallum: Westgate, 13, A.,
of St. Thomas.
DUNBAR--BURNET—At the home of
' the brele's parents 'oe July e718,
by Rat. H. J. °widen ot Bayfield,
Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Burnet of Goderich town
ebip„ to Thomas Dunbar, son oi
Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Dunbae of
on June 25th, by Rev. Mr. Hot-
lineake, Thos. I,eakey of Palmer-
ston to Emma Pattison, daughter
• of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pathison,
of Wingliam.
ham, on June 2411m, by Rev, Dr.
Rutledge, John fietm tra Itin
lateinacher; both of Wingliam.
June 26111, Dr. Samuel Thomas,
formerly of Exeter, to Alice Cal-
f:eta of London.
HALEY-585ll1CHAteT—Ie Clecleriele
on June 26th, by Rev, Geoego
Ross, John Haley, to Ada Julia
' Merchant.
FEAR—S'PARLING,--Ae Creetermkt,
on June 2918, by Rev. Dr, Oaten,
G. Ray Fear, of Moetis•township,
ea Norma R., eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mts. (Molten Spading, of
Cranbrook, •
MoOLURE—McCI,URE.— In WinitiPeg
on June 280, by Rev, Eber
Crummy, Rebecca McClure, dau-
ghter of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Me-
Clure, of Goderich, to It. Mc-
Clure, of Wilkie, Sask,
• Births
RUMBALL—In Clinton on July 7611,
to Mr. and Mrs. A. al. Rumbail,
daughter. '
illyth, on June 291:1,
to Mr. and Mrs, Adam McKenzie,
a daughter. •
SINCLAIR—Ie Wingham oe june
spum, to Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Sin-.
elate, a daughter. ret
JAcKsoN,—In Wingharn • on June
270, Elizabeth Bemeigthn, wife
of Me. John Jackson. .
MoMI CHA EL.—In Hui lett , oe ...Jetta
280, Helen Meson, wile of Mi.
Gilbert McMichael, aged- 55 years
KER,R,--In MoKillop,- on June 27'ta,
Lapseie Kerr, sort of Mr.
and Mas, Arolmie. Kerr, -eged 2
years, 11 months and 18 days.
LlaNNON,—At Mount Caemel on June
280, 13eidget Mary Lennon, tee
Net of ;the late Robert Lennon,
• formerly of Plekeeing. and • God-
BRUCE.—J» Gado:lob, err 'June, 2018,
John Robeat 'Bine°, in his 40111
year, '
Mr,- S, GlIddon's, gravel road north
ow Seturday, July 6111, a 'water-
proof coat with pair of gloves in the
poeketl. The finder will oblige by
!caving at Dr. J. S. Evans, Clin-
ton. — 38
half acres. 27 acres orchard, aP-
pies, pltuns, elle:rules and email
feats, S,pleedid frame house, SEW -
en rooms, good stone cellar, Hatt
and soft waters, Barg 56 x 52 with
. stone stabl•ing. Quarter of a mile
front Union and pteasantly titua-
ted,—Apply to J. 'E. Henry, Clin-
ton P. 0. or at Neevs-Record Mee,
Tent.—Apply • to Peed, J. Hill,
Union. - —37
A ''QUANTIT Y., CIF 5013 HAHOK:011 114"
' JO.% Fai*'s leelibuse must be raise,
• posed • of' ,ataonce.—Applyat • mill
office or MeTeggattV Bros. • • '
TIi Nows-Rebord to 11.*ew
ets in (kriteria totend of 1912 for 25
, intuit from business, necessary
that all aceounts due me mustbe
settled before the, 1st of Augus't—
'1'. D. Johnion,
• vate sale--conimeneing July 2n4,
entire• household effects. Articles
may be seen by calbing at iihe
home -61 Mrs. 323'. Reid, Vieto2o
•street, one door south of Wesley
experience • preferred, for S. S. No,
110, atiderieh • 'township, duties, to
commence after the surraner
olys—Addrdss A. Welsh, Secretary-
.Treasuree, ,Cllinton P' 0, —37
class professional teacher wanted
foe S. S. No. 33., Goderieh town-
ship, duties to commence atter the
sweeter holtaays.'— Apply to David
Chutebill, See. -Treasurer, Chief on
P. , 0. -57
'PEACIiEft WANTED—A Good 'se-
cond -close professional teacher wan-
ted for School serve on No. 1, Stan-
ley. Duties to eommence after sum-
mer vacation. Liberal salary.—Ap-
ply tio M. McEwan, Sec. -Treasurer,
Nieto» P. 0. '
cupied by JameS Steep, pi ohs%
dealer.—Apply to J. 0. i'llieth cr
R. E. Manning, Clinton. —37
"Springleel Farm" on the Bayfield
Road, Gederich Pownship, consist-
' ing 140 acres, soath half toes 51
and 52 and part 53 and 54. awo
miles from Clinton and one from
sehoot. .A first-class stock and
grain farm. 35 amiss of' good pas-
ture land. Well watered „and has
never ladling spring at barn. Good
wells and eisteen. Bank barn 62x52,
with stone_ stabling. 150 apple
trees just beginuing to hear and alt
kinds of small fruies. Reason for
selling :• Owner In poor health.
Terms to suit purchaser.—Robert
Marshall, Clinton P. 0. —36
54 on the Bayfield Road, known as
the Wiggangton Perm. It is with-
in two miles of Clinton. Coed
briek house, beta( barn, driving house
and other outbuildings: A good
orchard and smaM fruits. Farm in
good state of cultivation.— For
particulars apply to Mrs, Wigging -
tort, Queen street, Clinton. —36.
Sale or to rent.—A. J, Tyndall.
Eight roomed house on Queen
street, town waterworks, cistern.
acre of land -with fruit trees.
Stable on premises. House in good
repeal:. Possesston given July 1st.
—Apply David Steep, Stapleton.
chance to bey a house. Stead,
amount • down, balance as rent.
Botta° in good repeal' ; possession
given at once.—For particulars ap-
ply to Mrs. Cheney, Clititon.
store you can have your baby car-
riage or go-cart wheels re -tired in
half an . hour's time. No waiter:,
for material, we have the machine
and the rubber on hand. and will
clo them for you WIliIC yOU Wait. .
Top Phaeton buggy.—J, Twitehell.
& 'Son, a-30,
and reptiles kept on hand, also ag-
ency for new machines.—A, FIoop-
er, Albert street, —30.
business, established 21 years, de-
livery and -dray business in con-
nection. Together oath store and
dwelling of seven rooms. Good
brick stable also on eternises.—
j), S. Cook, Chilton. • —31
pallty of the Town of Caution in
the County oi ts
hereby 'given that I have transmit-
ted or delivered to the persons men-
tioned in sections 8 and 9 of• the
OntarM Voters' Lists Act, the cop-
ies requited by such eections to be
so transmitted or delivered of the
list made, putgettaut to the said Act
of all peesona appearing by the laet
revised Assesement Roll of the said
Municipality to be entitled to
vote at elections for mem-
bers Of the Lettieletive 'Assembly
and at Munieipal elections, and that
fife said list wee first posted up in
tot' office in Clintoa on the and day
of July 1912 and nemains there for
inspection, Electors ate called upon
to exparine 4h,e0 said Itst and if any
omissions or ()thee errors are found
• therein to take immediate proeeed-
tete to have the said errohee cote
noted according eo law.—Datad.
• 2rict day of L, Mae-
Plietnen, Tos4jm, perk. —37
Hewl-Retord to Jan 1913 foe `..5e.
I ' . . . , .
. ,
c+. it's,,NT --A FOCP ROOMED COT- ••••••••••••••••••••••
tag°, in Bayfield about ten m
utios Walk from the lake. Very in- • ,..
Suitable for summer viiktora, .Ap- .
; The Beginning .
ply to Itrs. J.. Polocli, ,Bayiield, .40 •
or yrs. T. i -I, Brownlee, Godcrich; • AND---- e
. IP .
0 ,— • 0
46 '
a The End..
VOTERS I,IST 1 8 1 1
.- MUNIOl-
ilabity of tile Village of Bayfield iri
the 'County of Ilitron..—Notiril•is
hereby given that I have transmit-
ted or delivered to the persons
mentioned sections 8 and 9 of
the Ontario Voters' List Act, tile
copies required by such sections to
be so liransmi,hted or &levered of the
list made, pursuant to the sad
Aell of alt pereons appearing tty the
last reyieed Assessment Roll of the
„said Municipality to be entitled to
vote at eleetamns for 'members of the
Legielative Aesenably and at Muni-
Meel elections, anti that the eaid
Het was first .posted up in, my office
in Hayfield on the 941s day of JulY
3.912 and re•matins ellere for teepee -
tion. Electors are called upon to
examtue the- sae( liet and if any
omissions et other: errors are found
therein to take immediate proceed-
ings have, the said eprors cor-
rected according to law.—Dated this
9th day of July 1912.-- HOW. Er-
win, Village Claris. . .48
'PECIAL TRAIN.—A specie! brain
will run from Goderich to Seafoith
on Friday, -July 12111' It 1Q.1 leave
•Godetioh. at 9' o'clock, Hohneeville
at • 9.17 and Clinton at 9.27,, aerie-
teg at Seatorth at 0,45. Passeng-
ers may return on the regulars leav-
ing Seaton:th at 6.38 mut 11.12.
frame bouse hyped conditien, wAh
!Acme eellar; town water. Hee ball
an acre of land_ with teem; • ?tem
orchard, ()mulled at ereseiet by
Rev. W. W. Wylie. Posseseion given
Oct. 1st.. Price $900.— Apply at
The News -Record Office. —ea
5, Hullett. 125 acres, 5 acres bush,
remainder all cleared. Good mild-
1ngs, 2 barns. 17 acres orchard,
Well watered. la miles tram
school, 3 miles from Clinton.—Ap-
ply to Thos. Archer or D, Cantelon,
Clinton, P. 0. —33.
6, Hullett, consistiug of 100 acres,
90 acres cleared, 40 acres grass, 2
mires of orehaird with fiesta/lass
fruit- Well leneed and drained. 2
stoety brick house and, large tarn
with stabling underneath, also largo
drive house with hog pen under. 2
good wells with windmill and pipes
to stable and hog pen. 2 mites
from Chlinton.—Fom further pareleu-
tars apply ou the premises, or ad-
dress W. T. Henry, Clinton P. 0.
FARM FOR SALE—Lot torth half
28' con, 12, altalett, consisting of
50 acres. All seeded down extept
10 acres, Small orchard. Frame
house and bank barn with stabling.
Oa Gravel road 1 mile north of
Londesboro, *mdle front school.
'Apply on the premises or address
Richard Shaddick, Loudest/Deo P.O.
FARM FOR SALE—The Executor of
the Southcombe estate otters for
Sale 50 acres, being east halt of
lot 28, con. 6, Hullett. This is a
firs -class farm, well watered and
improved and with good inrildings.
Also tam undersigned offers for sale
lot 29, eon. 6, Mullett consisting ol
100 acres. These farms may be
bought together or separately.—
Apply to R. J. Southcombe, Clin-
ton P. 0. —89
and Mill Feed
When in need o FLOUR, BRAN,
CHICKEN PEED, call and see
our stock.
Phone 04.
All kinds of coal on hand
24 ha, 3 in. and ,4 en. tile of the
Best Quality.
Opposite the G. T. R. Station.
E'honte 52
News -Record to Jan 1948 for
The last week for
• •
• •
canning pineapples— •
the first week for pre.
serving strawberries.
• ,
• • irassma •
• Strawl3erries•are now •
; at their best. The pre-
• serving season is at hand's
e •
• and we have the fruit, •
.sealer and suga,r. . ,
Sugar as . usual at
• •
• wholesale price, •
• •
• •
• •
W. T. O'NEIL :
• •
• "The Hub Grocery." •
• •
• •
Watch Faults
Does your wateb run correctly. It
not, let us repair it for you. It may,
be only dirty- and need cleaning, or
seop for lack of oil. Whatsoever tile
reason, don't delay. We give thorough
examination and regulation free. Any-
thing more costs as little as satis-
factory work ean be done.
Scientific Jeweler and
Optician ,
Plumbing, Evetroughing
and Stove Movingi
• '
All orders promptly attended
Prices given on „rnOring,
ing and all :a.entriet.;,*ork:
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y, 14,0, A. BLDG.,
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 3rd, Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
.W. Westervelt 1 W. Westervelt, Jr.
principal"11 At novrtieeA
July 2114, August OM and
• September 114 and 1791) t
Via Sarnia or Chicago.
Winnipeg and Return, 534.00
Edmonton and Rettem, $42.00.
Tickets good for 00 days;
No Change of Cars.tittt yy, NNN
• No Change et• Cars.
Special treat will leave Tetoolo at
10.30 p, 10 on above dates via CMS-
eago and St. Paul, eaerying through
coaches runt Pullman Tottriet Sleeptag
e •
wand '1 runk Pacific Railway
is the shortest and quickest finite be -
*Wean Wieuipeg -- Saskatoon — Ed-
fi5e, !mutton.