HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-07-11, Page 4eirommemeimi Clinton Nevis -Record'` July hilt, 1912 Goderltch. i` Holtnesville. The rain of Satur:fiay ,Iidtnoon and Monday evening was just what ,tile . far}nrrs'wanted and will lin worth thousands'% of dollars to 'uteri. triad, it came a little earlier In the season "0` would np .doubt', have beou Deltec. Por. the hay, Ti'n't all other'" growing craps are a ;ready showing: good ' efe• feta s fro)ieij. The ; lightir ng was ary , vivid. and ., proved to .be too inuo'.r.'for`'somc llocics of young .duck - The. Minister of I6:abbe Works, tine rein. F, D, Mori';, arrived heti) on onda n 'his 'tont .,of rinei al; Y o n P orts between Mon)yeal' and Fort• hi;flam. ',On ,r arrival ivval'on his yacht needy he, wits receivo11s;by, irhe • local. + 'Afiiils 1,1 e- Mayor, the.Board of: f rade, and other prominent cltic n0,. j r d th v+ns' tabdice b e 1 s 'vlinistcr v in 1 h tun: liown around he liacbor, -Hon Ms.''. ouk and his party wore 'tande•rd a Sunset h.- the nnchcon at :the hotel Suns G y tis followed;a motor' ivac au'thoir Ie , by rite to looai points of ititerest•. Pli'G Mitiistzr left for Kincardine on` 'uesday. r. T and then ember, Mx. L. i\..,.,.Le�vvts n Yerautl�' � Screens 33, 8, and 10 FEET \WIDE, Sl, and $1.50. Fans Ali t'riees. COOPER & CO. rings in the neighborhood. The Dominion' Dat-, exeursicns this year ween not very, well patuinicd by our people, the farmcirs,alr being too busy to leave home. neat a • ' presents The station, now p mens and attractive appearance, the genial agent, Ivlr. A., ,7, Courtice, having given its a thorough cleaning; up. • This attention, it is undersdood, was given' free, the Company not having 'parte -env provbton for. ft, but it certainly 'makes it a nuuch'heiter place to await inwhen occasion ion re qui.s Rev. 'R• J. NcGoxrlack the glow t r- • h 's church a rof theat oda t i paste M luted last week .in title'to,aitend the strax britt festival at Bethel, where Abe mane a very good hnilressron upon the people by his short and i n:rust- ing address. 1Ie arse .preaclrad on Sunday with acceptance, and a suc- :cessftd,pastoral tenni is anticipated: 1 Rev. W; W. Courliee, who is visit• - e ng a2 -the home of his parents, that Of Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Courtice, took :charge of the evening smarm by the pastor's request and preached an ex- cellent sermon from the words : "For f I bean in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus." 1 Miss Carrie Walter of the Clinton hospital staff is visiting at the home 'Of her brother, Mn.S. T. Walter. 1 Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Annan of Pickering were the guests' of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Court'i'ce for a few days list week. • 1 Mr: and ML's, W 13. Poster had guests ovrr''the week -end- who eamo up on' the 13. 0, B. exeur . a our Saturday, last. TThe Ladies' Aid have been ronovat- ing the parsonage and have added a new set of dining roots chairs. I Another sale of cheese was made Iasi week which netted the patinas a good price. IMia. (Dr.) Palmer of Detroit and Mrs. (Captain) Johnstone of Port !Colborne are guests th)s week at the home of Mr. Samuel Sturdy, The News -Record to new su'bscrib- ers in Canada to end of 1912..for 25 cents. Miss Emma, •Bufnet Becomes The Bride of . Mr. Thos. Dunbar. Last .evening the home of ` Mr. S and Mrs. George Burnet of the 7thconcession, was the- scene:: of a most happy event when slicer dauiglftcr Tnutia . was, joined' ;' in holy wedlock iso • Mr. Tilos. •'Dunbar„ eldestson. of 'Mr, and Mrs. Wm, J)un- bar, Bayfield Road ' l'hc: bride 'was neatly gowned id meant figured 'Mar.• quisellte over -silk, while the brides- maid, sister of the brine, wore' a handsome own of bine sills. g t. Tire' ceremony, t which was redo•+^sed by Rev. I-1. J, Cendell of Bayfield, took place is the presence of a -large' number of glicsts. 1 FIRST 1 TEARS. I �" ` IN FORTY L RS1 Mr. Irwin 1;11ietb of Turnberry township loud a porkupine on his farm last week. One was seen on the same fain fortyyears ago and this is the first one since Porku pirl.s arc so scarce 3n this country that but few of this generation have seen ono rrr41164 M IL—LINER? READY AND PHONE.N0, 78 rp Dni;ssi AKIND 'WEAR Ir IT'S NEW IT'S HERE I5' IT'S Mian, IT'S NEW Couch & Co. COOL WELL MADE Garments CGst'Srnall Sums at This Store. The coolest prettiest kind of wash dresses and skirts bear very at- tractive prices in ofu+. Ready-to-wear section and such excellent gar•- mentd they are jest as carefully tnade as cloth clothing out of Fmbey, Ginghame, Chcitnbrey, and :print etc. Princes range from $1.85 to$ 12.09.. Weare also showing. new rnuslihe under wear, gowns, corset covers, princess slips. Drawers, skirits. , We are always first to show you what is. NEW. NEW FANCY PARASOLS The popular India parasol in rich quality. Titdfetta Silk. The sea- sons newest colors and styleslongbandles.` $3,50. We are also showing a nice assortrnent of fancy parasols, 1rein $2.00 up. THE LAST CALL FOR SUMMER 11 1 L ,L` I N E. R Y } Only 15 -Ladies' trimmed hats left and we, do not want to carry these over, - These hats are neatly trim- med. Regular $5;00 and $,00 your choice only $1.5.0 A good smart. boy wanted to learn the Dry Goods BUSINESS." 1 Miss Florence Fowler presided at the piano and in an aneomplish- ed manner played thewedding niatoh: After the ceremony the company sat down to an excellent . slipper which Was 'servedd in. gond style., Stanley Township D r. Robert Campbell of the ' Day-, I o P Y• field Road delivered a horse to Mr. C. J. Wallis of Clinton` 9n Saturday for -which he received $305. 'Phis is the highest 'price paid by Mr, 'vlialhas ler; a single horse this season, butt the animal in question was an eX ceodingly fine' one, M's 1W5i tehell of the' same neighbor- hood delivereda Perelietou mare the 2,1 sabre day�w 'ic i. •ou`�lft him 0 Tr ilii ,b F. I'bis' -was as.particutariY good' speer meti of itskind anad :. very handsome y animal. ;These horses': wee, 'taken to fi'w+ou n on Monday. Mr.' Wa alis, t by A gipom was cast over this com- munity -by' the tereible, aceideltit"which resulted in the •death ' of little ' lddgar Erratb, the .five-year-old son of airs, Samuel Errata. The., 1hPtle fellow's uncle, Mr. Thomas Robinson, was using, the disc harrow and had'blcft the team standing and was' engaged: at some distance when Edgar came into the, field and went to afintb on c rx Whenbisf ui sae saw at The wedding pnasents were sumer- he called to hili to get off, but in (M- ous and costly, including a sum of money front St. Janes'church, ng se the team slatted and little Nfu'.ddiebon, where the bride acted as Edgar fell off Sn front of the harrow s- ortanist for over ten years ' and a and the horses ran" suite !Ott e L beautiful dining room clock from the piano department of. the Doherty Company where Mr. Dunbar has been employed for some time. Mr. and Mrs. ))unbar will take up their residence in Clinton. 'Their many friends wish them a long ani happy wedded life. bans; dragging 'tato ch3id. The wee h• fe obofh' our boy died Prom the of ccs is r a of i les within half an hour. A doebor was at onoc called in but the ° ibblc sufferer was beyond perp when he: ar- rived. What -Males the case more sad is the fact that a little over three years ago his father was suddenly called away : and he was the solo com- fort of hi; widowed mother. rine the death of her husband Mrs. 17rratt Goderich Township and her little son have lived with her father and the'ttti iellow had won M8as Emma Durneb, who has been Iris, way Into the hear" of all by h'v the efficient organist of St, Jaynes' winning ways, and these hearts are church for some }mars, having re- indeed sad and lonely since his sud- Gently resigned—for reason s:e the den taking off. marriage column—the congregaelon The funeral to Bay field cemetery; took advantage of the occasionto was ver} largely attended, The pall- bearers weep little boys, members of Edga. s Sunday s.:bool class ; Elgin McKinley, Orval, 1S1-ralinchey, John Armstrong, Elmore Keys, Roy Koos and Willie Talbot. 'Mere is no Mock, however wat bed and tended, Ilut one dead lamb is there. There is no fireside, howsoe'el• defend- ed, But has one vacant chair. "We sec but dimly through nii•Is and vapovi earthly Amid. nes:. catthcy damps, What seems to us but sad funeral tapers, May he heaven's distant lamps. ;I -Ts is nob dead, the child of outs affection, But gone into that school Where he no longer needs our iroor protection, :And Christ himself cloth rifle. "In that great cloister's stillness and ' scch cion, 13y guardian angels led, Safe from tenpta2;on, safe from sin's pollution, lives whom we call dead. ewerwill. be patient and assuage the feeling c, We may trot wholly stay. • 13y SlLSee smlotifying, not concealing, The grief that must have sway." ' Summerhill: Mr. Dan, came` over frena Bileghamptnn, Nevi ' "York, Mast week visit hib another 'at Mr, • aird !Ws:. W. J. Mcli+ien's.. Mrs, Wililams has been 'very ill but, is now improving, pu:sent her with a purse as a token of their appreciation, The presenta- tion was made on Tuesday evening by the wardens Messrs, 'Ei; W. El- liott and John lliddleiton.,.Jr. To full the vacancy thus made, Miss Nellie Elicits has been outraged and as she is a talented musician and active church worker fir is believed the dut- ies of orlanrit will continue to be performed in a manner satisfactory to the whole congregation. Miss Hicks is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (ti}' Hicks. ]His, D. N. Welsh and little sun of Toronto are visiting at Sunnyside harm; the residence of Mr. and Hee, A. Welsh. Miss Elva Stewart, who has been attending the Model school, is house. for thetheholid holidays. Mr. Albert Anderson still cou'inues very poorly. , Mrs. Roy 8'Ieglcn anti wee son anti Mrs, James Hamilton and children have been spending nrin S the Past two weeks with' their parents+, 111r. and Mrs, Robe•+:• Colclough. They have now returned to their respentfvc hom- es in Dotroi,', Mrs. Dr. Squire's of Rotterdam has been t istb.ing her brother, Mr. Ike Rathwell; and sestet, Mrs, Will Kost- er of the Parr Line, London Road. The London Road and Turner's Ep- worth Leagues held a Union picnic on the 4th of July. The London Road League trade a day of it and were thee in seri"ion e i01 dinner acrd in the afternoon the people from Turners arrived and swelled the crowd to. 170 for tea: ' • Baseball, footbalii quoit pitching and.races 'were tife order of the day. The football, game by teams - chosen resulted in a score of 1-0 and show ed .some fancy; playing. With a little practice a teats might be formed for Lhe Helton. Intermediate series next season. The races for the youjtg people were a source •of,antusentenll bo all, The winners were rewarded by prizes' p•.)vi'dad. 'Phis part 'of't'he sports was "concluded by a tug of watt between the ladies, of the two Lea- gues, the London Road League prow - lag the stronger. The day and place chosen were idea: and to. the manag- ing committee, consisting of Mbssrs: Stephenson, Bard}', Hanley and 1'ea cock, much of the success of the day's' outing can he ascribed.. A vote of, thanks at the wind-up of the or:oste was tencle'ad to Mr, Pe a e o c k on whose; grounds the gathering was held:: It is pleasing to see two neighboring Leagues ,joining to- gether to promote good fellowship. Gatherings like this do not come oft- en enough to the busy farnten and so well did they enjoy themselves' that expressions were heard front every side that it will tin all probability de- v'eIop into an annual affair. Miss Ruby . Wise took advantage of the excursion' to Sprsngbank yeiter- flay. Mr. Will Pepper with hi+s wife and family -visited at, the home of his uncle, Mr• Roger Pepper, last week... Miss Jennie Grant is spending this week in Clinton prior,' to going to Thomas, where she itntends .putting in, part of the vacation dine. Mr. S. C. Hawke of Clinton took charger of : the League meeting at Mt. Frank Grant's on Tuesday evening.. He spoke on missionary work in South Africa, a subject withwhich lie is quite fami' ar;, having spotlit several year in that country. Iris address was very interesting and was listened to with evident pleasure, WESTERN FAIR This popular Exhibition' will be held this year September 0111 to 34th„ Araangements^have been made, by the management at very great expense for the best programme- of a'tt,ract:ons ever presented 'at any previous Ex- hibition. This programme will take place twice daily before the Grand Strand. A '.great musical twat in stars 1 or all this year. In addi- tion ro the First Hussars Band, and the Band of the 7th Regiment Fus- ilidr.s, the management have secured, at very, great' expense. The Wee Bowler . Porter's 0111 fl'he gatden`fP.arty c rued dnw i'bf',.:.the Sunday,`school ;sod •League Bethel church was held oetde lawn,' of Mr. and Mrs , John Cox on Wednes- day evening of last week„ proved to be a great success. 'l'he weather was fine and warns and the opporltunity of spending it in the open commended itself to 'a great many, which ensured a good turn out, !Tea, which not on- ly included strawberries and cream, but many other 'good things fox which the ladies of Porter's Hill are faired, was served in abundance and ..was thoroughly enjoyed. A number .if fine �'•ianorches- tra.selectionswas furn.'s! ed by Another, attraction was the Presence of Rev,. Mr. McCormack, the, new pastor of the I8ohmsville 1 le ted cordially zv+e circuit,vvho was S by hispeopleand who favored them with an address duffing the evening. The proceeds amounted d to betWeen sixty and seventy dollars. Mr. James McMichael of h Seaforth. Mr. McMichael is ninety-one years of age and cheerfully forging ahead;,, somewhat ambitious to ' round the hundredth post. Physically and men - ?ally he is a great old man, one of the landmarks, as it were, of the town in \vitl.h he has spent so many years. Recently the Ladies' Lavvn. Bowling Club p:stinted hips with an address and signet ring and the Huron -Old: Boys in passing through on. Sunday called in a body, gave: inti a badge and had their pipes play several Sab- bath tunes. 1t was fitting dile moot- ing of the Huron Old Boys and Sea- forth's Old Boy. WING HAM. Mayor ;Spotton has about, recovered From his recent illness and is able to be about again, all are pleased io see;. A' COURT CASE, One of the cases decided atthe re- cent sitting of the' county court was that of ' 'Brown vs, the Davis . Mfg. Co. ' The Company Sold a tray press to Phomas Brown of Sealor,th, and. after the -"machine was teslled Mr., Brown claimed' that it was defective and did not work satisfactorily. The Company agreed to have the press re- turned to the factory to have it per- fected avid return to ,the'purchaseb.. They subsequently refused to carry out this agreeiuent and the plaintiff enter- ed the action for damages caused by delay owing to the press being Im- properly constructed. After the case was called, it was settled out of court by the Company paying to Keown the sari• of $2330 togeTher with costs. , The Old Boys Jaunt. Wingharn, Jnly 7. — The delega- tion of the R.a•on Old Boys' Associa- tion of Toronto arrived here this afternoon on their auto trip around the county. They were met between here and Gorrie by a deputation from the town in three autos, headed by Reeve McDonald, ex -mayor Dud. ley Holmes and others, and were giv- en an enthusiastic welcome. - The delegates arrived in Gndeicb by special train esterday, and were met at the station by a large number of prominent citizens, including E.N. Lewis, M. P„ W. Prondfoot, M. P. P. and many others, Mr. Lewis enter- tained them at his residence and grounds in the afternocn, after which they lett for Bayfield, 'being joined by Messrs, ,Lewis, postmaster, and W. Kelly at -Bayfield. They were re- ceived by the reeve of the village, and were met by autnloads of Zurich residents, including J. J. Mercer, M. P Dr. Campbell, Dr. McKinnon. Reeve Hess, J. A. Williams, Ed, Zel- ler, J. Delchast. a.. A. Neidman, W. Roffman, W. Ruby, F. l.?;allflash, F. Moss, J. Rickheit, E. Sioshoff, J, Preeche and J. Constance, Leaving Bnyteld the psrty pro- ceeded via the Lake Shore road to St. Joseph, where they celebrated at M. Uontinee's, who has been building the phantom city for past few years. Zurich was reached at 0 p. m., whore a public dinner was held at Ran's Hotel, an h pi'izens turned out' and � e tm full frce. The party reached Exeter about dusk, where a rousing reception was awaiting them at the hands of eiti- ena, The party were met by Citizens' Band and he Orangee Band, and a number of prominent eittzen including Reeve peacock, 'r EC Car- ling, J. G. Stanbury, jos. Seiner, J. Southcott, N. D. Burden and J. Tay lar. The two hands, interspersed with Piper Ross, of Toronto, kept up the music till a late hour. The party came up the London road through' I3ensall and Kippen to Sea - forth, where a call was made on Mrs Jas. McMichael, the oldest man, in the country Mr. McMichael is in his 01st year, and is, known over Western On- tario as+a champion. bowler. At his present age he still takes an active part in his popular sport, • SAVE E THE CHILDREN Mothers boxBaby's who keep a of B y Own Tablets in the house may feel that the lives of their little ones are reasonable safe during the 'hot wea- ther. Stomach troubles, cholera in rantum and diarrhoea curry off thou- sands of little ones every summer, in most cases because the another does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets cure these troubles, or if given occa- sionally to the Well child will pre- vent their corning 'on, The Tablets are guaranteed by a government an- alyst to be absolutely harmless even to the newborn babe, They are es- pecially good in the summer because they regulate the bowels and keep the stomach sweet and pure. The Tablets are soli by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents•a box from The Dr. William's Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BUYING LESS MEAT IN NEW YORK New York City is consuming one- third less meat than it did last Feb- ruary. Fifteen per cent, of the but- cher shops of the city have close within two months. These are the statements of butchers, wholesale and retail, in various parts of the city. One year ago retail dealers were paying 10 cents a pound for the whole beef. To -day' they are paying 13, This is the rise in any one year in the .history of the trade. Men who Iraye bees in the meat business forty years in New York City recall nothing like it. Consumption has fallen off one-third and butcher shops are closing all over the city, no'long- er able to make a living because the. rise is placing meat beyond the power of their' customers to buy. POPULAR ATLANTIC SEASHORE RESORTS + The -Canadian Pacific has inaugur ated fast train' service with through sleeping cars between Montreal, Port- land, :01d Orchard Beach, Kenne- hunkport, Me., also between. Montreal and St. Andrew -by -the -Sea, affording every comfort to the most fastidious traveler: Connections with these trains can be made by leaving Toron- to at 0,00 a.m. and 10.80 p.m, from Union Depot and 10,00 p.m. daily from North Toronto. Fnll particulars, tickets, reservations, eta, at any C. P.R. ticket office, NEW O.P.R,TRAIN FOR MUSKOKA DISTRICT Fa: t Limited Muskoka. Express via Canadian Pacific leaves Toronto -12,10 p m., daily except Sunday, carrying Parlor Car, Cafe Car and "first class coaches snaking direct connection at Bala with steamers for all lake points. Everyone should endeavor to Visit. this delightful resort, especially those subject to hay foyer; as the atmos- pheric conditions offer immunity from this malady. Full information from, any Cl, P, R, Agent. HOT, . W TEH • S EA PCi A • ��� N E l• T -AT SPECIAL P C TOW PRICES 41--Only2;ir rter KaseIrne stove with warming oven Regular $15:00for 3115, , r_ 1-only,i ea1'2 But ner gasOline:stove; with one extra ltowerfutl •Burne and o veh complete, Ie start.1 .00•tor $7,7 5, 1,—only 2 wtckil stove extension top .'with 3 holes. Regular $3.25 for' 1 -second hand Detroit Son gasoline stove 3 Burner and oven in gocd order was $1.1.00 for $4,75. 1—only rocker churn. Regular 34.06 for 2.00. Snap granitepreserving' in kettles while they last, Regular .45 cents for .20 cents .60 .42 ' .65 " " .45 . " .75 , 55 " ' 5:100 '" . „ :08 Weather I'1aumocks - T:lotn Re alar 'L.0 for9.72 ,r Replier $2.50 " •2.15 Harland Bros. Stoves, Hardware ' and Novelties of LAWN AND VERANDAH fl NITFU DI UI�E Verandah Curtains `Verandah Mattings The season is short s0 tiehave made our refitC the same, 'Come early and get first choice. The Store, of Quality, Phone 28 W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence, Phone, 140 You Run . No Risk. We have confidence in our our WATCHES, as the result of long EXPERIENCE. We guarantee 'theta because they are ALL RiGHT both as regards QUALITY AND PRICE, Let Us Show You Thee. W. R. COUNTER Jeweler, - - Clinton ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. anomininnimmigsistion ommommagowrimmWaillamoll WEDDING PRESENTS s et.,in.USEFUL:.as el BUY Your friend om„ H g 9 as ornamental A Beautiful Article of Furniture is the correct thing to buy, We offer you a fine collection of Fancy Chairs, Roll Seat Rockers, Roman Chairs, Library Chairs, Smoking Chairs, Couches, Hanging Mirrors, Ball Stands, Parlor Tables, Music Cabinets., For the floor we have Smyrna, Wilton and 'Axminster Rugs, Brussels, Dominion and Velvet Squares. EVERY article marked at QUICK SALE Prices. J. H. CHELLEW, BLYTH : FREE AUTO DELIVERY, PHONES 7 and 8 N ATIQNALPORTLAN D .:: E M C ...ENT Is a little the best going, but we don't charge. any more for it,;'',' A. fresh carload just in. ANDREWS E — TO ANY NEW SUBSCRIBER IN CANADA THE NEWS -RECORD'. L -WILL BE SENT— 'o the end of 1912 for 25a.