HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-07-11, Page 1- No. I738 -33rd Year
The News -Record to any address in Canada to the end of I912` for 25 cents ---for new subscribers.
There -has been a lot of care and time expended in
tin stock of ours:' Quite a good deal
selecting this ring . Q g
of money spent, too, for we wanted it above all things
as complete as we could possibly get it.
We have some particularly handsome stone com—
binations for ladies.
Also attractive effects for gentlemen, some of them
sell for $2,00, and from that price go away up to
over a hundred dollars.
Theis we have some nate little rings for the young-
er folks for $1.00 and thereabouts.
You will be perfectly safe if you depend upon
this store for your ring needs.
W. X. Ye11qar'
,jeweler and Optician - - Clinton
Capital $6.250,000. Reserve $7,000,000.
The Annual Statement, shows tbe following increases for a9(r.
1910 1911
Deposits $72,079,607 $88,294,808
Loans and Investments 55,283,676 62,790,072
Total Assets 92,51o,346 110,528,51
207 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World.
RE MANNING, Manager Clintonto
1 i�S
Record of Progress for Five Years -1906 -1 11.
$3006 1911
0 000 $1,000,000
RESERVE . . X3,000,000 4,000,000
DEPOSITS . 23,677,730 . 35,012,311
LOANS AND INVESTMENTS 27,407,090 33,854,801
TOTAL ASSETS . , 33,090,192 45,237,254
Brendle in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all
Has €3 s g
the Principal Cities of the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest cur•'ent rate.
Ciiraton Branch r. E. Dowding, Manager
The New Straws
"A fine straw hat display, surely /" 2hat' s
what everybody says that has seen our new straws.,
2here's great satisfaction in buying your straw hat
you'll be sure of style, the le, sure of the quality an
sure of the price.
Wire brims s p ?�e shapes adapted to all ages, bran f various
widths and crowns ofvarious ec
Split Straws, Sennets, Panamas, Etc.
Some snappy, fancy bands for swell young fellows
who want the thing.'
Hats from 25c to $7.50.
Just come right along with any straw hat preference
you may have, and see how we can meet your ideas.
�OHH HE...
«A Square Deal t
very Man'
Wheat 81,00 to $1.03.
•Oats 18c. to 50c.
Peas 90m to 8-4Q,
Barley 80c, to/.Tea.
Butter 19c. to 20c,.'
Eggs 21e. to 22c.
Live Hogs $7:70.
A Clinton rink consisting of J. B.
Hoover, W, J. Nediger, W, J. Stev-
enson and E. Ge Courticc won the Mr. Jas. Hamilton this'. week sold
trophy at the 'Seafortli tournament a colt •thirteen• months old, by Vol -
last week and each of the quartette taire, for the saint of 8209. This an
has in conseqqence added a • leather midi does not leave Huron, the pur
covered oak rocker to his equipment chaser being, a resident of the south-,
of furniture.", Clinton almost in. ern part of the county. Messrs.
variably gets there when participat- Thos. Keys and William Ammond of
ing in a tournament, and. not infre-' Stephen township each sold a norse
quently it's the trophy they land, ,recently by the same sire and each
realized three hundred dollars.
Mine IIs n treated the
� Italie hurt' a •ci
I1. 0. B's•to an auto run down to the } The household effects of Rev. Mr.
House of Refuge on Monday abler- Alliin, the new pastor of the Ontario
noon. ,Some of those who have been street chureh, arrayed last week, as
away from the county for some years also did those of Mr, Paul, toe acting
were not aware that such complete manager of the Molsons Bank. The
and comfortable quarters area be' -15 draynten loaded up Lite banker's fur -
maintained for Huron's aged and in- ratite first, and, being mi_linformed„
firm ones, and they were Inuclt inter- hauled it up to the parsonage where
ested and impressed as they were they unpacked it, piano and all, with.
shown over the place by the Manager that care char cte•i s
tie of Them:
and Mrs. MuP.:lt. Piper Ross accon- Just then the pastor appeared upon
partied the party and treated the old pile scene and realizing that it was
folks to several tunes Trench to. :heir' rattier too early in the term for a
delight, especially those Scottish by donation parse of such magnitude, he
Mirth or extraction. queried the draynten, then piano and
'effects were repacked and carted over
MARRIED IN LONDON. 'to the residence on Ratt'nbury street
The following paragraph from the 1 whivh Mr. Paul will orcupy.
London Free Press -will be of interest T'14E NEW PASTOR.
to News -Record xeaders, the groom
being a son of Mr. and Mrs, Duncan I Rev. S. J. Allfn, Mrs. Attie and
Stevenson, formerly of Clinton but two daughters and one little son,
uow of Newmarket: Master Sherwin, arrived in Clinton
"The Church of St, John the Evan -
Friday evening and on Sunday
gelist was the scene of a very p ratty Mr. Allin preached the inaugural ser -
though quiet wedding this morning mons of Inc pastorate in Ontario
when E.'ael May Wilson, daughter o[ street church morning and evening
Mr. D. Billson, became the wife of and at Turner's in the afternoon.
Wilfrid D. Stevenson. The bride was The new pastor made a most favor-
gliven away by her father, and had for able •'repression upon his flock and on
bridesmaid her sister Miss Lou. At.
Ian who heard him.
On Sunday evening the local Or-
angemen and e few visiting brethren
attended divine service/ in this Church
and, the pastor preached' a -n mprehen
sive and inspiring sermon to them.
The preacher went into 'the history
of the order and heartily commended
his hearers to its constitution. The
dicta rendered appropriate music.
E. T. Young assisted the groom. Tho Mr. Alltn has been thirty years. in
groom's giftto Yate bride was a silver the Ministry and with, the exception
toilet set and to the beldesmaid a
green cameo ring set with pearls.
The groom's father 'and mott,er at-
tended Mom Newmarket. Only the
immediate relati':es of the contracting
parties were present. Mr. and Mrs.
Stevenson left on the morning train
for Toronto, Montreal and other
points Ease and 011 their return will
reside in London.
of a short period spent in Cleveland,
Oliio, many years ago, he has been
a member of the London Contorence
all that time. He is no stranger to
I'Iuuln county, having held pastorates
at Exeter_ • Centralia, Goderich and
Brussels. Ile also met previously
many citizens of , Clinton, members 01
his own congregation aril others,•
whom he 'looked up at once in order
to renew acquaintance,
THE OLD BOYS HERE. I Being of an energetic turn, genial
The Iluron'Old Boy's excursion was and companionable and wiehal` a
held on Saturday last, good preacher and with the repute -
tion of being an excellent pastor, The
Ter is always a popular outing, News -Record predicts for Mr. Allismany of ilio natives of the old a successful pastorate in Clinton and
county who are, variously engaged in for himself and family a pleasant so-
journ capital taking advantage of journ here.
the opportunity of visiting annually'
the ,scenes of their childhood and the MARRIED A'1' ST, PAUL'S•
friends and i lateves still res:eleat tett, ;, very- wedding here. p' g 'was soleuin-
ired in St: Paul's church at high
Huron's latch string always hangs noon yesterday, when Minnie Ethel,
out to -those sons and daughters of eldest daughter of 'the late Rev. Geo'.
whom she is proud and whore- she M. and Mrs: Kilty, became t'.te bride
heartily welcomes to her hospitable of the Rev_ Harrison Palmer West-
homes. this year was no exception gate, B. A., ol.'1'rinity church, St,
and the excursionists certainly to- 'Thomas.
received a "warm" welcome, the eea- Promptly at the hoar Ven, ;hath-
neer man aiding in this laudable en- deacon Hall, M. A., St. Thomas, fol-
deav'or by handing us out the hot- lowed by the groom, and tie grooms -
test -weather of the season. man, the Rev. Arthur Carlisle of
Clinton always has her share of Windsor, took up ''heir places. 'Then
viaftors on these occasions„ as the to the strains of the Wedding Ararch
number of Clinton citizens now hold- played by Miss Clete Ford, the Bridal
ing .positions of varying impoe ante party came slowly up the aisles,
and responsi iilcty in Toronto is large headed by Miss Ruby Kiley, sisterof
aril still continues to grow: Amongst the bride; as bridesmaid. The bride
those who came up for the followed leaning on the arm of Fee
weer;; -end in the Hub were : ',les- uncle, Mr. H. 13. McVittie of Norith
srs. R. Holmes, E. Floody, SP., L 73ay, who gave her, away.
Floody, Jr., Mrs: W. Moore and dau- I The charming bride was beautifully
ghter, Miss Brickenden, Mrs. W. F. gowned im ivory satin with trimming
Canteian and two cirildren, Mr. and of lace and 'seed pearls. She wore a
Mrs. W. R. Mille., : M. and. Mrs. tulle veil, gracefully caught up with
Alex. Armstron• blossoms and car -
Levy and Mr.Al, le g 1pearls and orange
As last year, an auto trip was ar- vied a baguet of American beauty
ranged, the party consisting, of Mes-'roses and a white prayer book.
srs. W. W. Sloan„ President; E. �- The br.idea:nald wore a, dainty gown
Floody, ••Secreta:+', H. Clusas,'vlce, of, pink satin withtrimming .of lane
H. Cobbledick, W. E. Hodgson, S. I,. and seed pearls and a white lace hat
Scutt, Roger Croaker, Major Beck, and- carried American beauty ;:ores.
R. D. Sheppard, N. Kerr J. 'Robert- i The ushers were Messrs. Clarence
son,;: J. J. Tait, J. C. O'Neil, W. C. Kilty and Carl Draper,
Taylor and W. H. Johnetene„ taking I About forty guests were peasant to
Elliott's motor-, bus at Goderich and witness the ceremony, and the gaSfery
proceeding to Zurich, where they was filled with friends of the pride,
were entertained by J. J. Merner, M. a number also being seated in the
P., then to Exeter for the eight. body of the ehuvcli
Sunday they went' to Seaforth for After the ceremony and the sigring
dinner then to Brussels; Wroxeter of the register, the briclal,party and
and Gorrie and on to Winghani where guests drove to the home of the
they attended divine service in St. bride's mother on Mild ,tre_t
Pail's church m the evening and woere a reception was held• The rte-
spent the ,night. Monday they ea- ctirations were pink and white care -
turned to C;'fntor' and had dinner at ations.
the Rattenbury House, when Mayor 1 At the luncheon the toast of the
Gibbings, Reeve Cantelon, Messrs; bride was proposed by Ven, :.Arch-
lRansford, W. Jackson and: others deacon Mill and responded to by tbe
were guests of the Association, Piper Rev: D. J, Cornish of Forest;
Ross of the Toronto police force at, • An'mong the guests from out. of :town
companied , the party and enlivened were : Rev. D. J. Cornit+h, Forest ;
the time by dispensing music -front Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Westgate and Mr,
the pipes on the way, It is said and Mrs. Alex. Westgate of 'Waafaed,;
that the piper refused to play on Mr: and Mrs, H. B. MeV Et1ie of,
Sunday, gei'ing as his reason That Noti;h Bay; Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Far
he had promised his mother that he quhar and Mrs, Brigham of Heimail ;
wouldn't play the pipes on fie Sab- Mr, and Mrs. Chas. . Farquhar of
bath, The members of the party ilillsgreen., and Mr. and the 'lIis,,es
tried <t'0 inducts himto play-eaered Buchanan of Watford,
tunes but he was firm and' wouldn't TIM RCP. Mr. and Mrs. Westgate
for 9nd I:�
r i t
t n
the three, a
goback h' convictions, for ',vhf . t ft on t
on is cont i , o t l le
he was to be commended, But one mere, Muskoka, where they will sne 1
ltishman suggested that Piper ,Ross eheiv honeymoon. The bride''sgoing
knew his bags and knew, it -wild away costume was a tailored suit
be,impossi ie to play sacred music of navy blue serge wall which she
on them. This, of course, may have wore a large hat of peanut straw
been a biased opin'ons Hewever, trimmed with black velvet and pink
even without the inspiration of the rose brads,
pipes; ors Sunday, the anise trip was The News+-2tegitrd joins in the li.lie
most enjoyable. ' Rations,
Mr. A. Barclay of Stratford will
take chase of .the services ' in St.
Paul's church next Sunday.
Mr, E. Carter has been doing some
painting for Mr. A. Idooper who is.
So well pleased w5uh the job teat he
is recommending' Mr. C'artela to
Rev. II. M. and Mrs, .Manning, for-
nte:.'y of Clinton, announce the engage-
ment of tacit youngest • daughter,
Kate Eivira to Mt. James H. Hare,
B. S. A„ of Whitby, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. It', Aare of Cobourg. The
marriage will take place taie first
week in Auguse.
The H. 0. B's Who the past week
circled the county did so in Elliott's
motor bus with Gabe 'Elliott as
chauffeur. The Old Boys admired the
smooth ruining, car very much and
unanimously agreed that Hereafter
when a motor bus il'scussion is 60 the
fore they will put in a good word tor
`;The Clinton" manufactured by the
Clinton Motor Car Company.
Some time ago tlic G. N. W. Tele-
graph Company introduced the night
lette•a system by. which' fifty -.vents
can be sent fol the same pu:oe as a
ten -word 'day message. Just recently
the Company adopted the wireless
system which ehables a patron i,o
send a radio message to the 013 :.and
at about half the former price. The
local agent, Mr, A. T. Cooper, e.,
now authorized to receive lnessages
for Great Britain and Ireland at fif-
teen cents a word.
At the evening service on Sunday
tiMr. R:13. Foster of 'l'o'nnto assisted
the choir and also rendered -a solo in
lis usual fine voice. Misses Zada
Mrtlae and Abide Glen sang a duet
which was also much appreciated.
During; Jtli and. August instead ad 01
tate usual Sunday school service in
the ate rnoon, the primate, Glasses
will meet at eleven o'clock and the
About People You Know.
Miss E. M. Stephenson is home from 1)r. Gaudier le holidaying ab his 501116
at Newburg.
Mr. A, D. Beaton returned last week
from the west.
Rev. W. a'.
Pearcoy of Londesboro
was in town on Tuesday.
AIr. and Mrs. George ,Bunsch were
gueste of Clinton ft.`•ends over the
week -end.
Mr. John Johnson of Dungannon spent
Sunday 'with his brother., • Mr. lid.
Dr. McBride of Welland has been the
guest the . past, week of Mr. and
Mrs. D. S. -Chet
Miss Brickenden of Toronto was the ;
North Bay for the long vacation:
Mr, John Rumball of Toronto is
spending his holidays at, his, bone
Dr, 14. J. Gibson of Saute Ste. Marie
visited over the week -end with his
mother, Mrs. McLennan.
Miss Annis McIntyre, 'lirontp, has
been spending a few days -with her
father, Mr. Janes McIntyre.
Masten Frank Pennabaker 15 enjoying
the holidays with his grandmother,
Mrs. George Burrows of Sheppard -
Mrs. George Roemer and children of guest over the week -end of Me. and
-Kansas City, Missouri, are visiting Mrs. Jacob 'Taylor.
the lady's mother, Mrs. Thomas
Mrs W. F, Cantelon and two ohild-
ren of Toronto havebeen the' guests
of Mr, and Mrs. Win. Cantelon dur-
ing tine past week.
Mr. and Mrs. George. D. McTaggart
and family took possession on Fri-
day '14ast of their summee cottage at
the While' C',ty, Bayfield.
Master Leslie Blackwell of Woodstock
is,spending what remains of his hal-
" idays
ol-"idays with his uncle, Mr. Robert
E.,Colclough of Goderich township.
M... SPawart Paisley, teller in the
Royal . flank, I'd spending his Mi-
slays with, his sisters, 'Mrs. Dona
Bowen, Washington Court House,
Ohio, 'Mrs. Paul _ Bowen, 'Tecumseh,
Mich., and another sister at Jack-
son, same state.
Mr.E E. Floody, Jr., of 1l e 'I'oc,.nto
World advertising staff, was the
guest ot'•his uncle, M•. D. Canteloi,.
over the week -end. 'Tis 55111 that
he M so loyal to 'too old town
and so enamoured of its.attractl'ons
that he is ready so chant its
praises on all occasions.
Mr. Phos. Firth, late science master'.
at the C. C. I., was in town tate
latter part othhe week, forwarcdg
leis furniture to Lindsay where he
has accepted a P
ostt,n of ,ae
l -
lc tate sl
iI. Mr. Flesh is a ecach-
et_ of high order and Is sato ?u wiu
advancement. Ile and his good
Wife are now holidaying at Thew
other classes will attend the morning l old home near .Durham.
serricc of the church at which the Mr. William Jones of Ilaini'.don was
the pastor will take up the S. S. in ?own on Monday, having Dome
csson, up from 'Toronto with the. Huron
T'he amoral Sunday school picnic will •Old Boys. The genial ''Bill," for
be held at Bayfield on 'Thursday of h hrnill'ly ntabs'
hise longivas resfaidenceiaherek, teasown
next week,
looking so well that his friends each
LAYING; 80-I'OtiND'RAILS. and every one, asked him ]tow he
The London:, Hurgn and Bruce is manages so successfully to escape
being re -railed from Clinton to Wing-
the carni i s that advancing years
rain, a distarlce of twenty-four utiles. almost invariable leave.
The rolls heretofore in use were tuade A'11, and Mts. James Young were in
n Barrow, England, and were put town ou Monday on their way from
town when the road was constructed Coplestone to Bayfield where Mr.
'n 1875. They have stood the weav
and tear remarkably well, much bet-
ter than life rasa s of more recent
make. 'Those now being laid are 1:0
pounds to the yard and have' been in
use on the main line, where they hake
been replaced by rails twenty pout, 's
heavier to stand the strain of the big
freighters. It is expected they will
answer for the lighter traffic of the
L., H. and 13. for some time to some.
The re-reaing is being done ay
fifty or more Italians who live in a
caboose whleh is tgdcen up the lino as
the work progresses.
As the labor of these navvies is nob
of a finishedorder much work will In
consequence be thrown upon the sec-
tion men and the force will he doubles.
That is while there are at present
three men to eaoh six -mile section,
there 'will be as soon as the help can.
be procured, six. The pay has been
advanced fifteen cents per day,
The G. T. R, will also spend con-
siderable money in the local• yard
and have already started to lay a 1 church choirs, On?ario street in the
second track from the diamond to'1 morning and Willistthe N. 'ret. 7;n
Isaac street. This will save time in those who know Dirk it is gniv
the make-up and despatch of trains' • necessary • to say that he excelled
even himself. Clinton people con-
sider it a genuine pleasure to hear
him sing,
Major. Joe Beck came up on the IJ.
O. B. excursion oh sola..., ay and
circled the county w;,th the auto
party which spent Monday afternoon.
in Clinton, A. visit from the gonad
"Joe" is like recalling, happy mem-
ories and it,, was pleasant to note
1mw easily be is ca:::ying the vears
which will roll up.. There will be no
severance so fat as, •Clinton ,scon-
cerned, of - the cordial relations
which have existed between Major
Beak and its - own self:
Mr: George ' Ward, of Toronto who
for nine years previous to twenty -
nate years agoresided in Clineon,
came up on the excursion to see
to the death of a er s how many of his long -ago f::lends
W. J. Malloy. The fun^Tal is to he could find and he ran aceoss mote
be 'held from his 'lateresidenee, 16 than lie expected, He noted with
Tecumseh Ave., on Friday
ifter pleasure the greet improvement in
noon. the Clinton as he 'recalled it, and
he likewise, expressed the opi'nioq
that for neatness and inriltt it com-
pares very favorably, indeed, - with
any town of its siee in .the -Pros
Secretary Floody was ,with the 0. H.
B's, sure. As well .ask him to miss
an O•i .nge walk as this annual ` air-.
tarn to their Native heath of the
sonsand u _hters f Old Heron
da o
Mr. Moody's many 'friends were
sora, to notice that he' has not yet
fully recovered from the effects o[
the' auto accident he met with come
three months ago. He is as spright.
ly as ever„ tthottgb, and his stock
of merry yarns seems i'nex'haustible,
Here's hoping that the ehaliow of
kindly I;d. Floody may newer grow
113 -asses Viaden and Virginia Srnillie of
Chicago are the guests of 'eheir.
aunt, Mrs. A. J.Grigg- •
!Hiss Stewart of Blyth has taken the
position of operator iii the G,
W. office in Cooper's bookstore.
Mr. Thomas Long of Port Hope Id
visiting for a few days with lis
brother, Mr; John ']trance.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Harold Rayner' arc ex-
pecr:ed home"onMonday front hers
trip to England and• France:
Mr, D.
A. McC'Iu�r ,
$ of h Molsons
Bank, 'Toronto, has beed rene•,ving
old friendships in town this week,
Mr. and Mrs. George McRae and Mr.
'Phos. McRae, Detroit, are spending
'4151 week at their old home in 'aowit.
Mrs. W. T. O'Neil and family have
taken up their residence in their
summer cottage at Bayfield for the '
Mr. Cf. D. ,Robe•aton is in London to-
day attending a convention of
agents of the London Lite laser-
ante C'ompany. •
Mr. and Mrs, George Mc13tl:dc of
Saginaw, Mich., were guests on
Monday of the formes's aunt, Mrs,
II. Pennabaker.
Miss Kate Scott, nueee-in-training in
the Presbyterian Hospital,- New
York Cit';', is spending a holiday at
her home 'n
1 town,
. Will
Wasrnann 1 11
asmaun ' f
London .ondon r.
ante '
up on Saturday and spent the week-
end at the parental home., that of
Mr. and Mrs.- W. F. Wasnann,
Mr. George 1Iinchley, formerly of
Clinton hu' note of Regina' elask.,
was one of those who lost property
lite recent disaster there, his
house having been demolished.
Dr. Gunn returned on Monday after .
a month's stay at Rochester, SIlns.,
where he combined business with
pleasure by attending the slims
and also en,joy'r'g a One holiday.
Mr, Hugh Grigg, accountant in the
lllolsons 13ank, S:vi're, a i Ii id kis
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grigg,
for a few days this week. On
'Tuesday he visited his brother, alt.
Young .takes charge 01 the si tcuit Roy Crtiggi ledger -keeper in the,
consisting of f:ie Methodist churches Bank of Montreal 'at Goderich.
at ]Hayfield, Sharon and Cole's.
Rev. S. J. Ailfn and Mrs. Alin with
Mr. Young labored eeth 1110'11 sue two of their daughters and a son
cess on his last ttvochaeges and it ariaved in town on Friday evening
is expected good result's will also and have since become settled in
follow his work in his new acid. Ontario street parsonage. 'rite
Mrs. Young is a daughter of Mrs. News-Rs','rd on behalf of the cite.
18. Moore of Clinton, izenstads them welcome to Clinton
Rev. C. E. Jeakins and Master Roe.- and hopes their stay here may ee a
maid lett the beginning of the trek pleasant one.
for a vacation in Quebec, their na- Mr Victor Stone 'of 'Toronto its the
• titre province. They intend to spend guest of Mr. Stewart Jackson, Mr.
a. few days the guests of Sir. and Stone and Mr. Jackson are business
Mrs. K Erskine at 1C1ow1tos, partners in tete 5(1' staining `line'
Que., which is in 'the vicin13y et and together have been appearing
Mr, .Jcalcins' parental hone. '"bey with great saccess before large and
-vil1 also visa" in Montreal, which iences oar New York and other cit-
which .is in the vicinity of Waterloo, ies. Mr. Stole 'intends remaining:-
is Mrs. Jcal.ins home city, and will a fortnight or so.
be absent a.niofith or mo''. Mrs.. Walter Webster, Miss Webster
Mr, R. B. (Dick) Foster came up on and Master' Gordon of Weston, and
Um I:l. 0. 13. excursion Saturday a. Mr. and SIts. A. Ball, son and 'at-
it -
m. and foe the rest of the day was tie ,daughter, Mrs. Partlo-w and
btfsy':rsxc;,hangiitg' greetlings with old- daughter, Mrs. Thos, Campbell ' and
Nene trie:ris in town. And then on Wale son, Mrs, W. Barnes and hiss
the Sabbath he assisted two of the Addie Rayson, all of 'Toronto, vis-
ilk.c1 their mother, Mrs, J, Rayson
of town„ over the week -end,
Mr. H. 13. McVittie, who, accotiipalt-
ied by his wife, came doom to at-
tend the wedding of 'thele nciee,
Miss Mimtic Kitty, left This - a, m.
to retarn to North'. Bay and ' l,is
duties • as,C.P.R. engineer. ' Mrs.
McVittie makes a' longer stay, It
is twenty-one years' since Mr. Mc-
Vittie entered' the service of the
Company which he has seen grow','
from a struggling village to a
bustling, ambitious and growing ,
town. •
ATT. William Turner, an old -tine eesi-
dent of Stanley and Goderich town-
ships, but avho has spent' the past
fiv0 years with members of his
family in the west, returned last.
week and is visiting in the vicinity.
Mr. Clifford Andrews, who has; been
on the Royal Bank staff at ,.Osha-
wa for the past three years, and
•was recently transferred to the
inspector's department at Toronto,
is spending the week in town with
his pareate, Mr. and .Mrs. S. " J.
Andrews. '
Mr.' W. E. Young, inspecitor of the
Northern Casualty, Company of
• Aberdeen, South- Dakota, was in
town on Tuesday and exchanged
g'+''etings with his r•,llums of Cr -
teen and more years ago, it being
that long since tate. family left here.
They didn't all, even Percy Couch,.
know himi at first sight for he •has
changed a -great deal, but they }were
•n"'ust,aes c
rejoiced to meet lava, 1
i Young
TI:;s lather, lvI. William g,
.;now -a contractor at Aberdeen, is
well borne in, mind by the oldies gen-
eration and his good. wife, too. ale.
fi Id'
-Young has gone over to Bayfield
for a week or so and its dollars to
dougheuts the attractions of •ilial
balmy, breezy resort will hold him
• longer than be has reckoned ora.
Mies Mary McCaughey i<s . viaiting
friends in Blyth..
Mr. A. O1ven, New York, was in :own
for a few days the past week.
Mr. Young of Vancouver B:C, is the
guest, of: M•r. sand Mrs, T. Jackson
Mrs. G. D. Roberton, Mies Helen and
Master Kenneth are visiting at
Woodstock and 'Imnerkip., -
Rev. and Mrs. W. - H. Dunbar of Ber-
via, Toeeerly of Clinton, left last
'"week to.revisit the 1at-er Green
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Twitchell were
called to London: this week owing
the1 tt ' brother,
Bary field
Miss Ruby Fishe:. of Berlin vs the
guest of: Mr. and Mrs. ' F. A, Ed-
• Mr. and Mrs. ITarry Green and two
children of '1orointo are visiting A143.,
r .
n parents, Ir. and Mrs C401.
Gree s a e is N
red Iwo.
AIr. and Mrs. J. Brow h
.a S n
children of London and Mr. Charles
Clark of Seafort''a aro guess as lie
M•.. •and. Mrs, G. D. McTaggart and
their family, lvlisass .Jean and Peggie
Mr, Broder and Master Malcolm of
Clinton are sin-rimer/lig Tal the White
More 13ayliel1 tows on.,paee 8,