HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-07-04, Page 8News -Record oases*** ♦♦N ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦N NNA♦N N♦♦♦N♦'►N♦♦♦N♦♦N.♦N Chair r is a good , thing to haveabout the home during hot weather,; We have what'11 please you Ior if there is any ottter .piece of Furniture that you are in need of 2 ♦ I Z ; Let us Supply your- rants. p 1 We aim to Please. I Atkinson :& D.unford i4♦A♦oN♦N♦♦♦N►�♦M♦1♦♦NN♦N♦♦N♦NN1N♦♦♦NN SELLING OUT Boot & Shoe Business will be sold on terms to suit Purchaser. Rent of building reasonable. The BIG SALE is still going on.: Scores have taken advantage of this great MONEY SAVING SALE; HAVE YOU? Our large and well assorted stock of Children's Shoes and Slippers is attracting the 'Mother's Witten- tion. iNow's when the shrewd Buyer bun's Shoes. J. Twitchell Son CLINTON, m - ONTARIO to �Y0 odmissimmmrmwdidmnimsmeoitsm' UNG •M EPfI We have been WATCHIN G YOU you'll We have been looking out for your interests. We have the kind of oxfords you ll like- Oxfords that are built for 1 'you alone. Snappy styles of distinction thatordinary stand out from the'st les so decidedly that, when you see them. Buying wilt be irresistible, FRED. JACKSON'S Good Shoes for everybody .. iiamanosamassommommistssimmall 11•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0 n 11 buyIYon pancheap every tirne. store to ou� s ;, We ha ve.a big stock. Our prices 2 are marked down. It will pay you, i * to do your midsummer buying • With us. : 1 ces and 'White wear - SPECIAL All lines in Dress Goods, Skirts, Blo z - • . lines that have Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Pumps• some 'sizes sold out. Pants,O."it will CLOTHING Suits, Odddd Vests. pay you to see what we have to offer. best Clothing made to measure, es o satisfaction given. 1 SMABROSLL EEL , PMORE L�JMST BUSINESS PROFITS " ' *****************N************M'*********** NEWSwRECORD TO JAN. NEXT 250 A NEW— STRONG LIG FIT--- AND— ARTISTIC— Curtain Extension Pole ONE STYLE HOLDS A SIN- GLE PAIR OF CURTAINS, ANOTHER MADE TO HOLD TWO PAIR` OF CURTAINS OR AN OVERDRAFE AND A SINGLE PAIR AND A' TFIIRD , STYLE TOF1101,1)THE -SHADE AND A_ PAIR OF CURTAINS. THE DOU- BIE. ROD MAKES A HAND-, SOME :APPEARANCE AND WITH IT 4 VARIETY OP. EFFECTS CAN BE PRODUC- ED: D: TIFE OVAL END USEFUL AND ALLOWS THE CURTAIN TO DRAPE CLOSE TO THE CASING, SHUTTING- OF THE SIDE VIEW. ALL ALLOW SPACE , ENOUGH FOR A FREE MOVEMENT OF THE SHADE, " i. W. D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest - Always the Best to P�j$/ - dui uumni J 1 ll1I muuun i mi, " ,ell �•�'ilh. MDs. J. A: Irwi'n and Miss Sipes were in. London over Dominion Day. Miss Marion Bogie of Goderieh Is visiting her aunt, Mrs, .H, Penna - baker. Mrs' A. Osba2deston returned yes- terday from a fortnight's 'vfsiU at Dunlop. Miss Margaret Mahaffy is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm, Sparks of Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson of Strait• ford were guests of 1VIrs. D. Comiei5 over the week -end, Miss Ross Lavis, who has been in Georgetown over the millinery sea- son, is home again. Mr. Percy Towne was in Canip at. -Goderich Last week as lieutenant of the Clinton Company. ' Miss Edna •Pennabaker has returned home after a two weeks'. visit with Goderi.h friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sion I%Iu..lt of Strata ford were guests over the week -end of Mu. and Mrs. J. W. Mooren Mrs. R. E. Manning and her sister, Miss Fisher, visited relatives ab Whitby ove•f the holiday time. Mr. James Howson has 'returned to Stratford ,after spending a few days at his home on Albert st deet. Mr. and Miv. T. H. 'Elardy and Mies Etta visited Sunday and: Monday with Mrs. W. G. Nethery of , Bel grave. t Mr. Bert Johnson has returned from down near Hamilton where ho was the successful principal of t$ie Pub- lic school, Mr,. and Mrs. George Becker of the city of Detroit visited over the hol- iday wifth the fornier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Becker. If you have visitors at your home it is a little courtesy you owe them to see that their names appear in The News -Record's Personal (*al- umna. • Mr. N. C. Sterrett of the Molsous Bank staff left on Monday for his home at Simcoe whore he will spend - the major past of bis for.iight's vacation. Mr. ant Mrs. John Hartley feft, on Monday for Gore Bay, Manitoulin, where Mr. Hartley will co_duct a teachers ezaviing school dui' ag the month of July. Mr, and Mrs. John B. Kennedy re- turned to Detroit Wednesday after spending afew days atthet .m ere Parental home, residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kennedy. Mr, and Mrs, G. L. Cook have moved to Seaforth whore they purpose re- maining' until the ,fall when they will return to Clinton and re-enter boniness. Mr. Gook built up a nice trade which he hopes -to much in- crease by carrying additional lines of goods. Rev. .1. E . Ford received a wire • the other day from his son, Mr. A. IL Ford, correspondent of t h e Winnipeg Telegram at Re- gina saying that though, conditions there were bad he was safe and well. Mr. Ford is in the Saska- tehewan capital during the ,election campaign in theinterests of his paper. Mr. J. H. Lowery of the- Public school staff, North Bay, visited old frioads in Clinton and vicinity over the holiday season. His many old friends wereglad to see him Looking ' as if the northern climate agreed with him. He says that as a; pla=n to live in North - Bay is all right, but •as a farming community the iinmediata vicin sty does not shine. Mr. and Mus. R. B. Car'>'ar are taking quite a long:pleasu•.; trip, Mr. Car - tat saying to The News -Record- on Saturday : ,"We are leaving to -day for Winnipeg and then via Edition - eon ' and Calgary to the roast. Atte:, sightseeing at Vancouver, Victoria, and. Portland 'we will still for San Francisco and expect to he absent two months • oe more;"" Mrr' Alf. Blackwell of Woodstock, at -- compel lied by Mr. T. Scaerah, was in 14iwn Saturday on the way to the homestead of Mrs. Win. Col - f clongh c Goderich od •eh whose guests both of them were until Tuesday. Mr. Blackwell Toesn't lose any ginger es he grown older, no matter how herd he works. He always likes to renew former-, asso- ciatioes by a visit. to Clinton and vicinity, Mr, Searrah is a level- headed y,ouiig Yorkshireman, who after two years residence fin Canada has. decidedly come to the conclusion that it is good enough for JAM - The Happy EveUt Took Place at Rockwood. A,paetty welding in which many. News -Record readers will be, interest ed took place at Rockwood on _ Satur- dayafternoon last when Miss, Elite beth' Peai'sna daughter of Mrs, , L. Pearce, was united in marriage' with Mr.- F. Johns of Toronao, young os0 son of Mrs 'Jane -Johns of the, township of TuokersnsLth: The ma:nage took place in the Presbyterian church; ' the gereniony ba:ng Performed by the Rev. -Mr,' Dodd, assisted by, the Rcv Mr. Col- ville. Between sixty and seventy guests were present. . 'rhe bride was beaamingly attited in white silk veiled in net, wore .the cox ventionai ' veil and orange blossoms and carried cream roses.. The, bridal couple were unattended except by ,,a couple of daintily gowned little llow- CT girls, nei:ob of the; bride, After the ceremony alldrove to tido home .of tee bride's ,pother, where. a reception was held and the wedding feast partaken of: • Mr. and Mrs. Johns left the sanre. evening on a honeymoon trip to Tor -- onto', • Montreal andothee points..' They will take up- housekeeping . in Toronto in September,: on the opening of the schools, Mr..Johna being a Member of the Public school' teaching staff of that. city, The Nows-Rc turd wishes Mr. ,and Mrs. Johns: a; long And happy married life and in doing so, but voices'the sen- timents- of the very many' friends oP the ,',groom hereabouts, Mrs Als Seeley of town, Mrs. -Jane Johns and'hfr. and Mrs, Ira Johns of • Tuokesmith and Mrs. Robert Lawson of Hullett were among, , the guests at; the marriage on Saturday.. Wanted in Ontario -More Boosters. (Tweed News.) Our staid old business nen and moneyed citizens go about! their duties here in a very methodic way, and they arealmost as toilet as the pro- verbial clam, but let one 01 them land himself out in Saskatchewan or, Allberta or British Columbia, and ho 'begins to jump iso. the air and Boller loud enough to be beard alL over Am- erica, merica, and they shell out their money, in any game that comes. along Ontario men ` make great boostlers. when they become westerners. The mystery is ,why, they can't • do as much in. Ontario. If we all'.: began, to boost Ontario as much as we are boosting outside friaries Ontario would be the greatest spot tin the upper side of the earth. And the old Proviree is worth boosting. Huliett'Township • Miss Sadie. East, who has been teaclgng school near Wallaceburg, is home for the holidays. _ Misses Merton and, Jennie McNeil of London spent a few days , isi tr ing Mr. and Mrs. Lew Peacock and calling on othe. friends Mrs. James Reid and her son Jana' es of Stratford spent Dominion Day visiting the former's :lister, Mrs. fail- riam Bill of the 2nd concession. Miss V. Hamilton of Beamsviile, daughter di ,Rev. J. S. Hamilton, is, visiting her friend, Miss Mae Cald- ivelh Mrs. Roberton with her two child- ren, Gertrude and 'James, spent the hoAday at London. Ma. Wm. Hamilton, who has been teaching at Windsor, spent the week at home but is now at Toronto marking ' examination papers. All the school teachers' sent out b,y the township are home for vacation: Mus L. Gofer spent the Holiday at. home. Mr. Wm. bin land is at honk for g o the summit and is supplying Kippon pulpit fon July. Miss Muriel Ki••ig of Bayfield is vis- iting her aunt, Mises Sara Barr. 'Mrs. Win: Med of Trowbridge spent Last week with her mother, Mrs: M,' Hesselwood. She also visited her sisters, M is. Craig of 'Monis and Mrs, Collinson. Mr, and Mrs. W. Davidson of i3rus- sels visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Hoggarth .last week, Mr. L. Hitl's gang pf carpenters from Blyth are busily engaged at George Hesselwood's house this week. They ate up-to-date and competent buitde: i.' Constance The S. • S. picnic held on Dominion Day ;-e Mr.. McMichael's grove was a great success. There was a good turnout, the day was ideal and every- one, especially the children,/ enjoyed the outing. London Road. Mr, and Mrs. Hugnes of Detroit' have been visi.ing the lady's se to, Mrs. W. Stanbury, returaug ('inc Tuesday. esda. Y Mrs. Zuelsdorf of Grand l,'orl s N. Dakota, is the guest of her ..inter, Mrs. H. Livermore. Miss Kate Falconer of London spent the holiday with her broth r, Mr. {Vill Falconer. Together they visited another brother in Goderich township on Monday. Mr. and, Mrs. Fear of Londesboro were guests air the home of Mr. John Stevens on Suriday Mr. Isaac Weaver spent Confedera- tion Day with Goderich friends. Mr. George Bowe -rift of Landon visited friends hereabouts over the First. Mr. and Mrs. George Watts, were 11.1, Bayfield en Dominion Day. Quite a number of our young people' spent the holiday at balmy, breezy Bayfield. The League of Turner's church and that of therLondon Road are holding la picnic in Mr. Henry Peacock's grove this afternoon. 1 July 4th, 19[•2 O-LIIIAY WEARING APPAREL DRESSES, TAILORED WAISTS, ETC. DUTCH COLLAR SETS, BELTS, .GLOVES, ETC. We are showing a very complete range of ready-to-wear dresses in fancy silks, cotton voiles and ginghams for ladies, and misses in the very newest styles for holi- day wear from $3 to $15, HOLIDAY GLOVES, BELTS, COLLARS, ETC. Perrins kid gloves in black, tan, navy, white and grey in all sizes and every pair guaranteed, TAILORED WAISTS The very newest styles are shown here. Linen in tailored effects and the very 'finest quality of sheered lawns, saint ily trimmed with lace, in all sizes from $1 up to $5. LONG CORSETS We are sole agents for .D & A corsets andwe have a complete range of styles and sizes. Every pair guar- anteed to give satisfaction or money re- funded. Prices run from 50c to $2.50 SUN SHADES Ladies' and children's summer parasols in ail the newest designs and colorings from 25c up, IMMINIMIKIMMINNIMPOr The News From Londesboro Mrs. Wal. Longman, who was 'so seriously injured in a eanaway acci- dent a few weeks ago and who has been dying very ill at he home of her lathes -in-law; Mr. George Longinan of the village, ever since, was able to be removed to her home on Thursday last, She is now improving nicely and '.t is hoped she will soon be fully recovered. .Mu. Longman desires by means of the columns of Tho News - Record to thank the many friends in, Londesboro tor ?hole kindness to his wife during her illness. This kind- ness on the part of neighbors and friends has been vcry much appreciat- ed by the family and Me. Longman wishes to thus acknowledge it. The lawn social given on 'Dominion Day under, the auspices of ,tae Sunday sehoog of Knox oluutelr on the parsons age lawn was a great success. The tea and program wore both of first qual- ity - and were much appreciated. Tho' receipts amounted to about $120, Mr. Clarence Roberts' of Toronto is vis Ping at the home of Mr. S. ii'ood- man, , Mr, Blatchford, the popular princi- pal of S. S. No. 8, left on Saturday for his home at. Centralia. Mr.. Wm. Armstrong ansl family spent . Sunday with the foriner's brother at Fordwich. Mts. J. Hutton and her "fattiest, Mr. Roope, spent the ho;iday with Leaden friends. • Miss 0. Brigham left on Tuesday for Toronto and Will attend Unives- sity classes for the next few weeks, Miss ,J. Young of the, •:Brantford Business College is spending the vara- lion at her home here. Miss McKeni'ie of London spentthe holiday with Miss Carrie Hutton. Mrs. Walker of 'North Dakota is visiting her sister,: Mrs. Hill, in the village. Mrs. John -Grainger was taken ill in the Presbyterian church on. Saba bath. and helped to the manse where she remained till Tuesday when she was able to he moved to tier home, The Misses Campbell, of Winnipeg are still guests of their , unole, Mr: Jas. Campbell. Because of sickness i n the manse e the Methodist Board allowed the Presbyterians the use of the par ion- age lawn for the garden party Mon; day evening,. ,a gracious act that was much appreciated. Miss Flossie Jamieson visited her sister Esther in Toronto over the holiday. Rev: Mr. Pearcy conducted pa- t,uotic services 'ill hie own, churches on Sabbath and in the evening preached • a patriotic sermon lis Ithe Method est church. • Mr. It. Melville of Toronto, who is. ciLtiting'his uncle,', Mr, J. D. Melville, of tans village, visited friends ie Sea- forth last' week, Mr. John Lear of London spent a few days here last week •with'- his Mother, Mr. H. Longinan and family of` London were D•ominicn Day guests of the parents of the former here. George Dennie;of London visi Mad her father, Mr. F. Brown, over Sunday. Miss R. Young and Miss Colwei.l. of Brantford spent the week -end at the hone: of. Mrs, (Dr.) Young, Rte', T. A. Simmington of Beaver- ton was a guest at the manse, en Wednesday of last week, be having' conte up to officiate at the wedding of Rev. John Richardson and il1ies Pell of Open. en. Miss C. Reeh of Port Colborne visi- ted her sister, Mrs. W. 'I'. Pearcey, during• the past week. • Mr'. J. Johnstone was io Waterloo on Friday of fast. week., Mrs. J, 0. Lounsbeey is vital cg her pat:into, Mr. and Mrs, l ryaier of Delhi. Mrs. D. Floody and son, Baster Norman, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. George Brogden: Mr. John Moon of Toronto was here renewing aoquainstances over the •holi- day time. Mr. George Brogden spent. Sunday with his brother at Stratford, Mr. Hutton is busy , this week re- pairing his dam, . • Don'tlforget the gardan party of 'the Msuhodist Sunday school which will be held on the parsonage lawn ors Friday evening of this week. A most enjoyable time 11 e*pecte:i, Rev.' Mr, Osterhout for tiho past week has been visitiing at his Home in' Chatham .' Constance. Mrs, Adam • Glazier and daughter of Clinton visited the parents of the former, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cole, last week, •Mrs. ; Shine of Toronto 'spent 'a few days as the guest of Miss. Nellie, Muth- erland. Miss Nellie McCully tisited hes sis- ter, RI r, M2Gregor of Walkerton, over cite holiday, 1 Mrs. Harry Taylor and son of Walkerton visited their uncles,; the Messrs. Snell A quiet wedld?ng took;, place ` last week *hem Miss Nellie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, s•D. Sutherland, be- come the bride of Mr. Samuel i;',ndy of Toronto, The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev W. T. Pearcey of Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs, Kindy ,left the same day for a short honey- moon trip before settling down in Toronto We join with the friends of the' bride in wishing thorn long life and.happines,.,, Men`s Furnishings For Holiday d Wear New shirts Straw hats Belts Collars Ties Braces Underwear Sox Etc, at unbelievable prices. TOZER and BROWN