HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-07-04, Page 1• No. I737 33rd Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, .JULY 4th, 1912 THE HOME PAPER Patronize the Merchants who want your Trade and' Tell You so in : the columns of The News-Rec or, 1 Al3OU`T KING - There There has been a lot of care and time expended in selecting this ring stock of ours: Quite a good deal of money spent, too, for we wan'.ed it above. all things as complete as we could possibly get it: have some articulare handsome stone com- binations p y m binations for ladies.. Also attractive effects for gentlemen, some of them sell . for $2,00, and from that price go away up to over a hundred dollars. it rings we have some cute little n s for the Then young- er folks for $1.00 and thereabouts, g You will be perfectly safe if you depend upon this store for your ring needs, W. ,iE. YeI1qar feweler and Optician - - - Clinton 1 The Royal Bank OFA NADA. Capital $6,250,000. - Reserve $7,000,000. The Annual Statement, shows tb9 ffollowing.increa Io ,eg11 or R9rr. 1Deposits $72,079,607 $88,294,808 Loans and investments 55,283,676 62,790,072 Total Assets 92,SIo,346 110,528,51 207 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton, Branch. 'die Molsons Bank INOOIPORATED 1855. Record of Progress for Five Years -1906-- I 1 1906 911 CAPITAL . $3,,000,000 $4,000 000 RESERVE . 3,000,000 . 4,000,000 DEPOSITS . 23,077,730 35,042,311. LOANS AND INVESTMENTS , 27,457,090 38,854,801 TOTAL ASSETS . .. . 3.3,090;19`0' ""' `48;237;284 Has 83 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities'of the World. A GINERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED SAYINGS ,BANK DEPARTMENT at all Braneheet Interest allowed at highest eminent rate. CiirAton Branch - ' . E. Dowding, Manager GOOD, 1 roR1Qn G ! Good, morning `dear reader 1 Lior does your sub.' toe The I\ews-Record read ? TEACHERS.,ENGAGED. • , ++ Mr I T, B. Algin barn of 'Barrie as g h been engaged. as prineipet of the Model school to succeed Mr. Hartley, The new principal is highly, recons - mended. Miss Leila Ford, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. A. Ford, has been engaged as assistant for • the Model term; I PRESENT FOR TIIE PRINCIPAL. IThe staff and pupils of the Model school on Saturday last paid i'lieie regards to Prirrepal Hartley and did it neatly, IOn LPs return to his 'home atter a short absence' he found upon his fable a beautiful desk set, consisting , of a fountain pen, inkwell, peri tray , and paper knife, all of brassy also a ,large desk blotter with leather base and brass cornets. i Accompanying the set was a card aeon+ which was enseri'bed : "Hoping you will not blot out of your memory the days spent inClintony C Model School: -The Staff and Pupils." That Irr. Hartley values the gift very highly will he accepted without saying, so much so that it would have i been a pleasure to again meet staff and pupils that he might express his 'appreciation. The relatI'ons of Principal Hartley and the staff hare been barntonious and they part with mutual regret. 'A FAREWELL TEA. A number of the friends of. Miss • Margaret Davis' met on Thursday ev- Iening last at the home of Miss i'lor- :ence Cuninghane and ,enjoyed a little rrl a en 6 tea togt.t.ier prior to Miss ,fla»is' departure from town for a t tune. At the conclusion of the sup- n per the girls "showered" the guest d of honoi with handkerchiefs. A jolly d and enjoyable e 1 yahle evening was spent by a Ithe young ladies, o Miss Davis has been an actino f worker in the Sunday school and 1 League of Wesley church almost all her life. She has been connected loan the primary department of the former' fon the past thirteen years, and has also Held various offices in the League. So, becoming aware that A Q't1IE'P JUNE WEDDING. v A quidt little wedding took pl at 'the parsonage, Moorfiekd on 1 nesday of last week wben Miss 1a1' beth CoIquhoun, daughter of M Margaret Coldu}iou0 of Gowrie, carne the bride of Mr, Hugh Kenn of Staffa. Tale beide is a sister Mrs. A J, McMurray and of I Harry' • Fiitzisiinons of town and hav resited. het on several occasions known to inany in Clinton, An teresting feature in connection wi this marriage is the fact that officiating g minister. the Rev. Robe Rogers ? g of Moorfieid, had "previou Performed the marriage ceremony six ifee•rs of'the beide. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy will rest upon the grooin's farm at sSta The News-Reeord'extends congratu teens, FORTY YEARS SERVICE. A despatch from Springfield says "Rev. J. C' Dunlop, pastor of the BaptCst ellerch here for the past tight years, has 'tendered his resignation, the same to take effects in September, when he will retire from the ministry, staking 'hie home in London, ou Ayl- mer: Mr. Dunlop has been acliveky engaged in the ministry 'for the past forty years, being situated in only four charges during that {rime and the nufnbeu of holidays he has taken were very few, in fact during alt that time there were not more than half a Bor- en Sundays that. be was not In the pulpit and missing none through ill- ness," Mc Dunlop was pastor of the Clin- ton Baptist church a few years ago and while here he won the respect and confidence of our citizens, rega-tlless of denomination, to a remarkable de- gree. Mr. R. T. Dunlop, accountant n the Molsons Bard.; is one of his ons, ace Ved-. ua- rs, bet ledy of vire, ing is in th the rt sly for de tfa. Lee s FIRE AT THE i\ORMANDIE. Fire broke out, at the Hotel Nor melte about three o'olock last i'ri ay morning and but for its easily iscovery er Y by Ir. Gabe Elliott, who s a liveryman has to keep all sorts f hours and noticed smoke issuing rom the building as hewasreb.irrrng longe, the hotel would in all pro'ia- bility have Veen completely gutted, if not entirely destroyed. On arousing the inmates Gabe rang the alarm bell and the brigade quick- ly responded and under the direction of C:hitf Downs two lines of hose were laid and soon the flames were under subjection, not, however, before the centre of the building had been badly burned. The flames Om burst th•iugh the pacidtion next the pool room and Mr. Marshall's stock suffered consider- able damage from smoke and water. The,loss on his start': is covered by an surance, but he will be considerably out by, the intun. uption of business. The short time which elapsed be- tween the sounding of tree alarm and the playing of the water upon the fire again illustrated the value of the wa0.;nworks system. And to the effielency of Chief Downs and his fire-fightir, ]addles much cre- dit is due, immesememememmilit Reenx-eo-Ween Cno'ramie Oilm:n isn CLOTHING The New Straws "A fine straw hat display, surely !" 2 hat's what everybody says that has seen our new straws. ?here's great satisfaction in buying your straw hat here. * You'll u ll be sore ofthe style, sure ofthe quality and y a y sure o the rice. f p * , We'l'e shapes adapted to all ages, brims of various widths and' crowns o various heights. f g * - S Split Straws, e p p Sennets, anamas; Some snappy; fancy bandsfor swell young fellows s g who want the thing. gatsfrom 25c 7.511'. f usetome e right 1 along g with any straw hat preference you v y have, and see how we can.meet your' ideas. leas.: THE MORRISH .TCIOTHI GIv CO. CLINTON, - ONTARIO Square Deal forEvery A la Man 9 she was about t'o sever for a time at least hes connection with the con- i gregation, the members of these two departments and of the congregation in general exp•iessed their appreeia-' lion of her faithful work by present- , tug resent,lug her with a handsome leather travelling hag a few. days puavious t0 her departure. TOKE S OF REGARD. Rcv. T. Wesley Cosens 'preached the closing sermons of his pastorate on Sunday last, good congregations being present on each occasion. At the close of the evening service an adjournment was made to the lecture room so that the congregation might have an opportunity of lidding fare- well to their paster. When the com- pany had gathered, Mr, C. S. Hawke, on behalf of: the Epworth League, read an address to Mr, Coscns, setting forth the regret felt at the departure of ,the family and asking him to ac- cept, s cept, as a token of their •esteem, a handsome silk umbrella, and for Mr. Dewitt Cosens a set of lMilitary, brush- es. The presentation to Mr.:Cosens was made by the president, 51115 Carrie Shipley and to Mr. DeWitil Cosens by- Mr. Elmer Beacom. Mr. Cosens n a few' words and on behalf of him- self and family thanked the young peo- ple for their kindness, assuring them that the time spent with, them had been • happily spent and that the sep- aration was rogret'ted by himself and amity. Following in the address Dear SIr• Cosens,-The Methodist clock has once more'struck lee hour or depa:.tare, and with feelings of deepest regret we, the members of the Ontario steset Epworth, League, bow to its :atiugs which takes you from us as pastor. We feel we cannot let you and your fancily take your<de- partur: from us without expressing n some way' our ;deep regret, for we feel that t tour League has. always had gY a first place' in your hearth and life. You have been a pattern and i;:•t,pira tion to us In so many ways, both, by your regular attendance and efforts to uplif,i no into a higher relationship to our Masten and Leader, Jesus Christ,, and ea our duty to each other as. Lea- guers., . In this you have been ably assis,,.,. d by your devoted wife and son. We shall miss .your ,words of exhorta- tion and her kindly smile, and ;owing counsel. Please am± pt 'tete aceone-' ac anying gifts to you and your son, w hot because of thein inttinsic value, of but as an expression of our hea'ib's. tt deepest love and es&;ein. And - we wi will ever pray that the mighty. spirit of our Dir'cie Master may, ever at B tend you in your work; that elle co years i=smaliiing may more ,full , et a glory` growing more aril more mite ha the "Perfect . Day. For lite is for K, labor, death for rest, eternity for re ]t i ward, i. Do .e w the ewe' o n ` ii mi t tux e a g m p , the It sunlight, sweep,1.1 All along thy pathway' may no shad- St oWS sleep, • Like the wild winds' blowing, fetter -.•a less and free, to May thy spirit's yearnings t1u u«gh life's loliniey be?' th On behalf of the Leea• ,te ' Carrie P. Shipl.ery,, President.; 1 itncr '(7, Bea- tl oom, Secretary. MAY BE PRESIDENT. While the Rev., D. K. and; Mrs. Grant were in Bermuda a couple of. winters ago they became acquainted with Governor Woodrow Wilson of the State of New Jersey, who has now bees chosen by the Democratic party as 111 candidate for the'Feesideney. The. Governer was staying en Ber- muda erm oda on 'account, of his health and Itlt. Grant saw a good deal of him and speaks in the highest terms of his many fine qualities. THEN AND NOW. ' The prices pall for farm paaduce on the Clinton Market on July Ind 1896 were as follows Fall, wheat 530, to 64a. Barley. 30c. to 40e. ,Oats 18e, to 20e. Peas 48c. td 50c. Butter 10e. to 11c. Eggs Tie. to•8e•� The prices paid yesterday were : Wheat $1.00 to $1.03. Oats 480. ea 50e. Peas 90c. to $1.00. Barley 60c. do 75c. Butter 19e. to 20e. Eggs 21e. to 29c. Live ,t a Hogs $7.70. After taking all the ciecuntstances into account itis easily `apparent that eSe lot of the farmer to day is inuch betiter than it was sixteen years ago. ITS VALUE AGAIN PROVEN". The value of the spraying of Orta A BUSINESS CHANGE, Mr, W. '. tlawkihs of Ingersoll has bought the tinsmitlung unit' plumiirng business of Mr. T. D. Johnson and takes possession on the 1,5th hnst, Mr. Hawkins, was formerly en the employ. of Harland Bros, and will without question do well here, He was in town on Moriday,.accompanied by his father-in-law, Mr. Hugh Mil'le'►, traffic manager of the Robert Gate Company of New York, LITTLE LOC.1L- The members of Murphy 0. P Y L. L. Will assemble in their lodge room on Sunday evening at 6,15 to attend :di- vine service in Wesley church. 13re- thren from other lodges are' cordially invited. • '.l'he custom collections for the three Months ending July 1st ainoltnled to $10,159,27. Last year during the same period they amounted to $9= 292.23, an inorease of $867.04. CLEVER CLINTON GIRLS. • When the Model school opens in :September instruction in .Art to the teachers -in -training wilt be given by Miss Lucille Grant, in Physical Cul - tar u b Miss May Rance and td fn Music by Miss Clete Ford. It is gratifying to know that when any special subjects amu requires to be added to the curriculum of our schools we have pitizons of our own who aro quite capable of handling them. A CHANGE OF OFFICEli,S, • Captain Pugnti is and Lieut. Yost ands is becoming more readily reeog- the energetic officers who have - been nized year by year . and thus more in charge of the S. A. local corps for general. But this season the know- ( the past four months, were last week ledge is being hammered home and transferred the former to Wing;'iam those who wouldn't see before are and the latter to Thedford. The new hai•-ag their eyes opened. If the officers, who are already in charge, reason for not spraying lteretdfore has are Captain Gibbs, for/netly of Sea- bees that they haven't been able to forth, and Lieut. Whidciger of 3trat- afford the i:me, they will in future' tori, get somebody else to do the work or n,,,_ meetings , drop something that's of less import- s once. What's boosting spraying this year you' ask, It is just this : Orchards that bare not been sprayed are covered 'with caterpillers avid in some places tine trees have been swept clear of leaves. This means a present feast for the blari'rbirds, sparrows and chickens - but no fruit there this fall. On the outer hand -now nark i he difference -there are no bugs in the sprayed orchards. 'Pilo trees'• ate clean and thrifty with every promise of an abundant yield. Spray ? Why sure, Spray Spray ,and make money from ,;our orchard. WESLEY C'IiURCI. TOWN COUNCIL. At Monday nighb's meeting of the town council the water commies,eners 1/rough their secretary, asked that the unexpended portion of the capi- tal fund' account be transferred to thein, The amount is $459 which. was handed over but with a string' attached. That is, the commissioners must give bonds for five hundred dol- lars and repo'•,t quarterly. There was considerable discussion in the matter during which it was brought` out that' the commissioners are quite independent of the council except in money matters and in that respect they ane called upon by statue to report every three months. Reeve Cantclon voiced the senti- ments of bhe.eouneil when he said i ''Since the commissioners have taken hold we have been kept pretty mucin in the dark regarding .'wai'l s:works. We can only guess as to how they ale getting along. I think we should have a report as to the number of services installed from inou t to mouth, the cost of operating the system and sueli other information as thiscouncil requires." o q Chairman Ford reported that the macadamising of Ontario street is iget':,ing along well and that it is ex pec:Ld. the job will be completed this week. Albert. street. will then be proceeded with and the work pushed forward with all possible haste. The name of Mr.: Ed. Johnson was ' roll, raking added to the fire brigadero b the place: of Mr, James Fair resigned, Mr. Albert Ilearn ,was '`appointed to ti as nightwatehman while Sergeant elsh is doing day duty. - In rtcog-, tion of his past efficient' services tg .council will' present the' Sergeant tli a brand.new uniform, f`liree months or -so ago_ the. council ave ,ahe Goderich-: Wheel `'Works 'a, nditlonal order -for`.; the -pureltase of stt'et sweeper, The conditions not wing, beer) complied with, the order as, rime-elled• a • week or so ago, • but was not built at .Goderieh, but at. nee then the machine has arrived. Goderich, bat at was not hut5t,at p i a re Company's• factory in the United. aces. The council and tee Pastime ,Club re yet at variance regarding the hill s caused byapile of wood ✓ damages w od he ing lefit on the sidewalk. in frout of e Cleb's rooms. The council says ey should put up and the. boys say ey wont., The dispute has- i,een. sled to a own eo ichor, In the absence of the pastor, ,''rev. J. Greene preached very acceptably a. in, and evening Sunday last. At the morning' service Misses Boles mid Wilkin sang a duet and in the evening Mr. and Mrs, Sim. Murch of ;Steals ford assisted the choir, each taking a solo part in the anthem. AAtr the evening service the Lea- gue held a short service in the lect'.tre roost, the Monthly evening meeting being ,withdrawn. Miss Cuninighame presided and. Misses Mae East, Kate Ford and Bessie Davis took part in the program. Mr. Murch also 00u tributed a solo and a bright arty en- joyable little service was the result. a. dots Beginning with next Sitndaytettte�5,-, y 01 good eitizens, and Mr, Cl. S. session will be held ie the :norm -1M -m ares gave a oomprohensDie 01- Ing.drrring the heated term. The Jr, dress on Patriotism and good citiven- and Int, classes will meet in the Maas the past few weeks in a teat up 'own and will be so continued. for a while longer. The News -Record welcomes the new officers to town and wishes them success in their wool.. HOW. IT WORKS our. The Bowinanvi.le Statesmau says : -''We doubt if there is any other line of busl.ness in this country requiring an equal investment of capital arta brains that gives so small returns as the,rordinarys newspaper (Mice, all such offices 'outside the large cities. 'rake' the newspaper business of this town for the past thirty years. Line yup the ten or. more pion who have tried to make a newspaper pay. Where are they today 7 Avery otie of then{ hits gone from the town a wisc'rbitt a sadder man. The last man who con-. ducted a newspaper' here told us that when he left Bownian-rale he was, $500 worm off than when he came and he was here otil'y a short tune:" WILLIS CHURCH. ' Sunday was observed as patr•'ioLie day in connection with Willie S. S. and a most interesting session was held in e audtitoroutn in the after- noon The school, each class arr_om- panied by its teacher, occupied the centre pews and the superint„ndent, Postmaster Scott, presided. .M1iiss Annaliel McEwen gave a little talk to the children on the subject of the healthful treatment of the body as rooms while the Sr. and tilde vla. 4- Ses will gather wl ti the congregation ship. Both addresses were interest - nig and well rcoeived: The sing;ng led by the school was hearty ei,d in the, body of the elniroh '1 he'p ta- much annoyed. .00s very interesting for will take up the study o8 the elm_ feature was a chorus given by the day school lesson instead of ,Site morn- prfinary departmcut. Tho ehurehwas Mg. sermon, This plan was tried last handsomely, decorated ti:th flowers, slimmer and was found to work no, flags, etc., and the service througho'tt satisfactorily: was most enjoyable. Next Sunday- evening ahe nteinters Mr. Stewart Jackson reedered a of Clinton 01 i ge lodge and vi ening solo ars the evening service. brethren will attenlr divine service in this church and the pastor will spc- dally address them. Personals THE RESULT A TIE:, The; ,Zurich baseball nine caste up on Friday evening last and played a f h' withClintonon tb friendly marc wi C.Iin e hone diamond, In the, past the hon- ors have usually goneIt is o iia r y tore Zurich stalwarts, but on this occasion the re- sult was a tie, 9-9 at 5'ie end of the ninth inning. 18 was: then too dark to continue and thus the score stood and 'the hone nine feel as- if they had begun to even" up ivlth tlieis old -tinge and much respected opponents. On Monday the local team went down to Centralia, w [fere they were having a celebration,. and played a couple .of matches. It was easy v di- eing for' our crack team :arid at. the end of the morning game the the score stood 24-3, in their favor. Ili the afterno;in it was. arranged for- Cen- tralia fo get a "look in" so Clinton put on another •piteher' and rather let the game play itself until the end of the fourth `'minas, when the score E was pilirig up : 'pretty. well for ' Cells itralia.. Clinton's crack Pitcher was hen again sent`into the box and the 'team "began to show'wha,t they - could do, Thegraduallypulled-on' he Y P upt score and et' the end of the • seventh inning Centralia 'conceded ehe game by a score. of 19: to 17. The Clinton line-up; was as fellows : r J. Wet]: ,c., C. K.ilty p., F. McCaughey 2b,,, ]tl, Johnson lb., L:. Greig 3b., Ifo. Twit- ehell s.s,, H. Reid t , f-, C, Drake'+ c. 1., M. McEwen 1. 1. , Holloway . and Boyle umpired the a,u1. ,game and :Mc- Kenzie and Boyle the one -in the fifter- ha tl t i' ' noon,' • k t Mrs. Mason of %yingltam visited Mrs. W. S. Harland over the holiday, Mrs. Brook of Ottawa is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, -John Cuningttama. Mrs. Andrew Gunn of Toronto vis- ited Mrs, s, Murray during the past week, Mrs. Hastings and family were the guests of Godoriolr friends over the holiday time. Mr. Teddy Phillips of Sarnia' was •.tae guest of the Misses Bentley. over the holiday. Dr., and Mrs. Fowler and little daughter, Toronto, were in town over the week end. Mrs. McConnell and !Miss Mabel Har- land spent, a coupleof days in Godorich, this week. Master Charlie Brooks of Mitchell is visiting his<grantlpareh,u, Me, and Mrs. Win. Cantelon, Mr. W. R. Izzard of Toronto+" was home over, the week end and r. -pent some tine, in town shaking hams wibh old friends. Mr. and Mrs.13lateliford of Huron - M: dale and. ,. W. B. Blatchford of Toronto were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. 0, Hawke. c. Mre. James Ca mpbeii and her son, Mr, Will Campbell, Dungannon, were guests yesterday of. Iter. daughter, Mrs. P. H. Hardy. Rev T. Wesley Cosens, Mrs. Comes and Dewitt Cosens• lett on Monday foe Loudon where Mr. Cosens has entered upon the pastorate of the Empress Avert;le °hutch. In theirtutntre welfare Clinton will always takea mill •nter st Personals Mr, Gabe Eliott was ion; Lendoi W eek; ]Miss ozena Sou,'hcombe Telt Oil day to visit in St. Mary's. Mr. John Emriierton spent the holier' day with bis sou at Berviet Mr. J. A, Irwin conducted sepviees is the Methodist church, Blyth,, ell Sunday, Miss Mabel' ICerr spent' the week -end with C karksburg anti mato, fv.ehcls. Miss Olive C'ooper le home froTons hca soltool at ervi'u m .• i S m lte For the .,ink vacation. M.•, Edward Carter is spending two or three weeks with friends in West tvnln. _ Miss1VaBaery1.osCooper will• spend the... holidays with her aunts, tae alissee IIanna, in Touanto: MIss M. Hanna, Toronto, was the guest over the holiday of her sester, M'.,, S. S. Cooper. Mr. '0'. Hooper and Master Orval or Blyth visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hooper on Monday, Miss Su sic Cook of Bouton is visiting with her geandparents, Mr. incl Mrs, W. 5, Watts, ' lYlr.t ar d N I1 a. Charles Masonf o Len. don were, guests over the wok -end of Clinton friends. Rev. H, P. Westgate .01 St. Thomas was Mo guest of Mrs. Kitty the forepart of the week, Mr. Huglt E. Rorke and Master Ken- neth visited at Markdale and Ales - ford Friday un Sit Monday. blaster Ernest Bradshaw left on Sat- urday to epend a few 'wee''=s uitle friends at Sombre, and Bradshaw - Mr. and, efrs. J. E. Hovey have tak- en a cottage ata3ayfleld 'for the summer and removed tlleaa last week. • Mr. and Mrs Washington and famile or Auburn visited at the home of ili;re Thos. Jenkins, Woodlands Tarn{,. on Sunday. MT,. Holmes and .Miss- Jennie Iloim- es of St; Catharines were the guests: over e .a 1t i l Sae of tit of 1l . . Mr, r, and ., Y f . H. 13. Chant, • illi, and Mrs. Geo. Pollard and. t1trce- clri?droa Weston were visitors of Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Wasman over 13110 holiday.of Miss Gertrude, Chant spent the hull - day at Cayuga with her sis who returned Noma with her on Tees1-o for the vacation. Mrs. Will. Ross left, on Saturday for a trip to Winnipeg, going by beak',' to Fort William. She will lie ab - sen t b-sent several weeks. Mr. Chas. .1101 of the Maisons Ilaubc head office, Toronto, spent, the holiday at tile parental Home, Ms.. and Mrs: P. B. Hall's. Mr, J. E. Henry iliac efficient' prin- cipal of the Tara Con'Irnuativn sehoot, is spending the vacation -.;5r his home on the Base Line. • D'iiss Winnie O'Neil is spending a few days in Port Petry the guest , c'I Mrs. Maepherson, formerly itis::,s ' Peggie Mcltachern of town. Miss Dell O'Neil •rtucrned from 'rue -- onto last week Mr the holidays, ac-.- eompanied by her sister Miss -Hazel', fe tvnito' weIiadeks, been visiting her for Mr. R. B. (Dick) Foster, 7 oronte,,, will he' up on Saturday on the I•Ic-.,it Old Boys' excursion and o0, Sunday will assist the choir of O`e tario street church. Mrs. L. Renkic' of Seaforth, :Mrs: li. Etty of Mitchell, Mrs. S. A.e.- kin of Stratford were visitors as the ' home of M•i. and Mrs. J. F ; Wasman ort Friday: Mr. and Mrs: L. Trowse of Wood- stock visited the fornter's mother_ during the 'holiday time- They alse visited in Goderich, Mrs, '1m'Cw5er going up with then fur the day. Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson left on Setur- urday, for a trip to the west. Slid will stop off at'various point's alone. the way aid will go out as fat ea Victoria, and will make the return trip . via Chicago in a couple et! months, Rcv. Clarence Johnsen of BrookdaIe-,; Man., arr.'ved last 'night and is vis- iting at the parental home, Mr. ante Mrs. T. D; .Jolmson's, Clinton beet a warns spot in its beast for the Rem. Clarence and is„alw'ays Oatto: see him, Miss Margaret Dais left on Satu -- day for Stevensville, Montana,. where site expenes to take a smile tion. She was accompanied as far as Fort William by her cousin, Mr,_ Goodrich of Edmonton who hate been visiting in town, Mr. Goldie. Pike, :who is spending , ' a• week at his uncle's Mr folie. Sturdy's, Goderich township, wee in town yesterday. The 1eniaii Goldie, has many friends; here -r11 reek whom were very glad to meet hir t again. bit. T. A. • Sinelnbr, M. A,, a 6 -ra - nate of Toronto Universbty, hat been 'appointed tot fill the vacancy; on the Collegiate stall': made by Slid tesignatioti of Mr. Firth, Til new science master• comes from Wal- keeton.. Miss Muriel' Ilolnrcs of New, 'Yorke who visited apt the home of .bed brother, 110. .John Holmes of the Hilton Read,, for a few days lase week, Fc lett on Pt idaY forVa Vancouver:. _ - where she will spend some w iii . her sister, AM's: Wm. Seale,, . who• lately lost her husband, Messes Harry Gould, H. B. -Shaul; Harvey McBrien, John Craig an•&. W, J. Tome attended divine, service' with the Masonic brethren at Sod-- - erich on Sunday last: The preaolu•- en was the Rev. 0, E. Jeakians, zee.: for of St; Paul's ebureh, and like w,se a members of the order. Fsie