HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-06-27, Page 8Ness-Recoril Juice 27111, 19E2'. 1 4•••••e•.••••••N••!NN.. N•.•• ••••••.••••••••N is a good thing to have about the home during hot weather. • We have what'll please you = or if there is any other piece 2 , of Furniture that you are in need of ILet us Supply your wants. i I We aim to Please. _ e i Atkinson & Thinford 1 ................................................... SELLING OUT Boot & Shoe. Business will be sold.on terms to suit Purchaser. Rent of building reasonable. The BIG BALE is still going on. Scoreshave taken advantage of this great MONEY SAVING SALE ; HAVE YOU ? Our large and well assorted stock of Children's Shoes and Slippers is attracting the Mother's atten- tion. Now's when the shrewd Buyer buys Shoes. J. Twitchell & Son CLINTON,ONTARIO unmenomunionnommomminimon YOUNO MEN We have been WATCHIN G YOU • We have been looking out for your interests. We have the kind of oxfords you'll like -Oxfords that are, built tor you alone. Snappy styles of distinction that stand out from the ordinary sty- les so decidedly that, when you see them. Buying will be irresistable, FRED. JACKSON'S Good Shoes for everybody Nimiumourimaimiimiummommamo *•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Yon can buy .cheap in our store every time. We ha ve a big stock. Our prices are marked down. It will payyyou to do your midsummer buying with. us. 1 All lines in, Dress Goods, Skirts, B • lou- i SPECIAL „ T cesand' White wear; • • Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Pumps lilies that have • t some sizes sold out. • .Suits, �� sults Odd.Padts Odd Vests.. it Wili , CLOTHING pay you to see what we have tooffer. Clothing made to measure, best of satisfaction given. sr SMALL, PROMS MORE ' '1' EL . , Ut�iS�E BROS.BU !NESS s 1 •••••••••••••••••r•••••••K••••••••••• NEW -RECORD TO JAN. NEXT 250 ANEW— STRONG - LMEIT-- AND— ARTISTIC-- � Curtain Extension Pole ' ONE STYLE 'BOLDS' A SIN- GEE PAIR OIP CURTAINS, ANOTHER MADE TO 'HOLD TWO'PAFR OF CURTAINS, • OR AN OVERDRAPE. AND A' SINGLE PAIR AND A THIRD STYLE TO HOLD THE;" SHADE AND, A PAIR OF CURTAINS,, . THE D00 - BLE ROD MAKES A HAND- SOME; APPEARANCE AND . WITH IT A VARIETY OF EFFECTS CAN 13E PRODUC- ' ED THE OVAL END IS • USEFUL AND ALLOWS THE" CURTAIN TO • 'DRAPE CLOSE TO THE CASING, SHUTTING OF TI•IE ` SIDE VIEW. ALL ALLOW SPACE • ENOUGH FOR A. FREE MOVEMENT OF TI•IE SHADE. ' Q r D. -FAIR 00. Often Cheapest — Always the Best • Mr. D. Crawford of Wingltatu was in town on Sunday. Miss Merle Moore is visiting this week with Hensall friends. Miss Joan Ross visited Wingham friends for several days last week. Mrs. John Guest, who has been giibe ill for the pasJfortnight, is ,:onval- escent again. Mr.- William Cantelon spent several days in Mitchell last week as the guest of his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. ,John Corrsh of ;tli1,li- ell were the guests °tars. and Mrs. James Mahaffy for a co:tple of days last week. Mrs. J. C, Armour and children !ave the end of this week Inc Goderich, where they will spend the summer at the lady's parental hone Miss' Jessie Ford returned last week from St. Thomas where she was in attendance at the graauationexer- cises in conneerion with 'Alma Col- lege, Mr. R. T. Rodaway of Loyola Univer- sa,;, -Chicago, has left for that city again ,after spending a few weeks at his home here. - His sister, Miss Helen, returned with hint and will spend her vacation there, Mr Lorne Welsh, third son of Ser jeant Welsh,; has been appointed. operator and cashier at Wallace burg station on the Pere Marquette Railway. Larne is a true chip of the old block and thus makes good, Mr. George Pearson, sbn of • Mr. Robert Pearson, Goderi'oh township, was called home from Toronto last week owing to the severe illness of his little brother, Leslie. Master Leslie's many friends will be pleas- ed to learn that he is now on a fair way to recovery. Mr, E. J. Howard, London, was .in town Saturday and Sunday, 'low that he has the very best utotor cynic raatntoney can buy, coining tip tic the old home town, and back again, ii.,he so chooses, is but an ev- ening's run. While in town he was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Moore. Mr. R. W. King of London was la townfor a couple of days last l'tok visiting his' patents, Mr. and Mrs. W. King. Mr: King has re:ngned his position as , principal of the Spot - ton Business College, London, and intends starting one of his own in Hama. -ton, 'Bob" is .ambttio',ts at d enterpresing and The Nets-llet:ord wishes hint success; Ma. John Whiddon of Bayfield was in town on Friday last, -accompani- ed by his . son-in-law, Po. Brown of Clinton, Iowa'; his grandson, Master Jack Jowett, and Miss Thompson. They came over in the Dr's touring • car which brought him, his good wife and Masala Jaak froth the Iowa Clinton in four days. 'J'he distance is something better than six hundred utiles and while iihe 1)r: could have, speeded up considerably, he . thought tit was about fast en- ough for s.;ltt-seeing and pleasure. In thatrespect s ct Dr, Brown litters very much froth many so palled touristswho drive helter-shelter about Ibe country as if ,the very Old. Nick was after them. Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Cooper returned on Friday after ars extensive. trip through England and Wales. They 'covered some !.n thousand miles during: their absence of nearly two months and saw sights many and varied.. In Old London they attend- ed service in St. Paul's Cathedral, visited the Tower of- London, the famous wax h works, saw Bueniug- ham and Windsor palaces, and .in • fact everything Whia;h tourists con- sider woi lh seeing. They also visited ;many of the .other cities and Iarger towns and travelled/ through Walesa Mr. Cooper one morning, just as a constitutional, climbed to the top of Mount Alm, one thous- and fee? high, before breakfast,, Mr. Cooper says that the. towns, reties and villages all seem to be prosper- ous, and 'that a great many new buildings are being erected. : He was ' much impressed by the fine scenery,the good roads and the abundance of :wild flowers. But though the trip was thoroughly en- joyed, Mr. Cooper was not sorry to again set foot upon his name soil, and English born though she 'iso Mrs. Cooper, expresses satisfaction that her parents brought her to Canada which She has now learned to look upon 'as the "home land;" the best yet. Personate Miss Tda Boles intends spending the week -end with London.;friends," Mrs, Story of Ohicago.; is the guest of her cousinMrs, J. T. Harland.. Rev, 3. E, Ford attended the funeral of, Rev. W. 'H. Butt in London on Saturday: Masa 'Nettie Simpson• of Brueefield. has ;been .'the guest :ds week of Mrs; ' Watts, Mr. Win, Crooks of a Base t7fne' leaves +ills week on a little visit to friends at ,[ inwood, MMr. oosejClauaw,sirt O'NSask.eil, and is hHillmoeprob, Srlmy ably spend some weeks in 'town. Mrs. Whitehead left, yesterday for Seaforth to visit her sister, Mrs. S. Cluff, who resides roar there. Mr, Wm, Alexandee is spending a few weeks with his doughtier,. Mrs: John A Green •of ,Port Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Davidson and son,.' Harold, of Morris township, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Janes Finch. • Mr. Lou Manning has been tit oharge of the drug store of Mr. If. S: Rr ]:-Iolmes during the absence from town of the latter. Miss Ward, principal of the Clinton Basilicas College, leaves on Monday next to spend the long vacation at her home at Rocktdlle, Maryland, Mr, and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes re- turned on Monday from their honey- moon trip and have settled down to housekeeping in their . handsome hone on Raglan street. Mr. 0. E. Erratt of Auburn was in town last evening on his way to attend the funeral of the little son of Mrs. S. Erratt of Stanley, who was the victim of an unfort- unate accidenr on Tuesday. Mr. and Mies, Jabes Rogerson of Bradford, Penna., are guests st the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Archer of.,Hullctt. They were ocean -meri- ted from Goderlch by Mrs. f,Ioore, .who has been visiting ilia ton friends. Mr.John:'Guest intends going down to tho homestead in London township the end al this week and will prob- ably he absent a month or so, Ile usually spends some - time each summer at the old home where a daughter and son still •wide. Mr. T. D. Johnson has• been very poorly for some tame, so mnoh so that he has had to cut out bus- iness entirely. Numerous enluiu:es are made regarding hint from day to day for no one of our citizens has more genuine friends than has genial tom Johnson, Mrs, Barker of New Westministe'+ B. C. in the guest of her old -tame friend, Mrs. T. Jackson Sr., lrirs. Barker has lived in the Sunset Pro - vine for some years and is of the opinion that in point of climate and otherwise as well, it is the most favoredpart of Canada. Mr. and Mrs, Will. Simpson, Miss Cooper and Mrs. Will, Cudmere aut- oed down to the home' of Mo. and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson of the Parr Line, Stanley; on Tuesday and spent a very pleasant evening. They went) in the can of Mr. Jaynes Reid of Bay City, Mich., brother of Mrs. Simpson. Mr, and Mrs, John Seeley and three children ar'i ved on Tuesday from Aldershot, England, and will take up their abode at Varna, where Mr. Seeley's tistcr, Mrs. Aii. Austin, resides. Ile is a brother of Mr. -.Albert Seeley, one of Clinton's most ptogaessii'c citizens, who was in- strumental in having his relatives come over to the Land of the Maple Leaf. ''1'he News -Record con,lially welcomes the new ranters. Miss Kato Ford, who has been} tak- ing a course air Alma College, St. Thomas, graduated is art from that institute:on last week and is now spending the vacation at her house in town. She and Miss Lil- Ilan Roblin of Detroit, who is now a guest at Wesley parsonage, were the only graduates in art this yea':,,, ,Miss'Ford' has been doing some fine work in this line and du•ng Uer, course was also an instriurtor in painting, Tuckersmith Township Mrs. Johns Sr., Mr. Ira Johns, also Mrs. Albert Seeley of Clinton and Mrs; Robt. Lawson of IIalletit ;will be guest's at the marriage of Mr. A, k, Johns at Rockwood on Saturday. Mr. Jacob Terryberry, who recently eame from the Exeter distriket to take possession of the Joha Murray farm, is an acquisition to tate singling' talent of Turner's church. Mv. 'Terry - berry andfanly are cordially vel- coned to this part. Mr. H. Scott of Herpurhey, who v has ca�ttlo pasturing on the rct er flats of Mr, 'John G. Crich, had the mis- fortune to lose one of them last 'week. It+ appears that the animal had eaten some poisonous weed whioh put •it out of existence notwithstanding tate services of the veterinary. Turner's of The Epworth League P church aaa holding a garden party on the -lawn of Mrs. C. Walters - this evening. The Cit•'eens' Band from Clinton will be presentand wifa'fur- nish the music and there will be plen- ty of ice cream and other refresh menta so that an enjoyable time is expected. The'+i will be the small ad- mission fee of ten cents. Seaforth" lYIitss Twiss has taken a position with Mr, George A. Sills as book- kor. Mr. S;J it ineep,Se'aforthimon last.eIly weeko;-visSitingelburne 1.iondswas. Mrs. William Tiplady of Clinton visited Mrs: Shannon and Miss Hen- derson•last week. , Mr, and Mrs, G. L. Chesney have gone to Calgary whewt they purpose making their home, Messrs. Stollery and John Ear- waker of Seaforth aril John Debiney of Cobourg have gone on a trip to Europe and will be away for several weeks. ' HOLIDAY WEARING APPAREL DRESSES, TAILORED WAISTS, ETC. DUTCH COLLAR SETS, BELTS, GLOVES, ETC. We are showing, a very complete range of ready-to-wear dresses in fancy silks, cotton voiles and ginghanis for ladies and misses in the very newest styles for holi- day wear from $3 to $15, HOLIDAY "GLOVES, BELTS, COLLARS, ETC. Perrins kid gloves in black, tan, navy, white and grey in all sizes and every pair guaranteed. TAILORED WAISTS The very newest styles are shown here. Linen in tailored effects and the very finest quality of sheered lawns, daint- ily trimmed with lace, in all sizes from $1 up to $5. LONG CORSETS We are sole agents for D cC A. corsets and we have a complete range of styles and sizes. Every pair guar- anteed to give satisfaction or money re- funded.- Prices run from: 50c to $2,50 SUN SHADES Ladies' and children's summer parasols in ail the newest designs and colorings from 25c up, The News From Londesboro Mr, S: McCool has gone on a /rip to :the west, Lacombe, Alberta, being his destination. Rev. W. T. Pearcy wit' occupy the pulpit of the klio':iodist church vert Sunday evening. Miss M. Lyon spend Sunday with Blyth friends. Mo. Thomas Millar spent t mday at D:nyton, the guest of kis siateo. A number from here and ilio from the 13th eon. picnicked at G derich on Saturday:,. Miss V. Harntaton its visiting aith friends hereabouts, all of whom are delighted to see her moving about in their midst. Rev. W. T. Peony and Rev. John Richardson of Kippen exchanged pul- pits on Sunday last. - Ma. J. Hutton expects to start al work on the dam malty next week. limmor Mr, Frank Lee of the G. T. 1:3., Sea - forth, spent Sunday at his home here, Mr. James Campbell has as its guests two grandchildren, the Misses Campbell of Winnipeg. Mr, and Mrs. Coventry tf Weigh= spent Sunday with friends here, Rev. J. H. Osterhout and f.nuily lett on Monday for London. Tbc,y also expect to visit at Chatham, where Mr. Osterhobt was to oliiciate at the marriage of Mrs. Osterhout's sister, Miss (1rumntage, yesterday.. They will be away a week. Mr. Matt Mains, assisted by Mr. Charles. Crawfm+l, has been very busy barn-bu?lding, They have finished a bent for Mr. Arthur Dale of the 2nd con., built a barn for Mr, Humphrey Snell of the sante con. and are now creating a barn for Mr. James Hanil'- ton. of Clinton on his faint just south of that town, - Immenoressmiri Hullett Happenings The funeral' of the late Thomas 13. Reynolds, son of Mr, and Mrs. .James Reynolds, took place on Friday morn- ing Last. Solemn mass Inc the dead was said in St. Joseph's church, Clinton, c• tither McR•ao of by Rev. I Goderili in the absence of the ptarish priest, the Rev. Father Dunn, owing to illness. The interment took, place in the R. C. cemetery on the fourth concession. The funeral was largely attended for "Tommy," as he was famii1btrly called, was well known and much lik- ed by a large, circle of frionds who deeply regret bis 'early demise. The, pallbearers were : Thomas Connor, , James B. Reynolds, P. 0. Reynolds, W. A. McConnell, George Carbesd-and John Reynolds. Among those present from a dis- tance were Mr. and Mrs. John Mac- donald, Misses Annie, Jessie_ and. Nellie Macdonald, and Mr. and Mrs, James 13. Reynold of G'odorich,; John and Edgar Reynolds of. Stratford, Mrs.Longman is' improving. • Miss Margaret Roberton returned home on Monday • week Mr, and Mrs, Wal. Patterson visit- ed at Logan over Sunday. Don't forget that S, S. No. 9 will Manic on Friday of this week in G. H. Ball's g!+ave. • A bigger /dine than ever expected. Mr. John Yungblut took in the ex•. eursion to Defitoit. Mr. S. ItietCooi left 'on ' Tuesday of this week to visit h,a brothers, John and Robert, Who aro 'located at Lacombe, 'Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Willing/ McCool spent a Jew days last week with their dabghter, Mss. J. L. A'vde of Wing - ham, Miss Eva Marsh visited her home for a few days last week, Mr. S. McCool Jost a fine colt this week. With the prices of horses 'soaring so high u h this is a severe h rev � s. A number from about here are. taking advantage of the fine weather to visit Goderieh, Constance Miss Annaa Macdonald of Stella is visiting her sister+, Mrs, Ernest Ad-' amson.' Quite a number'f our (T.oyoung cele Y gP P picnicked at Bayfield on Saturday. Mrs. Johns of Tuokersmith is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Robarb "Law- son. • Dante Rumor says wedding 'bells mill ring in our village very soon, and also: to the north for the weddings of two popular young ladies, Mr. William Taylor of the St ntfo_rd Business College and Miss' Edna of Fordyce are now at the pareni;al home, that of Mn', and Mrs. Henry Taylor. The Sunday school picnic to be Reid' on Dominion Day' in Mr. McMichael's grovel promises to be a moat enjoyable affair. Bring along your ,basket and enjoy the day with the rest Harveya� 7 Taylor for and George ,..lark wrote at late Entrance examination here last week. Hope they will be successful, .' • SEAr'ORTH Mr. James McMichael,. the Wee Bowler; has been inda,`iposed, butt is" agairu atle to be about, ' lvlen's Furnishin' For Holiday, Wear New shirts Straw hats Belts Collars Ties Braces Underwear Sox Etc, at unbelievable prices. TOZER1'1. and BROWN 81