HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-06-27, Page 5• JUfte 20th, 1942 -SAYS HAROLD. RAYNER.. Fulwood, Preston, Lanetteld re, Engl 'To .The Edit r of The 'Netvs Record Clinton, Ontario.. , Dear Sir, -May I be afforded space in the columns of you': excellent pap- er, wherein to make a IOW vemarks, which may possibly prove of more oia. less interest to some of your readers. I have on one or two occasions flot- aal reintairs in BUS Paper from our good oitieens, nowly returne'd trom A visit to England, to the effeat that .the old country farmer is sadly be- hind in his methods, and that Britial farming as a who is on tin indifferent hasio. Let me say mese emphatically, Mr. Editor,: that) the average British fann- er is in every respect able to hold his own, and has no need 46 occupy a back seat among his brethren from other parts of the woold. 01 ?trrSc`` in different countries different meth_ ods will obtain, butt these are aature ally, governed by looal conditions. Last week 1 cycled into the country to have a talk with one et the farmers In what is known as the Fylde dis- trict, lying adjacent' to Prestonrails gentleman, Mr. John thooks of Pop- lar Grove Farm, Inskip, may be tak- en as a good example of the average British fanner. Springing .frona true yeomaa stock, he and his foubears bare farmed in the Fylde district for a great may generations. . Receiving me with kindly courtesy, Mr. Crooks kindly consented to show ane over his farm at the same . tilma *giving me some information in, :iagard •to crop returns, ainount of stock, teto. He Moats about 200 acres, 100 et which .arc under the plough,the re- maining 100 being in pasture. Mr. ('rooks sells very little g' hi tirecir feeding It mostly all to his cattle, horses, sheep and pigs. About tile onlY two crop items he has for sale ,direot are hay and potatoes, of which lotto; he generally has in about 20 'acres. His hay crop generally nets 'him about seventeen hundred dollars, :which is a fair Auterest of itself. In response to a question about the av- erago crop yields per acre, the follow- ing figures were given. Taken one year with another these figures repre. .sene an even average : Fall Wheat, 35 bushels per acre. Oats, 55 bushels. Batley, 40 bushels. Potatoes, 400 bushels. 'Thanips, 20 tons. Bay, generally a mixture tat iye gloss and clover, from 21 to 31. ' Toes per acre. It should be borne in mind thatt the English standard for barley is all lbs per bushel and for oats 42 lbs. In regard to hired help. Mr. Creeks employs live men the year reund and doubles bis quota dining busy soas- ons. In this respect the old country farmers are fortunately: situated. They can hirC capable and experienc- ed mop tor approximately $175 per annum, with board and lodging. No doulit this item goes far towards ex- plaining the steady halux of men froni Great Britain. Mr, Crooks goes , in for sheep breeding, keeping ninety breeding ewes, from Wiliell he btaia- ed 135 lambs this last spring At ono time he was a great cheesemaker, milking 50 cows, and keeping dome - thing aim 100 hogs to consume the by-products. A.t preserit only seven eowa are milking, mostly of the Sher laorn breed. Around 50 or 60 head of beef cattle are fed) on the ' farm. 'I'Wo teams of huge Shire hor- ses ' are kept, whilst a third and 'fourth team can generally be made' up from colas when the occasion de- mands it. Mr. Crooks keeps four 'brood mares wherewith to breed suit- able horsea. He is a believer in, thor- oughly ferailizing, the land, the inina mum amount of artificial manure used being 25 tons a year at a cost of $500 lairati-7,,. or • more. This is lir, additlott to a •considerable amount of barnyard man- ) tire from the stock, , The machinery on this foam Iltorres- : ' Ponds very nearly to that used on the farms of Ontario : binders, mowers, drills, harrows, ploughs, rakes, and 00 forth. The dwelling house, rata- btradinga, hares, etc., are all con- structed from 'tad brick, and are rery trim and well kept up. Atter bidding Mr: Crooksgood aye, I returned home by a different :outo in order to see a little more of the country. The general appearance of the farms of the district is neat and businesslike, every available foot of and „being utilized, alt im01grnntls kerst in a propea shed, when not in est:, and no litter, ete., allowed to lie about on the ground. The horses , and calstle all appear sleek and well fed, testilying to proper attention. Onc thing 1 notice is the extreme thotoughneas with, which) the welting horses are groomed and tbey are ' scrupulously Glean all over from the • matte to tetlock, and their skins .',Idnr) , like satin, The eype of' farm I :lave • pickedoat and the figures givenaro ntereta averago, and are only inlet:Med to convey Seine idea of the average , English tenant farmer and hiS nt- rouidings. In some countiea , land there are may farmers; \vim fauna holdings of .800 or 1000 acrea or , more, earrYing on Operations on 'a larger scale, similar to that obtainittg ,jji lam Canadian West; + • ' Most English 'faullere mit theiu tektite' and generally pay what in Canada would be eansidered a'early Staff reatabout ion dollars per aore on' the average.; though sometimes good laad attn be tehted at front five „ to Seven and, a half dollars. As may be' exptohad in, a,eomparatively new . • antry like 'Canada the raentlag , 5 • ystem finds Goraparatiitely llt1e faV-; as, 1. I 04 there,aloatta'appartnal,Y1 it; aat'llke Oith well enougli isa 4sol4 aJbn1n4, The 'fafinera'are ndttaliy 51)10 to taI 'a kerthia •amount ofp1oasux ont ot .litetuttemseives, give l their, 'children . a eOunda edUelttion, • and Pat.,' by a 0.4i ttle iii'the 'bank far 'a '',irainy day." ManY • , accumulate is • fall' compereiley -tette , Whiali 40 eraloY life tater Qn,• alotrover, ,L must draw to is cloae Jest 1 Weary‘ the renders ef The', NeWs-,., Recoad , by. a •too -long. epistle:a • . , Thanking .•you•, Mr.--.111diter, for,vour space, • , I, • , FalfbfUl y • .1 remain; • • • '• • , , ,11 ikyN, ER. .i000.541t, d912,- " ' , • . • , • Goderich: :Mrs. (Captain) Ilaxtea of Cllie/14 is a visitor in Godericli, ' Mrs. 1Vestaway and citildoan ci Montreal are visiting MTS. J. W °nal On, Wednesday Oa, last Week.' aiam- 44t+BresbYterian., 'attach:, taaatoaaatto, waa the.' seend of n pthtay_•t. wedding when ,Mi35 Mary., Nicaeria' Mcfaendelele, yetingeSt "clattalitea Ma. and' Wits. P. MoNeitarick, tatoaine the bride of., Rev.-El:SOP i:packarin .Son of. Mao atua,Mra.)Thomay Disks,o'n of Atwood, Oal, Tlis (lurch was dei'u4ed wibW. Paans arid Mete flowers, 'and tate eareitiony was foliated by the' Rev.- A.IL XattPiter- " Mr. Frcd. 'Rae played•the wed ding marches., Mr, :Albert, David sang ,"BeciauSe" during tbe' Signing cif the registoo. The bride), who - was given away by , fatliek, worea gown of white saaiii:trimmed ' with. mystal and pearls,' Her -tulle veil. • was' .crowned with nrange•bleasold and the carried a shower ot roses and lily o of the valley, The groona'a gilt to her was a piano. Miss' Edna Steel; Was britleamaid and woo.: pink satin with overdress of crystal, slippers to match and a tvhite Milan hat with e white osprey. She carried a shoiter d of pink roses and wore the groom's e gilt, a gold bracelet. Miss Rita Mc - was flower girl and wore a ftock 1 of French. Valenciennes lace over pink ailk, white shoes and stockings and a _ flowered bonnet, She carried' a bask- et, of white daisies and wont the groom's gift, a gold bracolet, Mr: t Percy McKendrick, the bride's .broth- er, was hese man and the natters were Rev, 0, 5, McIntosh, M. A., and ; Mr, F. W McKendriek. After the re- ception the Male and groom left for a trip to the States and on their re- turn will make several visits th diff- erent points in Ontario before going to 'heir home dt Vanaeter. ' • ' Mr. J. L. Kialoran and bride nay returnedfrom their wedding trip an have . token Up tfletal abode at th Hefei Sunset for the summer. Mr. arid Mrs. P. EL Clement o North Bay are tile guests of the- foam .er's parents, Rev. B. and Mrs. Cie mutt. Mrs, Macpherson and Miss 'aellie have returned from an extended list at Denver, Colorado, and Passadena California. • . . Miss Nina- Sherman, outdate nurse of Der!lzoili, is spending her vacation at her home in GOderich. She was ac- companied by her sista-a Miss Laura, Who has been -visiting in Detroit for some time, Owing to the rabies scare in Soder- ich township the board Or. Health has ordered all dogs in town to be con- fined for MOT days. Mrs. Andrew Porter and daughter, lett last week to visit the Corner's sister,, Mrs., (Judge) Nye of Moore - !Mid, Minn. Mr. and Mrs, Rogerson of Brad- ford, •Fnna., have been visiting • at the home of the lattet's sister, Mrs. James Moore. The, choir of Knox church presented Mos. James 1Viaatyn, one of their number, with a liandsome silver fern dish prior to her departure tot Tor- onto where she intends to aoside in future. The marriage of Miss- Jessie May Blake, .laughter of Mr. Wm., Blake, to Harry G. Hillier of Toronto, took place at the home of the bride on Thursday teat, Rev, D. Medd officiat- ing., The bridewas attended by her sister, Miss Eleanor Blake, and the groom was attended by his leiether, Mr. 'John of Calgary. Mo. and Mrs. Hiller wilt, reside in ,Toronto where the groom is engaged in. business. On Wednesday of list week the nup- tial knot between Miss Edna May Speiram, eldest daughter ot Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Speirart, was tied aa the bride's home by Rev. Alfred 13lovii,. About twenty-five guests witnessesl the event. Miss 'Effie May Mayers' of Cadillac, Mich., cousin of the bride, was buidesmaid, and Mr. P. C. Speirmt, the bride's loother, was groomsman. Little Marguerite Moore was timg hearer. l'he home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith was the smeie 'of a pretty tar - Hoge between Miss Lula Boyne Smaaa. and Hilton _A. Schtieler, both of !I-ori- el:telt. Rev. Geo. E. Ross tied the knot in tbe poosence, of about lora), guests. Miss Olive A. Smith, sister of the bride, was briaeamaid and the poem was assisted by bis brothel!, alr, Theodore Seinieler, Hensall Mrs. John O'Brieti of I-Iamiltort Liao been visiting her parents, Mo. and Mrs. Macpherson. Mrs. ; Harry Taylor and children have gone 'too the State of Washington where _they intend to make their home. ' Mrs. Will Stoneman and younger ,son wal leave shortly for Saskatoon where they Intend to locate. 'Mrs. James 'Johnstone .has disposed of her fine rasidenee to Mn, G. C. Petty, and will leave ter Brandon, Man., very shoetly to join het hus- band. Mr. James Paeist Jr. of Leaden has. been visiting his parents in Hetarall. It is said' that the excessive wet has caused serious damage to alio gen- sing crop, rotting the roots in idle ground. The plaits for the new station and also kir tho changes in the yard are out. PASSING OF REV. MR BUTT. The _death occulted on Thursday -morning last at his home bit Taon.lon of Rev, W. H, Butt., following an ill- ness of about four months. Mn, Butt was a native of Bowihan- 'lllo, but came with hie family . to Huron county when quite young, sat- t'ing in 1-Ittliett township. go re- ceived his educatiori in Clinton. In 1871 Me, ,entered theaminislay of the Bible Obriation Church, He was pastor of the old Hooton' 'Skeet church En London when the union with the Meahodiet bodieo took place in 1885tie subsequently held pastor- ates at Alva., Glencoe, Chatham, ; Centralia, where he Was , atationed twria, Wallace.jmsg, Walketvale, Com: ber and other places. He was, paator Of the Ridout stree-t churela London; 'at the time of his' death. Mn, 'Butt it; survived by his wife and 'their Six sons mut two daught- ers : Rev. ' Andrew .Butt of Byron, Dr. W. H. Ilutt of Toronto, John of, Ethelbert ot 1)e14oi6, Mrs. IVicLaren a Detroit, and _ Clord- on, Luther and Naiss Laura alt 110tne., Mr. Butt Vitra considered an . able preacher and good pastor anti was possessed of rare judgmerit. He was affable anti .kindly and was held in high regard •Ity has folloot ministers. He was a 'brethaa MI, 'Eph Butt, formealy of the Base Line ',but new of Saakatoon, Sask. CHILDHOOD DANGERS. No symptoms that indicate any of the dangers of childhood should he al- lowed to pass Without) prompt atteu- tam. The little ' ailment may soon become a serious one, and perhaps a little life passes out. If Baby's Own Tablets arc kopt in the houth Minn: troubles can be proinptly cured and serious ones averted. The. Tanteaa are guaranteed absolutely safe and can be iliVeft to the newborn babe as vial as the growing child. Mrs. Arthur Drapeau,. Mont Ciannel, Que., days : "I can give Baby's Own Tablets to the little en° without fear, well know- ing the beneficial results that will fol- low Biel:: use." The Tablets are sold be medinneideaters' or by mail :at 25 cents a box fritin The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Boackville, Ont. 16 Years Ago From The News.Record of June 17th, 18913. Clinton, June 240, 1896. Mn. Ca lt, Emerson wheeled to 'eor- onto and return last week. We regret to learn that the ;louse of Mn, Win. MeMath of Goderich township was burned last week, Mr., 5.7. Scott, who has been in Essex Centre tot: some time, has re- tuaned home. • Mrs. W, J. Elliott of the Bay field Line leaves on Thursday for a two - weeks visit with friends in Toronte. Mn, and Mrs. ,I. H. Combo return- ed last week from a two -weeks, visit with Toronto friends. They were ac- companied hy their daughter„ Net tio: Mrs. Angus Cole of Flint, Mich., is on a visit!, to her sister, Mrs. '1'. D. Johnson of town, and her parents Mr. and 'Mrs. C. Cole of Goderich townslaM. Rev. W. T. Cluff, formerly of iltus- s•cle and a native of Goderich town- ship, will returnto tiiis diocese. The only outside vote yesterday so fat as Clinton was concerned was fou the Libeaal candidate. Among them was Mn. James Turnbull of Termite, formerly of the High school staff. Messos. H. 13. Chant and .1. W. Moore hare been in Toronto alite,nd- ing the Grand Lodge of Orldfellowe.. On Sunday morning the barn and (tante/tea of Mn. Ben. Churchill of Goderich township wetal destroyed by fire. Tramps aro supposed to have started it. The loth will be heavy alahough there was some insurance. The married men, and bachelors crossesl.. willows in a Irely game of cricket on Mothlay and the beitedicts won by the score of 77 to 41. It (s with togret that we aneouthe the death of Mrs. Allred Moore, aged , fortyeseven years, Heart trouble was the CallSe of her sudden call, The lash meeting of the campaign was hold in the town hall on Friday evening In the interests al Mr: Kally, Mr. J. B. Hoover -occupied the chair. Mr. Kitty was the only speaker., and he dealt with the great questions be- fore the electors in his usual frank and manly way. Miss Margaret A, Brownlee was married pn Monday in St, Patii's church by Rev. .1. Te. Parke to Rev. G-oderiela Township, JiRSe 211.11, 1896 The schools of No. 9 and Holmes - villa will hold a anion picnic in Ma. Wm. Connell's bush on July 111111. . The English Chlirell people ot aleton's and the Methodists of Cole's ieland having a union pieta, la alay- field. on Thursday atternoon. Mn. J. Peeves and) family have mov- ed barer to the ath con. and have tak- en, up reaidence in Mr. George 000P- elI's cottage. Mrs. Peeves, 'who Ikea been very 111, is improving, Me. I,. Proctor of the 940 von, anises] a new barn on Wednesday and MT. jamas Riclundsotas' is now com- pleted. Ms, H. Sweet has the mailer- ial all ready for his new barn and ex - petits' to, ralae Bs this week. oat+ehing .connettion wftat 13 a b iihtAtie rivelVY ait4e.wir,511riaowl enh e‘rvrraausYe s. sdraee,ystitti Iv! QInton Nowi-Record , was .Tegetle.WitharriatictetasenestiOne•• 0.0„g -ealihrel'a:HriaSt :look 4ouritit*.4 Oathrbeda .nriehatithet $10) figetataelitildine at'cryt. ,...0510e8attriatnaing,-„olt,hia Ogee,.thi C1oe and drift at 1;2.: • 't :Was: 4' 44.r. 0.14...'401,:.01i. 4,46' a09',,:lands;: ateine •thiairea:040.qattlea".221",'Sheelll 206417': Vesa:145'. hogs: and 40 -horses ••• 0/14 lthisatumbeo :there Weart. 4F cr- loisds Of.; a ailtillery4ed.,eattle."`..afrotit; WalkerVitle,•' that ranged •;" ,PrfaeS: ;Itorn .47.90 to,• $8.15,,a ',s'1lt1 noir ,• a and .thepaa Prize' onc beng. pioo4 604 lea extra -ateck at 11guaaa•:feont,-$3,30,' I/o . $8.50, " The 'average . lairminclathe Foom the very' beginning at was evi- dent the shortage of cattle at tea_ er-I port market would strengthen "the prise tension' and hold the prime beef up above the. $8' matk. , The. heavy hgues laid ob the choiee' to pante had a considerable, influence over the cheaper grades which held steady from $6.50 to $7.90. The, big deal of the day's market waa the purchasirig by Swift it o Of Chicago of 300 export catale at prices running from $7.80 to $8.40. The London niarke0 gets 150 bead, 'aisle the other 150 go to Liverpool,. The eontagnment came rota of a bunch ol distillery -fed eattte item Walkerville and again' illustrates what teed, water and good care alit do fer the !Amer, Who is to_ a position to force his cattle into a More arime condition. With the Walkert(Ile consignment the lase of the distillery beef Is on the market, and from now 'on zattle of the choice to prime beef falai, ty will be in demand:which means that all good grades are to go up in price. rhe cbeap grades will be carried 70 ligher levels under the influence of a strong demand, and practically no supply. Dealers see no relief in the way of lower prices, and from now on con- sumers will be, up against the deadly parallal of cheaper grades, with slight raise in figures. SEAFORTH Mr. John Turneo has purchased an auto. - Miss 0, Canino is visiting in the ci.ty of Detroit. • Marriages LAWSON-JUDD-At la residence of the bride's parents, on June 26111, by Rev. T. Wesley, Cosens, Hattie • V, Judd, daughter of Mc. and Mat. Thos. .Tudd, to Arthur Law- son, all o Clinaon, SOUTIICOVP RANNIE. -- In Zma leaf on June Helen Rennie, daughter ot Mrs. LL Rannie, to Frederick Sou acot SCHULER-SMITH-In (leder:loll on June 190, by Nev. George E. Ross, Lulu 13:, datightet ol Mr. and afrs. John W. Siniala to Ilia ton A: Schuler, all of Goderich, WILSON-HYSLOP-In. (bodelch on June 17411,, by Rev. George E. Ross, Anna P. Hyslop 41 Gorier- icli to August F. Wilsou of QM, eland, ohio. Births S'PEEP-In Petrolia on: June 741), to Mr: and Mrs, Ed, Steep, a daughter. HALES -In &Math on June 1714, Mr, Mo.' and Mrs. W. J. Hales of Toaanto, 15 801). HcaMM-In Blyth on June 1814, to Mr. and Mrs. Atex. Hamm, a son. FITZSLVIONS-. In Clinton on June 190, to Mn. and Mos. Bert Fitz- aimons, a daughter, Deaths THOMPSON- In Godenich township on June 2ard, john Thompson, aged 69 years, 9 months and 18 days. • BUTT -In London on June, 2014, Rev, W. IL Butt, aged 63 years. SEALE-At North Vancouver, 13. C. on June 19th, Witham Scale, Itas- ther-in-law of Mr, John Holmes of the Huron Road, TAYLOR-Itt Clinton on Jene 2,3rd, John Taylor, aged 54 years and 9 months. AUCTION SALE OF 1-101f$ES COWS and Young Clattle.--Connell and Holland have instructed the under- otgned la sell by public auction at Hotel Normandie Barri Clinton - 011 , , Tuesday, July 2nd, the following: Gelding 3 yeaas heavy draft v'ell broken : Gelding 3 years fancy car- iage 16 hands, good in all harness : Filly 2 years beautiful_ hay tired by Celtic Pride dam by Destord afar- quia, suitable for show ring : Filly 2 years sated by Glendrie Prince , clam by IVIeNcrica: Filly '2 years bar- ed I3anklield Baron dam by Enfield IVIaaternian : .2 fillies 2 years sired by Lookidavat : Gelding 2 yeaxe bealitiful hay sired by Blyth Ben dam Craig End : 2 fillies I year by Spot ; Filly 1 yea:. by Border Mao - Gregor : Gelding 1 year tared by Loal Oswold : Filly 1 year sired by ,falyth Ben Geklisig 1 yea') sired by: Blyth Ben. These fillies have been carefully selected by us tor breed- ing purposes : 3 springers and 1', newly calved cow : 3 Holstein hell. era good dairy typo : stoo10. steers and'. heifers :" Tervis : 3 months credit on apptoVed joint notes or 6 percent pet annum (NB - count for cash, Sale at 2 oatlook, sharp.-Conneal and Holland, Pro- ariebots, T, Brown, Auctionaer. RvANT,-A FOUR ROOMED GOT - tag, in Baytield about ten min- utes walk from the lake. Very Suitable or sulinner visators. Ap- ply te Pfrs. +I, Poleock, Dayfield, ot Mrs. T,14, BrOweice, Goderieba -33,- , - TO:•,', 3110"a1HS,P0',401);; �1 BY faRi- .•,„Onistlfea'a:'holikeitOldt:effeetS, :"Iniala••'lie.,":"Sftetti:bYaCalliing'.'aat ;Eta •Igra, jaata ateifit,a yieto-0.4 ou.O;;; doog:.aetfatt: • ot••:.wesiet HO1USId TQ r1111143'; fot Jul Aitg.a4drs, • Anittitit., • FOR; S'ALE' AT A ReIR,CILAINe':- • Ittrty-light •Acittyleite Gas (Nuritze Improved) With' chandeliers: burneya aiI :complete,,-Ilarland • ' )13roa, . ' , FOR SALE- 21-5 EIGHT o 0 M. frame house itOgood coiuli5iu, w;tll stone cellar, town water. afas halt an acre of , land with titiv.a plem, _orchard. •Occm pled at tineat/tilt bY. Rev. W. W. Wylie. Possession given Ott. 1st, Price 4900.- Apply at,' The News -Record Office. -76 TEACHER WANTED -A Good see cond-clse professional teacher wan- ted 'tor School "secia on No. 1, Stan- ley. Dttties to continence after sum- mer vacation. Liberal salary. -Ap- ply to M. MeEwan, Sec.-Tteasfirer, Clinton P. O. FARM FOR SALE, KNOWN AS "Springhill Farm" on the 13ay.field Road, Goderich township, consista Ing 140 acres, soath halflot's 51 and 52 and patt 53 and 54. awe miles from Clinton and one from school, • A first-class stock 'and grain farm. 35 actes of good pas- ' Imre land, Well watered and has noven Railing spring at bare. Good wells and cistena.. 13ank barn 62x52, with 'stone stabling. 150 apple' trees just beginning to bear and all kinds of snail fruiia. Reason: for selling : Owner in poor health. Teems to suit purchaser. -Robert Marshall, Clinton P. 0. -36 FARM TO RENT," BEING LOT 53, 51 on the Baylleld Road, known as the Wigalaigton Farm. it is with- in two miles of Clinton. Good brick house, hank barn, driving house and other outbuildings: A good orchard and stnaM fruits. Farm in good state ot cultivation.- For particulars apply to Mrs. Wigging- ton, Queen street, Clinton. --38. HOUSE ON MARY STREET 1C,11 sale or to recit.A. J. Tyndall. -34. • WANTED.- A BRIGHT, RESPECT - able young girl to learn the ()rya goods,- business, --Apply Box 5, Clin- ton, -35-2 COTTAGES FOR, RENT -ALSO Booth Privileges at the "Grove for season, or for July 1st only For paaticulars apply to -15'.. 11, Jowett, Box 30. Bayfield. -33. HOUSE TO RENT OR FOR SALE- Gight roomed Meth on Queen skeet, town waterworks, ai•stern, de acre of land with fruit trees, Stable on premises. House in . good repair. POsSeSSfoil given July lat. -Apply David Steep, Stapleton. -33. HOUSE FOR SALE -A GOOD chance to buy a house. Small, a)11ounif down, balance' as rent, Houle in good repain ; possession given at once. -For • particulars ap- ply to Mrs. Chidley, Clinton, -53, ' WALKER'S F URNIT URE store you can have your baby car- - riage or go-cart wheels re -tired in half au hour's time. No waiting for material, a,ve have the machine and the relther op hand and will do them for you while, you wait. -31 FOUND BETWEEN CLINTON AND Seaforth on June 3rd, a sum of money,. Loser can have same by proving propertly and paying for this advertisement. --Arthur Cook. -31-3. 10013 SALE A (3001) LEATHER. Top Phaeton buggy. -J, Twitchell. St Son, -30, SEWING MACI-IINES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hood, also ag- ency the new machines. -A. I:loop- er, Albert street. -30. FOR SALE -FLOUR AND 'FEED business, established 24 years,, de- livery and dray business in con- nection. Together with store and dwelling of seven rooms. Gool. brick stable' also on premises. - 2), S. Cook, ellen:in. -31 ' o ONTARIO •LIQUO.R. LICENSE; ACT. License Disariat of Centre Huron, -- Notice is hereby 'given thal Samuel S. Cooper 'of Clinton. has made ap- plication for permission to transfer his Tavean ;accuse for the paamases known as the Hotel Normandie to John 1-lannat Of, the village, of Mil- vetion, and that said application Will be considered at the. meeting of the Boas1 of License Commissioners to be held in the, town ball, Clinton, at 3,30 o'oleck os .Friday, the 2814 day of June. call parties interested will -govern themselves -Oliver Johnstoti, License Inspect:it- or. Dated at Canton this 1711i day of June 1912: „ • , , , • , , • , „ . • . '• • ' • , • • • • • • , • • DII.A.IN FOR sA.T.,E,-WE , sE.A.FoRT.Li have a latge Stock. nf' tile on hall'd ranging 1;1 $ioo ;Kra, Jllackwell oJ Sea Francieco 10 inches also a 'goodt stocic of !nick. 10 and 12 moflub. ti).0 to der, Worlrs / It mi,le east ot Eg- rnoudvilie. :Phone .0 oil • 145-4- K111se Bros., Eginondallle. FARM $ALE -140T 29' Bayaeld een„ Goderich township), containing 6121 acres, more or less. Small orchard, good spring water, , frame buildings. Land has bean in pasture' about five years. Fos further particulars, apply to William 'eurneo, , Lauder. P. 0., Manitoba_ care of Mrs. W. Grieve. FARM' FOIt SALE. -LOT 33, CONo 2, Stanley, 2 miles 'from Clinton, consisting of 55 pares. Good build - Ingo, bank barn with windmill on; implcenent house, pig pen, good warm frame house. About 10 acres of spring crop, 24 acres o1 rokts, acre orchard with all kinds of fruit,' 18 acres of hay, 6 acres at. natal - wood bush, yemainder of farm in pasture. The land Is a 'good alay loan. Possession to suit buyer, - John Jervis, Clinton, P. 01 -32. FARM FOR SALE, LOT 28, CON.: 5, Hullett. 125 acres, 5 acres busho remainder all cleared. Good mild- . /rigs, 2 barna, la acres orchard. Well watered, 17 miles from' school, 3 miles from Cainton.-Ap- ply to Thos. Archer et D. Cantelon, Clinton; 10. 0. -13. FARM FOR, SALla.- LOT '26, CON. 6, Millett, consisting of 100 acres,. 90 acres cleared, 40 acres grass, 2 arses of orchard with first-elass fruit: Well fenced and drained, 2 stowy brick house and large :man with stabling underneath, also large drive house with hog pen ender. 2 good wells with windmill and pipes to stable and hog pen. 2 miles tram Clinton.-Foa further particle. leas apply on the premises, or ad- dress W, T,. Henry, Clinton 3'. 0. --3 FARM FOR SALE -Lot north half 20. eon. 12, Kellett, consisting of 50 acres. All seeded down erupt 10 acres. Small orchard. Frame house and bank barn with stabling. Oa Gravel road 1 mile north . of Londesboro. mile from school. Apply on the premises or address Richard Shaddick, Lendesboro P.O. -75 FARM FOR 'SALE -The Executor of the Southcomile estate offers for sale 50 acres, being east half of loa 28, con. 6, Hullett. This is a firs! -class farm, well watered and improved and with good buildings. Also taie undersigned offers for sale lot 29, con. 6, Millet!, consisting of 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. - Apply to R. J. Southcomba, Clin- ton r. 0, -89 NOTICE To CREDITORS. -IN THE matter ot the Estate of Ann Eliza McBrien.-Notico is hereby aiven that all penSOTIS' having laims against • the F.statc of Ann Eliza McBrien, late of the TOWII of Clin- ton, in the County of Huron, wid- ow, who died on or 'about the Oth day of May 1912, a'a: required ' td deliver to the nedersigned execu- tor or his solicitor on or before the 2nd day of July 1912, a ml aaate- numb of their claims, together with particulars thereof, and tho nature of the securities, if any, heal by them, all duly V c na- iled by affidavit. AND TAICID NOTICE that after the said last- mentioned date the said eaecutor will proceed to distribute the Es- tate of the oatd deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, haring regard only to such claims as lie shall have received due noticeand in aceordance herewith. Dated at Clinton the 1140 day of, June 1012. -W. J. Meltrian, Executor, Summer- hill P. 0, --34-3 Fire Sale! WE ARE NOW OFFERING THE' „ REMAINS OF OUR STOCK At HALF PRICE 15 ORDER TO CLEAR IT OFF BY ERMA JUNE 281:1). COME EARLY AND GET YOUR CHOICE. � I 0001‹ PROPRIETOR. ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD TILE BRICK TO ORDER .2111 kindS Of coal on hand : CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEI.., COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS ,W00p 2.1 in., 3 in. and 4 im, tile of the Besh Qualliiy, - ARTHUR FORBES Opposite the Cla E. Station, Pitons 52 151,, is bete he,r parents, Mr.' and bios. A, Davidson. 'BARRED ROOK EGGS FOR Sale. -I won on Barred Rocks at Cliltten 1 first., 8 secotal 1 third and spectal for best coliaction. Pon 1; P01114 mating, needed by Millard coekerel. Limited num- bet; settings Eggs 42.00 per 13 Pen. 2 Cockerel Mating Moiled by Mil - Mari' cock. Pullets inthis pen. are good layers, Eggs $2.00 per 13. Pen 3, utility pen, headed by a cockerel bred from one of the best laying stream in Canada. Tim pullets In this pen were bred from 17 of my pullets which layed 430 eggs ha 31 days, Eggs $1.00 pee -15. guarantee a good hatch or replace setaing free of charge. -1-I. A. Hov- ey Clinton. , '-24. 4 DOMINION DAY Z•ingle Fare for Round Trip 13eltweeu. all Stations in Canada Good go- ing June 28, 29,' 30, July 1, lte- tura limit Jtal y3, 1912. Full particulars and tickets from any Grand Teunk Agent, or writ: A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, Un- ion Station, Toronto, Ont. • • • • ▪ The Beginning • • • • • • • • • The End. • • •• • • • • • ; The last week for : • • • canning pineapples- • • • thefittst week for pre= ; • • : serving strawberries. • • • • 11111111111110, • • • • • Strawberries are now • at their best. The pre- e'erving season is at hand : • • and we have the fruit,• • • • sealer and sugar. • • • : Sugar as usual at : • wholesale price, • • • • • • • • • • .. : W. T. O'NEIL : • • • "The Bub Grocery." a • • si si 414i 00000 'odes* 0000 4'0 oo 01 Watch Faults Does your watch run correctly. If not, let us repair It for you. It may, be only dirty and need cleaning, of: slop for lack of oil. Whatsoever the reason, don' t delay. We give thorough examination and regulation free. Any- thing more costs as little as sass - factory work can be done. A. J. GRIGG Scientific Jeweler allasl petiole:a CLINTON, ONT. • ONV IS TI -IE TIME ++ 10014 -1-4' Plumbing, Evetroughing and Stove Moving . All orclers,promptly attended Prices given on'roofing,, sid- ing and all contract, work, BYAM & SUTTER ,SANITARY PLUMBERS, 11111=11.1011111,1111111111111111111111 1Horne .Stucty Thousands of ambitious yoting people are being instracted in theft hotnes hy OUP Home Study Dept. You may finish at College if Mr desire. Pay when, ever 000 wish. ThittY Years' Expel, ienee. Largest trainers in Canada. Betel:am. dny. Positions guaranteed. If you Wish to save 005rd and !darn while yott earn, write for particulars. NO VaCATEON CLINTON BUSINESS cOLL.Eas CEO. SPOTTON, Prtssiourr Nes-Recoad lao Jan 1913 for hOc,, N ati R d ao Jaa 1911 for a5cr