HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-06-27, Page 4Swim
;0oderichTow0shlp `l; Goderich TQwaship`
Mr. Jatneg Tl1°1i1Pson;, acoom- i
• Wr
state that Mr. An -
Panted by Ins wv_ fq, called hachkititoo
'Potent().iadaytoresumehis s
11'N ?ger 15
lUt 'nprc
.thopolies f tel Jii"revg2 hearth rapidly as his mmn
. kerma. friends '; wound wvisll to see•, but wo
teff Lite of sl,honlest:1 c vette e n treat •flim; theliine wcattle> will im-
cx' tan than tae will evperienca (his
wa 1 is on(
10 1 C n
' int the
tinlc begausc oG the berealon r t
fafattly has :fihis week sustained, AIr. Jaiitcs,Miller iia'.; erecting a t.g
Lieu'G.` ;Sloan has, been attending the,lstahlo ;xi1lt basonient•
.ich:tho ase Ma. Sterling fur taxes buliid-
ml1.tal} (lamp at YraQ( P g l 1>
1's fait tarot,
i , • -.. .. 11' t..11lt 11 'tahC.. 011 It L
1,�{n lveel,s; lo1 s l ¢ 1.
1. barn orii.aoa •
NIr. R. B. Gola jacket his Mr., Charles liollund has, a L
Tuesday 't last • weak: Weston Bros., field. of growin , lathy. `'Indeed we
CS y o a t; g.
'f` B 'field wilt, clo the cement work; believe where is not a better one, >!n
o _ a }
and- the - only Matt Mains of Landes -w
the entire tonship.•
he I:rainin
bore t g.
Ido. Thos. Richardson has gone wash
MIS. •.W. G. Ma tbets and liable
daughter of Lethblcidge, Alta., are.
spending tha summer the guests of
the alady's parents; Mrs, Waitvicic.
6, S, and 10 .FEI T
$1. and .$"1.50.
& CO.
Mr:`" and Mart, J. P. Coleand Mr.
and Mrs, Il 0. IToll ltd `spend latati:ry
with tihs fornter's tinulo; Nor, J. T,
Keys of istie ploy ,
Mr, George Hulce' is giving h!s
house a now coat of paintwhich will
add greatly to its appearance.
Statute laba:.is now the order` of
the day. May we suggest that the
gravel bo spread smoothly and nicely
raked limn. Good 'roads are beconlf
m !solute necessity inthe e
ies t p
g a
an i
1 / ti011
a icttila
eat high state, o
Miss A lss Clan v Riu't a risen spun t o week
visiting her inany friends in this vi -
Misses- Flossie Cole and L. Wawa:l-
alta spending some time With Michi-
Mo. Reubeli Johnstone's spieite.d
new drivel: ma away list week and
smashed the buggy colriderably, be-
sides doing some other damage, The
diver escaped. unhurt .
Mr. Charles McGregor 18 enhancing
the appearance of. his property by
toa inn bis house, to
a coat of await,
Mr. Clifford
Mrler of
'1 Toronto re-
turned to the city on Friday after
spending a weeks vacation at his,
home here ("afford occupies the pos-
ition whole-
• •� . i a large t .k plc n
' tof o
1t101 70 a
1 g
sale house and deserves credit Inc the
way he is pts, ering. There's good
stuff' an our Coders Ii. township lads
and they invariably make their 'nark
in their chosen line of work.
The death occurred recently at Lit -
eau of Mrs. alearge "Patrick, mother
of Mrs. Harry 'Thompson of the 16th
c n. The deceased whose maiden
name was Alicia Hobbs, was a native
of London township She was mar -
•'ed to Mr. Patrick forty-eight rears
ago and they farmed in that township
until a few years since. The aged
husband and their family of ton c:hild-
rem survive : Dr. T. A. Patrick, Mes-
srs. Gcorgc„ Richard, J. A. M: arid
13, F. Patriok of Edmonton,. Alberta l;
Mrs. John Burch os Saskatchewan,
Mrs, Charles Fitzgerald of London
township Mrs. John Middleton of
Granton ; Mrs.•. Hatay Thompson of
Goderich township, and Mrs. Sherritt
r bit.
rothq 1 t
' ltd Oneh
of 'GrandBe
is t
7 rr•and tic. sister,
Robert Hobbs f 3 1 O
Roil is n
Mrs. Lyons of St. Mary's are also
yet .n the land of, the '.puny;, Its
cause of death was paralysis and the
v* ,
deceased was Ill for several rat vet
1 1
riTts Patrickwas a member of the
Meithodist church.
Tntcrnrent was made in the 1a10515
plo'' in the cemetery at Birt•,
IF IT'S Naw IT'S Hama
PISoNE No. 78
Ir i't''S 11 ERG IT'S NEW
Couch .K Co.
SatilPday iE.ilhillery Sale
As the *millinery season is drawing to a close, This
accounts for our Saturday prices, The hats are some
of the smartest and newest shapes, all trimmed in our
ownwork room. Just 15 hats to sell at this price,
regular $4 and $4,5O. Your choice Saturday $1.98.
Dainty Apparal for Summer in our Ready -
to -Wear Department
Now that the warm weather
is here you should have doili-
es suitable for the season,
tvomen seeking su(n(ner ap-
parel will find our styles far
ahead of the average ready.
to -wear models. Come in and
look around. You need not
necessarily buy: We are al-
ways glad to see you.
All-over embroidery dresses
from $4.75 up.
White cotton voile', dresses
from $10 up,
New gingham dresses from
$4 up.
White wash skirts from $1.50
New muslin dresses from $5
- up,
New house drosses from $1,85
New nett waists' frout $2 25
n p,
New Lingerie and tailored'.
waists $1.50 up..
New farcy parasols from
$1,50. up.
A good smart'boy wanted to learn the Dry` Goods.
Holmesirille. •
'Taos. Holland
nil `n. of Win -
a son, ..�'
nipeg, are ui5iltiug aniong
alit* i
d abo s. " 1
many.. [frau s Kele ut A I .. afse
pleased to see ,her; looking se wet'.
Mr., Cleary ataBritasela'ds visiting at
f`MI J Yes fon a
'the home o , W
tory days The. many ;friends'a the
latt'ar hill be pleased to learn chat
lie has almost regained' his wonted
health and strength.
'['ho tusy' hum •. of the tiiowcras,.again,
hear, aS too fanners have commenced
cutting their: 1155. ,
would )0 8 boon, to the
A - good rain. ww I
o a
fariners..'Just now.
The 550011(1 son of Mr..: Larder the
other day fell 'from the railway bridge
to the wad below and received a had-
ly sprained arm.
On' :Tuesday one of the volunteers
while walk1ng from Canton to God--
od-each :was overcome by the heat ` aria
was found lying unconscious by' She
wayside. Ile was carried to Ulu;
horde of Mr. S. T. Walter and with
r Ile took
c eel
some d(fri
y lest()
the (welling train to the' G lm
At the last regular mooting of the
Women's Institute, wi.ich are always
held at the home of Mrs, Wm. Mul-
holland, a pitasant little social fca-
tare was introduced when the ladies
read the following address anSI pre-
sented thele hostess with a handsome
gold -mounted umbrella :
'`Dear Mrs. Mulholland,-'• It is with
feelings of gratatudc that wo embrace
this'oppottunity feeling that \v0 aro
indebted to you for your kindness. to
tis as itlelilherS of the Women's.
rt ite!.
1ie desire you Lo acce this
r our recia-
s 1 ho in behalf of. o a
teal token PP
' S ''lit tlL'h U
11 n l your L10 Ira Y \ t
,o o } P
hest 'wishes that you may long bo
Spared !,.ilio and enjoy at . --Signed on
. behalf of the Bran—al : Mrs. L. a'1 ebb
ui�b, president ; Mrs. George .tI irs ,
Miss Li/. 15 Nord."
Mrs. Mulholland was NTT,/ much
I '' d cs
but thanked the la i
sl tp.)ised, U t site t cc
heartily for their kindness assuring
them that it was a pleasure 80 her
to have thein meet .in her home and
bidding then a perpetual welcome.
I•Irill ut I •s{ file Branch is in a
healthy state and the monthly ,neet-
i in s are full of interest and helpful-
Clit►ton NEWS -Rector
Mr, and Tars. a Fred.J: �I 11 •anal:
'family arrivea last , 1e k f(a
m "Chis
and n
e a iv gC' have tak co ' a it t1 e'
1Vbite City Cir the season.
Mr; and Mrs. Frhak Calaaa erfe
Irani London - it tt toll auta 1as3
wee andtare- now se(tlod 'in, their
edttage ei the - terrace, for ddlci0 ' sum-
tater menthe: '
r. Miss Allis .,Mitchell of London Lathe
'guest of, Mrs Falk, ` JSiiwardt: a.tina'
--;Tyliss 11111tel D, h11ta is ) t 1 g
tu;li fltlends:at. Floly'ood.
.DtAtki -Atkinson 'of Detroit spent a
tow, days with hi. family .this-', week
'at their •sunlnlor cottage on :the 'ISA'
: Mrs, W. G. Wilrters, Masses
and Catharine arid ,Masters Donald,
Jack, Douglas and :Deedie 'Winters'.
came over four Detroat last week and
,area now occupying their Sennet' cot-
tage, ,
Mr. F. Heath of Calgary last week
'joined the family at their 'cottage,
"The Cedars.
Mackay n sus Hugh A1ac av a d
i ' in •incus
the ren lu
of oak took in 1
P I o0
R g
at London last .week. •
Aliss Maggie McLeod .oft last week
for Detroit \viler() she has accepted a
Mr. incl Mrs. A. Scotchmer of ,4tan-
ley township are spending a few ilays
as the guest of their daughter, -Mrs.
Albert 'Townshend.
Quite a number from around hero
visited the military camp at. Gloria-
ich on Sunday.
Miss Edna Johnstone of Listow1l is
I her;stn Mrs.N. a l
h guest of cot
Mr. John Clifton visited IIs broth
et Mt Charles Clifton on Sunday..
Mita wila.ams, 10110 has been on the.
sick list, is improving nicely.
Road work is the- order f the
Miss K. Gorier is spending her holt,-
days at her borne here:
Miss Fern Beacom is visitaag her
sister, Alts, W. Biggins of. Colborne.
Mt. Ward entertaieed'8 be of his
friends and ncighboot on Friday cv-
eting last and all report having had
a very jolly time.
Mrs, .1, Lloldtllorpe of. Godel'ich was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. If,
Bali, last week.
Mr. H. 13iggin i5 holida}ling anter
the parental roof,
Mr. Janes Lovett has returnedd
Route from attendance at the Clinton
Business College. We are pleased to
ldllOW that [1e was succes's'ful In pass-
ing his eaams.
Mr. Russel Colborne has returned to
Seaforth alter a week's visit with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Col-
Porter's Hill
Miss Florence, McClure, daughter of
1 Reeve and Mrs. McClure, was the
winner of the silver ntedel in the
stenography department of the Clin-
ton Business College, having won the
highest average ofmarks in that de-
On Wednesday evening next a -straw-
berry, festival will be. given under the
auspices of Bethel church on the lawn
of AIr. John (lex.,The Blackstone, or-
chestra will be present, and the new
pastor, Rev. Mr. MoCormich, will, at.
is expected, give an adda;ss. All will
be made cordially welcome. Corrie and
spend an enjoyable et'eniug with the
Bethel people,
Mr, and Mrs, Wnt. Johnstone spent
a few' days with Mitchell briehds.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter an'd their:
daughter, Miss ' h i I 1 a'n,. were in
Colborno on Saturday ahsiting Mr.
Pottea's sister, who is ill..
Mr. John, Johnston of Centralia,
aroo.mpanied by Mr. 'Kerr, called on
friends in the vicinity recently.
Mrs. Holdsworth of •Holnesville is
spending a few Weeks with her daugh-
aughter, Mrs. C. 11oPhaf l..
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vanderburg
spent Sunday Nhe guests of Irks,
Robert Elliott of Cloderieh.
The st'+twberry festival to he held
on the lawn of Mr. John Torrance,
on Friday evening of this week will
be under thea, auspices of the Pres
bytett:an church, A real pleasant'
time is assured.
St,' Helens.
Rev. Mr. McIntosh has returned
Lion 'Lha General Assembly ab . Ed-
monton and ocetlpied'ha(s own pulpit
on, Sunday. Thirty pupils wrote at the tatrance'
examinations ,St. Helena, last week,
We wish " everyone of them success.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. 'Johnstone of
Stanley wero visiting at the home of
Me. 'Robinson• lWoods last week.
Kir. and Mrs. David ,Macdonald of
Wingham were guests at the hbinc of
Mr, and Mrat Thomas Todd on ;Ma-
mMc. John Barbour isvisiting in and`
around Sb. Helens. -
Mr. 'and Mrs. .John Iii 5n of Itinloss
spent Sunday at the home . of. Mr.
Wad Mas. 'C, Woods,
Miss Mary Laing spent the ;cast
week 'dao guest of her 181:etd, Miss
Emily Morl'isou.
Mt: and Mrs. J. Karnes o1 Toronto
visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Fowler aver
Mr. R. Andrew of Drayton w{ as the
guest of Mr. E. W. Morrison for the
past week.
The last football game of the dal -
tract for the Interntocl.ate aeries will
take place here next Tuesday c veli ng
when Winghatn and Brumfield will
terata game.. "r'willi be- a
Mr.antl Mrs. 1-r. B. Jetts of Bond
Head and AIr. and Mrs. Lorna ilarta
mann of Aurora vote guests of 'heir
, •.•' 1 for a c
1vI (
aunt, tilts. Rohr. n sqi ,
days last week. They made the trip
in their auto from Bond Head and re-
port having had a very•pleasant
Lieut; It. , Sloan, e: