HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-06-27, Page 1•
No. I736 33rd Year
Patronize the Merchants who want,3'our Trade and Tell You so in the columns of The News -Record.
2irthdaq and Wedding its
For gift giving we believe there is no store that
offers so many pleasing suggestions as the jewelry
`!sings, Brooches, Bracelets, Pins, Necklets,,
Lockets, Chains Pendants, Sillier,, Silber-
bare, Cut Glass, Brass and China9 ,are.
So man lines and so manyarticles in each line that
with the moderate prices attached it makes choosing
satisfactory and easy.
Latest styles in "wedding rings.
„jeweler and Optician
W Clinton
TheRoyal B►ank
• Capital $6,250,000. Reserve $7,000,000,
The Annual Statement, shows the following increases for t9i t.
1910 1911,
Deposits $72,079,607 588,294,808
Loans and investments 55,283,676 62,790,072
Total Assets 92,510,346 110,528,51
207 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World.
R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch.
e .Molsons Bank
Record of Progress for Five Years -1906--11
1900 1911
CAPITAL .. $3,000,000 $4,000,000
RESERVE . , . 8,000,000 4,000,000
DEPOSITS . 0,077,730 855,042,811
AAOAND I 7VESTM\IENTS . 27,457,000 33,854,801
TOTAL ASSETS , . L. 33,090,198' 48.;x.,37,284
Has 83 Branches in Canada,and Agents ane Correspondents n
the Principal Cities 1 o dents in nIl
1 es of the World.
at all Hineebee, Interest allowed at highest cureent rate.
Ciiuton Branch (. E. Dowding, Manager
Rev. T: WesleyCosens will on Sun-
day next preachthe closing sermons
of his, pastoral terns and on the foll-
owing Sunday ,Rev. S. James Allis,
the new pastor, will preach his in-
augural sermons,
The Masonic Lodge was olliciially
visited on Monday evening, the Fesh-
val of St. John the Baptist, by the
D. D. Cr. M., S. Mahlon of Stratford
who instated .the following officers ;
Master, Harry Gould.
Past. Master, W. J. Tozer.
Sr, Warden, FI: L. Rorke.
Jr, Warden, Joel McLeod.
Sr. Deacon, A. Clarkson,
Jr. Deacon, W. A. McConnell,
Secretary, H. B. Chant.
Treasurer, W. 5, Fair.
Chaplain, Dr. Evans.
I Guard, a>d J,• 1
W. Treleaven.
Tyles, Amos Castle.
Stewards, Luke Lawson and W.
Auditors, C. E. Dowding and 1.1, T.
The pretty wedding of Miss Hattie
Judd and Mr. Arthur Lawson took
place yesterday afternoon at 'the rese-
dence of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos, Judd. The ceremony was
• performed by the Rev. T. Wesley
Cosens and was witnessed by only ln-
timate friends.
The bride was attired in Swiss em-
broidery and the pat;. were 'unattend-
Ae the conclusion of the ceremony,
and when 'the usual congratulations
had been offered, luncheon was' ser-
ved and on the afternoon train Mr,
and Mrs. Lawson left for a honey -
trip to Detroit and other places,
I The bride's going-awlY costume was
a tanlo_
d swtib
of navy
blue chiffon
panama. •
The gifts to the bride were many
and beautiful.
On their return Mr, and Mrs. Law-
son will• settle in Clinton.
The News -Record extends hearty
During the week ending June 15th,
the Clinton Molter Car Company ship-
ped a 5 -passenger touring car and a
'2 -passenger roadster to Saskatoon,
Messrs. .Steens > ,2 13urbon of Saska-
toon were the purchasers and they
bought these two cars to he used as
demonstuators and claim that elley
will sell a minimum of twenty-five i
Wheat $1.00. to $1.03.
Oats 480 to 50c.•
Peas 90c to $1.00.
Barley, 600 to 75e.
Butter 19c to 20.
Egge dlc to 22c.
Live Hogs $7.75.
lIend concert Friday night this
week; Wednesday next week,
The Zurich and Clinton ball teams
wiIi meet on ,the ground's of the lat,
ter Felday afternoon.
Monday beetling Doniineen Day and
A public holiday all places 'of bus-
tness will be closed.
Miss Helen Doherty was successful
Met ' week in passing the senior exam-
ination is in
r piano in conned -On with
the London Couseevatory of Music, in
afhilia'tion with the Western Univer-
sity, making ninety-two 'percent, and
being but one mark belted the winner
of the scholarship. Fifteen students
tilted thes exam. Miss Doherty play-
ed at the eommenoanment exercises in
London on Monday evening winning
much appreciation. Mrs. McHardy-
Smith whose it u
p p she is, also took
part is the, exercises:
The News -Record is always glad to
chronicle the success of Clinton stud-
ents in their chosen line of work, and
now offers hearty congratulations to
Mies Doherty.
When sober Jim Seale is a ;lecc
sort of chap, but when he• has coo
aboard lie is anything but that a
with a jag on heis' confiinually g
ting into trouble. As a consequon
the local police and coop are famili
se as Clinton is concerned, when the
nd I Ladies' Guild and the Young Ladies'
et- Guild of St, Paul's church gave the
ce hefted one on the beautiful grounds
ay, of Mr. and Mrs.. \\ ..Jackson. 'ries
cbarnung place lends itself admirab-
le' to an alfa: of this kind and the
weather being all that( could be des-
ired, there was a good tu:'.tout- and a
very pleasant evening was ;merle.
v. k Hermwas re-
cenRetdy adFranmitted intoan, the orderwho of dea-
cons of the Anglican Church, has !teen
appointed to the charge of a parish. at
Calodon Last, where he has already;
taken` up his residence. = The Rev.
Frank's many Clinton friends, will be
pleased to hear of his progress m bis
chosen calling and will wish him still
further sodas; t,
Four rinks of lawn -bowlers came
up from Seaforth yesterday and bad
a game with a like number of local
players. I13 was an off day foo the
visitors apparently for they were
down thirty-one points. The score'
was as follows :
Seaterth—J. 'Taman, 0. Neil, J.
\Pedis, Ed. Bright -17,
ton -J:
L. Curt 7
o tee .F,.
Hovey, N. W. J. Stevenson 30'
Seaforth—C . Clark, Dr, Burrows,
J, J. Cline, W. G. Willis -17.
Clinton— G. Yates, Rev. 0, E. •Jca
kin; r'W. J. Nediger, E. G. Courtice
—32 ,
Seaforth—Dr. Mackay, le. Ramos,
II. Jeffrey, J, M. Best -18.
Clinton -J, Watts, W. A. McCon-
nell,D. A. ,
C C J. B. Hoover -
• Seaforth—R. McMillan, W. C. %for-
lis, A. E: Colson, J. C. Greig -19.
Clinton—C. J. Wallas, J. Wiseman,
J. Harland, .J. Taylor -23,
Thursday evening last was ileo open-
ing- of the garden party season 60 far
It's ' genera'ly for being noisy a
hasty that, 'r'n runs up against it, b
now the charge is more serious, i
attendant circumstances hoing ;ons
what as follows : -
On 2hc lawn . of the Draperies o
Rattenbury street„ which he- sold
few, years ago to Mr. `ronimy Murph
there is a curiously shaped sto
mounted on a pedestal. .Passers b
have noticed the stone and Mx ide
phy places considerable value upon
Early last Thursday morning AI
Seale had the s,Unc rolled down th
street and,. with the aid of a coup
of citizens, loaded into a, wagon ;her
waiting. A neighbor saw the 3000
rence and called but the owner eth
hurried down and catching the tea
by the head ordered Jim. to retur
she stone. The reply, it said would
of look well in !mine and Jim drove
11, taking the stone, to he sure, for
hat was apparently what he came
e- 1 An excellent supper was served on
n tables at tine north side of the house
,t and on the front lawn.seats • were
arranged so that those who bac! 1 ar-
Y, taken and those who were waiting
°y night be comfortable Mile listening
re to the music by the hand, os 'eati"ng
t ice mem, strawberries, home-made
cantly, etc., all of which could be se-
cured from the booth presided over
le • by several of the young ladies:
When the supper wee well over e
re program was given which consisted of
a quavtetts by Miss Mabel CluS, er.d
° Messrs. A. ;1. Holloway, I. Rattan -
bur and W. Ford„ 'a song by Mr.
Stewart ,Jackson of New York,, a solo
by Me. James Doler,t3., and short ad-
dresses by Revs. Cosens, Deane and
Ford, also a few words front Mr, John
Ilartley. Rev.. Mr. Jeakins acted as
chairman. -
Tlne Citizens',baind furnished several
salelb:ons i'n Pine style.
The affair was altogether+ a most,
successful one and very much enjoyed
by all present:
The proceeds amounted to about one
hundred dollars,
"'Clinton cars in their city this year, Ie.
During the week ending ,June ?end, o
the Company had a banner week, they la
having turned out a 1 -ton trucit, a 2- f
ton truck and a 5 -passenger touring
car "which they shipped to Winnipeg,
and a- 2 -ton truck shipped to Sea -
forth. The latter was purchased by
Mr. Jolumie Dodds, the noted soda
and ginger ale manufacturer of that
town, who started cote on an initial
50 -mile trip on Monday morning with
the genial Johnnie ate the wheel.
ler. Dodds is a pretty wise and
shrewd ww
d business nian and et did not
take him long to be convinced of the
saving than could be effected with the
motor truck in his business. Ordinar-
ily the 50 -mite trip he made on Mon-
day v,tth the motor truck would take
him two days -with his horses, Mr.
Dodds lett Seaforth at eight o'clock i
In the morning, made were round trip i
delive;rd almost two tons of soft
l drinks and' was back in Scafortfi for
supper. 13y the use of the "Clinton”
truck Johnnie Dodds will have his
working week cutin half and will,
therefore': be able to invade hew ter-
ritory and build up a bigger business.
CLOTH r,ea
The Ne'w Straws
"A fine straw hat display, surely 1" That's
what everybody says that has seen our new straws.
There's great satisfaction in buying your straw hat
You'll be sure of the style,
sure of the quality and
sure of thep rice.
i e'be shapes adapted to all ages, brims of various
widths and crowns heights.'
Of 'various her
7* _
Split p Straws, Sennet; Panarnas Etc.
Some snappy, fancy bands for swell young fellows
who want the thing.
f oma 25c to $Z50.
lust come right along with anystraw hat preference
p eference
you may have, and see how we can meet our ideas
iA Square Deal
for Every
:1 charge of theft was laid against
him, ho was arrested in London
where he spent the night in the police
cell and on Tuesday Serjeant Welsh
brought, him back, Judge Andrews
will hear the case on Friday, Jim in
the meantime being allowed out on
Inspector giver Johnson gave an
exhibition of his mettle at the Mile=
tary Camp, 'Goderich, on Thursday
last. It was cnieeely unintentional
and impromptu on his pare, but it
sePeed the purpose, all Inc sane.
Complaints had come to, hint of
liquor being sold' in the canteens cem-
etery to regulations, so he went' up
to investigate and took o'ier Con-
stable F:ostlewhaite,
On reaching the Camp officers met
m wall the glad hand, but as it ap-
ared to him that their' courtesies
re for the purpose Of delay 'ig him
that the canteen keepers might be
spared, he pushed on, 'saying, ''1,11
you late'. "
He visited all the canteens he ;:ould
d, listened to the oontenti'on oL the
liars that it was localoption beer,
sited the booe-''.aw the packages
d the ernroices and then seized, all
the stuff on hand, at the, same time
ordering the dealers Oe stop selling
at once,
Ile, telephoned' over to Goderich for
a wagon and while awaiting it the
news of ?'e seizure flew about Camp
and a crowd quickly gathered and
grew noisy. The loading -up was `c-
complished with difficulty and' c•nly
the determined front of the. Inspector
d his assistant prevented them teem
ng swept off their feet and the beer
recaptured, In the melee the
ver was pulled off fine seat. , bub
pector Johnson jumped up and
hing Inc horses' into a furious gal -
finally broke from Inc -crowd
reh followed him foresomc distance.
• team was going at such a rate
they almost got beyond control
d ran almost - hall a mile be-
nd the Camp before le eine
tight -down to a jog. There
re no other obstacles, tiow�ver, and
f and hour later Inspector John -
had. the kegs under lock ani ltey
the county town,
Inspector- Johnson was but 1Uiong
1i s duty -and. doing 113 manfully whon-
hc visite;" Inc Camp and - he should,
have had the co-operation of the QM
. -
core instead ,of an aloofness on, their'
arty, hi allowed three or tour Mune"
p which llo
dried mems. in uniform to `,tib"yore with!
ollicers of the law 10 discharge of
twhein duty,;
'Phe ,News-Re'emd says : ''Well done,
Inspeetror Johnson !" and t n so doing.
bU eeecCs t'ee sentiments of ninety-five.
percent, of the. cominunity,
he trial of Inc four dealers age
st whom charges were Inid 'takes.
A few changes have"been made •`in so
the r. niz '
e ay, lifer of the motor or • z'
g works p
during the last two ov three weeks, see
Mr. Freebie Guy, who was engrte man
and tester, left to:return t'a ifs ole fin
home at Oshawa, and Inc Company se
bare been so fortunate as to secure in to
his stead one of the best motor truck an
experts :in - Canada in Inc person of
Mr. Ben Feltner, ' - -
Me.. Palmer was for seven - 'ears
, expert motor truck man and 'de'non-
strator with the Packard Me=
Truck Company, which is considered
to be one of the hest -builders of mote
or trucks in the United States: Four
years ago: Mr. T. A': Russell of hie
Russell Motor Car .Company induced
Mr. Palmer to -join the stall of his an
Company, it their r t eu 'nt nti
P intention on to be'
Y, g
go 'es for the manufacture of trucks;' lee
For Inc past four "yean9 Mr. Palmer dri
has been one.of the leading lights, of •Ins
that Company, and pretty nearly ev- las
very automobile builder and, truck lop
owner in Canada is familiar with Ben wh
Palmer's ability as•a motor, truck T
expert. tha
The Clinton Motor, Car Company is- an
indeed, fortunate in seeueing a roan yo
of his ability and the bringing of Mr. bro
Palmer to Clinton is: another ultussra- we
tion of the fact that the Company hal
is endeavoring to-secnxe nothing but sen
the best fn, their organtzation. Itis in
elle` aim -of the Company to turn out
Inc best eri their line and in order to
do this they must have the best beains
that can be procured for the purpose.
As •'snort as he can 5eeure a suitable
house Mr. Palmer will inovo his fam-
ily to Clinton and take up his perman-
ent( abode amongst us,
Mr, C. W. Whitmore, the Conspany's:
genial superintendent; ,has been for
teanete in seera:t 115 the residence ' of
Mr, James 'Fair and will .move his
family and heusehoha effects from
Toronto early in July. And thus T
the town 'gets :mother progressive afn
ce ,'!today.
Th last The a t n eetf
gIncmeeting o[ th W. M 5
of Ontario street church, which was
hell in the lecture roorn on Thursday
afternoon last, was of especial in-
terest. Ostensibly the purpose of the•
sleeting was to do a quilting stunt
and in order that such a purposo
could the more satisfactorily be car-
ried out the ladies of the W. M, S,
and the Ladies' Aid joined farces and
were also assj;ated by several other
ladies of the congregation, Berme
Phe mee ling was concluded, however,
a pleasant little feature was intro-
ducted when Mrs. Miller, president of
the Ladies' Aid, read an address to
Mrs. Cosens and in heheie of tee
two societies mentioned and others,
asked her to accept as a tce-en or
their esteem ahandsoznc broach. l'he
presentation was made by Mrs, Jervis
the president! of the W. M. S. }Sts.
Cosens has been an carnest worker
since coming to Clinton and has al-
so byher many fine qualities ehdear
ed herself to all with whom she
I has come in contract. ` The follow-
ing is the address.
titles). T. W. ,Cosens:—O'ning to the
impending removal of the Rev. ' Mr
Cosens and: yourself to your new
field of endeavor in London, the
members of Inc Ladies' Aid and Inc
Ae sseonary Societies, on behalf of
themselves and o bier ladies of the
congregation associated with ahem,
desert to take advantage of this op-
portunity of expressing 81oir apprec-
fation of the ^ good -will and earnest'
effort which you have shown in the
causes to which their hearts are de-
voted. During the short, time that,
Conference, leas permitted you to be
linked with. Ontario street church we
have ever found you a wise counsel
or and enthusiastic workee in all
our •endeavors,:for the betterment of
Inc church and society. No.email
pare of the success which has been
our., is, under Inc blessing of heave
en„ due to you, We,' therefore,
would ask you• to accept as a mein -
rite to of<three' happy year's of '-;sue
eessful effort and profitable co-oper-
ation, this token of our,goodwill.
es, ern
and with it. we will in
thud n it
e t sincere
p avers for Inc con
!need success of Mr,Cosens ie rod's,,
fneyaed,' May I3rs blessing ever be
mon you and yours." Signet! oa
behalf of the -Ladies of Cent; St.
The GiirI's Club of Willis eleirch'
held a very successful little ten -lent
strawberry' tea ha the leoture • loon
on Tuesday, evening.
The annual meeting of the Huron
District I. 0. 0, 1', was held in Clin-
ton on Thursday _emvening `last with
District' -Deputy Murray of Exeter, in
fife chair, • Delegates w@ere present
from Seaforth Hensalt, Lucan, Exete'.
and Blyth • and the reports ;given
showed an encouraging increase in
both membership' and finances. Dis-
trict -Deputy ➢lurray gale a fine ad -
deem, congratulating the b-rteren on
the success of Inc past year. Mr.
G:, E, McTaggart of Blyth was el-
ected Distract Deputy for the ensu-
ing g A let�.
Y ter of
Gond ,
0 Ince
sent to the widow, , an
son of the late Harry Reid, ' the
fi•.;t Goderich district deputy of Hu-
ron Lodge,
Mr, Chas. TI. Longley of the Heron
Road is "going some" as a gardener.
He went on to les farm in the spring
and one of his first outputs was ,5,COO
tomato plant5'•for the National Innd,
Feu.; and Packing Company five
thousand 1 That's more than has
been nerd in a five -mile area in
any season heretofore, but -then the
N. L., P. and P, C. does business on
a large scale. Three and a half thous-
and of the plants have been planted
in the C'onnpany's young orchard on
the Perrin of Me. J. G. Steell, eloder
ich, and tee .rennainder on the farm
of. Mrs. Mackenzie of the first neon.
The Company has also put in an acre
of potatoes on each of these farms.
Mr. Prank W. Evans,' Inc district re-
prosentative, is having a busy time
lookimg after the Company's divers.
Few knew of the illness of Mr, John
Taylor so lac news f .
e s o his death on
Sunday came as a great surprise to
most of our direr;;
He met with an accident wire re-
turning from 'Seaforth to Bayfield
some ten days ago and fin falling from
a vehi+ele broke his collar bone. ,'neu- C d
sec hem the
Mrs, Brlckenden has disposed ` of
her house 011 Raptenbuvy street to,.
Mr.. May of Excttere who ihtends mov-
ing to Clinton,
lfe:v. J,'Grtaene wwt71 preach morning
and evening on Surday in the ab-
sense of President Ford, who will
take special survi,es at T linnvidie.
The Good C'itdzunsliip departnaentt
had charge of the League program opt,
Monday 'evening, when an interesting
meeting was bcld, After the f'ro-
gram, the social eomini�ttee servecl fee
esteem and cake and, a pleasant i':our
was spent in music and chat. The
social was arranged as a Little fare-
well fol Miss Margaret Davis, one of
eine most active wvorkcrs in" the
Lea 'ue v
who. ,�•. r
S 1s is in
u t w
g own .or a
The Clinton Business College' closes
for -time summer vacation tomon•o'n'.
The teem just closiog has been a •
most successful one in all the de-
partments. Fresh stimulus was giro
cn tine term by the olien of a sil-
ver meds! the
r Y principal, Miss
Ward, to the student winning the
highest average of 5110515 in ;rook
keeping and in stenography, - 1Ir.
Fred. 0. Lawson or town was the
winner of the medal for hook -keeping
and Miss Florence McClure of
leortcr•'s Hill was the winner tie
the stenography departmeu13 Tl:e
medals were designed by Miss Ward
and are ve•s handsomely engraved
with the name of Inc winner and ,he
College. There is also a motto on
each, that on• the stenography .. necial
being in shonehand. These young peo-
ple are to be congratulated upon their
succuss. Mr. Lawson has accepted a
position with a wholesale grocery,
]House en Toronto. •
Just as day was breaking on 'tun -
day last, efr. Joann 'Thompson el
!node followed the injury and he re crush township passed L 11
great, beyond, after an illness of seven
His parents were ofIrishbirili:rel
settled, ,on the seventh con,. . weere
the subject or this mennouial nonce
first taw the light of day almost sev-
enty years ago. Shortly after bit
birth the family moved to Inc l3ai•-
field bine where Mr. Thompson, ;pent
his whole life.
With Oho activities of the Buyfelcl
Line he ivas ahways pronnhently iden-
are the sole • sure iving members of the tined, FIe was a member of the.iwleth- .
cannily' odist church since it was first organ -
the n.. V•. lay floral offerings
ezed there and always continued in
hearty sympathy with the work,
He was one of the charter membere-
of L. 0. L. Olo. 300 and for many
"cars filled the master's chair. 1. or
'years he lias been the secretary. Ile
always took an imam c interest in Inc
order and made a point of attending
vithout fail the annual demonstra-
tions on July twelfth. John Thomp-
son was a insistent Orangeman, ask-
ing no privilege for himself that he
was not willing to accord to others.
In polities Mr. 'Thompson was a
staunch Conservative,
-"Fon" +iikive year he has been as-.
lessor of (the township and ahvaye
ende,,rn',il 'to do his duty without!
slipped quietly away, notwithstand-
.•igs'he hent of medical care.
A'Ir. Taylor was born in Clinton fif-
ty-four years age' rind this town has
allvays hcen his home, Ile was of it
quiet and genial nature, well elked by
all who knew hila.
The funeral took -place on Tuesday
afternoon from the home of his broth-
er, Mr. George R. Taylor, who with
another brother, Mr. James Taylor
from sympathising friends, including
Inc Salt Work's, Mr. •and Mrs. John
,Craig, Mrs. W. T3. Cook, Miss lens -
ley, Mrs. Dodsworth, Miss Ruby
Cook and Charlie and .Willie Fulford,
The services were conducted by Rev.
C. 19.
and the
were : J.P. Shephard', Harry Bart -
lief, Bert Fitzsimons, George Thomp-
son, '1'. H. Crook and'Ed. Foster.
Through The News -Record" the Tann-
illy wish to express their . gratitude
10r the kindness shown by friends
during the illness and since thele
brother's death.
Cors idcrable excitement Has caused fear or.favor: That he gave ..;ntie-
oin Saturday morning last when it faction was very evident from the
was learned that during the fright fact that he was re -appointed sear
,• 1 •
tered and some cash and articles of
merchandise stolen. The, W. D. Fair
vt i n business places had been en -
after: year without opposition,
Personally Mn. Thompson was ex-
tremely kindly and considerate, Ile
s bookstore was one of the places ' endeavored to lice up to the Golden
visited and some ten dollars in easli I Rule and, a iitetinne of such living
was taken, `Three pocket knives were won for him the cordial .IT fn of ali
also carried off and' the postage draw g
ver was a,it o disarranged, but It is
not known that any stamps ' vel:
with whom !ie carne in contact:
He is survived by his sorr.owinp
widow and their sax sons and four.
daughters : Mrs. 11ancle Johnstone,
. us loo'ing character had John A., Wilfrid, Ernest and Rosert,
been nollced loafing, around on Friday ='Maelclie, Sask. ; ,James A,, Toronto
evening and on Saturday it becanne'Etta, May, Mildred and Pred, at
known that a robbery had also been home. He•'is also survived by ''sto
eomunitteed in Go'ilprieh and that a brothers, Robert of Huron township,
warrant was
out for the arrest of the Bruce county, and James of Buffalo,
supposed thief: On Saturday Prooin and one siste'e, Mrs, Edward Polled:,
v sial Constable Whiteside; of Heneall 01 Ripley.
apdir'ebcnded 'a man who was changing Mr, Thompson's death is the, trse
small silver for bilis en one of Inc break in Inc immediate family.
stores: Clinton was. communicated '1 he very largely attended funeral
with and from Inc information it was took place yesterday afternoon to
pretty certain that Inc Clinton ;lu:of Bayfield cemetery, the services' being
had been caught, He 'afterwards elle conducted by Rev; Mr. Laws; pastor,
°ceded in effecting his escape and it of the Bayfield eircui!, The pall-
was not until Suhdar"and after a live bearer's were five sons : ,James A:;
ely chase that he was again taken in Wilfrid, Ernest; Robert and Fred and
to.custody. He was taken to Cruder- one nephew, Ben. Anderson,
jell that evening and Inc next day the The whoie community deeply syrin-
inayor comniitteed him for trial. pathises witlethe bereaved family.
Several bine, some stamps and a
pair al opera glasses were found upon
his person viten hebwas arrested and
on Monday afternoon he. was brought
Last evening the Sunday ,school
class,, over which Mrs, Cosens has
presided; with to much acceptance for
the past' three years, presented her,
with a pair or beauties) cuff fluke,
to, Clanton to receive a hearing, before
Judge Andrews, Mr. Fair identified
the opera glasses and pookeit knife
so the pelsoner was re-oommitteed
and is now in the county jail await-
ing trial 0n two charges. Fre has el-
ected ee be tried by jury. He is des-
1 aw h
nn n as an
u l�- ch r
g y er and is in all proba-
bility an old band aft the business
He apparern';ly made an at empt .on
Ilo1•ey's drug store but only- su-need-
ed in entering Inc hack shop. Ile also
'got 'into the 'cellar of the corner gro-
•cery and tried the millinery store,
the notion shop and Inc laundry, In
:an probability the jail, will be bis
.abode over' the hot , season at all
Thursday, June' '27th--Strawherrn
festival on the lawn of . Mrs, C.
Waiters, con. 2, 13. L .R•„ Tucker -
Monday, July 1st.—Strawberry fes, -
t cal on the Manse lawn Londe,ebore
Tuesday, J
2nd, Football,
Win ha v
n m .s. Brucef' ld
g ne at. Bruce-
Brucefield in title evening,
Wednesday; July 3rd.—Strae betty
testeval on the lawn of Mr: John Cot.
Porter's Hill,
Friday,: July 5th.—Strawberry fest-
ival on Parsonage fawn, Londesborei.
News -Record, any address in Canada,
end of 1912' for''25-eents. '