HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-06-13, Page 8A NEW - 1: • STRONG--- LIGHT—. AND ARTISTIC--- • Curtain Extension Pole Boot & Shoe Business will be sold on terms to suit Purchaser; Rent of building reasonable, The BIG SALE is still going on. Scores have taken advantage of this great MONEY SAVING SALE ; HAVE YOU ? Our large and well assorted stock of Children's Shoes and Slippers is attracting the Mother's atten- tion. INow's when the shrewd Buyer buys Shoes. J. Twitcheli &.Son CLINTON, - ONTARIO YOUNO MENI We have been WATCHING YOU We have been looking out for your interests. Vfe have the kind of oxfords you'll like—Oxfords that are 'built for you alone. Snappy styles of distinction that stand out from theordinary sty- les so decidedly that, when you see them. Buying will be irresistable, FRED. JACKSON'S Good Shoes for everybody ! namansio smandi ••••••••••••14•••••••••,•••••••••••••••••••••• • •• • • •t • • • •• • • • • •• • LARGE STOCK • SPECIAL BARGAINS • • l► ;For the balance of June we will offer out rem• ' 1' inducements speela ceits to clear e rants, and lines that are partly sold out. SPECIAL All lines in Dress Goods, Skirts, Blou- ces and White wear, Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Pumps lines that have some sizes sold out. CLOTHING • Suits, Odd Pants, Odd Vests. It will paq you to see what we have to offer. Clothing made to measure, best of satisfaction given. 1 SMALL MORE UM TEEL ,.PL S PROFITS BUSINESS • ROS. • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••o•••• lo•••••••••••••••••••NN••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Z A CHANGE O.F FIRM _ _ • • Having purchased the • S Furniture and Undertak i.ng business s of Hoover& _ i • Ball, -we respectfully soli,- cit a continuance of the• 1 patronage so liberally ac- •• _ corded, them. We will :alp • ways'3l keep . on hand a 1 s complete, line of ups -tom ' dateg o ' o dsat• reasonable e Y • prices. 1 • Atkinson • & Dunford •N•,.....••••..�••••N.,....•N•Mw•••N.4•••N• fmiuOtaeord ONE STYLE HOLDS A SIN- GLE PAIR. OF, CURTAINS,. ANOTHER, MADE TO HOLD TWO PAIR OF -CURTAINS OR AN OVERIARAIPE AND 'A ' SINGLE PAIR AND A' THIRD 'STYLE. TO_ HOLDTHE SHADE AND A PAIR OF CURTAINS. THE DOU- BLE, ROD MAKES A HAND•• b=OME APPEARANCE' AND WI'rH IT A 'VARIETY OF EFFECTS CAN BE PRODUC- ED., THE OVAL END USEFUL AND ALLOWS THE CURTAIN TO. DRAPE CLOSE TO THE CASING, SHUTTING OF THE SIIl1a VIEW. ALL ALLOW SPACE ENOUGH FOR A FREE MOVEMENT OF THE' SHADE. • W. Yr FAIR CO.' Often Cheapest - Always the Best Miss Hazel O'Neil spent a few!, days in Toronto this week. Mr. A. T. Cooper was a juryman at the June Sessions this week. M.. Alex. Cameron and daughter of Bayfield were in town on Monday. Mrs; .Hanna of Milverton is the guest of her. daughter, Mrs. S. S. Cooper. Mrs. Aitkas of Toronto tis the guest of•her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Cook. Messrs. Tozer, Grigg and Wiseman purpose taking in the Detroit trip to -morrow. Mr. Gordon MoEwan of Detroit has been the guest the past week of his brother, Mr. Murray 14feEwan. Principal Hartley has been in Blyth this week conducting Entxance ex- an:(tahions. Miss Lean Bartlett of Toronto is the guest for a few days of her uncle, Mr, W. H. lie]lyar. Postmaster Scott attended a conven- tion of postmasters in Toronto the beginning, of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cooper and fam- ily of Goderich visited with Mr, and Mrs, S. S. Cooper on Sunday. Mrs. Ingram and babe of New York visi!ad at the home of her cousin, Mr, Robert Sweet, over Sunday. Mr, D. A, C:antelon of Taranto tyv the guest of • his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Win. Canteton, -over Ss.nday. Mr. and Mrs. McKay, mine hisist and •hostess of the Albion hotels Bay- field, were in town on Saturday last. Rev. f, E. Jealims and Mr, John Ransford have been in London this week attending the meeting of the Synod. Miss Clara Ferguson left on Monday for Sea Girt, New Jersey, to re- sume her duties as• a professional nurse. Mr. Dave Gardner of Winnipeg is vis- iting relatives and Wends .in ,town. Clinton's always glad to welcome back the genial Dave, Mrs, (Dr.) Taylor of Goderich has been in town the past week, having been called home oaing to the ill- ness of he:. father, Mr. James :err. Mr. "Andy" Taylor of Toronto was tin town last week, having cone up to attend the farewell given for Mr. Jas. Fair at the Club Friday even- ing. Masses Leila and Eileen Hoover ar- rived home from Toronto on Friday evet>:,ng last and leave this week for Banff, Alta., where they intend spending the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Jatres'Fai-r and hisses Agnes and Dixie left on Monday afternoon f, r. Toronto, where they intended stopping over for. a few days prior to going oft to Saska- toon where they may locate. Mr. A. A. Alexander, London, was in town for a few nours on Friday last and the 1endly greetings, he re- ceived on all 'sides must have once again conviteed him that he has very many friends in old ,Clinton, Dr. Nelson Ball has moved his :entity from Albert streets to the Do•xzer home on Princess street. Mr. At- kinson of the firm of Atslnson & Danford, takes possession of the Ball cottage, which he has purph- ased. Mr. Edward Good of l$enmillbr was in town yesterday. He fears that the continued wet weather wild, ria - aerially interfere with the crop re- turns in his vicinity:, but is not allowing the prospect to worry him much. • Dr. Axon and tride arrived home on Friday evening and have become settled in the residence purelite.ed reeently by the Dr, on Albert St. The News -Record offers congratula- tions andon behalf of the people of Clinton bids Mrs. Aon welcome to town. Miss Lotti, 114014 of Stanley, who went to Saskatoon recently, . has taken 'over the nusic class of Prof. Lee of that city. Miss Elliott was formerly a pupil of Prof. •lenn lla friendsh Campbell. e.+ m ny in the old township will be pleased, to hear of her continued success. Mrs. E. D. Cleghorn, Master Pat and Miss 'Ma.laret left yesterday Winnipeg'oin' Mr,`f ' , rn for to 1(.ogn� , who is looking after the western _ofClintonend of the business t h e CI Motor Car Company: Diving their brief residence here they made Arany r sorry friends, who very o y sn y to see them go. The family Purpose even tually locating in Vancouver. Personals Rev. W. Ford' of Teeswa'ter hags beep ` the guest of `his brother President' Fofd, the :past couple qF, days Mr, , Stewart Jackson of New York, 'It expected the end of this week' to spend a. hoi.day at hi's`hofne ib town, ... Mr. and Mrs: I. Dodd attended the wedding of ttheir.•neice, Mies Pearl' Wise of Tuckersmith, on Thursday last Messrs T. Jackson Jr. and 0. E. • Dowding- left • yesterday after- noon and will sail from Quebec on Saturday by the steamer Teutonic for England,,. Tney expect bo be absent. for several weeks. - May they all be pleasant ones. Mr. Morley Counter, who for the past couple of years has been in the em- ploy of the.W. D. Fair Co., left on Saturday for Brantford; to, take a similar position, in a large station- ary store. Morley was a prime favorite with theoun le of Y g people Clinton and Izlis departure From town is much ia'egretted. „Before' leaving he was presented by tile Pastime Club, of which he was a member, with a handsome travelling bag. More Locals THE S. A. • The Salvation Army purpose begin- • ning a series of old time camp meet- ings ih the tent next the Graham Rouse. On Saturday and Sunday the meetings will be in charge of Captain Bayton and Lieut. -Simmons of Wingham. There will be ;oral, brass and string music. BASEBALL MATCH. A baseball match. between Wingharia and Clinton, played' on the local dia- mond on Thursday last, resulted in another win for the home team. It was a good game, with Clinton using a junior battery this time. C. lusty pitohed and had seven strike -outs to his credit. J, Weir caught and d:1 I'd well, L. Greig played third base with Frank McCaughey at' second. The shake-up proved to be a good one and it said the younger members wiL1 make the older odes "sit up and take notice" before the season's ever. The local line-up was as follows : E. Johnson lb, F. McCaughey Ib, W. Johnson If, 11. Twitchell ss, R. Ztumball cf, J. Weir c, L. •Greig ib, C. Kitty p, H. Reid ri The 'ream goes to Zurich this afternoon. THE CHANGES. . The stationing committee of the London Conference sat all night Mon- day and only finished their work at daybreak on Tuesday, when the final drafts of stations was completed. The following changes were made from the first draft ,:1 this immediate vi- einity or of ministers well known here : 13ayfield, J. Young'', Martha - villa W. E. Laws la Harwick, C. C. Couzens ; Highgate, A. E. .rear ; Glencoe, W. G. Rowson. Rev. 13. Robbs was superannuated for one year. The following wdre elected district officers for he Goderich District i Rev. ,J.' E. Ford, chaiauran ; Rev. Dr. Medd, fin. -secretary t; Rev. R. A. Mi:ier, Sunday school secretary. The evangelist:c committee is com-' posed o 1 the following : Rev, J. E. Ford Rev. Di'. Warner, Rev. D. N. Metaums, and Messrs. J. H. Chap- man, ratan, London, and J. J. Mason of Stratfo'ai. Mullett Township. A Centre Iluron League has teen formed to play a series of matches for a pendant presented by Mr. M. Blake of Toronto, an Old Huliett boy. The first game of the 'cries was played by the Alerts and the Shamrocks at 'Riverdale Farm, on the 4th con. on Tuesday evening he• fore a large number of baseball en- thusiats. The game resulted •.n a Vet, 4-4. • The game was called at 7:45 by umpire D. Morrison, late of. Chicago, but an old Huilett boy, The dia- mond was in excetent shape. The first ball wa • pitchedCar- bert, s T. ar by beet, batted b'y F, Quigt,y and field- ed by •Leo Flynn, a short stop of sidcrabl • Mr.T.•Pi h e ability. ., g e, president of the League,' handles the big mitt. As soon as "Play 13a11" was' called in a voice which plainly showed 1 fam.liaritty with the game, every player was on the job eagef too win for his team the opening game of 'the 'reason. Carbert pitch- ed for' the Ale:a, showing speed end courage. Flynn is also an artist with the ball, having hailed from the vicinity of Sandwich 'College, where basevall bas 'been- the game for centuries. John Flynn and Tom Carbert illus- trated the art of pitching. Ladur- antcz, the catcher for the Alerts is so, big that north ng can pass him very, well: Shanahan, catcher for the Shamrocks, is a jeweit, and ateh- es everything conning anywhere near him: Bustir has also a splendid de- livery. The infield on both teams was strong, and the outfield played good ball. Mr. Moraoou, who knows all rules of • the game,saw that they were tarried out without an eat.or, Two> innings were played to break rae tie but it remained the same; neither side making a run. At the' conclusion of the game "sup- per was served by the ladies at the home of Mr. d Mrs. k one an s D. ° B a u 1 c and aftatr the' good things had been en- joyed there were speeches by the of a fic]ais and ethers followed by '.,hree. cheers'•for each of the three teams forming theLeague,and each player er went home fully determined that his team should be the ui neer of the pendant. Mr. T. Tighe has been,OD the ',ick list a few days this, Week, Mr, Thos. ' O'Conner of Zurich spent Sunday With Mullett friends. Mrs. Joseph Reynolds was in trod etich on Wednesday of this week. atoll astiable in PIain' Pale Blue and Grey , AMC 1311.. I' 1$ GREATLY ILEDIICEIL $5.00 Wash. Dresses $2.98 Tub dresses made • of good quality Repp in plain white, pale,blue and grey, two piece, long coat,.. new styles, daintily trimmed, all sizes, reg. $5.00, Saturday ehoice`ffor $2,98. $9.00 Wash Dresses for $5.98. Ladies' wash suits in plain white, pale blue and grey, best quality Repp, well made, full length coat, newest de- sign, regular $9.00; your choice Saturday for $5.98, Fancy Parasols Rediced $2150 Fancy Parasols for $1,98 Ludies Falicy Parasols, two tone colors, new style'long handles, just a sample lot bought for quick selling, reg. $2,50, Saturday $1.98, $1,50 Ladies' Parasols for $,98. Ladies' fancy and plain black par- asols, new style handles in , two tone shades and plain black tops, reg. $1.50 selling Saturday for 98c. New Arrivals this Weed New Neckwear New Wash Collars and Belts New Wash Dresses New Lawn Waists New Corsets and Gloves. New Table Linens New Indigo Ducks New Cotton 'Voiles Nevi Muslins New Curtains and scrims, The News From Londesboro It is with deep sympathy we re- cord the, death of Mrs. Wm. A. Vod- den, who for the past few months has' been troubled by hear.? weakness. She was able to be about the house most of the time but for the past few weeks has been confined to bed. At. noon on Friday she took a ;urn for the worse and in the evening pas- sed away. She was a daughter .of Mr: Modeland and is survived by her mother, Mrs. R. Brigham of Clinton, who was present at her deathbed, She is survived by two brothers, Janes of MolFtn, Mao.,'and Harry Modeland of St. 'Phorias, and two half-sisters, Mrs. A. C. Vodden'of this village and Mrs, Rose of Petrolia. Her sorely bereaved husband and their eight children, Wesley, Joseph, John, Char- les, Mabel, 'Gertie, Mary avid Grace, also survive, and to them the sincere sympathy of the whole community is extended.' The largely attended fun- eral took plane on Monday afternoon, to Londesboro cemetery, the services at graveside being conducted by Rev. J. II. Osterhout. •The pallbearers were : W. and S. McCool, W. and H. Snell, W. 'Mair and R. Carter. There weal several lovely floral wreaths,up on the casket, one from the family, ono from the brothers and sisters, and. one from the Epworth League and W. M. S. Miss E. Adarhs of Chicago is •;isft- ing atleer' hone on the Otfi eon, • Mr ich eu was Rev, R a rdsou' of Ki pP IItv a guest at the manse on Monday of this week. , R,ov.J: 11. Osterhout and M. Braith- waite returned on Monday from St. Thomas where they were attending Conference. Mr. and Mrs. John Manning of Au- burn spent Sunday last with friends here. • The invitations are out for a wed- ding on the .Lith concession, Mrs. W. G. Coombs attended the funeral of her brother-in-law at Exe- ter on Tuesday of this week, Mesdames John Tanlblyn, Joseph Else'.:, and N. Campbell of Westfield are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. D. Ainslie of Leamington. hdrs, Wm. Longman, who 'en Sunday last had •her limb amputated, about midway between the ankle and the knee, is, we' are pleased to learn, doing as well can • cx ect d. as he c We n hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. Donohue, who has been spend- ing the past three, week's with his daughter,. Mrs. Allison, returned to his home at Harriston on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William. Radford and family of Fordwich attended the Fun- eral of the late Mrs, Wm. A. \!olden on Monday. • ' 1VIr. • H. 'Modeland of St. Thomas at- tended the funeral of lis sister, birs. Vodden, on Monday.' H uliett Much sorrow was expressed it became known on Saturday Mrs. W. A. Vodden had passed the other world. The deceased who was in her forty -Seventh hear, had been ailing for a couple of months, though ner health had really been failing fora year or two. The sadness' of the case lies in the fact that she leaves behind a family of eight children severaluit 'small. 9 e Mrs. Vodden was a native of Peel county, but had lived in Rullett for a number of years and had a large circle of 'frlends who deeply :egret her early demisd,- She was a Metho- dists in religion and a member of the Londesboro church. She was a daughter of Mrs. !iris- den of Clinton! and a sister of 'Vers. A. C. Vodden of Londesboro. The 'funeral took place from : her is eon on ate residence 0 1 st en the 10th Monday afternoon to Londesboro emetery. The bereaved husband and family y have the siineere sympathy of , the whole' community., , - Mr. Jellies Brown sold one of his prize horses the other day to a uuy- great er from Wingham and:realized' a big price. Contineed sdcoese,. Ji4n. The following Ss the 'report of S. .INImmemisa 1.111•10. Happenings when S. 'No. 4, Hullett, foil the month at that May, the names being in order >1 Mita merit : lady, Sr. 4th— Warren Rogerson, Charlie Sundereock, Lillie Adams, .John Adams. Jr. 4ti—Florence Cartwright, Sr. 3rd — Keith Hamilton, 'hl a y Hamilton, John Leiper. Sr. 2nd—Kathleen Alden_, Arthur Ogbourne, Willie Briggs, Tom Ap- pleby. 3 r. 2pd—Agnes Lehner. Alberta Moon, Alfred White, Mary Cart- wright, Cecil Caftwrigl t, George Ad- dison, Ralph .Jocelyr:i,, Willie Hamil- ton, Robert McNa1.1, Willie McNa11. Part 2nd—Carman Moon, Milton BYowti, : Guy Leiper, Lilian .:art, wright. Sr, '1.s4 -Anna Hamilton Violet Ad- dison, Hazen Rogerson, Olive Jocelyn.' Russell McNall. .Jr. 1st—Pearl Moon 'Leslie I-tnoxi Elgin Jocelyn. Perfect attendance—Warren Roger -- son, Floreifce•Cartwright, Kathleen Allen, . A lfie d White, Agnes . Leiper, Alberta Moon,, Mary -Cartwright, Car= man lMlooni.Fiearl Moon. Number on roll -35.' Average attendance -29, , -R. Mackenzie, Te clio:ti. 1 i uniusaisslimmaimisommiumiiiipaimmit Meu E111E1 Bos STRAW HATS In all the newest styles • PANAMAS SAILORS TELESCOPES from 25c up to $10 HARVEST HATS for men and boys from 10c up to 50c BOYS' BLOOMER Special Clearing Lot Boys' knickers, bloomer =t styles in English worsted and Scotch tweed made from sample swatches, sizes 22, 24, •'26 and. 27 only worth$ 12 , 5 upto 2.00per pair,d � Satllr ay special real choice for '98c. ozeF AND Brown OUR MOTTO . " Quality first then a sware q proplt,s, • 1