HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-06-13, Page 6Pee lee Ilether 'Mein Soldiers. eI has been revalc-k the 1ritish Parlianiont how the Eng!Ish avoid the tigma of sending troops toe quell rioters. Learing' that 600 London r &Icemen hrd been despatched to -.Hull to fight off' serorien strikers there , • eir Hardie asked he Prime Minis- . ter by what'. right such a thing was ;done, and further asiced why th,e Lon -don taxpayers ought to pay the, sal - /tries of policemen doing duty In en - cher part of the Kingdom. The an - 's -ever was a cenfession. It wee to the t/iesthere le a 'tunnel exchange of feet that throughoet the British policemen. Whenever therm% a strike on tine:Min affected calls upon one of its ne-glabore for nidi The Govern- ment e;nrourvge,s this and defrays pert of the nal It looks better to Eend policemen than to send soldieree Lor d Aberdeen's Snore. Mord A beedeen, tie Lord Lier`en- tent of Ireland, and a, former Governor- General of Cenacia. ie one of the three or foulr'cliest Peer:. in Great Benefit: But• lie lives unestentatimisly and melien travelling between London vita his Scotch estate he always takes a angle berth in an ordinary sleeper. One inernine, just as the train was Toning into York„ a stranger termed emeross a ;met back and enquired of _Lord A t erdeeai May 1 ask whethre you are Lord Aberdeen?" 'Ires, 1 am Lord Aberdeen," was the answer. "You're one of the emaithiest men Englane, aren't you?" Why," smiled the Peer, I am pret- ty woll eft." "Well, YO'lr Lordship," said the eetranger, "Permit me to inform you That I Meet next to yeou last night, „end, if I had your money and your "enure, I'd take a whole ear when tweeted to leevel at Oche': Crani-- and elimale. Under „ the title, "An Englishman s in America," a writer In the New Age has been writing about •tbings Amer- ican. His point of view is TIM always Accurate, but be says some interesting, - Things. Among others, ,in a recent screed on Now Thought in America, be eondemns many of their "isms," attributing them to "superficial think- lng." He saes: There are more "cranks in America Than there are in the whole of Europe :combined. This le not ray opinion; et is a simple fact of arithmetic known to all visitors to Amertna who have given. this interesting' question any elerlous coasiderseton. America is the home of the cynic an the sentimental- ise the ineterlalist and the meta- iplimslelan, the philosopher and the eanatiel.. Extremes meet here In to-, telety as in, the climate. I am' con- vinced that the climate has much to So with all these outbreaks of strange .and impossible "Isms." The Fame - /inhere being highly electric, imagin- %Dye brains become overcharged with Thought aria cia outlet is needed. Mere impressions and whims are mistaken !tor truth,' and the victim begins to write or to reach, to form some small 'femme and then. societies. ememmeesenummssimangianue 1IE 114S11EGO111113 Ctllilfillig LIST Much , ,good reading for 1ttI rhoney. ' WEEELIDs News-Reeeicl and Mail and Empire,. - • . $1.50 Nowe-Recoed and Globe , - 1.60 News -Record and Family Herald and Star wibh Pretninni 1.75 News -Record and Witness 1.75 News -Record and Sun.. , . 1.75 News -Record and Free Preee ... .....' ....,.,1,75 News-Reoord and Adver tieer . .. ., • .,-.,... ee 3.75 News -Record and Toronto Saturday Night - 2.30 News -Record and learmee'S Advocate. ...... 2.25 News-Reeterel• and Farm and Dairy-, , 1.75 News -Record and Gana dian learn) ., . .. - 1.75 ,News -Record and Y..oetlfe Companion .,... . ..... 1.75 DAirems . News-Reccird and'elail and Empire.. . . . . ,.. ..... 4,25 News -Record and Globe 4.25 News -Record and News ... 2.80 News -Record and Star .... 2.30 News -Record and World .. 3.25 News-Becord and. Morning Free Press, . ....... .... 3.25 News -Record and Evening Free Press ....... : e .. . 2.75 News -Record and Adver- Nows-Record and. Lippiri- NeCese@-re?e(11)171tii.,7g,;.'eCe..t.in,da 8.25 monthly., Winnipeg . 1.40 if What yon, want is not in. this list let us know about it. , We can supply you at less then it would cost yon'te send: dire 1 4,1;1 1o.4.04z40:44teootei,. ,,,,11.114r1111111.11111.1.111.111111.1.1111.11.1111111111.1111"1"1"111.1.111111"111110111111.11111.11111111.1"11.111.1111.1011101, 1')11 fAITAI)ix IT WAS S OfIE IN THEBLADDER 0„nn, df..Ibe 06st Jnt6rstl.ne .eeethethiner in The „Deininion., .Tipemne. eybere ' money, „ is trade ,ee .eeeee ee peree vs einore, eatieuraM witere It 'le created has. always:ap-, peniedees .mot eeenelite/Y' mYeteriees things do to e -geeerel -reader. in CMeede: th%.'kethleiVes. locpted lli Ottinve. eeeeee , are made our. gold' and sever 1ole5 the, roe', -motley of the alum. try.. :Tho 'paper, mediuei of exchange tee- heeds • of ,the engraving' firtrts ;and one does not 'see.,ehy teaca. of, ft in The Sussee 'Sweet .eetaleishe The Mint is, 'Open to. visitor's' after, , certain formalities have been moire Piled with: The essence of those; with every thing, connected with The institution is punctuality. finless the workmanarrives meet- fy' bn time he Bede himself locked out. • le is necessary 'for him to tele- phone in and get a written' order, be- fore he is allowed to enter. Prior to the worker beginning • his dae• he must change' his clothes, put them in a locker which is looked and donn special garments eupplied by the, Mint. The, employees nre 1101 per- 2 -flitted to leave for dinner, therefore each department has' a kitchen of its Own. which supplies the midday meal to the staff. The metal to be used for the day's work is weighed out in the morning and no employee of the Mint is allowed to leave the btnld- ing tilt the weight of the coins made end the material left over tally exact-. ly with the weight of gold and silver handed out in the morning. Aside from all Allis, eacb member of the staff Is locked in his or her depart- ment and is not permitted, even in ease of illness to leave withou, a Ivrea= permit. Thus, in the Mint chances ler dishonesty arereduced to a minimum. 'The concluding process of weieh- ing and automatically packing the coins into packages requires the most finely adjusted machinery of all. In this department is a scale. so delicate that It lent to be moun red cn a concrete pier, sunk in the geound down to bedrock. This mitehine automatically \-eele the merle,throwing, them into te ree different nompartn.ents, to the evetre go the perteet ones, those under or overweight are deflected to the ot.,or two. A illsiter. The old man was perched epee a high stool, figuring up the day's sales of dry good, groceries and hardware, when his son came in with a rush "Say, pop," exclaimed the young man, "if 1 can buy e e200 hone for 1150 will yon take a chattel mortgage on hen and help are out with the cash?" "What kind oe a boss, my son?" cm quired the father cautiously. "Bay, four years old, fifteen hands high; weighs a thousand pounds, and sound in wind, limb and bottom," That sounds good to •iee, tny son, and I want to do all I can to help you along In the world," and he reathed down into the safe for his toll. "How much do you want?" "A hundred and forty-nine fifty The old man gasped and caught hold of, the desk. "-What!" he exclaimed. "A hundred and fumy -nine, fifty, I've got half a dollar." Slowly the old man shoved the roll back into the eafe. "My eon," he said softly, "you be wasting, time trading hosses. What you ought to ido Is to go into the loan and trust business." , ZAIN-BUK AND OUTDOOR LIFE, Every tennis or ball player, every swimmer, every canoeist, every elan or woman who loves outdoor life and exercise, should keep a box of Zam-13uk handy. Zam-Buk is a'purely herbal prepare: tion, which, as soon as applied to cuts, bruises, burns sprains, blister, etc., sets up highly beneficial operations. First, its antiseptic properties render the wowed free, from all danger from blood poisoning. Next, its soothing properties relieve and ease the pain, Then its rich, berbal balms penetrate the tissue, and set up the wonderful process of healing. Barbed wire scratches, insect stings, skin diseases, such as eczema, heat rashes, ring. worm, babies' heat sores, chafedplaces, sore feet -are all quickly cured by Zam-Buk. It also eases and eures piles. • All. druggists and stores. Use Zam-Buk Soap also; 25e. per tablet. SYNOPSIS 010 CANA.DIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. Any person who is the molt) head o a family, or any male over 18 year • old, may homestead a vertex sec_ tient • of available Domihion land in Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appeal in per- son at the , Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the distaieb. En- try by Proxy may be made at any agency, on ,centain conditions by fath- et, inothom son, daughter'both or sister '0! lailending homesteader. • Dtities.--Sbc monthe' residence up- on and cultivation of the land in each of three years, A licemaelea,der may live within' nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres eolely owned and occupied by him or by hie father, malice, son, daughter, brothel:, or sister. In certain districts a homesteader In good standing may pre-empt a quairter-ieetion alongside his home- stead, Price $3.00 per acro. Duties.--Mesil reside upon the home- stead. or pre-emption Eke monthfs in each- of nix years from, date of. hoineeteed entry (including the time required to earn Homestead pa,behe AIM cultivate fifty, aeree, Retell.) A hoMeseeader who has exhauste bis, homestead right and cannot ob a pre-emption may- enter for purehesedi bellies/lead in certain die- -, trects. Pelee •$8.00, pee acre. Elute les.-MuSt' reside Mix months le: pack, of, .14Se Yeats, cultivate fifty' acre' Wed Meet a house worth $3�0.00. . W. W. COItY, Derluey of the Minister Of the Interline 13.-1.Inau4hbrited pUblieition of ' this' advotseme4 ifi, moI, be pad GIN PILLS eAssEo IT ',Five years ago, 'I 'wee: taken donee with what the 'doctors called Inflame elation of the 13Iaddee-ente0se paina. in the ewe: and loins, and difficulty Urinating, and the attaeles, which became 'More treivent, ainotinted to tuTheareble 'agony. - I bet:a:40'er; weak that I could not walk. across the floor.' - Sfy Wife read in. the ,papere, about 'GIN PILLS mid seat for a bccr.. ,•Vroin the very firit, I. felt ,titat: GIN PILLS Were 'dPing, me good. , Tee pain was relievedelievedaton0o, and the attacks were In six weeks, the Stone in' the Bladder cainc away. 'When .1 tomtit how I suffered and how noW I atn healthy and able to, work, I cannot express myself strongly' enough when I speak of what GIN PILLS have done for me". JOHN HERMAN, Harailton, Ont. Regular ,size, 501, a box, 6 for $2.5o ,e -at all dealers. You can try them free by writing for a free sample to National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto. 88 Hon. George E. Foster et in Eng-, land attending the Impereal 'Frady Conference. Mr. 11.1-', G reeme Conservative, hue been elected to the Commons 5ae- olamation in Rootenay, B. C. • , State of Ohio, City oe Toledo, Lucas, Countin. Frank J. Chemey realms oath that Ir., is Senior partner of the firm of le. J. Cheeey & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County: and Stalk: aforesaid,. and that axis firm will pa yi the sum of One hundred Dollars for each and every eels° of Catarrh that cannot be etand„. be the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in nip presence, this Oth den of Dec- eneber, A. D. 1806, A. W. Gleeson, Notary Publio Halle] Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly en the blood and mucous surfaces -of the system. Send for tesehnonials free. Te. J. Chanel; & Co., Toledo, 0 sold by all Druggiet. 75c, Take Hell's .Famlly Pilis for con- stioation. The new Grand Trunk management has assured Hon. T. W, Crothers that all the strikers will be taken, back. J. J. Lawson was sentenced at Med- icine Hat tio life impesonment for trying to murder a man who had complained' against him 10 court. The Montreal Conference eleeted 31r, W. R. Young President, LIEF.. The poet's acelamation, "0 Life I feel thee bounding in my veins," is a joyous one: Perseus that eau. rare- ly make et, in honesty to themselves., are among the most unfortunate. They do not live, but exist; /or to live implies more than to to be. To livo is to be well and strong -1m mese feeling equal to the ordinary duties of the day, and to retire nob overcome by them -to feel Me bounding in the vems. A medicene teat has madr. thousands of people, men and women., well and strong, has accompltshed'i a great work, beetowerie the richest blessings, and that medicine is Hoods Sarsaparilla. The weal, run-down, dchliltated from any cause, should not fail to take it, • 10 builds up the whole system, changes existence into' life, and makes lefe abounding. We. are glad bio say these \verde in its favor to the readers of our columns. GRAND TR NK Rin-TTa el*O*M*E*S*E*E*.K*EcReSe' E*XeCeUeR*S*I+0*.tet*S --to-- WESTERN CANADA CHICAGO AND ST PAUL May 14 and .2818 ; June Ilth and 25th and every Second Tue.sday f thereafter u7hnttiil S'eptem 1 s WINNIPEG AND RETURN, - ;14.00 EDMONTON AND RETURN 542.00 Tickets will also be on sale on certain dates yea Samna and: Northern Nav- igation Company. Through Pullman Tourise Sleepers will be operated in conneetioe with above excursions, leaving Toxonito, 10. p. 115. NO CHANGE OF CARS • Full particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk Agent, or write A. E. Duff, D1 -strict Passenger Agente 'Lin- ton Station, 'Poroni 0, Ont. 26771tb11Pll'aseetdeoelo;0)41,ot by eeeexpr'egs.te, • Ordee Regietered . 'P.61-tei. Med eddeeeeee Neweieleecord 'CLINTON Zile taitt4tt MONTREAL.. THE STANDARD is the National Weekly NewsPaPol' ; 4;30. 01 Canada, 3 t is nittiOnra 111 11:1 11. aims. It uses the most, exponsiN;e, crtgrav- ins, procuring the pis° af oVor the world. , Its artn;lo.,, nro 'a" "e• ' 1:4 elltorifil 1),;•:;r.- is I;1r.r.:',31101.1 1:1clez)en don 1. A su1isornA1on to f";11 '•• c0,1t0 62CO per yob' tri any 0.i,1i5 ; Canada, 'or 1: Ica 1 Dri tain. TRY /T FOR 19122 Montreal Standard F7ubtisilipv Li P '-1' ' ' . , r ,'„ „ • • • • .., • 1 r ,Mg e' her," 0. PUOIll'att'otts•••000:101r -turned freetee 'era Oletaribepezdetepoeiteeefiltege::Ftiii dll up ' tfiere last At a reeent neeeletiM;eeetheReenglietee braneheef the Wornen'S Institute, lei iverO' elected Peeeident, Terre, ,John „,. Vies, Mre, joe, and Mee Iii- : win Patterson,' • Sec,-'1`reasitrer, Mrs. W. Bone. Deetreet Teizector, „Mrs, . 13. Eife 'Branji Diee,etore; „Me% B. 1211,- " iotit,' Mrs. Harrisoh*.Mrs. Ieeetiseeldrs, Thee, 13oWare Organiee, 'Mrs. 12. idaerisell, - Audetors, Mee. M. J. Gillespie, Mr's., • e :'1 er fiN° all dealers, 1.-e-eir. • Wtri, Reid, foreman at the Wemehain. Salt Works, '`was seriously ,injured on, Saturday last. Mr. Rnid ,was working with 'e eine& on ,ae. oed Oiler,. when a' pleee broke off the end of the chieel, Hewett') i,vith great face end entered the head bee lbw the eye, puecturibg the eyeball and allowing the matter of the 'eye to escape. Medical aid Wa9‘suinsuom- cd, but the eye was gone imyoad all ale. Mr. Reid was removed to 'Lee- dom evliere , the best medical aid teill be employed to try to Save siefht ot the other eye. Mr. .J, W. Ansley has gone lo take charge of a reading camp on the con- struceion Work on the G. T. I''. in British Columbia. -One of ehe pioneers of this' vicinity in the person of Mrs. Imeteridge, re- lict of the late Sainuct Lockridge, passed away on Tuesday week. The decoased had been a theident of Wing - ham soot.. about 1804. On Friday she was seized with paralysis and on the Tuesday following -she • crossed the bourne, aged seventy-six years. eThe leaves six sons : .3011n, with whom *le resided, James and' Robert, all ,,hree of Witigham,, Samuel of Tre,nton, Jos- eph ot Michigan and William of Tor- onto. Mrs, Imekridge was connected with St. Paul's elnieele The Deminion Mining and Explore, • General 130oth has been deefared totally blind by the d�eb'ar bit at- tendance.. ' ' Mr: Justice Laurendeau °I:Montreal has relitieed to aceePt.tilei-evidence of E. 13. Fiend, 'an alenostic; bit a eivil Seib. woman of today W110 has 566.1 health, good temper, good sense, 'bright eyes and a loveey complexion, the ree,olli ,right living and good digestion, wins the admiration . of the world. If your digesteon is. feulty, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver, Tablete will correct it. For , sale by all 'dealers. The argument in tike mantetge taw reference ' case Wore tem Supreme Court is concluded ,and juaginent, has been reserved. Forty million dollars be epent by the railways in Montreal, within the. next .two or, three year. There is one medicine that every family should be provided witib es- pecially during the summer months Chamberla n's Cohn, Choleea and Diarrhoea Remedy. it is , almost' cee'Ain to be needed.. It costs but a quarter. Can you afford to be with- out it ? 'For sale by all dealers. The uniform success thaii has at- tended She use of Chamberlain's Voile, Cholera Remedy has made it a Moot - 110 everywhere. 11 can always be depended upon. For saki ley all dcal- ers. then Company, with a paid-up capital Alt unoccupied factory at Garden Hill, near Peterbore, was struck by of $2,500,000, is being formed by a lightning and deseroyed 'loss, 510, - number or leading Canadian and Arn- 000. crime; financiers 'o eemetireate 11 in - mg and other propositions in Canada: The cite' regiments in camp at Nia- gara are at half strength. IS YOUR. HAIR WORTH 50e. Just think how much you would ask 11 yod were asked 'to sell, yet there are inany who never realize the value of their hair unbil too tete. They let the little dandruff germs dig Into the hair Imo* day and night utetil the elle and vitality is sapped otte of the hair and it becomes dry and harsh and comes out in comb fulls. A large bottle of Sagoine costs but 50e and your druggist guarantees' it to stop falling hair and itching of bo scalp or money back, Get rid of the dandruff and make your hair heal- thy. SAGEINE will do 01 for you! Get a bottle today and inak 50111. hair just hs clean and healthy as it should be. J. Ie. Hovey, the druggist guarantees it. The United States House steel and iron thrill rev sign bill passed the Senate, 'repeating the Canadian reci- procity act and putteng a univerearn (M' of $2 a ton on print-pgper. Six persons were drowned ib - Lac le Grand, near' Chenneville, Quebec, by the upsetting of a boat. It is ;verge than useless to take ally medicine infernally for muscular or chronic rheumatism: Ail that is needed is a free, application of Chant- berlain's Lintment. For sale by all dealeure. J. E. HOVEY IS AGENT 114 CLINTON FOR ANTI - URIC PILLS. We have the agency for the Anti-terie Pills Sageine Hair Ton- ic, Memo the GREAT Rheumatic Cure, we guarantee these prepara- tions on a money -back basis. -J. le. Hovey, druggist. - Foe soreness of the muscles whe- ther induced by violent exercise in: in- jury; Chaenberlaires Liniment is ex- cellent. This eine-neat is also legit- ly esteemed foe the relief it allords in cases of thetiniatiem. Sold. by All Dealers. ' The investment of Fez by the Moors is drawing closer to the city. The United States Senate has pass- ed the bill for an eight-hour day on Government work. A REMARKABLE ESIMEDY. The most afflicted people on earaii are those who euffer from rheumatism and aboue .one-fourth of our people attl attrictd wish tnis terrible nerve racking,, bone crippling disease. So many people neglect theriselves and rheumatism follows in one form and thee another until they are an ex- ample of the tortures of rheumatisra, Rheumo has gained the greatest repu- tation through being a quick and pet- manehb cure for rheumatism in its many forms. Rheinno is so good we guarantee kli Mr, in chronic rases and J. E, Hovey stands bade of our guarantee and will refund your mon- ey 11 Rheum() is not just the best; rheumatic cure known. pon't put off getting a bottle of and happuness. Julie! '4' 19,10 8 Five cups ofthis most delicious beverage for one cent ,LIPTONS TEA , GOES FARTHEST FOR THE MONEY • 01 , IC I T'S ,X14 Once you taste Seadai Beer you will never be satisfied with any other. You'll find that the sparkling, delicate flavor of is unequalled. Zaira costs no more than the ordin- ary brands. Order today, from your dealer or direct from the brewery. 'JOHN LAEATT, LIMITED LONDON, CANADA. Vteee. ••ir, DEBENTURES SECURITY Put your savings in the safest form of investment you can find---- 'the 4% debentures issued by this solid and prosperous company -- established 1864. Issued for $loo and upwards. Interest payable half -yearly at the rate of 47.„. . Depositors and Debenture -hold ers have the first charge on the entire assets of the company. Since incorporation over five million dollars in interest alone have 'been paid to Depositors and' Debenture -holders. Reserve fund equal to paid-up capital of $1,900,000.00 and assets over thirteen millions. You, were never too young - You will never be too old -to enjoy the ,. 'son rflonograph The Editor. Phonograph is not reader 'it--ts true to life as the only the ,gretest musician of all original. ' ' the agts-it is all ttie great musicians The ,Ecii,,er, tone " peRee eh , , . of the present day -playing all of, sumo , 'subdued aid- true, because of the' the greate.st music ever•written. roluideci, butten-shapedsappltire re - You select yoer .program , to suit prodiming-point,which gives exactly ,qotir audience when you own an the right velem° orsound for the Edison Phouogranli. The songs you home. -And'thesapphirepoint is per - love best, sung by the singers who manentlastsforeTer. No changing' Sing them best -oar kind of music,. needles; no scratcbing or wearing of , tendered as only. the Edison can records. , demleroe from us. Edison •PlioneerniMS, S16.50 to 5240.00. .,, , . .. There ore 'Adison dealers everyivhere. Go to the nearest, and hear the Edison Phonograph play'uoth Edisoo Standard and ' Mouorton., ' Edison demerol Records. ,Cietcoinpiete catalogs from your isooineeienee . teweliesecuiweLitectordulteco. Edirses.,400.c. aedopoiserlAitent.ei.rdosi,eti5e.e.etrodss2fp,solay.., ,,014:0.1.40,17307.m07•Sen. 4ug.t; A oosouloto lino of Edison Plionosrashs and'itosords *ill bo &and at ,' , , ga, V-411:AK , . . . . . OVER 13 millions ASSETS. 'Coal ck Savings Co. -Condo'? 4 St. Thomas. SPRING TIME With house cleaning time is at hand, every woman knows all about dust but some don't know that DUSTBA NE Will raake sweeping a Joke, just a few bandsf'ul at beginning point 15 all that's required. Dustbane is the Sanitary Method of eliminating the dust nuisance. It kills gerins,, makes Carpets look like new, Don't take our word for this but order, a ti ,from, your grocer. Try ic out for one week and return the tin if not satisfactory, DUSTBANE IS MADE IN OTTAWA PROTECTED, BY CANADIAN PATENTS arimpravarmismormimmommaingsmaremilimaimemmosmommwarmw i '• ,' • , ,