HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-06-13, Page 5June 16th, I9t2. Clinton News -Record London Road. s Annie McPhail has been [sit- , in; her home at; l'orter'a UillPTie past Weak. Ars, John, Hunter has been aguest at the parental home, that oi Mr.' rank Grant, lately', Miss A. Steep oi Goderich ship , has 'been visiting Mi,,s Vtisc he past week., 'rite London Road League wilt visit the League at Turner's church on Sunday evening next, Stu/Ida,- will he obset'ved as Flower Sunday at ',Men - Miss Grace Wise of Godericli has been the guest of her uncle, Mr. Jaen Wises the past week. Ross Mr. Cosens evil] ,address the League at the ,home of Mr. A. 'scilase on Tuesday eveningnext. , • Issa,ame.es have been blisy getting in their been crop during the pa(st 'week. Everybody has been enjoying the fine -weather and tryeng to make s ao etest ot tt 6 1 Tears A From The News -Record of Juns 10th, 1'896. Canton, June 100, 3898. 31r. C. C. Rance has returned from Breckyille. Ile says George Taylor, the Conservative whip, will • beelect- d. Me. S. J. Andrews has purchased the J ewo-acre orchard on Queen etreee from hie sisthrs. . ? „Saar. Lack Kennedy and several Mill- er Clintoriaas took in the borse meet and eae Laurier demonstruition at taetrord e yesterday. • Mr.. A. J. Grigg, who received euch a :grand . farewell when Peeving' Ridge - town is now installed in Biddle- combe'a 'jewelery store. is a for- Aner resident and we welcome aim back to town. 'The lacrosse team that will play the caahmionship • match oil Thurs- day will be picked from the •following: players •Cantelon, Kerr, BeatSie, Morrish, Noble, Turnbull, G-iabirga, McKee, Balfour,, Read; Biggin, Whit- ely and Jarvis. One of Beattie's livery lases wits ' driven. to Stratford last Thueislay night and on the return journey Pri- day afternoon dropped dead when .. near Clinton, opposite the ' Shipley farm . Last Wednesday a jolly , fishing oite hundred dollars and costs last party eonsisting of A. J. Taylor week, J. D. 'Hunter, Da Strachan and. W. Askin Of TOr0140 ; J. Black of Montreal; W, W. Ferran, W. Jaciteon, John Rahsford, D. A. Forrester, J. P. Tisdall, Geo. D. MeTaggart raid Toronto,' June 10th. -The receipts Dr. Shaw of town, proceeded to- Au- of 'aye stock et the Union stock yards • hum and put in a most enAoyableday. ' today were 147 carloads, including assTraligittacent, catch was expressed; 2769 catale,, 373 hogs, 383 sheep,, 109 from Blyth, where the -party luneliesl. calves and 66 hakes.' • The geptlemen have decided to make Tho quality of thecattle as a rule • it an anduarouting. • was good. There were 26 -loads of A very interesting game of salelest ' Alberta, catale that, were good enough was played the other :day lietween to sell at . from $7.4,0 to $7.70 ' per , the married and the eingle men, tile cwt. -and they ware in good cOndation :score being 04-67 in favor , of • Use after their long haul. ' . married:men, Whose side, compete:et There were 15 carloads of Walker - I -1. C. IlrewereDr. Agnew, Dr. ISthee, ville distillery -led cattle and .10 car - j, Johnston,' LI tennedy,, A. Iloilo- loads' froni tho Waterloo distillery. way, G. W. Barge,' Joe alattenbury, They were bought op at $8,15. J. W. Cladley. The single side was Early in the day the market was made up as follOws :J. MeMairchie, dull and sluggish, but in the after- , W. P. Spalding, J. Miller Jr.,. - M. eoon when it became known that D. McTaggart, 11. laavins, sr 'D. Kil- there were only. 15,000.Maatle on the ty, R. Barnhardt, Morgan, Ed, Can- Chicago market, the. scene was cicala talon. The best individual woek was gcd. DiStitlery cattle went up .1.5c 22 by Downs for the single men end and fanners' fed exporters and choice 30 by Kennedy. for Ilhe' narried men. butchers closed steady at last ,week's Another match between the eame prices. Conunon and medium cows teams wal take pla.ce•on Fridag. of were off 15c to 25e on the average. this week. Taking it alr around it was a good' Last 'Friday some thirty of the market, arid out of 2749 cattle' 'there friends of IVIr. P. B. Creeys, who hes were only 160 left unsold .als the been in Biddleecnnhe's store for some close. years, 'tendered him a farewell sapper, . Exporters. at the 'Waverley Houee, . The spread air. IIoward bought foe Swift ac, 'was an excellent one anti' alter emple Co. 300 export steers at '67.75 to .68 justice had been done tbe tout list and $7,65 to aia was unfolded. Air. N., Mots, Fair Alee:ander McIntosh- bought on order. °couplet] tbe chair and Mr, J. NaTte- 172 distillery eteers, 1260 pounds cach leaven 'Me vice. -Among others, sev- at 68.15 , and one car export isulls, era) members of tbe tow. i.z,llI1Cil 1700.to .1800 pounds, at $6,55. wete present, and :the remarks ; Butchers. throughout', were euloaistic of , Mr. Best steers of export weights and C,rews as a' 'thorough 'business man ouality for butchers' purposee, 87.75 and a valued eitizen, Songs were to $81;gooti 67,25 • to 67.60 ; medSum given by Messrs. Imiens, poseur, 36.75 to $7.15 ; common $6.25 to 36.60 Read, Spalding aod Fair. Tn sopa' ipforior light cattle. $5.50 to $6 scows to the toast of -"our guest" . Mr . 64 to 66.50 ; misusers 62.50 to 63. Crews expressed 111c tope that 1,c Stockers and Veedess. miens yet 'neeturne a prominent sesi- Feeders, 900 to 1000 each are workh dent • of Clinton. , . from 38 to,. 66.25 J; stockers 700 te Janies Fait Sr., accompained 800 las each are Nvorth from 415, to. by Messrs. Walkinshaw and Folland $5.25. • '' lett on e Monday for, Glasgow with ,' Springers, and Maseers. . , three eatiloads of fat cettle, forty • Milkers and springers; sold at Stem head of Mr. Fair's and ten of air. 640 to $80' each, 'and theta was One McTaggart's. They Were a fine let Springer of superior quallay for vehich of cattlead W°rthY ol;the C5005 6100 was refueed. Notwitesstaniiag from 'whiali they were taker. • Mr. this, the average ,prices were asport- Maidleton will alio ship ,a fine ' lot d ee to 610 per head lower, this week. ,• Veal Calves. The Cliatoo Bicycle Club had a' prices for veal calves asmained meeting MendaY night in ' eface etaade ata se tre 67.50 for the hatic, in the town hall and decided sto have with a few choice veals at 68 to 88- a series of road races. 'There will be 60 ,and one new _milk -fed calf at 39 five in, number and: ran OVer a 415- per cwt. sance of about, eight miles, so Orran- Sheep and Lambs. ged May the' riders. ivill .have to ride puices for sheep took'a 50e drop. through town twice. ,in complebing 8110 Ewes sold at 34,50 te See rams at circuit, -Two medals are to be given, 63 to 64 pet 'awls, Spring; Iambs sold one tothe rider who wins 'the great- at '69 eo $10 per ekrt, an1,0110 ,. odd est number of firsts and tae other to, lamb brought $'10.50 pet cwt., , the rider making the bests average Teogs, , , none of the, 'whole series Tar ' er- Selects rod and watered imoualst rangements for the races have been 38.50 and 1. o. 0. ears 38,11, ' left irthe hands of the ionowseg omnInitteas ftaad, NT, la Mcrae -gala, , and Ogle C 0 °Per l; han d icaP ames A RS01,1.11' ESN S ;Jackson Lack aCennedy and Isaac Rattenbury r uneaceeptiug, Andrew portee; , Tee first , raceis eXpeCted Mrs. Retie Stecves, aerove, N. to °pow; Off On 'Wedlle,ClaY /10X.t. , • II., wriatie : -"I know Daisy's Own Stiriday Say Kaight, , Rev. W. Tablets ate an obsoletely safe :limas JaaSard,, preaelied a special sermon Mee Ms itttles ones and they ate' the aiso the Maccabees el Kearns Tent in only mediaine I would give a , child Teener's church 'ruckerernitia at without first consuitiug (Manse." The 'the cOnclusion the members forme.d Tableee are. guaranteed by a govern - e, circle aeomel the 'grave of the tete ment anaiyst to be ale:Mutely sale Knight Franoleasayam, on easiell and free from opiates• and narcotics was placed a wreath el flowere. and cart not possibly da liana-- but Mr. Harry Climes of St, Lonis is on always good. , They ate sold by med- . . Goderich. mr,. J. 13, Fotheringliam, • reetoz of St. Georga's churelt, lias reeelvett an oiler of a 010801) at Vernon, 830. but lias deeifled to' 0)1111511,1Sod- Mr, S. C. Hick has .disposed Jf , Ins drag' ',tare 06 Mr- Fred. C. Shaw of Ower,. Sound, who has already calmn possession. 1,, Keloran ea the firm01 Proudfoot, Hays Sr. was married on Wednesday of last week 111 Tonseto to Miss Violet Cameron ,of Van/mover:, .41tee a short 'honey- moon trip - , Mr. , arta' Mrs. 1211)07511wall tam 'I' „their reeitlence GOtier- Dr, 13. S. Turnbull has decided to leave Goderich for 'Vancouver es here he will praceice !ifs profession. "Jock" Raker, who was employed on, the breakwater coastruction at the harbor; fell the other day :1110014 twenty. feet into a pontoon, s,trikiaa his head on the concrete bottom. It was feared that Ile had sustained a fracture of the p0111, bub accordssegeto the latest reports he is recovering. Mr. A. Roberteon SilratiOr(1, son of Mr. J. A. Robertson of town, was married in Mitchell 021 Tuesday ealast week to Miss Maude Dore, daughter of Mr: Dore of IVIitchen. The Young people svill,reside. Strale ford. Port Albert ale. and Mrs. W. Ct. Manning of Goderich visited friends in Port , Al- bert on Sunday. . Victor 'Green of the G. T. R., (1/A- crid', visited the parental home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Grey left on Tuesday for London where Mr. a fey 19 attending the Anglican Synod now in session as the lay delegate from the church here. ,When the ,30931.011 iis over they purpoae waiting the lady's brother, Rev. W..11. Hawkiits of Morpeth: , Mrs, W. Reid kg Lanes visited lier daughter,. Mrs. 'Phonies Eileen, on Sunday. ,Mis,s 'Grace Crawford of Calgary is visiting her parenta here. Mies Lizzle Marillan has resIgned her position as teacher of S. 8. No. Ashfield. Taere 19 still .a. little seeding 10 be done in this neighborhood. Those breaking the license laws ma. coming in for their punishmeat all right. The Kintail man was fined Live Stock Market. P17112 LITTLE ON ES. , Leadbury Miss Jennie 'McKibben spent, , urday at: the ,ralodel Fawn,. Guelph. Mr. and Mrs, Jahn 1)ris',T11 and; Mis Jean Barrows' spent , 'Sunday •w4th fri.ands in Mitchell." .1411SS Math' '1031(1 1)1 Surniaerhill is spending the week at; the home or Mr. John Searlett, Mr.. and Mrs. Bruce of 11,innehfotd, .Mrs.a nd Miss Methilly and Mr, ?thn i of Constanee called on Leadbury 101014,5 last week, Mr. arrl/Mrs. Coulter of Myth vis-, their datighte)., IVIof Fludie, 011 Sunday. eleieses. Cuemeri and Eddington of 13russelaa visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Searleat on ,Sunday, Utensil! 14j and Mrs. Wrslient Kirk of Pair - grove, Mich., have returned home after visiting Mr. 11, Drysdale and other friends in the elicinityu , A sits,lias been caosen for the new station in the yard olniasato Mm, T• Murdoch's residence. 'Ilse post -office and residence• c011- neceed has been raised and a founda- tion placed underneath, which adds greatly to the appearanceh of te, building, Mr. D, A, Cantelon oi Torrent° was ei town over the Week -end. Wingham. Rev D. Perrie has been attending Pao, General. Assembly at Edmonton. Mrs.' Thoome Bell oi Southampton las been visiting ber daughter, Mrs. R: Vanstone, Mrs. Shillington of Windsor has been visiting her parents, Rev, ' Dr. and Mrs. Rutledge, Mrs. P. larviogle of Sault St. Maisie las been in town the guest of her brothers, the Messrs. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson are visiting friends in Galt, Hamilton, Berlin and Guelph. • Mr. R. J. Thorne, formerly of town but now of Toronto, bas been visit - 'ng Mr, and Mrs, Ca' M. Walker. Mr. George Davidson of Noeth Da- kota has been here on a visit, to his brothers, the Messrs. Davidson of town. It is thirty years since lie eft here and this ie bis first Visit back so he naturally notices many changes. Mr. Alex. Porter has sold one of us cottages on Albert street to Mr, Kat Anderson, whe recently sold 1119 iropeety in Lowet Si/Ingham. Marriages THOMPSON - SMITH- 7.t Toronto ' on June 5th, by Rev. Mr, 'Fair - Meta, Emily Almeda; daughter of .Mr, and Mrs. Jetties Smith, for- merly .of Clinton, tie James A. Thompson, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, tioder- ieh.eownship. INNIS-WISE-At "The Evergreens" ,Tuckersmith, else parental home, of 'the bride, by Rev. Hail Wood on June 6th, Peaul, daughter of Mr and 'MIs. John Wine, to John , S. 'lends of Stanley. PO31TER-HALL-1n 'Clinton on June 6th by Rev. T. Wesley Cos - one, Emily Hall to llosvard Da- ' Yid Porter, formerly of Clisitou, beth of Torobto. AGNEW - TAYLORs-At the :5000of the bride'a parents, Exetee, on June 4th, , J. CI. Wentworth Agnew of WinnipegM to aude daughter of Mr. and, Mrs, John W. Taylor of Eater, L,L KIORAR--CAMERON- In roron- ' to on June lath, Violet, daughter of airs. IL 0, Cameron ot British Columbia, to James L. Killoran of Goaerich. ROBERTSON-DORE --1n Mitchell • on June 4811. by Rev. C. C. l'ur- don of Paris, Maud, .youngest flaugheer of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dore, to Ifterry Robertaon of • Stratford; son of MX and Mrs. Jean Robertson of Goderieh. Births INC; 1.18-aA t 11 Float Ave., ton on ne Ju4th, to Mr, and ales. John Inglis (nee, LizzSe, Trowhill) a SOIL Calgary ou June 10eh, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Willis, (foes merly Olive Crawford of Dungan- - a daughter. WORK1VIANe-In lruckersmith on June 1811, to Mr. and Mrs. Iten. Wora- man, h daughter, , CLUa'E--In Scalcath on .June )and, to Mr' and Mrs, N. 'I'. 01101, a daughter. BINKLEY-In Wingharn on june 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs Hinkley, daugh- tat. LUDWIG-In Wingliam on June :st, to Mr and Mrs. Ludwig, a daugh- ter. Deaths la ERR -In 011118011 01) Juno rah, Jamee Kerr, aged 78 years. VODDEN-In Hullobt on June 781), Sarah Emeline Modulate], sysfe`el Mr: W. A. Vodden, aged 47 years. la E --In CI ween on .3 tine , Ruth Burns, Ivies of Rev. •William Wade, agrd 84 years a n d 7 months. GOODWIN-In Canton on June, 12811, George Waster) Goodwin, aged 32 years FLINTOFF --In Woodstock on Jone 101,11, George Andrew Flintoff, son of the late Cseorge alintoff of CI in ton, aged 21 years, . McLEAN- At Elbow, S,ask.„ on alea 2140, James, son of Mr, and U1S. Archie Meacan (1,11.,y township, aged 2,4 years. SARMET1--In Goderich on June ath, Mary Agnes Hardy, , wire of 1 e James Harmer, aged 27 yeara WING,ITAM a visit fla hie aunt, Mrs. Joe' Rattan- iicifie dealers or by mail, .at: 25 casette a bury. Me w;11 els() viurit bis - old box from The Dia Williams' Mediciee Dr. Caisbolm M "Perorate was en hofile 111 Goderiela ; Co.,, Brockville, dant. " Wingleam foe a brief Oisii recenitly, HOUSE ON MA sale or to ' ITOUSE TO RENT ott F011 ,SAlsal- nrRISIST I'Ort Hight rootned house on Queers e)83s-18 ;Tanda11, street, town waterworks, cistern. -34- acre of land with frail rt.ees Stable on preosisee. House in good DUNI) BETWIELEN CI,Iti'FON AND Seaford', on June 3rd, a stun of nioney. Loser eau have same by Proving 'propertty and paying for ibis' advertisement. -Arthur Cook. -34-3., NOTICE. -TENDERS WILL 1312 11 fe- ceived by the uedersigned for , the budding of a new scheol ,house in S. S. No. 5, I-Isalleat,up to June 22nd, when they will be opened. Also tenters for the use of ,the old .rnateifnl along with the new. leans and specifications/ may be seen. at Jamee Snetl's, lot 27, con. .7. The lowest or any tender not necessar- ily aecepted-Wm. L. Main eec.- treasurer, Clinton I'. 0, --31-2 AUCTION , SALE OF HOUSEFIOLD Furniture, at 3 o'clock p, 011 Sattralay, June 1510, on the Market Square, CSinton, when ilia' following will be disposed of ; 1 sewseg reach - me as good as new, 'lawnmower, 2 mattresses, 2 bedsteads, bureau, cupboard, dresser, 30 yawls of /pod carpet, 2 tables, carpet sweeper, 'grindstone, step ladder, 15 feet of biose, ,shovels and other articles POO numerous to mention. Terms, cash. -W. Hamblyn, 'proprietor. D. N, Watecin, auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREOMTORS.-IN THE matter of the Estate of Ann Eliza McBrien.--Notice is hereby :avert that all persons having e-laims against the Estate of Ann Eliza 1VIeBrien, late of the Town of Clin- ton, in the County of Huron, wid- ow, who died oil or about the Oth day of May 1912, ate required to deliver to the endersigned cethou- tor or his solicitor on or before the 2nd day of July 1912, a. Mil elatement of thole claims, together with portrait= thereof, and tile nature of the securities, if any, held by them, all duly v e r fled by aflidavit. :AND TAKE NOTICE thee' after the said last men'tioned date the said executor will proceed 'to dtstribute the Es- tate of the said deceased amongst the persons ontaled theretohaving regard only to such Mainly as be shall have ameived due notice and in aecordance herewith. , Dated at Clinton the llth day at June 1.912. -W. J. Mennen, Executor, Summer, - hill P. fa -31-43 FARM FOR SuatEl- LOT 20, CON. 0, Iltidett, consisting ot 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, 40 acres grass, 2 /sores of orchard with first-class fruit: Well fenced and drained. 2 stowey brick house and large tarn With stabling undeeneath, also large drive house, wet!' hog' pen under, 2 good wells with windmill and pipe to stable and hog men. 2 antics from Clinten.-Fas further potatoes lars apply on the premases, or ad- dress W. T. Henry, Clinton P. 0. COTTAGES FOR , RENT -ALSO Booth Privileges at the "Grove!' bot season, or for July 1st only For particulars apply to -W. R. Jewett, Boe. 30. Hayfield. -335 TO RENT.--sa FOUR ROOMED COT- tage . in Bayfield about ten min - efts wallc kern the lake. Very Suitable for summer via:tors, Ap- ply ‘to Mrs. J. Pokock, Baylield, or Mrs. T. II. Brownlee, Godeeicla NOTICE -- TRESPASSING OR 'tee ,pretnises of the , un- dersigned is strictly forbidden, Trespassers will he prosecuted. - GS H. Bali.,' M. Mitglerd, J. Mc - Brittle H. Wagner, F. Neaglo, J. Youngault, J, Goode R. Strangban W. ASqUI1II, W. Hill, J. Stranghan, atit Penis, -83. LOST BETVVEEN MR, T, ARGH- er's, attaletta and Cleton, on Fr', - day, May 3148, a plaid buggy , rug. a'he finder will oblige by leaving at the Graham's }Immo. ' eees„ SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned,,. and ' endorsed, "Tender for Interior, Fittings, Post - ,Office; Customs and lasted Revenue,. Seaforth, Ont,;" will he received at this agice until 4.00 ps., on, Wed- nesday, 31111e 1980, -1912, foe the %%reek mentioned. 'renders will not be coesidered , un- less' made upon forms supplied by De- partment and an accordance with con- ditions contained therein.' ' Plans and speatlications to be eisen on aoplMation to' -Mr. R. Wright, Clerk of Works, Seaforth, T. A. Hastings, Clerk of Work, Pas- tel. estate°, Ise, Toronto, and at elle" Department 4?ublie .Works, Otttawa, 113aCh tall del: must be accompanied by an accepted cheque air a chartored bank payable to the cadet of /ale alon. tad 'minister 03 public Works, equal Iso ten ,per cent (te p.c.) of the am- ount of ike tender, ; By melee, 12. C .DF,SROCHERS, , Seceetary. Department ot public ' Works, Ottawa, Jima 5 1912 Newspapeee ' will, not be paid for this advertasement ir,they apseet 1)8 eeitbout a-111,1100Ra frofn le DeParta istera.-23211t. reaair. PoSseasion given July lst. -Apply David Steep, Stapleton, -33 VOR SALE, LOT 28,0671. 5 Hullett 125 acres 5 acrea bests remainder all cleared. a0oo(1 ings, 2 barns. 11 acres orchard. Well watered, la miles 1000 school, 3 miles; leom Clenton.-Ap- ply to Thos. 'Archer or D. Cantelon, Clinton, 83. 0. -33. HOUSE FOR SALE -A (2001) chance to buy a hottse, Sem(i amount; down, balance as rept. House in good reOala ; Posses§ion given at once. -For particulars ap- ply to Mrs, Chidley,aselinton, --33. FAR1VI FOR SALE. --LOT 33, 005,, 2, Staiaey, 2 miles from Clinton, consisting of 55 acres. Good ouild- lugs, bank barn with windmill on, implement house; - pig pen, good warin frame house. About 10 acre,s of spring crop, 21 acres of roots, 1 acre orchard, with all kinds otaruit, 18 acres of hay; 6 ,acres of. nerd - wood bush, remaiider of farm in pasture. The land Is a good (lay loam. Possession to suit buyer, - John Jervis, Clintot, P. 0. -42. ONTARIO LIQUOR LICENSE ACT. Lieenso District of Comae Huron. - Rothe is hereby given that Ea - ward R. Swartz of Gotten:ell has made application ;for permission ta traaler his Tayern license for the premises' known as the )3ritith Ex- change to James B. Reyholds of Godeeich, and that said application , be considerod at the meeting of the Board of License Commas - stoners to be held in tthe court house, Goderich, on Friday, June 14th 1912 at the hour of two o'clock. All parties interested will govern themselves accordingly, - Oliver Johnson, asteense Inspector, Dated at Clinton this 28th day of May 1912. ONTARIO LIQUOR LICENSE, aCT. License Districe of Centre Huron. -- Notice is lieeeby given, that Jasnes B. Reynouls of Goderich has made applieation for permission to swans - ter his l'aveen license for the pre- mises known as the Huroa Hotel to Alex. Robinson of Goderich, and that said application will be con- sidered 'at the meeting ol the :Board of License Commissioners to be Held at the court house, Goderich, Friday, June 1480, 1912, at - the hour of 2, o'elock. All parties infaxested will govern idle/heaves accordinaly.-Olaver Johnson, Lic- ense Inspector. Dated at Clinton this 2841t day of May 1912, FARM FOR SALE -LOT '29, 13aytiald con., Goderieh township, containing 61a acres, more or less. Small orchard, good spring water, frame building's. Land has bean in pasture about five years. For further particulars: apply to William , Lauder I'. G, Manitoba, care of Mrs. W. Grieve. DRAIN TILE FOR SALE -WE have a large stock pf tile on hand ranging 'in size from 21 inches to 10 inches, also a good stock of brick. 10 and 12 inch tile to or- der. Works half mile east of Eg- mondville. 'Phone 9 on 145 - Kruse Bros., Egmbndville. -33-1. AT ' WALKER'S FURNITURE store' you can have your baby car- riage or go-cart wheels re -tired in balk an hour's time. No waiting tor Material, we have .the machine and the ,rubber on hand ana wili do them for you wade you wait. -31 LO$T.-A CHILD'S GOLD SIGNET ring, initials, "C, R J." ,Reward wiR be' given for its return to - C. E. Jeakins, The Rectory, Can- ton. -34. FOR SALE. -1 HAVE RECEIVED a carload of Western wheat for feeding. You can sewn 5 quan- tity at( Trick's mil or at ray place on the Bayfield Line, Goderseh township. -John Thompson, --SO ,STANDFORD (12810) FOALED MAN '0811 19.10 of Imported shock, is a dark depple e bay, face and feet white, has (twenty, style and ac - ;Ron hard eto beat. ra Perfectty sound and heeLbay awl weighs over 1.500 pounds at two years of age Standford is very intelligent and docile and was a prize winner at tale , Guelph evinter Peer, 3911. Hie Sire is Dunny deer (10924) G. .'ire Stre Hugo (10924) G. Dam 11,090 of Anchenclieh (162,63). His dam GOIden Rose (13952), she by Guinea Ciald (13020) G. Dans Rose of. Sand - wait (18156), Will be bred to a 4114800 number of healthy /11ares at his own stable, lot 28, eon. 6, Ilullett. Terms : $12 payable Jan. 1st., 1913, For fursdnut particulars apply to Fred Henry, Owner, BOPERTY FOR SALE. ---'111F3 'house on High street belonging to the Dowee eetate, One quarter 'acre14laud and good orchard. , At present occupied by Mr. 'Feed Hill. -Apply; to W, Reydotre., se30-1 alAIL CONTISACT., SEALED TEND EISS S'S ED to the Postmaster General,' will, be notate/a "at Ottawa taste Noma' oa Friday the late ,July, 1912, for , the conveyance of Iris Majeste'a n a proposed Coetrara for 10110 years if and 8 times per week each way; between_ Baytiefd and 11rucelield Railway Station, Hayfield and Sea- orth from the first of Aegeet next. Prieted notices, containing further nfornateon as to pondStions of pro- posed Contract may be SPtell pad blaisk forms of 'renders may be obtained at the Post Offices of Bayfield, Seaforth and route offices, and at the Office ot the Post Office Inspector at London, Ottawa, son Islay, 1912, G. S. ANDERSON, Suiperintenlent, SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hand, also ag- ency for Ilelr machines. -A. Hoop- er, Albert street. -30. FOR SALE -FLOUR AND IsEED business, eetablished 21 years, de- livery and dray business in' con- nection. Together with store and dwelling or seven rooms. Good brick stable also on premises: - D. S. Cook, Clinton. -31 FOR SALE :-A QUANTITY OF Larnber and scantling and 24 and .30 foot rafters, 2516. -Apply at vy. Walker's lurniture store. -31 FOR SlaIda A GOOD LEATHER Top Phaeton buggy. --.J. Twitchell. & -Son, -30. FA.Ral FOR SALE -LOT 14 MATT - land concession, Township of Col- borne, consisting of 90 acres, all cleared. Clay loam and first-class wheat land. Four acres of young bearing orchard, first-olass fruit. Good frame house wilt .cellar. Good barn wale Mating. under- neath, driving shed with cement Pig pen underneath. The farm is Pell fenced in 10-acee fields. Two good wells. a Mile from school, 3 nules from Holmesville and the same dis- tance from Benmiller. 6 miles from Clinton. As the piopnletor Is ill and unable, to Nvork the fano et will be sold on easy terms. -L. Penti-, ington, Holniesvi1l l'a" 0. .-31 FOR SALE -- BLUE BARRED PLY - mouth Rock eggs, 61.00 per 15 eggs. Also a fesv White Cochin Bantams, eggs $1.00 per 18.--,Tabez Rands Clinton. -24. FARM FOR SALE -Lot antis. half 26, eon. 12, Hullett, consisting of 50 acres. All seeded down except 10 acres. Small orchard. Frame 'house ancl bank barn with stabling. Oa Gravel toad 1 mile north of Londesborp. a Mile from school. 'Apply on the premises or address Richard Shaddick, Londesboro P.O. PROPERTY. P.OR SALE.-Ilerdvvare business for sale in Bayfield. Two- story bedding, store, workshop and dwelling combined, also stable 26 x 36.. Three. lots with orchard and small fruits. Terms seasonable-Ap- pita to R. Rouatt, Bayfield. -74 FARM FOR SALE -The Executor of the Southcomlae estate offers for sale 50 acres, being east half of loa 28, con. 6, Hullett. This is a firs:II-class farm, well 'watered and improved and with good buildings. Also ehe undersigned offers fot sale lot 29, con, 6, Mullet!, consisting of 100 acres. These farms may b'e bought together or separatelae- Apply to R. J. Southeombe, ton P. 0. -89 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Store EE cant WINDOW DISPLAY -FOR COMBS AND BARRETTS FOR SATURDAY AND FOLLOW- ING WEEK BUY ,WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES THE FURTH- EST. G-- 1_, COOK PROPRIETOR. ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD TILE BRICK TO ORDER All kluds of coal on hand: CHESTNUT . SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE 0012.5 BLACIaSMITITS WOOD 2.1 in 3 in. and 4 in. tile of the . ,s Best Qualtty. ARTHUR FORBES Opposite tdue G. T. B. 8113810111 s , Photo( WINO -SAM , Dueing 'See storm one tseening 'bit week the house of 'Mts. Bloomfield 011. Scott saaett was struck by lightning: Thehouses, was unoccupied al, the time Mrs. Bloomfield being away, Mel bole small, damage was done. 1,,R5s Irene Davis has completed her, third ,year at Toronto Claivereity., 13.4.115E3) 1100117 EGGS , F011 Sale, -I won on Barred aeoelcs at Clinton 4 IMst., 3 secoad, 1 third, and specaal for best' colioctioes Pen 1, Pullet mating, Headed by Millard coeleerel. Lingeei.z„ num- ber settings, Eggs $2.110 per 12. lase, 2, Cockerel matieg, headed by Mil- lard eock. Pullet§ in this pen are good layers. Eggs 62.00 per 13. Pen 3, undity pen, headed by a cockerel bred from one of the best laying strains in Cantata, The pullets In this pen were bred from 17 el Illy pullets layed 438 eggs in 31 (lays, Eggs 61.00 per 15, I guarantee Ja, good hatch or replace setaing free of charge. -H. A, Ilov- ey Clinton, •••••••••••••••••••••• • • • PINEAPPLES ° CANNING, : i.targe juicy Pine- : apples now at, their best for. pre- : serving. • e • • Buy your Pineap- • ples now, as this ; *ill be the last big ; week for Pine-: apples arid quality :,is first class. : Fresh Stiaiwber- : ries arriving daily : W. T. O'NEIL .• ' ',The Hub (irocery." • • • 900 OOOOO • SOSOO ,••••••••• EXCURSION TO PORT S'CANLHY -Hurrah for Porl. Stanley on Fri- day, June latli, Woodham Council, N. 97, C. 0. t'. P„ bas made at- ,,rangements tor an exottrsion 'along the I,. H. & 11. from Clinton and points south, la Port( Stanley, 'Oa Friday, Juno 141.h, at very 0e1)500 - able rates. Crood to return next day. For particulars see big bills and dodgers. There is /so ;tette]: place than Port Stanity to spend the day. Watch Faults -Tte° Does your watch run correctly, 11 not, Set us repair it for you. la may be onlydirty and need cleaning, or, stop for lack of oil. Whatsoever . .'the reason, den% delay.' We give thorough examination and regulation free. Anything more costa as little as satisfectory work can be clone, '7) A. j. GRIGG Scientific jeweler, and Optician CIAINTON, ONT. IS THE TIME ae- FOR -H- Plumbing, Evetroughing and Stove Moving All orders promptly attended to. Prices given on roofing, 'sid- ing arid all contract work , SUTTER SANITARY PLUMBERS, aro being imit note.) in their homes by Home Study Tho ' nAinnis of amhi I ion,: young people our 1Io00 Study Nat. Yoo may finir•li at College if you delire. Pay when. ova you wish. Thixty Yours' lOxpor. ionoo. Largest truiners in (Jumada. Itntor any cloy', Positions guar.aiteed. If yon 55i511 to %Lim hoard. and Ionto white Von earn, Writ o for parthuhus. NO VACATION CLINTON BUSINESS cot -Lace CEO. SPOTTON, P50510£07