HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-06-06, Page 8Boot &IShoe,Busine§s Will be sold on terms to suit Purchaser. Rent of building reasonable. The BIG SALE is still 'going on. Scores have taken advantage of this great MONEY SAVING SALE; HAVE YOU ?' Our large and well assorted 'stock of •Children's Shoes and Slippers.. is; attracting the Mother's atten- tion. Now's vi%hen the shrewd Buyer buys Shoes.: J. Twitchell & Son CLINTON,' :ONTARIO A NIDiV STRONG.- ee L]GHT— ARTISTIC^ N.♦♦♦•e♦•♦•••♦♦• x•.41..♦•♦♦••♦♦.♦+♦• . BIG -tioNfiy ' sAvElls i , _ _, FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY Z Don't miss stleing. these;lines as they are actually ♦�. bargains • ewa� lteeord Curtain Extension Pole Men's Black Cashmere Sox T •<• 10 dor only men's fine pure wool cashmere sox in a nice soft summer weight and good value at 35e. Saturday and Monday ♦ 119e. See these in our south window. • )Men's Stiff Hafs As a special inducement to every man to try one of our line English fur felt hats which retail everywhere at $2.50, we are going to offer you the chance Saturday and Monday to secure your choice of our full stock of this season's latest styles at t'he' r low price of $1',82 (Remember, no reserve, every $2.50 stiff hat Saturday and Monday $1.89.) Women's Shoes at $1.29, This. is one of the biggest bargains we have ever offered in wom- �, en's shoes and consists of Oxfords and strap slippers in Dongola kid and patent colt and many of these shoes sold at 82 and $2.25 to clear Saturday and, Monday at $1.20. 1 SMALL PLUMSTEEL PROFITS B ROS, ♦ ONE STYLE OF A STN- GLE PAIR OF CURTAINS, ANOTHER MADE TO HOI4D TWO PAIR OF CURTAINS OR AN OVERDRMPE AND Ai SINGLE PAIR AND A THIRD STYLE ' TO HOLD 'rHE SHADE AND ^A PAIR OF CUR/PAINS. THE 'DOU- BLE ROD MAKES A HAND- SOME APPEARANCE' AND WITH IT A VARIETY 08' EFFECTS CAN BE PRODUC- ED., THE OVAL END IS USEFUL AND ALLOWS THE CURTAIN TO , DRAPE CLOSE ''O . THE CA^SING, SHUTTING OF THE SLD8 'VIEW. ALL ALLOW SPACE ENOUGH FOR A FREE MOVEMENT OF THE SHADE. • ;, Seaforthv Mr Joe Brown is speeding a fort - $fight's hbllday, in' 'Detroit. Mr " and : Mrs.,' Wm.; McXied lett last *reek for their; new homei in Col-` isgl'givood after having spent : the wi.ie ter' with the latter's mother;, Mrs. ]fiss Isabel Scott' has returned ale ter a lengthy visit in London. Mrs. Whitely is visiting : in De- troit, having returned home with her sister, Mrs. Laidlaw, on her return' after a short stay here, Mess Mame Kauffman of Platteville is the guest of Mrs. J. A. ,Wilson. 'Mr. and Mts. A. N. Bleasdell of Fertile, B. 0., are the guests' of Mrs. .,Young of 'Goderich street. Mrs. Bleasdell has not been enjoying the best of health lately. Mr. Wm. Stobie of Edmonton is visiting hes father, Mr. Alex. Stobie f town. Rev. D. Carswell left last week to attend the General Assembly of the Presbygerian Church in Edmontan. Seaforth races take place next Tuesday, Wednesday; and Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Somerville left last week for Waterous, Sask., where they will visit their son and other friends. Mr. John Sproat of . Egmondville went to Edmonton as a lay delegate to the General Assembly and well al- so visit, friends at different ,points during his absence. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Troyer have gone over to Michigan to :'isit. friends. • Miss Mildred Jones of Loretta Ab- bey, Toronto, is home for the long vacation. Messrs. Alex. Muir and Frank Mur- ray have gone fa Hespeler, where they have secured positions. Miss Margaret 'Cowan who has just finished her domestic science curse at Toronto, has taken a leaching position there. Mrs. Murray and her daughter of Egmondville left recently for Sask- atchewan. W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest' - Always the Best MORE _ BUSINESS t oar♦♦N♦♦••♦♦•♦♦NN♦♦♦'f♦N♦♦♦♦N♦♦•♦♦♦♦NN♦ .Ilelln11111,1I. !■R.fiII If you want to wear better shoes than you ever did before, with ou:t spending as much money a s formerly., see t h e remarkable values , offered at ,FRED JACKSON'S Good Shoes for everybody iiiimmemsosammoosmomismoma „ ,mn 11Upeuounmp,naf4p Reeve Cantelon is, a'tending_ county council at Goderich this week. - Rev. J. Greene is attending, confer- ence in St. 'Thomas .this week, Mrs, Gooderich and Miss Bertha Davis were in Toronto, over the week end., Mrs. (Rev.) Win. Ford or Teeswa'ter is the guest of Mrs. J E. Ford at Wesley parsonage. Mr. Leslie McLaughln of Brussels was the guest, of Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley on Monday. Mr. and • Mrs. R. Ohowen 01 Strat- ford were reneeIng 'old 1riendshees in town during the week. • Mr. and Mrs. Warterson of iVood- seock were the' guests over the week end of Mrs. Howson. • Mrs. Samuel Lowery of Medicine Hat, Atte., is spending some time visiting old-time Clinton friends. Mr. Harry and Miss Florence Cou- scns of Flint, Mich., have been vise Ring friends in Clinton and : ficin- iy. !eon• , east.,. Mrs, J. Hartley spent from Friday . The engagement 'of Miss Mary Alice until: Monday the guest ^of her par- BeR and Rev. J. Richardson of Kip - ants, Mr. and Mrs. Weir of Wrox- pen is announced. The marriage eter. will take price the later end of the Dr. Cull- and Mrs. Cull of Mitchell month. were visitors at the home oh Ma- Tho marriage occurred on Tuesday jor and Mrs. Combe during the past of last week of Mrs. James 1fcAr- week, thur of the London Road, Ito 'Mr. Mr. Chas, Dunlop of Brantford vis- Alex. Falrbairn, The ceremony was itcd tris brother, Mr, R. T. Dunlop performed by Ilei: Mete Smith at of the Molsons Bank staff, during the home of the bride and was wit, - the last week. nessed only by Immediate. friends. Mr. Harry Fremli'n and Misses Maude Hensall is still undecided whether and May Ferguson spent the week to use water or oil thine year to end the guests of the latter's par- keep down the street' dust. ' par- ents at Auburn. Rev. J. E. Miliyard and Mr. T. W. Miss Jessie Ford leaves tomorrow for Ortwetn arc in St. Thomas this week St. Thomas and will remain for attending the meeting of IL,ondon the graduation exercises at Aima Conference. Rev. Mr. Millyard went College which take place on June on Monday, ,being a member of the 19th. m mi ttne. ationin 6 co st Miss McRae of Bennialer has been Rev. David Btiehanan, who for the guest of heriniece, Mrs. Os- some years has been a missionary in •baldeston, having conic down on the Argintine Republic, was visiting account of the illness of her sis- Iiensatl' friends last week. Mr. Buc- ter, the late Mrs. Ferguson. hanan brought his fam'�y home so Mr. W. F. Egg of Montreal will be that they might be educated. the guest of Mr, ,john Holmes for a few days. Mr. Egg' is exceeding- ly genial and has travelled widely Exeter so has friends from coast to :oast. Mr. J. H. Chellew, the Blyth turn Mr. John Staddon of Seaforth, a riture' man, came down in his car on former resident, has accepted a pos- Friday accompanied by ins ,laugh itaon with Mr. Geo. Mason. -ter, White hese he 'took a run Following are the officers recently around town and as a result trade elected by the Oddfcllows of Exeter : some very flattering remarks regard- Noble Grand, Luther Pedlar.' ing Clinton's streets. Mr. Chet - Vice Grand; W. J. Statham. lew thinks they are unequalled in Rec.-Secretary, R. N. Creech. this part of the province. Fin. -Secretary, W. Johns. Mrs. Eli 'McLaughlin and Miss Susie Treasure,, E. M. lligrfan, are guests of the lady's parents, Representatives to Grand Lodge, Mr. and Mrs, William Flulrer. The Chas. Northcott, Ed. Willis. family have been residing in Guelph Delegates to Drs°tic, Meeit:ng, R. N. for several months but purpose re- Gree li,.Ed: Wiafs:: turning to Saskatoon, Mr Mo- Mr. Andrew Finkbeiner of the sev- Laughlin leaving with the household ent'dt concession of Stephen has dis- eliects for 'that place some days posed of his two hundred -acre farm ago., to Mr. Edward F ahner of the same township for 811,900, possession, to be given 'this autumn. Mrs. Thorue, who has been in Los Angels for some time, is now vis- iting. her is-iting:her father., Mr. Wm, Drew of town. Hensall Miss Carrie McArthur has returned after a visie of some months in Tor- onto. Miss Margaret Drysdale has gone on a visit to her brother in Dubuc, Sask. Miss Anna Macarthur is spending some time in Toronto. Mrs•. T. Kelly and son left last week for Edmoutod, Alta., where her husband is. She was accompanied by her brother, Harold Stoneman, who went to join his father at Saska- N.� �N�NNNN�N��N�NNNNNN NNN��♦N�N�Z: M F IR F t, � ACHANGE Having purchased the de Furniture and U nrtak ing business of Hoover & Ball, we respectfulig sour crit a continuance of the patronage so, i�iberallg ac corded them. We will al. °' walls keep , on hand ,,a ,complete, line of up -to. date goods at' reasonable prices. • • • • ••. • ,�lt�1l1S0II 8L Dunfotd • •♦N!N♦•*M••••••••i••l•♦•••NNNss;N'►••N•NN Mr: A. F. Johns of Toronto visited over the week -end with relatives in town and in Tuckcrsniith. He will not likely be up this way again un- til after, an important event whirl' f•' inst 9 t down for the is set: d w •1i .. ,l at Rockwoodand in which he will fig- ure very prominently. Then he will not .come alone. Mr. T. Jackson, Jr.; leaves next week.. on a trip to England, whither lie goes in the interests of the Jack- son Mfg. Co. -He will be accom- panied :across the Pond. by Mr. 0. E. Dowding, local manager of Mol - sons Bank, who will spend a cou- P ie of Monello' leave of absence vis- iting -the land of his birth. Mr. John Derry, who with his wife left a few weeks ago tor, England, their home and, writes to say that they had a very' pleasant voyage over, lasting six days hnd eighteen hours. He says that everything oyer there, such as field crops, fruit, ete., is looking fine; LIe al- so had a word of praise for The News -Record, saying that it was just like a "letter front home. Mr, E. J. Howard' came up from London on Saturday on his new seven -horse -power motor, cycle, 'I he rate at which one may travel on ars. such a machine is a matter of Dr and. Mrs. Wenig 'of remitter., road's, and nerve on the part of the rider,,, that fs if the highway ys visited the letter's father The Dr.. perfectly ,smooth it is quite possible returned tome .but Mrs: Wenig is to move along at the rate of fifty 'making a lbnger stay. or sixtymiles an hour, Mr. howl Mie. Abraham Dearing received. a are,, however, will he quit, 0.1;4telegram from the mounted police of fled'.i,ith half that speed and now Alberta, stating that his' son, Mel - that ;Iii can' edtne, 'lip 'so quoili}y we vide, was dead and lvantleg to know shall 'expect him oftener, what they :wotild' do with• the bony, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Walter and Mr. James Walter went up to the Soo last week to look after some teal es- tate which they have up there. Mr. Sol. Hardy was called to Pert Huron last week owing to the ill- ness of his brother. The outlook for fruit ,i this 'loc- ality is said to be very gond, in- deed. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Adams and son, David, who hate been rinit;'ng Mrs. D. Johns of town, have eel urn - ed to their hone in the west. Rev. Colin Fletcher of. the Thames Road has gone to Edmonton to at- tend the meeting of the General As- embly of the Presbyte;rtan i,hsreit. Mr. Alf. Bowey left last week for St. Thomas to work for the eum- mer at masoning, Mr. Earl ; Spackman, teller in 1 he Molsons Bank, is spending a holiday at Ottawa. lefts. Hammond of Buffalo ]las been visiting her daughter, 'Mrs; Wm: Riv- June 61b, °,^916 �...r►-'FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY 1 WE are laying out for this WEEK END SALE several Money Savers that should be appreciated and picked up. Children's straw hats, ladies' parasols, tweed dress goods, hosiery, etc., at big reductions. What we advertise we do— put us to, the test. 25'c Children's Hats 15c Children's straw hats in several styles, plain and fancy, straw, ^silk, rib- bon band. Regular 25c for 15e, 5oc Children's Hats 25c , Children's straw hats of better qual- ity in all the new styles, all :sizes„ Reg.' ular 50e for 25c. vw. Ladies' Parasols Ladies' black parasols, fancy hand- les, paragon frames, clearing lot. Regular $1.25 up to $2,00, choice for 98c. 50c Dress Goods 250 ' Four pieces dress goods, one piece each red and brown lustre, one each light grey tweed, Regular 50c for 25c. Boys' Hose 19c Boys' narrow rib, black cotton hose, fast dye, heavy weight, just the thing for boys wear, all siz®s, Reg. 25c for 19c. Curtains % Price 20 pair curtains slightly soiled from display, one curtain only soiled. Satur- day . price. SKIRTING EMBROIDERY 50e FOR 32c 100 yards twenty-six inch 'skirting embroidery. Every design ` new this spring, Regular 50c for 32c. See Window Display The News From Londesboro Mr, G. Gomm of Auburn condu0:ed preparatory services in the Presby- terian church on Friday last. The Ladies' Aid presented to the sb I� ,crier church an individual ure y communion set which was used for the” first time on Sunday last. hbout eighty members partook al ',he sacra- ment on this occasion. Mr, Charles Hutton, who has but recently returned from Los Angeles, was a v:+sitar at his home here on Monday. Miss E. Lyon visited at her 'home here on Sunday. Miss L. Graham of Clinton spent a -few days this week as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. John Lasham. Mr. John Button disposed of a car- load of western oats thls week. Mrs. F. Gibbs and Miss Sadie and Mrs. Brown of Clinton visited friends in the village this week: Mrs. (Dr.) Allison, accompanied by her father, Mr. Donahue, spent Mon- day with 'Belgrave friends. Mr • Blatchford visited over the week -end at his home in Centralia. Mrs. Adapts and Mrs. Windrum spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. George Johnston. Happy is the Bride the Sun Shines On. A pretty and interesting\ event tbok place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Levi wiltse of Ate London Road at high noon yesterday, when their: daughter, Lulu F., became the bride of Mr. John L. Hayes of Saskatoon Sask., son of Mr. Geo. Hayes 'of Summerhiel. Tho ceremony was performed un- der an arch on the lawn• by, Rev, T. Wesley Cosens and was witnessed by a large number, of guests. The bride was dainty gowned in Bream silk and carried a boquet of lilies -of the -valley: The young couple were unattended. Miss Elva Wiltse play- ed the wedding music. The grooms gift to the. bride was a' handsomepearl crescent and to the Aanist a pretty pearl pin. The ',ride was also the recipient of many beau- tiful gifts from her large circle of friends, Amongst the Lefts was a handsome piano from the bride's mother. After the ceremony the bridal party and guests sat down to a: dainty luncheon. Guests 'were present 'rom Clinton, Seaford, Walton and ':lod- ericli,• Mr. and Mrs. Hayes ,lett' en the same afternoon for their home at Saskatoon,. where the groom has been located for some time. 'fhe bride'sg oing away costume was a sunt of blue serge with which she wore a handsome black hat with plumes of King's blue. The News -Record joins the many friends of, the yo;tng people in wish- ing them good health' and good for- tune during the:r, married :life. e Hullett Township. Mr. Lou Peacock has his barn rais- ed and ready for the stone founda- tion. The masons are expected • in a day or two. Mr, Janes McG el of the Huron Road, who bought several of the buildings from the Salt Block, has already moved a couple of them, to his own place and will convert them. into farm buildings. The council met as a court of re- vision on the morning of May 35th, ,with -Councillor Miller presiding. No appeals were made against the as- sessment . roll, everybody apparently being satisfied' w their assessment. Several new names were added to the list. WINGHAM. Mrs,S. Kernaghanhas rentdil ,< her property in .Lower Winghare and has gone to reside in Brantford. ' Mr. • and Mrs. Chas 'i. V 'iNor- man and Mr. John VanNernAn lett last week for Hamiota, Marl.' thecouncil met afternoon Inthe fie Lao-' when several general for gent,business w , counts were passed. Sheep breeders in this township have been suffering severely this spring: owing to depend dations by dogs: One man claimed 865 damages a! last meeting of council, another 89 and others ramal ler sums, all of winch were paid. The new school, house for S. S. No. 5, w`:1 he on the corner of. Mr. J, J. McCaughel's farm, the necessary land having been purchased. 'Phe school has been upon its present site about fifty-four years.' Mr. Harry Barr returned from Col- umbus a short time agoand is a gain with Mr. Fear in whose employ he has been tor nine years: The pupils 'of the Separate ,drool picnicked on Mr. Shanahan's lawn. on Wednesday afternoon and spout a few very pleasant hours. "' There was ice cream in abundance Was urines ,w' too. Rev; leather ,Dunn •'as present, • • WIN.GHAM. Mr' George Shaw of 1Vinreipeg, a former residenti of .Wimgham is re- newing' old friendsh,;ls hereabouts. His errand too Ontario this Mime was, a, sad one, having; accompanied Wile remains of his wife, wile died last month. Men's, Boys' and Children's STRAI' HATS We are showing a splendid range of men's straw hats in all the new- est shapes in straight and curled rims, high and low crowns: Fedoras, Tel- escopes, ete. from 15c to $6.50. Ask to see our $1.00 special. Boys' Straw 'Hats Boys' straw hats in all the newest shapes from 15c to $1.50. Mex- ican hats, a splendid hat for boys school wear or outing hat: at 10 and 15c, Ladies' Mexicali' hats. 9 �50 Children's Hats Hats that suit the, boy tots are shown here in great variety of styles from 10c up. ozer AND Brow. 'OCR MOTTO: Quality first then a s'. flare ,q profit." ,