HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-06-06, Page 3F", �1-00�: I , �11- , �.� � -"-",- %-�?,,'Nr�- , -- �-7, ew, , ', � - -, I � '' ., , " - � -
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�, -1 , viiiiii . � T ALLS'
1'', �� Iff , + Found, to' Be As 1111setai , Toile � 0 1 � I OUTIt Up,. . .
I 11.2� 1 , � LADY'S , I as Ever, I y , A Great Scientist Says It Would TaM + 1V1y L" + . . I I . I I F A . n[Oly Aloney Ww;ie� In f1reniatlon. .
. 9
,f - + , I � Four Million Completed Threads � � . Y's + Flying ftfichIA104 Will lie great Joe CaRey,paCgenter of a Gun Powder I
11 I ' ' � - � I I AiOnoy, both gold aml,spvel., W,,ar.4
;,�,; , #, I COLUMN. + , I I TO Make a SIM Thresel, I It I lil� Factors In Fatuxe Wairs , � � ,Vzt, See ,,War An Paris. It Is reck- I
,',�:�_'�, The ul$� of lukewarm wat.6r as the I � . nut at a Startling rat.o. �
,� �1,11_ - � I I N Role anaeathetto The Size of M Hair. � f C OLWIN.' , � . I , I . 118-10Y a hundmi, , �
lz,i !)�:r�� � In operations for ap- I , . . - � Dned that tho),e is
il,l T", :. I ; I I - L , � + 1 9 There to no'doubt now Irishmen ,%It over the world\have tull"011 I)Our)(1E� Ill �-Dld cOill Ill E-ns- . I I
�,tl�,�� ondicitis at Johns Hopkins I T thAnt In 'the I �
�, 4 +' ++ + + P HOPPItali _ Al _ .*,4. + - there will ))a fighting U e e- plo on �s 'le �
ll� ':.'. , + + + + + it.: lalid, it vel,y I.,jr-0 I,
1� 11 Baltimore; reported in The Times, was , For a long time the web of the 1-+ + + + +AA* heard ,of the g 1'oportloll of whicli
,�, �, 11 I 'spider was supposed to, be a simple ' I , . �'* mext great war Clarke w 11 x of I ce ,,, t,
t ': � , declared by surgeocis here to be quite, I I I in the air as well as on land' and. sea. that formed the climax of the Fenian ),i,. ocl d Strong V002no or
THE SPOILED HUSBAND I log, Yet, of thuV. which Is in actil,o. I � I
" By Virgicia llarlallL
, i I , the ' IHEFR up, GIRLSI � The warfare of, tile air will have outrages of IN7 1 1 1
� � 11 , possible and In line with .." .2 str,and of wavy silk, out later It was C In London, The
, , .
1',�; '' I I I Water anneStlietic, first I � see I
V , Mad .1h thin, found that such w" far from lathing of the individuality of an- story is recalled by the death In Part oillculation tile wast"?,ae is so great , . .
,�, , I � I I being . By 0juilkla Grey Star L a that. 'dt�rfllg evel-y t�velve Inonth.,; .
'11, � � I �, There are very few brldef� who do city years ago.. I the case. I bient warfare, The modern sea fight of Joe Casey, who Was a actor .
, When the footsteps of a young man to a COWlict Of hi.� and costly mall 11, the terrible drama. (;CV0111,3' UIQLIM�,I�d p0121](Is (,� I
I I ., not start their married lives, wi,th the Oas surgeon who hgo performed Under the inlocroscope we can I�Ast ' go . 1 ,350,000) . . L
. I Wham. a girl is expeotling on a certain chines rather tha He 'and a v0l'tf1 Of r010 ��nd �il,,ilr are VUbbed
"M , .1. 14udafble resolve that the.v are going successfully more 'than 5,000 opera- 'at the secret of the spinning very lavenlfigL fall, 'to stop n of men. Victory fellow-realan named � aq dw , �
�::, L :; i'D '
,. � , � make themselves absolutely indis- tions with no, other anaeothatto than nicely. We see that there� are either At ,her door she depends mo7e upoil the skill of the Surlte were looked up in Clerke ff into E, -q� .
A lawall I
I I .l."Pensiablo to their hus hands and proye an i1electioll, Of Water 'into, the skin, 'four or six teats, oil the spider near �%,A&aderz what Is the mattor of Such teen Ila the rhIPYard than upon the PrtsOn, but the Fentans determliled to I . I I I
, 'FthSnlZ0ly6s i the lower part of the abdiitneci, al- , kreat linpc,rt�uiice that lie �oigot� to proTies , 0 of the meu,m the ship. liberate them. A barrel of gunpowder I "I . I . ,�
11� l tbA3 Sweetest, the most declared,, however, that' the nee of 6 lost eUetlY similar to the,teats of A Lall upoxi her, .&It girls it,) not take In the"al., fight was placed ---------------�-__ .
I , loving, and perfect at Nvives. I I this SIM,I)IGIA of all anaeothotics Would I L Individual 'prowess. against the, wall of the I .
� . . � I.
. I � It this Is, no doubt, very char Ing probal ly never come Into gonaral-use, � caw. (10L hiltmala,t aldice: hAnd ,skill will, nut for almost as Jail ,by Michael Batratt Id d b , L ,
A ,b Fropa these issue four or six kind ot � d1sappo e
I eentimen t, Save thart the dear in And that� while it Was AspilltIcable' In ptrands as the case may be, but those �0_.ta ,gorbw wil-Ilea, much:1.1 not a to as much an in 'the an
men, I rted watching' ,nice Casey's two brothersi P�t a 1.
" Is , . I
i the Prone@6, and aI spoiled husband is F Was ,not applilcable ill a majority � but are ebinposed of at least a thou, ithe c -lock on the man,tel, assulres aulall � I I I L i
. a for shIP13- The flyint; =&of selling wall at the, time the prisoners were I .
lmior.lbl I an the crews
of I
aPt.tO develop Into.a. somewhat,exacit. ;BUM Cases. GollecialilY wriere inflam- eachi for, It havi been him to come at ths ,obbie cald'earry 6 H, E I L I
I , ;Sand 4-ftlers talom .the window with strained ey Did dy I draw. d A' RU PTU
h1varlablY get moot terribly spoilt in. Many major. Abdominal operations.'#, strands d"Ouldelves are not simple, 6Z, b1stW(3 They planned to blowii, bole
I hor thait It Is next to in t,
� I , dng male, I I . mAlda or an abscess had formed. . , proven that In each t6at there. Ila a it"hoUT, ' only a few men. It is, not Coisay; exercising and then' h)* the pair to (Sl�ll, DATI,�'S AT DOTTOJ�f) L
�F or ill, The girl wi,th - probably a thausand machines could �escape In the congualon, But the an- , I
�� � stau,ee,,a pretty'wite who has As long'ago all 1855 Dr. 3., Loobaril sieve of at least a thousand holes a true ring 'to her dIS
Obtained .the dignity oX ,a three-year- Cornl,lg of tIfW otty, pointed out in ,through which the silky matter is pOsIttim dGes ,not lose - a momen-t 00 built and equipped . for war tharlittes amelled trotible Land
I strained. ThIle we see at shifted CL L �
L I old weddLng ring, and who po*ge�ses his book of "Local Anaesthesta," the that fine ad grieving over him or speeullablia,� ho Considerably Was east tun one Drea& the exercise to an lnner, yard, . I 11 I
i iat ado L (41111 : �13 a Bidder's 'Web It Is yet composed at to. whadwr or not some otIver glirl "ught Much Will depend U10 I a. Bang Went the powder Just before . . I
� mbleL Infant :e the most VRIUG Of ho4tIni the na�efitheoia bell Wbethgr the gains 4 In the Afternoon, killLng six bystand- I r
� L" wonderful baby dm Christendom), of fare IWectilaf It. The use of Water an frclan four to Six tholana d fibers. ,was the cause of his staying away, of the great vur- . I i
I '
I I 1061srae��confessed that she would give an anasethe a In a cortala class of the AAdr.L L
I . ( I (Lailwenhoeck . states that nit Would 19ble writes down In ,hall Ilittile diary In OhiP cM the water can reach llg�. small ore outright and fataly Injuring 11 0
. �anYthmg to� be able to live over again Operation$ Was explained ll� Dr; Sam- take at least four million of the om" libe saplualtan Of her ' own room: "d cheap rival in athera, while no less"than 102 lort i . . � I I
I . the first few Months of her married not .0, Gant in a paper before the Oleted threads to make a threac. as �'Cbaaltie dddn�t,corm Wamt do I care? POVhAPS the first battle lin'the air eyes or limbs. It col3c,$l00,000 to re... I I :1 M I
. Intrang as a, silk thread of the size of gaing to break my heart o�A§r 01"'s the Other "Y, when a welill- pair the surriou ding property, �
. I We -so thait. she might treat her hus. Medical Association of the city in a hair., . . 0 FMch avilstor was attacked A few weeks 11 ; �i
11 I ,band in a different manner. 1903. Dr. Gant mentioned Burney, . It,fti 'lot doubt lit's a'fiintt from Cupid later Mlailaal Barrett I
- - , Yen. and GrIffith, of - England, as Howeve are some tropical 6.t:Iqh-.'s not to be depended upon. came and escaped with sonw Was denounced by another prlso,.Dor . .1 I i
I THNATRE SNOODS � . aMiong"the planners to suggest' in ' threads known to � I tatY. However, before this but, named Muttony, arrested and hanged. �
,� , , I relief of pallit by the sub- strong, In fact. as , � . Fr;-nce IN
._L_ ' - I 1�1 � ,�pjd`gra � Eftert, Latham. had startl�& Tho, Caseirs got clear away to
I f , - � 11 . . ill tile 0 . I Ae _Cry REVIVAL OF SILKEN SNOODS SPOrtissepa by shoaling ww Millar the name of potter. �joe Casey I I �
. . .1111.2t, Injection of water. be able and hold humming
al I . I his -tl
;� I .. ...- I The theory on wlidei water so used � "-- I fIrOVI monoplane, lb, An.� � and Builto viere acquitted ut lisir ex
, I - - to believed to ant an ording to Dr, As to the color of the thread. our I All ,1%, LAUlb-A W taken his gim fria , and Joe Joined his brothers In'
- a I . .
� _ ftnt. .10 that the wate& provides a ordinary spiders spin one of a uni- I 'Milk. hus, for, the pariaoso or abaoibw the French capital, Phey all foiaght. r
- '
. -11 ,.. ,� above at a game for. Fren,N in the Be
pressure of the aerra ending, which t6EM gmY color'. but In the riotous L ,11 . , 0. ,; preserve, but Ige of Part in
,0,;T�l �, I,, I - .
� blacks, all sensation or pain so long trovies there are found spiders that 31,,,ei� -.el; W,- AIR g a Back at ducks about a,mas, 1870 and Joe becarta'-Blmogt as ftr�.. TPuSS Toptupe
I : .. as the 'water continues i_ _ "AL - , , PAY* the OCCM36 he tamed his fWIUX I'Ilan as 4 Prelachnian. , 000,0'rhought
., .111. I
1, I .. L unabsorbed In varl-calpred webs. One particu- ��� - ;� 0 seaward and started in. pm�_ I I � -_ - Necessary, but Now Your
I ArLY Produces red, Yellow -and black , 9 uIL The foliOWID9 description of the . Method Retain. anti Curem
I I Or UttBoatterked. Dr, Ghat said re. 2p , . 1`9�11 Search for Relief Is Ended.
- I threads which It bluda together,with , I
, -
1, :_� - centlY he had found that any other I _'T � � Unt is given by a sainatific will.r., SAFETY ON INDIAN I Wonderful I
I � ,%AMV,TA,XFL � With-ut Knife,,Ohnger orpgln.
� absorbed �i pleasing color effect. �r .1 . . �� "I'll, _� I
. -,-1- flued that gave pressure and Was not . " ������ , ... . a ducks flcvr their basil the,fl . �
, ;d
, . vldhig the two Immunhy From Aceldonti Comparn Old-faShIDAled truss torture is no lon§er neces. -
Would,' have the same In, the thread of the spider lies .1 I parts. . J. V. MAN, Specialist of Toronto
, aniasethetto affect The method wail dOr-t a great Industry onice 1. -, ..... Latham. -
applicable, he said, inmearly all skin property- studied. Nile ��i ,,qhp-,�s ill Was able to Outfly theral _' , FavourablY With Engthib � ;ary. Guilin ,Sllp
i 1. . Is . 11 to gy ; VAdIways. . . � f. ,Plus trusses and arbarons
� Operation, and be had tried It one- have been made to utilize the threads �,�.��'....'�.�,,�'ll,�'..�ll,��7 ,;,I ...... .. I around them in rmotl pad ,,,_, . rupture are done away
� I I �lh,�'....��";.,,"�*.�1,1�.9�","..,.�-",..""* I , ended in - , I till by the wonderful taventlen at a
I , -..,,.�,MW W, . bringhM down one of tile I V specialist.
.. qllb has devoted ilfty years to Tals one affile. .
I cessfully In. some operations for taper- 'for cloth to make clothes, etc. All I lrdO. The remarkable part of thin Immunity train accidents is' tbc� Tolous new LOAN 'TMATRUS" I . . I
�... �� - I otonry, have been so far doomed to failure - .1
. . . . . . . ' Aon. Tile WAIL
I " colostomy alad appendicostomy ,
! ... I IL�`11"'.... � I . ... . Ud In that the airship first thing that strikes Elle reader of vaR to tile ruptured instant relief. rest and -
I �?N, all of which noccassitato the open. U117how as a financial proposition. , go Jecurity willere till others lan. it 5 �
.... ��'LL Ing of the ,abdomen. It is related that Louis XTV had, a ..a ba the annual t
� , ... ulded Without hands to Statistics of Indian rail- ,-& ,itl.
. 11, eco6sar r tbp mona,gat , 11-71111tion and restores every part to I n I
I `W ter anaesthesta, however, te no dress Made from spiders, web. but 7 to Rica and nm Xt is claim- , AYB Just Published. They gi,je the `11`!d 00310011 its soon as Itis used and for alI
1.11=1 11;§O� tilm and oldstyle trusses are thrown away.
I 1 , LIM.", V, I ..0- number Of Passeagere killed from
I ,* "i", I - &§* ',,,,�J M that the Antoltaincle Is. the aaw 11"N'S CURATPUS" eures are absolutely -with. �
I I I good at all for operations wher�. an Which 'Was flo'bugile that he became , ,lip which Can be ,art without Causes beyond their own control as
--A N"..... 1__.1'111.'1,i.l � . abscess hold formed or Inflammation disgusted with it The entomologist lN 311110 p,inlation. and the cosi; is small,
.. � I - -=�-g;o'� hontrol of the arlatw-n hands for thut' 0.02 per million of Passengers -*avel- I
I p 11 sets In, as, for example, in cAnoor or b"Orbigur bad made for himself a -,%�,_
I I . :,-4 Purpose.'* ling, or an average at I In 4,478.29 mil- .1
, I In. cas of a ruptured appendix" told Pair of trousers from. the webs at $,�%�'.��,*
I ..� Dr. 6 � We MaY Yet have to make la to Bans Of miles travelled, reassuring k I .
. . Gant. "To be sucoesOul, the tcOlpi-1 Spiders whilen lasted for a Nig ..,.. �, .,��XRA . ilratect. the birds against the aliagaall figures enough for even the most
I 1 ....... ��4�x� .-,- I water anaesthetea must be 'applied to long time. I , 11'...'...'..... *1,11R
. `....., ... ......... .E. I I
I __1 . I . 1 X'-,�.11�11.111::�l..:4�ll-,".;- � tim All During 1910 forty people, were
-1.11-1,11 tMi"'..'... _ I
, ZZ -14; Ule whole'part where the opera on It Would Seem that'even. If the web killed by accidents to trains, rolling-
, �. �� and In the I
. . I Is to be made, ajority 'WARS too fragile to make the febrie ��` ! WOE Ill' TKE FACE OF MITR stock, or the Permanent way, while
I � .1 . - . �,$,,_��'.., 01.1"W1.11 ... ; � of such abdominal ope ons as I entirely from, It could be mixed with . ., 2
1 , 11 �� have mention'ed there ter 5111c or something equally -strong and .., ter L Sndth Wits 19 & lawn tu� 92 were, Injured, Accidents due to I I
1. In t�,a flut , 'district can Idight when a web other causes such as carelessness on 1.
.� Plaice. uncertainty as to where to 0 -duce a new and gorgeous material I ered art of the travellers, trespass- is 0 w cure. Nolostt a , .
.---.- oberate, and In the second, place the for Onr Presnat-daYgoddesses. . . . about the JaR for the par,.- ITge" P6 swelled the to .... .
tissues refuse to hold the water and . . . __� - and Injured tals of
Silken snoods Eire reTITed from � 6101thWabcelaUag two cola ad mon'l killedr the Bko' Free Consultation Coupon, k
T . ictorlan days to deck the heads allow It Instead to scatter," . . I rd of what was gotug to :1,857 and 1,664 This cour,on, upon p
I Dr. Gant at the last meeting of the A Contest 'Chiffou and cloth of gold tire con- m- us"d mounting thp Jail stelpal h respectively, The proportion of kill- R,e ,resentation to j. J
� of maids. ". et wits. 6 ad and Atli, rop are specialist sal -west 1CIn
I � I Injured Is striking, but it is Street, Toronto, who will y
I � Marylarld Medical Society, read a ' "Goethe was cooled together Into becoming ode 40 IMPAISARICARCd rieft tr, the mob ran ' Isit the towns (off .
� - so often Intruded upon I disPene and nut dered more looking at thLe dates mentioned below) will entitle bearer
I _11- . paper he name of their town through -,, so oil rl
I telling of some 2,000 skin and by the Corinna in his � theatre Cape., . . 'beW discredit an toireeconsultation. ARkathotelofticefe
house In Wei=_Aar , figures which apply to the United numberofrayrnom Notedates.
"I Spoilt him most dreactfully," all muscle operations ho had perfo:u-, Al that one day, made Impatient by the � �W_ Kingdom, where
kisild, "and waited on him hand Aaude with water anaestfiesla in the last determination of an unknown English- 10ne should not place too Much, hope Be. His Plea was effectir% and we .find that last � A
toot With. the hundred and one atten- eight or ten years, and itAs thought man to tbxm an ontrance, he pan a follow who bole not declared Ifteareas were spared. . Year there were totals of 1,036 killed � . J ,Dr. Egan,will, be at I
, `, and- tow Weeks after that he revisited and 28,884 Injured over 4 Mileage of Seaforth, qbcon's -
I tions that foolish wives muke'the mills- be May have suggested the most re- denly ordered his servalat to show him hill](11161f." Hotel, June Gth.
take Of la-doldcag- on their husbands. ,ent application of wat .- town. At that time there wee M. 23,380. India, With Al. length of track
I Of. course, I was quite enthusiastic 4 afiabsthesta ha. The Englishman entered. Goethe I lo Where sTo other girlis who wnill� de- eitteant, to Initild an gayrum, for ,be 10,000 miles more than the United v C?ln-bon Rattenhuty House, Friday,
now reported In operaltions for appen- Olanted himself erect m the Centre of temitifte to -give such'a young fellow a 4- In OV110149 his lePeoick -which Ill.n.
Over ft mt - first and loved to think dicitis at .Tobma Hopkins. I �he room. his arms crossed, his eyes 19boog, of their mind the nemt time chat the : ,. gdo.ln can, therefore, legitimately, Jime, 7th , all (toy only, until 9 It. in.
I '"t -I Was HMO to look after my big . on the ceiling, motionless like %L beginning or his joint olgiuste r ,,lomparative freedom from i � , .
, buSI)SAd so we.14, but now he looks . . statue. L they andt. There are othar Tenn.- wcl- a rAnitailocratic orator, Mr. guilth: accident. I I Goftrl,cb, Befford I -Tote], June 8-9.
. "Pon all these little services as his TR1 KING AND THE TAR Surprised for the moment the Imen. who "would wisely conclude tWe that the Purpose to build the, 7- Wingliani, Queen'% Hoteli June 10-
rIghts, and he expects meto do them." . =' soon comprehended the treat the viubtar indiffeTewtly, in- Grand Stove.
, and, without being in the i that i[f lit did not Wish to Was 60 Wise and so lina,wans' A
flarr(liag the Republicans of the county ll,_� A Georgia i�oinan who moved' to 11. . � .
I ThIS, PerhaPs,,15 the'experlence of a' least disconcerted, be put on )its come, t2lQy Would 4ot ova a anap of
� How The Seaman Became An Hied the Democrats to Join with them; Philadelphia found She could not be r.---
. good many .young wives wh'D.do not I � Understudy. glasses, walkikil slowly around Zoethe, Ithefir-ftiagers; it was quitte the same relining OnOu8b, 111111*100Y to mmite the' contented without tile colored main- . I - . I
realize that too much adoration is not . inspected him from head to fo6t, and to 0113M. 11rOJeCt feaglblla� . MY who had been her servant for any .
. 'Wod .'ter man and "that too mulch 1wisat out." - . , m
. rUnntlug after" would spoil the most The manager at a third-rate i _,�Vphher class of -girls ore tbbso who - 41 distrust Mr, smlth,s rerharkis years. She sent foil ,old maturity', and I. 0. 0. ,F. EXCURSION .
I W121 pult-, &ill eubeirrass;lng thoughts ilbout the .
I angelto husband. . theatrical touring company was Ate- i asYlunll" Bald the D�Rlioc�! the servant arrived In due season. It . I
Jfrom them when they "a blill again. lie fulminator In, answeiring: so happened that the Georgia woman VIA.
Husbands, naitur&l-�y, have a right sperate. At the oritical Moment the The Indlon. ,They will be so ,bright and dheezry th's speech. "He makes poilticRI: had.to leave town the very day mum -
to kindly aittentiOnS, . alld no wife baggage man, Wha. Undertook the - -
��. I walking -on parts, was missing. and That the Indian marries More often, ,that. it Will seem to him that they ItRl Out Of everything., We Demo,! Amy arrived. 136fore departing she bad I
for love th the white, Mau; that !were actuatily glad that he did not Just L A
1'*u0t--t4) ,Crlydge working hard and there wao-nolle to take big plica TAR to explain to mairnny the CA
I 6 Might Rive our money for Lbat: time I ,
giving UP -some of -her old purslults to ibe only AHanr Exec thalt nkght. Th ding and, Wake Up to find that, the; Modern 'With
� Make small town was searched for an ' Iffe once between so-called Put in an appearta Any . c0lavelliencOs which bar
. the home atitractive ,and com- civilized men and the so-called un- worn probably entertisining some ublicang, claim" ,in the oredit7l' RPartmont was furnished. The gas
faftabls,' but she shouldn't oyartio, understudy, and at last an ex-sean.an, I .
who,Was glad of any, berth, was no- ,Civilized, Is a differcrica'An. their ex- other young main vtose-soodety they . it. � otove was the contrivance which ill -
11 . things, and, above all, she should not Planiations; that Indian women as a !euJ07011, Mort, It was to be Infarred� Why, look what Mr SMIM said liu* -terested the colored woman most.
fall Into the Mistake of offering lillitle earthed, The Manager told him he ; I
I . would give him. a handsome silary 'whole Are better treated than Lhe 'He Amakes up his mind that -he vdql Inaking big speech to.""aVe the, Hvaa� After tile ralstr6as of the household I - --- -
atteettions, Which aire likely to be irk- 'White women, and that the wife t,f a stay away altogothiar, lf the two colored men from tlLati h'adL lighted the oven, the broller and . ,
, a few years hence, Whola the provided that In time he Acquitted 'College professor has a harder , tica , rM. girl Who Meta hint Wfth a tooll a few wanks &M , His ramlarks� the other burners and felt certain the I . , 1, - -_ "O.
a .1 ore elloqu L I , ( ,
" It
� ��,
little strangers arrive, 'for husbands L himself, satisfactorily In the part In tbala an Indian squaw;. that no woman woebegone face maw as wall give up 67 were great, They' old servant und *stood Its operations, I
I bard L tIon., Ho'had one line to say, T chas the pinaele of her art until 8117hope of WAInning him for sill time. rrIed . t- But here is how the mistress litotlited for her tralu, I
I are Just a trifle luc.11ned to take all ques en
work and self-sacrifice for Thus encouraged I the nopetul tar she has married Bud borne a child; IIV,le the VIA who Can force a smile to a 0 up I L . I
granted. rehearsed his one line until he was 40. . She was absent two weeks and one '-
I . I I that to be an Indian mald isAinflialtely 1herailmand a bmlg.htn Shoot - about. if you will, *jg -8t questions to malontly was 1. ...
,%ord perfect. L I , ass to bar eyes , of her fli �_r
L � er av4ng a de- better than to be a wage slave in tile wno will viin him. So Cheer up, head of mine-. but 9,va. oh. . -
l voted little Wife to fUSS Over their He had been at sea in Terrible gales, Inferno of commercialism - thcee � g1rist Re two black votes for the Rine liow she had worried along. __
I COMfOrt every Minute of the day has but had never known, fear, till in ,Oheer upl Repalbl,; " "Do, fines' level-," was the reply, ��_ -
Ile is. not so entirely 11clot buit that ; And at air gas Stove - all MY! _Nr - -
armor clad he stood at and other things are the Ideas of gra. lie par I- it 1* � - � �-�, -
.1 wom off, the great majority of men the "wings" H ary. Hunter Austin who has spent a smile May win him ba,ok again. It , .. i . _ � __
:i , I fall in appreciation. � and waited for big cue. How, his a ' riu s Is ithehiligut, happy gill whom Cupid , I Why, do you know, Miss polence, . _ '�_ .; . , -
� heart beat and how terribly nor-. t dat fire ain't gon out yit.11 - - � . .
, Now appre-clartion la the breath of - . ous dlau. Reserves .in Canada. �Iaves to aid, for she meets him half , An UnconselueS Joke. I I - _ ... ----'
. -
� life to . the average he was when he faced: the footlIghtel � "'Mr. Lloyd George was once Rn,, � . I ___ __
� . . Worn", and she - - ffa,y, 1-i.. iliffi,cuALM.- �-
I should Insh# on gattling'It. Of couras,
I man cannot be expected to be praising
a roe, went ,ury and his voice
seemed to fail him. But lie mad a
I We Eat Too Xuch I
. ,IovAg1s paft 6astead of pt-linig them Up.
g1ml whobroods upon melancholy
9 at a Liberal meethag of the I
trilled prophecies and promises - Of Ae�
William A. Sunday, 4quondam pro-
and complimenting every time the oc-,
Cation offers, and no sensibleWoMau
euprome effort, and stammered out*
-, "Me lord -'roe kingl me cap'n - I
� Canadian men and Women cat and
,thoughts makes an uniplealsaint -
bar he' a tesman, and quite accident-'
hIIY 9 tched, his arm right
fessional revivalist, closed the even -
gellstle Season of 1910 -If th a other
. � expects it, but there li�re a good many
� that can sately,,
Mea,n me llegeI Mothought I a
army oil yonder hill.,, Aw an
drink too much. ,I see nightly men
an d women drinking fiery liquors and
passion to spend an evening with, Who
can wonder he cuts short his call,
over! :
the, head of Sirjeranittah Colman. Ann'
f the local Liberalism, '
day with $70,607.77 to the good as a
result of his year's work "winailiz
say that, �
through the I wh9le of their married
"Liar!" thundered the Icing, affect-
ink a terrible passion and giving !U11
great quantities of rich food
for dinner. Arld after the show I see
determinitrig never to 'visit liar aigaiBl?
Let me Nftbwr to ,the girl who is
pillars of who
as Bitting cIoRe to him on the plat-
souls to Christ," .
This return for about ten
I existence, tbedr, husbands. have not,
� said a kind word aboluit; their ducking,
i aooks,'or. anydiing else that
Yelli to his acting powers.
This completely unnerved the -tar.
them sating and drinking as heartily
as if they had had, not a bite all day.
OV0110 rtO give Way to teellngs of de-
Asolation., "While there Is life there
We have had enough of those!
it lca'l Jerecal alle." he cried nut 1
a audleneq rose to the Joke.
,work, more than the presIdent oE the
United State. has drawn the same
gives -
� great AIW of satIsfaction. to the f(aal-
Mind, - '
"Shiver, me timbers, cap'll!" he re
monstrated, "that's *at the lubber,
U it any wonder that -your men and
'women of wealth are to grosg of
to hope!" 'Me bright-eyed, cheary
girl allways fares roast. It me its -not
ughad and clapped voolterwelly.1
d. perhaps for the first
time, Is evidence that from a monetary
standpoint evangelistic work Is more
� I t allne
. . Married life means hard 'work for
me to tell 'eel."
, I I I I I
'figure and ab heavy of feature?" -
MIle Marthe Lenclud, Parisian otar.
bom with a cheery manner, set_ about
Wring I
me -t without loss of time If
time in his,
fe, the valiant Welshman stood com-;
profitable than playing professional
: .
�. Ae woman as well as foil the, man,
l and the woman being ,the More sen-
I ._ -
XapPIlkg AfFICH. .1 i 1
I I I . . .
I 1. I , ,
You would secure all thatimakes'lilife .
briglilt and happy.
10t.61Y nonplussed, for it wna ,,t�
ntil the meetinir was over that be'
baseball, The Rev. Mr, Sunday re-
cently refused, an offer to go back
'the "majors'
. . fiditive and subject to nerves, needs
The .British,, colony of the 001a
Outl[Aor Will Try For Diamond $calls
. .
�lLxid out Where the handour had come I
to once more. The lull
Awement was but $500 a month.
more kindly praise and apppea&wtiola.
. . , But It Is wonderful how reserved
Coast with Ashanti is about as large
as Ontario. A Map of movi. than
,,. Butler, the crack Toronto Argonaut
sculler. will compete In the Diamond
mil . LETT -RS FOR .
. . I - I - . I
1� "' _- - , , I
Soya" thousand a Month looks bet.
ter to 'Billy. Besides he
man�s bump Of sympathy can be culti-
.vqted by a clever woman
forty sheets In four colors had now
Sculls at the Henley regattai and so
4 1 . CZDRBJ1SA1IlAlk`EL
. .
I The: Dropped Afteb., I
thinks he
can do more good Ill the. world preach.
? Who should
gently Insist ,at the very begIluixisig,
-!&* It Is. nee assary to her happiness
been finished. The Gold CoasE Is the
first of the BrIdsh tropical African
,'good.an. authority a
as "TO " Wright
'says he has an excellent chancAe of
Few frocks, undermuslins, stacklings
. such things
and there,'are plaiialy
"A man who has once Murdered ' A
can's English 'always feels as if,'
In than playing bull!
' During the Past season. Billy Soar
'h�_ th;wt he should feed her enthuslasta
I I �
Calml0o have a complete and
modern Map oil a scale large enough
WInnitio, Butler sailed In Siline, from
Queboe. The Ottawa eight sail br
mamiked diaittals; which one- may per-
chase by the dozen and atta6b. to,the
'Algot the bodt"under the, Earn. I I
6 homicidal in ' the
. day broke all evangelistic records for
money eariled, I
� occasionally '
, I Another In the spoillng of a
I �afui
to shoW a great dqal'of detail, The
surveys and map have cost $940,000
lthe game beat. I .
- Butter has a�new cedar shell, which
"Dug artlelog. Wlii6re th(We.Awre
slavellal Children lietair an age or'size
, We.;
tch may be cured. bu !
t he
terror bf at attack returning., !
I ... I -
Thd Side He Would Choose.
ibusbapd is permitting unpunctual .
Ildbilts. .
and nine years of work, The, map was
�aeesohirj as. A basis for economic
built by Sims, 'the famous Ila-
�gltoh, boat builder. 'It WeIghs ' 24
tbds "it save Considerable dimeafty
OWS -It doesn't matter. what be�, fell I
The wIt Of the Due de Moray, who
Said A Young.wife the other day: "It
took me three years to realize thai ,
development. Gold is the chief pro.
duc� and the mining compadlej are
Itounds, and Butler ts delighted Nt Ith
lit, He Is hAvilalk, another 'L shell built
and mile* lanuoyance Ifeach'11tille be-
I g ref. Ill,
011glAn, Is ca, U mairked or Is-
� beled; I L I 11 LL
, �� what he does;, he way live Ince &I
fiat orvirite'like an n`robslug,61�
, , � but
ig'altch omitted from Ill
was believed to be nalf7brother to
Napoleon III. and Is chief assist -
In the eoup d'etat 1851,
1, I � my tears and cross looks over my
spoilt dintieze and his uniputictuatIty
�Axporttng More than $500,000 worth
of it a mouth Disputes over the
illy Sims, which, will be ready fo� use
',on arrival at Henley.
.,Zlts maYL be maTkod'by the nains
' will wreck him,at th: Islet.-,
,ant of ,wag
only. equalled by his political sagacd
. ty.
I :
, Were use , less. I must have w,ept bix-,
)role of tears before I learned that"my
boundaries, of 'minging, claims and
other property were incessant, but
I . 11 . .1 ..
! I .
and, address,Wxstfien on slilps, ,writcon
� Jn Indelible MR, at- coume� and pasted
. I
I".. ,
..'a. MARRIN'Stutp,el,
According to bla most rodent bio -
grapher Frederic Lohee, h oems to
, �.
� fhUsband though dreadful'ttin
L Ugfitiessi
even African coloulao. that have little
'L , ,
�� Saylugg of Confucius.
inadde,l0a hat,band. "
Rubbers. MBY 'be MaTkdAd in the Rome
L I .
; "In thp beautiflid city'. qg'Bfiasug
nist olflithe per -
feet dye, "It Is said," a lady re.
� , �W,as a-reasonlabali man, and that I had
: LQVIY to exPlailn sensibly and, quietly,
or no gold find thist it is worth all it
Costs to. prodi;ibe good maps Of the
Study without, thought in val�;L
Laught *Ithout study 'is dang6ous. .
�aobilml,, Or one may mark the -
- I nallmle
In draid b�k -r#gUt Ju ithe-overilhoe Uself,
00 16 Perhaps .'the. only Alitae 'in
k;woxJ& treated by'whita
mark6d to him At a time of political
"It is
I I �wirthcut tears, that it would: be befter.
� tfor.usl both and I would have a f.ai ,
4e , possessions, . Nowhere In the
worid Are surveys and fillip, making
� "Love is to conquer belf and 'm
to courtesy. Could .w ' rp-
a bu t coApster
thavgb " da Zbot -arwa*0 'go mitis.
(�r se 0
WtLi # ffrnt Method. �
men to,la��.
k4ro. 141A 10 the statue of j*jjU_Ito,�
.- _
gro s0dier 'Who rek 'd to - hadil �
�_ ..
excitement; said that A clean
Sweep 18 to 'be made of the
I Chamber
,of Deputies. 'What �lrlll you do, Mon'
: better chance of managling my house
I lespably It I should depeted on him to
pushed more rapidly than In
Africa. The German tensheet, maps.
Jecif. and ,turn tO couripsy, for bilitTone
day, sill mankind Would tUrljL to love.",
f CIA TeIOB benvdiverabAE6 *mayi'.bo
lic I .
� stybes.of
wa the Argentina fl* aftian hicli"gi
df 'the SplanIgh noldlerAyl.4arlag' jb�;J
Rieur do Mornyl?" "'Madame," said the
maker the Secou'd Empire, "if
likeAsp time."
I I It is a WmIan's own fault. If her
of Togo . and. large parts of German
East .and ,SoutIrwest AfriCs. and, the,
I .
-L L I *
� "The milin eli�xd t the truth, truth
- I ,�, , ! .
p .1
ptninot lexalt the ran. . ,
I .
I �aPAat'br'USlAg,d9f8ront
,1' 4 o' t' ea,oh I B�-a Ror6an lettor'
, _ . GF on, letter LIOX aa.
fall- 4 a Ic�u ". a ,block
h0t Ariantine, revolutjc��. had wi6'
. . . I
(that down Wthe Sila�vitsh." ,�. I
-of the
. broom L Is' to be used, I shall try to
place *my,�elf on the side at th
5 e-%
1111!A 1 0 Usw U I
. . Steamer Greyhound
Going to Detroit -June 14,
Return from L Detroit -June 17
. 2Y2 Days in Detroit
Detr6it Tigers and Penll; �
nant Winners' Pla�
. Ball,June 15-16
Crescent Club of StratflArd. Special Train
. to the )!
Goderich Band Moonlight
r , __
Thursday, June 13, 8 p. in. ,
For Particulars see small bills or vnite
'L I
I E, H. .A.-Y.UIR, I
'T. P. Ar H. A91L. Detroit
I ,husbakild' Is irregular In: his habits. ,Camerona ard among the beat maps . , a rgtuk tile"efrort above the prlge 41§e add, a script,fox a third. These, - � .r. . L I 'L'� _ � I ! handle." I . 1. I I ,
�, 'and in the ordinary household; Where' of the kind ever Made In neW'L landR. Imay be CF0460, love." - "e, may, be purchased , M_J_=t.r.e _14.ek.,pl. The Detroit Excursion. .
&a , . [siness'llellre The Frendli, Eugh.,ali and Belgarlan. I . . . Oi = alroiAdy 6s. I L I I L - : I I I I . . I . i
man has his fixed bu . . P 'A geetlemAn , is p1pagant, Unit ,*-tied, with &4b le*r alr6ady am- The production of miniature or , The Eternal Feminine. L M)nerva Encanipment, 1. O� � 0. P., ,
,punctuality can always , be gently Jull are almost' equally active, and the fulsome: the,vulgar'are fulsomal Lut ,,gld., .-in one corner. I (acidel abr6PISL66-has now been car... '
siStLd upon, , I � . hundreds of map sheet% novr before' not pleasant' I.. . I ,. I � I I I a . I I . - I , Ked to the point of 'furnishing thern, "A woman never feels'good unless has complated arrangements with the ,. 1,
0 'A' � . the* public' give a far more accurate ' I LtVith she loves someone."
I , I . � 1. I I. , actual motors not much larger ence between being fotd G. T. R, for the rail part'of the 1. �
-,�_� I . J I I 'Imitation lace ofthe finer type I� ,than the 1paltu'6f. tlj6 hand.'and "' Groyhotind -exe rslon, Goderich to
, . Idea of the rezionis they ,represent ; I . , . . � I I "The, differ L .
. WITH than could, have been derived from ; A pWelllljilrot�eied- W, L cap- 1 of a woman and being really fond
, adding, now. wq-ndgh porfeat,,� end many, ble of driving th t Of u
� , I . a toy machines' at � her is not as easily explained to he Deti;oit oil Friday, June l4th L
I I LACE oonSAGI-1. , any way at, Alaska published twenty- � Not ,long, ago the daughte harmling examples 8". ,show 113 sail. 6ne ,6t thesb 'naffilature I I
L . I I r of the c u With tr,
I � � 1 All-over Irish ' I five years ago. ; ' woman as to oneseIL11 , L: - A speciaL 'tin will leave Stra�-
guipure f I . .1 *IU)IU&.S Of %leltOM(A I " a
L ce of orms the chief of police of a big Eastern clty� . v thTW','wbkh elnw PI � ,as which his a length of sov- "The * for q 12
bodi a handeorild,rece 77- ts marriedL The next 'd L', I 11 h a r6he ,effect.� � .'This ,type 0 , L, fe - a Wing span � of eight, feet, , penalty "' , E; a
I �'Jt" dress ] � L Relatlol)S� aY a WOMDA 84V , 1.11 � f lace 12 I Mistake """' F':i'lay' "" ' ", �-Ppin& t , , - ,'
is lou .1 ch W raquilist IpDi tunics and mill. . I heavier than the Penalty for a sin " all stations
on the bolftin. The lace is, titled I ' I who expected an Invitatio ' le 'tb 13111111 " , ad , welg�sArbul ,,I �11-2t pounds, , "With llfe� at v0thi botim a wo��an . . � I I I
,g' and is findshed w it, A it �ap "R L I had ' . ' ' , epinsedl,iton-lai Air., . icyu - ts mot an Rattitning special traila will leave
1�1 hem. stations have 0, Wonderful natural �Lha Weddln� . and'iiad beeti it isappoll t- r�ery., and ll:ulte a do, L - I g"Pline, to IS' 41. eye eager .tQ peep �at the last , .
: mr1th sherry Colored chif gift of being rude to each other and 'ad -remarked acidly: I I I anged round, th�, , ,� I 9)Wned ' ' Lrlv a by a gasoline 'engine Whose , , L ,W Goderiefi' on Monday, June 1,7,Lh, at I I I
of lace hangs belo, taking undue liberties with each ,"I understand' It was' onp of the Wilda clust& Of4l, .� ou I , ,_. I I Ld I lm4nsiohs� are no nidre than six ly 11,30 �p. in., running through to 1,
I �, L I .
sell. which to at th . gas, time,and temperament. Us. policed affairs of the ytaar."� at the 'side, , , , , � � I �L four Inches, by two Inches.: Witighapi and Stratford, Ask R. R, � I .
I . __ L I I t I . � L' ches, by
, : - pil , I ,' . I - , I , iMr,1,1,1_.1_1,r I L
, =111n. I lithors' put I r I -
,: J____-_____-_. _,i1_1 - ... 1.1---_ L I � I - - � ,� , 4� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OUS PAGE No. S. I
" I ..": - -1 1� ' ' al��Ielll,
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, I . I . I I . . I I : I � I I
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I . I I I 0 1 1 - 41 � OAn ; _ ,e 8 1 .
I . . pay , .a. Is C & b 8 'r'' sp. , .10 , o ;. Tit - New'wRecord
1: '50 .ce,q ts, W4111 , , , '"' . .
" I L L, .11 I I � 11-il � I .. I.. I I, ,,!` '' I I. L. �, . I 1. I. - . I I..'' 11;
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