The Clinton News Record, 1912-06-06, Page 1n"7
No. I735 -32nd Year
Sirthdaq and Wedding • Sifts
For gift giving we believe there is no store that
offers so many pleasing suggestions as the' jewelry
rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Pins, Necklets,
Lockets, Chains, Pendants, Stll'er, Siber-
2bare, Cut Glass, Brass . and Chlnalbarh'.
S'o many lines and so many articles in each' Line that
'with the moderate prices attached it makes choosing
satisfactory and easy.
Latest styles in wedding rings.
W. dell gar
feeler and Optician - - Clinton
The RoYal Bank
Capital $6.250,000, - Reserve $7,000,000.
The.Annual Statement, shows the following Increases for 1911.
191 II
Deposits • $72,079,607 $88,294,808
Loans and Investments 55,283,676 62,790,072
Total Assets 92,510,346 lIo,528,51
207 Branches and Correspondents a ondeotsthrou8hout
the World.
R. E. MANNING, Manager - ' Clinton Branch.
emir 1Ii'e Molsons Bank
s n���oa �w�a wo un�o eon mg period named we have had a[most no trouble, and many of our
The •News -Record to Dec. 3Ist 19I2'' far ' 50c.
Clinton Lodge A, le. Sr A. M. will
attend 'devise service in St: Paul's
church on Sunday evening 'next, '
I Preparations are being made for a
garden -party to be held' on :the 20th
inst. on the lawn of Mr. W. Jackson.
i Mr: Geo, East carried! off the !aur-
els at the shooting match between
Zurich and . Clintons on the local
grounds on Friday evening, when. he
broke twenty-five straight, Mr. J. E.
Hovey also did wets, breaking twenty
three. Clinton won by two birds,
An advertisement may not be able
to opera5a.- wonders in a day or a
week. Seed sown en the spring does
not mature for severer months. The
ti maynot knowhow much
good his ad. is doing him. 'Buyers go
to him, as a rule, say nothing as to
the ad. They may not think the
ad. "had anything to do with. their
going to him. But they saw his
name In the' paper week after week'
and bt suggested their destination
unconsciously perhaps to them,
The following extract from a letter
recently received by Mr. Jas. Fair
from Messrs, Bruce C Weelson, Glas-
gow, Scotland, speaks for itself
"There are firms that we have
done a much larger business with
than yours, butt we have correspond-
ed with none whose conneotcion was
held In such high esteem as yours.
For thirty-nine years we have re-
ceived flour from, Clinton, and due -
Inge that long period
iod our correspond
tcnee Witheach other has been of tro
I/most friendly ani amfcabIc character.
'Such a result is rare in the flour
i trade, because all flour millers front
!lime to time ship flour nob up to
—' Ithe standard. Of your shipments
we have to report, that during the
s have bought your flour for
shipments with greater confidence
than they would flour shipped by
any other milling firm. ,
Our Senior remembers the visit to
Glasgow of your father in 1877 or
( 1878. The result of it was a friend -
step, that only ceased with his death.
• He was the soul of honor. You
adopted the same high-toned business
few onih ago MissJ.u -
m s.t t
ledge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Rutledge, sustained injury' by falling
upon a pile of wood which had been
delivered to the Pastime Club and
left laying on the sidewalk. Miss
Rutledge's claim for damages was
compromised at fifty dollars and the
settlement was accepted by the town
council Monday night. There was
consideablc discussion and the
council decided that steps be saken
Record of Progress for Five Years -19062=1 t
'CAPITAL 11)00 , 00,
RESERVE . , $6,,000000 $4,0600,000
DEPOSITS. 65,04':,311
LOANS AND. INVESTiMENTMTS , 27,457,090 38,854',801
-,., ...-ir0TAL ASSETS r. t 33,000,19e 48.237,294
Has 83 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all
the Principal i '
Cities of the World.
at all Bratichee, Interest allowed at highest clement rate:
Clinton Branch C . E. Dowding, Manager
ei t i�
1 i n' s
Every man
what it is
-look the fact that you are
view to other people, and
pends ' in a great measure
clothes how you are sized'up.
You Y can find here the
that will be worn this season
best dressers.,
You willZ
see the handiwork
theartist in the liberal
drape of coat that outlines
—and the graceful ease and
the trousers.
and three bit to n
that it
new fabrics
ndiw rk`
• lapel—the
the figure
• to
e range
the latest
br s •
Suits$8:50, H,. .00
� $ I0$I5.00
i -
Our •.L
Leader at
We are showing alar
patterns at this ripe cut
p � u
sty les, good linings and
Ask to see them.
that wears a suit t bou
to be well el
1 dressed,
O dered and ReadY to Wear Clot ' ag.
ci A Square Dead' for Every
to secure ties amount from the .Pas-
titine Club as the responsible parties.'
It was argued that if, for instance,
Councillor Ford lett barrels of salt
or Councillor Morrish a bale of mer-
chandise on the walk in froirt of their
respective places d eith-
of business an
obstr c ion was the dect .a u
of tn;ury to a pedest.uan, it would be
only a°matter of simple justice that
whoever caused the obstrubtion.should
pay any
bill of costs that resulted.
Mayor Gibbings, Courisillor tied.
Jackson and President Rainsford of
the Board of Trade were appointed to
represent Clinton on a delegatdon to
wait upon the county council to ask.
for a grane for a Huron Publicity.
Campaign. This ,excellent Idea has'
been taken up by some public ,spurted
citizens of G•edetich and good results
are withconfidence expected,
Reeve) Canton tilted the experience
of Norfk o'Y
of cunt Wand said "Norio!
is really no o s w'
h a county as Huron,
but t the people there hand made eiore
of their •opportuaities, Take fruit,
for instance. They had a''isplay' at
the Horticultural Show- in ` Toronto
last winter that was a great ads=ere•
tisemen•t for. it wag so 'well gotten
up that it was the talk of all i utters
and et as we,'I got big publicity ui
the 'newspapers."
Councillor Thompson drew atten-
tion to the Fast driving" tiat has te.
so prevalent since Clinton's
smooth streets have become the
all and sundry. ,The
1 e
worthy councillor likes to see a horse
or auto move along a•t a good rate,
but the himit'is-'exceeded when • a
touring car sweeps -through 'town et.
thirty miles an hour or ;a 'horseman
uses the public highway for. speeding.,
The pedestrian hasrights whioh iecust
not be overlooked. •
As Chief Wheat'tey •cannot very welt
be everywtliere at once and • Sergeant
Welsh is tq be reserved for night divvy;
the c ounciI' decided
to .engage a man
to ring the town 'bell and look after
the stock scales..
Macadam' i ng will begin next week.
Albert street will first be finished
and 'then `Chief Wheatley well ,begin
on Ontario street.
Councillor ' Fred. Jackson said that
the use 'sof, fireworks on the business.
streets should • be regulated, Ot
Day it was a decided nuisance
end' -emlangemed r,life and property.
Twelve doilarsr-was anted for the
-gr o
School Scholars ,Sports to be held en.
June 14th, that � Friday of` !text
Carl Draper was added to the fire I
brigade in place of ' hick Tasker who
is •down in Brabtford engsged in. }toe i h
fessi'onal.hase"all h
lir, and Mrs, W. Ii Ball of Fair-
view Farm,:'Hulie'tt, announce the
engagement of their daughter,, Bella
Beatrice, to Mr, W. S. Reginald
Holmes of Clinton. The marriage
will take place at their.retidence on"•
June the 19th,
Monday being King. George's birth-
day it was observed in Clinton a's a
bank holiday, the banks, schools and
public buildings only being closed,
Citizens not engaged in any one of:
the above named unstitutions mani,
felted their loyalty by hustling as
usual, thereby helping to build up the
prosperity of tote town.
Mr. Johnny Dodds of Seaforth, aft-
er lookingover other makesof, s
has bought Clintonr
g a to motor truck
which will be delivered res him next
week. Mr. Dodds realizes Oat if he
can save a day' a week in the delivery
of his goods that he will'havc just
so' much more time for manufacturing
or for recreation, just as he chooses..
At a erecting held on Tuesday even-
ing of those interested in seeing a
good, big skating rink built in Cline
ton, and to consider the proposition
of an outsider to build a good rink
for a bonus of $600 and freedom from
taxation, it was decided to ' pass ar-
ound a subscription list amongst our
citizens and see with what encour-
agement would be met. If suc-
cessful enough to warrant such a
move an effort will be made to form
a local company to undertake tele
project in prefereno; to giving it to
an outsider. The matter was left in
thehands, e a
of a representative ,sentatr c cour-
m,ittee consisting of T. Jackson Jr,,
A. J. Morrish, Harry Barthiff, harry
Twitchell and Dr. Shaw. It is safe
saying that the project will receive
every encouragement and that by the
opening of next season Clintou wet
have an up-to-date rink.
Chief' Wheatley received an'anony-
mous letter the other slay from an
indignant •citizen who has been wor-
ried by persons, not always children,
either, trespassing upon private }ro-
perty, plucking flowers withou\tleave,
etc., and when remonsterated with,
"giving lip.'"The writer wanted to
know if there was any law Whi•,h
would it
o, chouseholders
,, t
1 from such
annoyances. Presumably there is.
The British law protects every hinge
lions a man's life down to 'lie ver-
iest tittle of property, Bub :a a
town like Clinton it showed not be
necessary, to have to resort to law
foe any such cause, The r.nitireron
law of courtesy, and respect for the
right's of others, which is suppeeed
to be inherent in every true 3ritish
breast, should suffice in a ease of
this kind. When -anyone takes the
trouble to plant a garden„ thee nu -
ding to the beauty of the lawn, it
cer;!ainly should be allowed to grow
unmolested by alien hands, nil if
there is. anyone in Clinton so lack-
ing in right principles as to thus
meddle wilts the property of others
it is hoped that he will mend his
Ways, forthwith. As a cure for this
bias of meld The News -Record would
recommend the "gettlpg back eo the
soil," that is get to work and cul-
tivate a garden of his• own.
Two weeks ago The News -Record
made mention of the serious, illness
of Mrs, ,James Ferguson. At that lime
she was very low and the end was
almost hourly expected but later she
rallied soniewhatc,'so.muoh so ;•hat.
those in attendance upon her were
almost led. to hone for her recovery,
and in thisc di
on non she .re 'n
mal ed
until. few w hours before her death,
which occurred at'the home of her
daughter,Mrs, A. Osbaldeston, early
Sunday morning, ,
The deceased, who had • reached her
sixty-ninth year, was born in. :eopl, V
Scotia of 'Seottilslr parentage, . •tint
Id -1
a spent practically all
her ;fie •
P Ysu
Clinton. I a u.
Her husband and four
children survive ; Mrs. Will garter
and Mrs, A. Oshaldeston of 'town 1; -
Miss Clara Ferguson, New a e so ivew York
b , a
nurse, who;was with lier.. mother dine'
in the lasttent
days of her life,
J. C. Fer usen of Redlands
K ,
The late Mrs. Ferguson was a wo-
man. of rare strength of character,
kindly, and a good neighbor,. and she'
enjoyed the esteem, of a large' cit-•;
cle of • friends. . She was a • life-long
Member of -the Presbyterian church,'
and attended service on the morning
at the,day when her fatal illness
"seized `her,
The funeral took place' frons the
tonne of her son-in-law, Mr. Will
Carter ,',Princess street, "on 'pueeday
afternoon, the services being con-
ducted by Rev. D. K. Grant.
The pallbearers were :Fred. Jack-
son; R. J, : CJuff, Jehtu Cuuingliame,'
James- Whilcinshaw, . John 'Leslie,
I il'iiam G. Smyth. ,
Amongst those from t f '
n0 ht ,tear toit
N. 1 were present fors the funeral
were : Mr. D. McLean, 'd'i 'Brussels,
a unmle of, deceased,I;, Mrs. ''hos.
Mason` of 'Seaforth ;, Mr. and' Mrs,
in BenmillMr. J
Munh gs of er ; John
Ferguson and Miss Nona Ferguson,
hayfield'; Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter of
Auburn,; and others, Several very p
aposome floral offerings were . sent
y sympathizing ' friends. I w
A' number , of bur citizens went
down to Brumfield on Friday oven -
fug lase to witness the football
match between Seaforth and Bruce
field whirl resulted in"a win few the
"Rovers," The trip was made in
.Elltett's motor bus.
The Rev. C. W. Trotter, missionary
from Assiout, Egypt, who' is conduc-
ting a series of special meetings in a
tent on Albert street, is a vigorous
and original speaker. Those' who
have' not yet, heard him should en-
deavor to do so before the meetings
Following are seine of the changes
made by •the stationing comnrilltee of
the London Conference
in the sur-
rounding district : Empress avenue,
London, 'Rev. 1: Wesley Cosens , Bel
grave, I. Kflpatriok'; Blyth., George
Jewitt ; Nile, C. C. Couzens i;. Watt-
on, Ie. L, Harturn ; Exetbr, ''N. Cr.
H. McAllister ; Hensel', Robert
Hicks ; Hocmesville, R. J. McCor-
mick ; Dorchester, E. A. Fear , Glen-
coe, Richard Hobbs'; Yarmouth Cen-
tre, 1V. Conway ; Hyatt avenue,Lon-
doe, J. E. J. Millyard ; Ontario St.
church, Clinton, S. J. Allen, from
Following is a ?St of some' of the
successful Clinton students 'vhe have
been attending the Faculty of Educ,-
ation, Toronto : W. J, Doherty first-
class Public school certificate ; bliss
Edna V. Cooper, Miss Isabel G.
a .1. C. Copp„ High
assistant's certificates ; W.,B. 'Tay-
lor, High. school specialists certifi-
cate. a Congratulations
arc i
n � order
and are extended to these young peo-
ple whose efforts along a chosen line
have received a just reward. Clinton
students usually
stand high, however.
Nowt, ri.
'(`hes' have the grit .and determines.
lion which spells success.
The town was again alarmed early
Tuesday' morning by the loud clang-
ing of the fire alarm and on investi-
gation it was found thrill hie ;more
cupied house at the the south :end of
Victoria is street was in flames '1 he
building being of frame, the fire had
(gotten too much headway before the
!brigade appeared and it was almost
completely des.+royed. The building
belonged u r. "
to 11 Thos.
Marshall and
there was a small insurance oil it.
Citizens in the north end of the town
were much alarmed at 'uist as the
flames could be, plainly seen and it
looked like a big fire. The uefgirt
fs unknown_
Mrs. homer. F. Andrews passed in-
to the unknown world early yesterday
morning after an illness extending
over several months,
The deceased lady had been in ' de-
licate health for the pass+ couple of
yearsbut her conciti v
c li on was not con-
sidered alarming until last autumn,
when her trouble took a more ser-
ious turn, and since then she has at
been v
timesb e ase severe r. She\ • '
l C bag.
however,always liatiend and resign-
ed, bearing pain and weariness with
great fortitude and cheerfulness,
Mrs. Andrews' maiden name was
Orilla A. Ward,and 1
0 a . n her birthplace
was Fingal. She had spent all her
married life in Clinton, however,
where she had wen many friends by
her gentle, unassimiing, womanly
Besides her bereft Husband, two
Children,, one 'son and -one daughter,
survivee', Frank and Amy, bath at
Mrs. Andrews•was •a Methodist, be -
in ammb
g member of Wesley church,
The (unmet wi 1 t •
1 ale c to -mor-
t -mor-
row afterno
on at three o'clock.
C1pC .
On 'l'hiirsday af!airmail. last the
members 'of; the Clinton branch of the
Women's Institute, to tile number of
about nineteen, went, up to Blytb to
attend the district
ntcotin • i' •
was held tin Mill's hall on that'' date.
'(`lie ladies had procured for tile oc
C SIU �l I
s, n 1. tot s
1 bigmotor usand
h it
proved ' to be 'a comfortable and
speedy mode of cgnveyance and they
aro, loud ini their praises ofthe ca
A re
and skill vvi�,i
which "Gabe" handles
the huge machine.
Among those who attended were :
Mrs. Munro, president, ` -Mn.sMason,.
'secretary, repreeentatives;• Mrs.
Dodd,' Mrs. " Kearns and Mrs: Chant.
Also, Mrs. T'lynn;'Mrs.H. Ross, Mrs.
Johnstone; Mrs. Barge, Mrs. H.Fitz-
situons, Mrs. MacMurray, Mrs. ;,clew,
Mrs. • Elliott, Mrs. Hail, Mrs. and
Miss Levis, Mrs. " Turner, Mrs. Chains-
and Mrs. '`Hartley.
The meeting was of , air interesting'
and profitable cbara�rter, being ad
dressed' by Miss, Margaret Allen, . of';
Jarvis , oa. time subject of ;'; I-lolire:
Nursling" and Mrs. Dawson of I',erlc-
hill on "Motherhood," Mrs' tine -
Murray , of Clinton' also ccntribut'ed'a
Anumberd li ' In'
large attende laird ,
stitiutes throughout the; district' be;
Ing, `pretty well represented,
Phe Bh.,vth tad, s 'proved tlhemseiu'es
hospitable hostesses, serving a very
appetizing• lunch alter the meeting.
The drive to . Bly'tlr and home. again
on' . '1`httrsday was noe the least
leasurable part of the day's pitting s
aad was thoroughly erijoYed by those a
ho took it in, g
Mr. C. S. Hawke will preach, 'ext
Sunday. morning. In the evening the
choir will give a special song service.
Mi. 0, H. Holland will preside.
MrvOtto Filnic has invested in a
motor cycle so can, during the, sump -
mer and early .fall tnon'ths be ,entir-
ely independent of livery rigs, rail-
way trains or any other made of con-
veyance. Mr. Fink has been :en
expert bicycle ' rider so is Trite at
home withthe more modern motor..
propelled cycler
Of' Rev. S. J. Allen, who according
to the first draft of the London
Conference 'is assigned to Ontario
street church, Rev: T. Wesley Cos -
"Mr, Allen is s an
cellent preacher and good pastorend
his wife is a great aid to him in
his work. Mr. ,Allen is finishing
his fourth year at Windsor where his
labors have been fruitful,"
It has been decided to make the
School Scholars Sports this year a
regular ''Maple Leaf Day." The
Kittle Band will he here from Lurk -
u, know to enliven the proceedings end
it will, indeed, be e gala day. Pike
a date to stop in town that day, that
is Friday of next week, and help
Make the S. S. S. in ('linen
year the biggest and best ver.
'1'I3E FIRST sII00'1'.
'i'lte first shoot in tee series of the
Huron r
" .,
]ra she
Trapshoo s. League, which
took place here on Wednesday even-
ing of last week betweeni•the local
club anti one from Hensa?l, resulted
ire a win far the visitors. The scor-
es fade were not; up •to the usual
percentage of several of the shooters
owing to tee high wind blowing ; mid
the poor light, it be:ag in the • dusk.
Creation goes to Ilensali.. this evening
t ol .
p 't} the return match. Foltosv-
iag is the score ' each shooting. at
twee'' -five bunts :
Clinton—Vevey, 20 r,• Cantelors, ;8.
Lawson, 16 ; Graham, .101; (handier,
Sete feet of a special character wore
held in St. Janes Cathedral, 'E'oi'on-
to, our Suaday morning when twenty -
,sex young men , presented them selves
and were. admitted
tots holy ord r.'
Y ev by
the Bishop.' Fourteen were received
into the order of deacons and revolve
, into the order of .priests. Among the
former was Mr. !Frank Herman„ a
well-known C'lintontan, who has been
appointed to a charge at eremite' ;
and among those ordained as priest
was Rev. ,John Hervey • Colcloagh,
son of ,lir, and Mrs. Joseph Col-
clough of the Base Lane. it is wor-
thy of note that both these ••ours;
men were formerly printers,, the for-
nice having served his time on the
New Era and tire latter on The News -
At the regular muting of the Cldd-
ovvs on
Tuesday evening ad
ant little departure was matte from
the usual order of business, when
Noble Grand llellyar, on behalf of
the .members, presented Mr. James
Tucker c and Mr.
A. F
Collyer •
cuc b
with an Oddfellow's pin, together
with words or' regret. at •their ,intrud-
ed departure Ironer Clinton and ap-
preciation of• their work as Cddfel-
lows, The reap rents were both much
surprised at the turn affairs had tak-
en, but each thanked the brethet•mi
heartily for the token of good fel-
lowship and for the kind sentiments
Messrs. Tucker and Collyer leave
pea, they
for .Saskatoon Sa katoon
s whets
going into bu t
are both good Oddfellows and will
be, mueh missed in the local lodge.
The Girl's Club of Willis ciurch
gave a concert in the lecture; room
on Thursday evening last which prov-
ed to be
quite a success. The pro-
gram, which was put on by about
thirty of the junior members of the
congregation, consisted
part of
a,lettte play entitled, "Tom Thumb's
ledding The principle parts were
taken n b' littleMiss Katharine Franc;
as the bride, Miss 'Isabel Johnstone
as bridesmaid, and Masters Frank
Hutch as groom, Robbie Middleton,
as groomsman and' Frank Smith " as
officiating parson; The tale 'f•ride
and her at endant were daintly and
prettily gowned and looked vary
sweet and cliarming, and all perform-
ed their duties 'very creditably,.
After the .ceremony "Me'. and bins.
Tom Thumb," attended a concert, the
•remaining' part of the program
consisting of a number of chore
fuses by the little folk wliichwere
well rendered. • The mouth organ set
cottons of lit'tle Miss Jean Simpson'
are also worthy oif mention.
'1'o Mas, Cachet is dime nrielt of tine
credit for' the training of tdie' ^•hill'
• uh.d 'n It
r n': w vets res r t o el de -
e hh w l-ot
rmante of the different �er,M different pacts,
Mrs Grant and Miss Havel O'Neil
were accompanists,
The platform • was very prettily de-
tonated with foliage and flowers, and
there was a good attendance. •
The proceeds which, in spits of the
mall entrance fee of ten (lento,
mounted to a nice.litthe stint, will
o ttowards paying for the new piano.
Mr; Cr. D. McTaggart was in Torotisq
this week, '.
Rev. T. Wesley Cosens is attending
conference this week,'
her. John Rumball of Toronto was
homeever the . week end.
Miss Mae East was a visitor fa
Toronto oval; the holiday,
Miss Isabel Gunn leaves next week
on a tip to' the Old Land.
Miss Ida McLennan •spent a'few days
this week visiting Guelph ft -ands.
Mise Edna Cooper is home from tire
Faculty of 'Education for the .tong
Mr. 'and Mrs. Hugh Ross and',. Miss
Jean attended a wedding at iillere-
\ ale this week.
Miss Margaret 'Dowze'r of New Lis-
keard is the guest of he,: sister, Alts.
Nelson Bell of town. ,
Principal Hartley wee in !
otoaxi an
Friday en business with the De-
partment of Edupation. •
Miss Pearl Foster of Clarksburg was
'the guest over the week end of hex
cousin Miss Mabel Kerr.
Miss Mary McCaughey its spending a
few days.' wits, her sister„ ;vlrs,.
Jas. Reyoolds,. Goderich.
lilr. R. S. Holmes, London, has teen
;Milting his brother, Mr. .'bice
llolmee of the Huron Road:
Mrs. John Wiseman , ham returned „£ter
a lengthy visit with Hamilton, Tor-
onto and St. Mary's friends.
Miss • Jeart' flogie, of,.Goderich is
spending a coupe: of weeks with
`her aunts Mrs. H. Pennebal:er,
,hfrs, mule, wife af Accountant ,'aide
of tire Molsons leant, has gone to
Morrisburg ver an erl'andecl visit.
Mrs. (Rev.) Mills and babe of Hel-
ena, Montana, is the lie g ucst
of the
lady's grandmother, Mrs. Howson.
They intend making quite an ex -
ten visit.
Dr. W. P SI'ruthers, •'fined cal health
Inspector for Toronto sche\nls and a
fernier teacher in lluron, experts to
leave an an extended tour of the old
country early ;2 ,Lily. '
Rev. J. E, Fond, left„ on Monday for
St. Thomas to be present for the
sessions of the s'ationing eaiiivait-
tee of the London Conference, The
Conference opened ,yesterday.
Miss Beatrice Banisher°, who return-
ed from London, England, a coupie
of months ago and has since been
visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. Ilei -
tar, left yesterday for Port Arthur,
where she will accept a position.
Mee. J. Wilford and Mrs,. Robt. Nes-
bitt of Blyth eisited their .,inter,
lens. T. Mackenzie, Jr., during tee
forepart of the week. Little 'Mese
AIaoKenele was in Myth for a
forttnight with his aunt, Mrs. Wil-
ford, .returning home on Monday.
Mr. Ed: Floody, revenue officer, 'f, r -
onto, has not, his 'easy old friends
will regret to hear, yet fully _evere
erect from his recent accident.' The
injury sustained was to his ('nine,.
and it is wieli consi'derar,le diifficuliy
that he is able to gee around at all.
Messrs. C. J. Wallis and It L. Men -
nine; are the lay delegates apoinse-
ed from Wesley congregation to the
Conference which opened in St_
'!`Ironies yesterday. Messrs James
Stevens and Loren Tyndall are Pre-
sent as delegates from the Ontario
street church.
C. C.
Rance who �* n hatsn
in a reir!ed house since Ire remove!
from Clinton to Toronto, has just
bought a nice eotnfoeteble house au
Wells street, a short distance from
iih-du ,
rst the north-yvestwrn see -
non of the city, a very .good rest-
denteal distrioti.
Mr. .and Mrs, J. E. Johnston and
babe of Howard,. Sask., arrived en
Monday from the west and are the
guests of the lady'smother, iars.
Nott of Ontario street. Mr. 'John-
ston is a westerner, this being his
firs' visit east, lie .will:cairn
• borne in the course of a few ,.e les,
not being able to shape 'business
man that,
but Mrs. J
stop '
b be probably
ronin the greater part of the sim-
bb{c. Gets, C. Thompson, who has !:seta
out in Saskatchewan for the past;
few months looking after the pro-
perty of Its brother, the late Jam-
es Thompson t
p on n Kipling Sask., re-
turned on Thursday last,
While • Mr. Thompson thinks the:
west is a great country, he was
glad togetOntario. backto n i
O .tai o 'I',he
west is too big and• too uncertain„
hess. Old Ontario a Onta a IS .IlIOL'CC^
tabic anti g al,
� ether 'a .' pleasanter
t asante+r
place to live. tn. '
Mr. and Mrs. John Ric -mend blaster,
Lloyd left yesterday for Bowman-
ville wyhere they will : in. future TO.:
side. That is Mr. Ricers 'old 1 oils.
town so they do not by any tneaais
go Ganong strangers. 1t is' over
six years since the family came 'tea
Clinton and they ,liare since grieser ,
,steadily un the esteem, of our cfif-
zees and much regret es expressed •
at their departure. The Clinten •
latchstring will always hold '.cut
Or Mr. and Mrs. ' 'Rice: The ••Peticer
purposes, keeping iu'toueli with'• his
business patrons here by all leas;` ,ns.- ••
nual visits, •
1 ALS:
'(hue • Hunan' r0
n Medical
Assoc ainuin
meets in Sea£brth one Wednesdal Pen -
The offices 'of W. Brydone and C.
B. Hale •will be closed Wednesday :inti
Saturday afterhoons front' June lu`tls
to Sept. 15th.
A baseball match wilt behs,3 ed tines'
P l
afternoon between the local teamne
a 1_',
Wingbam. Next Thursday the • local
and the gun. club go to Zurich,