HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-05-30, Page 530th (912 Clinton News,...11e,cord C weather, June. rL , 'A eregular ' storm' 'perked tiuIk ifeene, 'the 3d'to the:9th of J,tufe, Jene' solstice 'Will impinge tipon Wei ' ,:peeitede ausing electrical storms to 'continue and reaching a ,erisis ,en the 9th. ,The moon is ,011 the equater on 'that -dee, , and the minuet magnetic crisis extends iron the 8th to the 1.5elf; to thet thunder• storms will be ereqiienti violent I or several , days 'at this time. Heavy and sometimes ealinormal.rains •occer.' during. the June poletica, with the .barometer a ' tele ' belew normal. • ', Ae'reaotionery storm perked jails on the 11tle;.1214 and 13th, precisely at „ the crisis of electric and magnedife ex-, eetement. Afternoon rains and' thun- der storms will be frequent and vio- lent, continuing for 'day's, partly ob- Ittering be interval between ' the storm periods. New moon' the 15th will' keep up the temperature, deprese• the , barometer and help eo prolong threateeing conditions. . 4. regular storm period Is 'central on the 16th. A very low readirtg of the 'barometer, anywhere from the 16th to the 21st, 'must be taken as a done- e]: ' , A reaceionary storm period falling on the 22nd, 23rd an 24th, will most likely take 'ep and prolong the tend- ency to afternoon and evening. thund- er showers, coming over from , the preceding period. While an excess. of rain will 'not reech , generally over the country; haymakers and others 'will do 'well to figure on frequent showers, • A regular storm period Is, in pro- gress the last four days in June, Cen- tral On the 28th. Look for falling barometer, growing cloudliness, and -areas of vete Wind and .thundee on the 28th, 291h and 30th. Thus says Hicks the weather map of St. Louis. St. Helen's Mies Roxie ,Hetheningtoe, a steno- grapher in Ottawa, is home for two weeks vacation. Mr. Lorne Firth of London is at present visiting at the home ot. his t aunt, Mrs. R. K. Miller, Mrs. Finlay of Wingham spent a few days at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam J. Todlese week. Mrs : Jas. Mitchell of Toronto spent the twenty-fourth at the home of her father, Mr. Jack Webster. h ' The Misses Need° Brooks, Clara :1 Weeds and Pearl Todd held a pie- I nic on, the 24th and all the children ei reported a pleasant time, Mr: and Mrs. Henry Woods spent 9 &lk Iley with the latter's mother and ? father, Mr. and Mrs, T. S. Jobb of 0 Wingham. t Miss Mime 'Rutherford of South- d • amPton spent Sunday at 'the home of het :sister, Mrs. Isaac Miller. Mi. and Mrs. Jas. Irwin, Kinloss, I spent the ,24elk, with i,','latter's e eh' father, Mr. and) Mrs,' I eem. Woons. Most' of the pupils of Mingliam and 11 ,thederieli ,High Schools spent the a 24th under the parental roof's. , It is hoped they will all lie successful h at the Midsummer examinations. Mx. and Mrs. John Atnsbury of 1 egenghani called on friends around St. r Helens on Sunday last. ti Miss Ida Joyeit of Luoknow spent a few, days with her aunt, Miss w Fanny Joynt. Mr. John Patterson was slightly en_ er Oderich .Mr. Andrew :Witgra aS011, .aa, old re- sident of CicideXieli cleoPPed 'dead 'Mt north street 'Mr ,WednesdaY 'of. thee Week. Heart , failure Was, the cause of of hiS "Saddert call.. The lieeeee cominieioners for Cen- tre Huronmet in the coutthouse here an Wedilsday afternoon of last , week add took the matter of' the, Goderieh Recipes inee Consideration. The two licenses eukoff en accord- ance with the byelaw, passed by, the town council, are those of the Huron House on the square,' and the ICing liklWard on"King street,. James Rey- nolds is proprietor of the Huron Hotel, and Mrs, King hold's the lic- ense tor the King ledward. The license, of the British Excbdrige Hotel es extended to June, 15th -in order that the house may be sold to a man suitable tee the inspector. 1W. J. Farr, proPrieteor of the Un - Ion Hotel, who made the charge against . the late chationate of the bowel, is given two months to sell out, but the license well be contin- ued to the hotel. The new chairman of the license board it R. J. Cluff, of Clinton, Provincial, Inspector Snider, of Tor- onto, Was present at the meeting.. • Mr, James B. Reynolds, who leas conducted the Huron I -louse for the past couple, of years, has bought the British Exchange and gets possession OR the, 14th' of June. Mr. Alex. Robinson, formerly, of Clinton and Hayfield, will conduce the Huron House. Mr. and Mrs. Whitman, Miss Idly Thornton arid Mr. and Mrs. George Bisset -0 attended the funeral of Mrs. R. k. Routledge of the Nile on Mon- day. , At the annual meeting of the Uncle erieh branch of the Women's Inseit- Me, held at- the home of Mrs. Cor- nell, the following officers were el- ected : President, Mrs. C, Young ; Ace Mrs. Sevartson ; see.-tireasitrer, Miss M. E. Salkeld ; directors, elre. M. McDonald, Mrs. R. S. Craigs. Mrs. Alex. McLean ; district direr - tots, Mrs. D. MeNevin, Mrs. Jas, Buchanan, Mrs, A. Higginson, Mrs. C. Young, Miss M. E. Salkeid ; au- ditors, Mrs. e' Red, Miss D. I'm'. or. Rev. Dr. MaeGielivray gave a very nteresting lecture in connection With the MaeGlilivray Mission Band of enox thee& reeently on "Things Chinese." Mr. and Mrs. Isham, who, have een spending the reentex in New "orke City, have arrived in town and cave taken ,a cottage for the seni- le]; on the lake shore. Manager, Horton of the local branch C the Union Bank, has been granted cave of absence for 'six months in them that he may take a trip hrough the west. Mr. J. G. God - it of Toronto is 'taking charge dur- ng his absence. W. T'. Merney • and .1. F. Andrews viii supply the meat „to She military amp • next month, Joseph Baechler, he hay, oats and straw, H. J. A. Me - wan, the wood, Thomas Videau, the our acid A."J: Cooper the coal oil nd bread. The 'trustees of North street church ave decided to build a new - per- °nage on the site of the old one. 'he neinistee's family will occupy the esidence on the Sneath 'estate while me work is going on. The Literary Society in connection eli the Collegiate Institute 'present - d Dr. H. I. Strang with a fine por- ait of himself one (hay last week ;lured coming home from St. Augule- , find on the 21111 by his horse shying at an ace.). Exeter 12:oter will shortly vole 'upon a bylaw to raise $5000 to improve the • drainage' of the town, The ratepayers on Monday almost unanimously voted in favor of a by- law to raise $5,000 for the improve- ine,nt of She sewage system. .The vote was a small one, 186 ballots be- ing., in favor and only I). opposed,, a majority 01 175, A large sewer is to be, laid on Main stimet, from the postoffice to the rive ex: The debentures will be payable e in, tiven ty anneal hietalmente. Grey Township Miss Jennie Belt, of Morris, was a vicitor with Miss Hazel Rozell, 5th Wm. Rands,, 12th eon., hes been laid off work owing to 'darnaged.ribs, received by a fall. W. J. and Mrs. Thompson; of St. 'Augustine, were visitors at' James 'Armstrong's, 10th cont, last week.' Mrs. Jas. Gram)) and Miss Jeae, • 14th con., were visitors' ai the manse Wingharn, for a few days with the former's brother, Rev, D. Perrie, and family. The Trustee's of S. S. No. 3'Grey, are advertising for a new teacher af- ter the holidays oefing to the re- ignatien bliss Mary Mc:Arter. Mrselebeelen were it South- aretpton visteing their eon_ and daugh- ter -el -law,' over the holiday. Thee,. Stevenson, 3,0th eon., has ar- rived, home . from his Winter's so- journ in California. P112 I'OleilLAR GUELPH MOOR- • • SION. ' ' The popular excurseon' to Guelph •metier, the auspices • of the Farmer' Institute, will take place on, Satter - day, June 8th, by: thee. P. Me with ,• the teivilege, of remaining oVet at Guqllfih 'until Moeday, Excureionises well heve a 'eplendid teay's outing with, the 'opportunity of seeing 'tee sights at thee,.,Oneario Agefetfieural College geolnide anfl in the 'prosperous, eety, , of' • Guelph. Remetuber ehe Mate — ,Sate urday, June 8th—and Make a peiet of enjoying one of the, best tripe of the sbason., • See time -table in our ade xertising Whitens, a ii hi Ill ti 11I Ic to ea in am SC te eh 're its of C. get t the Institute. Rev. On. MacGill- ray, an ex -pupil of ‚She veteran cd- cator, unvoilea the portrait. A pleasant family re -union was' eld at the home of Mrs. H. liale ecently. 'Among those present were: r. W. J. Hale of Mount ,Clernens, Mb., Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hale of oronto, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. ale of Clinton, Miss Maud Hale of oronto, and Mr. and Mrs. 32. B.. ale of Stratford. Mrs. and Miss Hutchieson, have re- uned after spending. the winter in ontreal and are occupying their old once, Glengowan., Pearl, the fourteen -year-old (laugh - r of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hunter, was lied away on Sunday week„ follow - g an' operation, for the exemoval of abeeis on Saturday. Present indications promise a good ason for builders in Godericle , as great many buildings ate in con- mpration. Conductor Alex. Mitebell has pur- ased ,from 'Mr. G. M. Elliott She sidence on East street Which he a seen occupying for some The engagement is announced df lag Violet Cameron, Murphy, sister Judge Murphy of Vancouver, 'B. , ,to Mr. Jas, L. Ki?loran of town, he marriage will take place very letly in Toronto in June. Morris Town'ihip ides. Joseph Street, 6th line, who was visiting het daughter, Mrs. Geo. ,Caltibick, at Cobalt, has arrived back home. While playing on Monday week at echool, Alvin lladgley had the mis- fortune to fall and 'put hie shoueler out of joint. On , atiaclay „June 8th the electors will he asked to vote on the Beidge 13y -Law, whereby the Council ask authorifie 'to borrow $23,000 on 20 year debentures o be spent iie build- ing bridges and making improve- ments to same. W. B. • 'Wilkinson, Huron toweship, formeely of Morrie„ had a rather, had accident ' ' one clay recently. When coming olit of his gate his horse, bee came frightened at an auto, and in leedeavor to control She animal, the Hee broke ; so the boese away with Me. Wilkinson in the rig. It jumped, a • wire fence of W. C. Scuttles anil meth the 'horee Oct • one gide' 'of ;the ,fence' aced Al e .beggy 'on the , other,, it was' caught. Theee' was sonic . damage 'done to 'both 13:1IgKe, and. baefteteei het, Pe'l'idiee NIfilkinSor 'nor ,the leoree, were, LeacIbury Several from' around here , attendee the lying'o( the cother sloe() Of the Mw Presbyterian church, at Wallop on Victoria Day, ' , • , . Miss Liezie Shannon, spent the heti - day Mith" klamilten, friends, 'Mr and' Mrs Cartel of Saints - bury. visited ,,I.mailbury and' Wallop friends) last week. , . ' Mr. and Mrei' F. W. Scarlett ' end babe left on' Tuesday 'Ain a trip to" the western province's,, Messrs. Wm. McCella ane Aiden efleGavin spent '„Saturday arid Sunday in Stratford. ' Mr, Wm. Seariett and his, daugh- ter, Mrs. Clark,' of tendon are vis- iting friends 'in this vicinity. ' Winghatn. Resiitents of Weigh= , complain of cows ., walking over their gardens nights and if it doesn't stop there sell be trouble, they say. Miss Heughtmes residence on thecorner of John and Frances streets has been • sold to Mr. J. Henry Christie,. ) .Mr. A. Crawford received a car load of runabouts last week and has disposed of several cars• during the past cal ight. Miss Edna Alcott of Bruceeield was a guest in town last week' at the home of Mr. A. E. Lloyd, Mr. A. H. Musgrove, M. L. A., re- turned last week atter a trip through the wesacrn provinces. The membees of the Young Men's Bi- ble class in the Meeemlist church gave a'banquet in honor of thcer late, tea- cher, Dr, Price, one evereng recently and presented him with a- handsome reading lamp. Dr. Price has recent- ly sold his practice in Wingliam and has gone to Orangeville. . Mrs. Peter Campbell, who was in- jured some weeks ago in a runaway, passed away Wednesday of lase week. The late Mrs. Campbell. was Ii her 511th year, a, member of the Presby- terian church, and is survived by Iceshesband and a grown-up family, The funeral took place on Monday. Mr. Stewart Young of Elora is the new G. '1'. R. operator here, succeed- ing Mr. Geo. Lamont, who intends -baking a trip out west. The river flats have been flooded by the recent heavy rains Pub 1'40 ser- ious damage has been clone. Mr. L. Pearen has gone on a visit to hie son in OWOSSO City, Mich, Miss Ida Rich of London, formerly of Wirigham, visited Mess Eva, Patt- erson last week. • Killed By Quinsy Lucknow, May 24—A death oc- mirred under very' sad eircumstanees at Keinlough, a. few miles north of LueknoW; this) morning. Ogal Tweedy a promitent farmer, was taken Only a couple 'days ago. with quinsy. Early this morning the swelling broke and the accumela'eed pus, en- tering the lungs and air passages, killed hem instantly. He leaves sev- eral of a fairely. Deceased was a very hard working man ane identif- ied to a considerable extent with the Opening hp Of that portion of the eetun try . Live Stock Market. Toronto, May 27th.—Union Stock Yards—Receipts were 1e9' cars, with 1,924 head of cattle, 1,189 hogs, 206 sheep end lambs, and 116 calves, Cattle—Extra choice heavy S leers for butcher and export, $7.60 to $8 ; good medium to choice, butehereoads $7.15 to $7.80 ; common, $5 to 56 ; canners, $3 ; choice butcher cows, firm at $0 to $6.50 ; bulls, e5 lii $6.25. Stockers—Steady demand at 85.35 to $6 for good quality ;. extra choice heavy feeders, $6.25 to $6,..50, Calves—Good veal, $3 So $7.50 ; bobs, $1,50 to $2.50. Sheep—Market lower; ehoiee errs, $5 to $0.25 ; bucks and culls, 14 to $5 ; spring lambs', $1 to $7.50 each. Hogs—Market lower, at .48.40 f o. b. e $8.75, fed and we-etc...1 ; and $ee 10, weighed off cars. There was again a very active de mend for butcher cattle, Montreal and diCier points making large • in- roads on supplies scarcely equal to local requirements. The reettit was a Very strong market ter buiclece cattle of all grades„ and an advauee over last week's prices, 'if from 15e to 20c, Choice loads of bueelcer sold freely at $7,50 up tie $7.80, and medium butcher strong at $7.10. Rat- chet cows and bulls were strong in proportion wleh 'the general advance, selling strong at $5 to e6.75, and one or two sales of extra choice at $7. For the export trade there was a lull in the demand, and prices en this class woes inelinecl to ease off a -lit- tle, and at best were barely steady with last week. Sheep and lambs were steaey at last week's prices.' Hogs are weaker, and are quoted 2.5e lower than lase week, at, $8.75, fed and watered, $8.4.0 1. o, b., 'and $9.10. weighing oft cars. BABY'S OWN TARLETS. , A MOTHEIPS STANDBY. Mrs. Wm. Kernaghan, Cat:Weight Man., says.: "I always use Baby's Own Teleets and feed them an excel- lent remedy for Bette ones." Thouse ands of other mothert say tlie seme thing simply Itemise they have found, the Tableez the best inedione to give their little' oboe to make teething easy ; to expel worms ; relieve coil- stipation and to make baby plump healthy and strong. The Tablets are gold by medietne dealeror by 'mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, •Witliarns' Medicine 00., IOnt. , ' •EAS'ILY .P,ROVED. Lady (to small 'bee Wile) flehieg) 'el wonder What your father would say if he cauehie,you 'flSbing onSun- Bny "1 don'tYO4 had better ask him, Teat's*blew a little farther' up w the stream." Bleeth The bee demoiestratiore which wae advertised to take place at the alI- iary ) of Mr. Carr of Blyth ter Fri- day, skill be held on Saturday, Juno lst,, instead. ' Me re.jiaieSyl'ilfjobr hsaosmebeweneevkiss'itbillneglaSitn theie week left for Porcupine, where heis interested in mines. Rev. and Mts. Small enterelined the members of the choir of the Presbyterian church at the manse re- cently, , Mrs. Hall, who has been vesiting her mother, Mrs: John Bennett, has gone Ito Belleville to reside. The Ladies' Aid of the, Methodist church 'held their annual meeting re- cently when the following officers were deified : President, Mrs. Huckstep. Vine, Mrs. Slater. Treasurer, Mrs. Haggitt, Secretary, Mrs. I. Brown. • Asmstant, Mrs. W. Johnstone. Chaplains, Mrs. Mains and Mrs, King. Auditors, Mrs. Besse and Mrs. Bender. Organists, Mrs. Chellew and Mrs. Newcombe. A congregational meeting was held in the Presbyterian church a ,ouple of evenings peevieus to the spatial meeting of the Presbytery, on Friday last to coneider the call of Rev. J. L. Smali to Hespeler and to en- deavor to bring forward sufficient reasons to induce him to remarf in lelyth. At the meeting of Presby- tery,however, • the call was accepted by Mr. Small and his transfer to. the Guelph Presbytery was granted. Mr. Small leaves ?Myth almost im- mediately and his induction into his now charge will take place in the Course of a week or two. Mrs. J. Wilford has returned after a vesit with Clinton friends. Me. and Mrs. A. Vint of Stratford have been spending a holiday with re- latives here. Marriages PATTISON--GLO USHER—In Hullet May 151th, by Rev.:left. Miller, at the residence of the bride's parents, Edgar Pattison of Wingliam, to Kate, it'aughter of Mr, John Glousher of Hunch. DIXON—FINCH—In Clinton, oa May 23rd, by Rev. T. Wesley Cosens, Dells Hazel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Finch,. to John F. Dixon both of town.. Births HUNTER—In Goderich, on May 10th to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hunter, a daughter. COUT'FS.—In Wingliam, May 15?h, to Mn. acid Mrs. R. A. Coutee, a son. LAYTON.—In Tnekerstniele on May 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton, a daughter, KENNEDY—In Tuckersmith, on May 13?h, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Kene nedy, a son. Deaths DEEVES—At Portage la Prairie, Man., on May 0th, David Beeves, formerly of Clin?on, aged 09 years. HUNTER.—In Goderich, on May 19th, Pearl, third daughter or Mr. Sam,- uel Hunter, in her 11th year. JENKINS.—In Colborne township, on May 17511, Chane Shaman, wife of Janice Jenkins, aged el years, 6 months and 6 days. NEELEY.—In Seaforth, on May 19th, • Sit;PS011 Neeley, aged 47 years and 3 months. • REINKE.—In Brueefield„ on May 200, Dorothea Pell, wife of Mn. John Relnkie, of Egmondville, aged 71 years and 6 months. LOST—A CHILD'S GOLD SIGNET ring, initials, '`C. R. J.'' Reward Will he given for tits mean to - 0.12, Jeakins, The Rectory, Clin- ton. —34. FOR SALE.—I HAVE RECEIVED a carload of Western wheat for feeding, You can secure a quan- tity at Trick's Mill or at my place on the Hayfield Line, Godereth township—John Thompson. --30 STANDPORD (12810) FOALED MAY, Obli 1910 of Imported stock, is a dark dapple bay, face and feet white, has • quality, style and ac- tion hard to beat. • Is perfectly sound, and heathy and weighs over 1500 pounds at two years, of age. Standford is very intelligent and docile and was a prize -winner • at the Guelph winter Fecir 1911. Ilis, Sire is Bunny deer (10924) G. Sire Sire Hugo (10921) G. Dam Rose of Anchenclich (16203). His dam Golden Rose (13952), elle by Guinea Gold (13020) G. Dam Rose of Sande evaith (18156). Will be bred to a 'limited number of healthy mares at Iris own stable, lot 26, eche 6, Hullett. Terms : $12 paya,ble Jan. 1st. 1913. For fur?her particulars apply to Fred Holey, Owner, ROPERTY FOR SALE.--efFIE houee on High street belonging 'to the Downs estate. One quarter are of lance and geoti orehatd. At Present becapied, by Mr. Fred IIBI) —Apply to W. Brydoeee • eL'313-4 PIARAI FOR: SALE,—LOT ' 38, CN., n 2, Stanley,' 2. mile fiem Clitone consisting of 55, acres; Good eMied- engs'bank barn with windMill our, impleepefit) hoese, pig pote good wenn frame house. About 10 aercs of spring eimp, 2. lieees of roots, 1 'acre orchard With all kinds of fruit,' '18 acres of Lay, 0 item of nerd - wood bush, remainder of farm in pasture. rl'he land Is 'a good clay loath. 'Possessictn to suit buyer:— John Jervis, Clinton, P. 0. —12. ON'ekele0 LIQUOR LICENSE ACT. .License District of Cemere Huron.--, Notice: is hereby given that Ede Ward R. Swartz of Gotiettleh has made application for permission trasfer, his Tavern license for the premises. known as the Britesh Ex- change to Jafnes B. Reynolds of C4oderih, and that said application will be considered at the meeting of the Board 'of License Commis- sioners to Ice held in Me court house, Goderice, on Friday, June 14th 1912 at the hour of , two o'clock. All parties interested will govern themselves accordingly .— Oliver Johnson, License Inspector. Dated at Clinton tide 28th day of May 1912. ONTARIO LIQUOR LICENSE, ACT. License Districe of Centre Huron.e- Notice is hereby given, 'that James e3. Reynolds of el.:Merida has made application for permission to erans- fer his Tavern lieense for the :pre- mises known as the Huron Hotel to Alex. Robinson of Goderieii, and that said application will be' con- sidered at the 'meeting of the Board of License Commissioners to be Held at the court house, Goderice, Friday, June 11th, 1912, at the hour of 2 o'clock. All 'parties ineerested will govern themselves accordinely.—Oblver Johnson, Lic- ense Inspector. Dated at Clinton this 28th day of May 1912. FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 29, Bayfield con., Goderich township, containing 601 acres, more or less. Small orchard, good spring water, frame buildings. Land has been in pasture about five years. Feu Maher particulars apply to William Turnee, :Lauder P. C.., Manitoba. care of Mrs. W. Grieve. —37* FOR SALE—FLO CR AND FEED business, established 24 years, de- livery add dray business in con- nection. Together with store and dwelling of seven rooms, Good brick stable also on premises.— D. S. Cook, Clinton. —31 DRAIN TILE FOR SALE—WE have a large stock of tile on lia.nd 'ranging in size from 2e inches to 10 inches, also a good stock of brick. 10 and 12 inch tile to or- der. Work e half 'mile east of Eg- ID ondville. Phone 9 on 145— Kruse Bros.', Egnionclville. —33-1. AT WALKER'S FURNITURE store you can have your baby car- riage or go-cart wheels re -tired in half an hour's time. No weal's.; for material, we have the machine and the rubber on hand and will do them for you weile you wait. • —31 IVIEETING OF THE HURON COUN- ty Counail—The Connell of the Cor- porateon of the County of Huron will meet in the couneil chamber, ice the Town of Goderioh, on Tues- day, June 4th, at 3 o'clock, Ac- counts against the County will be considered if placed with the eaerk before that date.—W. Lane, Cletk, Dated May 20th, 1912 —3,1-2, Canadian PacificRailway EXCURSION —TO— G UELP H tinder the auspices of the West Huron Farmers' Institute SATURDAY June 8th Special Train by C. P. R. Leave « Time Adult Goderich 7:20 acre, $1.55 McGaw • 7:33 1.55 Auburn 7:43 1.50 Blyth 7:55 1.40 Wallen . 8:07 1.20 MeeNaught 8:18 • 1.10 W. Monkton 8:10 1.05 Melverton 8:45 .85 Millbank 8:56 • .80 Linwood 9:05 .65 Wallenstein 9:15 Elmira 9:25 Child $ .80, .80 .75 .70 .60 .15 .55 .15 .40 .35 .30 .50' .25 •Arrive Guelph 9:55 Returneng, the speckle' traie well leave ,Gitelph 7,00 peen. Exclusion- ists from stations Goderleli tp Mc- Naught (inclusive) have privilege of remaining over and returning by any regular train Monday, June 10th. A Trip Full) of Ieterest. This is the popular trip of the seeson. Come with its and 'see the famous Provincial 'Agricultural Coll- ege;. lice Experimental Pewee, a place of never ending attraction 'for agricule 'Wrists and horticulturists ; MauDone ald institute, and MacDonald Hall, two noted educational centres of sped- ial interest to women ; the' Consolid- ated Rural School and School Gar- dens ; Hon. W. J. Hanna's celebrated Farm Colony ; and the many points of industtiael and commercial) Interest within the city of Guelph. A day of. Educateort, Inspiration, Recreation. Do not miss it, .T., MA/LLOy041, W31. BAILIE: 4Dwigahnon) Pres. (Dungannen) Seoy. eleell•PessIsawsiesseisewasimasimmem•••••••minseilat 'art. JOHN Irtct. wiLL BE PLEAS- • ed to continue tuning eienos for those who, in the Past,. He ha• g thus eeved. He extends his best thanks for past favors, hoping for a continuance of the same. • Any- one requiring :3110h services now kindly leave word at his residence James street, is he exPeete leave town about tit first, week in June,' —33. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hand, also ag- ency for new inaelenes.—A. Hoop- er, Albert street. —Me FOR SALE :—A QUANTITY OF Lumber and enaneling and 21 and $0 foot. 'reacts, 2x6., -Apply at W. Walker's luraiture Mee. —31 FOR A GOOD LEATHER 'rep Phaeton euggy.—J. Twitchell. & ,Son. • —30. JAICTJUM CLEANER TO RENT BY heat or day. Indispensable at housecleaning time. Also for sale two 'second-hand bicycles, lady's and 'gent's.—Apply at home of Mrs. A. E. Turner, Queen St.. —29-1 FARM FOR SALE—LOT 14 MATT - land concession, Township of Col- borne, consisting of 90 acres, ' all cleated. Clay loam and first-class wheat land. Four aeres of young bearing orchard, first-elass fruit. Good frame house wig). cellar. Good barn with s?abling under- neath, driving shed with cement pig pen underneath. The farm is sell fenced in 10 -acre fields. Two good wells, e mile from school, 3 aules from Ifolmesville and the same dis- tance' Crone Benmiller. 6 miles From Clinton: As the peopicietor is ill and unable, to work the farm at will be. sold on easy terms.—L. Penn- ington, Hohnesville P. 0. FOR SALE — BLUE BARRED PLY - mouth Rock eggs, $1.00 per 15 eggs. Also a few White Cochin Bantams, eggs $1,00 per. 13.—Jabez Rands, Clinton. • —24: FARM FOR SALE—Lot north half 26, con. 12, Mullett, consisting of 50 acres. All seeded down except 10 acres. Small orchard. FraMe house and bank barn with stabling. On Gravel roa,c1 1 mile north of Lendesboro. I wile from school. 'APPLY on the premises or address Richard Shaddiek, Londesboro P.O.. —75 PROPERTY POR SALE—Hardware business for sale in Hayfield. Two- story building, store, workshop and ' dwelling combined, also stable 26 x 36. Three lots with orchard arid small fruits. Terms,, seasonable—Ap- ply 'So R. Rouatt, Bayeeld. —74 FARM FOR SALE—The Executor of the Southeomee estate offers for sale 50 acres, being east half of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett, This,,is a firseeclass farm, well watered and improved and 'with good buildings. Also the undersigned offers fox sale lot 29, con. 6, Hullete, consisting of 100 acres., These farms may be bought together or separately.— Apply to R. J. Southcombe, Clin- ton P. 0, —89 SPECIAL JUST. RECEIVED: A CAR OF EXTRA NO.1 FEED OATS, ALSO A CAR OF CHOICE FEED WHEAT. L. •SUITTER 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Store EE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY FOR COMBS AND BARRETTS FOR SAcTURDAY AND FOLLOW- ING WEEK BUY WHERE • YOUR MONEY GOES THE FURTH- EST. a- i C1001- • PROPRiETOR, ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD TILE BRICK TO ORDER All 'kinds of coat on hand,: CHESTNUT SOFT' COAL STOVE'• CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE ' BLACKSMITHS WOOD eae in., 3 in. and 4 in. tile Of the Best Quality. ARTHUR FORBES Opposite the G. '1'. R. Station,. BARRED ROCK EiGGS kin; • a .wern on at -red Rock's., at Clinton 4 ,first., $ second, 1 third, and epeeital for beet . coeiectieu. Pea 1, mating,. Mewled by eVlitlard • e,00kerol., Limited num- ber settings, Eggs e2.00 per 13. Pea , of) erel mating, headed by Mil- lard cock. Pullets in title pen are • good layers. Eggs $2.00 per 23. ' Pen„ 3, utility pem headed, by a cockerel bred from one of the best laying strains he Canada. The pullets In thee pen were bred fro/a , 17 s" of my pullets which layed 436 eggs in 31 days, Eggs $1.00 per 15. I guarantee a good hatch or replace setting free of charge. —H, .A.. Hov- ey Clinton, —24. oti••••••"••••••••••••• i CAMPBELL'S SOUP : Have you ever tried it? • • • . One of the roost de- • savOry and tis-': factory soups of the day. : • Nourishing too becaude • Campbell's Soup contains : only the best meats and • vegetables, a few of the • : kinds we keep. : • • • • • Consomme, Tometo, Chicken, • • Chicken Gumbo, Mock Turtle, • • Vegetable, Beef, Mulligatawny, • • • • • • • • • When the gong like distant el • thunder, • • Calls us to our bill of fare, • • Then how 'anxiously wonder, • 2 Will good Campbell's Soup be • ; there. • • • -- - • • : See Our South : • Window • • • • • • • W T. 0!NEIL • . W. • U • "The Hub Grocery." • • • S.. ••••• Watch Faults Does your watch run correctly. If not, let us repair it lee you. It may be only dirty and need cleaning, or stop foe lack of oil. Whatsoever the reason, don't delay. We give thorough examination and regulation free. Anything more costs as little as satisfactory work can be done. A. 3. GILIGG Scientific Jeweler and Optician CLINTON, ONT. NOW IS THE TIME +-I. FOR -1--e Plumbing, Evetroughirtg and Stove Moving All orders promptly attended to. Prices given on roofing, sid- ing an all contract work, BYAM & SUTTER SANITARY PLUMBERS. Home Stuowl Thousandsof ambitious young people are being instructed in their homes by OM' ROM Study Dept. Tee may finish at College it you desire. Pay when. ever you wish. Thirty Tears' Exper- ience. Largest trainers in Canada, Enter any day. Positions guaranteed. If you wish to save board and learn while you earn, write tor particulars. NU VACATION CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE CEO.'SPOTTON, peewee:we all1111111111111111111MMIMMMI TO THE PUBLIC HAVING BOUGHT THE WORKSHOP DEPARTMENT OP THE ROWLAND HARDWARE BUSINESS, WITH WHICH HAVE BEEN CONNECTED FOR' SEVERAL YEARS, L AM PRE- PARED TO RECEIVE\ORDERS FOR THE HECLA FURNACES, PLUMBING, EVETROTIG-HIN0,, PUTTING UP STOVES AND • REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS, ALL OF &MICH WILL RECEIVE MY) PROMPT ATTENTION. Al CONTINUANCE OF THE PAT- RONAGE GIVEN THIS DE. PARTMENT IS RESPECTFUL, LY REQUESTED, PROMPT ATTENTION WILL' BE GIVEN TO ORDERS LEFT AT ROLAND'S HARDWARE STORE. Pbbna 52 ,T. D. JOI-INSON