HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-05-30, Page 4Clinton Nevis -Record May 30%1912 1912 Coderieh Township Holnmiesville, The marriage of'a couple of young 'A happy little gathering was pre- Joseph e at the home of Mr sent 1 former rc:ir ts ef this town- ship ship but now of Toronto will take place next week. ; The News -Record Es not at liberty to give the flames; just now: You will see •them in` our marriage column next week. • Mrs. M. J, Scott of Nelson, LI was a 'i'ietiter at the home of her brother, Mr, E. I . l'owell, over the week end. She left on Mondaytor,. Ottawa, `where she wit'. visit for a time before returning to her home in ;idle CoastiProvince. Mrs, "Harry Thompson, returned iron, Lucian on Saturday;; haying.,beei call 'eh there early the the week'ovving to the illness 'of her mother,. Mrs. Pa- ten e, who is in a'.Critical ..condiaim following the second stroke.of par- alysis within a fortnight,,. New Ideas in Wall Paper WE E litutestly believe that the WALL PAPERS we have are ,just the' quelity, ;just the style, just the shade, and ,hast the kind you want. And we know that if the pattern pleases you the price will please you, too. You live with a Wall Paper so long it pays to be particular what "kind',you get and where you buy. 1\'e give sgceial prom- inence to the newest ideas ism the line of decorative :at, and shall he pleased to submit, sam- ples for any work you may want done. ALL PAPER TRIMMED 1;'REE COOPER & CO. 1 Proctor on Tuesday evening of last week , when a number of the' parish- ioners of St. John's church foregath- ered there to de' honor to tite or- ganist, Miss •Proctor. In a' few well chosen introductory remarks Mr. Dunbar explanted the oiejeot;of ,the gathering and expressed ac - the pleasure they had in making. knowleagement' of the •faithful ser- vices rendered by Mss proctor in the capacity of chur^ii organ:vt., MIS Sturdy. then in behalf of the congreg- 1 alien presented Miss Proctor with a gold rocket and chum and a Jiand- some silver -mounted comb and brush set, while the 1t0Pc was expressed:on all sides that she might long be spar - 'eel to continue the good work. I1. During the evenvigvarious games were indulged in and later an eXcell- est• latch was served by. the ladies, land after a pleasantly spent social evening the company separated with 'expressionsress ions of mutual good will and good fellowship. , Quite a number .from this vicinity took in rile holiday excursion last week. IMrs. (Rev.) C. C. Commis vietted her son, Rev.Mr. °omens of Marta. Misses B Stanley L 1 ev andLulu .vii 1 holland visited 'in Toronto. Mr., A.J Courtice ran over to Buf- falo and spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Elford. He says Buffalo is a large city and seems to be full* or autos, so much so, that you have to be constantly on the watch for them. In six minutes he count- ed fifty-lvo machines passing or; one streets where Ise happened to be standing. iTho township council met as a court of revision and afterwards for township business. I The appeal of p'rederio'.: Tebbiutt was susit tined and his , assessment lowered $200. The appeal of John Soworby was sustained, he now being assessed for one dog and one bitch. The appeal of Lewis .11dsworth was not' sustained. The following names were added to the roll : Thos. Elliott, Fred Lobb , Lawrence Bell. IThe roll was then read as revised and passed. I By Law No. 4 fixing the allowance for each Road C'onunissfoner and rix- lag the remuneration 'for overseeing cement work was passed. The Reeve and Councillor Lobb were appedated a delegation from the council tie wait on the county coun- ccil regarding the destruction of the 1 Colborne bridge by the spring fres- het. The following accounts were pas- sed :—John Thompson, salary as As- sessor, $110.00 ; John Thompson, post age and Stationery, 83,00 ; John Fraser, gravel, $1 75 The council then adjourned to meet the first Monday in July at 1 o'- clock p. nr,. Mnctrsvinr AND DRr:ssetatei.an Prtolgi; No, 7S 13.EAnt TO P1 rt.,R Couch & Co. MILLINERY SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY navy; grey an these suits sol one suit = We are putting on sale Saturday 15 Ladies trim- med hats. The hats are some of' the smartest and newest shapes trimmed in our cWil work room and are up to the minute as regards style. Your choice of the 15 hats. Saturday $298. LADIES' SUITS AT ABOUT "1=2 PRICE We are anxious to clear out the balance of our Ladies spring suits, Just 6 suits left in stock in d ti\eed effects, satin lining. Some of d as high as $22.00. Your choice of any , - $12.00 Now is your chance ).o buy a good ,suit at about price. Just to hand, this week"t,wo bales of Jap• JAPANES) '� � MATS' ,nese mates good quality straw just what you need for bed rooms verandah. on Porch. Your choice Saturday 35 c JAPANESE RUGS Just to hand this week one bale of Japanese rugs 6 feet,x 9, feet suit= able for bed rooms and verandah yery special for Saturday $1.50 • RUG SPECIAL FOR •We put on saleSat. urday 12 tapestry SATURDAY rugs in fawns � greens and browns 3 yards by'3 yards and 3 b 31 yards good value at $15.00 spec- ial foe Salm:day. $11.75 A good smart, boy wanted to learn the Dry Good. BUSINESS.' HolmesvHle Miss Mandena Holland Ohs London spondtheheholed vs" at her parental home in the village. Miss Tillie Tebbutir.of Woodstock visited at the home of her, father, Mr. F. Tebbutt. Mss. J. J. Odell of Midland, • who has been, visiting her parents, . Mr, and ` Mrs. U Ladd, C has returned Miss Emily Procter, has gone' f' visit her sister, Mrs. J. Lowery of. North Bay. The Women's Iest Lute held a very interesting anis 'profitable meeting at the home of Mrs. Mulholland on Thursday afternoon When two splen -1 did addresses were emiven by the lady delegates ''from 'the Ontario Institute at Guelph. ' 'rhe branch here is , itr a healthy state 'and proves very helpful ti'o the members. Mrs. H. Re, Forster, who has been staying with. her Mother, Mrs. J. W. Yeo,, while her father was in the hospital at Clinton, has returned to lier home.at LocustWill, Miss GraceCo ens has ,been invit- ed it- cd to road at an entertainment to be given by the Epworth League of the church at Stalls on Friday evening of this week, Miss Margaret Allen of Jarvis and Mrs. Dawson of Parkhill„ connected with the Women's Institut ,: were guests at the parsonage for a few days this week, renewing acquaintan- )es with the pastor acid his. family. Mr. and Mrs. hall Routledge and daughter, Miss Emily attended the funeral of the ?ate Mrs, R. R. Rout-' ledge of the Nile on Monday. The News -Record leads for Town and Township News and thrives on comparison: Summerhill Mr. and Mrs. Win. Johnstone of Porter's Hill spent Sunday with Fri- ends in and around the village. Mr. Chas. Bembridge spent Sun- day the guest of his uncle, Mr. Win. Jordan. Rev. Mr. Jeakins, rector St. Paul's church, Clinton, will preaa`i here oh Sunday afternoon next. Miss Minnie Kilty of Clinton is visiting friends on the Base Line. Mr. A. McLaughlin 'of Seaforth spent the 24th at his hone here, Mr. Chas, Clifton spent Sunday the guest of his Father, Mr. Jos. Clif- ton. Mr. Eldred McBri.n spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Vira Heywood is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. H. Methuen. Miss A. Wier spent" the 24th among friends here, L. 0. L. N. 928 will hold its monthly meeting on Monday night. next. , Miss Fere Beacom spent a. " few days with friend • s in Clinton. The News-Recordwn leads for Po and Township News and thrives on comparison. • Football Matches at Brucefield The Brucilfiead and Seaforth foot- ball teams will play the first game of the season at the former place on Friday evening of this week. A close anti exci;i ng contest is expected as both teams have been bard at prac- rice. Next Monday evening another game will be witnessed lit Brucefield when the Rov.ers,and the Brussels !team twirl again meet The contest between these old tune rivals Mal be well worth seeing. Bolt games begin at 6.45 In the evening. Dungannon, Bayfield. Mr. John McLeod of, Grayenlin;st Visiting .ts tin his a ' r 1 I f mil in .th villa •e S C g R y at present. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Glass of Lon- don carne up' tm • their auto last week; and are now enjoying the' .breezes in their summer cottage on the ler. race. Dr. and Mrs. Atkinson of Detroit joined their.' family, who are occupy- ing their cottageon :the terrace, g t , for over the holiday. Mrs. Brandon was, called to Bel-' grave last weekon a account of the serious illness of „her mother, Mrs. Brydges• Mr. John Wams1ley of Detroit and William Wamsley of Owen. Sound at- tended the funeral of, them• brother, Charles . Wamsley,' hose 'remains., were 'n' .rred in Bayfield cemetery on Friday' last. .l'yirs. Milken and three sons of. 13er len were the guests ' of the lady's sister, Mrs Daniel:MoDonald, over the holiday. Mrs. Chesney and son, MrGeo. Chesney; of Seaforth were the guests of Dr. Atkinson and family at their' summer residence over the holiday. A boat load of Clinton young pee- plo spoiled their good clothes and got a seam when they: boat struck a snag and upset in the river en 1:e 24th. No serious damage was done, however, and they were safely, brought to shore. • S. J, Young, who has. been no the general store' business for sixteen years, and who has been connebted with this store for over thirty years, has traded his business with Mr. H. Thompson, grocerylnan; of Gode rich, Mr. Young and family will shortly ,move to Ldoderich. A most, successful 13e 'cream social was'hcld at the Donnybrook Methodist' Church on the evenibg of Empire Day, ander the auspices of the Ha- worth League. Talent from Wing ham„ Lucknow and •Ceoderin'a• furnish- ed an excellent programme. The pro- ceeds amounted iso $47. The annual tea meeting and con- cert under the auspices of the Nile Methodist Churoh Epworth League, on Empire ,Day, was a decided success. The Central Male Quartette, Allen Brown,' the boy soprano, of Strat- ford, and Miss Gould, of Toronto, 'furnished the programme. The funeral of Miss Bell P. Mcr,' Kenzie, whose death occurcd here on Thursday last, took place to Ball's cemetery on Peiday. Deceased is survived by three brothers and one sister. The death of May E. Ken, wife of Geo. Rutledge, of Nile, took place on Saturday, last. Deceased was, 22 years of age.. McKillop Township Mr. Thos. Irvine, : ho.'lras been •im western Canada for the past two years, has returned home. ' Miss Mahe? Bell of Miteluell has been visiting here for a few days, Reuben Hart is gathering 'ream in the north end of McKillop for the Winthrop butter factory. Mr. Herbert Irvine of 'Toronto spent the holiday time at his ' home here. • Mr: John Johnston, who has been ill, is now, improving. Mr. John Munn, who has also been quite i'll, is now able to be about, though not yet very strong. The report on the Titanic disaster by the United States Senate con- mities was made nubile. Should Run to Bayfield, the Best N' tural Harbor on the East Shore. Exeter, May 27.—Ciaiel Electrical Engineer Rothery, or the C. N. it. in company wi;h Stratford and St. Marys citizens,,,was in the town to- day arranging for me right-of-way for the electrical line which the big MacKenzie and Mann Company. pro- poses to build through Western. On- tario, it is proposed to come to' Exeter, via Stratford and St. Marys, and from here go on to Lake Hur- on. There has been sonic doubt as to the terminal at the lake, but Mr. Rotherysaid today that in ail prob- ability it would be Qrand Bend. The reeve of Exeter showed the visitors about town and iintroducod a number of the business men. Stanley Township Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armssrong left Nippon . Tuesday for a tour through the west. They intend to visit in Saskatchewan, Alberta' : and Manitoba and will be away about a month or six weeks, We wish Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong an enjoyable trip and safe h m again. Miss ' Fannie Deihl has returned home alter spending a few days a guest at the home of Mr. D. C. Galbraith of Godevich township. Miss Emma Buil?, who is -teaching near Parkhill, spent the 24th at the home of her parents, Mr. arid "Mrs. Henry Deihl, The annual re -union of the Walker Fatntily will be held at the home of Mr. Janes Walker at Marlc' ic„ Mich. On Wednesday, June ..12th. A most cordial invitation is extended to all relatives and friends in Ontario to Oland. The Family has a ?ergo connection s'u Stanley and no doubt a number from here will as in past years, attend the re -union. Mass Annie Stephenson leaves thus week for Pilot Mound, Man. Mr, and Mrs. R. Hick of London spent the holidays at' the home of Mr. Henry Peck. Mr. Robert Webster of Luekaow spent Saturday and Sunday et the lioiuie of Mr. James Reid. ' Miss Lotrnie Peck, who spent the past 'two weeks, in Clinton, returned home on Friday. Mr. '.and Mrs. Robert Armstrong leave for Pilot Mound, Mari:, this week, Miss Elsie Coleman spent the heti- days at the hone of Mr. James Reid. Mr. and Mrs. R. Peck of ;at f:r,th. spent Friday at the home of Mr. Henry Peck. • The' Misses Pearl Taylor encs flable. Clarke •of Seaforth u n legiate spent the holiday at their respective hom- es here. Miss Ida Reid and Miss Maggie Reid of.- Veen,' if sited one afternoon recently at the home of .Mr. Welling- ton Elliott. Nensall Rev. Me. 4arbuta of Toronto vis- ited his-brothvrMe- m W : Harburn, recently. Mr. J. Lorne Scott hoe leased and is now occupying the fine residence on Queen ,street belonging to the 'John- McFarlane estate. Miss Dora Sherritt, who has been enjoying a holiday at her home here, has resumed• her • duties as a 'sorsa- in-training at Victoria hospital, Lon- don. Mr. J. S,, McDonald of Winnipeg has been a visitor at the home of Mr. W. Buchanan. Mrs. McDonald has been here for several weeks. " •The prospect's of a new station seem to be growing brighter. A member: of the R. R. Commission in visiting Henson recently pronounced the present building a "shack." Dr. S, Coulter has gone to Toledo, Ohio, to take a hospital course, Exeter Mrs. Chas. Ellis and son, Marshall, of Meosejaw, Sask., have been vis- iting Miss -Pearl Levitt of town, Mr. James Beer, who had been working in London for some time, sent his tools down to ehe station of that city and had theca placed in, the check room but on applying for them found that they were gone, someone having stollen them it is Sup- posed. Mr. James Shapton lost a colt in a pecular ,way the, other day. While he and - his son were driving along the sale roach a short distance east of Exeter the young animal took shied into fright at f something g s g and "the deep ditch which was full of Water. Mr. Shantou Was tinder the rig but was rescued by lid's son The colt, however, got tangled top in the harness and was drowned before , he could be gotten out. Mrs. S. B. Clement, and two sons o[ Vancouver, B lC'", are visiting the lady's * stentsr /Mr., and Mrs, ..Jaynes parents, Dennis. . Mrs. (Dr.) eCallwni of , Gressline, Ohio, ifis tenvisiting ,her mother, Mrs. Mortl rye. Miss Ali ' Ilandlord is visiting her sister Mrs Thornton of Ay'icner. Mr • and Mrs. Wm. Ooultis visited`' 11ev. Dr. nd Mrs. Medd of Goiter- icli last w'ek 1Mr , Fr Illy Flintoht has gone' to Stratford t take a position, Seaf orth Me A. Knechtel, 'of the Foeestery Dept., visited his mother a few days`' on his way to the western provinces where he will spend the summer' months e in enact ion t with the work of the department. Mr. Simeon Neely, who had been in poor health for 'a good while, passed away on Sunday week. ' Miss Belle Ballantyne of the pub- lic school staff of Berlin was called home on account of the serious ill- ness of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McCallum and little sou lett on Saturday for tnofr new hone fn Saskatoon, Sask. Mrs. (Rev.) Larkin leaves this Week for Vancouver, B. C'. , where she will attend the annual meeting of the Presbyterian Foreign Missionary Soe- ci"y as delegate from time Presbyter- ial Society of which she is president'. Miss FI. Isabel Graham was in Lone don last week attending the annual meeting of the 'National Council of Women. Mr. and Mrs. L. L, McFaul„ who have been spending the winter in Vancouver, B. 0.,• have returned Home. A number of the business and pro- fessional men gathered in the wiel- d] chamber on a recent evening to hid farewei? to ex -Mayor McCallum prior. to his departure for Saskatoon, Sask. During the evening Mr. Mc- Callum was presented with an ad- dress and a handsome set of library furniture. Successful anniversary services were held in the .Presby.,rian aural on Sunday week, at which Rev. Dr. Mae- Gilli ra returned c 1 tnisi n tn trJ m China wash r t c preacher. MrsrJohn .Itenkle, Sr., tied at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ot Ross of Brucefield, on Monday week. She hadone there for a few days' visit B when she was •taken suddenly ill and died alter a weeks' illness The funeral took place from her late re- sidence, •i;gntondville, on Wednesday of last 'week. Her husband and a grown up family survive. A meeting was held in St. Thom- as' eknrch recently and a branch of the Anglican Laymen's Missionary Movement was formed. Over forty men 'were present and after luncheon served by the ladies of the congreg- ation speeches were delivered by Mr. Stollory and Mr. Rose, field secret- ary of the M. S. C. C. in Canada. A strong committee was appointed .to forward the missionary work in this parish. Mr. E. Box has bought out the coal business of Mr. H, Edge, Miss Nettie Sproat has gone to Detroit to take a pod'.tion. An taunter of Mrs. McCallum's lady friends presented her with a hand- some amythest and pearl pendant be- fore her removal to Saskatoon.. Good Health for Young Girls They Need the New Blood Dr. IVR - Hams' Pink Pills Actually Make: Perhaps you have noticed that your daughter in her. "teens" has develop- ed a fitful temper,, is restless and exciteable. That she complains of weakness and depression ; feels tired out after a little exertion; appetite variable, complains of headaches and is growing pale. In that case re- member that the, march of time is leaching her on' to, womanhood, and that at this period a great respon- sibility rests upon mothers. , These are symptoms of anaemia—that its bloodlessness, and no tfkne should be lost in increaniung and t;nrichiag the blood supply. Unhealthy gleamed al- ways leads lways-leads to unhealthy womanhood. All* young girls in their teens need the. help "of'"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which enrich and increase the blood. supply, and give sickly, drooping, girls the brightness and therm of perfect. health, ' In proof of this Miss Zola, Gordier, Morrisburg, . Ont., says "I was pale and bloodless, and stir - fared from many of the symptoms of anaemia. 1 would tire easily and suf- fered from frequent headaches, My appetite was poor and I was very pale anti easily discouraged. The medicine I was faking 'did not seem' r to help me, and then one day I road the story of a young girl who suff- ered similarly and was ;cured through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I got three boxes of the Pills and started to take them. Before they were done I began do feel (better and look: better, Then I got'hail a doze n beforew en snore boxes, and they were all used I was enjoying the best of health, and have continued to do so since, My young brother was troub- led with rheumatism, and they com- pletely •cured him." •Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers, or can be had: by mail 'at 50 cents a box or Six boxes, for $12.50 front The Dr. ,Wihliatns' ' Medicine Co., Baockville, Out. CLEARING FIRE SAL On account of the slight damage e clone toour millinery '1 'mer ' J decided have eaec' _ �,to clear out our stock oc at halfi m pr ce. Come early while the bargains last. Starting-- - t t n '• b FRIDA Y and SATURDAY MISS CANTELON &'OO' Special Sale of Iron Beds, Bed Springs, Mattresses —AT— Walker's Furniture Store. We have the best stock in the history of the store. 46 different styles of beds to choose from, ranging in price from $2.75 to $4.00, Every bed is marked at special price for the balance of May only. Mattresses $4.00 for $3,50, $5,00 for $4,00, $6,50 for $5.75, ted springs, rag. $3.25, 3.50, 3,75 for 2,50, 2.75 and 3.00. A new shipment of house furnishings have just arrived direct from the mills consisting of Rugs, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Stair Carpet, Our - tains. Do not fail to see our display before making your decision, (we know we can suit your taste from our immense stock. Ask to see our furnished rooms, (it will only be a pleasure to show you through. Ask your 'friends what theythink of our display. Repairing and picture framing neatly and promptly done. A full supply of coveting carried in stock, The Store of Quality. Phone 28 W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140 i i Special Prices ON BALANCE OF LAWN MOWERS For 1 week only. They are the latest improved mowers Harland Bros. Stoves and Hardware ATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT Is a little the best going, but we don't charge' any more for it, A fresh carload just in. S. Jr ANDREWS lllerehaiits who wish to talk to the public about what they have to sell use the adver• tsing colAms of The News -Record.' •