HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-05-30, Page 1eeet
No. 173I -32nd Year
The News -Record to Dec. 31st 1912 for 50c.
2irthdart and Wedding lifts
For gift giving we believe there is no store that
offersso many pleasing suggestions as the jewelry
Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, :Pins, .Necklets,
Lockets, Chains, Pendants, Silt er, Siker-
Uare, Cut Glass, Brass and Ghinalbare.
So many lines and so manyarticles in each line that
with the moderate prices ttached it makes, choosing
satisfactory and easy;
Latest styles in wedding rings.
X. •Y(eLitjar
,e'weler and Optician Clinton
The Royal Bank
Capital $6,250,000. Reserve $7,000,000.
The Annual Statement, shows the following increases for 1911.
1910 ll
Deposits • $72,079,607 $88,294,808
Loans and investments 55,283,676 62,790,072
Total Assets 92,510,346 110,528,51 '
207 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World.
.R E.
MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch.nth.
e BMolsons
Record of Progress for Five Years -1906--11
CAPITAL • $3,000,000 $4,1000,000
RESERVE . . 3,000,000 4,600,000
DEPOSITS 23,077,730 35,042,311
• LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,457,090 38,854,801.
,„ -..,, jw QT.AE ASSETS . .. 33,090,198 413.W7,1.
Ras 88 Branches iu'Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all
the Principal Cities of the World,
at all Inteeeet allowed at highest cui'•'sub rate!
Ciiaston Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager
Boys Wanted
boys to get some genuine bargains
of boys clothing from the
took stock. The quantity
so we give you the benefit of
the boys of Clinton and surrounding
a Lion Brand Suit at less
your choice of the entire lot at
$4.79 AND $8.50
O tnnni+u
We want 100
We made a big purchase
turing Co, before they
offer was tempting
We are going to give
opportunity to putchare
price. . .
You can have
in boys • suits.
Jackson Manufac-
was large but the
the 'special price.
country an
than wholesale
May 23rd
two prices
q`f. br
t 3 e
1 �, ;
"The Jaxson's
, fpockets,
No. I, $4.79
50 boys suits, � Lion Brand,with
plain or bloomer kickers, doublseats
and knees strongsilesia lining,coats
-have double, elbows, concave shoulders,
unbreakable fronts, the patterns neat
and all wool. The regular price' ofthis
' lot is $7.50 and $0.50, your choice for
�r2 $8,50
50 boys suits, s, Lion Brand,ender
this number you can purchase uits in
, the very finest worsteds, 'and tweeds.
Coats double breasted with' vents, shoul-
der''folds double elbows,'concave shout-.
dcrs Bartell unbreakable fronts;
knickers bloomer with belt straps, silesia
lined: In. this lot there are'suits worth
00,' 1.00fo
$12,4+ h c
1. and $10.00,your choice e t
es, ell esee
HE �OflC
` A Square Deal
Every .Boy ,,
Arrangements are now being cout-
pleted for the annual School Sports
to be held on June 14th and the tp
tention is to make them bigger and
better than ever. The Kitties band
of Lucknow will , be engaged, for the
occasion. Paste up the date : Fri-
day,. dune 14th, •
The em agement is announced of
Miss Mary Victoria McKendrick of
Toronto to 'Rev. Hislop Dickson: of
Atwood, the marriage to take place
on June the nineteenth. Rev, Mr.
Dickson" was assistant pastor of Wil-
lis church a couple of summers ago
and Is well known to many News -
Record readers.
meeting Epworth League m g on
Monday evening was in charge of the
citizenship department, committee,
Rev, W. -Wyllie of the Baptist Church
gave.a practical, address on "Ideal
Citizenship" and a. temperamm quar-
tette- was rendered by Miss Lucy
Stevens, Miss. Effie :Jackson, C. S.
Hawke and Gorden Taylor. The pas-
tor preolded:
Mr. Theo. Hale of Mullett has a
fine flock of Plymouth Rock hens
which lay good big eggs and plenty.
of them. The other day, however,
he picked up one which certainly was
a peculiar specimen. It was a sort
of a Siamise twin affair„ being two
good-sized eggs joined by a small
tube about an inch In length: It
had a soft shell, the •hen evidently
finding it too much of a contract to
furnish shell, and it had a most un-
canny appearance. Mr, Hale intend-
ed having it preserved, if possible,
as a curio, Mr. Hale says he also
has a duck which lays double -yolked
eggs Which look more like goose
The. Presbytery of Huron held a
special meeting in Willis church on
Friday Mit to deal with the call of
Rev.J. L. Small of Blyth to the
charge at Hespeler. Strong roasops
were brought forward by the ,lett
congregation in favor of Mr. Small
remaining at Blyth, the IIespeler
people in the meantime presenting
their reasons for extending the call.
The call was accepted by Mr. Small
and his transfer to the Guelph fres._
bytery was allowed.
Rev. Mr. Small has been pastor of
the Blyth congregation for 'the past
five years,where he has done excel-
lent work and has much endeared
himself to hes people, who greatly
regret his departure. Ile leaves for
Hespeler almost immediately,
The 29th passed off very quietly in
Clinton. The bowling green claimed
the attention of several, Many
spent the hours of the morning or
afternoon driving out into the beaut-
iful country or abouts the excieelent
streets of the town. A number, of
course, went, to Bayfield. Some
were away over the holiday, and a
number just elounged", enjoying a
good reef from the strenuous toil of
'bread winning,. which admits of few
• enough breaks for flee majority. The
baseball match in the afternoon was
witnessed by a number of interested
spectators. Several loads of the
"younger set" drove over to Bayfield
to a dance in the evening and the
faithful family man remained at
home and superintended the "let-
ting oil" of various fireworks by':their
delighted offspring. Thus has, :pas -
,sed into history the 24th of May,
1912, the last one we shall have the
erivi;tege of celebrating, perhaps;
A very successful bee demonstra-
tion was held at' the apiary of Mr.
Isaac Dodd on Thursday afternoon
last, when Mr, J. Schrenk, Govern-
ment Inspector of Apiaries, was pre-
sent and demonstrated the nature of
foul brood, its cure, and 'also how to
save the wax from the combs by
means of file wax press. +'
The meeting was well attended by
the bee keepers of town and the sur-
rounding district. Among those pre-
sent were : Messrs. Jacob Haberer
and son of Zurich ; James Fakeer -
vice a d J, G. Cartwright,: Mullett
T R. Rundle, Goderich, Thos. Chur-
chill, Geo A. •Cooper, W. I-10
and S. Cox of Goderich Townships
Hugh McGregor, Thos. Fraser and
Stant •
and Mrs. H. Livermore,t
Mr oy ,
R, Pepper, Tuckersmith, Mass Mac-
farlane, H. W. Watts, Vern. and John
ening of town;'- and others.
The inspector was assisted by' Mr.
Dodd and Mr. Haberer and the after-
n000's operations were highly in-
strtective 'to 'those present.
The keeling of bees seems to be'
gaining in favor with our farmers,
many of whom have found it to be
a vary profitable line. • And this
district „ it' said to be an exerllene
place for this industry as so much
clover is grown which means a first
quality brand o f honey.
The demonstration could hardly
have been he'd at a better
,place than at the home of Mr. ' and
Mts. Dodd,' who are :not only due-
eessful bee keepers, but are also
kindly and hospitable hosts.
A number of demonstrations ' are
'sing held. in the surrounding dis-
' r'ict during the nett low Weeks,
The interior of St: Paul's rectory
is being renovated and the kitchen is
beteg remodeled and.. put into good
repair: When the repairs die- cim-
pleted the house will not only be iee-
proved in appearance but will be
much more convenient and comfort,
The momotony of life was some-
what varied: for some of tee youagar:
inmates of 'tile House t•f Refuge and,:
indeed; for some of those who are
older, as well, when on the 2eth
they enjoyed• a picnic to the woode.
Matron Mutch and bei assistant, Mrs:
Simpson, were. assisted in making
preparations for the outing and also
in carrying them out by Mrs. Dodd
of town, who spent the`ho'iiday in
this good and kindly work, • ,.
David beeves, a former resident of
Clinton, who well be remembered by
many readers of The News -Record,
died In' the hospital at Portage lel
Prairie, Man., on the 9th inst.
'l'.he deceased was an uncle of Mr.
David Deeves and for some time idv-
ed upon the farm now occupied by the
latter: Several years ago he went
to the west to a nephew, Mr. 1, C.
Henry, and for the past eight Boars
he has been a resident of' ROSSen
dale, Man. He' was sixty-nine years
of age.
Next Sunday will be comntuui'yn,
when the Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be administered at. the
ciose of the morning service. Pre-
partory services will be held on Fri-
day afternoon and evening. Rev,
Neil Shaw of Egmoudville will preach
in the afternoon and Rev. A. Mac-
acfarlanc of Ilayfield in tlie' evening.
• The Girl's Club held theirregular
meeting on Monday night,
An entertainment entitled a "Pont
ThumbWedding" will k
place l take in
the school room of Willis church this
evening under the auspices of the
Girls' Club. It is said to be very
funny. Dont fail to see the Lulll,
The services on Sunday were well
attended, the pastor preaching two
excellent sermons,
At the ntorne%g service Mrs. TO, J,
Jenkins of 'Toronto took the solo
part in the anthem and Mr. Karl
Wilken rendered a solo. And dur-
ing the evening service, Mrs. Jenkins
and Miss Boles sang a duet. Mrs.
Jenkins and Mr; Wilken are former
members of the choir and their old
Blends . are always glad to hear
their voices whenever they visit the
bonne church. i
The League meeting on Monday
evening was in charge of 'the • Good
'Citizenship department. The pastor
occupied the chair and a fire pat -
detect paper was readby the. chair-
man of the department, Mr. Kerr.
Mr. Ford also severalappro-
read app o
priate selections from Tennyson.
The baseball ,season opened in Clin-
ton on Friday, the 24th, with a
match between a team from London
and the home team, The result was
a victoryfor the latter in a score
of 10-1.
The day was all that could be de-
sired and a•• goodly number-..`_ the
townspeople foregathered at the
park to witness 'the match. The
players arrived headed by the towx
band and the game commenced. If
our boys can wale keep up the :re-
cord made on Friday during the sea-
son the cup, or whatever the tro-
phy is that they are competing for,
is already ours. Following are the
Clinton—W,. Johnston, 'c:, W. Baker
p., 1:. Johnson, 1st b,; C. Draper,
2nd b., H. 'Twitchell s s., F: Mae.
Caaghey, 3rd b., M. McEwari', • 1. f.,
u it t f.,C. Kilt . f.
R. R mba ( Y, r
London—Fotheringham p., Hunter,
c., Hisoott, 1st b., Henry; 2ral b.,
1sgeGouch, 3rd b Hill, s. s,, Pestill,
1,'f,, Mason, r. f., ngland, c. f..,
Flynn, p., •
The Women's Institute held their re-
gular meeting at the home of Mrs.
Thos. Mason, street,ou
There -
day .afternoon last. In addition to
an interesting program, which is the
order at these meetings, a pleasi;ig
little departure was made from the
usual routine when the retiring pre-
sident„ Mrs. Thos. Kearns, was pre=
rented with a handsome silver cold
meat fork,, together With many ex-
pressions of appreciation of her work
in conneettion with Pae society dur-
ing the past year. Mrs. Kearns In
feeling terms ,thanked the ladies for
their kind words and for
the handsome.. gift, assuring them
that she had enjoyed her work, in
connection with the Irrtdtute and that
It was, therefore, a labor of lova.
The members of time.:Clinton' branch
of the Institute seem to thoroughly
enjoy their monthly Ttieetings togeth-
er and gait many helpful and useful
hints with regard to the proper con-
duct of a house from the .interchange
of ideas. •
The ladies, at hast a goodly por-
tion, of ,them, are .attending the dis-
trict meeting in "Blyth today, 'hav-
ing gone• up in Mr. Elliott's motor
' brie. i
At •,the 'recent annual meeting of
Peterboro Distr.t of the Methodist
Church, Rev. Isaac Couch, M. A.B. D,
was unanimously elected chairman,.
He , is 'a brother of the late Arthur
Couch . of Clinton,
Mr, Wesley Walker is making d•
e -
liveries of furniilere Bath Elliott's
motor truck,
Mr. "Joe. Match is going about this
week with his right hard bandaged
and thus incapicated from pursuing
his calling as expert manipulator of
razor and shears: The explosion. of
a rocket on Fiiday last, did .the
damage. The pesky thing went : off
sooner than Joe expected„ :hence the
enforced holiday. •
:Mc. C: J. Wallis has invested in
an auto which was, delivered to hint
on Tuesday and last evening he was
drilling about, seemingly as much at
home as if' he was an experienced
chauffeur, As well : as being : a
source of pleasure the ear will be of
service in Mr. Wallis' business, 'en-
abling him to move about the coun-
try more rapidly.
• An auto, the product of a factory
down Detroit way, stopped short
while several mks front town on
Tuesday. The owner, by means of
film rural, calmed 'up the Clinton Mo-
tor Works and a "C'linton" car was
sent down and pulled him up. This
was done with such expedition that
he has since put in many good
words for the "Clinton,"
The Ontario, street parsonage was
elle scene of a happy event onThurs-
day last when Miss Delle Hazel
Ruch, daughter of 'Mr,:and•+Mrs. Jas.
Finch was united in marriage . to
Mr. John P. Dixon, The ceremony
• 7 � led b * Rea'. T. Wesley
was Pt•1 o u .>
Cosens. The young couple were ,un-
attended. •
The News Record joins with the
friends in congratulations and good
The Militia Department has' lust
sent Q, M. 5,, Inetrueter White of the
R, C. Regiment to Clinton for the
purpose of forming a class of in-
struction for officers, Non. -Corns. and
School Teachers desirous of taking
out Certifipates and incidentally to
assist be drilling the Collegiate
Companies. Ile will be here for
the next two weeks.
The Militia Camp will be held at
Goderich commencing, June 17th, the
Cadet Camp following on July Oth end
Teachers course at London on sante
The town was alarmed early Sat
tirday morn:ag by the ringing of the
firebei; and iii was found that. G. L.
Cook's ten cent store was ablaze:
The brigade was quickly on the scene
and the .flames were confi'ned pretty
much to the one 'store. A portion
of the partition dividing it from
Miss Cantelon's millinery store, was
somewhat scoreiied and some of liar
stock was removed, and the china
stock of Miss Grants upstairs,, and
Mr. Fink's stock were both seine -
what injured by smoke and -water.
But the stock of fancy goods and
china belonging .to it•Ir, Cook was
most a complete toss.
It is not certain how the fire or--
ipinated. It. is understood that all
concerned are insured but at time.
of writing no adjustment of elaitns
have been 'made. The building ;s the
property of Mr. John Jackson. •
The Woodrnen of the World will
attend divine services in Wesley
Church on the evening of June 16th,
thus observing a time-honored cus-
Sylieat $1.00.
, . Oats 48e to 50c.
Barley 00e to 75e.
Peas 90c to $1.00.
Butter 19e to 20c. j
Eggs 1.9c to 20e.
Live Hogs, $8,50. •
All those who desire to become
members of the Tennis Club are S's
quested to' Band therm fees to Mr,
Wilbur Ford, one , dollar for gentle-
men, fifty cents for ladies. The
court is being prepared for use and
it is expected play '.ill begin shore -
For the : first time in years lime
coutt of revision had -no appeals to
deal with 'on Monday. This bin be
taken to mean that Assessor Cottle's
work, was perfectly satisfactory and,
therefore,- it puts another feather in
Ids cap. Mr. Cottle is more con-
cerned about dealing out justice titan
ho iv regarding the size of his sal-
At a meeting of the school board
held on Monday evening it was .de -
'tided to install steam heating In the
Model school and also to make sev-
eral much needed improvements and
alterations in the building wide% will
render it more convenient,, more com-
fortable and altogether more up-to-
date and worthy of a live, progres-
sive town like•. Clinton.
One of time firs: of the pleasure
cars turned out by the Clinton Mo-
tor Company was purchasedLs
edb Mr.
W, Jackson and he bad it put for
the Cyst time on Friday last. A
Party consisting of the Messrs. W.
and T. Jackson, J. Fair and D. A.
Forrester started off after, a late
dinner for the races at Mitchell and
after witnessing all the events on the
program they reached home via Bruce -
field at 8.30.. 1t was a dcAghtful
afternoon's jaunt•.
About sixty members of the mins
of .England attended sereicc in ibis
church on Sunday' afternoon last. The
church was very suitably deem:wee
Iwith the Union Jack and the Can-
t adieu
an-radian flag. The rector chose for his
theme, "Piety and Paesiotisin " taking
for his text the words, "'Tie Imeh not
dealt so with any nation." His ser-
mon was Is plea for Bae t,imice ne-
ness of God in national efiairs.
music furnished by the choir t as is
keeping with the spirit if the oe•
casion and was appreciated by the oats-'
gregatlon. During the service solos
were rendered by the rector and by
Mr. J. Doherty.
Court Maple Leaf C. 0. F, will at-
tend service in St. Paulis church on
Sunday evening, when a special ser-
mon will be preached to them by the
rector, Members of surrounding
courts are invited to attend this ser-
The Ladies' Guild will hold there
monthly tea in the school room on
Monday 'next.
Messrs, ,1. E. Hovey and J, le. Can-
telon took in the Shoot at Hen-
sel( on Friday,' the former headirie'
the scare for lite day.
Rev. C.
Assiout, Egypt
who will conduct
Salvation Services in Clinton
commencing i Saturday, June 1st.
W. Trotter
A. Wilford of Wingham was
in town last evening,
Miss Clive Harland of Toronto was
a holiday visitor in town.
Mr, And Mrs. P. B: Ball spent Fri-
day with Seaforte friends.
Mrs. Robertson of Toronto is the
guest of Mrs, I•I,E. Rorke. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Saville visited fri-
ends in Londesboro last week.
Miss .- Mabel Dunford of Stratford
spent the week end 'at her home eta
Miss' Tina Clark of .Goderich was time
guest of Miss Jean Bell over the
Mr. ' Arthur Bean of the. Medical
School, Toronto, is visiting his
mother in town.
Messrs'.' Leonard Fair and H. J.
Quinlan of Toronto were holiday,,
guestsin town.
MPir. Bart Levee spent the holiday;
with Mr. and Mrs. flamed John-
son of Toronto:
Mrs: Those Mason, Mill street, ac-
companied Mre Mason to Toronto
for the week end,
air. : and Mrs. John May of. Exeter
spent the -holiday with Mr. and
Mrs, A, Hooper, '•
Mr. W. 'Glee Campbell has returned
after a holiday spent with his
mother at Aylmer.
Messrs Whitmore and T. Craig et
• lime Motor Company were in Toron-
to over 'the holiday, •
Mr. Win. Evans the Sauble;Line,
Stanley, visited' his nepluety, Dr.
J. S. Evans, yesterday,
'Mr. and Mrs. Suttee of Stratford
spent the holiday in town visiting
their son, Mr. John Sutter.
Mrs. Jas, Archibald of Seaforth and
Mr. Bern' Archibald of Guelph were
guests of Mrs. W. J. Holmes on
Mr: J. H. C'antelon of the Molsoes
Bank staff, Amburetburg, was a
guest at his ironic in town over the
Mn, Walter Jackson of Br'ant£orel
spent! tile- 24th the guest of laid
Parents Mr. and Mrs. John. 1
ch -
of town,
Mrs,, Gordon and Mrs. Cochrane of
Berlin were time guests over tem •
holiday of 'Mrs. Dods -worth anti
Miss Parker.
Mrs. McCoy and little son, Reginald,
of London were the guests of the
lady's father, M. A. Wilken, over
the week end -
Inspector Johnson' and Chairman
C'luff attended a meeting of the
Centre Huron License Board in
Goderich yesterday.
Mrs. John Snyder and Mies C: Ag-
new spent a few clays of the past
week, with their sister, Mrs. ' John
Jertis of Stanley.
Mr. H, A. Hessian, who is persuing
lis medical studies at Toronto eke
iversity spent the ]totelay whim leis
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hes-
Mrs. R, 0. .Emerson of •Winnipeg,
Man., is expected here this 'week
and will remain for a few days the.
guest of her sister:, Mrs. H. 13,
Miss Dorothy Jeakvts of Waterfoc.;
Quebec, arrived today and will vis-
it for some time with hers brother,.
Rev. C. L. Jenkins, 'at St. Paul''::
Mrs. M. Walker of Toronto is pair-'
'ing en extended visit to her son,
Mr. Wesley Walker of town, anti
her brother, Mr. James Walker of
the 2nd of Stanley.
Mn, amid Mrs. .C. C. Ranee of Tenon -
'to were visitors in town over the
holiday and their many friends
were pleased to see them looking
as if ci hire agreed, with them.
Judge Watts left on Monday for his
home at Cookstown,' Minn,, after it
ten days' visit with his mother,
Mrs. Hannah: Waits, his sister, Mia.
Boles, and other friends fu town
and 'vicinity.
Mrs. S. L. Scott of Toronto cane
up on Thursday and spent' the holi-
day time with her sister, Mrs.
Ilibbs, and father. Mr. Stew-
art Plummer, who has not been at
all well for some weeks.
• I Mr. T. K. Mair of the Maitland re-
turned ' our Fridayi;front Montreal •
whither he was called by the ser-
ious illness of his son, Dr. Mak_
The Dr. was out of danger wheel
Mr, Mair left and 'as soon as, he
is strong enough to travel will
come Monte to build up.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hooker of Tor
onto were guests of Mr. and 'Mics.
o}tn Craig over the holiday. Me.
and Mrs. 'Craig gave them a little
run over to Hayfield! on Sunday as„
of course, a visit to Clinton tri
the suntnier would not be complete
withoue a glimpse of that nearby
and popular resort. '
Mr. and Mrs, A. Seeley and Master
ele fred returned home on Friday af-
'ter a six weeks' trip .west. Their
destfnalfon was Quill Lake, Sask.,,
where Mr; Seeley's sister, Mrs_
(Rev) Allan, resides, but they also
visited 'other point's iii the- several
provinces. Mr: Seeley seemed glad
to . get back to work again„ but he
looks as it his holiday hods' agreed
with hem,'
Miss 'Sampson of the city of Truree
Cornwall England, a
on Fri-
day last on a extended visit to her
aunt, Mrs. C. S. Hawke. She
made her trip on the Royal George•
and; speaks very highly of time ac-
commodation. and comfort which the
beat affords, They passed through
• emmenic fields of' ice and huge'
icebergs, but the greatest care was
taken, and all panic through saf-