HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-05-23, Page 8ii News-Recori Ma) 23rd ISI2 Nummut 111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111 TELLING OU'Q' Boot & Shoe Business will be sold on terms to suit Purchaser. Rent of building reasonable. i The BIG SALE is still going on. Scores have taken advantage of this great ` MONEY SAVING SALE; HAVE YOU? Our large and well assorted stock of Children's Shoes and Slippers is attracting the Mother's atten- tion. Now's when the shrewd Buyer buys Shoes. 'I HOUSE CLEANING TIME IS WALL PAPER TIME. Twitchell & Son t CLINTON, _ - - ONTARIO •••••••N•Ne••NN••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 5 BIG MONEY SAVERS Z • • • • FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY Don't miss seeing these lines as they are actually bar gains Men's Black Cashmere Sox 10 doe only men's fine pure wool cashmere sox in a nice soft summer weight and good value at 35e. Saturday and Monday 19e. See these in our south window. Men's Stiff Hats As a:special inducement to every man to try one of our fine English fur felt hats which retail everywhere at $2.50,' we are going to offer you the chance Saturday and Monday to secure your choice of our frill stock of this season's latest styles at the low price of $1.69. (Remember, no reserve, every $2.50 stiff hat Saturday and Monday $1.69.) Women's Shoes at $1.29, This is one of the biggest bargains we have ever offered in wom- en's shoes and consists of Oxfords and strap slippers in Dongola kid and patent colt and ninny of thele shoes sold at $2 and $2.25 to clear Saturday and Monday at $1.29. SMALL PROFITS PLUMSTEEL BROS. MORE BUSINESS • •• •• •• •• • i ••• • ••• • O•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N••••••• • WHEN PICTURES' COME DOWN WALL PAPER GOES UP AND THAT MEANS THE CHANCE TO IIAVE SOME OF OUR NEW DECORATIONS IN PEACE OF THE SOILED AND TIRE- SOME PAPERS THAT MARE THE APPEARANCES OF YOUR HOME. OUR STOCK WILL SOON BE COMPLETE, IT IS NOW NEARLY SO, AND THAT MEANS A LARGE SEDEC- TON OF PATTERNS AND PRICES FROM WCH TO MAKE YOUR SELECTION. THE STYLES PRICES 'AND QUALITIES, OF OUR .'MED- IUM GRADES SHOWED &N - DEED INTEREST YOU.. W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest- Always the Best Personals ' Mr; C IS. Dowding' was in' Owen Sound this week.' ,:` Mr. and Mrs Constantine of Guriah • were in town over the week end. Mr. and: Mrs. Geo. Chidley of 'Owen Sound are spending a holiday in. town. Mr. Ernest Gormley of Waterloo has taken a position in I -I. Barthff's bakery. Miss Mabel tan Evra of London. rafting at the' home of Mr. J. Wasman, Misses Mary McCaughey and Minnie Faucett- spent. -from Saturday to Monday in Goderich. Mr. W. J.. Mitchell left for Tomato on Saturday and is this week vis iting various points in Northerlt • Ontario. ' Misses , Jean Scott and Jessie O'- Neil are, home from the Conservai- ory of Music, Toronto, !having fin- ished the term. Mrs. James Rapson and daughter, Miss RuAt, of Constance •spent the beginning of the week the guests' of, Mrs. John Watkins. Miss :Vire Haywood, who has been in the west for a couple of years, 'is spending a holiday visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Moore, and other friends in and about town. Mayor and Mrs. Gibbings leave today for Cleveland. Mr. Gibbings. will re- turn after the holiday but Mrs. Gibbings will remain for . a some- what longer visit with relatives there. momansmounionammpior as i 11 411111641111••••• OOOOOO 1100011000411 OOOOO *MOO vim* 001141•• i I ••• •• •• OUR • • ••••••1111111,11•011111••••• UMW, OOOOO MOOS 110001111141111104e For men and women observe so closely the little points that give ease and comfort, and embody those features that count for correct and becoming style that no matter how particular you may be, there is a shoe. somewhere in our stock that is just exactly 2bhat you want. And if you buy it, you, will be surprised at how long it roill last, and retain its neat appearance, for these shoes are really better than you have reason to expect. Do not miss the opportnnity to obtain teal genuine foot=comfort, and the maximum of shoe ser-- vice. GET A PAIR OF OUR SHOES AT ONCE 1 E F D. JACKSON R. �asVIP NN a♦•♦•••• •A•♦♦N♦ NNNN••••NN ••••NNNNNN . ' ACHN E OFFIRMJ .� G • I I I I Having purchased the Furniture and Undertak- ing business of Hoover & Ball, we respectfully soli- cit a continuance of the a patronage so liber Uy ac- corded them. W.e will al- wags keep on hand a' complete line of up -to- date goods at reasonable prices. I • i Atkinson Dunford-1.- N+•l♦♦NN♦Nt►••♦'•N••N••♦i9W♦NNb♦•••N•N••N,4 p q•^'li I 'lINIlHlauuam ,n111W1i1 Is M e John Ransford was in London on Monday. ' Miss Ethel 'Doherty of Boston is spending a holiday at her home in town. Mrs. C. C. Rance of Toronto is spending the holiday time with fri- ends in town. Miss Campbell of Bayfield has been the guest of Mrs. L. 0•. Paisley during the past week. Mr. Will. Wasman of London came up Saturday and is spending the week at the parental home. ' Miss Lucile Grant has been suffering idkiring the past for.vight from an affection of the throat. Mr. W. Jackson's friends aro pleased to see hint able to be about again after 'his recent illness. Mr. Len Caritelon of the; Royal bank staff, Toronto, is spending a holi- day at his home in town. Misses Maude and May Ferguson vis- ited their friend, Miss Naegie of Goderich, on Saturday last. Miss Hill of Irwin's millinery de- partment is spending the holiday, time at her home in Galt: Miss Emma Copp of Goderich was the guest of her cousin, Miss Sad- ie Steep, over the week end. Miss Ella Cronyn has returned to her home in Wingham after visiting relatives in Clinton for a time, Miss Clara Ferguson of New Jersey is' in town, having been called home owing to the ihaess of her mother. Mrs. L. Greig returned on Monday after a visit of a: couple of months with her daughter, Mrs. Clark of Toronto. Kr. and Mrs, E. J. Jenkins of Tor- onto, are expected today and will spend the holiday time with ,od ri fri- endsh in town and in C , t township. Miss Laura E. Wiseman of ivtkton, who recently graduated from Vic- toria Hospital, London, winning the gold medal, is a niece of Mr. John Wiseman oftown. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fisher and fam- ily. of Benmiller spent the week end the guests of the lady's broth- er, Mr. J. Wallis. Rev. R. B. Stevenson of Taxis- . tuck visited his mother in town this. week, also his sister, Mte. W. S. Downs, who .is now convalescing after a tither serious i,perattln at the hospital last: week. Mrs. ID. • W. Rbdaway return- ed last week after spendyig a couple of months, iit Midland and Flaterboro with her sister, Mrs. 0. B. Adair, Her nephew, Master Jack Adair, accompanied her home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper, who left for the Old Land some weeks ago,. write home that they had a most pleasant voyage over and that only seven days elapsed from the time they sailedthey until reached Old London. Mr. Fred, J. Hill leaves this even- ing for Cordova Sines, where Mrs. 'Hill and the children have been spending the past fortnight the guests of the lady's parents, On his return Monday he will be ac- companied by his family, Mr. J. C. Armour left yesterday on a trip to Calgary, where he expects to spend some little time. Mr. Armour has not been enjoying the best • of health lately and 1' is thought that the trip and the web- tern ail! will help restore him. Mr. and Mrs. John Rice intend leav ing Clinton about the first, of June and will take up residence in Bow- manvilie Me.Ric 's h R c cmc WWII,. Their many friends in town much regret their departure, as they -are'. good citizensand well ,rbe dbyall. Mr. 'and Mee. John Gardner are contemplating moving to St, sCath- arin where Cath- arines, Mr, , Gardner hes been for, some Attie time. • While re- gretting • their departure from town n thea Ciinton . friends wish them much prosperity in their: neve home. Mr. Viretor • Doherty arrived home from Strathcona, Alta., last week. and will,spend a few weeks it town. Iis five years since Vic- tor left Clinton and he has grown out of the remembrance of many of bis old friends, who are neverthe- ' less glad to see him looking so well. , Mr, Ben Churchill leaves this week for the Coast Province, where he has a daughter residing whom he will' visit for- a, tiling, He will, of course, speniietome time on the way 'taking in the situation . along the line through the prairie pro- vinces and will be absent probably for sevellal weeks, • Succumbs to Burns Mitchell, May 16th,—After 'suffering intense agony for two days, Miss Ceiia Heewitt, daughter of Carson He- witt,.of his place, died late last night as the result of the burning of a large portion of tier body. The unfortunate young woman was pre- par'eag dinner on Monday when her apron caught fire, and being alone'. in the hoose i was obliged to rush to the st.:eet for aid. Thomas, McLar- en, a neighbor, • extinguished the flames, but not before the girl' was so .had;•i' burned that the medical ef- forts of Dr. Armstrong ,rut ed un- availing. What the township of Col- borne Escaped At the last meeting of the Coder - felt Town Council the question of payment of. interest on the bonds of the Ontario West Shore Railway came up. Goderieh is harder hit than any other municipality having guar- anteed the bonds of the road for $150,000. Ashfield guaranteed for $125,000, part of Huron Township for $75,000 and Kincardine town fur $50,000. Colborne got off, easy by defeating ide bylaw. Chas. Garrow, Goderich, town sol icidor, presented a statement so far as he' was able to ascertain, ('f tine names of the different persons and corporations holding the bonds of the Ontario West Shore Railway. ,tends to the amount of $3,000 he had riot. located, the letter stated.- it v.as explained further that the 1:alf-year', interest of the total amount i,f 1,150, 000 is 43,750, and compound ol'd'est until May 15th,:5 $711.29, on that t 1$3,820.29 iter a tt. making a rota of c Mr Garrote also informed the i rt n - en that the amendment to e a1uc- icipal, Act, providing, lot: the tie:tow- ing of such sums of money, had l eels passed and he advised th.it the mat- tes should be taken ire ani disposed of as soon as possible. The finance committee) was empowered to con- sult thesolicitor and to have, a by- law prepared, authorising the raising of the amount required to meet the payment of interest now due, New York Wants Hydro. Tile five New Yoek Senators 'who are conducting the investigation in- to the. Hydro -Electric system with a view of securing information to lay, before the New York State Leg- islature, emislature, who arc now, con - setting the advisability of promoting a minder system, returned to Toroneo last 'Thursday front Ot- tawa, where they heed a lengthy consultation with Hon. Adam Beck, Power Minter, and J. A. Ellis, M. P. P., former secretary of the Mu- nicipal Power 'Commission, During the afternoon the Senators held anopen meeting in the Kgig Ed- ward Hoffa, where further details were, given them by the various oftl- eisls of the` Power Department. It bySenator T. H. was announced coinmissioh Ferris, chairman of the a that the party would return to Al- bany on ;Saturday. "We '%sire tie make, a thorough investigation into the,. affair," said, the Senator," and with that in view we will make several tips to Tor- onto. We wish to hear what every person has to say regarding the power, a•d we ,desire to have priv- ate citizens appear before us at some of our later sessions so they.:, can give us their opinion Of the system.. The Senator spoke most highly of mm:issoa the courtesy afforded the e o t by the, ' officials of the Hydro-Eleet- ric, and their willingness • to divulge any information at their command. He stated that it was the intention of 'the commission to secure all a- vailable information, and that to de- cide whether the system would prove a success in New York from that. A report will be presented by them to the Legislature at its nex'! session. Over three thousand part:cipatedin OM garrison parade. The "Made-i'n-Canada" train Was visited by 25,000 people in Tomato. Westmnfster Presbyterian Church celebrated its twenty-first aunt-- v,e :r . i 'ravellers' Sampl�s ►awn Wain n. Sale SATURDAY ess 'Than Cost This week we cleaned out a traveller's set of new spring lawn waists, right up to the minute styles, long and short sleeves, high and low necks. These are without doubt the biggest bargains we ever offered, Come in the morning and get first choice. Clearing the lotless than 'wholesale :prices,` �5 per cent off White Petticoats. Saturday we place on sale sixty white underskirts, every garment new. Just a manufacturers' overplus i stock which' speaks for itself. Space will not permit of a description but a visit: to this store Saturday will convince you of this enor- mous bargain. Saturday. Hosiery Bargains. 25 doz. women's, boys'i and girls' black cotton hose, one and one rib, fast color, made from the best of cotton yar'os, wear guaranteed or money refunded, sizes 7 to 10. J:ust.a business builder. Regular 25c,, Saturday 19c. I New Madras and Fish Nets for Curtains We are showing a large range of fancy Madras in the, very newest colorings and designs; also the very latest in fish net for window curtains at prices to suit alt purses. Brussels Rugs Underpriced We passed into stock this week a special purchase of, Brussels Rugs to sell at the regular price of tapestry, colors two tone green and two tone tans, prices as follows : 3 yards x 31 yards, $15.00, 3 yards x 4 yards, $18.00. Don't miss this opportunity. - 744z z A 17 tiMewN The News From Londesboro Rev. J. H. Oste rliout was in Lon- don fast week, returning on Satur- day with a new auto. Misses L. .and J. Gorier left on Monday for Paris after a short stay at their home here. Miss A. Youngbult is v'iaiting her sister, Mrs. John Nott. Wm. Tamblyn is home from Tor- onto, where he has been attending the Faculty of Education. Londesboro. householders are far- ; better than they expected when the village was '.eft without a hut. cher as one calls here three of four, days a week and fresh fish can be secured at least once a week front Mr. Peffers, the genial landlords df the Temperance House, returned from a Mrs. E. Bell. has e visit with London friends. Miss MciEwan of Clinton was a Week end guest with Mrs. A. Vod- den. Rev. Mr. Osterhout attended the. uis'.irict meeting in Clinton 'Tuesday and, Wednesday. Mrs: Lasham continues to have very poor health. Her many friends are hoping that she may soon take a turn for the better. .Ai special meeting of the, Wonien'k Institute will he held in the Fores- ter's hail on Wednesday afternoon next, commencing at half past two. Miss Margaret A.' Allen will give, an address and a good program is be- ing arranged. All ladies are cor- dially invited to attend. H ullett Happenings Mr, John Riley had his barn jacked up on Monday, Boss Riley of tem desboro superintending the work. Miss Mary Brown returned home from St. Joseph's hospital, London much improved alter undergoing treatment for several months. , W. J. Miller of the 3rd con., re - acuity purchased front., Mr. H. Char; ters of Tuckersmith the Shorthorn bull, Moron's Pride. This is a fine animal and has excellent breeding. . ' Mr,u John and Miss Mamie Shanahan spent Sunday with Mr. Andrew Mc- Guire of Goderich township. Miss S. Cowan of Clipton Sunday - ed in this vicinity. Mr. Ge.o. Stephenson lost a v,ilne able imported mare, last week. Mr. and Mrs.' D. Flynn spent Sun- day in Seaforth. Ben Riley of ' Constance : will do the mason work. Qu to a Riley com binatibn. • Mr. John Cartwright is doing a rushing business at present cutting wro •circular saw. wood with his 114•x. Joe. Reynolds sold a horse to a Mr. Mann and Mr, John Shanah- an sold three to Mr. Chas. Wallis of Clinton' last week, Zurich Wiagham. Miss Iva Weber visited her sis- ter, Mrs.' James Humphreys of Hen - 'sale over the week end. Mr. Sam Brown of Creditor has sold his auto, to a Honsall titan and up-to- dateplaced an order for an touring. ear, Mr. Henry Bauer has sold his pro- perty in the north end, that rccient- ly purchased from Mr. Conrad Theil, to Mr. W. li. Bender. Mrs. John Petty of SIay: fell through a trap door in the barn the other day breaking her leg: below the knee. Mies Olive Prang of London spent tale week end With friends in town. The bowlers have reorganized for the season, the following being . thei new officers : Hoa.: S'resident; F. Hess, Sr. 1 President, Di. McKinnon. Secretary, A. F. Hess. • Two, . hundied people attended a Toronto Chinamen contrieuted $1.,•: Gaelic' service at hones Presbyterian 000 to help famine sufterms' ,iit their Penchi .! ' ' own coon -try. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brandon of Stratford, visited d ini Wingham, ham recent=' • ly. As they have sold their prd- !party in Stratford it is probable •that they will return to Wingham permanently. . Y Rev. H. McQnarrie of Toronto, a former pastor in Wingham,' visited old friends here last week. The Misses Henderson have pur- chased the house on John street own- ed by Mr. W. F. Vats'tone and fair; ,4.1 rcrlhitiy occupied by Mt.. J. H. Christie, Mr. J. E. Sweets sold his fine team of. greys to the Western Foun- dry people. The Henderson property on the south west corner of John and Cat- harine streets, has been purchased by. Mr, John Anderson, who recently Caine here from the west. • One thousand men front norther:, Ontario wilt make an excursion to Toronto on June 21, NEW SPRING VATS AND GAPS FOR MEN, "BOYS AND CHILDREN This week we pass into stock the very latest in .; Hats and Caps for Men, oys and Children. These :I are well worth a visit to the store. They comprise the nattiest range it has ever been our pleasure to $2,50. display pieces 25c up to , NEW SHIRTS FDD MEN AND N BOYS . We aro showing a very swell range of spring and summer shirts for':. Ni'en and boys in plain, and Fanny colors We are " particularly � air:0ms to showy oulr t' ' rotiour l stock of 'summer shirts with soft cuff and detach" ed collar from $1.00 up, Conte in and look them n1 h over. • Tozer AND " Quality first then a square profit." 7 1