The Clinton News Record, 1912-05-23, Page 6esident Winslow of dile 'l.'nitcd ,Shoe Macbtne-ry Company was exam- hived before the (i'ontmissioit at Mon- treal.. J. M.'i "Rowell* a popular druggist at Grceresbueg, Ky., says '1ve use 4hamberlain's Cough Remedy in our own household, and know it is melt - eat." For sale b3' All healers. SETTLERS' TRAINS —TO— ' MANITOBA, TO-'MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Theonly through line LOW COLONIST RATES For settlers travelling with livestock and ' effects Special Trains Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY MARCH and APRIL 10.20 P.M. Settles and families without livestock should use Regular Trains Leaving Toronto 10.20 P.M. Daily Through Colonist and Touri, a eluopera Colonist Cars on all Trains No charge for berths Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and 'West Ari: any C.P,R.Agent for copy of " Settler' Guide" $V. JACKSON, A•ClENT, CLINTON.: MONTREAL. THE STANDARD is the Natrona 'Weekly Newspaper t f til.w I)o of Canada. It is nat:ont;i in all i'' aims. It. sissy the most expenaic 0 e ;:•ne 5nns, procuring the phetopra m11 over the world. Its articles are `car4 t,..,.- Is editorial policy is timerought Independent,.. A. subscription to - "'he feaneto c•osts$2.10 peryoar to anyai.,::re. Canada or Great 'lirltain. TRY IT FOR /91"r, Montreal Standard Publishing C Limited, THE, .NEWS-HECQBD'S CLUBBING LIST FDA 1911-11 Much good reading for little money. WEEh:LoEc News-Reeotd and Mail -and Empire $1.50 News -Record anti Globe... 1.00 News -Record and Family Herald and Star with Pgemiutn 1.75 News -Record and Witness 1.75 News -Record and Sun. 1.75. News -Record and Free Press 1.75 News -Record and Adver- tiser ... . 1..75 News' -Record and Toronto Saturday Night 2.30 Noes -Record and Farmer's Advocate.... 125 News -Record and Farm and Dairy... , . News -Record and Cana- dian Farm .. News -Record and 'Youth's' Companion DAILIES News-Reeord,and Mail and I ' Empire.. ' . News -Record and ,Globe News -Record and News News -Record and Star News -Record and World News -Record and Morning ' Free Press 3-25 News -Record and Evening Free Press .;, 2.75 News -Record and Adver-' ttdser ...... ...,..,. 3,00 News -Record and Lippin. eott's Magizine , . , , ' 3.25 News-tteeord hind Canada Monthly, Winnipeg1.40 If what you want is not •iii this list let us Jenov about it. t. Ede can Supply you. at• l0 s,ihieh, it wonld cost you to send direct. Inremitting •please to so by Past -office Order, Postal ;Note, Express, Order or Registered Letter and acidness. W. J. Mitchell • Ne*s.ltecord : CLINTON 1.75 111,75 1.75 4,25 1 4.25 2.30 2.30 3.25 The Moon's Influence fu recent years discussions ofthe Influence of the stages of the moon it which animals are ,killed, seeds sown or other opera ttens performed ,teemed almost to have cited, out';. but every a now and again one hears: some tinge remark..from souse uosophisti- cated farmer about the evil or beneh- 'ent,Influence that has been exorcised 'pon his Crop .by the partxular phase of the moon when his seed was sown cr the idea hatched in his brain that it would be well to grow said crop. Careful,experimeus repeated year titer year-by..observant farmers and . tiro by experiment stations have de- .Iponstrated beyond cavil, es Might • nave beta expected: by anyone: exe'r- aising the least moiety of common sense, that the moon's partitntl'.0 ,.base et the time of the performance of 'euy.atgrlcniturel operation has not the least influence' upon the sttecess sir failure of the crop being dealt with. Regularity Always trays. Regularity of hours is an important thing to aim at in working draft horses, for it jiays, This applies not only to hours of work but to tinier of feeding. Horses brought in and fed at six one night, at half past five the next, and at seven the next, and so an, are certain to suffer from the' ir- regularity sooner or later, if It Is -con t'snued.: The horses should be looked on not only as your servant (and it is a good one) but as your friend, and careful study of his wants and even his likes and dislikes is bound to be of hanel;iI both to• him and to you. ONTARIO Provincial Loans of $2,= 000,000 and $210,000 THE GOVERNMENT OF"I'lih PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, ander the authority of Chapter 4, of the Stat- utes of Ontario, 1911, invites sub- scriptions from the public for a loan bef 92.000,000 on bonds of the Province of Ontario„ or "Ontario Governtiient Stock." The bonds will be dated 1st May, 1012, and Payable on fate 1st Nov- ember, 1011, in denominations of $1,000 each, with coupons attached for interest at the rate of 4 per rent: per annum, payable half -yearly, on the 1st May and 1st November in each year, at the office of the Pro- vincial Treasurer, Toronto, or at the offices of the Bank of Montreal, in Montreal, Canada, and in New York, N. Y., at the holder's option. Bonus will bo made payable to bearer, but on request will be registered in she office of the Provincial Treasurer and eiiclorsed as payable onlee Pa the or- der of certain persons or corpora- tions, and on request of holders will he excharged for "Ontario Govern- ment Stock" at any -time. Also balance of Algonquin Park Loan of $210,000 on time same terms and with the sante dates, under au- thority of Chapter 9, 1 George V. The issue price during the month of May, 1012, will be 102 for each $100, and after the 31st gay of May, 1912, the issue price will be 102 and interest secured from the l.st May, 1.01.2. ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED ETCOK ISSUED UNDER THE AU- THORITY OF TI'IE SAID) ACT ARE FIRE FROM ALL ONTARIO PRO- yINCIAL 'TAXES. CHARGES, 313C- CISSION DUTY AND IMPOSI- TIONS WHATSOEVER, Purchasers of Stock or Bonds still he required to send certified cheque wit'h the application, payable to tiro order of the "Provincial Treasurer, of Ontario." This loan is raised upon the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Ontario, and is chargeable thereup- on, A. J. •MATHESON, Provinh;pl Treasurer, Treasury Dopes tment, Parliament Buildings Toronto, Mull 10th, 1012. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the De- partment will riot he paid for it. SYNOPSIS OF CANA,d)IAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. Any person who is the solo head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter sec- tion eation of available Dominion land in Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta, The applicant must appeati la; Per- son at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the'.distbicb. En- try byproxymaybe madeat any agency, on certain conditions by fath- er, mother, son' daughter, beotlier or. sister of intending homesteader. Duties. -Six months' residenceup- on and cultivation of the land' in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on. a farm of at least 8b acres ,solely ''owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brothel, or sister. • In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his home- stead.' Price $3.00 per acre. Duties: -Mush reside upon the home- stead: or pre-emption :rix monthly lin each of 91x years from date of homestead 'entry (including the' time required to earnhomestead patient and cultivate; 'filly. acres extra A homesteader who has exhausts his, Ir om es a right and cannot ob-, to ¢ g tads a pre-om id on may enter for purchased homesltoad in certain dis- tricts. Price $8.00 pea acre. Dut- ies: 1Knst reside, sax months in each of three' -yea;i, cultivate fifty -acre and erect a house worth ,$300.00. W. W CORY. Dopuly of the 14linister of the Interior, N. B. --Unauthorized publicatton •:of this advertisement Willi noir be paid tor. Clinton News -Record May 23rd 1912;' A WOMAN'S WAY TO 'GET RELIEF. TAKE GINPILLS FOR LAME BACK. ' Teeares one, P. O.,..,ON14. "I received your sample of Gill Pills and after using them, I felt so mpch better that I got a box at my druggist's and now I am taking the third box, The pain across my back and kidneys has almost entirely gone and I am better than I have been for years. I' strongly advise all women who suffer from Pain 'in the Back and Weak Kidneys, to try Gin Pills", may. T. HARRIS. Gin Pills contain the well known me- dicinal properties of Gin' as well as other curative agents -but do not contain alcohol. Gin Pills are guaranteed by the largest wholesale drughouse in the British Empire to give complete satis- faction or money refunded. 5oc. box, 6 for $2.5o -sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto. If the bowels are constipated take National Lazy Liver Pills, 25c, box. 91 A cargo of gin arrived ;rt Montreal from Holland, valued ,at $1,000,000, Mrs. Cover of Cobden, recently re- leased from the asylum, shot herself. dead. The statement published recently re- gard ng the ercrosion of women from ?.,e civil serviei was not correct. The Methodist l\Iiuiston:al Associa- tion of St. John, N. 13., has passed a resolution protesting against Sun- day Gains on the Intercoloniai. A REMARKABLE REMEDY. The most afflicted people on earth are those who suffer from rheumatism and about one-fourth of our people are afflicted witch. tris terrible nerve racking, bone crippling disease. So many .people. neglect themselves and rheumatism foaows in one form and theft another until 'they are an • ex- ample of the tortures of rheutnatism. 12heumo has gained the greatest repu- tation through being a quick and per- manent( cure for rheumatism en its many fortes. Rheumo is so good we guarantee it every in chronic rases and J. E. Hovey stands back of our guarantee and will. refund your tnon- ey' if Rhctinto is not just the best rheumatic etre knotvn. Don't put ori getting a bottle of Rhemno today,, it means yoarhealth and dtappuness. Canadian Northern trainmen in the west threaten to strike turd: thin em- playment• of United States crews on trains so Canada. A board of ar- bitt'ation has been ordered. Premier McBride was a guest at the 'flee't' manoeuvres and was presen- ted to the King. J. E. HOVEY IS AGENT IN CLINTON FOR ANTI-. URIC PILLS. We have the agency for the Inti -Uric Pills Sageme • Hair Ton- ic, Rheunto the GREAT Ithetunatic Cure, we guarantee these prepara- tions on • a money -back halls. -J, E. Honey, druggist, Fon soreness of the muscles whe- ther induced by violent exercise or in- jury, C'hamberlain's Linimend; is ex-. eellent. This liniment is also high- ly esteemed Ion the relief it affords in cases of rheumatism: Sold by All Dealers. , NI\YS, E SM Victoria Day. SINGLE FARE FOR RO'U'ND TRIP Between all Stations in Canada 'Good going May 23rd and 24th re- turn limit May 27th. (Minimum charge 25e) JOHN RANSFORD,, Town Agent, A. 0. PA'TTISON, Depot Agent. • 1�' �pwY TioakTriaak ift • t141.45: ,. It, f.`• 1„iI.ek.4'i,1-5'•e$1u S;, I1*O*1VPE'"S*E*E*K*E*'R'*S*' :E*X*C*U*R*S"I*O*N*S —'to— WESTERN CANADA —via CIIICA GC IND ST PIAUL May 1.4 and 2811h,; June' 11th anti' 25th and every Second Tuesday thereafter • until September 17th. WINNIPEG AND RETURN,- - $34.00 EDIVIONTON AND RETURN $42.00 rickets will also be on.sale on certain dates via Sarnia and ,Northern Nav- igation Company. Through Pullman Touristti Sleepers will he operated in connection with above excursions, heaving 1'oroe'bo,.. 10:30 p. m. , NO CHANGE OF OARS Full particulars Ind tickets from. any Grand Trunk' Agent, or writs, A. 1: Duff, District I'assenger Agent, 'On-` t ton' Stables, roron'toe .Ont. Wingham. Miss 'Houghton, ',who'has f been '.,air patient, in the hospital for several months, is intproying: rapidly;and ex- pects to soon return to her hone. Mr, 'George Lamont has resigned his position as Grand ;Trunk agent ' here and will go, west. Work has begun on the foundation of King Bros store. It will have a frontage sof tis.:ty-three feet, Mrs, John Campbell and Mrs. Peter Campbell were out ;driving one day., recently when their ponybeeamo un- manageable and ran away, throwing both ladles out. Though somewhat seriottsly Injured both 'are sow recon- ez irtg'. lt, the annual meeting of the Citiz- ode" band the dolbowi'ng officers were elected for the year': President,` A. J. Pilon. . Vice, F. Johnston, - Secretary, W, L. Fry. , Treasurer, IL Hins'tliifc. Leader, J, W. Demean. 'The band's new uniforms' will cost something like four hundred dollars. At the 'titanic swquiry the day was occupied with the examination of the captain and officers, of the California, the vessel nearest the Titanic, on the night of the disaster ash from which rocket signals Were seen. IS YOUR HAIR WORTH 50c. ? Just think how much you woiikd ask if yod were asked to sell, yet there are many who never realize the value of their hair until too late. They bet the little' dandruff germs dig Into the hair roots clay and night until: the 'fife and vitality is sapped out of the hair' and it becomes dry and harsh and comes out in , comb fulls. A large bottle of Sageine costs but 50e anti yonr druggist guarantees it. to slop falling hair and itching of lite sca'.tp or money back. Get rid of the dandruff and make your hair heal- thy. SA-GEINE will do it for you! Get a bottle today and make :our hair jest as clean and healthy as it should he. J. E. Hovey, the druggist guarantees it. Aviator Fisher and a passenger were killed during an exhibition fight at I3rooklancls, hingland. Dr. Harris conducted the Imperial Choir at the inanguratson of the Shakespeare exhihitlo■ in London. GROWS HAIR AT lis YEARS 05' AGE, Dear Sirs : t t heard of PARIS- IAN SAGE and as my head would itch a good deal, I thought I would try it. I never used any remedies be- fore and was bald on top of my head. I ant using the Great bottle and have a lot of Bair where I 'was bald. I would k:ke you to see the new hair sprouting from my head. The itrrhiug in lily scalp quietly disap- peared. I ate 05' years old and have been at the Bazaar 51. years. Wm. A, Hopper, Auctioneer Han:c- sess Bazaar, Ninth 2l'-, Samson Sts., Philadelphia, Pa, Large bottle of PARISIAN SAGE 50 cents. Guaranteed by R. S. R. I•Iolmes for dandruff, falling hair and scalp itch, Puts life and beauty in- to faded hair and is a delightful hair dressing. St.. Thomas ratepayers carried by- laws to extend Phe street railway and purchase additional cars. MINER PURE'PREAaED Look for this Trade Mark when you buy paint. It means painting as it should be -- painting ntingthat will look f7e`tand wear the longest under all' weathers and hard usage, This Trade Mark is backed by 76 years of word wide paint experi- ence -it's the sign of MINERREADY VA Perhaps the last job blistered,':'. cracked orpeeled-becausethe paint Was not perfectly made. Try Minerva Paint this time.. The Perfect incorporation of the Minerva ingredients ' produces a, paint with great covering capacity -- while its, elastic properties, prevent peeling off, blistering or cracking, insuring long life,, thus putting off the necessity of repainting for the longest time --meaning economy to you. There's a Minerva Paint, Enamel or Varn- ish Ste every purpose. Sold by prominent dealers at all points in ciuding R. ROWLAND Clinton PINCHIN. JOHN-. SON & CO. (Canada) Limited Toronto - "It's so easy to paint with 040 Minerva'! KEEP TIIE BALANCE UT. . It hag been ' truthfully' said -''that any disturbance of the even balance cit health causes serious trouble: No- body can be too careful^to keep this balance up. When. people begin to. lose, appetite, or to gel tired easily, the least imprudence brings on sick- ness, ickness, ;, weakness, or debility, 'lire'. system needs` a tonic,' craves it, and shooter, not be dewed it ; and the best tonic of .which we have any' knowledge is :Hood's Sarsaparilla. saying • that a stitch jib time saves What this medicine has done in'keep- ing healthy people healthy, in keep- ing -up the even balance of health, laves' it the sante distinction as has illustrated the wisdom of the old saying that a stitch in; time saves nine, Take ' Hood's fbr appetite strength, and endurance, A new scheme of . naval. defence- the continuous patrol of the British coast, :by destroyer flotillas -was made public, Mr. A. 13. Manson has been ap- ' pointed city engineer of Stratford, The Knights of Columbus, at tite close of 'the State convention, held a very pleasant banquet at London, Ont. Now . is the time to get rid of your rheumatism You wiii find Chamberlain's Liniment wonderfully effective. One application will con- vince you of !its merits::' Try It. For sale by all Dealers. There was some frost in the Nia- gara iagara fruit belt oa Monday nett, but whether any dammage, was clone' is not known yet. Amherstburg ratepayers ,passed the by:iaw to lend a new company $10, 000, and the ncty knitting faotor'y will start operations in a short time. State of Ohio, City or Toledo', Lucas, County. Frank J. Cheney stakes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chomp R: Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County; and State aforesaid, and that satid firm will pay the sum of One hundred Dollars for each and every, case m Catarrh that cannot be cuped het the use of Hall's Catarrb Cure, Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Dec- ember, A. D. 1891, A. W. 'Glefeson, Notary Publics Hall's Catarrh Cure is 'taken inter- natty, and acts directly on .the blood and. mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0 Sold by all Druggist. 75c. Take I:lull's Fatnhlyi Pills for con- stipation. Thousands witnessed an exciting battle between the police and' two of tho Paris automobile bandits. The Italian naval and military au- thorities succeeded in reproducing the human voice in a message by wire- less telephony at a distance of I00 miles, Sick headache results from a dis- ordered condition of the stomach, and can be cured by the use of Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try it. For sale by All Dealers. "l1'IIA'1' 1S SLEEP?" What is sleep? According to the onera] deftn'ition, bleep is a condition t doyen utousnmiss when: all the oases are at rest. Yet, though this m,ay be true enoug:t here :still remains the question, What causes 'she actual lapse into nconseloueress?” One 'theory sets et that sleep is due 'to 'a bl rodless ontlt blots of the brain, which Is ice- • ntud i'or by the drawing off of Rod iyl,order that the other fatigued t'gana of the body may be replenished. As 'to 'tile amount of, sleep retluu'ed y nddvidnals; there is the popular tying: "Five. ,hours,4'or the us to six „'r a woman, and seven for the tool." 'has been noticed, however, that it o ntatn is bettor able to stand less - sleep than a mato 7'he sloop of flower's and en cc mu i male s very citreous. With regard to ,ewers, ;the closing of their petals is snotty influenced by the aabion of ne sun,' 'but in -the case of animals 1e eta -le of slumber resembles pretty inch -blest of man, Ci.cept. the owest form of animal life is Mend. ''or instance, the sleep or some S Lo go and Insects a �'] Sebes, I. ,e n tis 1 n Itttr days,and oven 'mon'ths Speak- 'ag of Plowet's, there are some that sleep in 'bite day, ntvakecuiug only in the evening. The tobacco -planet ,and the evenmrose attn mples, ,L'ran'ising' oprine oi' Ihe_ mostexaus'?ful of eels foe barites. . It arts as a very sild laxative, and if not used more reely, It can he used ones or veeltly to good advantage. 11 bas a .cry beneficial effect on the entire e.geStive tract Of the anima I. 'May Keep Her Name, An Estgltsh court has decided that a woman is not compelled to change her name when she marries' and that. she incurs no legal disability by such. Is there anything 'in all this world that t is' of more importannccto you titan good digestion ? Food must be eaten to sustain Life and must digested and converted into blood.; When the digestion fails the whole. body suffers. ,Chamberlain's Tablets are a national and reliable cure . for indigestion. T They hey Increase the flow of bile, purify the blood, strengthen the stomach, and tone up the whole digestive apparatus to a nataraii anti healthy aotioirt, For sale by All Beaters. 1!t "i Awn CO.ay agaLager: weather drink—invigorating, refreshing, sat- isfying. Try a glass when you feel fatigued. You will appreciate its beneficial, health -giving properties. Keep a case of 21.aaa in your home. It will prove a source of constant satisfaction. JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LONDON, CANADA.' is the ideal warm THIS WEEK? Start that savings account this wk, know r savings Start wilibewhere safe--youwith a you Com- pany that has a reserve fund equal to its paid-up capital. Start with a company incorporated in 1864 --that has already paid over five million dollars of interest to depositors and debenture -holders Call or write us to -day.. Incorporated 1864 OVER 13 - MILLION3 OF ASSETS £o„„ 8 Savincgs Co., °Condon and $f. Thomas. SPRING With house cleaning time is at hand, every woman. knows all about dust but some don't know that DUST BA NE. Will make sweeping a Joke, just a few handsful at beginning point is all that's required. Dustbane is' th" g g p�e Sanitary Method of eliminating the .dust nuisance.`' It kills germs, makes carpets look like new, Don't take our word for this but order a tin from your grocer. Try it out for one week and return the tin if not satisfactory, DUSTBANE OTTAWA PROTECTED ' BY CANADIAN, PATENTS lour The News -Record leads 'for Town and. Township News.