HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-05-23, Page 5I J]// S� Thousands of ambitious. young people HomC/ Study' are being instt noted in their hones by I our Home Si eel, Dept. Yon may finish at College 'if yon. desire. Pay whoa ever wish. Sh. ThirtyYears' Y }Canada, , renes. -t P Largest trainers in g 0 rncd C Fnte nay day. . - an,l o Y.. art d. 7f e[ w t tt�;+ you lwl 's wilt . for particulars, urs, learn I while you card, write for partrtnlars, NO VACATION CLINTON. BUSINESS COLLEGE CEO. SPOTTON, PRESIDENT ININCINI111211112=11115=111aienelaseelens May'23rd, (912 Clinton News -Record Goderich. nutnber of ladies interested i work of the Daughters of , t1 Empire,. believing that the was room and work =- fo another' chapter in Goclerich have o .ganized a new Primary to be nalle KGeneral,`-Brough Chapter, with the following 'officers : Regent, Mrs.' McDonald ; vice regents Mrs. `'Geo Williams and Mrs. J. J. Doyle' ; se retary; MPs. James .Mitchell ; trees urer; Mrs. Alex. Saunders standar e bearer, Miss Rhynas ; Council., Mes dames;(Dr:) Whitely, J. J. Doyle an i )Jos. ,Kidd, ,and Misses Lawrence Walton and J. Shannon. A charte has been applied for. In February. last three charge g were made against the Bri,'lsh Ex change' hotel lot violations of ti License Att, and ti one case the liar 'tender -was fined` $10 and costs,,,- an in the''- other : two notice of appea• given. Mr. Gordon Brown, t then proprietor,: deposited a chequ for the'requited security for costs' 'and on the ;appeal 'in one eliarg Judge Doyle reversed the mages trate's decision and left the town officiate` wito, prosecuted responisble for the <costs., " The town being also, interested in an electric light bill owing by Brown, hoped' to be' able to turn the .cheek td account, but found- when tit was presented. that Brown' had cleared out and left God- erich,. and in ad'dt:tion to the costs the town is out the light bill. The bartender, Arch. McIntyre, was brought from Windsor under arrest for non-payment of his fve,, and be- ing still obdurate, was given the 'option of ten days 'in jail, which he is now serving. Mrs. (Rev.) Joseph Elliott has ar- rived home again fgom England„ ac- companied by her son, J. R. O. who has been prosecuting his studies in r1" $nttzerland for the past three years 1'and a half. Mr: Elliott is expected home in June. ' Mr. Edgar Bickle has been home from ` •Hamilton:on a visit to hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. D..- G. Bickie. Mrs: N. Cook and . children 'have gone to Weyburn, Seek. Miss Etta Saults has returned af- ter a visit of some months '. in Win- nipeg. • Much regret was felt here on the arrival of the' news of the sudden • death of Mr. Geo. E. Henderson, which oceured on the steamer' J. A. . `McKee. The vessel was in port a en—O pie of days previously and the young man appeared to, be in his us- ual health. Death was due to heart . ia,'ure: He was a son of Mrs, Jam- es Strongh of East street', He had spent alt his 1'fe in Goderich and had many friends who regret his ear- ly demise. 'The body was brought home for interment, the funeral tak- ing place on Wednesday of last week. Dr.. Strang intends taking a trip to. the. west during the summer holi- days. , • Mrs. F. L. Stahleker passed away on Wed�n c`sday of laet week after a ter " 'ess"froin l�;(oontonia. Mir.. Staiilekor was killed by being struck by a train at Paris in January last. The Hotel Sunset will open this sea- son on June 13th. Mr. Chas. C. Lee, who purchased the propperty, is making improvements l'n the. place and 'it will no doubt be more attrac- tive khan ever before. Contrary to expectations, when the license commissionets for Centre Hur- on meet in a few days to grant 'lic- enses to the hotels of the town of Goderich they will have the difficult • matter " on their hands of . deciding which licenses shall not be renewed. When a petition' signed by fifty-seven citizens, was presented to the 'town' council two 'weeks ago asking for a rescinding of the by-law which au- thorized ithe cancell'eng of two lic- enses ie enses it ,was thought by a number that such a step could be legally taken.. The petition was,referred to the special conithittee which in turn ren. fer.red it to. the town solicitor for adv ien. The matter , was looked in- to carefully by Mr. :Carrow and his final conclusion was that the by-law' could. not be rescinded as; the license. yeae.had alriady begun., lie did' not consider the case was' rx.'-alt' re,d' by the fact that the licenses were .:,-renewed tythe department for the space of ore month 'dating from the •fi'rstof May, • The property .on Napier street, known as "The Maples,'' and .belong: , in to the estate of the tate `Lion, Mf. C•;Caneron, has been purchased by 1 board ofAlexandra Hospital a the e>~an a TIo pi o $4,000.. Por some time past the need of,.increased hospital' accommo- dation, has been felt. It tvasr not deemed advisable to make 'any fur- fur - their' expenditure on the ro ext oc-' P p Y cupped at present and at the Cant- exon property was an excellent site and was, offered at a very reasonable price, the suitableness of the resid- ence was enquired. into. The advice of. -a Toronto `architect was secured, and lie found on snvestitation .that the outside wallis of the pre- L.sent building, could be retained and "O.,—finer `'interior built et' much less , rest than if the `erection of a new building ' throughout was considered. The architect ,estimatedthat to .build 'the style of building desired it would `cost $25,000, and to convert the Cameros' building tete a first -Cass `hospital would re yuese an. expenditure of $15,000. Tile' matter was pre- sen!ed to the. ratepayers of Goclerich a ne ro r- d I) c-, d d. a d al he e e • last January and a by-law was .sub- mitted to provide for the raising of this, amount, the board intending to finance the purchase, of the new site from other funds 'at its disposal,+ The' by-law war; defeated, but it s; felt at the time that the rate- _.:wa e a ers did not fullyunderstand what It Y the hospital board peeposeii doing. It was finally decided, however, to take. advantage of the opportunity afford- ed to purchase tech a desirable pro- party, and it is more' than probable the! at some future date the rate- payers' assistance again will .be a P epic - ed g s ed for. Goderich Mrs. Deeck s n .rvisiting . eu o rn Ot- tawas Mr., and Mrs/=Win.Watson have gone on a ,trip to the Old Land, They intend remaining; several months. Mr. N. C. Cameron has closed his business here and' has gone to Pet- erboro; where he will conduit a men's clothing business. Miss Laura Sharman went to De- troit last week ts•visit friends and also to be present at the gradua tion exercises of 'Grace liospitel,, where her sister, Miss Grace, has been training. Mr, J. TI..Tiger has ensigned his p,osstien r an principal off:Victoria school to take a position in ' 11am- ilton. Mr. Tigert 'has been on the teaching staff of 'Goderich public schools for the past ten years and had given urtiversal .satfsafeteon. Mr. H. R. 'Lone has been appointed to fill the' vacancy, the change to come about . at the dulemet holiday time. Dungannon The funeral of Floyd Bruce,, the three-year-old son of R. J. Bruce, of West Wawanosh, took place to the Dungannon cemetery on Monday ad- ternoon. Deceased died on Saturday and his mother predeceased him eight months ago. At a recent teeti'ng of the • quar- terly board of the Nile ciscuit, Rev, W. Conway, whose fourth year as pastor is about to ex- pire, was tendered votes of hearty ap- preciation for his 'valuable services'. Mrs: N. J. Treleaven has returned [eons her visit in Napanee. The Goderich Rural Telephone Com- pany has again commenced erecting new lines. They are at present en- gaged in constructing a new . cir- cuit in West Wawanosh.' Thos. Stewart, of Cransford, is suffering ream an injured spine as a result of' a bad fall off a land roller. Robert MIe3lwain, the Nile mer- chant, and postmaster, left for a trip through the West last week. About thirty members 'of tie. local Oddfeliow's lodge paraded to 'rte Pres- byterian Church on Sunday week, where they were favored with an ex- cellent discourse on "The Love of Jonathan and David,"whieh was most appropriate to Oddfellowship. The sermon was delivered by Rev. Mr. Miller, of Auburn. Mother's Day was duly observed in the Methodist tthurch on Sunday week, Rev. L. Barlett', the pastor, -in' a special sermon,, calling special at- tteritims to the mother's influence in a home, , Miss Daisy Ryan was borne from Port Credit last weep, P. G. 'Alien is at Peterboro dis- posing of the season's cut of lumber. An interesting event tonic place on Wednesday of last week at the borne. of Mrs, Jacob Ryan, when her dau- ghter, Mary A., }vas united in mar- riage to William Ellett„ of Now Liskeard. ' The bride was 'attired in white : mousseline, carteed a bouquet of lilies of the valley and was un- attended. She was given away by her brother and Rev. L. Barlett per- formed the ceremony in the presence of a few immediate rel'at:ves. The house was tastefully decorated with marguerites and evergreens. After a dainty luncheon had been served the happy couple drove to Gode- rich, en route to Niagara Falls and cities in the Easton States,' the bride's travelling costume was of grey with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott will make their home at Nbw Liskeard, where Mr. Elliott es engaged in business. Both bride and groom have' lived in Dungannon for many years and have hosts of friends here who wish them all sue cess in their new hpme. The ladies of the English church of S. -Iielens have organized a brauuh of the Church Benent Society, ivith ollcers as follows : President, Mrs. J. R. '(Want ; 1st vice-president, Mrs, James Burntin , 2nd vice-president, Mrs. .T. Phillip ; secretary, Mrs. TVif- liarn , McQuillan ; treasurer, Mrs. Cleo, MloRoberts.; assistant secretary, Mrs. J. Jamieson. .Miss Elva Johnson was stricken with a hemorrhage of the stomachs the other day and was in a serious condition for a time, but is now Innproying. While 'l'ihomas' 'Anderson of Ash- field was in a local Hardware store the other morning, his drieer„ tak- ing Inight at someth•ug.,hrolte loose from the tie post, vvliu.i led around on Main street, and dashed up the road with Mr. Anderson's little daughter in the buggy. Mr. Anderson, ' little -in see- ingthe danger' his one was ran after the fleeinghorse, and ov- ertaking it at the Mallough house, pulled the girl out of. the basic of the rig. while the horse sped on to the next corner, where it 'turned, fin- ally stopping on one of the back street's' with the buggy upside, dowri and the harness badly damaged. Had the little one not been rescued, there ;s, no - doubt that she would, have been killed, • WOULD NOT 1317 WITHOUT BABY'S OWN TABLETS. usedBaby's a mother has ab Ys Oenn Tablets site Total not bewith- nut them, They are the only medi- cine for little ones guaranteed by a Government analyst to be free from 1'1.iese opiates and other harmful design' found iltt:iso-called' "soothing" msxtuees. Concerning them, Mrs. J. C. Wood, Underwood„ Ont., says have used Baby's Own Tablets fox the last four '.years and; would not he without them, as I have found them beneficial every time I have given them to my little ones." 'Pile Tablets are sold by `medicine 'dealers or by maid at 25e a box from 'the Dr. Williams' Medicine Cle,, Brock - title. Oat: , Nile Mr. James Gallagher and his els- tors visited Nile friends ors Sunday. ' Postmaster Robert Mcll'wain left last week for -Alberta, whore he in- tends epersningafew' weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Jarvis. Little Mable Evelyn Smith has been, illwith pneumonia, but we are pleased to say is recovering. The Epworth - League topic last week was taken by Mrs. Dustow. Morris Township Council meeting on Monday next. Miss Minnie Walker is visteing be-. lativesat Mitchell. � Davi l Walker, of Regina,, was home for ' a' short visit, of the parental home. He is the eldest son of S. and Mrs. Walker, 6th line, and is engaged in real estate. . The trustees of S. S. 'No. 5 are, ad- vertising for a teacher; to succeed Miss Cornish at the close of the summer vacation: Word was receival that Charles M, Barnhill, former resident of Morris and a son of the late John Barnhill, had died at Newcastle, Washington, aged 58 years.. Tire annual fleecing of the' Wo- men's Missionary Society in connec- tion with the Jackson appointment was held recently and the following oll'ters appointed :—President, Mrs. A. Howlett ;i Vice, Mrs. 'I'. Bielby : Core Secretary, Miss Gerty Bielby ;. Reec:-. Secretary, Mrs. Wallace ; Treasurer, Mrs. IV. Cunningham ; Supt. System tic, Beneficence, Mrs. H. Kirby' Con- tributions los the past year amount- ed to $42.00. There passed away at Nesbitt, Man., on May 5th, John Perdue,- a former resides/, of. Morris. lie married Miss May Campbell, daughter of Alex. Campbell, 1st line, and in 1880 removed to the West. Mrs. Perdue died many years ago. He leaves four sons and six daughters. Four of his nephews are welt known in this vicinity—John of Morris ; H. 1'., of Wawarieslt ; John, IIS` of myth and A. M. of C'l:,`ford, Mr, Perdue Buying his. residence here was active in municipal anti political circles, a member of Morris Council, and Pre- sident of East 'Huron C'ons'ervative Association. IIe was a meinber of the Anglican church, and of the Or-. ante Assoc`ettion. He wan in bis 73rd year. The funeral took place from the residence of his nephew, II. 'l': Perdue con. 11; E. Wawanosh, to Wringlram cemetery. l3luevaic L. 0. L. conducted service atrthe grave. News of the Day Eric Mollis of R'inclsar fell through the hatchway of the steamer harper' and was killed. The Duke of Connaught laid the cornerstone of the adilitidn to the Military Institute. Col. Wcstropp was in Toronto oh his way home from India, where lie served in twelve campaigns. The Duke and Duchess of Con- naught .and Princess Patricia attend- ed the opening of the races at the Woodbine. The terhiswere announced fear the sale of the Abitibi timber Menses. }Ion. R. L. Borden spoke at the an- nual launeheon of the United Em- pire Loyalists. Tsvo hundred thousand tons of ice have been stored for use in Toronto this summer. W. F'. Ryan of 'the Turner Liquor Company was found guilty of coun- selling bribery of a police officer. Evidence givers at the inquest in- to the Neilson disaster was to the effect that the oa:lers of the City Architect had been disobeyed. The Supreme Court will probably fix the hearing of the maiulage law eefrrcnce for May 27. The directors of the Tretheway Co- balt mine declared a distribution of profile of ten per cent. Large old-eounery interests will list Dominion Steel common stock in Lon- don and Amsterdam. A company is negotiating with the Montreal City; Council with the ob- ject of providing an autobtis servece The steamer. Antes ran into the swing bridge at Hamilton, damaging the structure and effectively hlot,king the harbor. The remaies of 'the' late King Fre- derick reach ell the Danish capital • by Royal yacht., • A Board' of 'Urals committee was appointed to advise as to best met- hods of increasing safety of ships at sea. 'The King and 'Queen were pgesent at a sham fight at Aldershot. Sir, 'Cosmo, Duff -Gordon 'denied 'the •'i charba that. ] e had objected to go- ing' to the rescue of 'the Titanic vic- tims after the vessel sank. The 'Young- Company's block at Sudbury was burned i loss ;$100,000. Some passenger coaches were bacic- ed into a dining .ear in the M. C. R. yard. uttl,Sij, Thomas :Avant 'such , force that ennsmber. of pas:senger•s and rail- vvay employees' were lejured.' The Railway .Commission has or- dered the ' C. N, R. and the .Midland to cancelitile agreement under which train crews from the United :States eyrie alloftod bo operate trains in Clanada, The Crown Prince' Christian was proclaimed a ng of 'Denmark, The bodies of three Titanic vic- tims' in 'a boat were 'pick -ed up by the :Ocoanie' and bua;ied at sea. The first Lord of lthe Admiralty el- se dealt with the contributions of -else dominions to the navy, :,iurtther evidencewas givers in .the Titanic Inquiry, as, tier ,the position of. alifor:nian at: Cihe, e ti mile of the theC: i 'disaster,. li rilf S 'rocton of the United -Conn-, P, ties of Nortl utnboriand and Barbara has been forced to 'resign .alter 22 years' service. Williarh Beckon of Chicago told time police he Was deserted by 'his bride Of a week while they, were on their: way to Europe. Belgrave.. , Rev. J. J, Durrant -wan at Tees - water attending the District meeting. Harry Hopper is the rBelgrave C. 0. F. delegate to the High Cour! to be held ' next' month at Hamilton. W. J. :Geddes is alternate. The conitraet for the proposed ad- denote to the Foresters' Hall hero was let , to G. Prooter and IV. J. Ged- des for the sum of $870. Work will' be pushed ahead et an early date. A cement basement will be put under the new part, When com- pleted the Hall will be ' 28x70 feet with sea't'ing accomodation for from 300 to 100 people. The 2.nprovement wilt' be a decided advantage and the C. 0. F. is to be complimented on their enterprise, At the meeting of Belgrave Wom- en's Institute, held at Mrs. Scan'd- rett's, a good' attendance was present. Following are the new of- ficers :—President, Miss Jennie. Cole ; let Vice, Mrs. 'C. W. Procter ;. 2nd Vice, Mrs. T3obier ; Sec, -Treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Ferguson Organist, Mrs. Jas. Taylor ; Directors, Mrs. Brandon ; Mrs. • Jno. Clegg, Mrs. An- derson and Miss Minnie Nethcry ; au- ditors, Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs. D. Geddes. The next meeting will be held on 'June 11th at Mrs. D. ' Ged- des' and the outside speaker will be Miss McMurchie, of Harrinton, a graduate of the Domestic Science de- partment of McDonald , College, Gtte'.+pit. Live Stock Market. Toronto, May 21st: -Phe prices of some extra choice cattle reached a new high level forfarm-fed stock yesterday at the Union Stock yards. There was one load of splendid Durban beasts weighing about 1,300 pounds apiece, which sold at :$8 even, while others brought the same figure. Other export 'tittle cliangecl hands al from $7.59 to $7.75, In spite of this showing a weaker tone prevailed at the• market. The run of cattle which alone reached nearly -3,5000„ coming alter a week of liberal supplies, cased the situa- tion a little. Although most of the cattle were bought up, there did not seem to be the keen demand that characterized the market last week, Montreal was in the market again, and took away about fifteen car- loads. Butchetcng ,cattle were plentiful, and good beasts sold all the way from $6.60 to $7.25,, and medians tram $5,75 to $6.50. There eves an improvement in the demand for cows melees ranging from $6 to $6.50 for the best offerings, and medium grad- es from $4,50 to $5.50, Bulls chang- ed hands at from $6 to $6.75. The market for small stuff was just about steady, and most of the receipts were ' bought up. Some sheep ewes reached as high as $7.25, and others went as low as $5.50 Yearlings held very strong, most of tlnent going at from $8 to $8.50. Th'e grade of calves was better, values ranging front 6 10, 98.50. Sprh%g lambs sold at from $6 to $7.50. The re- ceipts were 386 cars containing 3,-, 476 cattle, 119 calves, 3,358 hogs,. 815 sheep and 18 horses. Marriages STEWART-POLLOCK—At the re- sidence of the bride's parents, Bayfie'af„ on, ,May 21st, by Rev. H. J. Cordell„ Florence, second daughter of Mr. am Mrs. John Pollock, to John M. Stewart of Goderich. Births """" "' r7:- COLLTER—In Clinton, on May 19th, to Mr, and Mrs. A, F. Collyer, a daughter. 13ALL—Ai Toronto, on. May 12th, to Mr. anti Mrs. Albert E. Ball a daughter, WVELSH.—in Toronto, on May 18th';, to Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Welsh, 'a son. _ 1. WATSON.—In Londesboro,onMay 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas Wat- son, a daughter. KENNEDY.—In Tuckersrnith, on May 1.3rrh,. to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ken-. hely, a son. 77DMIINDS—Lt .Seaforth,' on May 11th, to Mn. and Mrs. Wm, 'Ed- munds, a daughter. GEMMELJ—In 'Tuckoisnhith, on May t.lth, to Mr. and Krim. David 'Geumiell, a son. ' i.` "f Deaths ',t?" .."1 41� COOK.—In Clinton,.May on 17th, Susie Ostrom, wife tr J a. o fJoshua Cook, aged 44 years. 11TASMAN.—At Nolan, New Mexico on May 18th, Frederick George • Wasman eldest :son of Mt. and Mrs. J. '1',. Wasuian of town,, aged 27 years. LAMONT—In Stan'.ey, on May 21st, Mrs. William Lamont, STA'I:ILfulFT"R,-1n (Goderich, on May 15th, Emma.'S,tahloker, widow of the late F. H. Stahlcler,, aged 77 years. . HORNET -At Gerowville; Bask,, Herbert 'J,Harney, aged 28 years and 5months, son of Hen- ry _niernoy, of Westfield. IILNhIRr50N:—•On May 12th, on board the steamer J. A. McKee, George rl0lswor"th Henderson, aged 32 years, 11 months 'and 5 days. PERDUE.—In Nesbitt, Man,, May 5th, John .'Perdue (formerly of Morris) in his 73rd 'year, BLACK. -In , TurnberrY13,th May , Mr. John Black, aged 62 years. • MCG'$LLI,CUDDY—fn Exeter on May 9th the infant son 'of Di;'. J. E. and Mrge Mn.'aged. 2 days. Thirteen; were killed and. forty-five i. nYured in a ,railway (So/listen in Paris. HOUSE 'FOR SALE -A GOOD ch, nc an a tri buy a tease. Sheat„ amount clown, balance as rent. house in good repalmu; possession given' at once.—For particulars ap- ply to Mrs. Chidloy, Clinton. ' —33-1. FOR SALE—FLO CR AND FEED business, established e4 years, de- livery and dray business -Pt con- nection. Together with store and dwelling of seven rooms. Good brick- stable also on premises. -- D. S. Cook, Clinton, —31 DRAIN TILE FOR SALE—WE have a large stock of tile on hand ranging in size from 2n. inches to 10 inches,, also a good Stock of brick. 10 and 12 inch tile to or- der. Works half mile east of Eg-, mondville. Phone 9 on ' 145— Kruse Bros., Egmondville. —33-4. ME'''ETING OF THE HURON-COUN- ty Council—The Coencil• of the Cor- poreteen 65 the County of 1•Iuron will meet in the council chamber, in the Town of Goderich, on Tues- day, June 4th, at 3 o'clock. Ac- counts against the County will be considered if placed with tine. clerk before that date.—W. Lane, Clerk. Dated May 20th, 1912 —33-2: MR, JOHN RICE WILL BE PLEAS - ed to continue tuning pianos for those who in time past. He has thus seved. He extends his best thanks for past favors, hoping for a continuance of the same. Any- one requiring such services now kindly leave' word at his residence, Janes street, as lie expects to leave town about the first week in June. —33. AT .' , WA'LKERI'S FURNITURE store you can have your baby car- riage or go-cart wheels re -tired in half an hour's time, No waiting for material, we have the machine and the rubber on hand and will do them for you while. you wait. —31 STAN'DFORD (12810) FOALED MAY 9th 1910 of Imported stock, is a dark dapple bay, face and feet white, has quality, style anti ac- tion hard tb beat. Is perfectly sound and healthy and weighs over 1500 pounds at two years of age. Standford is very in'telli'gent and docile and was a prize winner at time Guelph winter Feir 1011. His Sire is Danny deer (10924) G. Sire SereHugo(10924) G. Dant Rose of Anchenclich (16263). His dam Golden Rose (13952), she by Guitrsa Gonl (13020) G, Dant Bose of .Sand- watiit (18156). Will be bred to a limited hamper of healthy mares at his own stable, lot 26, non. 0, Mullett. Terms $12 payable Jan, 1st. 1913. For fernier particulars apply to Fred Henry, Owner. FOR SALE.—I HAVE RECEIVED a carload of Western wheat for feeding. You can secure a quan- tity at Trick's Mill or at my place on the Bayfield Line, Goder'veh township,—Joico Thompson. --30 ROPERTY FOR SALE.—Tell' house on High street belonging to the Downs estate, One quarter acne of land and good orchard. At present occupied by MIr. Fred Hill, —Apply to W. Bre-done. —30-4 FARM FOR SALE,—LOT 29, Bayfield con., Goderich township, containing 61' acres, more or less. Small orchard, good spring water, frame ibuflciings. Land has been in pasture about five years, For further particulars apply to William Turnc[i, , Lauder, P. C'., Manitoba, care of Mrs. IV. Grieve, -47` HUIJLETT COURT OF REVISION- Notice is hereby gives that the court for the revlsiion of the as- sessment roll of the 'Township of Hallett will be held in the Town- ship Hall on Saturday the 25th, of May at v 10. a. m. for thvP ur- pose of hearing and settling com- plaints against the said assesnient roll, Persons having business at the court wilt please attend at the'. said time and plC e without further er notice.—James Campbell, Cleric. 30-3. STANLEY COURT OF REVISION, -Notice is Hereby, given that. • the Court of Revision on the Assess- ment Role ssess-ment'Roll of :the'Township ofStan- ley will be held in the Town. Hall, Verna, on Satuiflay,: the 25th„, day of May, .1912; at 10-30 a. m., for the purpose of hearing and. set tling complaints against the said Assessment Roll. Persons having business with this Court will please attend at the said time and place without Nether notate. -R. J. Rich- andson, Clerk.—Varna, May 14th 1912. ' 30-2 BAYWIELD COURT OF REVISION. —Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision on the Assess- ment Roll of the village of Bay- Bold ay(fold will he held in the Town Hall, Bayfield, on Monday, the 27th d'ay of May, 1912, at 11 o'- clock, : a. in., for the purpose of hearing and settling any eomp,laints. oh the said Assessment Roil'. Per- sona avlttg beeiness with this court will ,please attend at the sand time. and place without further notice;— H. IV. Eafwiu; °leen. -30-2. PLAIN SEWING' WA'NT'ED. -A -P- .ply at the office ci The News-Ree- ord. —31 SEWING MIACTJINES REPAIRED and repairs kept' on hand, also ag- ency for.new inacltines.—A.. Beep- er, Albert street. -30, FOR SALE QUANTITY OF Lumber and -scantling and 24 and 30 foot rafters, 2x6.—Apply at W.' Walker's liirniture store: —31, FOR SALE A GOOD LEATHER Top Phaeton buggy.—J. Twitchell. ne. Son, ' —30, IACUUM CLEANER TO RENT '13V hear or' , day, Indispensable at housecleaning time. Also for sale two second-hand bicycles, lady's, and gent's,—Apply, at home of Mr's. A. B. Trimer, Queen.St. —29-4 PROPERTY FOR SALE.—FOUR acnes. • of land, frame hoose with good cellar, hard and soft water,en house, frame stable. Also all kinds of fruit trees.- Apply to Iddo Crich; Ontario St„ Clinton 29 FARM FOR SALE—LOT 14 MAIT- land concession, Township of Clai- borne, consisting of 90 acres, all cleared. Clay loans and first-class wheat land. leour acres of young hearing orchard, first-class fruit. Good frame house wile cellar. Good barn with stabling under- neath, driving shed with cement pig pen underneath, The farm is well fenced in 10 -acre fields. Two good wells, f mile from school, 3 miles from I'Iolntesville and the sante lis tame from Benmiller. 0 miles from Clinton. Asthe pop e r re for f s ill L and unable to work the farm nt will be sold on easy tetras.—L. Penn- ington, Ilolmesviele P. 0. .-31 FOR SALE BLUE BARRED PLY month Rock eggs, $1.00 per 15 eggs. Also a few White Cochin Bantams, eggs $1.00 per 13.—Jabez Rands, Clinton. —24. FARM FOR SALE—Lot north half 26, con. 12, Kellett, consisting of 50 acres. All seeded down except 10 acres. Small orchard. Frame house and bank barn with stabling. On Gravel road 1 mile north of Londesboro. n mile front school, 'Apply on the premises or address Richard, Shaddick, Londesboro P.O. —75. PROPERTY' -I.OR SALE—Hardware business for sale in Bayfield. Two- story building, store, workshop and dwelling combined, also stable 26 x 36. Three lots with orchard and small fruits. Terms neasonabie—Ap- ply to R. Rouatt, Bayfield, —7,4 FARM FOR SALE—The Executor of the Southcombe estate offers for sale 50 acres, being east half of lob 28, con. 6, I-Iullett, This is a first-class farm, well watered and improved and with good. buildings. Also the undersigned offers for sale lot 29, con. 6, Hullete, consisting of 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately.— Apply to R. J. Southcombe, Clin- ton P. 0. —89 SPECIAL JUST, RECEIVED ten CAR OF EXTRA NO.1 FETED OATS, 'ALSO A CAR OF CHOICE FEED WIILAT., L. SUITTER Co. 5c, IOc, 15c and 25c Store SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY FOR COMBS AND BA'RRET1S FOR SATURDAY AND FOLLOW INC;• 4V:EFI{BUl' WHERE,' ilJ E` "YOUR • MONEY GOES THE FURTH- ,EST. G_ I:,- COO] PROPRIETOR. ALL ' KINDS OF COAL WOOD TILE BRICK TO ORDER 'All kinds of coal on hand.:' CHESTNUT ' SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 21 in., 3 in. and 4 in.. tile of the Best Quality. ARTHUR U FO BES . . R R. FOR BES the CI•. T. R. Station, Phone 92 BARRED ROCK EGGS FOR Sale. -1 wen on Barredk ` Rocs at ' Clinton 4 first., 3 second, 1 third, and special for best eolicetion. I'en 1, Pullet mating, Headed' 'bee Millard cockerel. Limited: num- her settings, Eggs $2.00 per 13. Pea 2, Cockerel 'mating, headed .by, Mil- • lard cock. Pullets in this pen are good layers, Eggs $2.Qb per 13. ' Pen 3, utility pen, headed by a cool/mot hired from one of ' the best laying strains in Canada. The pullets in this pen wire bred from ,17 of my pullets which layed 436 eggs in 31 days, Eggs $1.00 per 15. I guarantee a good hatch or replace setting free of charge. =ill A. Iier- ey. Clintott, -24. ••••••••••••s•••••••••;,., unUl1 u.LLL u u'UU'I • : ? Haveyou ever tried 1t . : • • One ofthe, most de -• licious, savory and satis- •• • • factory soups of, the day. ,:' • Nourishing too because • Campbell's Soup contains e , only the best meats and • vegetables, a few of the • • • kinds we keep. •• • Consomme, Tomato, Chicken,• • Chicken Gumbo, Mocic Turtle, • Vegetable, Beef, Mulligatawny. • • • • • • • • When the gong like distant • • thunder, • • Calls us to our •bill of fare, • • Then how anxiously I wonder, • • • 1'trill good Campbell's Soup be • there. • • • • • • • • • • • •Window •• • • See Our South •fir. T • O'NEIL E I L,•• • • "The Hub Grocery.” • • • • netienn, Watch Faults Does your watch run correctly. If not, let us repair it for you, It may be only dirty and need cleaning, or stop for lack of oil. Whatsoever the reason, don't delay. We give thorough examination and regulation free. Anything more costs as little as satisfactory work can be done. A. J. GRIGG Scientific Jeweler. and Optician CLINTON, ONT. NOW IS THE TIME Plumbing, Evetroughing and Stove Moving All ordersp P y rom tl attended to. Prices given on roofing, sid- ing and all contract work, BYA.. NI &S UTTER SANITARY PLUMBERS.' TO THE PUBLIC HAVING BOUGHT T.HE WORKSEOP DEPARTMENT OF' THE ROWLAND HARDWARE BUSINESS, WITH.. WHICH I HAVE BEEN CONNECTED FOR SEVERAL YEARS, I 'AM PRE- ' PARED, -TO RECEIVE ORDERS FOR THE HECLA FURNACES, PLUMBING, EVETROUGPIING • PUTTING UP . STOVES AND J REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS, ALL' OF WHICH WILL RECEIVE MY' PROMPT ATTENTION, Al CONTINUANCE OF THE PAT- RONAGE GIVEN THIS DE- PARTMENT IS RESPECTFUL. i LY REQUESTED. PROMPT ., ATTENTION WILT.;` BE GIVIN TO ORDERS LEFT AT• ROLAND'S HARDWARE STORE, T.. Ll, JOHNSON.