HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-05-23, Page 4immossaggaimessiammon Benmitter Mr. and' Mrs. A. 'iieddle ''-lied their wagon overturned one evening re- cently,also by Mr. A. Mugford, and the old rold:s were thrown ;alio the ditch, happily without much injury. 'A, deep ditch on the side of the too narrow road made a turn round an ;neeneenienth 'thing, which they were nl' u 'trying to manage, and. Gonseq et 1 occured. 'theaccident Rev. Mr, Mailman ofthe Evangelical wife out driving with his one day last week,' and an able broke,, buggy went down, horse took fright, and occupants were precipitated into the road. Mrs. Pitblado,'jr., presented to her husband , a wee lassie on May 5th. 'brother and hai•rnie are doing *ell. i New Ideas in Wall WalPaper Seaforth The operetta,. "Sylvia," is to be. given by theyoung people of our town in Mibehell on the evening of the 24t1i: Mr. H -ill Sleety of Lansing, Mich., was in town last 'week,,; haying come to 'attend the funeral of his Gather,. tine tape w, ,�•���.. Mr, Chas. ler Sills left last week for Crow's Nest Pass to engage in engineeringtnS Work during sS 'tho-5 rouW er:' Mt and Mr s. James ees O'Learyea rY of 4vmnipcg, .who have spent the winter lin California, , visited the latter's I w parents, lilt, and Mrs. D. Donovan, last wee,), Mrs. :Curran of Chicago was the guest of Mrs. Ed. Mole last week. Miss Iillorau and Miss Ryan, who spent 'the winter ;n Toronto, have retprned to, town and are settled in their own ree,iddncc. l Govenlock left last week' I Miss Mabe Holm esville. Mr, N. W. Trewartha ie rushing Qt,he 'egg business to its utmost capacity, so much so that he ie experiencing some difficultly in procuring 'siif- Jicient egg eases. lint g • Chicago to visit her brother, Mr. - iWo), floi;erCoek. lJames Cunn111ng, a respected Mr. resklenjl; of S.giisonpvil]c, died at his hof ito tl ec on Saturday week, • .Sat there from returned fro. tut t r.LC lSC has {1. Mr. ':•G .I L a western trip. '" Mr. W. H.Colquhoun has gone on a trip to the west. Miss 'Gertrude Reid of the Vic- ) tiding a WE honestly believe that the U U WALL PAPERS the have are just the 'quality, jest the style, just the shade, anti just the kill you want. And we pleases know that if the pattern you the price will please you, too. You live with a Wall Palter so long it pays to be pat;tictllar what kind you get and where you buy. We give special prom- inence to the newest ideas in the line of decorative 'art, and shtillbe pleased. to submit sam- ples for any work you may want done. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE COOPER &GO; toria hospital, London, isape vacation with her parents in town, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Read. Mr. James Stewart has returned after an extended visit 'With God- ericli friends. Mrs. David Johnson is visiting her daughter; Mrs. W. D. McLean of Dun- das Mr, H. H. Close has been appcented leader of the Citizen's band. Thee farmers are beginning to, tear that the conti'1&.)ed rein will injure the early fruit -bloom, which' promis- ed such abundant crops. < Also they are beginning to be anxious to get in their root and corn. crops. It is will 'however,' that there will be„ s frmlh sunshine and good weather to”$. u Y pleas- ed people of the vicinity arc plc ed to learn that Mit. J. W. Yeo, who recently underwent a serious opera- tion . in Clinton hospital, is improv ing and his full restoration to health is confidently hoped bore We, arc always glad to chronicle the success of llolmesvi'lle boys whd are, ' making good. In their chosen calling. Just now we hear ' with pleasure of the success of W. W., youngest sin .of PostiisasdM rs postmaster and Courtlice, who four years ago grad- uated from Victoria College, Toronto and ' who for the past three' years has been atteending the Theological Seminery in New York City com- pleting ,his course. He has not only secured his diploma but also the de• gree of B. D. In addition ato h hsis he has been taking stud- ent's charge, preaching twice on Sun- day and teaching a bible class in ane Sunday' school. His friends .,here- abouts extend, congratulations and wish bins continued success, Clinton News -Record Kipperi Mr. Wesley Harvey, our veteran. horse buyer,' is now nursing •f very` sore koee, the. reset/ of an accident he met with reo;ntly while testing a horse near G.urich He is now able to move about with the ail of cent- ellee. It! seemed unfortunate that his son, Clarence, had`'. fallen from a cherry tree. only the week before;. breaking his'' arm. He is recovering r.tcely, too. Grey Township ' An addition will be made to the residence of Win. Michel this season. Druggist Robert Work, of Toronto, enjoyed a brief holiday at the par- ental home Past week. Court of Revision on the Asses - meat Roll mill he held in the Town- ship Hall on Monday, at 11 a. in: A new bent will be added by Win. Buttrey to his barn. Jno. Petch, of Brussels, has the contract, the rais- ing aining taking place last week. Wilson Evans, 12th con., will build two cement silos this Summer ' at his hares_ Chester Armstrong, 10th con., has been laid up for a few weeks with a disabled. knee but is improving now and will soon lab o. k. we hope. Pollowl;ng is a summary of Assess- ment Grey Roll of the Township of for 1012 , ed.. Clarence. Walters, president o Value of land h1:J40 0 the �ennsillet lodge, was' marshal, 'Value of Buildings 859,200 lL' and be conducted the officers and 6,900 the luvenfles, to the churn's, whore a 400 ,350 The , Rev. ev . A. W. Brown ro w n preached. e d . 769 Quartettes were sungIlgOUl Style 603 and with happy- effect byJ.Ion6. ,600 II: Mew, Mss. Mew, and the pastor. The high crier and inipressh'eness of the service was remarked by many. After the service the. lodge members ret.rncd to the hall Were tea was laid for vis'iors. Mrs.W.I . Johnston a rte nded the branch meeting • of the W. M. S. of the London. Conference in Sarnia el e from week as a d eget the Hensall Auxiliary. Mrs. DeiM re- peesented the Vacua Auxiliary and' Mrs. W. L. Keys that of Goshen. Mr. and Mrs. Mayfield of Zion City, were here on their heneyruoon visit,ng the bride's grandparents, Mit., and Mrs. ;''Wm. Ivison, and other fri- ends. Mrs. Mayfield was formerly Miss Potter of Poter's Hill, The numerous friends here and hereabout join In wishing the young couple much happiness and prosperity. Mr. rifY. Mr aria Mrs. Wm. Cooper and children visited Mrs. Cooper's par- cutsMc. and Mrs. Daniel. Bell of .the Zurich Road last week. Mr. Bell has not been very well lately but is able to get about when the wea- ther is fine. Blake We are called upon this week to report the death of James Allan, with his broth- er, who has resided er,-Robert, The deceased who reach- ed the' age, of 77 years, hais been a cripple since a ''lad of twelve at pp which age; lie was stricken. With par- alysis. I -Tc was able to move about until a few years ago when another The Hohuesvill' Cheese and Butter Cu. is doing a rushing busin- ess. Ten days ago Salesman Hol- land made a shipment to McLaren Cheese exporters of Woodmen: r, awl now has made a sale et ail sleek on hand to Lovell & Christmass of Montreal at i3- cents per i)uetn!, to be shipped on Tuesday nes.t. We are informed by the. President that with the increased capacity lar hand- ling the mail: the company will be pleased to obtain. milk from all who can supply r:t. Benmiller The Sons of England had a chunsh parade and service at Benmiller last Sunday afternoon. 'The weather, was cleared up frse at noon, and the conditions were favoraYle for the par- ade. There were a number peesent from the. visiting lodges of Goderich, Clinton and Londesboro, and the Bee nsillee lodge was well represent - May 3rd`I912 ; stroke caused. him to have to in re - Mains his' room.' Heler survived tl A t of Robert Hay brothers, two r b3, 1 w "township .and James 'of Michigan. taken toShy- • ' s Were The renaln w field cemetery for interment en Wed- nesday afternoon, 'Rev Mr. Johnston conducting the service. The pall- bearers were. C. H. Haugh T. W. Hess, 'G. R. Hess, 0. S. Howard, J. Mine', and R. Allan, all nephews of the neighbourhood deceased, Thr: was shocked to hear of 'the sudden death of. Mrs. Wns, Lamont of the Goshen Line, took Stanley, which sad event place. on Tuesday afternoon It appears that she had gone up over the kit- chen, the toot of which is being rais- ed for an upperp storey and while walling over the joists stepped on a loose board which upturned and caus- ed hes 4.0 fall ..trough tile lath and piaster ceiltag to the lower floor, striking something in •her descent which broke her rias one of which pierced the heart. No one was with her to witness the accident but when her son Roy, who was close by ran to learn the cause of the noise he c ly- ingamazed to sec c his mother unconscious on the , floor: Mr. Lamont was in Zurich at the time and both lie and the doctor were ,,ailed by phone but before arriving she had passed away without being able to Hensall Mrs. Fred MCDOnell is visiting fri- ends in Detroit. Mr. James O'Ncsa has purchased a new car. Mrs. John Seoti and Miss Sinclair have gone to the old Land, where they ineeind spending some time 'vis- iting friends. Total amt. of Real , Property i,,usiness Assessment Icome n Total Assessment ........... 2,516 Population, ages (5-21) Pop.. (5-16) 1'rotal population- ...... 2 2,30 0`0 meinhere in 'elicit full regalia, with) MILLINSIRY AND DnncssadAKINc. orwiniam large crowd of people had gathered. READY WEAR ro COLiCCo. TELEPHQNE ANO. 78 The Store That Shows The New Things. First We believe in being the. ''Wllis- tie not the "Echo'' - and that is why you find this storealways in the lead in showing the NEW THINGS FIRST. If the manufacturer has a new style in ladies' suits, coats, skirts or dresses, we are the first to have them in Clinton. Season's Cleverest Styles and Choicest Values Are Now on Display. • We are showing new embroidery and lawn dress- es, new gingham and chambreY dresses, new wash skirts,new lingerie and tailored waists, also a Jorge ran �of housedresses. See these before buying, g Misses' and Children's Summer Dresses. We have a very large range made of lawn, em- broidery, gingham, chambrey and print, Age from 1 yr to 16 yrs. See these while the assortment is good Millinery That Will Interest You. Our hats are perfect as regards style;' they are faultlessly made' they are certainly, most reasonably priced: You are cordially invited to 'call and see our interesting exhibit of Fashion's' Finest Finery. Mrs. R. Ciudmore had the mislor- utter a word. tune to fall down stairs the other She leaves to mourn her loss her day and received a bad shaking up.Ihusband, one some, Roy, and three It is hoped that no serous results daughters Janie, Mamie and Maggie,. will follow.• `besides brothers and sisters. The Mr. Beattie of near Blake has Mov- en reea.is were interred in Bayfield ed' to town and the family have tak- en up residence iii the C. G. Arnold place. On Monday of last week Mr.' and Mrs. D. A. Cantelon and Master Fer- ris bade farewell to Iiensail and left for Toronto, where they intend to reside in future. A few even- ings previous to their departure Mr. Cantelon was invited to the home of Mr: H. Arnold to spend a few hours with a few of his gentlemen friends before leaving town. Dur- ing the evening the opportunity was present to him s ahandsome • 'taken to I )c club bag, accompanied by many cx- lnesslmss of good will, regret at Isis departure and good d wishes for his sunless in lonanto Mr. Cantecon has been associated with the bus- iness life of Hensall for many years and has many friends in town who regret to see hini go. Ilis business here will be conducted by Mr. Frank pear The Rebekah Lodge, though a cool- paratively new organization, now has a membership of seventy. The degree team went over to Scaforth one evening recently and instituted a lodge there, receiving high praise for the way in which they put on the work. A Fltu'on County 'Trapshooters' Lea- gue was formed here recently with C. Pritz, Zurich, President, and J. E. Cantelon, Clinton, Secretary. The local gun club are having a shoot to- morrow, the 24th, for which a good program has been arranged, Two Years Suffering Brought on by a Severe Strain - How a Cure -was Found. Mr. Joseph Stephens, Rosemount, Diet., is one of .'t:m great host who constantly sound the praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and he has nsuch reason to do so as they On 'Thursday evening a banquet was brought him from suffering to held at the Commercial Hotel Isere health, atter he had spent much in honor of the marriage of Mr. money and two years of time ceper- Henry Bower, a resident of Crediton bunting with other trcatusents. Mr. to Mrs. Sophie Fahner, of too sante Stephens tells lila experience as fol- place.' lows : "In the month of January, Ex -Warden Peter Lamont, of Ilur- 1008, while working in a logging on Country, occupied the chair most camp at C'rnston, 13. C':, I got my acceptably and among the prominent back 'badly injured. I suffered a citizens in atthndance were : W. H. great deal of pain and was almost. Bender, H. Youngblut, Chas Fritz, helplees. I tried plasters, thinking Jim Kalbileiscli, Fred Kalohleisch, they would help me, but they were Jack Beichert, John Beichert' Harry of no use. ' I tool: several iuedicin- Weseloh, Ti,. 'Heideman, A. Heidens cs, equally without benefit. Then an, F. Hess, E. Fuller„ Sam Faust, I was advised to try electrical J. J. Metnsr, M. P., Wad. Ixessa John treatment and did so for a time, Brenner, H. Liewharelt, Jim. 'Truem- but Without gettirte any permanent nor Peter Bender, Jacob Werra, J. P. relief, and it began to look as Ed, Wurm, Ed. Appel, Andrew Mise, though .I was going 'to be perman- hi• Weil, Feed Lei,gold, A. IIess, John ently crippled. Then I was advised Prester, S. 'Sararos„ John Hey, F. to undergo treatment with a special- Kochens, and Landlord J. Race. is5' at Spokane, Wash. After ex- A bee demonstration will be held amining me be said I was in a very at the apiary of Mr. Jacob Habetter bad shape and. that the trouble was on Tuesday next commencing at one likely to result in Br glee's cliit't,se: o'clock. The purpose of this de - However, ,he told ane that he felt nsonstration is ;to explain the nature sure he could cure me. At a heavy of foul brood and show how tocure expense I was: iloder his ,treattnent it. -,' The inspector of apiaries will for three months„, but did not get 'take charge, of the proceedings and the ,least benefit. I was almost in will he assisted by successful local despair ; work was plentiful and Wag- bee keepers, es good, but I could not work, as I was quite unable to bend. I was in this condition for' about two years, when my brother, who•' was wvitlu. me all the time, came across one of Dr. Williams' pansphi'ets and read of the great work De. Williams' Pink Pills were doing. He surged me to try them, but I thought it would be useless to spend more tnon- e.y after all the other treatment had failed.' IIe insisted, however, and got a, dozen boxes of the Pills and I began to take then. Before I had used a half dozen boxes I felt re- Ir:f, and I continued taking the Pills until every vestige' of the _pairs was gone, and I could ,raise may hands above my head and then bend until T could toll 1 ' ' C 1 my toes with vie fin gers, something I had not been able i,o do for over two 'years. My mato c4as a great surprise to my comrad- e', and you may be sure I' told 1 heir w sat brought dt about. I am now s well and strong as any man in the r',buntry and I owe It all' to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills". cemetery oh 'Thursday afternoon whither they were followed by a long procession of mournirg and sympathizing friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk' of .Mich- igan are visiting friends Hera this week. This neighbourhood has been having continuous rain- storms more in the fore of floods. Fields were turned into lake's of water, oozing streams became foaming torrents bridges Were loosed from their moorings and loads of alluvial soil were carried off the farms unto the road sides. As a reside farmers are unable to got their roots in. Preparatory service will be held in the Presbyterian church on Saturday at 3 p. in. (owing to Folday being Victoria hay) when Rev. Mr. McFar- lane of Bayfield will preach, The he Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed on Sabbath. Let there be a good turn out at bods servic- es. Mr. A. Edibhoffer and Mrs. R. Allan are both still confined to Eric homes. We hope to soon see a -tem round aga .a, Mr. Wm. Douglas and family in- tend spending sotnc 'weeks visiting bl- ends in the West this summer, They leave on the 2Stlt inst. We wish then a pleasant visit and a safe re - Zurich Special Sale of Iron Beds,Springs, Beds rYn s, M S es ate -AT Store.' Walkers Furniture e We have the best stock in the history of the store. 46 different styles of beds to choose se from, ranging iu g in marked a t is bed ( Every to,4.0 price from $2.75 � ),-i special price for the balance of May only. Mattresses P . `650 for � Bed :. O for '4 0 for;'3 50 ,'o U U � ,QUO $ and .0 3.75 for � � 2.75 springs, 1., 3. Z5 3.50-, o i� � chi A new shipment of (souse furnishings have just, arrived direct from the mule consisting of Rugs, Oil Cloths, Linoleum, Stair Carpet, blur - tains.. Do not fail to see one display before making your decision, (we know tie can suit your taste from our immense stock. E,ek to see ,our furnished rooms, (it will only be a pleasure to show you through. Ask ybru' fm lends what, they think of our display. Repairing and picture framing neatly and promptly done. A. fullsupply of coveting carried in stook. The Store of Quality, Phone 28 W. Walker ,iFurniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140 Exeter Mr. I-Iorbort Wein, who has been in the employ of Mr. 1'. F'rayue, har- ness maker, has gone to Chicago. Mr. A. II. Wilson of Grand Bend has taken a position -as junior in the Bank of Commerce here. Exeter ¥r. Win. Stewart spent several clays in Toronto last week. ' Mr;' B. W. F. Beavers has moved in- to his new store. Mr. B. Selden is having a Targe verandah built which will be quite an improvement to his residence. Mrs. James Shoebottom and son of London 'visited. Mr. and Mrs, James Atkinson hast week. The town band gave its first open air concert last week. It has, been engaged toplay at the celebration Dashwood on June 3rd. They ex- pect their new uniforms to be ready before that time. • visited d Mays: Armstrong of Paris vis his brother, Mx I Armstrong of. town; lagt week. - Mr.. and Mrs. Richard. Parish have moved `here from Tilbury West, and having bought a horse, ;intend to re- side here, Mrs, J. W. Powell visited in San - Sold eby all medicine dealers or by "Ma last week. - mail Mt 50 oen is a, box or six box- Mrs.' Thos. Hawkins is in Windssot es tor $2.50 from The Dr. Willi'uri,s' visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. G. Medicine .'i Co., Ereekvillc, Ont. Pollard. Special Prices ON LAWM MOWERS, THREE KNIVES, FOUR KNIVES AND BALL BEARING. For All Next Week. HARLAND BROS.' Stoves and Hardware. NATIONAL PORTLAND— CEMENT Asa . Is a little the best going, but we don't charge any more for it, A fresh carload just in. S. J. ANDREWS The News -Record leads for Town and Township News. :7 SERVICES- 1S.1OP Co W. TROTTER TEN YEARS MISSIONARY IN ASSIOUT, EGYPT, WILL CONDUCT SALVATION SERVICES IN CLINTON'FOR ONE WEEK_BEGINNING June day Night THE TENT WILL BE LOCATED ON MAIN STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE McTAGGART BROS. BANK. ALL ARE WELCOME,'