HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-05-09, Page 6Brucelieldt • the list of prize winneesatthe Spring Show held recently is ae IneavY. Borsese-Aned 'draft.. etellina, Robet"Idn:tdocit Raicefield• 211d " ';JOlinstam Bracefieldn • Thenyear Tnenfan:MeMeenaci, flullcjh; 2nd,, .• ',Brothers, .. Stanley ; two ar 91d,,' Joeeph "Blake,' Clinton•, "Lloyd Geonge"n end, Iiele Deothere. ' • , General p p o team John pecker, Zureihneaed. Joseph Blake: .Aricule eurentenee. W, A, Hainillen, Hinbert;; 2,zid Thomas 'Coleman, Tnekeranith, Sweepstakes •foe best gmetfin , or' file ly any c1ss W. A. Hantilteur, • Light Bersesn-Three year oldcar- riage etallion, ,George Jonnt, • lien - sail. •Single carriage haime, Davis, Hibbert, three, year old dare nap., John Menem' Tuckersinitn 2nd„ Thomas Russell, .10xetee ; road- ster team, John Sparrow, Stanley 2nd, John Decker, Fiume' ; Menlo readster, (e. A. nilenn, Uthrne three yeen old roadster, John Deck- er ; two year old roadster, Thomas Point' 'Edward 'hotelmen dispose4 of, finch: remaining etocks of liquor, when local option. came into Force, by givine free Menke to alneomers. -I‘ M. 11ow0114 popular drugeoit oi Greensburg, Ky., says, We use. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in our awn household and know it .is excell- ent." For sale by All Dealers. .....amtenimp.omm;mailirit•MOMM•••••....'elen CANADIAN • PACIFIC RAILWAY SETTLERS TRAINS — TO— MANITOBA, ALBERTA •SASKAICHEWAN The only through line LOW COLONIST RATES FZirill,=Tivendg effects Special Trains Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY MARCH and APRIL '10.20 P.M. &Wee ad femfl without livestock should use • Regular Trains Leaving Toronto 10.20 P.M. Daily Through Colonist and You'll's Sloopers I Colonist Cars on all Trains No charge. for berths Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Ask at*. C.P.R. Anent for coo' of "Soltloo' Cold," V. JACKSON, AGENT, CLINCONe JOIAlastartt r MONTREAL. • :0! Or THE STANDARD ' is the Natlornil .'6Weekly Newspaper of She Dominion :Of Canada. It Is national, in all its nitre. , it lika the most expensive engrav- aings, procuring the photographs from over the Ivor/a. its articles are carefully selected anti its 4 editorial policy is ihorotlatlY independent. .A. subscription to The Standard costs $2.00 per year to any address in Canada or Great 33ritain, e le TRY IT FOR 1912! ' trItiontreal Standard Publishing co. • Limited, Publishers. essoonseer -ammenomion THE NE11$-HECORIFS CLUBBING LIST FOR 1011-12 Much good reading for little money. News-Reemel and ldsii and Rewire $1.50 News -Record and (Bike 1.00 News-Reeord and 'Family Herald and Star with Premium. . ... 1.75 News -Record and. Witness 1.75 News -Record and Sun— 1.75 News -Record and Free Feces ..... ........ .... . News-Reeord and A.dver- tiser , . , 1.76 Newsntecord and Toronto Saturday Night'2.30 News -Record and Farmer's Advocate.............. 2.25 News -Record and Parra and Dairy . 1.75 Newe-Record and CISTIa diem Farm nTews-Record and Youth's Companion Ilainene News-Recoal and Mail and Empire • 4.25 News.Record aud 4,25 News-Reeord and News 2.80 News -Record and Star 2.80 News -Record and World,, 8,e35 News-Beeord and Morning Free Press ..... • News -Record and Evening Free Press 2.75 3.00 News -Record and Adver- t. • News-Reeord andtippin eott's Magizine „ . 3.25 News-Reeovd and Canada • Monthly, Winnipeg . 1.40 in what you want is not in this list let tis know about it. We can supply you at less than Id would cost you to send direct., In remitting please do se by Poeb-efflee Order', Postal ntete, ,Exprems Order or Registered Letter and W. J. Mitchefl Newe..1;eteed CLINTON Bunsen:Aged Shorthorn, Beatty Brotffers, Stanley ; two year old, •A. Elcoat, Tuenersinith ; Matthew Clark, Hay e yearling, M. ,Aikenheact, Sean - 1', Sick headache result's from a dis- ordered condition of. the stomaele and can be cured by Pie use of Chamber- Lain'e Stomaeb and levet Tablas. Try it e'er sale by .All Dealers. • ONTARIO Provincial Loans of $ 2,- 000,000 and $210,0b0 THE GOVERNMENT 01," i PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, under the authority of Ghapter 1, of the Sta1. etes' of Ontario, 1913, invites sub- scriptions from ;the pubic for a loan of $2,000,000 o11 bonds of the Peovineu of Ontano, or "Ontar:o Government Stock." The bonds will be 'dated 1st May, 1912, and payable on 1,o lab Nov- ember, 1011, in denominations of $1.,000 each, with coupons ateacheci for interest at the eata Of 4 per reiib per annum, payable half -yearly, on the 1st May and 1st November in each year, at the office of the Pro- vincial Treasurer„ Toronto, or at the offiees of the Bank of Montreal, 111 Montreal, Canada, and 'in New York, N. Y., at the hoIdee's option. Bonds will be made payable to bearer, but on request will be registered in elle office of the Provincial treasurer and endorsed as payabln'. onny ee) the or- der •of certain persons or corpore- Bons, and on request- of holders will be exchanged for "Ontario CI ove,ca- ment Stock" at any tiine, Also balance of Algonquin Perk Loan of $210,000 on the same terms and with the .same dates, under au- thority of Chaptee 9, 1 Goarge V. The issue price during the month of May, 1912, will be 102 for each $100, and after the 31st clay of May, 1912, the issue price will be 102 and. 'nearest aceered from the 1st .'day, 1912, AEI, 130x0S AND INSCRIBED STOOK ISSUED UNDER THE Ale- THORT'f Y OF THE SAID ACT ARE FREE FROM ALL ONTARIO PRO- VINCIAL TAXES, CHARGES, SUC- CESSION DUTY AND IMP3S1- 'PIONS WHATSOEVER. Purchasers of Stock or Bonds be requited to send certified cheque Win' the application, payable to the oaten of the "Provincial Treasurer of Ontario." This loan is raised upon the credit of the C'oneoliclated Revenue Fund of Ontario, and is chargeable thereup- on. A. J. MATHESON, Provinenni Treasurer, Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings Toronto, Amin 19th, 1912. Newspapers inserting this adveetise- ment without authority from the De- partment will not be paid for it SYNOFISIS CANAAMAN NORTH, WEST LAND REGULATIONS. Any Portion who is the eolo head of .farnily, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter sec- tion of available Dominion lend in Manitoba. Saskatchewan 01 Alberta. The applicant must appear in • per- son at the • Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the distelet. En- try by proxy may be made at any agenny, on certain conditions; by fath- er, mother, son, daughter, Weather or sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Six months' residence up- on and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homeeteacler may live within nine nines of- his homestead en a farm of at least 80 acres eolely owned and occupied by 11110 or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother'or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarterniection alongside his • home- stead. Price 83.00 per acre. Duties.---Musie reside upon the home- stead. or • pre-emption :ix montbis en each ' of 8110 years from date 'of homestead entry (theluding the time required to earn homestead patent and cultivate' fifty acme exteein A homesteader who has exhauste his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for purchased homeetead in certain dis- tricts. Price $3.00 pen acre. Out- ie.—Mut reside eee: months in each of three yeate; cultivate fifty acre and creel a house, worth 8300.00• . W. W. oon,Y. Depuey of the, Minister of the Ditarion. N'13.-elinalithorized publication of thin advertisenient. Will. nail be , pet() ilapnwomparaasuamassulasso fol. • • MY RIGHT. ARPA • •01.'n BRInortrottV, C. B.. 'Xfor the Past 41 ,'airs. 1 Hoyle been suffering with Rheumatism. • Wnen I read in the papers thai CIN • would positively eure iietimAtient, wrote you , for g free sample LO 117. could noti raise my right arm because of the awful pain in my shoulder—was not able to -drink. After taking a feiv,GEN X was able to lift my hand 4/141 put it on. the top of Illy bead. • I went to the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon and met au old fisherman named La Pape. His limbs were stiff from Rheumatism and I gave him some Gin Pills. 1 met him again in a few days and he told me be could lift his anus, which he had not been able to do for ten years. ADOLPHA A. MARE. nee. a box -6 for $2.,50—thoney back if not satisfied. Sample free Hyatt write national Drug and Chemical Co. of CA'lmada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto. MANGA - TONE; BLOOD AND NE.3eVE TABLETS—an ideal tonic for weak, nervous women. eon a box 107 • — Is • there anything in all this woricl that Is of more importannee to you khan good digestion ? Food must be eaten to sustain life and must be digested and converted into blood. When the digestion fails the whole body suffers. Chamberlain's Tablets are a eetional and reliable cure for indigeetion. They Increase the now of bite, purify the blood, strengtheb the stomach, and tone up the whole digestive apparatus to a natural and healthy action For sale by ell Dealers. For 76 Years 'the BEST PURE PREPARED 1 FOR EVERY USE IN THE HOME So many needs for a handy paint around the house -perhaps the veranda floor is scuffed, the trimmings weatherstained and --perhaps some wainscoting is dim and dingy, --perhaps the kitchen shows worn and scratched with the daily wear and tear. Upstairs or downstairs, inside or tsi de, some housefinishing needs brightening and freshen- ing just at this season. .A spare halnhour and a little Minerva Paint works wonders. Minetva Paint spreads evenly and dries hard. It insures beau- tiful, lasting work. Every can is ready for use. At the nearest Minerva dealer-. right now. Thera's a Minerva Paint. Enamel or Varnish for every purpose - Sold by prominent dealers at all points including IL ROWLAND mmaware, Paints CLINTON PINCHIN, JOHN- SON & CO. (Canada) !drained TORONTO, - ONT. 15 e;';'1YthCISTi:AiltVe. •1 Ceinekdee9 Line. OM= '..111110111110111WOM li3O,M*1..*s*E4Sciint,•onn•S"' E.x*c*CP'11*S*I*0*N*S —to-- , WESTERN. CANADA 'CHICAGO AND ST PAUL May 14 and ,28th ; June Ilth and 25bh and every Seeond • Tuesday thereaf tee until September 17th. • WINNIPEG AND 11.0TORN. - $34.00 EDMONTON AND RETURN $42.00 Tickets wilt also be on sale on eertain dates via Senate and Northam Nav- igation Company. • Through Pullman. Tourist Slectints will be operated in connection with above excursions, leaving Termite°, 10:30 p. in, NO CHANGE. OF CAR'S' Full partienla,rs and tioketn 1 from aa)' - Grand Trunk Agent, or write A, E. Duff, District Passenger Agentl, the - ion Station, Toronto Ont. JotIN RiiinISFOR:D, Town' Agent A. 0. IIATTLISON, 1)(IP0I, Agent, ,'• Kenneth 'Caliteronnhas liqvt• 0601119ln' ed -the 'Priinning. and t+inst epeaying his ' •• nfligablieent 'etched, • In- all nhPI•r° five b!- badn' • hrlIsh weree; removed from the treee and nadied -aWnr. ' • • The paseing' of the old order and ill° coining in of the nett around Luckinow hotels mise made the easion of a 'sort vf farewell gather- ing of thinsty, ones en Tuesday week; In ;PrnParation for. 'the long drought, ' some ' Of them laid in an extra 'sup- ply , of the vanishing Ifieuids. But no tlie 'whole there was less disorder 'than waa nnticipatud. THE •ELDittt.X •CrE 14T LAMA N is just fromten to twentn Yearn ohler than ' 1m. )(lake when he is a • rheumatic sefferer. Rheumatism racks the wnole-systene The con- stant dull pairs, pulls the face out at shape and e man with rheumatism is oid at forty. Rheumatism can be cured. ilheerno will cure it quickly and permanently by entiching . the blood and driving outhe uric acid poisons, that* wear out the system. Since Rheum() became known we have been unable to mentem the names of the numerous persons from whom we have received t es tint onial a. Rheumo s positevely guaranteed by 1. In. Hovey who will telt yottjust how good it is aud .what every one in town thinks of it, 111100100 is $1 per botele, at .1, PllIoVey's or dir- ect, all °Merges prepaid, ftom B. V. Marion, )3ridgeburg, Ont. Morris Township Miss Mary Fear has gone to Wued- stock to take charge of her school, John Barr was at Milton on Tues- day as a witness en the Georgetown wreck oil the G. T. R. on which he 'vas a passenger. east Sunday afternoon Miss King, of Myth, who has done good worn as a Deaconese, nook the • service in the Methodist church at the Jackson ap- pointment. Oa account of the quar- terly communion being held at Blyth the cue/emery serviee in Jackson's church was aincelled last Sunday. Alex, MeLauchlin, whose home ', 11- miles north of Brussels, had his One span of heavy draft gray geld- ings; in Brussels on Monday and put- ting thorn on the scales they bumped the beam at 4,000 pounds. MANY FAILURES. But Parisian Sago Overcame Miss Kruger's Hair Troubles. PARISIAN SAGE .19 not guarant- eed to grow hair ori bald heads butt lb is guaranteed by the well known druggist W. S. R. Holmes to stop fall eve hair, eradicate dandruff and stop itching pcalp, or money back. Sold In every iowri in Canada by leading druggists for 50 cents a bot- tle. Read Miss Kruger's letter, 'PARISIAN SAGE is the • best hair grower and beautifier and dand- ruff mime I lost all my hair thro- tigh typhoid fever ; I was almost baldheaded and my scalp was as sore as eouln be. I tried everything but in vain. Finally I tried PAR- ISIAN' 'SAGE, and after using one bottle my hale started to grow, and has grown three or four inches • in- side of two months. I advise every woman who wants beautiful hair to use.PATLISIAN SAGE." Miss Meta M. .K ruger, Ilrowntown, Minn. Homer Davenport, the caetoonist; died in New York. , Inn (11"RSION 1912, Crodericb to Detneit. Fourteenth Annual Greeting. The 13i5 SteamerGreyhound will leave Goderich friday June 14bh,1 at 9:30 a. m. and returning leave De- troit Monday June 17th., at '1 p, m. The fare for the round trip will be only 81.50. The Trip of Trips, which reveals AmericaPictureecitte Venice, the charms of the St. Clair Riven, and gives all day, Saturday' and Swingy, and until noon Monday, to recreate and agreeably occupy your time visiting your friende and the many pcents of interest and beauty in Detroit "Where Life is worth Liv- ing:" An opportunity you should not niiss; is a aneece to see the cele- brated exponents of the .art of Base Ball. The Detroit Tigers play the Philade Opine. Athletice, the World's Cham- pion& June 15th and 16th, on Navel - Detroit's ; New Half million Dotter. Ball Park.'' Opening ganie played Saturday April lathe, attend- ance over 25,000. No liquors of any kind .40111 be sold on. any of 'Jur Steamers this season, Bar having been eliminated and in it.etead we are installing elegantly furnished ice cream parlors,. ' A heavy • enowfall is reported In nlberta. 13AG1.11hE GIRLS. There' are many of them ; they are always noticeable and distinguished because of their/ hair. Thick, heavy tresses of soft, silky and luxuriant hair n tree, from ' dandruff and glowing with eel the radiance and' beauty oi health is the gneatest adornment Of SV0111011. • SAGEINE3 the only nreparatioti known to science that will make. 'the hair eo noticeably beautiful ;; SAGE - INE is now sold In Clinton, by .1. E. Hoveyewho with each bottle gives his personal guarantee to refund the mon- ey ;If Sagoine noes not do all that is• 'claline.d for tit. Sagolne is the favorite in every home e it malts) its popularity be- cause it 3 not stinky or greasy and N not a dye. E. Hovey sells /ergo bottle f011 50 Mite. • Nen- •n'e tlie^ 'lime • io get ria., of . - , tour • rbearaatlszny • Yoh Lyth find 'Onamberlaie'e Liminient. wonderiiilln effeeti.vec One application will non- yinee; yott of its',niceits, Try lif, For sale by all Dealers. Mr, David Marehan, 111. P,, of A yl lifer, i sufferieg from tonsilitis, ' • • The' empress of Midland grounded Cabot'e ' Head, east of Tober- State of 011ie, City of Toledo, Limn, Counten. Frank J. Cherie makes oath that bee is senior partner of the firm of F. .1. Cheney St Co, doing business in the City of Toledo, County; and. State aforesaid, and that said firm will pan the sum el One hundred Drillers 'far each and every cage of Catarrh that carnet be culled by, the use ot Ball's Catarrh Cure, Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in nip presence, this 9,11 dayi 01 Dec- ember, A. D. 1896. • A. IV, Glenson, Notary Public. Haill'e Catarrh Cure is taken intor- natty, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces at the system. Send for testimonials Sr, J. Cheney & Co,, Toledo, 0 Sold hp all Druggist, 75c. 'rake Mel's; Eaten). Pills for coon etluation. Caynga Indians on the Brant re- serve are pressing their hundrecl-yeee- old claim agaensb the United States Goverment; for their annuity. , HEART q•nounpr, When uric acid is dissolved in the blood it thickens the blood almost to a jelly. This is what caeses the heart to flutter and seems to stop because 11 18 weakened hy the strain uric acid puts on it. Uric Acrid Pills 'hive out all uric acid poisons, from the system. They are quick and safe and are guaranteed by J. E. Hovey. See that the name 13. 1', Marion ts on the package. Prof. Miekle estimates the mineral wealth of Cobalt, at 247,000,000 oun- ces, including the ore already mitied, Four Montreal Protestant theolog- ical colleges are tryimg to arrange a co-operatin scheme of lectures. TENDERS FOR DREDGING. SEALED 'fENDER,S addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Dredging Ontario," well be received until 4 re me on Mon- day, May 13, 1012, for dredging re- quired at the fonowing places in the Province of Ontario 1— Goderich, Napanee, Pie ton Tele- graph, Nigger 'elands. Tendere will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of tenderers. Combined. speellicateens and form of tender can be ohealned on applica- tion to the Secretary, Department of Public Works, 0 teawa. Tenders must include the towin5 of the Diane to and front the work. Dredges and tugs not owned and registered in Canada shall not he employed in elle performance of the work oontraeted for. Contractors must be ready to begin work within Hattie/ days after the date they have been notified of the acceptance of their tender, A separate 'cheque for each place for which a tender le submitted must accompany the +tender. This cheque must be equal to five per cent (5 per co(t) of the amount of the tender, based on the approxim- ate quantities set opposite the name of place, tat in 'no 0050 1111151 the cheque be for a less sum than 81,- 500. The 'cheque must accented, on a etartered bank, and payable to the order of the Honorable the Min- ister of Public Works. If the ten- der he not arnepted the cheque will be retuned. The Department does not bind _ it- self to accept the lowest or any N.a- der. By order, R. 0. DESROCHERS, ' Seceetary. Department of Public Works, • Ottawa Aprit 2/7, 1912. Newspapers Will not be paid for this advertisement 11 they insert without authority from. the Depart- ment -21842.. GRAND TRUNK Rs'VAI,',;' eliVESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS , WESTERN CANADA Via Cnicago • April 2nd, 16th, 80th and every second Tuesday hereafter until Sept. 1th, inclusive, Winnipeg' aed return 834.00. Edmonton and reture 812, Tickets good for 60 days. Proe portionate rates to othet points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Tickets will also bo on silo on cet- tain dates via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. LOW RATES To PACIFIC COAST Tiekets on sale daily until 'epril 15th, , AETTLI0R'S ONE WAY TicKETs To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and AI- herta ‚on sale every Tuesday 10 March and April. Secure tickets, fun particulars and illustrated literature from any grand Trunk Agent or write 11. Duff. fSistrict Passenger AFent, Toronto !nt. Wherever you are, whenever you want it, all that is newest and best in the theatres is yours to hear and to enjoy, right In your own home when you own an The Edison is tile tileatre—rith the roll-inn:6f sound °Nadi), suited to your 1101 136 ; the sapphire reproducing point does away wit') el imiging needles, does not scratch or wear the records and ___ lasts forever. Amberol Records— play trvio as long, as ordinary records . ,--nivino all the verses of every SOng , and rendering instrumental compose • lions as meant to be p)ayed. The ' . ''', , Horne Itecording feature enables you • "i.4ci., to make and reproduce your own ree- li), ords in your own home, true to life. ,. 1 There are Edinon dealers everywhere. On to the ' I 'a- ' ileareAl and near tile Ediaon Plionogrataltplay both ' Ediann Standard and Edison Aninerol Records. . ,ri;-1 i ' OA complete eittulogs from your dealer or from J . , i a s 0 '..1) - ,,,,,,, Edii,an Standari Records, 40c. Edison Amberol tia. &limn' Plionograplia, 516.50 to 4240,00. \1^ r''''' ItCie'r.iTi.filim0(illraoylite‘ovoirLdes,5885c1',"tno2")C26.550°.' )01t -un 100 Lalcosido Mo., ,.. '......-------lisconrrtaoedal.:01j 44".' 0r0•0;"' Amj 'T.,,,• A complete lino of Edison Phonographs an SI:Records will bo found at . W. WALKER . KEEF THE BALANCE Ur. 11 has . been truthfully said that any disturbance of the even balance of health causes serious trouble.- No- body can be too careful to keep this balance up. Whoa people begin to lose appetite, or to get, tired easily, the least imprudence brings on sick.. 11055, weakness, or debility. The system needs a tonic, craves it, and should not be dervcd it ; and the best tonic of which eve have any knowledge is Hood's Sarsapatilla. saying that a stitch in time saves What this medicine has done in keep - Ing healthy people healthy, in keep- ing up the even balance of health, gives it the same distinction as. has illustrated the wisdom of the old saying that a stitch in time saves nine. Take Hood's for appetitO • strength, and einthirance. "You'll find it's so." Labatt's London Lager. Now Perfected— Best Bupable TRY IT JOHN LABATT imam 28 LONDON, ONTARIO Stare with a Po/lar Surety you can, spare a dollar or two from your pay envelope this week. Open a savings account and get 3% interest, .payable half -yearly. Keep up the saving- habil: and you wilt soon have $ too or more, when you can buy our debentures and get 4% on your money. Issued for Slot) and upwards. Terms one to five years. Do this with a safe and well-known company --with the only ioadeeen- pany in Canada having a reserve fund equal to its paid-up capital. Incorporated 1864. Over 13 Million In Assets Xoan and .7ftvings Co. London and Sr Thorns, 30 isisoosawass. wanummonimmonnonmonanwis, . * 11 ,n,„ger, eine SPRING TIME With house cleaning time is at hand, every wothan , knows all about, dust but some don't knanv that D a TBANr E Will make sweeping a Joke, just a few handsful at beginning point is all that's required. Dustbane is the Sanitary Method uf eliminating the dust nuisance. It kills germs, makes carpets look like new, Don't take our word for tbis but order a tip from • yonr grocer.. Try it out for one week and return the tin if not satisfactory. 11111111Mall AMMO falallas .01.1111114. DUSTBANE IS MADE IN • OTTAWA PROTECTED BY CANADIAN PATENTS