HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-05-02, Page 7•The bodies of C. M. Hays, Col As- tor, tlsidor Straus, -George Grattan and Allieon of Montreal and others were identified anion •the. bodies re r,overed front elle scone Of the 'Titan& eisa rtor, • GRANO TR NK RA1 S;Y6NAY STEM I,IOME,S'1%EXERS'; E`iCURSISeNS WESTERN CANADA Via Cnicago April. 2nd, 16th, 30111 and every :scond Tuesday hereafter'', until Sept. 7th iteensive. eeienipeg and return $84.00: Edmonton and return $49.. Tickets good for 60 .days. ?rs= 3tortionate rates tb other points in .Uanitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, e icket"s Will also be on sale on cer- li3in dates via ,Sarnia and. Northern 'erlariseation Company. LOW RATES TO PACIFIC COAST 'Tickets 00 sale daily until April entH, eeETTLk1R :S ONE WAY TiCKETS To Ma utoha, Saskatchewan and Al nerta on . sake . every Tuesday in March and April. Secure tickets, full particulars and il1ostrated literature from any Grand Trunk Agent or write A.. E. Duff, :District Passenger Agent, Toronto int, SETTLERS' TRAINS --TO— MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASI(ATCI1EW`AN ^, The cooly through Zine LOW C01.''IST RATES For settlers travelling with livestock and effects Special Trains Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY MARCH and APRIL 10.20 P.M. Stenos and families witleut tivetme should we Regular Trains Leaving Tbronto 10.20 P.M. Daily Through Oorenst and Tourist Sleepers Colonist Cars on ail Trains No chargee foe berths Through Trans' Toronto to Winnipeg and West a A,k any C P,ft, A .,,t or copy of"Senlu-' Cuidc" lel: JACKSON, AGENT, CLINTON, 1111MIMMIMINMITERillna2M, Mae THE NEMS-HECOIDIS WARMS LIST FOR 1011-12 Much good reading for little money. WEEKLIES New8.1t00111 and ?vial' tend Empire: . ,. , 91.50 News -Record and Globe.,, 1,60 News -Record - and. Family Herald and Star wibh Premium ...... L75 News-Record•a,nd Witness 1.75 News -Record and Sun..... 1.70. News Record and Erre Press.,. ... 1.75 News -Record tied Adver- tieer,.,. , 1.75 News -Record and Toronto Saturday Night.. .. le ' News -Record and Farmer's Advocate,,.,; 2.25 News -Record and Fazio and Dairy . - , , , . 1.75 Nees -Record and 'Come- dian Farm L75 News -Record and r outkz s Oompa,nion , 1.75 Ii.42GrPt8 News -j es:0M and Mail and umpire.. . 4,25 News;Rccord and Globe 4.25 ATetvs-Record raud 1vlows 2.130 News -Record and Star , : 2.30 News-Elecotdand World .. 3.25 News-I3ecord and Morning Free Press . , , . 3.213 News -Record and leveeing Free Press ... 2.75 News -Record and 'Adver- t,tiser,,. ,,,., 2,00 elenernete News -Record and Lilip n-. dceit's Magizine .. 3,25 Ncws-l'.ecord and ()eleven. Monthly, Winnipeg 1.10 IP what you wants is clot in this s list, hat us know. plr t c t 7 t it., Wcan supplyt We you tut levy then feevonld Cosyerr eo send direct. In remitting please to so by Poet-c'ffice Order, Postal lioi;e, I:xprese Order or. Registered :iter and addresu. • W. J. IVCitchell 1ews.Reeerd CLINTON 1 Shall Know Him 'When my live work iscoded and I cross the se -ell -Me; ,tide, v,duel, the Bright and. Glorious nr erni! g •1 when I reach the other'side, and his shall see , 1 shaft know my rcdoeitier smite, lee. the first to' ilm.lcomt; me. (Chorus) I shall know here I seen know Pun When r de' c Bitted byHis "i 4 ,d c i aha 5 1 staid, t d, I shall know him , , C vital) knots- him by the print sof tete lade in Itis, hands,_ 2. Oh, the soli-thr'liing rapture, when I view His blessed face, and the lustre of Hes k,idly bea'nirt; eye; how my full Heartwill praise Illtt] for the mercy,,' love and grace that preparers for me a ntaneepo Ju the sky. 3. Oil, 'the dear oars in (1 °troy, laow they Nielson the to come, and our parting at the river 1 recall ; to ;the sweet vales of Eden, they will sing my welcome home, but I long ,to nicht any Saviour first of all. t. 'through the gates of thee city in R. robe of spotless whetc, Ile will lead tee, where no tears Wee ever ;'all ; In the glad song of ages 1 shall mingle: with delight, 'bet '1 long to meet' my Saviour first of all. J. M. Howells . a popular dregeist of Orneneburg, 3Cy., says, "We use Chatnbcrl vin's Cdugh Remedy in uur own household and •ltno,w it is eecell- eat." Vet seise' by All Dealers, ONTARIO Provincial Loans .of $2, 000,000 and $210,000 Till?,' COS IIR'tNMENT Ole TILE PROVINCE 01 (I:NT,+RIO, under the authority of Chapter i, of the Meat des of Ontario, 1911, invites sub- eeriptiens from: the public for a loan of 62.000,000 on Ponds of the Province of Ontut;,i, or "Ontario Governiuritt Stock." The bonds will be dated Ise ..'say, 1912,.and payable 00 isle est ;';ov- enibr'r, 1941, in: denominations of 61,000 each, with coupons attlached for interest, at the rate of 4 per ens per annum, payable half -yearly, on the '1st May and lst' November 111 each year, at the office of the Pro- vincial Treasurer, Toronto, 'or at 'the offices of the I3ank of Montreal, ill Montreal, Canada,, and in New \'ori., 11, Y., at the holder's option [fonds will he made payable to hearer,' but on request will be registered tri the office, or the Provfncral Treasurer and endorsed AS .payable one" ea the or- der of certain persons or.corpor.t Hous, and on rcgtust, of holders will be exchanged for "Ontario Go;ern- mcnt Stock" at nay time. Also 'balance of ,Algonquin.Perk 'Loan of 6210,000 oh the same tercels and with Lhe sante dates,' under au- thority of Chapter 9, 1 George V, The issue price during the month of May, 1912, will bo 102 for each 6100, and aftese the 81st day of May, 1912, the issue price will, be 102 and interest accused from the lst'May, 1912. ALL BONDS AND 1l' SCRI13En STACK ISSUED UNDER ,THE AU- THORITY OF THE SAID; .ACT ARE Fl3EE FROM i1LL ONTARIO PRO- VINCIAL TAXES. CFIttRGE,s, suc- CI SSION DUTY AND IMPOSI- TIONS WHATSOEVER. Purchasers of ,Stock or ,Bonds 11111 be require l to send certified cheque evir:t. the appllcatioa, pantile to tete order of the t'Prorinciai:Treasurer of Ontario," This loan is raises] upon the credit of the C'onsolidated'Revenue Fund of Onteeio, and is chargea,hle thereup- on, • A. J. eIATTIESON, Provineeal Treaserer. Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings Toronto, April 19th, 1012. Newspapers asserting -this advertise- ment without autho>;ity from the De- partment will aot bo paid for it. SYNOPSIS OF' CANADIAN NORTH, WEST 'LAND REGULATIONS. Any Person who is the solo head of a fancily, or any male over 13, years old, may homestead a quarter sec- tion of availtable Dominion land in Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. Tho applicant must appears in per- son at the Dominion Lands Agency or 'Sub -agency for the dietittiat, En- try by proxy may be made at any agency, on cowbell' conditions by fath- er, mother, eon, daughter, bsother- or sister of intending homesteader: Dntees,—Six months' residence up- on and :cultivaision of the land in each of three years. A itotnoelcader. may live within nine miles of bis. homestead on a .farm of at least 80 acres solely' owned . and occupied by lifm or by iii father, mother, . son, daughter, -brother, or .sister.. In contain districts a homesteader in good, standing may pre -erupt a quarter -suction alongside his home- stead: Price 83.00 per acro, Duties.—MusD reside upon the home- stead. or pre-amptton sex ntonthfs en each of prix years from date of homestead enliry (inbleding the time required to earn homestead patene and cuttivalte fifty acres Bests.) .4 homesteader who has cslrau ste his hom stead right and cannot o, ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for purchased homesiread in. coetrain dis- tricts. Price 63.00 pen acre, T.hrt- ies.-Musts reline siix months in each of three yeeee, cultivate fifty acre and: creel a house worth 8300.00, W. W. CORY. Deputy of the lefinister or the Interior, N. 13.—Unauthorized publication of this adver,tisetneut wile 'nee be paid kr. uocroRscou�o NOT HELP �1lM BUT CIN PILLS DID "During August last, I went to Montreal tr l tercel alt a specialist p as I had been suffering terribly' with Stine ie the Bladder. I3e deckled to operate but said the stone was too large to remove and too hard to crush. I returned' home and was recommended by a friend to try Gin Pills. They relieved the palsy, I took two boxes and went back to the specialist. 1 -Ie said the stone was smaller bet he could not remove it although he tried for two hoµve and a hall. 2 returned home and continued to take Gin Pills -- and, to my serprdse andee', I passed' the stone, Gin Pills arethe best medi- cine iii the world, and, because they didm as t touch good, I will recourmeed did all he rest of my life". J. ALBERT LESSARD, Joliette, P.Q. 50e. a box,; 6 for 2.50—at all dealers, and money back if they fail to give relief. Sample box free. National Drug ter: Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Debt. A Toronto, 89 • 'I'be Olympic returned to Sou re- amptoti and abandoned her trip to New York. owing to the desertion of the crew. ' Is there anything: in all this world that is of more importanncr, to you than e,00d dtges'.r on ? Food moot be eaten. to Sustain life and must . be digested and convertee rIto blood.' When the digestion fails the whole body suffers. Chamberlain's Tablets area uetional and reliable cure for indigestion. They Increase the liow of bile, purify the eblood, strengthen the stomach, and tone up Lhewhole digestive apparatus :to a natural and healthy action. For sale by ell Dealers, Cummissioncr Foote directed the eetridieion of Dr, !Wattle Nesbitt from Chicago 'to Toronto, The non tor'# counsel tvi:'. fight the decisielt. The fourth offter of the Marie stetsel that a ;steaM55 passed wile - ea five miles of the sinking White. Star Liner, and did not eespoird to signals for aid. PUREPREPARED �Compare ]' other paints—the kind that often blisters, peels off and fades. Minerva Paintproducesn beautiful, smooth even finish that is long luting. No bother with mixing; no , worry over testing to glut the right shafile, Every can of Minerva Paint is ready for use; ,maxed, just right fer painting round the home. Insist on Minerva Paint. There's a Minerva Paint. Reared and Vandals :for *wont pumas. Sold by prominent dealers at all points including R. ROWLAND Clinton PINCHIN J)OHNSOfl ao CO. Toronto (CANADA) .Limbed "It's **seer*. talatwkh' finer,, ',,.s Elle I twinesasiatmcm=no t ',€maize ilt ill 'v'ea eura' "Fellete leo?C'`C,,IJ°RsSnl*OiN (S. WESTERN CANADA • --eta— CHICAGO AND S1` RAUf, May 14 and 28th ; ylunu l.Ttb and 25th and • every Second Tuesday thereafter unreel September ' 17'eh. WINNIPEG AND RETURN, - 884.00, EDMONTON AND RETURN 642.00 Tickets will also be on sale on certain dates via San;iia and Northern Nav- igation Company: Through Pullman Tourist Sleeper- will he operated' in coanection with above excuesions, caving 'Torowlo, 10:30 p, in. ' 0(0 CIIANCFE OF CARS, Full, particulars and tlokets from any Grand Trunk .Ascent, or write h.' E. Duff, D,lstriot Passenger Agents, tln- ion Stateme, TOront0, • Grit, JOHN'RAN&Fo3lib, Town Agent, A. 0 F'A1,7 T1.SO'N, Depot ClntaiL Newa-Ricard IIF)T.hf? YUC` 1IAS-I3eli,I. FANS" ,See the Detroie Tigers play Phila- delphia :1 thlet4cs, the "World's Chain-. pions," on 'Navin 'Field," Detroit's net hal t ' i r t,llion'dollar ball pant the. largest.fie the west Seating aapac ity 20,000, Saturday and .Sunday, June 13 Uri and 16 the Tv 10Y a . d s to look k 1 0 them over, An, i I c tortuuit's - p}you hoa S Id lent miss; A chance t.o siva the cel- ebrated d exponents of the 'art of Base Ball, TY .001323, the peer of them all, WA'HO0 SAM CftAWFORD, DOIv?11 13LiSkI the midget short - p, quicker than a flash, and sto ItU'N BAKER, GFIII;P' IIFTfI. DEll, and- the Star Second Baseman, EDDIE COI,LINS. The Big STEAMER GREYHOUND will leave GODERICII Friday June 1r„th., at 9:36 A. 11l• and retuning leave DETROIT' Monday June .1 -7th - at 1 0. el: The fare for the roiled trip will be only :81.50. E,ie gives you :all day Saturday and Sunday and, until noon Monday,, to' recreate argil agreeably occupy your tepee Visiting your friends. and "the many points of interest and beauty in Detroit ` Wliere Lifc is Worth -Li1ind" Cold Caused Serious:Trouble But Model's Kidney Pule Drought• the Cure. £lir. Hugh Martin, Suffering From Kidney Disease for Two Years, Teles Mow he got Back his Health. St. Hippotyte de Kilkenny, Lake L'Achigan, Terrcbonne Co,, 'Inc., Apr. 29, (Special). -Again the people of this neighborhood ate talkie.;, of a complete cure of kidney disease, 1nir, Huge Martin, Jr., a weel-known youngefarnrer, is the person cured, and he givee all the credit 'to: Door1's Kidney' Pills. "iffy trouble was caused by a 0016," Mr. elartin says, in an interview, "and I .suffered ter two years. My head would ache and I had pains eta the back an wti+lt. I felt heavy and sleepy after meals. 1 was - eften dizzy, m}' memory was failing and I sound it difficult to cotlect toy thoughts. I was also nervous while head, flutterings added to my an- xiety. "I was a tt:ck man indeed when I started to ase Uodd's Kidney. Pills, but by the Lime I. had taken two boxes I was a changed man, Are you surprised that I think Dodd's Kidney Pills a wonderful reared} 1' " If you have two or more of-r1;tr. Marlin's symptoms your eedneys are diseased,' Dodd's Kidney% Pitts are the wee cure,. Major I'sucben of Toronto, one of the, survivors of the Titanic, gave evidence before the Lrni-ted ,.;tater. Committee of Inquiry. State of Ohio, City or Toledo, ' Lucas c Counts*, Frank J. Cheauy maims oath than he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co,, doing business in tbo City of Toledo, County?: and Sian aforesaid, and that send firm will pap the sum es'. Ono hundred ,will for each and every, case ref Catarrh that cannot' he cured t5' the use of 1iall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in nip presence, this tett' day, of Dec- ember, A. I). 1306, A. W. Gleason, Notary Public Ilsil'e Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and nets directly on the blood and Tn'nCOU9 surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials:free. F. J. Metter; & Co., Toledo, 0 Still by all 'Druggist. 75c, Take Hall's Famit}• Pills for coo - elevation. Guelph firemen threaten to resign unless Chief Finch is removed. 1. E. HOVEY IS AGENT, IN CLINTON FOR ANTI- ' liRIU PILLS. - ° etre have - the agency for ` blue Anti -Uric Pills Sageine Hair Ton- ic, Memel the GREAT Rhcu>rietic" Cure,. we guarantee these prepara- tions on a money -back basis.—J, 1,. Hovey, druggist. Fon soreness of .the muscles whe- ther induced by Violent exercise{ or in- jury, Chamberlain's Liniment is ex-' cellent, This Mole -lent is also high- ly esteemed' for the relief it adf.ords in cases of rheumatism. Sold by A11: Dealers: I The leech Nationalist conventaon' at Dublin endorsed the' hone rule bill preserre.;d by Mr. seequetile WOMEN'S, fAIR. Easy- to Aidsc it Solt I,uxur:ant and Radiant. Many women havc,bait se dull and faded Meat it is actnailyrepulsivo; These women have probably lever heard of PARISIAN SAC'E the in- vigorating hair dressing that is helm; usrod by thousands of ref -fined wouten throughout Canada Ifyour hair is faleing or thin or faded or lifeless r chess ; if you have dand- ruff or 'telling scalp if your hair is nee' as fascinating as you would like to have it, go to W. S. R. Hoinses, thus very day, ask for a 'fifer rent bottle PARISIAN SAGE and ,tai',, at once to make. your ,Baer perfect and even glorious. 1 PAR,ISIAN SAGE is °gsni.ranteed'to give satisfaction, or money back. t3ix1 with Auburn' hair on every oar -- tom per yule be W S. li; Helmet), and dreg'giel:s everywhere. here. O CAUSE TO )OUB'l': -A Statement of ,Pekes Backed Strong' Guarantee. Wa guarantee gu e ' tmn icdit Lc and post, ttive relief to allsuiferers frau con-: s,tdpation. In every case where our remedy' faits to do, this+ we n -ill . re- turn- the . money Paid us for it. Th t a s a frank statement' of farts and 1b-: want+ yon to substantiate them at eilr nick, Rexall. Orderlies are eaten just like candy, are particularly prompt and • agree -able• in action, may be taken al any time, day or night ; do not cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive looseness, or other unclose:able effects. They have a very mild but positive action upon the organ with which they conte 111 contact, apparenel y acting on a regulative tonic aeon the relaxed mun,'.11er coat of ?he ,bowel, thus overcoming weakness, and aiding to restore` the bowels toeilore vigorous and healthy activity:' Recall 0rden1iasare unsurpassable and ideal For Ohc use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We can- not £oo' highly ncommend them to all suffereee £rote an' form of eon_ stipation and ryes attendant evils. That's why we back our. faith in them era our promise of money back 1f they do not give entire satesfac- tion.' Three sues: 12 tablets J0" cents,. ,'36 tablets 25 cents and e0 80 tablets 50 cents, Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Clin- ton orgy: at our store -The Rexall Store, W. S: 11, Holmes, i� 3 It pis reported thee, several (,han ee in the Manitoba Cabinet are 'impend- ing. A REMARKABLE REMEDY. The most afflicted people on earth are those: who seiner from 'rheumat',sni and 'about'one-fourth of our people aro afflicted Vi'i ,r anis terribto nerve racking, bone ctippltng disease. So many people neglect themselves and rheumatism fo lows in one : form and then anoth:'r until they aro an ex- ample or the tortures of rheumatism. Rhounro has gained the greatest repu- tation through being a, quick and pen- manen1 cure for rheumatism in its many forms,' ltheumo is so good we guarantee et ever, in chronio eases and J. E. Hovey stands back of our guarantee anti 'will refund your mon- ey if Rheumo is not just the best rheumatic cure known. Don't put off got•ting a bottle of /theme today, it means • your lwalth and happiness, ledware Beaureil, remanded on a r,haro of housebreaking, escapod from Stratford -jail. Now is the time to get aid of, your rheumatism, You wife find Chantbyvrluin's Lirinrent wonderfully effective. One application will con- vince you of its merits. Try 11, For Salo by alt' Dealers, The Puget .Sound lrintbet' milts in British Columbia suffered fire 1eam- 831 of $700,.000. FOR TUC STOMA CII. Here's an Offer Yorb Slronld not Over- look'. Basalt' Dyspepsia Tablets remedy Stomach troubles by aiding nature to supply the elements the+ absence of which ime the gastric juices cause in-. digestion and dyspepsia, Teey aid the stomach to ingest food and to quickly convert it, into x:ch red blood and material necessary for overcom- ing natural' body waste. Carry a:paikagc of Rexall Dyspep- sia Tablets iu your vest pocket,' or keep them in your room. Take one after epees heavy meal and prove our assertion that-indeges ion' will not bother you. We know what , Rexall Dyspepsia' Tablets are and what they will do. We,guarantee than tel relieve indig est -,an and dyspepsia. If they fail we will refund your money, 1'hree sizes f 25 cents, 80 cents, and 01.00. Remomber; you cats obtain Rexall Re- medies only at our store—The flaxen Stora. W. S. R. I'301mes, lion, C: J. Doherty announces' that the Ottawa Conseayatkses 1v -i11 take part In the Quebec election; eeith'the. object of ,defeating 'the Gonia Covent - meet. I,s YOUR RAIR '470R'rFI 500.? Just think how much you woiOd aek if yod were asked to sell, yet there are many who never realize the value of their hair until too late. They' lett the little dandruff 91520)s dig Into Pyr hair roote day and night until the leift and 'vitality is sapped one of the hair and. it becomes dry fanulld harsh and comes out in ''comb' s: A large bottle of Sagaine costs but 50o and your druggist guarantees it to stop fa11iO3 hair and: itching of ear. scaep or money back, Get rid of the dandruff and make your hair heal- thy. SAG:CINld will do in for you! Get a bottle • today and, make your hair just as clear" and healthy as it Should be. J. E. Hovey, She' druggist gearantees The British Ceovernment appointed a Wreck Commis lore with 'l ord Mersey e3 as Chairman, mcee , totn qtirctn into the Titanic disaster. Hon; Robert Rogers .has finally: des- tided to have Mr. Hawke's report on fin migretions matters printed: HE EDISON PHQNOGRApH is the popular instrument for the same reason thato ula p p r music is popular it makes the biggest Da% l;<4t wItl1 the biggest craawld.�.; —not only because of itsg rent lice repertoire; re; only because of its equally noteworthy classical repertoire; not only because of the true-to-life rendering which the sapphire reproducing -point insures; not only $)Breese t�£ the Amberol Records, or because it is the instrument 011 which you can slakey .:our own records at home—belt, because all these things form acornbination which every- one >- o,ine recognizes as the greatest thing in the musical world today—the Edison Phonograph. - BRITISH RECORDS FRENCH RECORDS In addition to oor regular nioniddy- list of Edison Steedard and Edison ArbeeofReeards, we table regsn Carly a trtttnber of British and French Rewords. Be sure to get the catalogs from youedeaiet when you gcto buy year Ralson Phonograph—asd ask • to have dee newRecordSupplernents naiad you free every mouth. There ate Felison deaherseyezetvhere. Get complete catalogs hero your deafer or horn as. Edi3gori Intone- mupha,$16.50to$240.00. Edisrft StandardA ccords 40c. 1tfison Ambeaol Records (play twice as . long), 65c, :Edison Grand Opera Records, 85e. to $2.50,$2.50, iJJltomoe6, i'dwarz, mvcoarosaTrso- 100 Lakeside Avenue, Grange, N. J. V,3. A. A complete line of Edaun Pbonogr.yhs and Records will be found at ALE -- STOUT —_- L A -G E IR3 puim ` PALATABLE'-- NUTRITIOUS — BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WIVE ,tem SPIRIT' MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION—Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA • Mesto/e AteA1n/teeite terieelAt'1 Where is there en individual. wino is es capable to act tes be executor of your will as this Com- pany, which was orgenixed and developed especially for this po- ppet? This C'l"opany veiIn carry out to `tae last 1 tier the terms of your will. It will manage the estate a7lcieutl• and economically, and avoid legal entanglements. Ie will not be tempted, as an 'individnel might, to speculate with the funds held in trust. 11 is debar: td by law, recta Fleece - ration. Co. This Company cannot die, get sick or tette a I:oliday—enlways ready to faithfully perform its trust. Charges are never greater, but usually less than the remuneration allowed individuals _ Services of Family Solicitor always retained. Correspondence receives prompt and careful consideration, Managed in connection with the Iluron & Erie Loan a-nd Savings LONDON, ONTARIO. p 4.0 r. SPRING TIME With house cleaning time is at hand, every woman knows all about dust but some don't know that DUST BANE Will male sweeping a Joke, just a few handsful at beginning"pIs pointall that's required. 37ustbane is the Sanitary Method of eliminating the dust zluisance. ft kills germ, makes carpets look like new. Don't take our word for this but order a tial from your grocer. Try it out for one week and return the tint if lice satisfactory. ormae. _ DUSTBANE IS MADE IN - A 1, w�'Y1 OTTAA PROTECTED BY CANADIAN � N. _fDiAiV PATaEiVT Sick headache results from a die- ' ordr9ret7 ounditpiin-of ,the stomach, and - 4 14 ,tom leads tt� sfor cee be 'r,ured by the vee of Channber-nd � iC ` Tam's' Stomach sal and Livar. Tablets', I Town It � py sa 'Township Chamber - Ter' 'it. Pur sale by, Alt Doalrrs, ! do i W