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The Clinton News Record, 1912-05-02, Page 1
r• • CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1912 The 'News -Record to Dec. 3Ist 1912 for 50c. ST PAUL'S CHURCH. THE LOdAL MARKED. ; GGNE. • THE HOME PAPER m.,,, Phe Cltlrs of Refuge. wo- on o, • "'' '1S W51300,. F� R ly`EM ©UR' 15 WATC�Y O The 'officeLs', of the. Woiucn's' ,:reilld` a IVltcat 980, ' ,• The telephone:gang -which have boon 'operating tn.l 'town DOT P131? POULTRY :PLAIV'P.: On Tuesday of alas week Mr. N; W. visited Hale and Hearty at'89. .' ^ 7�•�r� ,, +•^w•'+�►s� %y 4" -"'":# AND WO +� 1► tvar•titis � ' Is one that mill gibe excellent satisfaction s'to the Theurer, Botfi sizes, for men and women. . ul E ..:` Q ME'NT • Is Veil reg a id,... TH Mpast Ca our broadest guarantee, . THE: CASE :IS,dtirBbl¢---90If� ftli¢d of the finest quality. ensuing' eari:'are as. follows ; for.tlte,e s, ng y President, Mrsr J. McLeod. ': Vi :Vibe Miss Ilene, e _ Maggie. oombe. Seereta'y; Miss Ma to t, sures Mrs E. HoveYa 4a Y' STEPPING UP. Mr. Dodds Holloway, wile for the >, year" or so has been teller at thenRoyal tenk • „now aecountaut: ki and Mr.r Stewart Paisle becomes Y tetter with Mt, Carl Last as ledger-,",�, A , s being' a! s0ep all along the line. t, Mr, Freddly Rumball is junior. The Royal' has always had Oats 18c, to 50c. . P.eas 900 to $1.00_ Barley 60c ,to 70e. ,.` . utter 20c to 21e. Eggs 21e to. Lime Flogs $8,25. R. J. .IS O.• K, Mr. R. ,J, •Gluff has received con- stderabSe unpleasant. publicity in con ; nectlon,:wvttln the license tnvestrgation now going on at. Godcrach'fnto ,.the g g charges made by b7r. Mike Farr. Thule is nothingin the ,whole transaction implicating Mr,..C1uat an the slightest in ' :for` iho. s' two• .°, t wr.• ,.., , P7L,t ,., months eom feted' the',work- here and p lett -on Mondayfor London. ' The., young !mon made many friends while n town and all Were, coir to 'sec Y them leave, MERELY �S A SAFT GUARD. i• Tho, \Lws-Pe' ' d ' ' '• a wi 1 receives, a letter that is obviously an- : ., is tendedforpub':Gatron but,as it is unaccompanied ,by tito'name of the wrttar•tt has,. of course,•to bo thriven aside, Tof writer must a e, he name the w tt always be given as a guarantee of Trowartha Prof.' F. Ci Elford ,Y of. Buffalo' and while: there pttxchaaed thepou ;t- _plant at the .: 1 Y i pitta paid being a tittle better than $2000 fbr the proport and a wpment Y q including colony houses, brooders, int cubatiors fattening orates, etc. Al - & though it is the intention to c•Ltry. on : the lar ea art of the outtr A p Y Clinton, nevertheless the business in, II •, . •, Ilolmesv1110,p1aJt w+nil, be kept going as usual,• •i - PIIEY )\ERE BFALTII.S Norman Fatestulbns and . George Oxy« q Y" P 3 , f ,t. mss .9„ g €f� 3F y ,f t I �ir y $: �, y, sly` 3r `: , r T A 7CT11 S.E.THEM. CALL l�L lull C11Y11 Jl d l lYl • ' an alert and obliging, staff but never more so than aa ,present. CONGRATULATION'S, DR: - degree, but for all that his same has been bandied about in a way that ivould rile even so good -Naini- ed and thoroughly staunch a man as 'L•yerybody good faith, but not necessarily for publication: HOW PRICES IIAVY . GROIVN. Fasfl scarcely let a May f'a'st paste . without making .a read on the finny tithe. They didn't this ..year, at any rate, as . the big heaped-up pat- -at. 2 s4 j'' . Aellqcir Mills fil:lipley, son of 141x. William Shipley'of town, has graduated ;'eom the London School of red is our worthy citizen. ac- quaintcd with R. J. knows that he is O, I{;yesterday •cattle •Said Mr. O'Keefe, cattle bu er prom Toronto :to The Ncws Record : "I 'shipped a .load ofGeorge from"Clinton station last Fri- ter the Graham house abundantly pulled ttlem out it would not eastifies, Just where Norman andYi• be fait to their to say, for if the � ^. ii -• - �eweler.and Optician - Clinton hthnMedicate will tdday; along with thirty-seven sheepsk receive the coveted piece of sheepskin. Ile has been a persevering student and that same perseverance wilt carry him- wed) along to the front THE BOWLERS RE-CIIt�GAN17E.location At a well -attended meeting of the ]awn bowlers held on Monday eight the re -organization for the season day which cost me $2000' less twenty, It's not so very long ago since we expected' to pick up a similar. load Por about :$1200. The farmers are was even hinted at in the columns of this widely -read Famili Paper .nese would be such a rush to the spot that the fishers might fail to jangling each other for foe- Thomas Elliott'''of Cioderic:ti Township. �Is In the medical profession. His eider was effected with the following as s, getting this big advance.' with ation. Better to let them keep on .. Residents in this distrait wilI es - brother, brother, Will., is also art M. D. and officers : ; COGD!EST SPRING ON RECORD. guessing. cognize in the above photogravu:. • for the past two or three yeah has Hon. President, D. A. Forrester. President W. Jackson- Mr. Donald Kennedysaid to Mr. Thomas L+'..tett„ one of the plea -If_ e RoyalBank OF ANADA. - been practicing at Calgary: - THt ODIY FULLOtVS AT CHURCH. Members of rite I, 0.0. F. to the member of sixty or more attended : Vice J.B. Hoover. Vice tar}, F. T. Jackson, Treasurer, J. Ransford, Chaplain, Rev, C. E. Jeakins. 'Auditor, D. L. Macpherson. The the t springd yesterday : "This ft iho latest I aemenlber of at least in the thirty-eight years which I have been in 8:ie butchering bus-. mess. Very often• we had to flh our Personals. Mr. 1-I. E. Hodgins, Goderich, washs town to -day. ' eers of Goderich township. Mr. El- Slott though now in his 80th year `r., hale and hearty and loo'os good tsr yearseto conte. He is "as straight as a string" and always havingbL+:• so his name is synonymous •divine Capital $6.250,000. - Reserve 57,000.000. p The Annual Statement, shows the :following increases for Ott. • 1910 Igll Deposits $72,079,607 588,294,808 cervico in St. Paul's church on 'Sunda evenr.1 last and listened Y g with pleasure and profit to an elo-buying 9 neer discourse byRev. C. E. Jea- kips.et Delegate to W. L. B. A., W.'Jack- son. Ground 'Yates,J.ttec, J..IIunte`. Cr. M. •tes, L. Courtice, W. J. 0 refrigvratOr H6th ice in March 'bub snore frequently ist April and now .text on the first of May we have just finished icing -up for the first tithe 't.'' Me. el.gus McLeod was tap through Colborne and Ashfield this week bar, ' Mfrs. Cleghorn and little Miss Merger- were in `Toronto Thursday, Fri - with seer. ling •integrity. I{.idly and const ate, he bas friends galore wherever known. Loans and Investments 55,283,676 62,790,072 Total Assets 92,510,346 I1o,528,5t 207 Branches and Correspondents S ondents throw hoot the World. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. The singing of the choir added to the beauty and impressiveness of the service. On the return of the h'rethern to the lodge roost a unanimous and hearty vote of ?hanks was tendered Stevenson, , J. Morrish. THE 'AUTO DESTROYED. 1 pecular accidents moulting In the destruction of the auto of Mr. Geo, Turner of near Brucefield took place though .rd seaway deed AN ACCIDENT. A nasty accident betel air. Thomas Gibbings on Saturday last, He was engaged in land rolling when the seat day and Saturday last. b'Ir. and Idrs. IS. Rayner leave ' on Friday of next week for England and will sail by the Allan Line, vi,giniani ei which ma A. 0, pat- , tison is the local agent, One Way To Boost (l'ro�t'the 'Hidgetown Dominion.] While newspapers on this and eve.x other town in these' western counties .R. E. MANNING, Manager • - Clinton Branch. �� to Mr. Jeakins„ the choir and the officials of St: Paul's, Mr. H. B. Chant on Tuesday afternoon. he machine had just. been backed out. of the gar- ave and'had been oranked up by Mrs, broke thcowina him off behind. ?le had hung on to the lines, however, and this palled the horses back and Mrs. la Rollaway, who loft' six weeks age to visa her sister, id"rs: g Adair aIidland, are "boosting" week in and week oat for the benefit of their sw rat coni: munities, what the business mai acted as maeshall usual. Turner,who is herself an expert dile- they and the roller .vent over 'lune of snot regaining her health and people doing for the ncayspager> as er, when in some manner it look inflicting cuts and bruises which nc ns rapidly as ;her elan} friends would wish to see. Ifot the tetter Cannot exist on wor+kt Record CAPITAT, RESERVE. '' DEPOSITS . LOANS ',- Has 83 at CiiiiafOn • �j MOl�O�� ��� INCORPORATED 1855, of Progress for Five Years -1906--11 1000 1911.days. , $4.000,ti00 $4,000,000 8,000,000 4,000,000 . .077,730 35,042,311 AND INVESTMENTS 7,.457,000 38;854,801 TAC,•':..}SSETS • . . 33,000,1W . 48:237,284 respondents ha, all Branches in Canada, and Agents and World. the Principal Cities of the VPo c . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED SAVINGS ` )BANK DEPARTMENT all Branchia: Interest allowed at highest car int rate. r+ Branch - ,. E. Dowding, Manager �sr,®m LICENSES GRANTED., • As the aicense year ended on :.pill 30th 4he Centre Huron Board ]tad perforce to take action without waiting for the result of the iTttvesti- g gatimi into the Farr charges cvh,.h sensed likely to continue for some The Board,nl rr son Friday and g Ice �e , a thelicenses, couple bf then. being for a short term to permit . of necessary' illi- improvements being made, The Sea- step license was only. extended' one mon )h ep that the Board may ascertain' whether• or not an o 1 os- 1 A ing petition has a sufficient numberSee.-Treasurer, of names to bar. out! the applicant. All -the Goderich licenses were ex- tended one month only to allow.uf a searching investigation Y into the grafi. charges. Vire and in a short time everything about is that would burn went up to smoke. The six-gallon tanlr had previously been filled with gasoline so the neighbors, who had g Y been attracted b the blaze, s?ood afar elf' fearing an explosion., For- twtately; however,, the gasoline had pretty much dribbled away so as it alarm. d there was no occasion for alarm. The auto had been rebuilt the.'" scas9, ,, A G.O'on MAN GONE, , Rev: Jas: Livingstone, 'whoa yearsagopastor ofm score or was Rattenbury • street chuech, dried in Stratford hospital last Thursday The, ret1Li:ns were taken to the par-.phelp soilage. at Machell and on Monday 6 Y afternoon the funeral service Ivan held in the Methodist, church. Tbc cessitatal the attendance of the sur- geon. Though the injuries were scv- ere lir. Clibb',.1gs is getting along nicely and will be quite itiulselt again in a fchv'dn s. • e g Y WOMEN'S INS'PI'i'UTl7, A 'the annual meeting of the 4V ,o- men's •Insti`tute, held at the home a l' 'Mss. I. Dodd on Thursday afternoon last, #Its following officers \vete et- ached : Hon. P2asident, Mrs. '1`. Kearns. President, Mrs, 1). Munroe. _ •Vice, airs. II, 13. Chant: airs, T. Mason. Ate hors, Mrs: Ii. Fttzsimors, and Mrs. II, .R. Chant• The annual district meeting willhe held in 131yth on May 30th, THE HOME Mr. Alfa 7`ebbutt of Godcricli was in town Tuesday delivering a uriv- or to Mr: George TTanley: it's a good stepper u 8 PI " just such ld the as Mr. Hanley likes to hold the reins over, f- Er. r1 \Vim farvi ,cub 11eft ono oa} 'Lou - dun oon England, will in all near robaiiii- g p •ity rot return. Ills health is not very good anti the change has ;tp_ , parez}tly nut benefit, d him 14rS much. Mrs. T. W. Couzens, Mrs. C. P. ,ler- els and Mrs. 11. Plumsteel atteetl-papers. el the \V. al. S.- district c+)nventiolr in Goderich on Wednesday as `e- resentatives from the Ont. St. auzi}:Lv,v, kiss E. Piumsteca ma cont �n p. ted them, Miss Nlay McIntyre event last week of praise alone. The best. booster a town can have is the local paper aro, is should fairly represent the Cele _• nice of ane place in whicit .t is uie fished. For instance, attract pat• tentiou abroad and to draw peopi. here. A glance at the.advertislegtei:- wens of the focal papers should gave an an outsider some idea of Itidgetown's btLStness Interests. Apply the test atld note the number of business fe- terests than do not carry a Irne et as ertisiug in either paper. Not one, half the business men of the team merchants and manufacturers, appeant The papers pus.!' the local p p and boost week in and week ou:° as the interest of all, but far from ail, to support the papers. Imagine the mental ..elute Ridge l town would present to the outsldec pictery « and glances.• SUNDAY r � - SCHOOL CO\hI:RP.NCE Dh.SOL�I'P1:D. .was very large, and in- g to of every bu -incya Seafonth to Visit- her bio ser, over it if the. namea °T�' . .attendance eluded sixty .Illlnl'SLCIS of the Meth- On 'Sunday, after but'11 few stays '\ir. John DO(ISNOttl1, and while firm appeased in Its advertising CO': +>•n.' 1 • RE:Lrn-To-\l7EAr1 (i'LOfiIIIN(i j I 1, Ortnnn n CJLOTIIi:<G, I The annual Rural Deanery meeting and Sunday School coaference of the Deanery of Huron will be held In 5t. + Paul's s church on \Vednesday next. od.st Church.. The remains were 11111CSS, devil. bole away little liar'- that taken to Kincardine where the tier Louise, infant daughter of Mr. a ...smelts •'was made• and Mrs. Charles ah.\V. -'of Mullett. Mr; Livingstone was a much 3111111 The wee one's span of life was brief, there was taken suddenly and ser- Lanes in a space big or little: Cously ill. The trouble was ap- Every business man for his own lace pnndlCltllS and it was iia feared tin :the general .good should, advertise rep operation \votild have to be . per- ill8rl.}' in`the local papers, even if It SWELL The sessions will commence at 0,30 a. m. with a meeting of the clergyors" and lay de', gates. IIo]y Communion. at 1].. At noon luncheon will be served i She schoolroom 'for all delegates and Sunday School' workers, The after- Intal and success attended his lab- but it had so entwined itself about in each of the circuits in u'liicil t11c parents` bcart•strings that idle he was: stationed.' home has been desolated because of Those who atlanded the funeral its departure. The funeral took place from Clinton were : Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday afternoon from` the residence Wm. Cantelon and Revs. Ford, Cou- of Mrs. K. Whitehead, Nelet,ria tit., setts and Greene. the services being conducted by. Rev. formed but fortunately an improve- takes only an 'rich space, meet set in and Mass, McIntyre is The local newspaper should brit , now rapidly mtprovuig. `n ')'business dlmu ory of the town. fled, 1''l+'ather" Newcombe is agahere are many lines, nlerclien.ati ab.e to he about after a sonic- and maaufactuu:ng, unrepresented ie what . severe il1neA -and his daily the P4dgetown papers. Is that fat hint to the papers that, above aeon sessions will he ]geld in the. school doom• at 2.30 when papers will be read on all aspects of Sunday Mr. Grant. Thr, pallbearers were: SORRY To PART. g p Margery Claw; , Etlna, l4cL'aughcy, walks are so rapidly building tl Mage ass.stLat1dispensings .the able to arc• betking constantly Cora 1(330 r ' inc communion incl better Th dgctown '? I, Mt Kenneth Erskine., who for theHarriet Canlelon and Bessie Showell. in the Ontario street church- next :Since January last we have enailo ✓" ro ,+ se'NEw ' •Townships, (� :,• ;gill., k ` ?-i .'iii i I r �� 1�r, �J school work. Papers and addresses will be given by I cvs. Canon Gou;d:. T. Ryerson of Rev.. R. A. Hiltz of Toronto Japan,Mrs. J.c McLeod and 114iss'Cleta Ford of Clinton The Rev!: T. B. Ilovvard of etiood stock will conduct a Round Table Con. ference on Sunday Scho•ol work: In the evening there will bea•short service in the church at 7:3D follow- ed by addresses from Do. Gould, Van, At+chdcacon Richardson o0•London and, 'T. Pas two and a half years: has been 'LITTLE LOCALS. accountant of llolsons Bank, has been prom01611 to tic managership of the NOW for a gelieral clean-up of bath aids and streets.' branch at -Knowlton in the Pastern 3'j Province of Quebec. Chief Wheatley wilt, start on his Knowlton is an important branch and roadbei .ding operations— soon, is only eight miles from Waterloo .Good Morning ! How does your where Mr, 'L.rskine's father, and his News-Record'•i sub. to The stand'? rautfather, too,ractised' medicine. .,> gp .The drug stores will close each of It Is as well only sixty miles Nom „• ? , ening Ltcc.pt .Saturday , at, sevml Moutrcat whcl.e Mr. Erskine spent o,cI k ltis'Ullfvcrsity days_ He tl[us Sunday morrt;ng. Only twice in scores of copies of the Dominion b( some siatecn years has he been un- people at different ,plates who MIT Thei abl' toe .assist in this service which written asking for a copy.. • ls• a 50111'111 of o y -to flim. opinion of Ridgetown its important Mr.. and firs. Fred, Cooper' left and enterprise 190111(1 be largely base, on a into over the advertisfno cis'. .,TuesMiay'aF4ernoou for Old England, 11111118.g' b sailing yestefday afternoon tier. ° Ilalifax bythe Royal George. 'I hey Riclge.Jtvn has several good a.tve:: wilt n)11110 l'iwe citizens of Cliu!:on. risers avho constantly keep thecaselvie who are now cross?ng, bhe nonti" and Ridgetown to the front, and flora: : t example. shoul(1 be gemra1ly followeU! Un that boat,, the others Mang a r. 7 .161.11• •and Mrs. perry <tnd Mr. Wm.. ( y` ab, s + e�' r�, t 51 11574R14 Rees. Ryenson and T. B; Flowartl. All are cordial. invited to attend y the afternoon and evening sessions, wdl return to what. [night almost be. call- A meeting Of the IIUIOrI and PCrttl gp Baseball League will be )tell at the ed the home' ddstriot. Enc, expects' Hotel Normandie In Friday of this tllreawErsltinor post to a few t \.:5. 17r, Ind Mrs. Cooper expect to spendcoupleAt The FIGS ifal:• - - a of saiasltaniic c p Rutland, Mrs. Gooper, s nett e , ONT. ST. CHURCH. days. k e�islliv week. :.a: ,� C' ,u::. ,, :},, . ''' I ,. ti ;w 2al . \ �1 ...�\• ,,.. „,.; < t. ;.,k- \I+a.; •_; '• I •, , < ° \ / e co pia The Officers and teachers of • the S, S. a s follows :The re a u erintendent A, Hooper. S s opt . Assistants Re: J. Miller and G. Bradshaw. Sec.-Tutasux J. R. Tipludy. Assistants, J. Rands, Ii, 1'tc:rett. Sec. Periodicals, A, Cassels. 6 Supt, Cradle Roll, Miss H. Levi Pianist, hiss Grace Walker: thorough banker sheeting to organiae a .,awn and has as well apleasing- tennis club will be ]field in St. Paul's person allay so, naturally, has made man school room on Tatirsday evening of Y friends in Clinton who are sorry to next week. see. hien o. Ont his side also there lits;- Geo. \V. Wray has ,bought 6'y e is regiet for he likes Clhdtoll and from : Mr. Wm. Duncan. the house // h0 citizens thereof, on Princess street she has been \ „ •n ' \ occupying since, she moved into Lown., THE GLIN'PON• A TIM}•. S,iV`I'IZ' own. •newel A great big load of supplies l oni 7`I3E SELF-DENL> L h UND• draft Ch'�rge 114x, Mike Fan of the Union 'House, `• having" g t,Jm: Goderich, haven ' char ed Mr. Patterson, .chairman of the.:Centre Huron _License Board; with saving' solicited a bribe of $600 for the ire - of his license, Mr. Patterson ILastaken ttr( stand and, undc+r oath, t, 5 T 3kT L,,jrulitl Vie,.. ( ' I _ , ,. f t i h tt'"r ;• f a.,,, ,ur�,y t. pr 3 ,, ,; u$ 1) t,1. 'x :. A style to leaseyour fancy, of a shape to suit j' p t3'7 i3. to' match•.U1r desire at a rife• 'Four build, in a colory, , p;, . Jr1 .t al]t t0 pay, IS here awaiting your selection. Mr, Mackenzie's planing rain •• o be,, Assistants, Miss E. Wilthe and Miss :: used in the construction of the new All- round the world the olficets,t E. Plumsteel. • ' postolftce at Seaforth' was taken to' soldiers and friends, of the Salvation Teachers, Miss (r, Courtice,Miss .:$ , its, destination on one of the ClintonClfntArmy wC�il during ta( week "cul:itig L. StevensSt, C. Holland, G. Ltad•- two-ton trucks on alondamoral,ti tie k ,special effort : Shaw, W. Walker, Mrs. . Levis, ' } May Ilii make a p When supplies had been deliver- 'railse funds to support rite various Mrs, W. Tiplady, lits, Ramis, p not onlyos l,tvel denied Farts p Y charges but, stated that the h ter uuso'ltcitled,•otfered num $300,' Mr. Patterson goes ,still further and par• pose§ entering stat, aganst the.horrl man for $5,000 damages. In tilt e , ya t. y 1 , - n n'+j�•'�y� {1 Lt . tthis e Hats area )Cat hobby Of O IrS, and 4y r 1 , h:aveout-,done all Ievious .efforts. p ' ,• ed'4,,700 pounds of ginger ale fr01n branches of their e.t•olk, In additllen Mrs. Gowns,, Mrs. W. Walker, 11 -ler Uhc Dodds' wanes was put aboard and to being a great anfitrenc0 for good Cornish, Miss Shipley, Miss .•Ser, . in this countr the Aran is ai great, ' Mtss Iv. Ti lad Miss Wiltse H• the driver, aceom anted by the pro Y, 9 , g Tiplady, 7 g g Holtzhau"pr idiot, started north. del,vetrn at mnsstonar organization, vvorktn In er, Mrs. Wasman, l4Ir. mennti!tnt he has deemed it advitsxble , . to retfae front the Board; \lild stories have been in eirculi- tion re arciln the kee Cts o@ aevenl regarding P =; ro :?y i + , E,, , , tri% 7 'v' l C P Li i•'Qt TYie,ST 'LE QUALITY we show are finerton r tail I']°tv f ve countries and Jervis R. Pickett,H. Lavin: Winthrop,throLcadhury, Walton,' James- no time tl the in Godenicli hotels who, eat was alleged ,, had put up to order 10 cnslu'0 ,a ;;`_ , p and than ever. .Brussels, colonies and preaching,gospel The school refused to, consider enc cls, Blueyale, Wingharn, other flame, fir see.- _ ' •• Belgrave, l3:yth, `Jlarloeli and ` Cott thirty-three different languages. tr.aSuro thee Kthothen the'people a sic with every that of MC. Ralph'I'vplady so he was stake.. On tic_return run the erne, g renewal of, their licenses, but , e,nah of , those: evened has • res(*:fled Mr. S. G.'Piummer. RIGHT NOW is the time to come and See them, elected' for the 3'2n n o d tame. Tins h ng coat:nuance in office implies that he s ha been faithful in jibe ;y ties wove all picked up. '• , method; and pr.rlciple "oe ,not; they all anew the S. A. are lighting' The roads wecplno ace "good, L•ei 1(1 nfltdl ;n s in ..ac utty ti cLgainst sin, feeding the hungry.,,a,o„h y i o e p,l es Lind 1 , the baked, nursing the sick; rumors Dint blank and given the rl mo a p b a : oentradLetion. Qtr oat friend, Mr. S. O. Plummet,; who has nbt been enjoying' good heal S: These charges again illustrate «hate it is nntch.easier making than 1o'r 50me bine past, is, now taking pi erewrntanee of the duties connecter.'therewith and ;:'a tit, also means filar there has been others baa the k l nving .re along t true sped a o g withcourse, stab thp ciaitaing, the fallen, anti seekt,ng..., one• smoothness and speed that.geeellY peer_ of. treatment in the..hospital. in them and, fuitdler,, that men who IIe getting along whets r TN O C 0 S N C LOTNINC I'., Jpleased Much self sacnsoe 011e his part espec- , i dally when it, is taken into :coo 1111x0 tam that he lives about two meas • ''• Flom the school,_: Ne> t Sunda Mel be Cemmtmien y „ , v con- Glory of Goa th ough Je us+ Christ, p L Mn Dodds who is now ,o ,u,,, t , , Dr. Wilbur Chapman says .• . I .,Abe- uneed that es a trine saver Laic, , . . , , _ • ,, have •m• your wuik sa (>lorou 'hl I eater -tie of aistanec horses ere tier !l y , . litive studied it in a'd )arts .01 the in it.. He has thus mta/lilted that parts world,' and stand read,,' •because 0f to 17«rpo5es a 'IC111n, tel, Y possossuig ,, is nicely and are• in tie limelight, even rf only six, the air becomes ` more 'r balmy' . and sit candle: power,, haw e to. �wvalh more springlike . will be;, able to take 1wa�: eirounispect,y than those 'wile ante, , .1 N. daily walls abroad. Many .enyuilv'3s pot• are Made concerning ldan for no, out stands hi er in �,he 1ee Hiaroh 8 Largest Clothiers_ » f6 Deal, for Every Boy!' Sunda Tic usual natter. ',eve y '> y y Feast will be Held at 10 a. m: . he sacrament of the Lord's Supper will � •, a:llat'1, have sccu, i' 1 do; for Dir and Wlienahe,ohauficur, lIr, Ilerbie Gv:v, 3' reached home that night; his indicator Ypui, cause' enc ythmg ul nl•y poaver. g indicated tilt he bad travel•led ane, r 'wash I could perstnud( people` of ' aI 1116(115 :10 aid you ililancfaily ;> 'laity' , , •. estcosr, • , of the S community titan �� ties' .;cit Y d 1aal� 24th A 13831x1. Plummer. Observed . -, A S care `1 ,..: ,. .. be administered at the close of tine ,morning preachin service, lite snh- g K i`.!6011..of the, pastor's. Sermons Will 1e: r d nci long - . g . woe. e. 4 t vo t int ns6 ow hot- could, make no• ,hl.tt.i1 anve.stillent. wo ild..t. have talral a6 s am oC h , p or 'sec, good OneS, • too, 511011 :.ab are bred Donations in. aid Ot the 'world:, will Mav 211111 w}li be as a ' • holiday as usual tine year, but the ,. P , Ga.,ernment may take, Steps in_ the Personals • {f J.. • .. „ vi. ", • r•., 11. a.ni.; The Dtvane i4lagnet , r. .•. _ - 1'(I "• 11 . Make,i,:. 1 i s . ive ay '. ' cter ..•,. "o iu - V c ,- . . stn Fluted,. to :till. trip, with.. a be thankfully reeelvLd lay the olli.Lrs future iookmg to .the ob,'>er ane of \It. R:B. Dames�fs conducting , `,� V.,. L t.. ._..i 'fid?.. ,. ". ...' n !A 1 1 :ne, �Tt'in n• [rnei•Mn't+ I>v>f}, 11n t!'A'f'.TS,hK. 11. m.,,, Phe Cltlrs of Refuge. wo- on o, • "'' '1S W51300,.