The Clinton News Record, 1912-04-25, Page 10Ossiossotassmaripsusso
It announced that • the Denriniou
447oyernmeut.will, Make grant to tate
Clovertt►nent will make ,a grant to the
lend for the a$Sistanito of t',.e fatn-
:dee bereaved b% ,tlle, Ti,tnie dente ter.
'The . Montreal.' Stock , l 'elute e) has
'sd'ted $5,000 to the. fund.
is just front ten to twenty .'years
elder than he looks' when he is a
rheumatic sufferer. Rheumatism
Tacks the whole system, The eon-
ctanf, dell par pulls the face out of
r'hape and a reran with'n"lteumatisnt le
•aid a6 forty. Rheumatism can be'
cured. itheuinp will euro it quickly
rnd .permanently by eixit,ch:ng the
blood and driving oue'the uric.` acid
poisons, 'thee Wear out the system,
tfJiee Rheumo became known we have
;teem unable to menteme the dames
af.;thc numerous Persons from whom
lei have received test tot o.uiala
xtheumo re; positively guaranteed' by
.7. E. Hovey who will telt youjust
bow good it is and what every • one
town thinks of it: "Itiacumo is $t
leer bottle at J. E. Hovey's or dir-
ect, all charges prepaid, from 'Th le
Marion, Bridgeburg, Ont.
Mr. William Wainwright has been
appointed acting bead' of the . (land
,'ruck Railway and arr. E...I. Chane-
bertin acting head of the G. T. f'ae-
ifee by the directors.
The only through line
For settlers travelling
with Iiveuock and
Special Trains
Win leave Taranto
MARCH and Ana
1120 P.M.
Sealers and families
without livestock
should we
Regular Trains
Leaving Toronto
10.20.P.M. Daily
Through Colonist
and Tourist Sleopor;
ionist Cars on all Trains
No charge for berths
Through Trains Toronto to
Winnipeg and West
Aala any C P R A¢ent F copy of "Bader^' Curds'
FOH 1111-12
Much good reading
for little money.
News-Recc:El and alai' anti
Empue..... .. $L50
News -Record and Globe... 1.,(30
News-ReCOLd and Pantile
Herald and Stat With '
Premium. -, 175
News -Record and Witness 1.75
1'feWa-Record' and SSun ..... 1.75
News -Record and " Preo
Press'.,....: L71.1..
News -Record' and Adver-
tiser 1..75
?dews -Record arid Tenerife
Saturday Night . , 2,30
News -Record and Farnier's
Advocate... . t3,23
News -Record -end Farm
and Dairy.. 1.75
News-Reccild and Oeria-
dian Ferro 1.75
Newts -Record and Youth's
' 67ompaniou 1.75
News -Record find Mail and
• Empire_ ' ,t X4.25
Nows-Record and Globe, . 4.25
News -Record and News 2.30
News -Record and Star
News -Record and World 3.35
Nows-Nocard and. Morning
Free Press ' 3 25
News -Record. and 1+ v ening
Free Press-. , ..... 2,75
News -Record and Adver-
t tisei' . :3,00
News—Record; and Li15p in-
cott's Magizine . 73.35
• Vews-Record,. and Canada
a.o1 thl
y, Winnipeg .' 1,10
If what you want is not in
this list lot us know about it.
We can supply you at less than
e L1IdCoat to seed el.
you d neer,
In remitting please de so by`,
Port -office Order, Postal note,
Express„ Order or Registered
Letter and address.
THE 11101,1 N1 elleFORTI`fl4's rr;
TakC her np tt i,d�+zlv, `
'.. Lditeliel` with care •
Shjrt fasiitened' slenddxly,
Too strong •to roar."
See whoeshe tripped a bit
• Where it was
4 hough rough
; the •tipp,
was encug1i, •
Down She went' tgtterlut
into the, 8'rt,
Fervently nruttering .
iellania,each a siert l".
Tic iossof the Titanic lies, oarteed
all ithe liners vo increase the cum-
ber of lifeboats,
13aldao0 •is:Poo C'ieneralfy. Oonsidcr 6
a•'$igt of 4dvauoed ,Age.
A baja -headed person dies not 3avk
an equal ehareee wiLit one • blessed with
a healthy head ••of hail•,• because bald-
ness is .14 ;generally accepted as an
4adieatnory of age. Miley large cur-'•
poi.atiotia have established an :age
limit, and .:refuse to take men Over
35,'years of age as new employes,
Probably 65 peteent.,oi bald-headed
peoi,le may regain a good head of
Ilea:thy •, hair .if they wi15 toren (ter
adl'ice and accclit our otter. ' We have
a remedy teat we positively guaran-
tee. grow hair an any head, unto is
the roots of ,the ahir ate entirely
dead, their follicles closed, and the
scalp has become glazed and shiny.
We. ;vont•- people to try this remedy
at our risk, with the distinct under
standing that unless it docs cxacb.y
what we claim it will; and gives san-
esfaction in every respects, we Shall
make no charge for the remedy used
during the. trial. - • -
• Wo know exactly what wo a'eeAalk•-
ttg about, and witch this ot!ce bear of
our ,tat me is
s e n no"one should Geoff,
doubt our word, orhesitateto put
Sur remedy to an actual test.
We want every one In Clinton who
is suffering from nay. scalp or hate
trouble dandruff or fee Mg hair, or
baldruss et try our Roaall ''0$"
Hair Torre. Foe want Them to use
it regu sly --sae entil three bottle;
have been wee— tend it it doesnot
eradicate dandruff, cleabset and th-
roat the scalp, tichtert the hair in
its roots,•and grow new halt we will
return every cent paki ns for the te-
niedy for the meta as;inu. There is
no formality expected, and we exact
uo obligation from, tate user whet -
We aro established right here in
Clinton, and make this offer with a
full uadorstanding that our, buteattee
success entirely depeuds upon. the
sore of treatment we accord our cus-
tomers, and we would not Aare t)
make the above offer unless we were
positively certain that we could sub-
stantiatc it in every' particular,, lRe-
nrernbo , you, can obtain-Roxall l4eni-
edics in this 'comntui rty only at our
store, �tl)e T,e xal r ):,rc, W. "4,
Iiolines, druggist.
Any person who is the pole head of
a family, Or any male ovor 18 years
010,' May homestead a quarter sec-
tion of ,avaiiablle Dominion land to
Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta.
'Phe applicant must appeata in per-.
son at the Dominion Lands Agency
or Sub -agency for the district. 15n -
try by proxy may be made at .any
agency, on certain conditions by bath-
er, mother, eon, daughter, b ether or
sister of inireading homesteader.
Dute s 5tx months' residence up -
tin and cultivation• of the land in
each of three years, A. homeateeader
may lire yvithin nine miles of his
homestead on a tarsi of at least 80
acres solely owned and 'occupied by
him or by hie father, mother, son,
daughter, brother, or sister,
Incurtain districts, a homesteader
in good standing may pre-empt a
quarter-seetion alongside his . home-
stead, Price 83,00 per acro.
Duties.—Must( reside upon the home-
stead. or pre-emption ate manttibs en
each of nix years from date of
homestead e+nlry (including the time
required to care homestead patient,
and cultivatte frfey •aeree txtoa.j
A homesteader' Who has .,zhauste.
his/ homestead right and cannot /ob-
tain a pre-emption Ina), enter for
purchased homosmrad in certta'ta Ole
Ritts. Price $3.00 pet/ acre,. Dat-
ies.—Must reside s•tx months, in each
of 'three yearn, cultivate fifty acre.
and erects a house 'worth 8300.00.
Deputty of the Minister of the Interior.
N.I3.—Unauthorized publication of
this advertisement will see 'Ise paid
Via Cnicago:
April 2nd, I6th, 30th' ain't every
second Tuesday hereafter until Sept. ,
1.7t1i,-incl usiet` t'
Winnipeg and return $,
Edmonton and return, 142. '
Tickets good for 00 days, Pro-'
(pertionate rates Pb other points itt
Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta,
Tickets will also be on .sate on cer-
tain' dates via Sarnia and Northern',
Navkkation Company.
il Ap
W. J. XQCl12 eIJ 11
Nowaefeecurdd T. Ct.lN7'Otte 'r
To Manitoba, ,Saskatchewan and X11
erta ' on sal; every' Tuesday in
etch and April;
Seeuio sets,•• fuel 'particulars and
iustrated literature from any Grand
reale ,,a�gent oe. •wrifo A. E. Duff,
sstrkniti Passdngei •Aeeet,'Toronto
594.Ooseteo*b 57'., ,Srnr;rrov, Neer.
SVill' yon:
y o u r
'are sold
rut Net' York.
City 7`I leernetl
abetuI !hemi fast
summer, My
daughter went to
Kingston, out.,.
and spent; the summer there. She got
some of your Gin Pills and eent.tltetn
to me and I tried them and found them
to be the best medicine that ever used
for Eidney awl Bladder Trouble. Oh
they did sue so ranch good Hud I art so
Hitch better 'I hope you can fix it so
I can get Gin Pills in New York".
Sold everywhere in Canada at aoc, a
box, 6 for 412.5o. Sample free 11 yon
write National Drug and Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Dept, A Toronto.
If you need a gentle laxative or some-
thing to stir up the liver, take National
Lazy Liver Pills, est, a bol. lee
The Dominion :heel Corporation .1S
issuing $7;000,000 of 8 per Cont, pre-
ferred stock. in Loddon and Amster-
An official inyestigattoe into t•
disaster, to the Titanic was opened
In eases of rheumatism relief frose
pain makes sleep and refit possible.
This may he obtained by applying
Chaniberlatn's Liniment. For sale
by All Dealers, '
The Government steamer Earl Grey
is reported ashore between Charlet-
t eewn and Plcton, N. S. The Mut-
to has gone to her assistance.
Cita), toe Bickford and his wife are
ou trial for manslaughter at Corn-
wall,in conneatiori with the doattit of
their, young niece. The girl 'is al-
legacl to have been abased,
State of Ohio, (My or Toledo,
Lucas, County,
Frank J. C'hency makes oath that
Iva is senior partner of the firm of
F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business
in the City of .Toledo, County; and
Startle aforesaid; and that said firm
will pay' the stun c1 One bandread
Dollars Inc each and every case of
Catarrh -that cannot be eiteed bet the
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. 'Frank
J. Cheney.
.Sworn' to before me and subscribed
in mgt presence, this Oth dap of Dec-
ember, A. D. 1896.
A. W. Glasson,
• Notary Public
Hall',, Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and Raucous surfaces of tite system.
Send for t5silienoniald free,
P, J.:Cheneet St Co,, Toledo, 0
Seed by all Druggist. 75e.
Take Ilanll's Family, Pills for eon-
Look for this Track Mark
when you buy paint.
It means painting as it should'be.-
painting that will look t ra est and
wear the longest under all weathers;
and hard usage.
This Trade Mark is backed by 76
years of world wide paint: experi-
ence—it's the sign of
Perhaps the last job blistered,
cracked or peeled ---because the paint
was not perfectly made; •
Try Minerva Paint this time,
The Perfect incorporation of the
• Minerva ingredients produces a
palt]t with 'great covering capacity-.
while its elastic, properties prevent
peeling off, blistering or cracking,
insuring long life, thus putting off
the necessity of repainting for the
longesttime--meaning economy to
There's n. Miners Pdiiti, t`sn. mel or Varn-
ish fnr every purposa, l
Sold b ro, ,'
Yp tine tC e
d e
nl s At a '.
! Y all points 'm
p a
503 & CO,
Toronto - Ont.
Its no easy
to paint with
Ca . Snnerv'a"'.
Tae';'Coreicr!s jety,at`Kingatonsic_:.
ottet'a'Ged Mrs '',George F. I3errytttaa<
'of;. the soharge of ki5d)pg;big llusbaud,;:
and, found ehtie!--`the mains death awas�
due to bloodpeisouinge •
Mns.',Chaties'l M Heys and 1L.n.•'
'i hormionDavidson ri rived , at , ffloa- special,,txain.
Lame' -Shoulder is dearly always
Flue £a` rheumatise ,bf ;the muscles,
anis• qu3cltly 'yiel'ds totlrei free .; ''ap-
plicat;ien of •Cliartsberl'ain's I tnrttsent
For sate by All Dealers:,
The King and Queen' seat donations
for . the relief of those in dstree
through the, eatasttrophe to the 'Pit-
ananicthedTNe, Funds were opened •in lsonaon
Ah hivesttgati'on iota • Pae cause. " of
itanic disaster itt'being held at
• Miss' lelary Markle, aged sixteen,
shot herself . tvhllo Squirrel hunting
north of Igor -lilt Bay and is in a ser-
ious condition. '
When a medicine must be given ' to
young' children rt should be pleasant
to ,take, Chamberlain's Cough Re-
medy is Jnade,;fron loaf sugar, and
the roots used' la its preparation
give, it a flavor ' similar to maple
syrup, making it pleasant to take.
It has no superior for colds, croup
and whooprng cough. Tar sale by
All Dealer*.
A Cjuelph street ear ran oft the
tracks and was Making for an old
quarry when it collided with a !tile
phone pole. Several passengers re-
ccived bruises.
Mr. J. W. Alexander has presented
Rownianviile with a fine house and
grounds for a hospital, and the cit-
izens have subscribed. the funds equip
the Melding.
Wife of the P.M.
Talks to Women
She ' Suffered for Two Years and
Found a Cure for all Her Troubles
in. a Siegle Rot.
Lower C:'araryuet, Gloucester N, Il.,
April 22, (Sporiat.)—Mrs. Joseph
(Thiessen, wife of the police magis-
trate here, who for two years has
been practically an invalid, is agon
in the bast of stealth, and she is tell-
ing her freinds how quick and com-
plete was her cure when she look
Dodd's Kidney P3115.
t'`53' 'illness;" Mrs. Chiasson says,
"was caused by a strain, anal ft.r
two years I was a sullener. My hack
ached, I was always tired and. Ner-
vous, and there were dark circles un-
der niy eyes and after sleeping I had
a bitter taste in my mouth.
"1 had a pressure, and sharp pain
eu top of my head, I was always
thirsty and my skin had a harsh, dry
feeling. I was often dizzy. I per-
spired freely and my perspkration had
an unpleasant odor.
"Almost from the first doer. Dodd's
Kidney Pills helped me and by the
time. I had hnislted the first box 1
was a well wolnan,"
Mrs. ettiasson's symptosis showed
that the trouble was her kidneys.
That's why Dodd':, kidney PfIY. er r-
ed her so quickly,
Nelson Reledtart, who felt !lore
eight 'years ago, is home on a visit.
Ile+ is now engaged on structural stent
wolfs for an Indiana Company which
.makes a specialty of sky -scrapers,
The Irving Dramatic Club of Iten�
salt gave "The Troubles of the New-
ly Wed" on Monday night and :t'i'll
repeat it at Staffa nt, Friday plight.
Some of the mischievous boys have
been annoying Miss V. Smith by
throwing her store door open and by
other pranks. The Chief has been
instructed to make an example of the
lads unless :+;icy stop the practise.
Ht:nsall .people are hotcd far their
ambition in taking hold of difficult
thingsakdmaking a sttceass of urem.
For instance the oratorio "Olivet,to
Calvary" was presented ib Carmel
church successfully on Friday even-,
Tastes Like and is Eaten :pike Candy
In our experience in the' handling ofr
drugs and' medicines, we iielrcve we..
have never had experience with any
Remedy 'that gave such great sates -
faction to .our customers as do Rex -
all 1 Or et•1 '
d res This Remedy is note
like any ether: laxative or cathartic.
It contains al? the good features of
other,,' laxatives,,. •:but none of then,
Otir own faith in Itaxall' Orderlies
itt so strong that we, offer them to
you with our esyn positive pereaeal
guarantee that e they do not thor-
oughly sai,isfy you, you only steed tell
tis anti we will hand back to you
every penny you paid lis for them,
in trying them upon our.
rCc U nd< t,'
C a fon. � you take no till]
whatever. •
Retmee Orderlies taste like and ate
eaten like candy, They do not
gripe, Cense nausea, excdssiwe loose-
ness, or ahy other annoyaune They
act so cagily ehatt,.tltey may be taken
at any tithe, day or night. They
aro parte �pchary '!good Coir children
aged or tlehtctate persons. They aro
Put( up i+u dpnveriicat'tablets :in three
sizes of packages:' -Prices tee 25e,
aha 30c( ,.
iegne'tnberAleeiall Reniedi s
e earl
only herobiIintxl in this community
at'our store the treeXell Store, W. S.
iZolitme lwii iw1
C UitE;
W. S. XL! llolfnes ,Cf utlra• tees Bari;istl
eege Srt:Dandruff ,tnd It offing
Think of it dear' reader, .11 .P:ARiti
IAN SAGE, isn't the mo5tt 'i,tj iigonat
ing:_and pioar'ant hairdressing ytlti
ever,;•user'—lnoney back, " '
It it doesn't banish ' dandruff, stop
hair front falling and do away t.7i,th'
scalp iitoh--lnoney back, 50 cents at
Vie , Rt Holmes and druggists'epery
"PAiRISI:A,N SAC1E es a hair
growerand'scalp nlcaner is all right.',
—viCs. Doris53. Daniels, 4Yiteiamson,.
1t'. Va
"PARISIAN SAGE cured inc of
terrible etching of the scalp," --Mrs.
C. I'. Pope, -Oxford, Ala,
A.,niee legal' battles being wagea
bctwecnr•Dr, ticattib. Nesbitt, and the
A •'C Pi 97Irain leaving Tlaniiilton
on ''hersday night last collided with
an engine in the I'dimico yards:
A Titanic Memorial service, was
hell in MasseyHall,',Toronto„ which
%frac attended byan itnmenee audience'
Five thottsaad peopleare said to'have
been unable to gain admiselonete the
When uric acid is dissolved in the
blood it thickens 'the blood aimose
to a jelly. This is what causes the
heart to nutter and seetrts to stop
because it tis weektined• by the strain
uric acid puts on it, 'Uric Aced Pills
driveopt all brie acid poisonte from
the System•, They arc quick and safe
and are guaranteed by J. te, Hovey.
See that, the tame B. 2r, Marion is on
the package. ,
The big T. Eaton Store, Toronee,
was closed •on Saturday afternoon
last out of respect' to the memory of
Mr,. Cr. E. Geahani, who died on the
"Our baby trios for Chambcr:iaia'
Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. B.
Kendrick, Rasaca, Ga. "It is the
best.' cough remedy on the market for
coughs, colds and ttroep.'' For Sale
by Al; Dealers.
, Goderich
miss r,uw' I. Whitman and Mr, Al-
bert Shore were married on Wednes-
day of last week, Rev. Gee 1.. Ross
officiating. Mr. 'Ind Mrs i;hore
have gone ao reside in Calgary, Al-
Messrs. F. 5V, McDonough of Car -
law and A. 5, (Redhill' of town have
purchased the Holmes' coal and wood
yard and enter into possession about
May 1st.
Mrs, John Killoran, mother of
Mr. J, L. Killoran, died suddenly in
Toronto last" week. She had ueen
spending a time with her daughter
there. The remains were brought'
home to Seaforth for interment,
Mr, T. Gundry .•entenhs selling out
his livery and sale stables and in-
tcuds litter to take n trip to the
west, ... .. ,
Mrs, 11, IC, hail Inas arrived ` home
From the west where she spent sever-
al months vieiticg her children at
different porn +;,
There are muni of then' ; they aro
always noticeable and distinguished
because al their hair, , Thick, heavy
tresses of soft, silky and luxuriant
hair; tree 'from dandruff and glowing
with all the radiance and beauty' of
health is the greatest adornment' of
d enroll.
SAOEINE is the only preparation
known to science that will make the
hair so noticeably. beautiful';, SAGE -
INE 'is
AGE-INE'is now sold in Clinton by J; E.
Hovey who with each bottle gives his
personal guarantee to refund the mon-
ey of Sageine does. not do all that is
claimed for tit.
Sageine ;s 'the' favorite in (very
Itonrc ; it merits its popularity be-
cause it is not sticky or greasy and
it itt pot a dye. J., E. Hovey sells
a large bottle for 50 cents.
Masers. Bert Miller ;and I1'red Galin
have gone to the Meese Jaw, cask.
Mr. Bert McLean has gone, to Kur-
land to join his boat, the Midland
Mr. A. M. Polley has gods to Tol-
edo, Ohio, for a little visit, re-
turning. with his daughter, Mrs. Ma
jor, who has been visiting her borne'
In town. ,
Tats. 7,ceb has' returned to her home
at Dem Lodge, Man,, after a visit of
some, e. weeks wilt her father, Mr. Wm,
Mrs: J. J. McElwaa passed away
last week after a few iilness. :iIuch
Sympathy is Celt for her husband
and tato little daughtir a.
Owing to a 'scarcity of wheat the
Rig Mill Sae been idle cluriteg., the
past week,•
'The water and slight ciatnmission
have decided to purchase 1500 Tung -
strut lamps which will be supplied by
the ,Hydro-Lllcctric Cloitunission at
.Constipation' brings many ailmenes
in its train and is the primary
cause of .anticlt slbkness. Jeep regel-
ar, madam. ' and you will es•
cape many of the ailmenes ter which
women are, 'subject. Constipation is
a very simple thing, but , like , many
simple things, it may wad elo ser-
ious consequences. Nature often
meds'- a little :aseestance and whoa'
Chamberlain's Tablets am given at
the first indication, much distress;'
and suffering may be avoidrnt, ;lefel
by' All Donees,
.ptiil 254h.191
Did you ever make, a
Phonograph Record?
Did you ever
Talk about entertainment --
there is nothing that approaches
the fun and fascination of
making records at home on the
PhonogiaphrIIE EDISON will record what you or your friends say, or
sing, or play, and theta instantly it just 1
• n
reproduceJ as clearly
and faithfully as the Records you buy are reproduced. This
is a feature' of the Edison Phonograph you should not overlook.
You can send your voice to a friend, preserve the sayings of
children, record your progress as a speaker, a singer or a musician.
Anyone cad make records on an Edison,. 7t requires no special
machine. The.. blank records can be used over and over.
!lin toanS5diaondealcrtatitlyanti let Min etiVatora 'bass your dtvsler ne Srnm ti,
tibsnniistrntende5rgot teaMneoftlsoltd5,t,u Eaton P,tonogrepha, 610.60 to 8240.00.
r'fe tcrrarn and when you boy mnkeutreMixon Standard
soy get on Melon, it instrument drat. Itererds, 40n.
+•e4 .veru not t rotation* Walloon Manuel'"i
or the wnrid'a Iwet entr,rtninetp, hat nrsal only the tc'It e,'erda (Play L��
the opportunity for 1•nme !word making. ttr-iea nt 11115,. Q.ldli9•ist.
'Mere wit Edison de:•aters everywhere. do 6 S e. I¢ dl a o n iy .0..onnxeas
tL me rocuewrt ono hair In. Lti4sai 111«. Grand Opera
at+, -.•.rapt' play tsttlt Edison Standard anti Records, 655. to 100 Le5wt,1eAesnne,
. Edison .tmberot Record's. Oct comp/ore 52.50. Osage, N. J., O.S. A.
A complete Imo of Edfsua Phono¢raphs and Rerdats will bo found si
W WA:3 '�E
Start that savings account this
week. Start -where you knows' your
savings will be safe ----with a COM-
pany that has: a reserve fund
equal to its paid-up capital. Start
with a company incorporated in 1SS4
----that has already paid aver five
million dollars of interest to depositors
and debenture -holders
Call or write to -day.
Incorporated 1864
°Coal .. Savings Co.r
a,Condo i cold St..Tonjas
P R I ,G.
With house cleaning time is at hiusd, .every ?rottani
knows a
a ou.
tut u some don't know that
: �t
make ma..e sweeping a Joke, just a - few llaudsflal at
beginning point is all that's rNuired. Dustbaus, is the
Sanitary Method of eliminating the dust nuisar ee,
It kills germs, makes car pp ets look like
e new.
:Dont take our word for this but o1•deI• a tin from
your grocer.
Tryin out for one week y e,- anti return the till if not
P ,O
e ,News- ecord , leads
awl: and Township News.