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The Clinton News Record, 1912-04-25, Page 9
ntoa, e ecord'. i" C T h o X Qw11'8 oh ,o Go•told E ' de s ` �Millo x ,27r, Miert G ., :,;,;,,., Qeo;, .D¢Uh of `osis. i nslaip,r '. si,' o J,3 it, on `r Tues$a .on .,bi . waY . t., y v Sask. wherb' lie inteaids itlooso .;jai . , spendfn some• -lithe He ivi'll visitiiis en' n Toronto for .? a rllzothor::and'stst , i , ods a ' ar 'drab l • rt"s m >'t w da. Be fY bundan bo � sir.F i l�I' wish halo a t. wn . v , : success; n t e•roost and Orusf that the h fse'ai. ,change06 climato`;wall pa;Ri''o •bone a :Li"•hii health,, 1 ,. s :'of ' Tlao; Nuys-Recor3 escelg .for.• near. Flint n;': Ba field''. Stauiley and 411.1 =•,o • ' r+ata 'nshi s. ::; the tt p. ' G oderich. 'Ciederich; April' 20 --Col. Hodgins, •ou London, 'commanding No. 1 div- ision, will be notftied officially to- day thatarrangements cannot lie suicide to secure;; ground, Ser the ''.nil itary camp sites• A m'otion, to this effect, although ' it met -with much opposition „passed all t; `7 , last night's council meeting and the ]rope of having : the canip of No. 1 sfstdsion located.: at this point is -a- bandoned. Costesy Experiments. Not so long ago all the members o ,tilt council wetei workingf,togetli .er to get the ` camp permanently ;set- tled hero. Two: years of experiment with the camp on the Attrill estate cost them dearly and when they wish- ed to get a price of rental from the company in charge of the property i;ho figure was so large it balked all good intentions. For two weeks'` use of the land, $1,000 was 'declared a "hold-up" by members of the •ccisincil. The figure, at which the trusts' corporation offered -the,' estate last night was $925, but, even ' this was too much. This One Too' Small, As an alteletative the idea was con- sidered of offering a small site, the Ilamlink farm, which contains' 150 acres and could be obtained at a rents al of $300. It was thought this property might be so •uneatisfaetory. as to spoil chances: for the perman- ent site being established here, so it•was not seriously considered. One of the members advocaaad a public subscription to raise the rent of 'the property, but this was declar- ed impracticable. After long discus- sion the motion to abandon the pro- ieet passed. S >t.me r n i u �. 9lrs; Joltfr .olitiston gent iu�v da s 'with, irieu'ds ln• Oliuton; y. of M s , at i s ,:k fe Theamau friends • y GoViv r ' are sort"~ to hear thab.:+ she t is on'.tha stoic".ilea, -hitt;: hope to„eta Y4licr's eel '"reoovery.:' o p Y famf •na C "Delp . 1 ' Mr,p,an M ai` : _S unda" a . alio dliiran:Road.sp, t y Mr ,George tJohnstgn's. t: n nd faun”' Mr.'.' alfsl Mg s♦ Sande 5o a alyweuests of Mr:. C. `Beacokii on :.re g Sunders," Mr":',end Mrs; E.. Sciutan 'of `flu f- ton spent Stti day the guest• dfl lkrr. D B 'tr • Mr.` and Mrs. Jas. Johnstone of• Clinton spent Sunday with Mrs. Solan Seeding is the .order of the day. Mrs :Jas. Lindsay spent a tew'days bast week the guest of his son, Mr. T J,; Lindsay, • Mr. Chas. Cibfton spent Sunday at his home near Prosperity. Rev: Mrs, Jeaktds. Will hold service• in. St. Petev's Church on:Suadey next: at 3;00 o'clock p. in, Miss H. Triek spent Sunday at her • Support Good Roads The annual report of the, Province ,of Ontario on Highway improvement is authority for the statement that in cash and in statute labor no less a sum Mean $40,000,00'0 has berth ex- ,pended on the province's highways: its sorrows, have a family of ' tliix- in the past twenty years If this is teen children 'living : Mrs. [lobe the case, and there is no reason to Larkin of Jolting near. Orillia ; provincial that W. A . McLean, s 1 s Mrs. John Dunlop of North Dakota : provincial engineer of highways, is Mrs. Samuel Larkin of Owen Sound ; astray in his ,figures, we should be Johu. Porterfield of Howick ; Robert swell ashamed of ourselves for the re- sulfa attained 0,, the, above total $19,000,000 has been: expended 'in cash and the re- mainder is reckoned out ala statute labor, meaning the time occupied by, farmers in plowing up the sides of the Toads, and throwing the dirt, along with a few stones;,. upon the high- way. Of .course this method does not make a road. .It never has and it never will. What this province wants is skill' and intelligence and money -plenty of it -in its road -mak- ing, and with this view Mr. McLean agrees throughiy. He sums up our endeavors 'fa the following language : Modern methods. of travel, trans- portation and communicailon are among the most prominent results of invention, and distinguish the present .age from all others as an`era .of rap-, • .in transit. Every,' refinement has been sought, and vast expenditures have been made on steam and electric' railways, ocean and lake steamship lines, harbors and canals, express, postal, telephone, telegraph and cable services. It ,is notable, therefore, that meth- s -Ms of building and maintaining the pebble highways, the roads of every 'day use, leading to homes ofthe peo- ple, and therefore or the most: univ- ersal nityersal use and benefit, have until re csnitly been or continue to be of the most primitive character. In road improvement lies one of the greatest 1pportunities for material advance- ent, a work which the Highway Improvement A.ot is substantially en- couraging. I1 is generally conceded that; com- Mr. and Mrs. F. :Neagle of Col- borne spent Sunday at Mt. W. Lew - son's. •The Beef Ring has 'eommenced op- erations again wi,!h Mr. Tanney as. botcher, Mrs. T., Lawson of Cliinton spent a few days last week at Mr. Wm. Lawson's. The News-Rccoed excels .for news of Clinton, Bayfield, Stanley sand all the other townships. � err s M. >la e At I +T G ''`-CAR , H l It 'i. CxS Cr BBXN the Out Sa Church,, Clinton oat A tilt 24th by: :ReY'4`, 'iycsley ii Cosens Lptiie • Cartwright fro Re 0•ibbin s • •both of era Witham g , • b the wto. ssltiPif, T4nldott, ...9..,. ` SCOTC IMF DRYSDALE: , At •!L 16th ' Moasp'Jaw,Bask;; on Rpra b 'Y• ' Rev, A. C. Rouves °:Isabel, • daughter.- , of „:Mrs Wm, Diyedale •to Frederick:. of • Lanark, Un,., Gcorge ` Scotcbmen . Tegaske,' , • Sask•' `son ofMi. and Mrs, A. Scotcllrner, Stanley township, MAPI.S=,SMITH-In Walkerton, on April 23rd, Florence 1\13 , 'dattgltte,r of Mr, and Mrs. ,1 . Smith, "to W. Fay Mapes of Everett, Wash, DAVIDSON - - In Winghani, April;17th ,by by Bev: D. Petrie, .'Frederic"( Davidsgre to Ethel :McLaughlin'. McNEIL-MU(RDOCK-If Shanley, on'. Aprillath at the seesidence, of : the .brides parents, Ml., and stirs. Murdock, by ,Xlev. Ne1Pr •;haw, John A. ltieNcil,' of St, ,Thomas,: to Grace Murdock. CANTELON-IIEARN.- In . Clin;on,: on April 10th, Lottie Elva„ se-' const daughter of Mr. and airs. Robert' A. Hearn, Princess street, to aLorno Cantelon of Godcrieh Township. SHORE-WHITHAM.-In Goderich,. on April., 16th, by Rev. Geo. E. Ross, Lucy Isobel Whitham to Albert Shore, all of Godcrieh. W 1I I' - GRAPH eN I Toronto A Diamond' Wedding Mr. and Mrs. John .Portectetd of Fordwich celebrated their diamond wedding on Saturday last when they were surrounded ' by a numb it of tlrelr ,chikdron-and a few intonate tri• ends. . ' Comparatively low of those who start life together are spared to amid brate the sixtieth anniversary of the event and when it does occur ir, is only fitting that ti(e occasion sheule be duly noted, Mt. and bxs. Porterfield were mar- ried in Toronto sixty years ago, -driving in -sixty miles front Scarboro in a lumber wagon to have the cere- mony performed. They continued to. reside in Scarboro for a time hen 'moved to Howick, in the vicinity of Clifford, 'whore they lived and farm- ed until about six years ago. They then retired from elle farm and moved to Gerrie and later to F'ordwich, which is, now their home. This worthy couple, who have wea- thered' ?he storms of life togetheo for sixty years, sharing it's joye and of Seaforth ; Mrs. Eslpin of Brant- ford ; Mrs. F. Rogerson of Hellen James, Frank and Allan of Howick ; Edwin of Spruce Creek, Man. ; Dr. Porterfield of Owen. Sound and Mrs. Jas. Rapson of Constance. The family, most of whom were home, took advantage of the occas ion to present to their father a purse of gold and to their mother a handsome diamond broach. Rev. Mr. 'Young of Gerrie, ,their pastor, read an address-exprcnsing the ;on- ;gratutabiops of ?holt children on this happy occasion and gratitude for the many blessings which had been `heirs during their long life together. Mfrs. Rapson of Constaaco made the pres- entation. • Mr, and Mrs. Porterfield, who are Scotch and English respectively, and who come of sturdy stock, ane bolt in the •enjoyment of good health. Their many friends join in hearty congratulations on this happy an- niversary and trust thole remaining years may be bright and peaceful and happy. ,paring the progress of Ontario sin Toad building with that of other countries, the standard of roads is extremely low, and that what should he one of the greatest pleasures of farm life, a country drive, is too of- ten a hardship. This is true in spite of the fact that we are spend- ing;'large sums annually on the re- pair of these roads, It is true of the greater • part ,, of Ontario thatl the township .-roads are to -day Tarlo 11,,any better than they were twentiy Fears ago. ' To estimate broadly the value • of good • roads' it can be states'. "]tat.. ;pod roads would cut in two the :•role now spent far marketing pros deco ; and in driving onithel roads tor. all purposes. They result ; in in-' greased land value, lessened cost of transportation, improved marketing fealties, and the extension :of sea 151' privileges, largely overcoming the prosentl isolation of EatEn ISM," 'Somehow 00other. the general pub He as, represented by our •adteinis Seaters at the Parilanienl' Buildings •,L' - n ergo on April 13tH, by Rev. W. B. Cas- well, Alva J. II. Walker, of Wing - ham, to Olive Chapman, of Mount Forest. LANE'-DYMOND.--On April 8th, by the Rev. Stanley A. Pickup, Ma- bel. M,, the fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dymond, of Toronto, to Russell A. Lane;. of. ,Winghatu. ' Births TAYLOR.-ln Clinton, on April :'.SG', to Mr. and Mrs. George' Taylor, a son, TAYLOR -In Morris 011 'April 12111, ' to llr, and Mfrs. C. K. Taylor, • a (laughter. Si\lITFI-At • Stap'lston, 011 April 22nd, to IVir. and Mrs. Teddy Smith, a son. WALSII -In Wingham, April 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. II. Walsh, a (laugh- ter. DUFFY-in Seaforth, on 'April 14th, to 141r. and Mrs. J. B. Duffy, a ,Tose. sight ,of the fact' that, the cos ofhaulage airing :0 highway is of 'a .ouch importance to the eonimurlit A '0001) REMEDY FOR LITTLE ONES -Baby's Own Tablets are the lest medicine a mother can give, her the tle ones.' They are absolutely sefc, being -, goaranteed by a government ainalyst to 'contain no opiates or oth- er harmfal drugs. They cure con- stipation and indigestion, expel worms„ make teething easy, i15 fact cure 'all the minor ills of 11.ttle ones. Mae - stall, Concerning them Mrs. Murray Baan, s8.tall, Zephyr, Ont,, says : "I have us- ed Baby's Own Tablets for my child- ren and always with the bese of re- sults. 'I0'1n recommend them as a good remedy for little ones to every mallet.” The Tablets are sold by • medicine dealers or by maid at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,, Brockville Ont. ' 'REAR •ROCK 1✓GGS F94SA•I,g'i A� '0 ntsl er'35 e° s H.G,•, FTabbs''' 5 ce g ,. p .g Clinton', � U.. 'F+hone C=154, , ?�8-i A` )1-BAitotED PUYMO 1'tI' to •!o'' ', Roos eggs , for h'tto nag.;. Q llo e. Brod o ia' i, 3 r salon . P ,. . Strains �,OO;,f 7 n., r 1 4 t g i g, of $ 11• held t r Gam h Bra Mrs.'Pe a p P ,. Y son. HAGGITT-In llly'th on AprIL 16th, to Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Hag;;ktt, Jr., a son. BUTLAND- In •Goderich on April ,, '11th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. But - land, a son. Deaths COLSON--In Seaforth, on April 16th, the infant son of 114r. and Mrs. A. E. Colson, aged 12 days. KILLO'RAN-In Toronto, on April 15th, Wiriaifred Ryan, widow of Hie late Mt. John Killoraus of Seaforth. TOLL. -In London Aprik' 15th, Maria Ann Blackbrough, wife of Henry Toll, of East Wawaaosh fu Tier 51st year, McGEE -In Morris, on April 11.111, James McGee aged 82 years. MCEWEN.-In Godcrieh, on 'April 14111, Catherine Martin, wife of James McEwen, aged 35 years. REID.-.In Godcrieh, on April 12th, David Relit, in his 75th year. b'ARM FOR SALE -LOT -14 MMI'V- iand concession," Township of Col- borne, 90acres all borne, %consisting o e „ Heated. Clay' loam and first-class wheat land. Your acres of, young beating orchard, first-class ' fruit. Good frame house wiih cellar.. Good barn . with stabling under- neafli, driving shed with cement pig pen underneath. The farm is well fenced in.10-acre :fields, Two good wells.. mile from school, 3 mites from`Holmesvill© and the same dis- tance from'Banniller. 6 'miles from 'Clinton. As. the pcopdietor is ill and unable to work the late 1t will be sold on easy terms. -L. Penn- ington, • Iloimesviile P. 0c •-34 BOAR FOR SERVICE -A Thorobi'ed Hampshire boar Brodhagen Chief. No. 4421. Sire Mitchel ' Hero No 2271, by Royal Peter No. 1473 by Canadian Boy 1003. Terms, $1 with privilege of return if netrssary --Geo. Henderson, lot 28 con. 2 11. R. S. Tuckersmitth. 28-3. WAN -'CED- GIRL WANTED, GOOD wages.=Mrs. K. Erskine. -17=3. MAN' WANTED TO DO ODD WORK such as rolling lawns, cutting weeds etc. Will add 85 or more to your moil -Slily wages without ,interfering 'with your ordinary work. -APPLY at News -Record Office. 27-3 • WANTED - SECOND - HAND BI - cycle. Must be i'n good repair. - Apply= News -Record Office. -27-3 WIIY, NOT GET •T,1E BEST : ens edh 18' a It at my. � C;'Ft,Hodo is n cn "aid, '378 egg6 during them til •.Pf Mauch;X.eggs_ 'Tai hatching franc'this $t.se at 8100 Por' 15.s S'too'p, also for','sale•-John FRENCH DRY CL A NTxG.- I have put .in'.a `French Dry Cleaning • Plaut'+ for the purpose `' of cleanilig the 'finest ' a4 Well ;as' f,'ho heavlel: garments ween,' such as wool, 'felt, linen „',cotton, 'leather, gloves, fur feathers, straw, lace and , watsr- proof "'.goods : withou ,s, washing , ; or shrinking them so as not to get Diem out of `shape or fade the most: delicate fabrics or trimmings,• Many household articles, such as eurtafns, table covers„'; drapes, ees,, "that• would be utterly ruined if washed, can be Dry Cleaned, thus restoring Poem to their natural beauty and usefulness, and will not; cause then to fade or the colors to rue. Orders may be left at Watts' shoe 'store or at my residence. -James Tucker, FOR SALE - BLUE BARRED PLY - mouth Rock eggs, 81.00 per 15 eggs. Also a few . White Cochin Bantams, eggs $1,00 pen 13. -Jabez Rands, Clinton. -24. • JOI-IN i\iULHOLLAND IS OPEN- ing a bicycle cleaning and oopair shop in the shop' west of the; Ex- press Office. Open ' evenings and Saturday . aftpreoons. • Repairs brought in during the day may be left at the Express Office. Re- pairs promptly and thoroughly made: -28. PERSONAL GOSSIP. From The Mellott, Sash Joutrial Most' anyone -can be an ,editor. •' 1' the editor has to do ,1s to sit at hit des'- six ,days' out of ole week, lour weelcs outr of the ,month and twelve months out .of- the year and "edit" such stulf'as this : - ' 'Mrs. Johnson, of Cactus Creek, Wet •a can opener slip lase' week and Out hersdlf in the pantry.''' 41 rnischicvous: lad of 'Pinktciwli Llu•ew a, s1'ane and .struck Mr. Pere 01 the alley last Tuesday'" "Jphn Sl1 'th ,climbed pe. the reef of his hditse last, week lookingfor a leak and fell, striking himself on the hack porch." ' ' a whole: 'es • i5• 'the questtion o : "While Herold' Dee was escorting,. -railway ' freight, ,rates. Bac. roads 'Vika Wiilnitred Cappelf from t•he', eontnlbute'as .largely to the high cost et 'living as do 'sigh tretghts,, hand while wo have a; Judge Mabee to look after our affairs as -regards railway froigh'ttp„ 'we, leaYe lit' largely to the farmer, individually mil coll- c.etilvoly to look after out highWays,O1' muse, 'they are no,4i' looked after.and. they never',: willbe under sued a sys- 'bem,-Ridgetown Dpnuuioii. church entertainment on Friday eV ening a'savage dog attacked them, biting Mr. Doe on the public square." 't 'Mr, Isaiah Trimmer was playing With. 't cat Friday when it_scratche'd lllm on the back verandah." 'Pete Evans while harnessing ills broteho ,`Tteciprocidy,( on the 21st , of ;September last, rbcs kicked just south of .his corn cribs' FOR SALE 'CHEAP ONE: MIKADO and ono single baggy both good. - Apply at News-Rocord Office. --27. GENTLEMEN. - KINDLY TAKE note of the McCormick repairs you will require for the season and lot me know, as soon as possible.- J. 13. Miller. -24. AUCTION SALE On Friday, April 26th, at 1.30 p. m. the residence of Mrs. Jas. Fair, So. A 14 room, two story brick dwelling Hot water healing, electric lighting, bath„ and all conveniences. Also Furniture and furnishings of above, including piano, and all other. furniture, carpets, curtains, beds, bod- ing, etc. Full particulars may be had on application at promises, or residence et Jas.' Fair. -MRS. JAS. FAIR, So. dID`' WANTI.D ,ABOUT, vs 0,0 s9uare feet , ' om moado or' 'taad - slate. ,aa ty„who Cau:suPp Y 'Pleae Phone 7,7,-?P;xod •J, hall, Olintea, --25 10 WIRE EN dINI. =N.'ORDLR. introdtfco .the Ring Lock Prost Wire, n >' it Fencing T rv:dl sell d ora g tLhe• r mouth of'April at 2a,.conts a ”:Tod„ '1'hils'is a new fencing and I espec- ially recommend At At Pails low sprite it must of ciaurse }ie Gash,, • -Win `StanleY, . Agent Frost Wite . Fencing, rlolmesville. A fu11' stock 'always on hand. • -25 FOR ; AI,E SEED POTATOES, Green Mountain, one of the :'best , • varieties for the maoodarket andg yielder. Grown by .the Huron• Pro- due Company. Price 81.00 per bushel," for the next two weeks. James Ste next to Ford, and. McLeod's 'store. 22 I3,t1 1R7 A `'ROCK EGGS .[�'pP,t Sale Z' won. op Barred Tlecks f'at `'A, xiin• lnl fars . '3 ' s'eco nd,'.,'• 1 t Hird , and ee' i Pen<bdst ao1bii , ;pen1,„.PnLlot mating, Headed by, :' : c 4ekerel.rLimit4 ,_ her gettiegs Egss:$2,00 pox”:119. Penr, • 2, Cockerel mating; headed, by, Mils. rt this en ace lard cock, Pullets nhi.... .Pen co good 1aYaxs. Eggs 82,00.QO per z 13, . Pen 3, uto1at Y ?e ! headel by a cockerel bred , : from rine, f the best : �-. ...Iia P laying straits in: Canada, The pullets' in tilts pen were bred froth .17 of myPullets rvhfclt la ed ;436 'eggs :r pv_, in 31 days, Eggs :;$'1.00 per,: 15. I guarantee a good,!hatuh or. rep/eco . settiln free of char e, -II.,' A, Ilov- Y . e Clinton. -24. -. ONTARIO Provincial Loans of $2,= 000,000 and $2f0,000 THE GOVERNMENT OF -TIIE PROVINCE OF ON1rARIO, under the authority of Chapter 4, o1 the Stat- utes of Ontario, 1911, invites sub- Scriptions from the. public fon a loan of $2,000,000 on bonds of the Province of Ontao o, or "Ontario Government Stock," The bonds will be dated 1st May., 1912, and, payable on Vine 1st Nov- ember, 1941, in denominations of 81,000 each, with coupons attached for interest at the rate of 4 per rent: per annum, 'payable half -yearly, on the 1st May and 1st November', in each year, al the office cif the Pro- vincial Treasurer, Toronto, 'or at the offices of the Bank of Montreal, i11 Montreal, Canada, and in New York, N. Y., at the holder's option. Bonds will be made payable to bearer, -but on request will be registered in the ,offico of the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable on:y Aa the or- der TA certain persons or corpora- tions, and on request of holders will be exchanged for "Ontario Govern- ment Stock" at any time. Also balance of Algonquin 1>:trk Loan of 8210,000 on the same terms and with the same dates, under au- thority of Chapter 9, 1 George V. The issue price during the month of May, 1912, will be 102 for' each 8100, and after the 31st day of flay, 1912, the issue price will be 102 and interest accured from the 1st May, 1912. ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSUED UNDER TI -IL AU- THORITY OF THE SAID ACT ARE FREE FROM ALL ONTARIO P'RO- VINCIAL TAXES. CHARGES, SUC- CESSION DUTY AND IMPOSI- TIONS WHATSOEVER. Purchasers of Stock or Bonds Rill 'be required to send certified cheque win. the application, payable to the order of the "Provincial Treasurer of Ontario." This loan is raised upon the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Ontario, and is chargeable thereup- on. A. J. MATHESON', Provinliel Treasurer, Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings Toronto, April 1911s, 1912. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the De- partment will not be paid for it. FOR SALE -A FRAME STABLE, 16x20, double boarded, to be removed rrotn premises. Also a maple hay fork track with rods and stop block. Will be sold, on reasonable terms. -Apply do L. Peacock, Lot 15, Con 2, Hullett,-Citinton P. 0. -26. igatiori. CG.STOM SAWING WANTED. -AT R. Trick's, Bayfield. Road, : and at Thos. Wallis' bush on the 4th eon., Godorich Township. 83.00, per M. McEwan Bros., Bayfield. ' --21- FARM LABORERS AND DOti'IES tics. -Those requiring Old Countr farm help or domestics should coin municatewith me. A party ex Posted out the latter part of March -Wm, Patterson, Immigration Agent, Auburn P, 0. Blyth Rura Telephone. -21 LOGS WANTED AT 'THE FACTortY -A11 kinds of 'logs, Maple, Soft Film and Basswood preferred. Highest prices paid. -The Doheet1' Piano S Organ Co.' - 05 The Welland Canal 'Ss open to nav- FARM .FOR SALE -riot north half 20, con. 12, Mullett, consisting of 50 acres. All seeded down escepf 10 acres. Small orchard. Frame house and bank barn with stabling. On Gravel road 1 mile north of Londesboro. i mile from school. 'Apply on the' premises or address Richard Shaddick, Londesboro P.O. -75 111.1MINEW40•sIrca•4gr4ra4Wcatr i.4.64i➢4.O(DO•f➢4,'D4®'«oesraid eb, i .easa4IIIIMINOM%. BIO1 1.RDWARE SALE PROPERTY POR SALE: Hardware business for sale in Bayflold. Two- story building, store, worksbop and 'dwelling combined, also stable 26 x 36. Three lots with orchard and small fruits. Terms seasonable -Ap- ply to R. Rouatt, Bayfield. -74 FARM FOR SALE -The Executor of the Southcombe estate offers for sale 50 acres, being east halt of loaf 28, con. 6, Hullett. This is • a flrse-class farm, well watered ' and improved and with good buildings. Also ilio undersigned oars for sale lot 29, con. 6, Mullet!, ' consisting of 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately.- Apply eparately-Apply to R. J. Southcombe, Clin- ton P. 0. -89 Edwattd Yleaurell, remanded on a dharge of holisebrettking, escaped :from Stratford jail. ENTI • E 9000 STOCK TO BE SOLD 6 e 6 Remember that our big sale is now oing on where 'bargains . P are to• be had in man • departments. ; FOR HOUSECLEANING D�n't hiss Thie Pd'ORTUNIT `SEAPORTI-H, (Successor to Chesney & Archibald)' ,'ONTARIO' i1 WE now have in stock Brushes. of all descriptions. Also Cur- tain Poles, small brass 2 for 15c, 2 different kinds 3 for 250. 2 different Minds 2 for 25c,,. ALSO many other articles. WatchFaults �aul is Does your watch run correctly. If not, let us repair it for you: It may be only dirty and need cleaning, or stop for lack. of oil. Whatsoever the reason', don't delay. We give thorough examination and regulation free. Anything more costs as little as satisfactory work can be done. II_ COOK PROPRIETOR. During APRIL ONLY A. J. G IGG Scientific Jeweler and Optician CLINTON, 06 T. IS THE TIME Plumbing, Evetroughing and Stove Moving All orders promptly attended to. Prices given on roofing, sid- ing and all contract work, BYAMTSUTTER SANITARY PLUMBERS. "The Liberator" A 'Monthly 11Iaaazine Edited by REY. H. P. MORGAN Ottawa, Canada, Special introductory price 50 cents. Regular rate $1.00 per year', Send subscrip- tions direct to, FRED. J. HILL s' f'CLINTON : _ ONT. 0 COAL. 'WOOD CEMENT YARDS Opposite the C}.. T. 11 Station: All kinds of coal on band :, CHESTNUT SOFT' COAL STOVE CANNEL COM.,. FURNACE "COKE AR rtIIU ,rodS BE , .R Phony 52 Suoeessor to Jas. I.3fnmilto P • Our fancy large Pine= • • apples • Ripe • • • Beautiful R pe Ban • , • • arias • • • Big Juicy Oranges •• Fine Grape Fruit i • • •' • Will makea '.delicious fruit salad for your Sun- :. • day dinner. •.., • *• I We can. alsosupplyyou • with •' . • • Fresh Lettuce • Green Onions • • Radishes Cabbage • Celery 4 • t► • • • • • • • • See Our North • • •Window • • • • *, • W. T. O'N EI L, • • • .,The Hub Grocery." • s•••••••••••i••••••itei Stuarg'. Thousandsof ambttloesyoung p:opio,.: 1Home aro being angtructod in their 0omli.by oar Homo studyDspt, 'You may 01,1111 at Oollege if you desire. Pay when• - eoe .o Largest E eunoia a n 5C Wads:, Eater. anydey.7 Positions ueraueeall. rf yon 11150 I0 save boalcl nad learn tithe you earn, write fetpartieuinrs.' 1O VACATION CLi,NTON BUSiNESSOOLLEdE CEO, SPOTTON, PRESICENT TO THE PUBLIC HAVING BOUGHT THE WORrSFIOP DEPARTMENT OF' THE: ROWLAND HARDWARES BUSINESS, WITH. W:HICEI • D HAVE BEEN CONNECTED FOR SEVERAL YEARS, I AM PRE- PARED TO RECEIVE ORDERS FOR THE HECLA FURNACES, PLUMBING, EVETROUGI3INQ„ PUTTING UP STOVES AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS, ALL 06 WHICH WILL RECEIVE MY PROMPT ATTENTION. . A' CONTINUANCE OF mu ' PAT- RONAGE GIVEN THIS DE- PARTMENT IS RESPECTFUL- LY REQUESTED. PRO.MPT'ATTENTION WILT: BE GIVEN TO ORDERS L9IFT AT ROLAND'S ITARDWA'R1E1 StORE. 1" D. JOHNSON,